Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
djinnamon said:
"Is there anyway to stall the girl in the deity realm why I look for the woman we need. " He asked urgently
"I wouldn't exactly know. You can try fighting her, she's not too powerful at the moment. You can try talking with her or try your best to distract her from her goal. Isabel is a violent person so you shouldn't worry about her flat out attacking."
Inaro walked up beside Vance and Jackie looking at the letters. Okay say that the hand writings match, there isn't much of a guarantee that it was written by that person. Someone else could've mimicked their handwriting. Leaving us in the same spot. @CelticSol @GingerBread
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Light said:
Grimmavus raises an eyebrow and inspects the box. "Don't tell me." He opens the box.
Inside the box, there is a message written on a ripped piece of lined paper, reading:

Tick tock.

Underneath the paper, lying curled up almost sinisterly in the box, is a thick pony tail of silver hair nearly three feet long.

GingerBread said:
"It could be out of character, maybe the character you knew of her was just facade. You never know" Vance shrugged and scanned over the letters. "Well I wanna say we can rule out Grimm, but it mights the slightest bit of sense for him to have been the one to do it. Considering he's the one searching for her. But for now we'll rule him out. So I say we do in the order of unnamed, then if that doesn't bring anything up. we will go onto the one with spine signed onto it. Then Usagi and then Grimm." Vance had a look of concentration on his face "What we should do, is keep an eye out and see if any of the handwriting matches. Cause that will be useful if it does"
"Alright..." She grabs the letter, opening it will a small letter opener she have found in the drawer with them. She unfolds the letter, which doesn't have a whole lot written on it, and reads the scrawled cursive aloud;


I found this the other day. Good times, hm?


At the bottoms of the letter, there is a small medalion taped to the paper. The medallion is engraved with a snake coiled around a dagger, and when Jackie lifts it off of the page, there is more text, which Jackie again reads, " Perhaps a visit is in order soon?"

"That's a little... Ominious..."She puts the letter down, unsettled by how vague it is. She inspects the medallion a bit longer, then hands it to Vance. "It feels like it might be magic."
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Sage nodded and teleported in front of the girl causing all this trouble in the deity realm. " Why are you doing this , what do you gain from this? " He asked as he floated in front of her.

CelticSol said:
Inside the box, there is a message written on a ripped piece of lined paper, reading:

Tick tock.

Underneath the paper, lying curled up almost sinisterly in the box, is a thick pony tail of silver hair nearly three feet long.

"Alright..." She grabs the letter, opening it will a small letter opener she have found in the drawer with them. She unfolds the letter, which doesn't have a whole lot written on it, and reads the scrawled cursive aloud;


I found this the other day. Good times, hm?


At the bottoms of the letter, there is a small medalion taped to the paper. The medallion is engraved with a snake coiled around a dagger, and when Jackie lifts it off of the page, there is more text, which Jackie again reads, " Perhaps a visit is in order soon?"

"That's a little... Ominious..."She puts the letter down, unsettled by how vague it is. She inspects the medallion a bit longer, then hands it to Vance. "It feels like it might be magic."
Grimm just stares at the piece of paper and nods his head slowly. "Fuck it, I'm done." Grimmavus simply teleports to any reaper he could find. "THIS IS FOR NOT DOING YOUR FUCKING JOB! YOU CANT GUARD THINGS FOR SHIT!" Grimm thrusts his hand through the reapers chest and burns it's soul away. Grimm continues to slaughter reapers from gangs other than Chess and Monopoly. Grimm appears back where he was and takes a deep breath. "Okay.....I'm going to kill him. No...I can't that's against the laws...." Grimmavus was trying not to allow a section of his brain to explode. "I know...I'll hang him on my trophy wall by his balls."

LokiofSP said:

djinnamon said:
Sage nodded and teleported in front of the girl causing all this trouble in the deity realm. " Why are you doing this , what do you gain from this? " He asked as he floated in front of her.
Isabel backs away even more once Fola yells at her. "Please stop...it. I'm sorry I offended you I swear!" Isabel nearly falls once Sage appears in front of her. "Please leave me alone!"
CelticSol said:
Inside the box, there is a message written on a ripped piece of lined paper, reading:

Tick tock.

Underneath the paper, lying curled up almost sinisterly in the box, is a thick pony tail of silver hair nearly three feet long.

"Alright..." She grabs the letter, opening it will a small letter opener she have found in the drawer with them. She unfolds the letter, which doesn't have a whole lot written on it, and reads the scrawled cursive aloud;


I found this the other day. Good times, hm?


At the bottoms of the letter, there is a small medallion taped to the paper. The medallion is engraved with a snake coiled around a dagger, and when Jackie lifts it off of the page, there is more text, which Jackie again reads, " Perhaps a visit is in order soon?"

"That's a little... Ominious..."She puts the letter down, unsettled by how vague it is. She inspects the medallion a bit longer, then hands it to Vance. "It feels like it might be magic."
Vance ignored Inaro completely seeing as he hadn't done one useful thing yet. "Even if it isn't magic, it's pretty cool looking. maybe it can teleport something" Vance ran his thumb over the medaillon, inspecting it as he did "It has a snake and a dagger on it. Maybe if it is magic it needs snake blood or something. But you don't mind if I hold onto it for now do you?" Vance reached inside of his clothes and placed the medallion inside a pocket "This confirms that she knew he was coming. Though the medallion was covering the words. And it had a snake and a dagger engraved on it. Are there any deities that represent those things? or just one of them. but let's have a look at Spines letter for now. he's the closest match here too who could've signed it"

@CelticSol @Embaga Elder (Is the medallion wearable? I'm assuming no. but it doesn't hurt to check)
Sage looked at Fola and sighed. " Fola you are a pervert and please don't yell at the poor girl. " He said before looking at the girl again , he didn't know why but she didn't seem evil in least. " I'm very sorry for scaring you, I'm Sage. " He said

@LokiofSP @Light
Fola calms himself down and cringes at his actions. He'd come off as to harsh once more, that was something he couldn't do...He put his arms behind his back, closed his eyes and counted to ten as he took deep breaths. Then Sage said his words and Fola's eye twitched, he took in another deep breath and backed away. Tensions were running high, he was stressed and at the end of his rope... Maybe he hadn't been the best choice for this assignment...

He shook his head and called after Sage, "What the hell man? What are you doing here? You're supposed to be out looking for the things..." He paid close attention to his words as Isabel was right there...

@djinnamon @Light
LokiofSP said:
Fola calms himself down and cringes at his actions. He'd come off as to harsh once more, that was something he couldn't do...He put his arms behind his back, closed his eyes and counted to ten as he took deep breaths. Then Sage said his words and Fola's eye twitched, he took in another deep breath and backed away. Tensions were running high, he was stressed and at the end of his rope... Maybe he hadn't been the best choice for this assignment...
He shook his head and called after Sage, "What the hell man? What are you doing here? You're supposed to be out looking for the things..." He paid close attention to his words as Isabel was right there...

@djinnamon @Light
" Well I found a way to but no one except one girl came. " He said as he glanced at Fola before looking at Isabel again and giving a kind smile as he floated to the ground as he returned to his human form. " Isabel , so you are the one that grabbed the first CPU memory aka that powerful purple gem. Before you sag anything I'm not angry. " He said truthfully
GingerBread said:
Vance ignored Inaro completely seeing as he hadn't done one useful thing yet. "Even if it isn't magic, it's pretty cool looking. maybe it can teleport something" Vance ran his thumb over the medaillon, inspecting it as he did "It has a snake and a dagger on it. Maybe if it is magic it needs snake blood or something. But you don't mind if I hold onto it for now do you?" Vance reached inside of his clothes and placed the medallion inside a pocket "This confirms that she knew he was coming. Though the medallion was covering the words. And it had a snake and a dagger engraved on it. Are there any deities that represent those things? or just one of them. but let's have a look at Spines letter for now. he's the closest match here too who could've signed it"
@CelticSol @Embaga Elder (Is the medallion wearable? I'm assuming no. but it doesn't hurt to check)
(It is wearable, but there is no cord to go with it.)

Jackie nods, "You can have. I don't want anything to do with that thing. It gives me a weird vibe, y'know?" She shakes her head, grabbing the next letter and opening it. She reads it outloud again;

"December 20th, 2009


I lost track of Sovereign. The last time I had a lock on him, he was on his way to Glasgow. Be very careful, and stay on your guard. I don't know what he's up to, but it isn't anything good. Take care of yourself, sister.

Stay safe,


Jackie looks up from the letter, raising her eyebrow. "What do you think?"

Light said:
Grimm just stares at the piece of paper and nods his head slowly. "Fuck it, I'm done." Grimmavus simply teleports to any reaper he could find. "THIS IS FOR NOT DOING YOUR FUCKING JOB! YOU CANT GUARD THINGS FOR SHIT!" Grimm thrusts his hand through the reapers chest and burns it's soul away. Grimm continues to slaughter reapers from gangs other than Chess and Monopoly. Grimm appears back where he was and takes a deep breath. "Okay.....I'm going to kill him. No...I can't that's against the laws...." Grimmavus was trying not to allow a section of his brain to explode. "I know...I'll hang him on my trophy wall by his balls."
An envelope pops into existence on the ground beside Grimm, crisp and white, with the exact same handwriting as the first note.
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djinnamon said:
Sage looked at Fola and sighed. " Fola you are a pervert and please don't yell at the poor girl. " He said before looking at the girl again , he didn't know why but she didn't seem evil in least. " I'm very sorry for scaring you, I'm Sage. " He said
@LokiofSP @Light
djinnamon said:
" Well I found a way to but no one except one girl came. " He said as he glanced at Fola before looking at Isabel again and giving a kind smile as he floated to the ground as he returned to his human form. " Isabel , so you are the one that grabbed the first CPU memory aka that powerful purple gem. Before you sag anything I'm not angry. " He said truthfully
LokiofSP said:
Fola calms himself down and cringes at his actions. He'd come off as to harsh once more, that was something he couldn't do...He put his arms behind his back, closed his eyes and counted to ten as he took deep breaths. Then Sage said his words and Fola's eye twitched, he took in another deep breath and backed away. Tensions were running high, he was stressed and at the end of his rope... Maybe he hadn't been the best choice for this assignment...
He shook his head and called after Sage, "What the hell man? What are you doing here? You're supposed to be out looking for the things..." He paid close attention to his words as Isabel was right there...

@djinnamon @Light
Isabel stopped backing away but still gave them a terrified look. "A-Are you here to take it back?" Isabel was actually concerned on the matter.

CelticSol said:
(It is wearable, but there is no cord to go with it.)
Jackie nods, "You can have. I don't want anything to do with that thing. It gives me a weird vibe, y'know?" She shakes her head, grabbing the next letter and opening it. She reads it outloud again;

"December 20th, 2009


I lost track of Sovereign. The last time I had a lock on him, he was on his way to Glasgow. Be very careful, and stay on your guard. I don't know what he's up to, but it isn't anything good. Take care of yourself, sister.

Stay safe,


Jackie looks up from the letter, raising her eyebrow. "What do you think?"

An envelope pops into existence on the ground beside Grimm, crisp and white, with the exact same handwriting as the first note.
Grimm rolls his eyes and picks up the envelope.
Light said:
Isabel stopped backing away but still gave them a terrified look. "A-Are you here to take it back?" Isabel was actually concerned on the matter.
Grimm rolls his eyes and picks up the envelope.
Sage shoe his head. " No , i'm not. I actually kinda want to teach you more about it. " He said truthfully with a kind smile , the girl seemed way to innocent and the mother hen part of him wanted to help and protect her.
CelticSol said:
(It is wearable, but there is no cord to go with it.)
Jackie nods, "You can have. I don't want anything to do with that thing. It gives me a weird vibe, y'know?" She shakes her head, grabbing the next letter and opening it. She reads it outloud again;


December 20th, 2009


I lost track of Sovereign. The last time I had a lock on him, he was on his way to Glasgow. Be
very careful, and stay on your guard. I don't know what he's up to, but it isn't anything good. Take care of yourself, sister.

Stay safe,


Jackie looks up from the letter, raising her eyebrow. "What do you think?"
"Sister eh? Could be Spine but it's a different handwriting, so maybe not. Do you know who Sovereign is? it says he was on his way to Glasgow. and the castle was in scotland. He fits the bill on the Signing on the last letter as well." Vance pulled the medallion out again "I wonder" Vance created a small thin tendril and attached it to the medallion so that it was now wearable "What do you think? Should I wear it? I don't think it will kill me, if it was from the person who wanted to kidnap Layla. If anything it should teleport me to where they wanted to keep her. I'd assume there would be safeguards in place to make sure she couldn't escape, meaning I would have no chance. But that's only if this does what I think it does. So, should I put it on?"

@CelticSol @Embaga Elder
Light said:
Grimm rolls his eyes and picks up the envelope.
The letter is just as simple as the first.

Also, I'd go check on poor Siobhan. It seems she gets a bit nauseous at the sight of blood.

Meanwhile, back in the house, under a spell that muffles the existence - from sight to sound to smell, even erases the traces of their soul - and makes it completely invisible to all, Siobhan did not notice the shadow watching her from the other end of the hallway as it darted down the stairs, out the door, and vanished.
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Inaro looks at the letter. I'm guessing she wasn't staying enough. He takes a sip from his beer. But who is this Sovereign guy Layla's so suspicious about. He looks at Vance as he prepares to put the medallion on. Go ahead and see what'll happen. @GingerBread @CelticSol
"HDD on!" Kyoko called out, a light appearing around her once more. As her ears and tail disappeared an eight pieced wheel materialized behind her. Her hair darkened to a deep red and her dress turned into a two piece outfit. As the light dispersed she looked for the other God with an emotionless gaze.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/godform.jpe.d90343e406a32492ba2cb59f708a9f62.jpe" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="106079" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/godform.jpe.d90343e406a32492ba2cb59f708a9f62.jpe" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


  • godform.jpe
    19.4 KB · Views: 25
Sage remembered Kyoko and sent her telepathic message saying. " I'll be right back so don't worry '

OceanBunny said:
"HDD on!" Kyoko called out, a light appearing around her once more. As her ears and tail disappeared an eight pieced wheel materialized behind her. Her hair darkened to a deep red and her dress turned into a two piece outfit. As the light dispersed she looked for the other God with an emotionless gaze.

GingerBread said:
"Sister eh? Could be Spine but it's a different handwriting, so maybe not. Do you know who Sovereign is? it says he was on his way to Glasgow. and the castle was in scotland. He fits the bill on the Signing on the last letter as well." Vance pulled the medallion out again "I wonder" Vance created a small thin tendril and attached it to the medallion so that it was now wearable "What do you think? Should I wear it? I don't think it will kill me, if it was from the person who wanted to kidnap Layla. If anything it should teleport me to where they wanted to keep her. I'd assume there would be safeguards in place to make sure she couldn't escape, meaning I would have no chance. But that's only if this does what I think it does. So, should I put it on?"
Embaga Elder]Inaro looks at the letter. I'm guessing she wasn't staying enough. He takes a sip from his beer. But who is this Sovereign guy Layla's so suspicious about. He looks at Vance as he prepares to put the medallion on. Go ahead and see what'll happen. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/22497-gingerbread/ said:
@GingerBread[/URL] @CelticSol
(I am so sorry @Embaga Elder , I didn't notice your notifications.)

"I don't think it's literal 'sister'.... Maybe they're just really close friends? Or something - Isabel has never mentioned a great uncle at all, and she's never mentioned Spine. And Sovereign I've never heard of at all, Isabel or otherwise," Jackie shakes her head, "If it was meant to teleport her to a cell or something, he'd have no use for coming here himself if he could just get her to him... Unless..." She looks from Vance's face, down to the medallion, and snatches it out of his hand, inspecting it closely with wide eyes. "It's a rune," She whispers, and holds it out to them so they can look at it as well, "This is a teleportation rune! This how he got in here with no one noticing!"
Receiving the other Gods message, Kyoko sat down and waited for his return. The wheel spun slowly behind her, it's eight choice spaces blank and the center shimmering like the surface of a lake.

A rune?! Now that explains alot. Inaro rubbed his chin in thought. Hmm. Is there a way to reverse the effect that on it, So we can use it to teleport to the other side that rune is connected to? It'll probably lead us to Sovereign or even better Isabel's grandmother. @GingerBread @CelticSol
CelticSol said:
(I am so sorry @Embaga Elder , I didn't notice your notifications.)
"I don't think it's literal 'sister'.... Maybe they're just really close friends? Or something - Isabel has never mentioned a great uncle at all, and she's never mentioned Spine. And Sovereign I've never heard of at all, Isabel or otherwise," Jackie shakes her head, "If it was meant to teleport her to a cell or something, he'd have no use for coming here himself if he could just get her to him... Unless..." She looks from Vance's face, down to the medallion, and snatches it out of his hand, inspecting it closely with wide eyes. "It's a rune," She whispers, and holds it out to them so they can look at it as well, "This is a teleportation rune! This how he got in here with no one noticing!"

"Well everything Works both ways, doesn't it? Can we use it to teleport to him? Or a place he activates it from?"
Vance shrugged and Vance took the medallion back from Jackie "Anyway it's mine now... Wait hold on. If he can use it to get in here before. what's to stop him from doing it again? We have Layla's daughter, on her own out there. Anyone else connecting some dots? I mean Layla told her to hide if someone she didn't know came into the house, so that means she was worried that she could've been hurt by him as well. I say you go check on her Inaro" Vance sighed "So how does this get us any closer to finding out who did it? Does Grimm know who Sovereign is? Could we ask him? Cause all evidence points to him right now" Vance created a chair out of darkness and sat down "So Next letter then Jackie?"

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djinnamon said:
Sage shoe his head. " No , i'm not. I actually kinda want to teach you more about it. " He said truthfully with a kind smile , the girl seemed way to innocent and the mother hen part of him wanted to help and protect her.
LokiofSP said:
(I saw, just not sure how I can respond)
Isabel nods her head and lightly bows to Sage. "Thank you." Isabel turns to Fola once more. "Why exactly are you here though?"

CelticSol said:
The letter is just as simple as the first.

Also, I'd go check on poor Siobhan. It seems she gets a bit nauseous at the sight of blood.

Meanwhile, back in the house, under a spell that muffles the existence - from sight to sound to smell, even erases the traces of their soul - and makes it completely invisible to all, Siobhan did not notice the shadow watching her from the other end of the hallway as it darted down the stairs, out the door, and vanished.
Grimm merely shrugs and throws the paper away. "Not my problem." Grimm continues to walk. "Maybe I should catch a movie."
Fola stiffens a tad, but attempts to rebound, "I told you already, I'm here to make sure you're okay, there's a few people out there who actually care about you ya know..."

@Light @djinnamon

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