Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
Inaro's eyes widen as he saw Grimmavus. He was surprised that he showed up. Inaro pops open another beer. He enters the room and touches the floor. His Silvermane alpha ability kicks in. His sense of touch allows somewhat of a past view. He sees everything Jackie told Vance, in a live action point of view. But sadly he couldn't see faces. It was awhile back so all he saw was stick figures. So this is what happened here. @GingerBread @CelticSol @Light
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CelticSol said:
Following a frustrated Siobhan to the study, Jackie's eyes slide over to look at Vance out of her peripheral, rubbing her guild mark absently as her voice floods into his mind, I don't think so. Normally, I would agree with you wholeheartedly, but... From what I've heard about her, she was stupidly committed to her family. Plus, look at the family as a whole - they are all devoted to each other, and loyal to whatever they are invested in. They had to get it from somewhere, and I imagine that it was ingrained in them through her.
Before Jackie can further elaborate, Siobhan stops before a door, and turns to look at them. Taking a shaking breath, she opens the door for them, making no move to go inside. "Here it is. Everything is exactly as it was when she... disappeared. Nobody wanted to accidentally get rid of any evidence... So..." She trails off, then waves for them to go in.


Jackie enters with little hesitation, but takes a sharp breath through clenched teeth as she looks at the destroyed room. A table - or what was probably once a table, appears to have been smashed against against the wall and broken in half, with chairs tipped over or thrown out of the way. On the floor, there is a sword with old, dried blood along the blade, all the way to the hilt, and there are multiple blood splatters along the floor by one of the bookshelves. Jackie sends Vance a look, her lips pursed, This does not look like a scene of someone who wanted to disappear, not to me. She hesitates along the door, then goes to where the sword is discarded. In Vance's mind, she speaks to him, giving her mental play by play as she moves through the room, So, she enters the room, sees the fact someone's here. Siobhan said they spoke, so... She shifts to the main source of the blood splatters, They're talking, he doesn't take no for an answer... She moves backwards until back spine is pressed against one of the bookshelves, where blood is stained across the spines of books. On the back of the door, gripping the edge, there is a smeared, bloody handprint, like someone had tried to grab the edge and had been dragged from it, And he grabs her before she can run.

They fight,
Jackie moves passed the knocked over table, They break some shit, and whoever is hurt is put here, She runs her fingers along a small, dried puddle of blood, Something happens here, She spots a shattered vase with blood stained on the glass, and picks up a piece, then tracks the blood trail she finds on the floor with her eyes, leading her to the window, He knocks her out with this - She shows Vance one of the shards - then he grabs her and leaves. Her eyes meet Vance's, and she raises an eyebrow, Anything to add?

"No. I'm looking for a motive, or something that would lead me to to her. How it happened isn't the most important thing right now. But, if I were to do a disappearing act, and I didn't want anyone to follow me. I'd make it look like they were trying to kill me. And I have accidently done a disappearing act in my life. though there was a dead guy near mine, don't know why. I had amnesia. But the point is. The less it looks like a disappearing act, the more she can do if she got found." Vance walked across the room, stopping at the small puddle of blood.

"What would her family do if they knew she wanted to run away from them? Maybe she was devoted to her children. But wanted to get away from someone else. Maybe it was someone she was cheating with. Maybe this all happened faster than she'd planned. But he got impatient, started getting angry. Maybe she changed her mind, thought about the consequences"
Vance walked over and picked up one of the shards and held it up to the light

"I mean you told me she could lock away people's powers. Does it really make sense to you that she got taken this easily? Did she even attempt to call for help? Maybe she was afraid the truth would come out. That right now makes the most sense to me. Unless you have an alternate theory for all of this. Loyalty only goes so far anyways"
Vance shrugged and continued scanning the room "Think about it, only one of them would've fought back. And since she was the one that got knocked out as you said. She must've not been fighting back, that would mean all this blood is hers. And if that's true, this would mean it was someone she didn't want to hurt. Someone she cared about. you said before she was committed to her family, and was loyal. Just things to think about"

Fola let out a forced laugh, "Oh, these guys aren't here for MY soul, I don't have one. Sold it for a juice box in third grade..." He ran a hand through his hair, "I'm not here to fight, not joking here. This was SUPPOSED to be a simple 'follow' mission, just wanted to make sure Isabel over there wasn't going to blow up any realities while we were busy, these guys are only here so Lucifer doesn't slaughter me if I get found out...So because of that, I'll ask...Can you PLEASE move Morpheus the great?"

OceanBunny said:
Kyoko looked down as she felt an object materialize in her hand. She smiled and her ears perked up as she saw the purple gem. Lifting her hand she marveled at the color as a flash of light surrounded her and the gem was gone one more.

(I don't know how these work but you said something about needing a nation to access the next form)
Sage smiled brightly. " Welcome to goddess hood kiddo. I should explain shouldn't I. " He said as he sat down. " I'll explain why we wait for everyone. Ok that item you were now holding Is called a CPU memory , it allows these who ouch it to become goddesses or gods. They also grant the new god or goddess new powers and item called a sharecite . " Sage said as he put out his hand and crystal appeared. " A sharecite is a crystal that converts the fate ,which we call shares, of the people who worship and believe in the god or goddess into power and makes the god stronger. " Sage said to the girl. " The best way to gain more shares is build a nation. " He said
LokiofSP said:
Fola let out a forced laugh, "Oh, these guys aren't here for MY soul, I don't have one. Sold it for a juice box in third grade..." He ran a hand through his hair, "I'm not here to fight, not joking here. This was SUPPOSED to be a simple 'follow' mission, just wanted to make sure Isabel over there wasn't going to blow up any realities while we were busy, these guys are only here so Lucifer doesn't slaughter me if I get found out...So because of that, I'll ask...Can you PLEASE move Morpheus the great?"
"Oh.... Oh yeah psh go ahead do your thing buddy. She went that a way. Try not to.... You know... Die? Awwwwwwww you think I'm great? Did the Fola-Cola win you over? Know what just because I like you-" He walked up to to Fola and pulled a quarter from his ear. "Here ya go! Now scurry on buddy"
djinnamon said:
( Sage told them he found a wah to track the woman they are looking for down )
(Hmm I doubt it will work. I mean Grimm has been searching for her for years. You think he would've tried whatever it is you're doing. Also Vance should probably take Sage off of mute :P )
"I'm a Goddess now?" Kyoko asked, looking down at her hands. 'I don't feel very different.. Wait.. I'm talking to a God..' She smiled and curtsied. "How do I build a nation?"

Fola held the coin and blinked a few times, he pocketed it and looked at Morpheus before shrugging,"Huh...Maybe I should try asking more often...Well I'll just uh...Go then...Thanks...I think." With that he ran off to attempt to follow Isabel and Lucifer as best he could...

@Light @DizjayDeathPride
GingerBread said:
"No. I'm looking for a motive, or something that would lead me to to her. How it happened isn't the most important thing right now. But, if I were to do a disappearing act, and I didn't want anyone to follow me. I'd make it look like they were trying to kill me. And I have accidently done a disappearing act in my life. though there was a dead guy near mine, don't know why. I had amnesia. But the point is. The less it looks like a disappearing act, the more she can do if she got found." Vance walked across the room, stopping at the small puddle of blood.

"What would her family do if they knew she wanted to run away from them? Maybe she was devoted to her children. But wanted to get away from someone else. Maybe it was someone she was cheating with. Maybe this all happened faster than she'd planned. But he got impatient, started getting angry. Maybe she changed her mind, thought about the consequences"
Vance walked over and picked up one of the shards and held it up to the light

"I mean you told me she could lock away people's powers. Does it really make sense to you that she got taken this easily? Did she even attempt to call for help? Maybe she was afraid the truth would come out. That right now makes the most sense to me. Unless you have an alternate theory for all of this. Loyalty only goes so far anyways"
Vance shrugged and continued scanning the room "Think about it, only one of them would've fought back. And since she was the one that got knocked out as you said. She must've not been fighting back, that would mean all this blood is hers. And if that's true, this would mean it was someone she didn't want to hurt. Someone she cared about. you said before she was committed to her family, and was loyal. Just things to think about"

Jackie furrows her brow as she thinks about it, considering the new viewpoint. You're right, She says, looking around suddenly, with a new light in her eyes. Her eyes spy the amount of metal in the room that Layla could've weaponized, but didn't. She wasn't fighting back - not like she should've been. She could control metal - look at the metal in the room she could've used to fight them off. I think you're right about the fact she didn't want to hurt them, and I think you're right about it being a lover of some sort. From what I heard, anyway, she was a powerful woman. It shouldn't have been this easy to take her out and take her away... But we're missing something. I can feel it. I know it my gut that she didn't leave willingly - running doesn't seem to fit into her character.

Thinking about the consequences of her actions, Jackie debates bringing Siobhan in the room, but since it's a necessity for her to show them where things were, Jackie speaks aloud, which makes Siobhan's attention snap to her, "Siobhan, do you know where she kept letters? Personal would be preferred," Siobhan nod, slowly entering the room. She swallows thickly as she spies all the blood, tears springing to her eyes when the smell tells her all of it belongs - belonged? - to her mother. She quickly shows Jackie which drawer in the desk holds the letters. She pulls all the folders out and lays them on the blood stained desk. Siobhan's eyes all but lock on the blood stain on the desk, and she makes an stricken, low keening noise in the back of her throat as a tear slips free. She wipes her eyes, then hastily excuses herself, muttering "I'm going to be sick," under her breath as she leaves. Jackie winces when she hears Siobhan heaving outside the room as she empties the files of letters onto the desk. All but a few are business, with various seals of various countries governments on the envelopes, so Jackie sorts those out of the way until the letters before Vance and Jackie are only personal, which number only 5. Two are from Grimm, one is from a woman named Usagi, another which is signed as Spine, and the last has no return address, no name, and the only information on the envelope is Layla's information for mailing.

Jackie looks to Vance, "Which one you wanna look through first?"

djinnamon said:
( Sage told them he found a wah to track the woman they are looking for down )
(I can make an 100% guarantee that it's not going to work.)
LokiofSP said:
Fola held the coin and blinked a few times, he pocketed it and looked at Morpheus before shrugging,"Huh...Maybe I should try asking more often...Well I'll just uh...Go then...Thanks...I think." With that he ran off to attempt to follow Isabel and Lucifer as best he could...

@Light @DizjayDeathPride

Morpheus watched Fola go before he thought about it. "Maaaaybe I should have told him the quarter has a special feature.... Hmm..... Naaaaaaaaah he'll figure it out. I mean when he survives 25 near death experiences I'm sure it'll click. Maybe. I don't know. Anyways YO REAPERS WAZZUP!"
(@Light )

Above Grimmavus, a box attached to a parachute floats down to rest in front of him, addressed to Grimm. The box is innocent enough, wrapped in colourful, elegant gift wrap and tied with a bow, with a small letter on top with Grimmavus' name written in cursive.
OceanBunny said:
"I'm a Goddess now?" Kyoko asked, looking down at her hands. 'I don't feel very different.. Wait.. I'm talking to a God..' She smiled and curtsied. "How do I build a nation?"
" Yell out 'HDD on' and you should transform and you'll also have a personality change. " He said
DizjayDeathPride said:
"You know what? Absolutely not. Yo Morpheus, handle this" He raised his hand and in blue fire, the man stepped out. As he looked around, Lucifer placed his hand on his head and the thousands of Reapers came into view. "Have fuuun" He too floated up and joined Isabel

Morpheus tilted his head to the group, scratching his chin. "I thought y'all collected dead souls. Did they just die?"
LokiofSP said:
Fola held the coin and blinked a few times, he pocketed it and looked at Morpheus before shrugging,"Huh...Maybe I should try asking more often...Well I'll just uh...Go then...Thanks...I think." With that he ran off to attempt to follow Isabel and Lucifer as best he could...

@Light @DizjayDeathPride
Isabel phases through the main building's walls and into the realms main power core. "This is it...." Isabel touches the orb that powers and unifies all the deities with the deity realm. She begins to absorb it and evolve rapidly as she does, pulling the orb into her completely. Her heart beats heavily once and the realm begins to fall apart slowly. Isabel's body was trying to evolve enough times to withstand the power of every deity of all religions. All deities within the deity realm were going wild, heading towards the building to attack the being absorbing the orb. Isabel manages to absorb and evolve with the orb completely. "I can feel it....Every deity. Their powers....I am them....no...I'm the better version of them. At this point...to me....omnipotence doesn't even matter...it feels so amazing." Isabel's fourth seal breaks. Before this power was locked away behind her last seal Isabel waves her hand, simply having the deities rushing towards her cease to exist. This power was locked away and Isabel seemed to lose the energy she's previously had. "I'm sorry....I went a little mad with power." Isabel phases through the walls of the building only to see Fola. "Him?"

CelticSol said:
(@Light )
Above Grimmavus, a box attached to a parachute floats down to rest in front of him, addressed to Grimm. The box is innocent enough, wrapped in colourful, elegant gift wrap and tied with a bow, with a small letter on top with Grimmavus' name written in cursive.
Grimmavus raises an eyebrow and inspects the box. "Don't tell me." He opens the box.
CelticSol said:
Jackie furrows her brow as she thinks about it, considering the new viewpoint. You're right, She says, looking around suddenly, with a new light in her eyes. Her eyes spy the amount of metal in the room that Layla could've weaponized, but didn't. She wasn't fighting back - not like she should've been. She could control metal - look at the metal in the room she could've used to fight them off. I think you're right about the fact she didn't want to hurt them, and I think you're right about it being a lover of some sort. From what I heard, anyway, she was a powerful woman. It shouldn't have been this easy to take her out and take her away... But we're missing something. I can feel it. I know it my gut that she didn't leave willingly - running doesn't seem to fit into her character.

Thinking about the consequences of her actions, Jackie debates bringing Siobhan in the room, but since it's a necessity for her to show them where things were, Jackie speaks aloud, which makes Siobhan's attention snap to her, "Siobhan, do you know where she kept letters? Personal would be preferred," Siobhan nod, slowly entering the room. She swallows thickly as she spies all the blood, tears springing to her eyes when the smell tells her all of it belongs - belonged? - to her mother. She quickly shows Jackie which drawer in the desk holds the letters. She pulls all the folders out and lays them on the blood stained desk. Siobhan's eyes all but lock on the blood stain on the desk, and she makes an stricken, low keening noise in the back of her throat as a tear slips free. She wipes her eyes, then hastily excuses herself, muttering "I'm going to be sick," under her breath as she leaves. Jackie winces when she hears Siobhan heaving outside the room as she empties the files of letters onto the desk. All but a few are business, with various seals of various countries governments on the envelopes, so Jackie sorts those out of the way until the letters before Vance and Jackie are only personal, which number only 5. Two are from Grimm, one is from a woman named Usagi, another which is signed as Spine, and the last has no return address, no name, and the only information on the envelope is Layla's information for mailing.

Jackie looks to Vance, "Which one you wanna look through first?"

(I can make an 100% guarantee that it's not going to work.)
"It could be out of character, maybe the character you knew of her was just facade. You never know" Vance shrugged and scanned over the letters. "Well I wanna say we can rule out Grimm, but it mights the slightest bit of sense for him to have been the one to do it. Considering he's the one searching for her. But for now we'll rule him out. So I say we do in the order of unnamed, then if that doesn't bring anything up. we will go onto the one with spine signed onto it. Then Usagi and then Grimm." Vance had a look of concentration on his face "What we should do, is keep an eye out and see if any of the handwriting matches. Cause that will be useful if it does"

Fola stops running and looks at Isabel, smiling nervously, "Um...Hi? I come in peace?" He picks up his sword, scabbard and all, and throws it to the side, putting up his hands to show he had nothing, "Really, I have no evil intent...Just trying to make sure everything is okay..."

Sage felt what was happening in the deity realm but knew he should go and confront the intruder. Instead in looked to the sky. " Grim , are you there! " He called out.

Light said:
Isabel phases through the main building's walls and into the realms main power core. "This is it...." Isabel touches the orb that powers and unifies all the deities with the deity realm. She begins to absorb it and evolve rapidly as she does, pulling the orb into her completely. Her heart beats heavily once and the realm begins to fall apart slowly. Isabel's body was trying to evolve enough times to withstand the power of every deity of all religions. All deities within the deity realm were going wild, heading towards the building to attack the being absorbing the orb. Isabel manages to absorb and evolve with the orb completely. "I can feel it....Every deity. Their powers....I am them....no...I'm the better version of them. At this point...to me....omnipotence doesn't even matter...it feels so amazing." Isabel's fourth seal breaks. Before this power was locked away behind her last seal Isabel waves her hand, simply having the deities rushing towards her cease to exist. This power was locked away and Isabel seemed to lose the energy she's previously had. "I'm sorry....I went a little mad with power." Isabel phases through the walls of the building only to see Fola. "Him?"
Grimmavus raises an eyebrow and inspects the box. "Don't tell me." He opens the box.
GingerBread said:
"It could be out of character, maybe the character you knew of her was just facade. You never know" Vance shrugged and scanned over the letters. "Well I wanna say we can rule out Grimm, but it mights the slightest bit of sense for him to have been the one to do it. Considering he's the one searching for her. But for now we'll rule him out. So I say we do in the order of unnamed, then if that doesn't bring anything up. we will go onto the one with spine signed onto it. Then Usagi and then Grimm." Vance had a look of concentration on his face "What we should do, is keep an eye out and see if any of the handwriting matches. Cause that will be useful if it does"

( USAGI? USAGI VAN FEN'RIR?! Oh gosh! Yay! )
LokiofSP said:
Fola stops running and looks at Isabel, smiling nervously, "Um...Hi? I come in peace?" He picks up his sword, scabbard and all, and throws it to the side, putting up his hands to show he had nothing, "Really, I have no evil intent...Just trying to make sure everything is okay..."

Isabel slightly backs away but nods her head. "Yes....everything is fine. Why do you insist on following me? I already known of your perverse intentions so even the kindest of greetings shall no longer fool me."
djinnamon said:
Sage felt what was happening in the deity realm but knew he should go and confront the intruder. Instead in looked to the sky. " Grim , are you there! " He called out.
Grimmavus has himself appear here as well, being two places at one. "Yes?"
Light said:
Grimmavus has himself appear here as well, being two places at one. "Yes?"
"Is there anyway to stall the girl in the deity realm why I look for the woman we need. " He asked urgently

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