Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
Tazmodo said:
Reed teleported to Isabel. "God damn it you guys are all fucking idiots. She's looks healed but unconscious. Next time she wants some space give it to her. She has the mental compacity of a high school freshman and all she knows is there are a lot of strangers trying to force their life into hers. Why couldn't you just let her be a princess.?" He teleported her and him to his own castle with Jackson. There he put her in a bed. Jackson made her a puppy in hopes when she woke up she would feel better. Reed left a glass of water and a note that read. "Hey things are going to be alright. I promise. You can sit in here as long as your want. -Reed" the puppy was curled up on the floor waiting for her to wake up. Reed made sure the others wouldn't follow.
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DizjayDeathPride said:
Lucifer didn't really have much to say on the entirety if events. He didn't particularly care to say the least. He was sure the mortals would handle it and just like that, they did. He just simply walked with Isabel to make sure she didn't go into a full panic. And as she was captured he went to ask if she needed help but Sage Fola and Colin seemed to handle that one for him.
He followed her to the Star Realm and looked around. "How... Eccentric. Just like its owner. Oh it's the jesters" He looked to Reed and Jackson and as they left, so did he, appearing in her room. He groaned and pulled up a chair, taking a seat and leaning back
Isabel begins to stir in her sleep. In time she ends up rolling around and opens her eyes, seeing the puppy before Lucifer. She yelps and dives towards Lucifer when she sees him, holding him. "Where am I? Where is my knight? I want to get away from here. We must collect my knight and servant." Isabel was about to panic.
AnthonyWrath said:
"I was just following up on a lead for someone I'm searching for, what the hell is Dragons Roar?" Dante said as he pulled up next to Morpheus' mustang. @DizjayDeathPride
Morpheus chuckled and shook his head. "Oh man you don't know Dragon's Roar? We saved the world! TWICE! I guess to answer, we are a group of powerful individuals dedicated to the safety of the planet. That's all. Alright!" He hopped off and got in the car, starting it up. "Let's chase that lead"
Light said:
Isabel begins to stir in her sleep. In time she ends up rolling around and opens her eyes, seeing the puppy before Lucifer. She yelps and dives towards Lucifer when she sees him, holding him. "Where am I? Where is my knight? I want to get away from here. We must collect my knight and servant." Isabel was about to panic.
"Whoa whoa whoa calm down little one. Everything is alright. The jesters decided to bring you somewhere else and away from all that stress. If you want to return by all means let's go. But maybe you should take some time for your nerves to relax. Could be good for you"
Light said:
While Ethan played music, it seemed like Isabel would be asleep for a while. Grimmavus appears before them, his hands in his pockets. "Is this how you intend to live? By her side as if there's no problems at all in the world? You've turned against your guild...all of existence to defend this girl. I hope you know she's still upon the path of destruction. I'll ask you right now and once you answer my question I'll leave. Is she truthfully worth all of existence?"
Tazmodo said:
Reed teleported to Isabel. "God damn it you guys are all fucking idiots. She's looks healed but unconscious. Next time she wants some space give it to her. She has the mental compacity of a high school freshman and all she knows is there are a lot of strangers trying to force their life into hers. Why couldn't you just let her be a princess.?" He teleported her and him to his own castle with Jackson. There he put her in a bed. Jackson made her a puppy in hopes when she woke up she would feel better. Reed left a glass of water and a note that read. "Hey things are going to be alright. I promise. You can sit in here as long as your want. -Reed" the puppy was curled up on the floor waiting for her to wake up. Reed made sure the others wouldn't follow.
Colin looked at Grimm with a confused expression plastered on his face "Wh-what? S-she's going to d-destroy everything? I-I don't believe th-that. b-but if she d-does I-I'll try to t-talk her out of it. b-but if that doesn't work th-then I-I can't stop her" Colin looked over to Isabel just in time to see her get taken by someone. Colin's eyes widened in shock as she was taken "W-was she just k-kidnapped? W-we have to go g-get her back. D-don't we?"

@LokiofSP @djinnamon @Light
DizjayDeathPride said:
Morpheus chuckled and shook his head. "Oh man you don't know Dragon's Roar? We saved the world! TWICE! I guess to answer, we are a group of powerful individuals dedicated to the safety of the planet. That's all. Alright!" He hopped off and got in the car, starting it up. "Let's chase that lead"
"Oh I guess I didn't really know or notice that you guys saved the world...oh well things seem OK for now so not my problem. The lead is about 30 miles from here and we don't have much time before they're supposed to leave so we'd best get going as fast as we can. Do you think you can keep up with me?" Dante said as he grinned and reved his bikes engine. @DizjayDeathPride
Fola let go of the girl and listened to Grimm's words. He looked at Isabel for a moment and really thought, was she worth it? After a moment he made his decision and spoke to Grimm, "Yeah... She's worth it. If I could keep her from completing the path she's on, that'd be preferable, but I'm willing to give it all up for her..." He smiled for a moment, but then she was gone. He sat there, to shocked for words for a moment before he stood up and extended his hand to Colin, "Colin, scythe. Now...."

@Light @GingerBread
"S-sure" Colin walked closer to Fola and handed him the scythe, making sure to tilt the blade away from all of them "I-I was just getting it away from I-Isabel. I-I can't hold my staff and th-that anyway." Colin smiled nervously "I-I was g-going to get something to hold my staff, B-before I came here. Th-though if everything i-is going to get destroyed. I-I guess I don't n-need to n-now"

@Light @djinnamon @LokiofSP (I've accepted that Colin will never be one of the cool kids and have a Scythe ;-; )
GingerBread said:
Colin looked at Grimm with a confused expression plastered on his face "Wh-what? S-she's going to d-destroy everything? I-I don't believe th-that. b-but if she d-does I-I'll try to t-talk her out of it. b-but if that doesn't work th-then I-I can't stop her" Colin looked over to Isabel just in time to see her get taken by someone. Colin's eyes widened in shock as she was taken "W-was she just k-kidnapped? W-we have to go g-get her back. D-don't we?"
@LokiofSP @djinnamon @Light
LokiofSP said:
Fola let go of the girl and listened to Grimm's words. He looked at Isabel for a moment and really thought, was she worth it? After a moment he made his decision and spoke to Grimm, "Yeah... She's worth it. If I could keep her from completing the path she's on, that'd be preferable, but I'm willing to give it all up for her..." He smiled for a moment, but then she was gone. He sat there, to shocked for words for a moment before he stood up and extended his hand to Colin, "Colin, scythe. Now...."

@Light @GingerBread
GingerBread said:
"S-sure" Colin walked closer to Fola and handed him the scythe, making sure to tilt the blade away from all of them "I-I was just getting it away from I-Isabel. I-I can't hold my staff and th-that anyway." Colin smiled nervously "I-I was g-going to get something to hold my staff, B-before I came here. Th-though if everything i-is going to get destroyed. I-I guess I don't n-need to n-now"
@Light @djinnamon @LokiofSP (I've accepted that Colin will never be one of the cool kids and have a Scythe ;-; )
Sage looked at Grim and nodded. " Yes , she is besides as you said she may destroy all existence but she could also make it prosper. " He said before he noticed Reed take Isabel. " How dare you Reed! " Sage exclaimed as he teleported to Reed his eyes glowing , taking Colin and Folds along with him. " If me one good reason not to kill you. You trespassed in my realm, stole a important friend of mine and to top it off you insult me before. " Sage growled

AnthonyWrath said:
"Oh I guess I didn't really know or notice that you guys saved the world...oh well things seem OK for now so not my problem. The lead is about 30 miles from here and we don't have much time before they're supposed to leave so we'd best get going as fast as we can. Do you think you can keep up with me?" Dante said as he grinned and reved his bikes engine. @DizjayDeathPride
Morpheus chuckled and reached up, grabbing his sunglasses off the rear-view. He rolled the window up and revved the engine a few times before throwing the gear into first, then second, then third. Taking off and going 0-60 in a few moments. He figured Dante could catch up if he were that cocky on his driving skills. And if not, he'd slow down for the tortoise
Dante smiled and chuckled,"this may get interesting." Dante said as he used his fire and electricity to power his bike more and shot forward on a wheelie 0-100 until he caught up with Morpheus quickly. @DizjayDeathPride
AnthonyWrath said:
Dante smiled and chuckled,"this may get interesting." Dante said as he used his fire and electricity to power his bike more and shot forward on a wheelie 0-100 until he caught up with Morpheus quickly. @DizjayDeathPride
Morpheus slowed down in his car, letting Dante match his speed and intentionally fall behind then take off, passing him and pulling the e, drifting around a corner and turning around, driving backwards. He waved out the window to Dante and swerved, spinning back around and going forward
DizjayDeathPride said:
Morpheus slowed down in his car, letting Dante match his speed and intentionally fall behind then take off, passing him and pulling the e, drifting around a corner and turning around, driving backwards. He waved out the window to Dante and swerved, spinning back around and going forward
Dante admired Morpheus' ballsiness and decided to match him, he sped up till he was right next to him and stood straight up on his bikes seat and surfed the bike, he then made kicked the back of the bike and made it jump over Morpheus' car. After land he then lit a trail of fire behind him as he passed Morpheus.
Daimao said:



Each word was accentuated with another bounce on Layla's head.
On the last bounce, Layla catches Chihualpha in a gentle, loose hand, her eyes having lost it's haze and sharpened into a harsh glare. Whatever had been distracting her, she ignores, her attention zeroed in on Alpha. Her mouth opens, about to speak, but she tilts her head to the side, as if hearing someone call her. She rises almost automatically, Chihualpha cradled in her hands, and exits the room swiftly, the creature following close on her heels. Two heavy steel doors swing open at their own accord, revealing a dimly lit throne room. Blue flames flicker in torches lining the walls, with the chandeliers above flickering from an invisible wind. Placing Alpha on the floor, she walks up to the man seated in the throne, a noticeable tension in her shoulders. Once she is before him, she ducks her head in a small bow. At his nod, she moves to kneel beside the throne, her hands folded neatly in her lap. Sovereign's violet eyes glint as he smiles to Chihualpha, the expression somehow ice cold as he turns to Layla. There are distinct, acid-like burns across his face, dark with the corruption endued into the wound.

"Layla?" She stiffens at his voice, her jaw clenching, "Layla, could you fetch our other guest? I think it'd be rude to start without him."

GingerBread said:
Vance hissed in pain once again as his ribs started to get crushed "Why the absolute fuck is it always the Ribs. It that a villain's fetish or something?" Vance wheezed out, unable to talk much due to his chest being compacted. Vance once again used the darkness to teleport and then sent Beams of Darkness at the chains as he created tendrils to lift him off of the apparently sentient floor.
The chains fall completely limp abruptly, like a marionette with it's strings cut. They are completely still for nearly five minutes, but suddenly snap up, striking out and wrapping around Vance's waist. This time, however, they aren't in a crushing grip, nor are they attempting to hurt him; they just drag Vance rapidly through the halls. Two doors leading to the throne room slam open, and the chains throw Vance towards the throne with enough momentum that he stops just short of Chihualpha.

Sovereign regards both Alpha and Vance with an icy smile, leaning his head into his hand, elbow resting on the armrest, "Welcome. I will forgive your rudeness for coming uninvited. However, I would like to know what brings a handful of strangers to my humble abode."

Siobhan blinks owlishly at Inaro, "Pedophile? I didn't think that Isabel would keep that kind of company..."
CelticSol said:
The chains fall completely limp abruptly, like a marionette with it's strings cut. They are completely still for nearly five minutes, but suddenly snap up, striking out and wrapping around Vance's waist. This time, however, they aren't in a crushing grip, nor are they attempting to hurt him; they just drag Vance rapidly through the halls. Two doors leading to the throne room slam open, and the chains throw Vance towards the throne with enough momentum that he stops just short of Chihualpha.
Sovereign regards both Alpha and Vance with an icy smile, leaning his head into his hand, elbow resting on the armrest, "Welcome. I will forgive your rudeness for coming uninvited. However, I would like to know what brings a handful of strangers to my humble abode."
"Yeah, whatever. Don't look so fucking smug. I really don't want to deal with that right now" Vance picked himself up off of the floor, muffling himself as he did. "So, we need Laya to come with us. that's the short of it. Now you won't be getting her back. So you can either hand her over, or I'll have to do something else to get her." Vance shrugged before he began stretching and checking his body over, trying to make sure nothing was majorly damaged.

@CelticSol @Daimao
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Inaro chuckles. I don't think she will either. Just stay away from him though. He leans against the wall and uses the guild symbol to contact Jackie. Hey, Siobhan seems fine. Nothing wrong here. Did y'all find anything out while I was gone? @CelticSol
GingerBread said:
"Yeah, whatever. Don't look so fucking smug. I really don't want to deal with that right now" Vance picked himself up off of the floor, muffling himself as he did. "So, we need Laya to come with us. that's the short of it. Now you won't be getting her back. So you can either hand her over, or I'll have to do something else to get her." Vance shrugged before he began stretching and checking his body over, trying to make sure nothing was majorly damaged.
Sovereign's smile grows condescending and pitying, as if Vance were a child who had just said something stupid, "If this is what you call bargaining, then you're going to have to try a lot harder than that."

Siobhan nods at his words, but Jackie's communication is eerily silent. The communication is open, so that she should theoretically be able to hear him, but Jackie doesn't respond to Inaro's question at all.
djinnamon said:
Sage looked at Grim and nodded. " Yes , she is besides as you said she may destroy all existence but she could also make it prosper. " He said before he noticed Reed take Isabel. " How dare you Reed! " Sage exclaimed as he teleported to Reed his eyes glowing , taking Colin and Folds along with him. " If me one good reason not to kill you. You trespassed in my realm, stole a important friend of mine and to top it off you insult me before. " Sage growled
The teleportation was negated by Reed. He had these powers thanks to the organization and with their new leader they had new objective and we're nicer now.
CelticSol said:
Sovereign's smile grows condescending and pitying, as if Vance were a child who had just said something stupid, "If this is what you call bargaining, then you're going to have to try a lot harder than that."
"Who said anything about bargaining? I was giving you a choice. either do this peacefully. Or I'm going to have to do something. And I am far to lazy to actually want to do something right now" Vance glared at Sovereign "So either shut the fuck up and Do what I asked you to. Or say you're not going to comply. Cause all I need is a reason, nothing more, nothing less. And right now, you're stopping me from achieving my goal. And that's a dangerous thing to be doing. Cause I couldn't give a shit who you are. There's literally nothing you or anyone else can threaten me with." Vance smirked confidently at Sovereign "So what's your final answer? You could have a chance of winning a massive prize, all I need to the correct answer"

Jackson used the guild symbol. "Once Isabel calms down you'll all be teleported here until then chill out and think if a plan or way to properly introduce yourself or something so this shit doesn't happen again. Agreed? To bad just go with it." He was sitting in the throne room with Reed waiting for Lucifer and Isabel. @GingerBread @LokiofSP @djinnamon
Fola took the scythe and raised it behind his head, slamming it to the ground as he held onto the shaft. He turned to Colin and Sage, "Alright, so here's what we're gonna do, Goldilocks over there is gonna get us out of here, and after I carefully debate ending his existence, we're gonna find whoever took Isabel and feed him his lungs. Sound like a good plan?"

@GingerBread @djinnamon @Light
LokiofSP said:
Fola took the scythe and raised it behind his head, slamming it to the ground as he held onto the shaft. He turned to Colin and Sage, "Alright, so here's what we're gonna do, Goldilocks over there is gonna get us out of here, and after I carefully debate ending his existence, we're gonna find whoever took Isabel and feed him his lungs. Sound like a good plan?"

@GingerBread @djinnamon @Light
"N-no. W-we shouldn't kill th-them. N-not unless w-we absolutely h-have to. I-I don't think Isabel would like it a-anyway. I-I could shut down their b-bodies, like I-I did to him" Colin pointed nervously at Sage, still scared of him lashing out. "Th-then we could s-sort this peacefully"

@LokiofSP @djinnamon
"Hey! I never said anything about killing them! I just said I'd feed them their lungs, they can survive with one lung..." He gripped the scythe a bit tighter, "Okay fine Colin! We'll take the peaceful route with people who just kidnaped a woman and told us to sit and wait here! Surely they'll listen! FINE!" He yelled and slammed down the scythe once more, taking a breath and rubbing a hand through his hair, "Fine...We'll talk...But if it shows ANY sign of going south, lung feeding is a plan b..."

@djinnamon @GingerBread
Inaro had a worried face expression as he didn't get a response from Jackie. He continued trying. Jackie? Jackie?! Jackie!!Inaro continued to hell. Hoping she'll end up responding. @CelticSol
Colin backed away from Fola as he yelled and slammed the Scythe down onto the ground. Colin then realized that he was getting closer to Sage, so he stopped moving and found himself between both of them; He felt tears start to spring up in his eyes, silently wishing Anna was there to comfort him. "S-sorry, I-I just d-don't l-like seeing p-people get h-hurt" Colin looked towards the ground feeling sad and guilty, like he had just said someone that made everyone hate him.

@djinnamon @LokiofSP (;-;)
DizjayDeathPride said:
"Whoa whoa whoa calm down little one. Everything is alright. The jesters decided to bring you somewhere else and away from all that stress. If you want to return by all means let's go. But maybe you should take some time for your nerves to relax. Could be good for you"
"The jesters?" Isabel slightly sits on Lucifer's knees sideways, turning her head so she could look him in the eyes. "I still wish to leave....we have two more seals to break before it's time. We must hurry.." Isabel looks at him expectantly, wishing for him to take her somewhere to help her break her seals.

GingerBread said:
Colin looked at Grimm with a confused expression plastered on his face "Wh-what? S-she's going to d-destroy everything? I-I don't believe th-that. b-but if she d-does I-I'll try to t-talk her out of it. b-but if that doesn't work th-then I-I can't stop her" Colin looked over to Isabel just in time to see her get taken by someone. Colin's eyes widened in shock as she was taken "W-was she just k-kidnapped? W-we have to go g-get her back. D-don't we?"
@LokiofSP @djinnamon @Light
LokiofSP said:
Fola let go of the girl and listened to Grimm's words. He looked at Isabel for a moment and really thought, was she worth it? After a moment he made his decision and spoke to Grimm, "Yeah... She's worth it. If I could keep her from completing the path she's on, that'd be preferable, but I'm willing to give it all up for her..." He smiled for a moment, but then she was gone. He sat there, to shocked for words for a moment before he stood up and extended his hand to Colin, "Colin, scythe. Now...."

@Light @GingerBread
djinnamon said:
Sage looked at Grim and nodded. " Yes , she is besides as you said she may destroy all existence but she could also make it prosper. " He said before he noticed Reed take Isabel. " How dare you Reed! " Sage exclaimed as he teleported to Reed his eyes glowing , taking Colin and Folds along with him. " If me one good reason not to kill you. You trespassed in my realm, stole a important friend of mine and to top it off you insult me before. " Sage growled
Tazmodo said:
The teleportation was negated by Reed. He had these powers thanks to the organization and with their new leader they had new objective and we're nicer now.
Grimmavus binds the scythe to Fola's soul and binds Colin's staff to his soul. "Watch out for higher beings such as I, they can cut the bond. Your choice is yours and if you live....stay by it." With that, Grimmavus sends them all in front of Inaro.

( @Embaga Elder )

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