Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
@Light[/URL] (Sorru for the one liner, I'm half asleep :P )
( I get that. )

The ball species begin to panic and roll away. "He wants to carry us on his back so we'll roll off once he takes flight! He intends to deceive us and get us killed!" A random ball begins screaming. The balls keep running into sharp rocks despite Grimm's efforts to calm them down. All of the balls ended up scurrying off into oblivion, leaving Grimm alone. "I'm the only one of my mind left.... what do I do?" Grimm starts to deflate due to sadness.
Light said:
( I get that. )
The ball species begin to panic and roll away. "He wants to carry us on his back so we'll roll off once he takes flight! He intends to deceive us and get us killed!" A random ball begins screaming. The balls keep running into sharp rocks despite Grimm's efforts to calm them down. All of the balls ended up scurrying off into oblivion, leaving Grimm alone. "I'm the only one of my mind left.... what do I do?" Grimm starts to deflate due to sadness.
(Only a couple more posts, then me goin to bed)

Veyd looked down at the little Grimm, all alone, just like himself... Those others must not have had any common sense and the fact he was talking to talking balls didn't faze him becuase over the years...You get used to weird shit happening. "Do not be full of sorrow, young one" said Veyd, lifting up one of his void claws and creating a sphere of greenish energy.

Cole points the void orb at the girl. Leave now, or things will get ugly. He looked at Cristina Did you think of a place you want to go? He looked back towards the girl.

Crimson gave Jackson a nod as they we introduced. I'm holding up fine. Juuuust fine. I still always angry, but I'm fine. What about you?? Hearing Emily having fun he looks at her and smiles. Zedd's been with me since I was a kid. He's my bestfriend, I'll allow him to visit you ever now and then so you guys can be bestfriends.

@Light @Tazmodo @DizjayDeathPride
Light said:
"You just touch them with your free hand... or strap the staff to your back. I insist you take it." Grimm's face loses all friendliness and becomes stern. "You'll need it, Colin." Grimm says his name with a heavy c. His face becomes all smiles and rainbows once more and he floats around him. "It's my gift from me to you! It would hurt my feelings if you gave it back. It's Christmas after all and that staff holds many secrets!"
Colin was slightly unnerved by how fast Grimm had changed from stern to happy and took a step away from Grimm. He continued trying to point out why the staff wouldn't work for him "I still can't use the staff, I'd need to have direct contact with the thing inside and well" Colin lightly rapped on the glass orb atop the staff "I can't make contact with it, So even if I wanted to use it I can't. Like I said it was a nice gesture, but it won't help me and If I did take it, It would just gather dust somewhere" Colin awkwardly shrugged, really hoping he hadn't offended or hurt Grimm by denying his gift a second time

djinnamon said:
" Welcome Back to my humble abode. I see you have come for Sage. I'll give you a hint , he is a little wrapped up. " Mars' voice echoed through the halls as a image of Sage appeared. He was being held up by thick black wires in a provocative pose but the fire that was usually in Sage's eyes was back , a girl with long purple hair in twin braids was also held up in a similar position next to him. " Let me and Neptune go you sick fuck. " Sage yelled as he struggled. Mars came into view and laughed as he grabbed Sage's face. " I suggest you hurry up Vance before I break these little sluts once and for all. " Mars said.
Vance gulped as he saw Mars "Why don't you come fight me? Or are you too scared?" Vance pulled his bottle of jack out of his darkness realm and took another swig I need to borrow some more courage from the dutch Vance thought as he took another swig "Because If I have to come to you, It won't end well......For one of us at least" Vance sent the bottle of Jack back into his darkness realm before starting to briskly jog down the hallway, Listening out for any sounds that might help lead him to Sage.

Vance kept walking down the hallway, keep an ear out for any sounds that might lead him to Sage
"God this is going take forever. This would go so much faster if I had something to help me find him, Like a heartbeat sensor or something" Vance felt something appear in his hands. He looked down and saw a heartbeat sensor "Okay, someone likes me" Vance said before aiming the sensor at various parts of the castle until he came across 3 separate blips on the radar. Vance decided to go towards them, assuming it would be Sage and Mars and the other girl.

Vance got to the room where the blips were closest and stopped. Vance got his bottle of jack from his darkness dimension and took another swig before sending it back. He created a dagger made of darkness before kicking the door open and slightly stumbling in
"Oi! Mars, I'm here..." Vance slightly backed away when he laid eyes upon mars. Vance reached into his darkness realm and pulled out the jack daniels before taking another swig and then sending it back. "Ready to get your arse kicked?" Vance's tone was filled with furious angry but held an undertone of fear.

@DizjayDeathPride[/URL] @Lotusy )

Christina nods her head in response to Cole's question. "Bring me to a place you consider the most beautiful." Christina turns to the girl. "I'm sorry he's my guard and he's only doing his job. Maybe we can meet again. My name is Christina Van Fen'rir, this is goodbye."

( @Tazmodo )

"I'm feeling alright. Pretty pumped actually I've never taken Emily on a trip before. Red and Blue are the ones whom usually go with me." Alice looks at the setting sun as they finally get off the mountain. "We should rest soon... either outdoors or at a hotel. Hopefully a hotel... I don't like the idea of Emily and Red together outside." Alice thinks back to the time when Emily was playing with Red in the garden. Emily would tickle Red since she finds it amazing he's the one fire she can touch without being harmed. Red... tends to sneeze embers when tickles and the garden didn't survive very long. Alice shudders at the flash back. "Yeah... let's travel until we find civilization."

Emily listens to the story and smiles at the mention of a hotel. "Emily wants Alice to feed her strawberries!"

GingerBread said:
Colin was slightly unnerved by how fast Grimm had changed from stern to happy and took a step away from Grimm. He continued trying to point out why the staff wouldn't work for him "I still can't use the staff, I'd need to have direct contact with the thing inside and well" Colin lightly rapped on the glass orb atop the staff "I can't make contact with it, So even if I wanted to use it I can't. Like I said it was a nice gesture, but it won't help me and If I did take it, It would just gather dust somewhere" Colin awkwardly shrugged, really hoping he hadn't offended or hurt Grimm by denying his gift a second time

"The staff is designed to work for you so even if you can't touch the being it would still transfer. Though if you denied me twice that's that." The staff disappears and they both end up back in the guild. "Have fun now!" Grimm becomes stern once more. "You'll need it... because the rest of your life will be hell." With that, he disappears in a burst of confetti.

"What are you doing?" Grimm rolls around curiously.
Evania looked between Cole's orb and Christina quickly slowly backing up. "Look man I.. I don't want any trouble." She stared at the orb a while longer before stammering on. "I..I.I...ll just be on my way then. I hope you're okay miss." Evania smiled and backed away

LokiofSP said:
(Oh I knew I missed something, thanks @DizjayDeathPride)
Oden smiled and clapped his hands,
"Excellent~! Come Illyana, stay close! We don't want to lose our new freind in the big city!" There was a breif but faint red flash beneath Oden's clothing as Illyana walked stifly twoards the two. Oden gave a little bow, "You lead the way!"

Annalyse nodded and turned, leading them back to where she came. She was a bit irritable now that she was unnecessarily backtracking. But anything to hurry the process along.

The girl got back to the corner Starbucks and opened the one for the mini entourage. "Just a normal hot chocolate nothing fancy. And thank you"


Ryan raised an eyebrow to the news and sighed. "I'm sure we can buy a copy on iTunes. Market value shouldn't have jumped too high in the last few hours." He pulled out his phone and searched the song up on iTunes Music. "Yep. Still. 99¢. Should I buy it for you?"
Light said:
"The staff is designed to work for you so even if you can't touch the being it would still transfer. Though if you denied me twice that's that." The staff disappears and they both end up back in the guild. "Have fun now!" Grimm becomes stern once more. "You'll need it... because the rest of your life will be hell." With that, he disappears in a burst of confetti.
"Do you not think that would've been useful information to tell me? and was that a threat? All I can do is heal people and you're threatening me?" Colin spoke aloud to no one in particular "Is there a reason you guys pretty much seem to hate me already? Am I that easily hateable?" Colin shook his head went to where his guild symbol was telling him his room was before flopping down on his bed "Maybe I'll be really lucky and this will have been a really detailed and vivid nightmare"
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LokiofSP said:
Oden smiled best he could and walked in with Illyana, after the most annoying conversation about what he wanted he got the drink (With his name mispelled of course) and rushed to the men's toilets. He dug through his satchel bag and smiled at the sight of another bottle. He poured the contents in the cup and stired thuroughly, 'Damn people need to learn to pay more attention, so rude as well. Lets see how she takes choking on her own damn blood.. ' He finished stiring and put the lid back on. (!) Heading back outside with a smile, he handed it to the woman, he chuckled and rubbed the back of his head, "Here ya go miss, hope I got it right...."


Anna smiled kindly and took the cup. It was too hot for her to drink right now. She thanked the stranger, apologizing again

"So can I ask? Where were you headed in such a hurry before I messed everything up for you?"
GingerBread said:
Vance gulped as he saw Mars "Why don't you come fight me? Or are you too scared?" Vance pulled his bottle of jack out of his darkness realm and took another swig I need to borrow some more courage from the dutch Vance thought as he took another swig "Because If I have to come to you, It won't end well......For one of us at least" Vance sent the bottle of Jack back into his darkness realm before starting to briskly jog down the hallway, Listening out for any sounds that might help lead him to Sage.
Vance kept walking down the hallway, keep an ear out for any sounds that might lead him to Sage
"God this is going take forever. This would go so much faster if I had something to help me find him, Like a heartbeat sensor or something" Vance felt something appear in his hands. He looked down and saw a heartbeat sensor "Okay, someone likes me" Vance said before aiming the sensor at various parts of the castle until he came across 3 separate blips on the radar. Vance decided to go towards them, assuming it would be Sage and Mars and the other girl.

Vance got to the room where the blips were closest and stopped. Vance got his bottle of jack from his darkness dimension and took another swig before sending it back. He created a dagger made of darkness before kicking the door open and slightly stumbling in
"Oi! Mars, I'm here..." Vance slightly backed away when he laid eyes upon mars. Vance reached into his darkness realm and pulled out the jack daniels before taking another swig and then sending it back. "Ready to get your arse kicked?" Vance's tone was filled with furious angry but held an undertone of fear.

( @djinnamon )

A clone of Ashlyn appears beside Vance. "Oh, hey!" Need any assistance?" She flashes a smile, completely oblivious to the situation at hand.

DizjayDeathPride said:
Ryan raised an eyebrow to the news and sighed. "I'm sure we can buy a copy on iTunes. Market value shouldn't have jumped too high in the last few hours." He pulled out his phone and searched the song up on iTunes Music. "Yep. Still. 99¢. Should I buy it for you?"
"Yes thank you so much Ryan!" Morgan's eyes were lighting up... literally flowing purple. That was until the price jumped to $800,000. The price continues to climb due to the fact that people are still buying.
GingerBread said:
"Do you not think that would've been useful information to tell me? and was that a threat? All I can do is heal people and you're threatening me?" Colin spoke aloud to no one in particular "Is there a reason you guys pretty much seem to hate me already? Am I that easily hateable?" Colin shook his head went to where his guild symbol was telling him his room was before flopping down on his bed "Maybe I'll be really lucky and this will have been a really detailed and vivid nightmare"
The staff had appeared once more... on its own. It had a mind of its own and it would seek vengeance upon Colin for rejecting it. It waits patiently under his bed for him to wake up.
CelticSol said:
Instead of the desired effect, the woman simply is jostled, as if she were knocked over in turbulence. When she stabilizes herself, she grins wide, "A wonderful effort, but you've underestimated me," She holds her arms wide, gesturing to the entire courtyard and its many types of flora, "You see, I am the deity of poison, and from the moment you stepped in this courtyard, you were poisoned. Don't worry, it will only affect your mana for the time being, but... I'd stop underestimating me, Ashlyn."
Her face grows hot when he draws close, heart quickening in anticipation, which makes her face grow even hotter since she knows he could probably hear it; his breath against her ear sends a shiver down her spine. His lips on her is her tipping point; she wound her arms around his neck, pulling him as close to her as she could despite him being a fucking giant. Her fingers wind in his hair, and she pulls gently, bringing him even closer to her.
Alpha lifted Jackie up, pulling her closer to him as he kissed her deeper. Pulling away for a moment, he grinned. "I think I know exactly why you brought me here."
A laughed in response to her comment about that. She then listened to the tv and some guys death that she heard about a lot. Although she didn't know him. So she didn't care, who, when or what he did.
Light said:
A clone of Ashlyn appears beside Vance. "Oh, hey!" Need any assistance?" She flashes a smile, completely oblivious to the situation at hand.
"As much as I would like help Ashlyn, I think it'd be best for you to leave" Vance was trying to keep an eye on Mars while he spoke to Ashlyn "Anyway, I'm drunk enough to....... deal with...everything" Vance's eyes held a small amount of fear in them as he talked to Ashlyn. The more time he spent near Mars the more the fear was growing

@djinnamon @Light

Light said:
The staff had appeared once more... on its own. It had a mind of its own and it would seek vengeance upon Colin for rejecting it. It waits patiently under his bed for him to wake up.
Colin opened his eyes and saw that he was still in the guild "Why am I still here, I've got a twelve year old boy, whose body shouldn't be able to handle the amount of power he uses, wanting to kill me. I've got a powerful madman who hates me because I turned down a staff because I thought I couldn't use it" Colin swung his legs over the edge of his bed "And I'm supposed to be a medic here. But if this was just people in this guild and they fight other people, I'm going to die before the week is over"

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Daimao said:
Alpha lifted Jackie up, pulling her closer to him as he kissed her deeper. Pulling away for a moment, he grinned. "I think I know exactly why you brought me here."
She kisses along his jaw, grinning against his skin, "Guilty. I just wanted you all to myself," Wrapping her legs around his waist, she pulls him flush against her, using her grip in his hair to pull his lips back to her's.
Light said:
( @djinnamon )
A clone of Ashlyn appears beside Vance. "Oh, hey!" Need any assistance?" She flashes a smile, completely oblivious to the situation at hand.

"Yes thank you so much Ryan!" Morgan's eyes were lighting up... literally flowing purple. That was until the price jumped to $800,000. The price continues to climb due to the fact that people are still buying.
Ryan didn't pay any attention whatsoever to the changing numbers until it was too late. He thought he was buying a decent dollar song that just hit him for $800,00

He stared at the confirmation, his eyes wide with terror. Quickly he checked his account balance, having no idea how he covered that. Then he saw that wasn't even a fraction of his wealth now.
Just how much of a gift did they give us... His eyes were sore at just the sight.

He sighed and smiled to Morgan. "Got your song"

LokiofSP said:

"Oh.. well that's convenient! Wait up I'll join you. That's where I'm going. I mean we'll just see each other again there anyways. Unless I'm totally intruding and being a dunce I'm sorry" She smiled and took the lid off her drink, going to enjoy the scent with her little beasty nose. But she caught if whiff of... Something off. "Oh.. they must have messed up the order.. just give me a small moment!"

Without waiting she went over to the counter and explained. The cashier apologized for the inconvenience and made her another. After the small wait she came back over with a new drink but now had to wait for the heat. Again. "Sorry about that. A smidgen too thick in chocolate. Shall we go?"
GingerBread said:
"As much as I would like help Ashlyn, I think it'd be best for you to leave" Vance was trying to keep an eye on Mars while he spoke to Ashlyn "Anyway, I'm drunk enough to....... deal with...everything" Vance's eyes held fear in them as he talked to Ashlyn. The more time he spent near Mars the more the fear was growing

@djinnamon @Light

Colin opened his eyes and saw that he was still in the guild "Why am I still here, I've got a twelve year old boy, whose body shouldn't be able to handle the amount of power he uses, wanting to kill me. I've got a powerful madman who hates me because I turned down a staff because I thought I couldn't use it" Colin swung his legs over the edge of his bed "And I'm supposed to be a medic here. But if this was just people in this guild and they fight other people, I'm going to die before the week is over"

A fuzzy hologram of a man in a top hat shuffling cards shined down from the ceiling. "HellooooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! MY NAME IS MOOOOORPHEUS! I have creates this hologram to speak to any sour pusses and doubt within my guild. Now while I'm not actually in right now and totally have no idea what makes you sob man or woman, do know that it gets better don't worry. This place is hard to get used to but once you do! You'll never wanna leave! Neeeeeeever! Or I'll kill you.

I hope this helps! Daddy Morpheus is always watching. Aaaaaalways!" He tossed a card at Colin that flew past his face, knicking his cheek, and disappeared
Cole took Cristina into a portal after dispelling the void orb. The portal took Cristina to a peaceful field.

They step out up under the tree.
It might not be beautiful but it is peaceful. He said still holding the girls hand.

Crimson chuckled at the story, and at Emily. Poor field, and I guess the little one has chosen it for us. Hotel it is then, and we should find some strawberries also. @Light
DizjayDeathPride said:
A fuzzy hologram of a man in a top hat shuffling cards shined down from the ceiling. "HellooooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! MY NAME IS MOOOOORPHEUS! I have creates this hologram to speak to any sour pusses and doubt within my guild. Now while I'm not actually in right now and totally have no idea what makes you sob man or woman, do know that it gets better don't worry. This place is hard to get used to but once you do! You'll never wanna leave! Neeeeeeever! Or I'll kill you.
I hope this helps! Daddy Morpheus is always watching. Aaaaaalways!" He tossed a card at Colin that flew past his face, knicking his cheek, and disappeared
Colin hissed in pain as the card cut his cheek "Great, now I've got someone else who wants to kill me" Colin buried his head in his hands "I've been here for about an hour, and I've already got two definite death threats and one possible death threat, is this why they don't have many medics? Cause they keep killing them?"

CelticSol said:
She kisses along his jaw, grinning against his skin, "Guilty. I just wanted you all to myself," Wrapping her legs around his waist, she pulls him flush against her, using her grip in his hair to pull his lips back to her's.
Alpha carried Jackie over to the bed and placed her on it, holding himself above her. Breaking the kiss again, Alpha smiled. "Well you got me all to yourself," he said, his hands moving up her legs. "And I got you all to myself," he whispered as his hands went to work...

Daimao said:
Alpha carried Jackie over to the bed and placed her on it, holding himself above her. Breaking the kiss again, Alpha smiled. "Well you got me all to yourself," he said, his hands moving up her legs. "And I got you all to myself," he whispered as his hands went to work...
( @CelticSol )

( Ashlyn has officially died as well. RIP )
DarknessSpirit said:
A laughed in response to her comment about that. She then listened to the tv and some guys death that she heard about a lot. Although she didn't know him. So she didn't care, who, when or what he did.
DizjayDeathPride said:
Ryan didn't pay any attention whatsoever to the changing numbers until it was too late. He thought he was buying a decent dollar song that just hit him for $800,00
He stared at the confirmation, his eyes wide with terror. Quickly he checked his account balance, having no idea how he covered that. Then he saw that wasn't even a fraction of his wealth now.
Just how much of a gift did they give us... His eyes were sore at just the sight.

He sighed and smiled to Morgan. "Got your song"
"Thank you Ryan!" Morgan starts to pat his head in an appreciative manner. Morgan turns to A. "So what's your story?"

GingerBread said:
"As much as I would like help Ashlyn, I think it'd be best for you to leave" Vance was trying to keep an eye on Mars while he spoke to Ashlyn "Anyway, I'm drunk enough to....... deal with...everything" Vance's eyes held a small amount of fear in them as he talked to Ashlyn. The more time he spent near Mars the more the fear was growing

@djinnamon @Light
"What do you mean? I don't get it...." Ashlyn was extremely confused on why Vance would tell her to leave. "Whats wrong Vance?"

( @djinnamon )

Christina didn't really mind Cole holding her hand and looks around at the field. "You're right... it's not all that beautiful but it is peaceful. Thank you..."

"Yeah she likes her strawberries... I spoil her. She only takes strawberries from me. Is there anything you'd like to do once we get to the hotel? I'll pay. It's the least I can do."
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Light said:
"What do you mean? I don't get it...." Ashlyn was extremely confused on why Vance would tell her to leave. "Whats wrong Vance?"
( @djinnamon )
Vance pointed towards Mars "He.." Vance screwed his eyes shut for a second before opening them again "He..." Vance once again got his bottle of jack and took another swig, this time not bothering to put it back in his darkness realm. Vance half walked half stumbled over to Ashlyn and whispered in her ear what Mars had done to him and Sage. Once vance had told Ashlyn he stepped back a bit and took another swig of his drink.

@djinnamon @Light
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A seemingly sensitive about someone asking about her past got hostile. "Nothing that concerns you." She said suddenly quite coldy. Wanting to be apart of something wasn't the only reason she was in the guild. She was running.

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