Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
Sage stopped following Isabel when he heard what Fola said. Sage turned to tColin and Fola slowly , his eyes holding the intensity of a demon ready to kill its helpless prey . " You caused this , you should have kept your mouth shut you idiot. When I get back and if see your race I'll kick your sorry ass" He growled out before he went after Isabel. He kept quiet and followed while making sure the girl didn't notice him , he knew she didn't what to be bother but he had to make sure nothing happens to her.

@LokiofSP @GingerBread @Light
Light said:
The demons rolls their eyes and begin to leave. "Why does she have to be so uptight?"
Bliss walked up to one of the demons and grabbed him roughly by the shoulder "I need to be there to restore balance. So I need to come back to life." The eye on Bliss's right side had a pleading glow, while the one on her left had a demanding fiery glow to it.

LokiofSP said:

"R-really? Th-that a-awful. B-but I don't want to hurt anyone..." Colin rubbed the back of his neck as he tried to think of how he could stop the man without hurting him "I-I have an idea, h-how I can s-stop him, without h-hurting him" Colin told Fola as he rushed out of the door, expecting Fola to follow him. When Colin saw Sage he sent out an invisible wave that shuts down Sage's legs, causing him to fall over and not be able to move his legs.

@djinnamon @Light @LokiofSP

CelticSol said:
"Of course," She says seriously, her eyes already peering around them as they move further into the castle. It's mostly quiet - there's an occasional, rhythmic tapping echoing from somewhere distant, but it's quiet enough and far enough away that it can be easily ignored as the mind playing tricks. The castle itself feels odd, like a living entity; shadows suddenly morph into shape, but snap back into a regular form the minute Jackie tries to look at them.
"This place is weird," She comments idly, trying to dismiss the feeling of dread in her stomach with conversation. Turning a corner in the hall, Jackie spots someone standing at the end, hands at their sides, and the ram skull acting as their face staring expressionlessly at the pair. She catches Vance's arm and points, her voice a low whisper, "Look."

However, when Vance looks to where Jackie is pointing, he sees nothing.

"There's nothing there, you shouldn't waste my time like that. Actually do you have a power to see spirits or something? Cause this wouldn't be the first time I couldn't see something, like the reapers" Vance shook his head and waved a hand at Jackie dismissively. He decided to shrug it off but kept one hand on his dagger as he walked forwards, towards the thing.

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GingerBread said:
Colin watched Ethan carefully, scared that he'd turn on him at any moment I need to get away from him, but he might follow me. I don't want to risk losing Anna again, just because I was in danger Colin tried to think of someone he knew who would be able to help him Fola? Yeah, Fola seems like a good option right now. I'll go to him Colin reached his free hand to his guild symbol, slowly and made it look like he was rubbing his arm "I-I've got to g-go."
Colin used the guild symbol to teleport and appear next to Fola "H-hey F-Fola. How are you?" Colin asked, trying to not say anything about what happened and unnecessarily worry anyone.

@metalcity (You can Follow Colin and get more into the action now.) @LokiofSP @Light @WhoeverElse is at the castle.
Ethan laughed as he teleported with Colin "You can't leave me" Ethan started to make spooky ghost sounds "So spooky, spooky spooooky" Ethan moved his hands in a spooky ghostly way.

@djinnamon @Light @LokiofSP @GingerBread
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CelticSol said:
"Of course," She says seriously, her eyes already peering around them as they move further into the castle. It's mostly quiet - there's an occasional, rhythmic tapping echoing from somewhere distant, but it's quiet enough and far enough away that it can be easily ignored as the mind playing tricks. The castle itself feels odd, like a living entity; shadows suddenly morph into shape, but snap back into a regular form the minute Jackie tries to look at them.
"This place is weird," She comments idly, trying to dismiss the feeling of dread in her stomach with conversation. Turning a corner in the hall, Jackie spots someone standing at the end, hands at their sides, and the ram skull acting as their face staring expressionlessly at the pair. She catches Vance's arm and points, her voice a low whisper, "Look."

However, when Vance looks to where Jackie is pointing, he sees nothing.

(Ignore the child)

View attachment 237890

As they walk the halls, they hear occasional whispers, like someone was watching them and muttering comments even though Chihualpha could see no one, nor sense them. The walls take on an almost suffocating nature, as if they were drawing close and the halls were becoming smaller.

Feeling as if the walls were closing in on him, Chihualpha's body melted into black liquid and continued to explore. The whispers bothered them not, as all three had frowned accustomed to such whispered voices, like the voices of the damned they constantly hear in the back of their mind.
djinnamon said:
Sage growled before flying off the ground and continuing to follow Isabel , mentally noting to kill the person who disabled his legs.
@GingerBread @Light @LokiofSP
(Sorry not sorry for this Djinn)

Colin saw the man take to the sky and shapeshifted himself into superman so that he could fly. Colin took off after Sage and sent another wave at him that shut down all nerve pathways to his brain, making him a vegetable, causing him to drop out of the sky. Colin caught Sage before he hit the ground and gently placed him against a tree, making a note to get him later.

Colin walked over to Isabel, shapeshifting back into his normal self as he did
"A-are you okay? H-he didn't do a-anything to y-you did he? I-I hope he didn't. I-I would hate for y-you to be h-harmed in any way"

@Light @LokiofSP @djinnamon
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GingerBread said:
Bliss walked up to one of the demons and grabbed him roughly by the shoulder "I need to be there to restore balance. So I need to come back to life." The eye on Bliss's right side had a pleading glow, while the one on her left had a demanding fiery glow to it.
The demon merely stares at Bliss, leaning closer to her face as if challenging her. "So? I don't care about the balance. You still can't give me a convincing reason that interests me."

GingerBread said:
"R-really? Th-that a-awful. B-but I don't want to hurt anyone..." Colin rubbed the back of his neck as he tried to think of how he could stop the man without hurting him "I-I have an idea, h-how I can s-stop him, without h-hurting him" Colin told Fola as he rushed out of the door, expecting Fola to follow him. When Colin saw Sage he sent out an invisible wave that shuts down Sage's legs, causing him to fall over and not be able to move his legs.

@djinnamon @Light @LokiofSP
GingerBread said:
(Sorry not sorry for this Djinn)
Colin saw the man take to the sky and shapeshifted himself into superman so that he could fly. Colin took of after Sage and sent another wave at him that shut down all nerve pathways to his brain, making him a vegetable, causing him to drop out of the sky. Colin caught Sage before he hit the ground and gently placed him against a tree, making a note to get him later.

Colin walked over to Isabel, shapeshifting back into his normal self as he did
"A-are you okay? H-he didn't do a-anything to y-you did he? I-I hope he didn't. I-I would hate for y-you to be h-harmed in any way"

@Light @LokiofSP @djinnamon
metalcity said:
Ethan laughed as he teleported with Colin "You can't leave me" Ethan started to make spooky ghost sounds "So spooky, spooky spooooky" Ethan moved his hands in a spooky ghostly way.
@djinnamon @Light @LokiofSP @GingerBread
LokiofSP said:
Fola watched as Isabel walked away, then felt a hand hit the back of his head, by the time Collin came, he turned around with a frustrated yell, "WHA- Oh...It's you. Shit, I need to see if i can't deactivate this thing or something..." He looked at Collin and smiled, snapping his finger and dragging Collin around, "You're perfect to have around! Look, all you have to know is that that man..." He pointed at Sage, "Is a uh...Sexual predator, and he's chasing a girl through here! I need your help to deal with him!"

@GingerBread @djinnamon @Light
Isabel looks at Colin, nearly jumping out of her skin, a scream rippling from her throat. "I'd like for you to go away!" Isabel speeds up her walking pace incredibly, no longer paying attention to where she's going.
Fola kept on running, stopping just short of Isabel, he tensed up, not wanting to put back all the progress he'd made with the girl up to that point. He ran up to Collin, putting a hand on the boy's shoulder, "Okay Colin, thanks, but don't get to close. You'll scare her...I need you to go back and deal with the vegetable, he's uh...Not a bad guy I guess, just doesn't really get what does and does not work with kids. Don't undo what you did, he might scare her more, I promise I'll explain this all in a minute..."

He ran off, running for a bit before stoping, not giving chase and instead simply calling out, "Alright, look kid, I'm not chasing you, not following, I just want to talk about why you're upset... I took an oath ya know, promised I wouldn't hurt you and all that, I also swore I would be a person you could open up to, so uh...Think of my like a diary or journal, but better because I can give you feedback and advice."

@Light @GingerBread
Light said:
The demon merely stares at Bliss, leaning closer to her face as if challenging her. "So? I don't care about the balance. You still can't give me a convincing reason that interests me."
"With Balance comes Chaos, it also comes with peace. Both have to happen. So if something is more peaceful than it should be, I must cause chaos. Is that a good enough reason for you?"

Light said:
Isabel looks at Colin, nearly jumping out of her skin, a scream rippling from her throat. "I'd like for you to go away!" Isabel speeds up her walking pace incredibly, no longer paying attention to where she's going.

Colin felt guilt coursed through him as Isabel screamed and then told him to go away. Colin stayed where he was, in fear of upsetting Isabel even more
"W-wait. I-I'm s-sorry f-for scaring you. I-I just wanted to m-make s-sure you were o-okay. P-please at l-least look where you're g-going. I-I promise I-I won't f-follow you i-if you don't want me to. B-but I'd l-like to be f-friends with you, I-I don't have m-many at the moment" Colin called out before Fola walked up to him and told him to go check on Sage.

Colin walked over to Sage and let him regain control of his mouth at least, so that he could talk
"H-hey. Y-you shouldn't harass girls l-like you do. I-it's w-wrong. Y-you should a-always get c-consent"

@djinnamon @LokiofSP @Light
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GingerBread said:
"With Balance comes Chaos, it also comes with peace. Both have to happen. So if something is more peaceful than it should be, I must cause chaos. Is that a good enough reason for you?"

Colin felt guilt coursed through him as Isabel screamed and then told him to go away. Colin stayed where he was, in fear of upsetting Isabel even more
"W-wait. I-I'm s-sorry f-for scaring you. I-I just wanted to m-make s-sure you were o-okay. P-please at l-least look where you're g-going. I-I promise I-I won't f-follow you i-if you don't want me to. B-but I'd l-like to be f-friends with you, I-I don't have m-many at the moment" Colin called out before Fola walked up to him and told him to go check on Sage.

Colin walked over to Sage and let him regain control of his mouth at least, so that he could talk
"H-hey. Y-you should harass girls l-like you do. I-it's w-wrong. Y-you should a-always get c-consent"

@djinnamon @LokiofSP @Light
Sage growled and had the sudden urge to slap this guy. " What do you mean harass her , I was trying to make sure she was safe after that idiot Fola upset. " He said angrily before sighing. " And besides I'm gay and you should believe everything you hear. Now can you kindly let me gain control of my body again. " He asked politely as he calmed down.
GingerBread said:
Bliss walked up to one of the demons and grabbed him roughly by the shoulder "I need to be there to restore balance. So I need to come back to life." The eye on Bliss's right side had a pleading glow, while the one on her left had a demanding fiery glow to it.

"R-really? Th-that a-awful. B-but I don't want to hurt anyone..." Colin rubbed the back of his neck as he tried to think of how he could stop the man without hurting him "I-I have an idea, h-how I can s-stop him, without h-hurting him" Colin told Fola as he rushed out of the door, expecting Fola to follow him. When Colin saw Sage he sent out an invisible wave that shuts down Sage's legs, causing him to fall over and not be able to move his legs.

@djinnamon @Light @LokiofSP

"There's nothing there, you shouldn't waste my time like that. Actually do you have a power to see spirits or something? Cause this wouldn't be the first time I couldn't see something, like the reapers" Vance shook his head and waved a hand at Jackie dismissively. He decided to shrug it off but kept one hand on his dagger as he walked forwards, towards the thing.

Jackie looks at him strangely, her brow furrowing as she speaks in a furious whisper, "What are you talking about? It's right-" She turns to gesture, but when she looks back, the creature is gone, vanishing as quickly as it had come. Her hand drops, her eyes searching for it as a sudden sense of dawning hits her, "... There..."

Strengthen your mind, Jackie. Your enemy takes advantage of your weakness.

Turning away from that hall and following her companion, Jackie shivers, a sudden chill racing down her spine like cold fingers dancing across her skin, "Vance, doesn't this feel too easy? I mean, Grimm is a deity. He's been looking for Layla for years, so why is it that we were the ones to find evidence like this? He should've been able to find the medallion..." Suddenly, the full impact of what Sanctum had said hits her, and she stops, eyes growing wide. Wait, what did you say?

Think, Jackie. The convienience of the letters. The medallion holding just enough scent to find this place. You're clever, Jackie, you can figure it out.

His words send her heart dropping to the pit of her stomach as her eyes dart to her surroundings, spying the amount of metal decorating every corridor, from the decorations to the infrastructure to the doors, and her breath leaves her lungs as if someone had dealt her a physical blow.

"We were set up," She whispers, "The letters were fake," Her eyes widen so wide they're practically saucers as she shouts to Vance, hoping her voice is loud enough to carry to Alpha, wherever he may be. "Vance, it's a trap!"

She hears the metal shifting before she sees it, and it's barely enough - Jackie grabs Vance by the back of his shirt and yanks him to floor, letting herself fall back as a spite shoots from the wall and straight through where Vance and Jackie had been standing moments before, so close to Jackie's face that she loses a few strands of hair. The chains holding the chandeliers above them untie themselves and drop their cargo on top of Jackie and Vance's heads. Using her grip on his shirt, she yanks Vance out of the way of the chandelier closest to them, the chandelier's elegant crystals shattering like glass upon contact with the ground. She shoves Vance to his feet, all but screaming at him, "Get up, get up! Run!"

Daimao said:
Feeling as if the walls were closing in on him, Chihualpha's body melted into black liquid and continued to explore. The whispers bothered them not, as all three had frowned accustomed to such whispered voices, like the voices of the damned they constantly hear in the back of their mind.
Jackie's shouts reach Alpha's ears, but the doors leading him back to the rest of the group slam closed in the next moment, air tight and sealed. As the doors around Alpha all seal shut, a portal opening up overtop of one of the doors, a mass of curling black mists forming it. The creature Jackie saw earlier crawls from the too-small portal, and the room grows in height to accomadate it's massive size. The skeletal jaws of it's face unhinge, exposing deadly sharp teeth as it lets out a deafening roar.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.b54346ddfe4c682270b15e436182537e.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="106458" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.b54346ddfe4c682270b15e436182537e.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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djinnamon said:
Sage growled and had the sudden urge to slap this guy. " What do you mean harass her , I was trying to make sure she was safe after that idiot Fola upset. " He said angrily before sighing. " And besides I'm gay and you should believe everything you hear. Now can you kindly let me gain control of my body again. " He asked politely as he calmed down.

Colin shook his head at Sage's request
"S-sorry, F-Fola told me not to. B-besides, h-how do I know you're n-not lying to me? Y-you did say I shouldn't believe everything I h-hear"

CelticSol said:
Jackie looks at him strangely, her brow furrowing as she speaks in a furious whisper, "What are you talking about? It's right-" She turns to gesture, but when she looks back, the creature is gone, vanishing as quickly as it had come. Her hand drops, her eyes searching for it as a sudden sense of dawning hits her, "... There..."
Strengthen your mind, Jackie. Your enemy takes advantage of your weakness.

Turning away from that hall and following her companion, Jackie shivers, a sudden chill racing down her spine like cold fingers dancing across her skin, "Vance, doesn't this feel too easy? I mean, Grimm is a deity. He's been looking for Layla for years, so why is it that we were the ones to find evidence like this? He should've been able to find the medallion..." Suddenly, the full impact of what Sanctum had said hits her, and she stops, eyes growing wide.
Wait, what did you say?
CelticSol said:
loadWebfont('Chiller'); Think, Jackie. The convienience of the letters. The medallion holding just enough scent to find this place. You're clever, Jackie, you can figure it out.

His words send her heart dropping to the pit of her stomach as her eyes dart to her surroundings, spying the amount of metal decorating every corridor, from the decorations to the infrastructure to the doors, and her breath leaves her lungs as if someone had dealt her a physical blow.

"We were set up," She whispers, "The letters were fake," Her eyes widen so wide they're practically saucers as she shouts to Vance, hoping her voice is loud enough to carry to Alpha, wherever he may be. "Vance, it's a trap!"

She hears the metal shifting before she sees it, and it's barely enough - Jackie grabs Vance by the back of his shirt and yanks him to floor, letting herself fall back as a spite shoots from the wall and straight through where Vance and Jackie had been standing moments before, so close to Jackie's face that she loses a few strands of hair. The chains holding the chandeliers above them untie themselves and drop their cargo on top of Jackie and Vance's heads. Using her grip on his shirt, she yanks Vance out of the way of the chandelier closest to them, the chandelier's elegant crystals shattering like glass upon contact with the ground. She shoves Vance to his feet, all but screaming at him, "Get up, get up! Run!"

"Whoa, whoa what the absolute hell? that's metal. You told me Laya could control Metal. Was I right about her purposely running off? You know what, I probably was wasn't I? But we can sort that out later" Vance turned and picked Jackie up bridal style. "Excuse me for this" Vance began running at the speed of darkness, his enhanced perception helping to let him see things and dodge stuff before he got to it, even at the speed he was going "Just tell me when to stop. Until then, hold on tight. Cause this could get hectic"

@CelticSol (Was I right?)
GingerBread said:

Colin shook his head at Sage's request
"S-sorry, F-Fola told me not to. B-besides, h-how do I know you're n-not lying to me? Y-you did say I shouldn't believe everything I h-hear"

"Whoa, whoa what the absolute hell? that's metal. You told me Laya could control Metal. Was I right about her purposely running off? You know what, I probably was wasn't I? But we can sort that out later" Vance turned and picked Jackie up bridal style. "Excuse me for this" Vance began running at the speed of darkness, his enhanced perception helping to let him see things and dodge stuff before he got to it, even at the speed he was going "Just tell me when to stop. Until then, hold on tight. Cause this could get hectic"

@CelticSol (Was I right?)
" Tell me how would that work , you could make like this again if I tried something and Cola would be with the girl so I don't see how I could do anything so please give me back control of my body. " he asked
CelticSol said:
Jackie looks at him strangely, her brow furrowing as she speaks in a furious whisper, "What are you talking about? It's right-" She turns to gesture, but when she looks back, the creature is gone, vanishing as quickly as it had come. Her hand drops, her eyes searching for it as a sudden sense of dawning hits her, "... There..."
Strengthen your mind, Jackie. Your enemy takes advantage of your weakness.

Turning away from that hall and following her companion, Jackie shivers, a sudden chill racing down her spine like cold fingers dancing across her skin, "Vance, doesn't this feel too easy? I mean, Grimm is a deity. He's been looking for Layla for years, so why is it that we were the ones to find evidence like this? He should've been able to find the medallion..." Suddenly, the full impact of what Sanctum had said hits her, and she stops, eyes growing wide. Wait, what did you say?

Think, Jackie. The convienience of the letters. The medallion holding just enough scent to find this place. You're clever, Jackie, you can figure it out.

His words send her heart dropping to the pit of her stomach as her eyes dart to her surroundings, spying the amount of metal decorating every corridor, from the decorations to the infrastructure to the doors, and her breath leaves her lungs as if someone had dealt her a physical blow.

"We were set up," She whispers, "The letters were fake," Her eyes widen so wide they're practically saucers as she shouts to Vance, hoping her voice is loud enough to carry to Alpha, wherever he may be. "Vance, it's a trap!"

She hears the metal shifting before she sees it, and it's barely enough - Jackie grabs Vance by the back of his shirt and yanks him to floor, letting herself fall back as a spite shoots from the wall and straight through where Vance and Jackie had been standing moments before, so close to Jackie's face that she loses a few strands of hair. The chains holding the chandeliers above them untie themselves and drop their cargo on top of Jackie and Vance's heads. Using her grip on his shirt, she yanks Vance out of the way of the chandelier closest to them, the chandelier's elegant crystals shattering like glass upon contact with the ground. She shoves Vance to his feet, all but screaming at him, "Get up, get up! Run!"

Jackie's shouts reach Alpha's ears, but the doors leading him back to the rest of the group slam closed in the next moment, air tight and sealed. As the doors around Alpha all seal shut, a portal opening up overtop of one of the doors, a mass of curling black mists forming it. The creature Jackie saw earlier crawls from the too-small portal, and the room grows in height to accomadate it's massive size. The skeletal jaws of it's face unhinge, exposing deadly sharp teeth as it lets out a deafening roar.

View attachment 237901

"For fucks sake, go annoy someone else, you stupid fucker."

"Yeah, we're to busy looking for someone to fucking deal with you right now."


"Yeah, what Beta said, you fuckwad."

"I didn't say anything."


"Does the prom queen here know where Layla is? We sort of need her help with Isabel."

"I don't know, let's ask. Hey! You! Yeah, you! Do you know where Layla is? We need to speak with her."

"It can hear me, you know."

"...I knew that."
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GingerBread said:

Colin shook his head at Sage's request
"S-sorry, F-Fola told me not to. B-besides, h-how do I know you're n-not lying to me? Y-you did say I shouldn't believe everything I h-hear"

"Whoa, whoa what the absolute hell? that's metal. You told me Laya could control Metal. Was I right about her purposely running off? You know what, I probably was wasn't I? But we can sort that out later" Vance turned and picked Jackie up bridal style. "Excuse me for this" Vance began running at the speed of darkness, his enhanced perception helping to let him see things and dodge stuff before he got to it, even at the speed he was going "Just tell me when to stop. Until then, hold on tight. Cause this could get hectic"

@CelticSol (Was I right?)
(You are legitimately 100% incorrect. Sorry, fam)

Jackie swallows down the urge to punch Vance in the face as he scoops her into his arms. As he turns the corner of a hallway, a chain, going as fast as him, wraps tight around his ankle and pulls his feet out from under him, sending both him and Jackie sprawling to the floor. A chain wraps around Jackie's legs, twining from her hips all the way down to her ankles in a vice grip. Jackie makes brief, panicked eye contact with Vance before the chain goes taut and drags her screaming into one of the doorways, which slam shut behind her. The chain around Vance's ankle pulls him into the air, dangling him upside down a brief moment before slamming him full force into one of the walls, hard enough that his body cracks the stone, then slam him into the opposite wall with same amount of strength.
LokiofSP said:
Fola kept on running, stopping just short of Isabel, he tensed up, not wanting to put back all the progress he'd made with the girl up to that point. He ran up to Collin, putting a hand on the boy's shoulder, "Okay Colin, thanks, but don't get to close. You'll scare her...I need you to go back and deal with the vegetable, he's uh...Not a bad guy I guess, just doesn't really get what does and does not work with kids. Don't undo what you did, he might scare her more, I promise I'll explain this all in a minute..."

He ran off, running for a bit before stoping, not giving chase and instead simply calling out, "Alright, look kid, I'm not chasing you, not following, I just want to talk about why you're upset... I took an oath ya know, promised I wouldn't hurt you and all that, I also swore I would be a person you could open up to, so uh...Think of my like a diary or journal, but better because I can give you feedback and advice."

@Light @GingerBread
( Kid...she's 22...)

Isabel slows down and turns around, backing up. It was morning and Isabel didn't notice the beast rising from behind her. It spawned from a magic stone on the ground, growing bigger as it went. "I.....I.." Isabel was beginning to speak, but the ground underneath her seemed to be farther than usual. It was because the beast picked her up with its right hand, positioning her to drop her in its mouth.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/18970_fantasy_skeleton_giant.jpg.90d1b2cbceb0ebb838e114aa56fd423e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="106459" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/18970_fantasy_skeleton_giant.jpg.90d1b2cbceb0ebb838e114aa56fd423e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • 18970_fantasy_skeleton_giant.jpg
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Daimao said:
"For fucks sake, go annoy someone else, you stupid fucker."

"Yeah, we're to busy looking for someone to fucking deal with you right now."


"Yeah, what Beta said, you fuckwad."

"I didn't say anything."


"Does the prom queen here know where Layla is? We sort of need her help with Isabel."

"I don't know, let's ask. Hey! You! Yeah, you! Do you know where Layla is? We need to speak with here."

"It can hear me, you know."

"...I knew that."
The creature's head tilts ever so slightly as Jackie distantly screams, then it slowly nods. At its gentle prodding, one of the doors open, and the creature leads Chihualpha through the maze-like hallways. It comes to a set of double doors, which it slowly opens for Chihualpha.

Inside, the room is vacant besides an armchair and a fireplace, and high, arched windows that let moonlight pool across the stone floor. Curled up on the armchair is Layla, blank eyes staring emotionless it at the hearth of the fireplace. Even when the door opens, she makes no move - doesn't so much as twitch - as Chihualpha enters. She doesn't speak not react to either the creature's grunt, nor the prescence of a stranger.
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CelticSol said:
(You are legitimately 100% incorrect. Sorry, fam)
Jackie swallows down the urge to punch Vance in the face as he scoops her into his arms. As he turns the corner of a hallway, a chain, going as fast as him, wraps tight around his ankle and pulls his feet out from under him, sending both him and Jackie sprawling to the floor. A chain wraps around Jackie's legs, twining from her hips all the way down to her ankles in a vice grip. Jackie makes brief, panicked eye contact with Vance before the chain goes taut and drags her screaming into one of the doorways, which slam shut behind her. The chain around Vance's ankle pulls him into the air, dangling him upside down a brief moment before slamming him full force into one of the walls, hard enough that his body cracks the stone, then slam him into the opposite wall with same amount of strength.
Vance hissed in pain as he was slammed into the wall "Why the fuck do people always go for the human. Surely you leave the weaker ones till last as they pose less of a threat. Unless they're a medic. But I'm not a fucking medic, I'm the opposite of one" Vance groaned as he saw himself fastly approaching another wall. "Fuck this" Vance uses the shadows to teleport himself out of the chains "Holy hell my back hurts, I'm going to kill whoever is doing this" Vance pulled out his dagger and wound tendrils around ti so it could not be pulled out of his grip. "ALRIGHT FUCKER, COME OUT AND FACE ME! UNLESS YOU'RE SCARED OF A MERE HUMAN" Vance shouted out, not really expecting anything to come of it.

djinnamon said:
" Tell me how would that work , you could make like this again if I tried something and Cola would be with the girl so I don't see how I could do anything so please give me back control of my body. " he asked
"S-sorry, F-Fola told me not to let you g-go. S-so until he comes b-back your going to have to s-stay like that. S-sorry" Colin looked towards the ground away from Sage, feeling kinda guilty for keeping him like that, even if he was sexually harassing Isabel.
(I know that, it's more like a nickname of sorts, cycling through different ones :P

It would be SO awkward if she was an actual kid ;- ;)

(!) Fola's eyes widened as he made a blast of lightning rush him forward, he got up to the hand and held on, sending a large blast down it's throat and using his other hand to hang on as he thought of a way out of the situation. He yelled out, "HEY, COLIN! UNFREEZE THE CHILD PREDATOR AND COME HELP, I'VE GOT A BIT OF A PROBLEM!"

@Light @GingerBread @djinnamon
Sage frowned sadly as he began whimper. The sound of the whimper as he gasped for air , making sound as if he was crying. " Please. " He whimpered out weakly

GingerBread said:
Vance hissed in pain as he was slammed into the wall "Why the fuck do people always go for the human. Surely you leave the weaker ones till last as they pose less of a threat. Unless they're a medic. But I'm not a fucking medic, I'm the opposite of one" Vance groaned as he saw himself fastly approaching another wall. "Fuck this" Vance uses the shadows to teleport himself out of the chains "Holy hell my back hurts, I'm going to kill whoever is doing this" Vance pulled out his dagger and wound tendrils around ti so it could not be pulled out of his grip. "ALRIGHT FUCKER, COME OUT AND FACE ME! UNLESS YOU'RE SCARED OF A MERE HUMAN" Vance shouted out, not really expecting anything to come of it.

"S-sorry, F-Fola told me not to let you g-go. S-so until he comes b-back your going to have to s-stay like that. S-sorry" Colin looked towards the ground away from Sage, feeling kinda guilty for keeping him like that, even if he was sexually harassing Isabel.
"Errrr, g-guys? spooky ghost? any one? no? ok, fine." Ethan huffed as he crossed his arms and started to pout, annoyed by the fact he was being ignored by these people. Then Ethan realised that there was a girl called Isabel, Ethan quickly turned around and pulled out a fax machine and started to type up that he found the girl.

GingerBread said:
Vance hissed in pain as he was slammed into the wall "Why the fuck do people always go for the human. Surely you leave the weaker ones till last as they pose less of a threat. Unless they're a medic. But I'm not a fucking medic, I'm the opposite of one" Vance groaned as he saw himself fastly approaching another wall. "Fuck this" Vance uses the shadows to teleport himself out of the chains "Holy hell my back hurts, I'm going to kill whoever is doing this" Vance pulled out his dagger and wound tendrils around ti so it could not be pulled out of his grip. "ALRIGHT FUCKER, COME OUT AND FACE ME! UNLESS YOU'RE SCARED OF A MERE HUMAN" Vance shouted out, not really expecting anything to come of it.

"S-sorry, F-Fola told me not to let you g-go. S-so until he comes b-back your going to have to s-stay like that. S-sorry" Colin looked towards the ground away from Sage, feeling kinda guilty for keeping him like that, even if he was sexually harassing Isabel.
Vance is 100% correct when he thinks no one will come out; at his taunt, no one comes forward. Instead, the chains simply rise like snakes, the ground rumbling with magic and tension, like a cat coiled to spring. The ground underneath Vance curves suddenly and sharply, throwing him off balance as another spire - this time flat ended instead of in a point - and slams into his chest, trapping Vance against the wall as the pressure slowly crushes his rib age.
CelticSol said:
The creature's head tilts ever so slightly as Jackie distantly screams, then it slowly nods. At its gentle prodding, one of the doors open, and the creature leads Chihualpha through the maze-like hallways. It comes to a set of double doors, which it slowly opens for Chihualpha.
Inside, the room is vacant besides an armchair and a fireplace, and high, arched windows that let moonlight pool across the stone floor. Curled up on the armchair is Layla, blank eyes staring emotionless it at the hearth of the fireplace. Even when the door opens, she makes no move - doesn't so much as twitch - as Chihualpha enters. She doesn't speak not react to either the creature's grunt, nor the prescence of a stranger.
Chihualpha hopped up to Layla, his tiny body bouncing up and down on her head.




"We need your help with Isabel"

"Wake the fuck up."

"Also, you can keep the human, but I want the girl back. She's mine."
LokiofSP said:
(I know that, it's more like a nickname of sorts, cycling through different ones :P
It would be SO awkward if she was an actual kid ;- ;)

(!) Fola's eyes widened as he made a blast of lightning rush him forward, he got up to the hand and held on, sending a large blast down it's throat and using his other hand to hang on as he thought of a way out of the situation. He yelled out, "HEY, COLIN! UNFREEZE THE CHILD PREDATOR AND COME HELP, I'VE GOT A BIT OF A PROBLEM!"

@Light @GingerBread @djinnamon
djinnamon said:
Sage frowned sadly as he began whimper. The sound of the whimper as he gasped for air , making sound as if he was crying. " Please. " He whimpered out weakly
Colin felt bad about saying no again, as it sounded like Sage was about to cry. He was happy when Fola said he could restore the damage he did to him. Colin sent another wave out, this time healing Sage. He shapeshifted into superman and flew over to wher Fola was.

Colin saw the giant Monster holding Isabel and Fola. Colin flew towards them and picked Fola up first before hitting the monster's wrist, causing it to let go of Isabel. Colin caught Isabel and put her down beside Fola
"A-are you both Okay? P-Please say you are"

CelticSol said:
Vance is 100% correct when he thinks no one will come out; at his taunt, no one comes forward. Instead, the chains simply rise like snakes, the ground rumbling with magic and tension, like a cat coiled to spring. The ground underneath Vance curves suddenly and sharply, throwing him off balance as another spire - this time flat ended instead of in a point - and slams into his chest, trapping Vance against the wall as the pressure slowly crushes his rib age.

Vance hissed in pain once again as his ribs started to get crushed
"Why the absolute fuck is it always the Ribs. It that a villain's fetish or something?" Vance wheezed out, unable to talk much due to his chest being compacted. Vance once again used the darkness to teleport and then sent Beams of Darkness at the chains as he created tendrils to lift him off of the apparently sentient floor.

Daimao said:
Chihualpha hopped up to Layla, his tiny body bouncing up and down on her head.



"We need your help with Isabel"

"Wake the fuck up."

"Also, you can keep the human, but I want the girl back. She's mine."
Layla slowly blinks, her eyes shifting languidly from the fire down to Chihualpha. Her eyes are unfathomably empty, like they belong in the face of a corpse, rather than a living person. Her short, freshly cropped hair fans from her face as she dips her head down, her eyes closing as a small furrow appears between her brows. "Isabel..." She repeats, her voice sounding lost and confused. "I know no one that goes by that name."

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