Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
LokiofSP said:
Fola stiffens a tad, but attempts to rebound, "I told you already, I'm here to make sure you're okay, there's a few people out there who actually care about you ya know..."

@Light @djinnamon
"I thank you for this." Isabel lightly bows to Fola. "I am Isabella Van Fen'rir. Have we been formally introduced?"
Fola smiles and takes a bow as if he had finished performing for somebody, "My name is Fola Keyrn, witch who can't do witch things. It's nice to finally talk to you without being called a pervert..."

LokiofSP said:
Fola smiles and takes a bow as if he had finished performing for somebody, "My name is Fola Keyrn, witch who can't do witch things. It's nice to finally talk to you without being called a pervert..."

djinnamon said:
Sage couldn't help but giggle. "I'm Sage Altair. Why don't we go to my house I'm hungry. " He said with a smile as he opened and portal to his house the gestured to it.
@Light @LokiofSP
"It's a nice gesture but I must get going. It was a pleasure to meet you both." Isabel bows to them both and nods her head, her lengthy and lively hair bounces once she does. She turns to Lucifer, extending her hand for him to take, her palm facing downward. "Once Morpheus comes with the orbs I'd like to perform one last task. Would you like to escort me towards Morpheus?"
Ethan decided that he could try let the other people find the girl, he had no idea where to look or where she was. Ethan acted like he was stroking a beard as he then clicked his fingers to teleport somewhere, as he teleported he found a boy (Colin) he looked at him and started to approach him "Sup digity dog, wow I'm never doing that again. Hello there, oh yea, boo" Ethan tried to look spooky but failed as he is a clown.

Light said:
"It's a nice gesture but I must get going. It was a pleasure to meet you both." Isabel bows to them both and nods her head, her lengthy and lively hair bounces once she does. She turns to Lucifer, extending her hand for him to take, her palm facing downward. "Once Morpheus comes with the orbs I'd like to perform one last task. Would you like to escort me towards Morpheus?"
A little blue kitten was sitting on his foot with a small baggie in its mouth. Inside the baggie with 20 little universal marbles. Universes that didn't effect the changes to any important places he liked. It dropped te baggie at her foot and meowed, swirling around and growing up to the man who extended his hand down in a bow, tipping his hat. "My apologies on the late return. I moderately forgot you asked." He picked up the baggie and handed it to her. "20 universes at your disposal"
Fola smacked Sage on the back of his head and leaned in closer to whisper into his ear, "Not now Sage! We can eat after we're finished up here, understand?" The witch boy backed up at the sight of Morpheus, discreetly keeping his hand over his guild symbol just in case....

@DizjayDeathPride @Light @djinnamon
LokiofSP said:
Fola smacked Sage on the back of his head and leaned in closer to whisper into his ear, "Not now Sage! We can eat after we're finished up here, understand?" The witch boy backed up at the sight of Morpheus, discreetly keeping his hand over his guild symbol just in case....

@DizjayDeathPride @Light @djinnamon
Morpheus turned and looked to Fola, tilting his head. "Now now Fola you should know I can feel those pesky neurons firing both the flight-fight response and your arm movement. Why do you fear me fola?" A small cartoon drawn tear drop slipped down his eye and plopped on the ground. "Why do you hate me so?" His eyes turned to vertical black lines that wiggled and moved left and right, shooting cartoon drawn tear drops out the side
Fola raised a brow, taking his hand from the symbol and putting his arms behind his back, he shrugged, "I dunno, any guy would be at least a LITTLE bit scared, I'm a guy standing among people who amount to gods. That's a bit of a scary thought, knowing that at any point somebody could kill me without batting an eye, wouldn't you be scared, at least a bit?" He stretched out his arms, "You do you, don't let me and my pesky neurons bother you..."

LokiofSP said:
Fola smacked Sage on the back of his head and leaned in closer to whisper into his ear, "Not now Sage! We can eat after we're finished up here, understand?" The witch boy backed up at the sight of Morpheus, discreetly keeping his hand over his guild symbol just in case....

@DizjayDeathPride @Light @djinnamon
Sage slapped Fola right across the face. " I'm making friends with her. " He said while sending massage that said it was part of the Plan with eye contact. He turned to morphues and petted him.

@Light @DizjayDeathPride
metalcity said:
Ethan decided that he could try let the other people find the girl, he had no idea where to look or where she was. Ethan acted like he was stroking a beard as he then clicked his fingers to teleport somewhere, as he teleported he found a boy (Colin) he looked at him and started to approach him "Sup digity dog, wow I'm never doing that again. Hello there, oh yea, boo" Ethan tried to look spooky but failed as he is a clown.
Colin looked at Ethan apprehensively and moved backwards a bit, gripping his staff tighter "W-who are you? A-are you going to hurt or try to k-kill me?" Colin slightly moved his staff in front of him, so that he'd be able to at least do something if Ethan did decide to attack him.
Bliss had felt an imbalance start to occur and had been working on tracking down the source. She had narrowed it down to it being someone by the name of Morpheus, who had a group who went by the name of 'The dragon rawriors'. She felt this was a stupid name, but everyone she had asked about it seemed to like it.

Bliss had been traveling around the world in a search for him, but she always seemed to miss him. While traveling she had come across a teleported. She absorbed and replaced his power for her own use. Bliss began Focusing on finding Morpheus, but because he had many clones she was getting a lot of weak signals amongst the more powerful one, which she assumed was the real Morpheus. Bliss found it difficult to Focus on the right one and teleported to the one she assumed was the real Morpheus.

@DizjayDeathPride (So I didn't want to interupt your interaction completely. So you can have her appear there. But I left it sort of open for you if you don't want her to :) )
GingerBread said:
Bliss had felt an imbalance start to occur and had been working on tracking down the source. She had narrowed it down to it being someone by the name of Morpheus, who had a group who went by the name of 'The dragon rawriors'. She felt this was a stupid name, but everyone she had asked about it seemed to like it.
Bliss had been traveling around the world in a search for him, but she always seemed to miss him. While traveling she had come across a teleported. She absorbed and replaced his power for her own use. Bliss began Focusing on finding Morpheus, but because he had many clones she was getting a lot of weak signals amongst the more powerful one, which she assumed was the real Morpheus. Bliss found it difficult to Focus on the right one and teleported to the one she assumed was the real Morpheus.

@DizjayDeathPride (So I didn't want to interupt your interaction completely. So you can have her appear there. But I left it sort of open for you if you don't want her to :) )
A Morpheus with primarily purple attire had finally decided to let his grasp of Vatican City go. He let the absolute darkness down and walked the streets of the holy land. Oblivious to life around him, he bumped into Bliss and whispered out "sorry" continuing his stride around her

LokiofSP said:
Fola raised a brow, taking his hand from the symbol and putting his arms behind his back, he shrugged, "I dunno, any guy would be at least a LITTLE bit scared, I'm a guy standing among people who amount to gods. That's a bit of a scary thought, knowing that at any point somebody could kill me without batting an eye, wouldn't you be scared, at least a bit?" He stretched out his arms, "You do you, don't let me and my pesky neurons bother you..."


Morpheus stopped crying and twisted his lips, his eyes still wiggling vertical lines. "Well... I guess that makes sense.. Oh alright fine" His eyes went to normal and he groaned, stretching. "I'm happy you think I'm a God actually it's flattering"

DizjayDeathPride said:
A Morpheus with primarily purple attire had finally decided to let his grasp of Vatican City go. He let the absolute darkness down and walked the streets of the holy land. Oblivious to life around him, he bumped into Bliss and whispered out "sorry" continuing his stride around her
Bliss turned and looked at the man that had bumped into her "Have you seen a person who goes by the name of Morpheus around here? I need to find him" Bliss walked after the man, wanting an answer from him.

GingerBread said:
Bliss turned and looked at the man that had bumped into her "Have you seen a person who goes by the name of Morpheus around here? I need to find him" Bliss walked after the man, wanting an answer from him.

He sighed and turned back to her. "I'm sorry miss but you need to be more specific. Which one? We are all Morpheus but we are all different. Do you even have an idea of WHICH you want? Or are you just randomly searching for A Morpheus? If so, I can happily, or as happy as possible, oblige and alleviate the hassle of searching and say, 'Hello. My name is Morpheus. I lead the Purple Faction.' Does that satisfy you? Or are you one of those beings that's impossible to please? Do you wish to find every Morpheus or at least one? And if so, would any of us suffice?"
DizjayDeathPride said:
He sighed and turned back to her. "I'm sorry miss but you need to be more specific. Which one? We are all Morpheus but we are all different. Do you even have an idea of WHICH you want? Or are you just randomly searching for A Morpheus? If so, I can happily, or as happy as possible, oblige and alleviate the hassle of searching and say, 'Hello. My name is Morpheus. I lead the Purple Faction.' Does that satisfy you? Or are you one of those beings that's impossible to please? Do you wish to find every Morpheus or at least one? And if so, would any of us suffice?"
"I wish to find Morpheus. He has been messing with reality and destroying the balance. And if you are Morpheus, as you claim to be. Then that means he has multiple personas and if you are an extension of his being, then I must destroy you to. I can't have any part of him left existing if he has such blatant disregard for the balance of the universe" Bliss had a sword of Light appear in her hand as she stared down Purple Morpheus "You can submit yourself to your fate Willingly or I can impose it on you by force. Choose now"
GingerBread said:
"I wish to find Morpheus. He has been messing with reality and destroying the balance. And if you are Morpheus, as you claim to be. Then that means he has multiple personas and if you are an extension of his being, then I must destroy you to. I can't have any part of him left existing if he has such blatant disregard for the balance of the universe" Bliss had a sword of Light appear in her hand as she stared down Purple Morpheus "You can submit yourself to your fate Willingly or I can impose it on you by force. Choose now"
Purple Morpheus sighed and shook his head. "You seem to have an understanding of how we work but not who we are." He extended his hand and formed his Cane, slamming it to he ground. It's eyes flashed a bright violet and every nerve in her body felt like it was being cut, burned, and ripped apart. He stared at her, his eyes blank. "No one brings pain to us. Leave"
GingerBread said:
"Well everything Works both ways, doesn't it? Can we use it to teleport to him? Or a place he activates it from?" Vance shrugged and Vance took the medallion back from Jackie "Anyway it's mine now... Wait hold on. If he can use it to get in here before. what's to stop him from doing it again? We have Layla's daughter, on her own out there. Anyone else connecting some dots? I mean Layla told her to hide if someone she didn't know came into the house, so that means she was worried that she could've been hurt by him as well. I say you go check on her Inaro" Vance sighed "So how does this get us any closer to finding out who did it? Does Grimm know who Sovereign is? Could we ask him? Cause all evidence points to him right now" Vance created a chair out of darkness and sat down "So Next letter then Jackie?"
Jackie nods slowly, agreeing with Vances words, "Grimm might know him. The first letter makes it sound like this guy had been an old friend of hers or something, so he might have met Sovereign before-"

Jackie shudders viciously, her eyes flying wide as her pupils dilate sharply, swallowing her entire iris until her eyes are nothing but pools of inky black. Around the edges of her face, small black lines fan out from temples and from under her jaw as her body goes tense as a rope pulled taut, her eyes snapping to Vance. When Jackie speaks, it is not her voice - there is another voice like nails on a chalk board growling underneath her words, like two voices speaking at the same time. " Sovereign is a deity, Sanctum says, " Like Grimm, like that irritating old boyfriend of yours. Not like them, though - not allies, nothing of the sort. He is Madness incarnate, Insanity given flesh, and he's got a reputation for doing things he shouldn't. Like kidnapping the wife of Death. Like assisting her in murdering the Death before him."

Jackie gasps as her eyes return to normal, her body sagging as she grabs the desk for support. She curses under her breath, "I fucking the when he does that-" She looks to Vance, pursing her lips, "Sorry."

Like nothing else had happened, Jackie grabs the letter from Usagi and tears it open, and starts to read it.

"December 15th, 2009


I'm so excited to see you! From your picture, Siobhan has grown up so much. I'm glad I got the kimono a few sizes bigger than I had planned, because she's so big now!

My arrival is planned for 2 weeks from now - a patient suffering from a spell recently came in, and I have to care for him before I can come. But I will not allow myself to be delayed again!

I look forward to seeing you!

With love,

Usagi <3"

Embaga Elder]Inaro nods towards Vance since he made a good point and wasn't rude about it. Inaro teleported out the study and to Layla's daughter appearing in front of her. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/10734-light/ said:
Sioban looks up from where she is sitting on the floor, her head between her knees. Her eyes are red from crying, and she is a few shades paler than she had been. She wipes her nose, looking away from him with a frown, "What do you want?"
DizjayDeathPride said:
Purple Morpheus sighed and shook his head. "You seem to have an understanding of how we work but not who we are." He extended his hand and formed his Cane, slamming it to he ground. It's eyes flashed a bright violet and every nerve in her body felt like it was being cut, burned, and ripped apart. He stared at her, his eyes blank. "No one brings pain to us. Leave"
Bliss hissed in pain but raised her hand up and deleted the cane from reality as Morpheus had gained it through reality warping. When she did this the pain subsided "You wish to be uncooperative? So be it" Bliss coated her sword in holy and hell fire.

( ! ) In the Blink of an eye, Bliss rushed towards Morpheus, faster than the speed of darkness and stabbed him with the sword, piercing it right through him. Bliss repeated this process 3 more times, getting a new sword of light every time. Bliss stepped back and pinned Morpheus arms to his side and made his legs unable to move, using telepathy.


CelticSol said:
Jackie nods slowly, agreeing with Vances words, "Grimm might know him. The first letter makes it sound like this guy had been an old friend of hers or something, so he might have met Sovereign before-"
Jackie shudders viciously, her eyes flying wide as her pupils dilate sharply, swallowing her entire iris until her eyes are nothing but pools of inky black. Around the edges of her face, small black lines fan out from temples and from under her jaw as her body goes tense as a rope pulled taut, her eyes snapping to Vance. When Jackie speaks, it is not her voice - there is another voice like nails on a chalk board growling underneath her words, like two voices speaking at the same time. "loadWebfont('Chiller');
Sovereign is a deity, Sanctum says, "loadWebfont('Chiller'); Like Grimm, like that irritating old boyfriend of yours. Not like them, though - not allies, nothing of the sort. He is Madness incarnate, Insanity given flesh, and he's got a reputation for doing things he shouldn't. Like kidnapping the wife of Death. Like assisting her in murdering the Death before him."

Jackie gasps as her eyes return to normal, her body sagging as she grabs the desk for support. She curses under her breath, "I fucking the when he does that-" She looks to Vance, pursing her lips, "Sorry."

Like nothing else had happened, Jackie grabs the letter from Usagi and tears it open, and starts to read it.

"December 15th, 2009


I'm so excited to see you! From your picture, Siobhan has grown up so much. I'm glad I got the kimono a few sizes bigger than I had planned, because she's so big now!

My arrival is planned for 2 weeks from now - a patient suffering from a spell recently came in, and I have to care for him before I can come. But I will not allow myself to be delayed again!

I look forward to seeing you!

With love,

Usagi <3"

Vance gave Jackie a confused look as the whole thing happened
"I'm not going to question that. So anyway Sovereign is the deity of madness or something like that. Interesting, still doesn't help us find him, but at least I have some sort of a clue about what we'll be going up against. Always wanted to kill a deity" Vance began flipping and catching the medallion like a coin "Onto the letters from Grimm then. Maybe they'll clue us in a little more. your internal voice said something about killing the person who had Grimm's stuff before Grimm did. I wasn't really paying that much attention to be honest" Vance shrugged as he leaned back in his chair "If nothing comes up, we'll have to come up with a new plan. So read away"

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Inaro looks at the girl and sits down next to her. He pops open a beer and takes a sip. I just came to check up on you that's all. How are you holding up Sioban?? he asked. Inaro felt kind of awkward in this situation. He wasn't the comforting type like Cole, so he was unsure on what to do. He just continued to drink his beer. @CelticSol
GingerBread said:
(Gonna assume that what he just did was reality warping. If not let me know)
Bliss hissed in pain but raised her hand up and deleted the cane from reality as Morpheus had gained it through reality warping. When she did this the pain subsided "You wish to be uncooperative? So be it" Bliss coated her sword in holy and hell fire.

( ! ) In the Blink of an eye, Bliss rushed towards Morpheus, faster than the speed of darkness and stabbed him with the sword, piercing it right through him. Bliss repeated this process 3 more times, getting a new sword of light every time. Bliss stepped back and pinned Morpheus arms to his side and made his legs unable to move, using telepathy.


Vance gave Jackie a confused look as the whole thing happened
"I'm not going to question that. So anyway Sovereign is the deity of madness or something like that. Interesting, still doesn't help us find him, but at least I have some sort of a clue about what we'll be going up against. Always wanted to kill a deity" Vance began flipping and catching the medallion like a coin "Onto the letters from Grimm then. Maybe they'll clue us in a little more. your internal voice said something about killing the person who had Grimm's stuff before Grimm did. I wasn't really paying that much attention to be honest" Vance shrugged as he leaned back in his chair "If nothing comes up, we'll have to come up with a new plan. So read away"

(The pain is all telepathic the cane is just for decoration really)

Purple saw the fire of her neurons, letting him know where she was going to move before even a muscle twitched. But he didn't care enough. The blade stabbed into him and each time it did, she felt like it was stabbing into her. "I see." The blood of his body turned a clear and invisible liquid, as if it vanished. He exploded, pushing her back. The sensation making her feel like every bone in her body shattered. The fragmentation of his body reformed behind her, scratching his head

( ! ) He waved his hand and her vision went black. She was sweating, her body temperature rising a degree a second. Faster and faster as he closed his eyes and sighed tediously. Each bead of sweat melted the flesh it touched, or so it seem.
DizjayDeathPride said:
A little blue kitten was sitting on his foot with a small baggie in its mouth. Inside the baggie with 20 little universal marbles. Universes that didn't effect the changes to any important places he liked. It dropped te baggie at her foot and meowed, swirling around and growing up to the man who extended his hand down in a bow, tipping his hat. "My apologies on the late return. I moderately forgot you asked." He picked up the baggie and handed it to her. "20 universes at your disposal"
djinnamon said:
Sage slapped Fola right across the face. " I'm making friends with her. " He said while sending massage that said it was part of the Plan with eye contact. He turned to morphues and petted him.
@Light @DizjayDeathPride
LokiofSP said:
Fola raised a brow, taking his hand from the symbol and putting his arms behind his back, he shrugged, "I dunno, any guy would be at least a LITTLE bit scared, I'm a guy standing among people who amount to gods. That's a bit of a scary thought, knowing that at any point somebody could kill me without batting an eye, wouldn't you be scared, at least a bit?" He stretched out his arms, "You do you, don't let me and my pesky neurons bother you..."

Isabel takes the 20 universal marbles and destroys them, absorbing them as she did. She had just sacrificed so many lives for the sake of evolution, and grew much more powerful. Seal #5,6,7,8,9,10,11, & 12 break. Isabel shudders at the amount of power flooding through her body. "Do you have more? I need them all."
Light said:
Isabel takes the 20 universal marbles and destroys them, absorbing them as she did. She had just sacrificed so many lives for the sake of evolution, and grew much more powerful. Seal #5,6,7,8,9,10,11, & 12 break. Isabel shudders at the amount of power flooding through her body. "Do you have more? I need them all."
Morpheus sighed. "Fuck it here I already removed the important universes. Here are the last 30 of my little toys." He rolled is eyes and handed her the bag. "I better get some form of retribution for this"
DizjayDeathPride said:
Morpheus sighed. "Fuck it here I already removed the important universes. Here are the last 30 of my little toys." He rolled is eyes and handed her the bag. "I better get some form of retribution for this"
Isabel looks at the bag and then at Morpheus. "I need them all. I won't destroy the ones you seem important. Isabel destroys and absorbs these universes. Seal #13 and 14 break. Isabel evolves once more and smiles at the pleasure that comes with it.

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