Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
Embaga Elder] [CENTER][SIZE=24px][COLOR=#808080][B]Inaro[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [/CENTER] Inaro left with the group that went to the families castle. Most of his time there he was drinking his beer and listening. He's on his 7th bottle. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/10734-light/ said:
GingerBread said:
Vance was lost for words at first, he didn't want to say anything that would annoy the reapers enough to kill him. "That's...That's rough I guess. I don't mean to sound disrespectful, but I feel heartless is an accurate description of me. But moving on. from what you told me, it was a man, with some motive, sounding like he wanted something. The best I've got is an ex-lover, that's the best I can come up with. Because it would have to be someone who knows her well, well enough to ask her for something and kidnap her. It also sounded like she expected him to come to her. which might've been why she always told you to hide" Vance went silent as he began thinking.

"Do you know if your mother ever got any letters from anyone? Actually better yet, would we be able to rifle around in her study? I understand that you might not want us too. But I'm pretty sure I've got a good idea of the motive. Even so, seeing the room would be an advantage. I would be able to narrow down who it might've been that way, based on exits and entrances, as well as shadows. But what've you've told me has been helpful. So I thank you for that."
Vance gave Siobhan a smile, trying to show his appreciation "But I feel more information is needed. So it would really help me if I got a look at this study of hers." Vance made a mental note to ask Jackie what she thought of all this.

@Daimao @Light @CelticSol (I get the feeling, I'm miles off of what it actually was. But I might be right I doubt it though :P )
CelticSol said:
Siobhan purses her lips, mulling his words over in her mind. With a small, she starts speaking much more softly and more gently than she had before, "There was nothing out of the ordinary that day. **Mamaí and I had the house to ourselves, because papa was out with work... Since it was raining, we couldn't go outside, so Mamaí suggested we play hide-and-go seek. The first rounds went as they should - I found her, she found me, so on and so forth - until the fourth. I was hiding, she was seeking."
Siobhan voice grows thick, and she coughs to clear the sudden lump in her throat, which doesn't work to rid herself of it, "I was hiding in one of the cabinets in the dining room - I was small, I could fit easily and without issue. It was quiet, and I could hear Mamaí trying to taunt me into giggling and giving up my spot from where she was upstairs. She..." Siobhan rubs under her eye with the heel of her hand, stopping a tear in its track, "I heard her stop teasing, but she was still talking. She was speaking to someone upstairs quietly, and I was afraid because Mamaí never really talked to the reapers if we were playing, so that meant someone else was in the house. Someone with a voice I didn't recognize started to speak with her. A man.

"I stayed in my spot, not coming out as Mamaí had taught me to do if there was someone there that wasn't supposed to be. They spoke very quietly, so I couldn't make out what they were saying, but by his tone, he was desperately asking her - no, begging her - for something. She was refusing. And... He was getting angry at his rejection, and Mamaí sounded like she was growing nervous."

A tear slips through Siobhan's composure, sniffing as she callously wipes the tear with the back of her hand, which is simply replaced by one that follows right after it, "I heard a crash, and Mamaí shouted at whoever was with her to stop... Something. I heard the sound of her fighting him, and him fighting her, furniture crashing and book falling. Mamaí screamed in pain, and I-I could hear her crying out, begging him to stop. S-She stopped making any noise abruptly, like someone had covered her mouth. After that, there was another smash, then footsteps, and whoever attacked my Mamaí and took her was gone."

Siobhan wipes her tears, cursing under her breath, "I'm sorry- I don't ever cry -" She shakes her head, rubbing her sleeve over her face to dry it, "I came out of hiding, and went up to where I had heard the fight happen, and saw Mamaí's study door was open. The door had never been left open, since she kept a lot of weapons in there, and she and papa didn't want me to wander in there and hurt myself. I called papa after I saw that, and he came home immediately, made sure I was alright and that I was hurt. He never let me see the actual crime scene, so if you want details on that, you'll have to ask him. That's all I remember."

Jackie absorbs this, her brow furrowed in concern. "Jesus," She whispers, mostly to herself.

(**Mamaí= Term of Endearment for a mother in Scottish Gaelic)
( @LokiofSP Also @OceanBunny do you have a group or were you left behind at the tree?" )

Roman glances at Fola. "So why did you call me her fuck buddy? Jayn and I are simply in a committed relationship, nothing more. Nothing less." Roman was uncomfortable with not being able to stalk Jayn directly.
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CelticSol said:
think you're talking about; not quite. Close, though.
Just so you can get a good visual of the house, I'm going to be posting images of the house as we go along.)

Siobhan snaps at Vance, every bit of sadness once in her face lost to irritation, "Don't give me your pity. I don't need it," As Vance continues, Siobhan thinks a moment, her demeanor giving away how uncomfortable she was with the idea, "No one has been in Mamaí's study since she disappeared," She says, under her breath, before she slowly nods her head. It would help find her mother, and if these people though they had any chance to do so, then she wasn't going to stand in their way. She extends her hands to Vance and Jackie, placing one on each of there shoulders. In the span of a single breath, the castle melts away and is replaced by a manor. Rain pelts down on Jackie, Vance, Siobhan, and Alpha as Siobhan looks to the manor with sad eyes. The manor overlooks a a garden, which has overgrown from lack of care, and a sprawling green field leading up to a steep cliff leading into the ocean.

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Siobhan opens the servants' side door she had led them to, the door creaking harshly as the hinges grind together from years of disuse and accumulated rust. Inside is a large kitchen that had probably once been very nice, but now looks abandoned from the layers of dust and spiderwebs. Siobhan walks through without looking at anything, her feet kicking up small whirlwinds of dust as she crosses the room and up the stairs leading to the rest of the house, her hands clenched into tight fists at her sides, her expression schooled into a poker face of complete indifference. She gestures for Vance and Jackie to follow her into the rest of the house, which Jackie does immediately, heading further into the house. Siobhan raises an eyebrow expectantly, waving her hand impatiently, "Come on."


"No need to rush through all this. You never know It might end up helping. That's why I'm getting a good look at this place. It could help, you never know" Vance slowly walked after them. He only just walked into the kitchen, he was scanning his eyes across everything, looking for every possible detail. Eventually he caught up with Jackie and Siobhan "I normally create a mental map of places. Helps with what I normally would do, So I'm guessing it could help with this. The things you overlook are normally the most important" Vance shrugged and kept looking around "Also this place looks really nice, even with all the dust. I'd love to have seen it in it's prime"
CelticSol said:
(If you're talking about what I think you're talking about; not quite. Close, though.
Just so you can get a good visual of the house, I'm going to be posting images of the house as we go along.)

Siobhan snaps at Vance, every bit of sadness once in her face lost to irritation, "Don't give me your pity. I don't need it," As Vance continues, Siobhan thinks a moment, her demeanor giving away how uncomfortable she was with the idea, "No one has been in Mamaí's study since she disappeared," She says, under her breath, before she slowly nods her head. It would help find her mother, and if these people though they had any chance to do so, then she wasn't going to stand in their way. She extends her hands to Vance and Jackie, placing one on each of there shoulders. In the span of a single breath, the castle melts away and is replaced by a manor. Rain pelts down on Jackie, Vance, Siobhan, and Alpha as Siobhan looks to the manor with sad eyes. The manor overlooks a a garden, which has overgrown from lack of care, and a sprawling green field leading up to a steep cliff leading into the ocean.

View attachment 236927

Siobhan opens the servants' side door she had led them to, the door creaking harshly as the hinges grind together from years of disuse and accumulated rust. Inside is a large kitchen that had probably once been very nice, but now looks abandoned from the layers of dust and spiderwebs. Siobhan walks through without looking at anything, her feet kicking up small whirlwinds of dust as she crosses the room and up the stairs leading to the rest of the house, her hands clenched into tight fists at her sides, her expression schooled into a poker face of complete indifference. She gestures for Vance and Jackie to follow her into the rest of the house, which Jackie does immediately, heading further into the house. Siobhan raises an eyebrow expectantly, waving her hand impatiently, "Come on."


GingerBread said:
"No need to rush through all this. You never know It might end up helping. That's why I'm getting a good look at this place. It could help, you never know" Vance slowly walked after them. He only just walked into the kitchen, he was scanning his eyes across everything, looking for every possible detail. Eventually he caught up with Jackie and Siobhan "I normally create a mental map of places. Helps with what I normally would do, So I'm guessing it could help with this. The things you overlook are normally the most important" Vance shrugged and kept looking around "Also this place looks really nice, even with all the dust. I'd love to have seen it in it's prime"
( @Daimao @LokiofSP Imma assume Jayn was teleported with them. )

Suddenly Grimmavus literally walks into their plane of existence, going from invisible to visible. Kneeling down before Siobhan. "I apologize for my absence and my sudden appearance. Though the balance is in an even more dire situation. My Birth scythe....no...my entire vault and the realm it resides in is gone. Why I haven't noticed it? I wouldn't know. That is why the reapers are on such high alert. The vault held every legendary weapon, every sample of a species, every rare item, and everything that was considered even a myth to the supernatural. All of it...gone. I have come to warn you and alert you that I'm taking you elsewhere in time, Sio. After you finish up with what you're doing I'd like for you to step into a reapers plane of existence so I can take you to the Reaper Realm." Grimmavus stands up afterwards and brushes a strand of hair out Siobhan's face. "For now I must fight the many rogue reapers and the many clones of myself since they have chosen to upset the balance. I shall return once you are ready Sio." Grimmavus takes a step back and fades away.
Fola shrugged, "I don't know what the fuck you two are, I just don't question it because she's a grown woman..." Fola paused to look at the scene, only him and the reaper left in an empty forest. He sighed and rubbed the back of his head, "Look man, I uh...Kinda need you for something...Um...I need to keep tabs on Isabel, make sure nothing happens while the others are finding the old lady. Problem is that...Well Lucifer himself was with her last I saw, and I can't take him on one on one...I'd die...'

"That's why I need you for this, I heard Vance say something about some time bullshit you can do. That and the fact that you're a reaper...I'm basically asking you to come with so you can hold off Luci and not let me die. I'm not going to force you to do it, go do what you want, but I just...I need to be able to have some assurance that I can hold them off, and you're my best bet..."

GingerBread said:
"No need to rush through all this. You never know It might end up helping. That's why I'm getting a good look at this place. It could help, you never know" Vance slowly walked after them. He only just walked into the kitchen, he was scanning his eyes across everything, looking for every possible detail. Eventually he caught up with Jackie and Siobhan "I normally create a mental map of places. Helps with what I normally would do, So I'm guessing it could help with this. The things you overlook are normally the most important" Vance shrugged and kept looking around "Also this place looks really nice, even with all the dust. I'd love to have seen it in it's prime"
Light said:
Suddenly Grimmavus literally walks into their plane of existence, going from invisible to visible. Kneeling down before Siobhan. "I apologize for my absence and my sudden appearance. Though the balance is in an even more dire situation. My Birth scythe....no...my entire vault and the realm it resides in is gone. Why I haven't noticed it? I wouldn't know. That is why the reapers are on such high alert. The vault held every legendary weapon, every sample of a species, every rare item, and everything that was considered even a myth to the supernatural. All of it...gone. I have come to warn you and alert you that I'm taking you elsewhere in time, Sio. After you finish up with what you're doing I'd like for you to step into a reapers plane of existence so I can take you to the Reaper Realm." Grimmavus stands up afterwards and brushes a strand of hair out Siobhan's face. "For now I must fight the many rogue reapers and the many clones of myself since they have chosen to upset the balance. I shall return once you are ready Sio." Grimmavus takes a step back and fades away.
Siobhan's eyes narrow at him, "It was nice," She says bitterly, her face fixed into a sour expression as she turns and smacks face first into Grimmavus' chest. She looks up, about to curse, until she recognizes her father, the words dying on her lips as her father speaks to her. As he vanishes, she bitterly spits, "As ucht Dé... Is é an lá stopann sé cóireáil orm cosúil le leanbh eidreorachan lá a eitilt muc," and turns to Vance. "They didn't come through the damn kitchen," She snarls, irritated, impatient, and uncomfortable with being in the house after so long, "They came in through the study. There's no point looking through here. I want to be rid of this place."


As ucht Dé, i

s é an lá stopann sé cóireáil orm cosúil le leanbh eidreorachan lá a eitilt muc

For God's sake... The day he stops treating me like a helpless child is that pigs will fly.
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Light said:
"What a nice man." Isabel turns to Lucifer, blinking once after thinking for a moment. "I...wouldn't know. I don't know what I'm supposed to learn. You're my educator so...it's really up to you. While you decide on that, would you mind taking me to the deity realm? It would be greatly appreciated."
"I actually have never been dear. I have no idea how to enter. But you have. Or really, ashlyn has. As their leader. Try to remember what it was like to be her. Connect to that part of you. And you'll connect to the deity realm"
A flash of light brighten the forest , the light began to fade revealing a gem. The purple diamond shaped gem shone brightly and it had a power symbol craved into it.

( Ok , who ever get's this I need to tell you now. Your character will have a god form that has the basic power of flight and teleportation but your character can't become more powerful without a nation , so in short you need a nation to access Next Form. Your nation must have at least 500 citizens.

Also if enough of you ask I'll spawn more of the gems which are called CPU Memory )

@GingerBread @OceanBunny @LokiofSP @DizjayDeathPride @Light @Lotusy @Juju @Tazmodo @metalcity @Embaga Elder @CelticSol @Daimao @Dreamtique @Nova King @The Otaku Diaries @Sh3w0lfSp1r1t
DizjayDeathPride said:
"I actually have never been dear. I have no idea how to enter. But you have. Or really, ashlyn has. As their leader. Try to remember what it was like to be her. Connect to that part of you. And you'll connect to the deity realm"
djinnamon said:
A flash of light brighten the forest , the light began to fade revealing a gem. The purple diamond shaped gem shone brightly and it had a power symbol craved into it.
( Ok , who ever get's this I need to tell you now. Your character will have a god form that has the basic power of flight and teleportation but your character can't become more powerful without a nation , so in short you need a nation to access Next Form. Your nation must have at least 500 citizens.

Also if enough of you ask I'll spawn more of the gems which are called CPU Memory )

@GingerBread @OceanBunny @LokiofSP @DizjayDeathPride @Light @Lotusy @Juju @Tazmodo @metalcity @Embaga Elder @CelticSol @Daimao @Dreamtique @Nova King @The Otaku Diaries @Sh3w0lfSp1r1t
Isabel closes her eyes and connects to heart. "Remember what its like to be Ashlyn..." Isabel lightly whispers to herself and extends her hand. The memories of opening the deity realm portal come back to her in time. The flow of power and the slight curling of her fingers become muscle memory as she opens the portal. "I've done it." Isabel feels something strong appear and teleport beside it, picking up the purple gem and absorbing it. Appearing beside Lucifer once more as she evolves due to the gem. The portal to the deity realm sucks them in. They were standing on a street in the busy deity realm. Fola, Roman, and an army of reapers appear down the street from them as well.

LokiofSP said:
Fola shrugged, "I don't know what the fuck you two are, I just don't question it because she's a grown woman..." Fola paused to look at the scene, only him and the reaper left in an empty forest. He sighed and rubbed the back of his head, "Look man, I uh...Kinda need you for something...Um...I need to keep tabs on Isabel, make sure nothing happens while the others are finding the old lady. Problem is that...Well Lucifer himself was with her last I saw, and I can't take him on one on one...I'd die...'
"That's why I need you for this, I heard Vance say something about some time bullshit you can do. That and the fact that you're a reaper...I'm basically asking you to come with so you can hold off Luci and not let me die. I'm not going to force you to do it, go do what you want, but I just...I need to be able to have some assurance that I can hold them off, and you're my best bet..."

( @DizjayDeathPride )

"Well you came to right guy for that, I'm the leader of the Monopoly gang. Toughest gang amongst reapers meaning you're talking to the strongest reaper of em' all. Monopoly gang, let's go." An army of reapers appear in the front of the castle behind Roman. At least 100,000 of them were ready for battle. "Is this all I'm getting? We're fighting Lucifer....Alright then. I'll make due with this." Roman erupts in green flames and takes his reaper form, touching Fola's shoulder. "Alright. Let's go." Both them and the reapers appear in the deity realm not too far away from Lucifer and Isabel.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/40d3f5b40090394c7826be65affd91ee.jpg.0e999dc556c5befdb80574d4e5411fc0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="106045" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/40d3f5b40090394c7826be65affd91ee.jpg.0e999dc556c5befdb80574d4e5411fc0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

( @DizjayDeathPride @LokiofSP )

Isabel begins to back away from them. She had to get to the main tower of the deity realm as swiftly as possible. "If you can handle them that would be great." Isabel begins to float away towards the tower.



  • 40d3f5b40090394c7826be65affd91ee.jpg
    153.6 KB · Views: 20
Sage was searching through the many magic books his father own and finally after a hour he found it. He cheered and walked into his backyard before he opened a telepathic link to everyone in the guild. " Ok guys , I found the tracking spell. I'm going to open a portal in front of everyone so they can meet up. " Sage said throw the link as portals that lead to Sage's backyard formed in front of everyone who grim gathered.

@GingerBread @OceanBunny @LokiofSP @DizjayDeathPride @Light @Lotusy @Juju @Tazmodo @metalcity @Embaga Elder @CelticSol @Daimao @Dreamtique @Nova King @The Otaku Diaries
CelticSol said:
Siobhan's eyes narrow at him, "It was nice," She says bitterly, her face fixed into a sour expression as she turns and smacks face first into Grimmavus' chest. She looks up, about to curse, until she recognizes her father, the words dying on her lips as her father speaks to her. As he vanishes, she bitterly spits, "As ucht Dé... Is é an lá stopann sé cóireáil orm cosúil le leanbh eidreorachan lá a eitilt muc," and turns to Vance. "They didn't come through the damn kitchen," She snarls, irritated, impatient, and uncomfortable with being in the house after so long, "They came in through the study. There's no point looking through here. I want to be rid of this place."

As ucht Dé, i

s é an lá stopann sé cóireáil orm cosúil le leanbh eidreorachan lá a eitilt muc

For God's sake... The day he stops treating me like a helpless child is that pigs will fly.
"Yeah I know, but everything is important, even if it doesn't seem like it. The point is, I need to know every nook and cranny around this building. So yes, it is important. But we should get to the study now, like you said" Vance motioned for Siobhan to continue. Vance used his guild symbol to talk to Jackie without Siobhan hearing "Do you reckon her mother planned all this? I mean it happened while they were playing hide and seek. It seems a bit suspect. Maybe she wanted to disappear"

Kyoko wasn't sure what was going on, but she was glad to be part of Dragon's Roar. As a voice entered her head and a portal appeared, she eagerly stepped through. She smiled at the boy as she stepped into his backyard. Her promise to provide any two future favors forgotten in her excitement.

GingerBread said:
"Yeah I know, but everything is important, even if it doesn't seem like it. The point is, I need to know every nook and cranny around this building. So yes, it is important. But we should get to the study now, like you said" Vance motioned for Siobhan to continue. Vance used his guild symbol to talk to Jackie without Siobhan hearing "Do you reckon her mother planned all this? I mean it happened while they were playing hide and seek. It seems a bit suspect. Maybe she wanted to disappear"

( Why would she want to disappear?! She was happy. She had love. Was it Grimmavus? LAYLA HE CAN CHANGE COME BACK! D: )
OceanBunny said:
Kyoko wasn't sure what was going on, but she was glad to be part of Dragon's Roar. As a voice entered her head and a portal appeared, she eagerly stepped through. She smiled at the boy as she stepped into his backyard. Her promise to provide any two future favors forgotten in her excitement.
Sage smiled and waved at her. Suddenly two CPU memory appeared in front of him and Kyoko. " Oh my god. " Sage said as he touched one of the glowing purple gems. A flash of light engulfed him as he was transformed into his god form , his eyes now breaking glowing white power symbols. Sage looked at the girl and smiled. " Touch it if you want to be like me kiddo. " Sage said in a mature tone.
Light said:
Isabel closes her eyes and connects to heart. "Remember what its like to be Ashlyn..." Isabel lightly whispers to herself and extends her hand. The memories of opening the deity realm portal come back to her in time. The flow of power and the slight curling of her fingers become muscle memory as she opens the portal. "I've done it." Isabel feels something strong appear and teleport beside it, picking up the purple gem and absorbing it. Appearing beside Lucifer once more as she evolves due to the gem. The portal to the deity realm sucks them in. They were standing on a street in the busy deity realm. Fola, Roman, and an army of reapers appear down the street from them as well.
( @DizjayDeathPride )

"Well you came to right guy for that, I'm the leader of the Monopoly gang. Toughest gang amongst reapers meaning you're talking to the strongest reaper of em' all. Monopoly gang, let's go." An army of reapers appear in the front of the castle behind Roman. At least 100,000 of them were ready for battle. "Is this all I'm getting? We're fighting Lucifer....Alright then. I'll make due with this." Roman erupts in green flames and takes his reaper form, touching Fola's shoulder. "Alright. Let's go." Both them and the reapers appear in the deity realm not too far away from Lucifer and Isabel.

View attachment 237004

( @DizjayDeathPride @LokiofSP )

Isabel begins to back away from them. She had to get to the main tower of the deity realm as swiftly as possible. "If you can handle them that would be great." Isabel begins to float away towards the tower.
"You know what? Absolutely not. Yo Morpheus, handle this" He raised his hand and in blue fire, the man stepped out. As he looked around, Lucifer placed his hand on his head and the thousands of Reapers came into view. "Have fuuun" He too floated up and joined Isabel

Morpheus tilted his head to the group, scratching his chin. "I thought y'all collected dead souls. Did they just die?"
djinnamon said:
Sage smiled and waved at her. Suddenly two CPU memory appeared in front of him and Kyoko. " Oh my god. " Sage said as he touched one of the glowing purple gems. A flash of light engulfed him as he was transformed into his god form , his eyes now breaking glowing white power symbols. Sage looked at the girl and smiled. " Touch it if you want to be like me kiddo. " Sage said in a mature tone.
Isabel appears and takes the gem, disappearing afterwards and absorbing it.
GingerBread said:
"Yeah I know, but everything is important, even if it doesn't seem like it. The point is, I need to know every nook and cranny around this building. So yes, it is important. But we should get to the study now, like you said" Vance motioned for Siobhan to continue. Vance used his guild symbol to talk to Jackie without Siobhan hearing "Do you reckon her mother planned all this? I mean it happened while they were playing hide and seek. It seems a bit suspect. Maybe she wanted to disappear"
Following a frustrated Siobhan to the study, Jackie's eyes slide over to look at Vance out of her peripheral, rubbing her guild mark absently as her voice floods into his mind, I don't think so. Normally, I would agree with you wholeheartedly, but... From what I've heard about her, she was stupidly committed to her family. Plus, look at the family as a whole - they are all devoted to each other, and loyal to whatever they are invested in. They had to get it from somewhere, and I imagine that it was ingrained in them through her.

Before Jackie can further elaborate, Siobhan stops before a door, and turns to look at them. Taking a shaking breath, she opens the door for them, making no move to go inside. "Here it is. Everything is exactly as it was when she... disappeared. Nobody wanted to accidentally get rid of any evidence... So..." She trails off, then waves for them to go in.


Jackie enters with little hesitation, but takes a sharp breath through clenched teeth as she looks at the destroyed room. A table - or what was probably once a table, appears to have been smashed against against the wall and broken in half, with chairs tipped over or thrown out of the way. On the floor, there is a sword with old, dried blood along the blade, all the way to the hilt, and there are multiple blood splatters along the floor by one of the bookshelves. Jackie sends Vance a look, her lips pursed, This does not look like a scene of someone who wanted to disappear, not to me. She hesitates along the door, then goes to where the sword is discared. In Vance's mind, she speaks to him, giving her mental play by play as she moves through the room, So, she enters the room, sees the fact someone's here. Siobhan said they spoke, so... She shifts to the main source of the blood splatters, They're talking, he doesn't take no for an answer... She moves backwards until back spine is pressed against one of the bookshelves, where blood is stained across the spines of books. On the back of the door, gripping the edge, there is a smeared, bloody handprint, like someone had tried to grab the edge and had been dragged from it, And he grabs her before she can run.

They fight,
Jackie moves passed the knocked over table, They break some shit, and whoever is hurt is put here, She runs her fingers along a small, dried puddle of blood, Something happens here, She spots a shattered vase with blood stained on the glass, and picks up a piece, then tracks the blood trail she finds on the floor with her eyes, leading her to the window, He knocks her out with this - She shows Vance one of the shards - then he grabs her and leaves. Her eyes meet Vance's, and she raises an eyebrow, Anything to add?
Kyoko stared at the purple gem and reached a hand out to touch it. Suddenly a girl appeared and then vanished with the gem. Kyo blinked, surprised, and let her hand fall to her side. Her tail swished behind in an irritated manner as she looked up at the transformed man before her. "What was that? And where am I? She inquired.


Lotusy said:

But Lotus.. its pretty purple stone.. No that i replied fast enough >.> lol <3

Another purple gem appeared in Kyoko's hand

OceanBunny said:
Kyoko stared at the purple gem and reached a hand out to touch it. Suddenly a girl appeared and then vanished with the gem. Kyo blinked, surprised, and let her hand fall to her side. Her tail swished behind in an irritated manner as she looked up at the transformed man before her. "What was that? And where am I? She inquired.

But Lotus.. its pretty purple stone.. No that i replied fast enough >.> lol <3
( Reply fast !!!!!?!!!!!! )

OceanBunny said:
Kyoko stared at the purple gem and reached a hand out to touch it. Suddenly a girl appeared and then vanished with the gem. Kyo blinked, surprised, and let her hand fall to her side. Her tail swished behind in an irritated manner as she looked up at the transformed man before her. "What was that? And where am I? She inquired.

But Lotus.. its pretty purple stone.. No that i replied fast enough >.> lol <3
Fola cursed at the sight of all of the reapers, then at the sight Morpheus, he turned to Roman, "This was supposed to be an insurance policy! Not the first thing we did! God fucking dammit!" Fola grit his teeth as he looked at the sight before him, he adressed Morpheus himself, "What are you doing here?! Where the fuck were you when we were PLANNING, like we were SUPPOSED to?!"

@DizjayDeathPride @Light
LokiofSP said:
Fola cursed at the sight of all of the reapers, then at the sight Morpheus, he turned to Roman, "This was supposed to be an insurance policy! Not the first thing we did! God fucking dammit!" Fola grit his teeth as he looked at the sight before him, he adressed Morpheus himself, "What are you doing here?! Where the fuck were you when we were PLANNING, like we were SUPPOSED to?!"

@DizjayDeathPride @Light
"I AM PLANNING! PLANNING on not dying. Listen Fola I told you. When y'all want me, call me. And until then you're in charge. Know what you didn't do? Call. Me. Now now don't get all pissy Fola-Cola. Im here because I was summoned. From the looks of it, reapers want all of your souls? Thats so sad"
Kyoko looked down as she felt an object materialize in her hand. She smiled and her ears perked up as she saw the purple gem. Lifting her hand she marveled at the color as a flash of light surrounded her and the gem was gone one more.


(I don't know how these work but you said something about needing a nation to access the next form)

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