Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

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LokiofSP said:
Fola's hands went to his sword, he didn't care, he didn't even FUCKING care! Lucifer had the balls to sit up there and not even show the SLIGHTEST bit of remorse for not just KILLING a child, but for fucking up Fola's own even more?! His blood boiled, and his rope that had long since reached it's end had snapped, he was about to do something stupid when-

It was in that moment that any sort of malicious intent left Fola as all that was replaced was confusion as he watched the scene. His eye twitched as he ran up to Sage and punched him in the face, "THAT'S FOR BEING A FUCKING IDIOT!!"He then went over and slid on his knees, stopping an arms length away from the girl and getting on his hands and knees so he could see her eyes while still maintaing his distance and not coming into unnecessary contact, "Hey! Hey! Listen, nobody here is gonna violate you! Even if somebody TRIED, Lucifer would castrat- I mean...Deal with them on spot! You have my solem vow that I personally would NEVER hurt you! And if somebody tries, I'll do EVERYTHING in my power to stop them!"

@Light @DizjayDeathPride @djinnamon
djinnamon said:
It was Sage's turn to eye twitch , did that idiot actually think he touched the girl inappropriately. He was gay for goodness sake and it was getting annoying having his sexuality wrongly determined. He fisted his arms as he walked away for a few seconds once he was out of sight a large crash could be heard. After a few seconds he returned brushing rumble that seemed to be from a destroyed wall off his shirt. Sage walked over and knelt in front of Isabel with his head. " I really am sorry about. " He said
@Light @LokiofSP @DizjayDeathPride
Isabel calms down enough to get words out and the wave building within her fades away. She was covering her face but opens up her fingers so she could see Fola's eyes with her own puffy tear filled ones. Her purple eyes were similar to Morgan's but the shade alone showed a much more delicate and afraid aspect. "If you are to make such a promise that means you are to join me and stay by my side. I don't know if you'd like that. I am nothing but a failure now. I have been dishonored and I'm being pitied by the one whom disrespected me. I wish that you'd associate yourself with someone much more deserving of your presence then myself." Isabel was beating herself up because she truthfully believed every word she said. It was how the Van Fen'rir worked, which sickened her due to the fact that she still followed the rules of a family that cast her away. "Mr.Fola....don't do this to yourself. Mr.Sage...please...I know I'm in no place to request this of you b-but I understand that I've lost. It hurts to have you mock me any further." Isabel begins to slowly close up the split she opened with her fingers.
Fola ignored Lucifer, he could care less about what he had to say at that moment. He sat up and thought...This was huge. He'd be going against the guild HE mobilized...He'd be going against everyone. He looked at the only other two on this side, and he realized he'd have to deal with Lucifer, a man he despised with every fiber of his being, a man who kept him up at night when he thought of all the shit he'd done to him... Surely a life like that couldn't be worth it?

But then he looked down at Isabel...Damn him. Damn his conciseness! Damn his clouded judgement! And damn his fucking existence, for making THIS the one thing he'd ever felt truly felt passion for! Damn it all, but he felt that he COULDN'T hurt her, he COULDN'T stop her! She couldn't be out to destroy the world, and even if she was...

Well if she was...She could change.

And he'd just have to make sure she did...

He put a hand to his heart and spoke, "My name is Fola Cuspóir Keyrn, and I vow on my honor as a human being, on my family and on my very soul that I shall stand by Isabel Van Fen'rir, no matter the consequence, no matter what may happen, I shall stand by her side until I can no longer breath! I swear to give her everything I have, as long as i have something to give... This is my purpose now, and it's one I'll fulfill..."

He thought back to the crowd full of people he'd adressed not to l the long ago, the determination in their eyes,the trust and faith they'd put into him...Was giving up all of that worth it for one girl? Fuck if he knew, but it was what seemed right...

"Even if it kills me..."

Light said:
Isabel calms down enough to get words out and the wave building within her fades away. She was covering her face but opens up her fingers so she could see Fola's eyes with her own puffy tear filled ones. Her purple eyes were similar to Morgan's but the shade alone showed a much more delicate and afraid aspect. "If you are to make such a promise that means you are to join me and stay by my side. I don't know if you'd like that. I am nothing but a failure now. I have been dishonored and I'm being pitied by the one whom disrespected me. I wish that you'd associate yourself with someone much more deserving of your presence then myself." Isabel was beating herself up because she truthfully believed every word she said. It was how the Van Fen'rir worked, which sickened her due to the fact that she still followed the rules of a family that cast her away. "Mr.Fola....don't do this to yourself. Mr.Sage...please...I know I'm in no place to request this of you b-but I understand that I've lost. It hurts to have you mock me any further." Isabel begins to slowly close up the split she opened with her fingers.
Sage's eyes widen and he stood up quickly. " No I don't pity , I was trying to comfort you. I'm very sorry about and no you haven't lost. " He said , he was tempted to hug her but decided against it. He got back on his knees. " I'll do anything to make this up for you. " He said truthfully.
LokiofSP said:
Fola ignored Lucifer, he could care less about what he had to say at that moment. He sat up and thought...This was huge. He'd be going against the guild HE mobilized...He'd be going against everyone. He looked at the only other two on this side, and he realized he'd have to deal with Lucifer, a man he despised with every fiber of his being, a man who kept him up at night when he thought of all the shit he'd done to him... Surely a life like that couldn't be worth it?
But then he looked down at Isabel...Damn him. Damn his conciseness! Damn his clouded judgement! And damn his fucking existence, for making THIS the one thing he'd ever felt truly felt passion for! Damn it all, but he felt that he COULDN'T hurt her, he COULDN'T stop her! She couldn't be out to destroy the world, and even if she was...

Well if she was...She could change.

And he'd just have to make sure she did...

He put a hand to his heart and spoke, "My name is Fola Cuspóir Keyrn, and I vow on my honor as a human being, on my family and on my very soul that I shall stand by Isabel Van Fen'rir, no matter the consequence, no matter what may happen, I shall stand by her side until I can no longer breath! I swear to give her everything I have, as long as i have something to give... This is my purpose now, and it's one I'll fulfill..."

He thought back to the crowd full of people he'd adressed not to l the long ago, the determination in their eyes,the trust and faith they'd put into him...Was giving up all of that worth it for one girl? Fuck if he knew, but it was what seemed right...

"Even if it kills me..."

djinnamon said:
Sage's eyes widen and he stood up quickly. " No I don't pity , I was trying to comfort you. I'm very sorry about and no you haven't lost. " He said , he was tempted to hug her but decided against it. He got back on his knees. " I'll do anything to make this up for you. " He said truthfully.
Isabel looks up at Fola and shock is displayed on her face. Sure, she believed that Fola had much better option in life than herself but....it somehow felt nice along with the guilt. "I am Isabella Sunset Van Fen'rir....and I bestow my allegiance to you as you have for I...." Isabel could only stare into Fola's eyes with her only visible right eye. Not saying a word afterwards but extending her hand for him to take, her palm facing downward with the addition of her hand curving downward as well. Isabel just continues to gaze into his eyes, still terrified but if he means what he says she would have to give him a chance like she did with Morpheus. Isabel speaks to Sage but doesn't break eye contact with Fola. "You don't need to....this is your victory. Everything is alright...I'm just dishonored...I can't bring myself back to honor easily at all since I'm not all too outstanding. Though I can learn to live with it."
Light said:
Isabel looks up at Fola and shock is displayed on her face. Sure, she believed that Fola had much better option in life than herself but....it somehow felt nice along with the guilt. "I am Isabella Sunset Van Fen'rir....and I bestow my allegiance to you as you have for I...." Isabel could only stare into Fola's eyes with her only visible right eye. Not saying a word afterwards but extending her hand for him to take, her palm facing downward with the addition of her hand curving downward as well. Isabel just continues to gaze into his eyes, still terrified but if he means what he says she would have to give him a chance like she did with Morpheus. Isabel speaks to Sage but doesn't break eye contact with Fola. "You don't need to....this is your victory. Everything is alright...I'm just dishonored...I can't bring myself back to honor easily at all since I'm not all too outstanding. Though I can learn to live with it."
" No I do have to do this , I'm so very sorry. I'll do anything. " He repeated sternly as he looked up at Isabel.
Fola stares into Isabella's eyes and smiles, "Hey, if I regretted this I wouldn't have done this..." He took the girl's hand, "...I made my bed, now I lie in it. Besides, after all you've done for me, even if you don't remember, it's the least I could do..."

djinnamon said:
" No I do have to do this , I'm so very sorry. I'll do anything. " He repeated sternly as he looked up at Isabel.
LokiofSP said:
Fola stares into Isabella's eyes and smiles, "Hey, if I regretted this I wouldn't have done this..." He took the girl's hand, "...I made my bed, now I lie in it. Besides, after all you've done for me, even if you don't remember, it's the least I could do..."

Isabel looks at both Fola and Sage, she couldn't understand why they were trying so hard for her. She couldn't understand why Morpheus was helping her so much now that she thought about it. They know of her destiny, they barely know her, and they lacked mutual trust. Maybe it was because they were actually plotting to stab her in the back, she wouldn't know. Though when she looks into Fola's eyes she can't help but give this 'trust' a chance. "Sage....then I want you to stand. T-that's it." Isabel looks at Fola's eyes once more. "You say I've helped you...why are you so passionate when it comes to this and myself?"
Sage shook his head. " That isn't enough. " He said

Light said:
Isabel looks at both Fola and Sage, she couldn't understand why they were trying so hard for her. She couldn't understand why Morpheus was helping her so much now that she thought about it. They know of her destiny, they barely know her, and they lacked mutual trust. Maybe it was because they were actually plotting to stab her in the back, she wouldn't know. Though when she looks into Fola's eyes she can't help but give this 'trust' a chance. "Sage....then I want you to stand. T-that's it." Isabel looks at Fola's eyes once more. "You say I've helped you...why are you so passionate when it comes to this and myself?"
Fola used his other hand to rub the back of his head, "Oh boy...Alright, if you want to know why I'm so passionate... Well there's two reasons...The first is, well... Something feels... Right about helping you, like it's what I was supposed to do. I searched for years for something that really fulfilled me, but I could never find it. Hell, if I hadn't joined the damn guild I might have been in a noose within the month..."

He chuckled darkly and looked down for a moment, "Hell, even when I was in the guild life only seemed to get worse, I would get so close to gaining something, but it would always be taken away from me just when it was in my grasp. Before I knew it my wins column was lacking and my loses were becoming all I had to my name. Well that and a serious problem with liquor, but that's besides the point, anyways! When I was at my lowest point, time and time again you would be there! The 'personalities' you had helped me time and time again! Maybe it was just a quick hug here, or a chill moment amongst the chaos there, but it kept me going!"

"Then when i was finally ready to really give up...When they left, they told me that I had people who cared...They told me that I could become a better person, and that they'd help me get started on the path...And they did...I never got to say thank you. But, by helping you here and now, by fulfilling the reason I'm here, I'm going to repay you for everything you've done for me, TENFOLD!"

djinnamon said:
Sage shook his head. " That isn't enough. " He said
LokiofSP said:
Fola used his other hand to rub the back of his head, "Oh boy...Alright, if you want to know why I'm so passionate... Well there's two reasons...The first is, well... Something feels... Right about helping you, like it's what I was supposed to do. I searched for years for something that really fulfilled me, but I could never find it. Hell, if I hadn't joined the damn guild I might have been in a noose within the month..."

He chuckled darkly and looked down for a moment, "Hell, even when I was in the guild life only seemed to get worse, I would get so close to gaining something, but it would always be taken away from me just when it was in my grasp. Before I knew it my wins column was lacking and my loses were becoming all I had to my name. Well that and a serious problem with liquor, but that's besides the point, anyways! When I was at my lowest point, time and time again you would be there! The 'personalities' you had helped me time and time again! Maybe it was just a quick hug here, or a chill moment amongst the chaos there, but it kept me going!"

"Then when i was finally ready to really give up...When they left, they told me that I had people who cared...They told me that I could become a better person, and that they'd help me get started on the path...And they did...I never got to say thank you. But, by helping you here and now, by fulfilling the reason I'm here, I'm going to repay you for everything you've done for me, TENFOLD!"

Isabel pulls her hand out of Fola's once Sage says it wasn't enough. "Then what will be acceptable?" She was growing afraid of upsetting Sage any further. She couldn't respond to Fola and his story even if she wanted to, she was too focused on not getting killed by Sage.
" Is there any errands you need done or food to be cooked , I make a great butler you know. " He said ,humour colouring his voice as he smiled at Isabel. Sage realised something and looked between Fola and Isabel. " Are you two..... um. " He stuttered out.

@Light @LokiofSP
djinnamon said:
" Is there any errands you need done or food to be cooked , I make a great butler you know. " He said ,humour colouring his voice as he smiled at Isabel. Sage realised something and looked between Fola and Isabel. " Are you two..... um. " He stuttered out.
@Light @LokiofSP
Isabel didn't have much to say but as Sage listed off the things he could do, it made Isabel think of a regular lifestyle. These thoughts made her want to shower, which is something she'll get to very soon. Isabel's thoughts were taken away when he asked the question though. She didn't understand it since she didn't know the usual meaning behind it like most people do. Instead she assumes the worst and backs away three steps. "No we aren't trying to upset you. I was merely asking why he keeps bringing up..." Isabel decides to stop talking for fear of possibly angering Sage more and steps behind Lucifer.

( @DizjayDeathPride )
Sage yelped again and shook his head quickly. " That isn't what I might , I'm sorry. Please forget about it. " He said referring the question he asked. " Any way , so do you have anything in mind for me to do? After all I am now your loyal and humble servant" He said as he bowed before standing up straight again , pushing his hair out of his face.

Light said:
Isabel didn't have much to say but as Sage listed off the things he could do, it made Isabel think of a regular lifestyle. These thoughts made her want to shower, which is something she'll get to very soon. Isabel's thoughts were taken away when he asked the question though. She didn't understand it since she didn't know the usual meaning behind it like most people do. Instead she assumes the worst and backs away three steps. "No we aren't trying to upset you. I was merely asking why he keeps bringing up..." Isabel decides to stop talking for fear of possibly angering Sage more and steps behind Lucifer.
( @DizjayDeathPride )
GingerBread said:
Colin looked at Ethan apprehensively and moved backwards a bit, gripping his staff tighter "W-who are you? A-are you going to hurt or try to k-kill me?" Colin slightly moved his staff in front of him, so that he'd be able to at least do something if Ethan did decide to attack him.
Ethan evilly laughed, then slowly started to walk towards Colin "I'm so spooky, booooooo, spooky" Ethan moved his hands in a spooky way, which looked more funny than spooky.
djinnamon said:
Sage yelped again and shook his head quickly. " That isn't what I might , I'm sorry. Please forget about it. " He said referring the question he asked. " Any way , so do you have anything in mind for me to do? After all I am now your loyal and humble servant" He said as he bowed before standing up straight again , pushing his hair out of his face.
( Isabel has always wanted to be a princess. )

Isabel peeks over Lucifer's shoulder. "Like....servant for a princess?"
Light said:
( Isabel has always wanted to be a princess. )
Isabel peeks over Lucifer's shoulder. "Like....servant for a princess?"
( Sounds like fun)

Reed teleported to her with Jackson next to him. "Hello future princess Isabel." He said while the both bow. "It rolls off the tongue so smoothly. I am Reed and this is Jackson the grouchy pants. You probably don't recognize either of us so we would like a new start. I am a friend of Morphues and am a part of his group and I have the symbol to prove it. Bird brain here is my friend and he has my symbol to prove it." The symbol was on the back of his hand. "So now for business. I heard you need a castle and probably people so here we are hoping to join. I also have the perfect castle in mind." He said with a huge friendly smile. Jackson stayed silent like a grouchy pants.
Tazmodo said:
( Sounds like fun)
Reed teleported to her with Jackson next to him. "Hello future princess Isabel." He said while the both bow. "It rolls off the tongue so smoothly. I am Reed and this is Jackson the grouchy pants. You probably don't recognize either of us so we would like a new start. I am a friend of Morphues and am a part of his group and I have the symbol to prove it. Bird brain here is my friend and he has my symbol to prove it." The symbol was on the back of his hand. "So now for business. I heard you need a castle and probably people so here we are hoping to join. I also have the perfect castle in mind." He said with a huge friendly smile. Jackson stayed silent like a grouchy pants.
( @LokiofSP @djinnamon @DizjayDeathPride )

Isabel ducks behind Lucifer again but hears them mention a castle. Isabel turns Lucifer around and looks him in the eyes, childish excitement are displayed within them. "Can we do it? Can I get a castle? Please! Please! Please!" Isabel was begging just like a child would.
Light said:
( @LokiofSP @djinnamon @DizjayDeathPride )
Isabel ducks behind Lucifer again but hears them mention a castle. Isabel turns Lucifer around and looks him in the eyes, childish excitement are displayed within them. "Can we do it? Can I get a castle? Please! Please! Please!" Isabel was begging just like a child would.
Tazmodo said:
( Sounds like fun)
Reed teleported to her with Jackson next to him. "Hello future princess Isabel." He said while the both bow. "It rolls off the tongue so smoothly. I am Reed and this is Jackson the grouchy pants. You probably don't recognize either of us so we would like a new start. I am a friend of Morphues and am a part of his group and I have the symbol to prove it. Bird brain here is my friend and he has my symbol to prove it." The symbol was on the back of his hand. "So now for business. I heard you need a castle and probably people so here we are hoping to join. I also have the perfect castle in mind." He said with a huge friendly smile. Jackson stayed silent like a grouchy pants.
"Oh of course dear! Pick one out and itll be yours by the end of the day." He looked over to Reed and Jackson and shook his head. "What's a kingdom without the court jesters hmm?"
Light said:
( @LokiofSP @djinnamon @DizjayDeathPride )
Isabel ducks behind Lucifer again but hears them mention a castle. Isabel turns Lucifer around and looks him in the eyes, childish excitement are displayed within them. "Can we do it? Can I get a castle? Please! Please! Please!" Isabel was begging just like a child would.
DizjayDeathPride said:
"Oh of course dear! Pick one out and itll be yours by the end of the day." He looked over to Reed and Jackson and shook his head. "What's a kingdom without the court jesters hmm?"
Reed jumped when she suddenly ran behind him. "Sorry for scaring you." He turned to Lucifer. "Sounds fun what do they do?" He had no clue. (And neither do I)
DizjayDeathPride said:
"Oh of course dear! Pick one out and itll be yours by the end of the day." He looked over to Reed and Jackson and shook his head. "What's a kingdom without the court jesters hmm?"
Tazmodo said:
Reed jumped when she suddenly ran behind him. "Sorry for scaring you." He turned to Lucifer. "Sounds fun what do they do?" He had no clue. (And neither do I)
"The Van Fen'rir castle!" Isabel jumps in an excited fashion behind Lucifer. "It's okay!" She smiles at Reed. It seemed like this was the first thing to get her seriously pumped up since she arrived.
Light said:
"The Van Fen'rir castle!" Isabel jumps in an excited fashion behind Lucifer. "It's okay!" She smiles at Reed. It seemed like this was the first thing to get her seriously pumped up since she arrived.
Tazmodo said:
Reed jumped when she suddenly ran behind him. "Sorry for scaring you." He turned to Lucifer. "Sounds fun what do they do?" He had no clue. (And neither do I)
Lucifer chuckled to Reed. "Just.... Be yourself. Trust me you're a natural. Alright! One Van Fen'rir castle coming up." He extended his hand out, ripping a rift in space and opening up to the entrance of the castle. "Storm the gates with no regard for safety!" He extended his hand for Isabel to go and he to follow
Light said:
"The Van Fen'rir castle!" Isabel jumps in an excited fashion behind Lucifer. "It's okay!" She smiles at Reed. It seemed like this was the first thing to get her seriously pumped up since she arrived.
DizjayDeathPride said:
Lucifer chuckled to Reed. "Just.... Be yourself. Trust me you're a natural. Alright! One Van Fen'rir castle coming up." He extended his hand out, ripping a rift in space and opening up to the entrance of the castle. "Storm the gates with no regard for safety!" He extended his hand for Isabel to go and he to follow
Jackson looked at the gate. "Wait what about the kids? You aren't going to hurt them are you?"

Reed smiled at his praise. "Awesome now what about Goldilocks over there?"
DizjayDeathPride said:
Lucifer chuckled to Reed. "Just.... Be yourself. Trust me you're a natural. Alright! One Van Fen'rir castle coming up." He extended his hand out, ripping a rift in space and opening up to the entrance of the castle. "Storm the gates with no regard for safety!" He extended his hand for Isabel to go and he to follow
Tazmodo said:
Jackson looked at the gate. "Wait what about the kids? You aren't going to hurt them are you?"
Reed smiled at his praise. "Awesome now what about Goldilocks over there?"
Isabel smiles and lightly bows to Lucifer, stepping towards the portal but stops once Reed makes his comment about Sage. "He is my humble servant! He's coming with us." Isabel steps through the portal and appears before the Van Fen'rir castle.
Dante rides his motorcycle down a long road wondering what his next move should be. Suddenly he has a violent flashback and almost loses control over his bike. @Light
Last edited by a moderator:
AnthonyWrath said:
Dante rides his motorcycle down a long road wondering what his next move should be. Suddenly he has a violent flashback and almost loses control over his bike. @Light
A clone of Grimm appears before him and begins to play In the Arms of an angel as the road shifts and throws Dante off the bike. Dante was literally flying off in slow motion. "Nnnnnnooooo." Grimm floats over and reaches out for Dante in slow motion.

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