Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
Light said:
"Ruuuunnn. Run away! Boo!" A ghost version of Grimm floats around the two.
"On whose order?"

Brigby stared at the Grimm Ghost through his Mask, a silent challenge passed through the Assassin eyes. Every musle tensed in case the ghost decided to get physical.
LokiofSP said:
(Alright, this post has been put off for way to long, lets get these two started...)
There was shuffling in the streets of England as various police rushed by the cities alleyways, looking for one person in particular. Three rushed and heavy sets of breathing could be heard as footsteps hurried past them, a boy in a North Face jacket and floppy eared hat, a gagged man in a white shirt that was painted in blood, and a woman who looked like something out of the newest Pirates of the Caribbean movie. The footsteps passed and the boy let out a breath, taking off his hat to reveal his mousy light brown hair, he wiped his forehead that had cold sweats running down it now. He turned to the man with a hard look in his eyes, "Look, I don't want to do this, but let's face it, you're the only one in England who has ANY sort of clue of where the hell the "Dragon's Roar" guild is, so spill..."

The gagged man shook his head, pounding his feet fiercely as he attempted to yell, his muffled cries upsetting the woman to the boys right, who had taken to pulling her hat just over her eyes in attempt to hide her face.

The boy sighed, turning away from the man for a moment and shaking his head. Then before the man could even react, the boy had taken an ice pick from a satchel bag on the floor and had plunged it into the mans thigh. He yelled as loud he could, the rag in his mouth just barley keeping it a low pitch. The boy began to shush him, his eyes getting angry as he kept his voice to a forced whisper,
"Shh....Be quiet, you had a damn chance to talk and you didn't, so this is what you get. Maybe next time you'll be a bit cooperative? Sound good? Wait, stop, I swear to god if you fucking pass out on m-GOD DAMMIT!"

His pupils grew as his breath grew heavier once more, he pushed the man to the floor and began to stomp on him for a few moments before turning back to the bag, mumbling as he did so. He eventually drew a long needle from it, he turned to the man and jammed it into his chest, the man shot up, adrenaline coursing through his veins, he looked at the boy, his eyes wide with terror. The boy grabbed the man by the collar with one hand, taking the ice pick from his thigh with the other and slowly pushing it into the upper left part of his chest, right above his heart. It penetrated skin, the man winced and began to panic as he realized just how close to death he actually was...

"Okay, this is it...Last chance, I won't stop pushing until you talk. Where. Is. The. Guild?" The man gasped and shook the gag off, he opened his mouth to yell, but was silenced as the boy pushed just hard enough, and the pick poked his heart just enough...He began to die right there. The boy dropped the man an approached the bag, cursing as he did so, he lifted his hand to the woman and snapped his fingers, "Illyana, end the poor man's suffering please, it's annoying me." The woman stood still, grinding down on her teeth as she watched the boy. He sighed in annoyance as a bright red flash appeared through his clothing, "Now dammit!"

The woman gasped and grit her teeth as her body began to move on it's on. She bit her lip as tears began to fall, she pulled a pistol from it's holster and aimed it at the man's head, she turned away as a blast rang throughout the city. Time seemed to stop as the boy finally smiled, it was so bright, so pretty and youthful...It chilled the woman to the bone knowing he only did it at these times. He pulled out a bright green liquid in a bottle from the satchel bag, he flicked it with a smile, "Just enough, better make more after this..."

He stood up and approached the body, uncorking the bottle as a chemical smell filled the dank ally, he began to pour it over the man's corpse. A steam slowly rose up from the body as it began to slowly melt, the boy corked the now empty bottle and nodded at the woman,
"Come now Illyana, I need to relive some stress. I believe I saw this man had two children, daughters...Let's pay a visit shall we?" The woman reluctantly nodded and the two set off back unto the streets....
Walking down the street, Annalyse sipped her hot chocolate, ignoring the people she walked by. Men, women, teenagers. All texting, on the phone, or talking to each other. She had one thing on her mind: find the guild and join

She sipped her drink and bumped the boy and woman, spilling her hot cocoa. She extended her arms and flicked her hands. "Great. Just my luck." She wiped off her chest and rolled her eyes. "Sorry about that. Wasn't watching where I was going"
GingerBread said:
"Why did you have something in your gullet?" Colin looks around at his new surroundings? "Where are we? Is this day going to keep getting weirder? And get to work on what?" Colin looked confused, he could already heal to the best of his abilities, he didn't really think he needed much else if he was going to be a medic.
"I put it there that's why! I'm going to teach you a trick you could possibly do with your powers." Grimm raises a body standing beside Colin. Grimm has his head fall off but catches it in his hands. "I want you to touch me and that body and instead of transferring the damage that I have to you, I want you to transfer it to that body. Use yourself like a bridge to trade our conditions since you can do that. If you're a medic you need to defend yourself."

DizjayDeathPride said:
Evannia was running through trees, swatting branches away, speeding. She saw the king of the mountain had come down. She ran and had gotten herself turned, running past Christina. She stopped and looked at her. "Are you okay?"
Christina shakes her head in response and continues to cry. "No I'm not."

DarknessSpirit said:
A could feel a sort of... Almost family like bond, or a familer person feel. It must be the witch thing. A just simply sort of bowed he head, in response to her thanks. "Sure." A said a little mystified.
DizjayDeathPride said:
Ryan thought about this and smiled, walking over and taking a seat "Oh well that's... terrible." He looked at her and chuckled. "Are you going to put me through some sort of psychoanalytic process?"
Morgan opens a squeezable applesauce pack. "Nope. I'm not doing a thing." Morgan spins in the chair and looks at A. "So you feel it now? We have a special connection you and I." Morgan turns to Ryan. "Oh, every secret and brutally honest opinion and or thought you've had will come out in 3...2....1."

Tazmodo said:
Juliette was looking at the walls that Ashlyn had painted. She stared at them in awe. "No matter how long I look I'm still amazed." It asnot the fact that the paint were well made it was the love behind them. Julliette could see the way Ashlyn cared for all of them and it warmed her heart. There was a smile on everyones face. All these emotions and thoughts were relayed to Ashlyn through the guild symbol.
Derek and Jasmine had been looking for Ashlyn. They haven't heard from her in ages and we're worried. The connected to the symbol and tried to find her. "Ashlyn if you can here us then I hope you're safe. We've been looking for you for sense you went missing. Please let us know.

Jackson had been looking for Alice. He knew off only one place and flew towards that direction he knew people were after here and feared for her safety. He was also worried about Ashlyn but knew she was strong enough to face anything that came here way. Jackson went to the Rocky mountains following her scent. @Light
Ashlyn appreciated the gestures but couldn't respond at the moment since she was a bit busy with a deity trying to eat Jericho.

Alice was walking down the mountain with her kids and Crimson.

Daimao said:
Typhon smiles. "Yes, Alexandria, I will be your friend."
Alpha wraps his arm around Jackie, pulling her close as he walked in the direction that he sensed his father in. Eventually, they arrived in the center of the city, where a man was talking to a woman. Alpha stopped. "That's him."
( @CelticSol )

Alexandria's eye brighten and her facial expression isn't so negative. "O-oh this is great! I've made two friends!" Alexandria notices Jackie and Alpha approaching them and her mood drops. She hides behind Typhon and mumbles to herself constantly. She didn't hide very well behind him either, her right angelic wing and her left demonic wing we're sticking out. It made it look like they belonged to Typhon.

LokiofSP said:
(Oh crap, really? I thought she was Alpha because when she fought Fola, Vance and Sage she turned THEM to Alpha...Hm...This is what I get fro not being able to read every post all the time)
Fola looked on at Ashlyn with a raised brow, this was...Odd...Why did she look so upset? She had to be one of, if not the best person in the guild to lead, to top that off she had stomped all over him when they had fought...So how could she be so...Down? It was starting to piss Fola off a tad. He looked on at the fight that was about to start and subtly places a hand over his chest, charging up a basic spell just in case. He also kept his other hand by the sword on his hip, even though he was sure his leader had this, he needed to be on guard just in case....

@Light @CelticSol
Ashlyn continuous to wallow in her own emotions, starting to lose focus on the fight. Maybe she should just... quit everything she had.

[QUOTE="The Reaper Of Souls]"On whose order?"
Brigby stared at the Grimm Ghost through his Mask, a silent challenge passed through the Assassin eyes. Every musle tensed in case the ghost decided to get physical.

"The order of king boo!" Ghost Grimm tries to be as intimidating as possible.
Light said:
"I put it there that's why! I'm going to teach you a trick you could possibly do with your powers." Grimm raises a body standing beside Colin. Grimm has his head fall off but catches it in his hands. "I want you to touch me and that body and instead of transferring the damage that I have to you, I want you to transfer it to that body. Use yourself like a bridge to trade our conditions since you can do that. If you're a medic you need to defend yourself."
"Did I join a mental institution by mistake?" Colin muttered to himself before placing a hand on Grimm and a hand on the body next to him "I don't see why I'd have to learn something like this, I don't want to be fighting people. You said I'd be a medic, How many medics fight?" Colin lightly shook his head before closing his eyes as he began to focus. Colin's eyes shot open as he realized something "Hold on. If I mess this up, I'm going to lose my head aren't I? I'd rather not lose my head, I'm quite fond of it" Colin took his hands off the body and Grimm before lowering them to his side

GingerBread said:
"Did I join a mental institution by mistake?" Colin muttered to himself before placing a hand on Grimm and a hand on the body next to him "I don't see why I'd have to learn something like this, I don't want to be fighting people. You said I'd be a medic, How many medics fight?" Colin lightly shook his head before closing his eyes as he began to focus. Colin's eyes shot open as he realized something "Hold on. If I mess this up, I'm going to lose my head aren't I? I'd rather not lose my head, I'm quite fond of it" Colin took his hands off the body and Grimm before lowering them to his side

"In battle you always go for the medic first. Which is why you must learn to defend yourself. Don't worry I won't let you mess up. I'll take over your body and stop the process before it happens. Just try it."
Light said:
"I put it there that's why! I'm going to teach you a trick you could possibly do with your powers." Grimm raises a body standing beside Colin. Grimm has his head fall off but catches it in his hands. "I want you to touch me and that body and instead of transferring the damage that I have to you, I want you to transfer it to that body. Use yourself like a bridge to trade our conditions since you can do that. If you're a medic you need to defend yourself."
Christina shakes her head in response and continues to cry. "No I'm not."

Morgan opens a squeezable applesauce pack. "Nope. I'm not doing a thing." Morgan spins in the chair and looks at A. "So you feel it now? We have a special connection you and I." Morgan turns to Ryan. "Oh, every secret and brutally honest opinion and or thought you've had will come out in 3...2....1."

Ashlyn appreciated the gestures but couldn't respond at the moment since she was a bit busy with a deity trying to eat Jericho.

Alice was walking down the mountain with her kids and Crimson.

( @CelticSol )

Alexandria's eye brighten and her facial expression isn't so negative. "O-oh this is great! I've made two friends!" Alexandria notices Jackie and Alpha approaching them and her mood drops. She hides behind Typhon and mumbles to herself constantly. She didn't hide very well behind him either, her right angelic wing and her left demonic wing we're sticking out. It made it look like they belonged to Typhon.

Ashlyn continuous to wallow in her own emotions, starting to lose focus on the fight. Maybe she should just... quit everything she had.

"The order of king boo!" Ghost Grimm tries to be as intimidating as possible.
"Oh my poor baby!" She ran over and hugged Christina gently, holding her to her chest. "Shhh.. don't cry my love. Shed no more tears for this man"

Ryan looked to her curiously, talking to himself. "If you're not studying me then..." His voice trailed off as hit hit him. The uncontrollable need to... Speak his mind

In a panicked and pained fury he jumped out his seat and gestured to A. "HER?! YOU HAVE A SPECIAL CONNECTION WITH HER?! WHAT ABOUT ME?! YOU AND-" His voice cut off as he controlled himself and calmed down. "I'm over analyzing. Interesting... I'm fascinated by this.."

He turned and went to her shelf, analyzing and scanning her potions, picking them up and looking under them "I believe I'm infatuated with your scientific... Finesse. It's got a sort of... Sexiness to it." He put the potions down. "I'm avoiding eye contact with you. Im sure I'll have another episode if I do." He chuckled and went to a different shelf, reading a book rapidly. "This is too new to me. I don't like it. I'm assigned to stay with you and protect you for who knows how long. It'll be difficult if I have these weird unrequited feelings." He closed the book and look to her "anything you can do to help?"

LokiofSP said:

Anna stared into his annoyed eyes, the look of 'try me' in hers that was quickly replaced with kindness, as were his. "No no! It's my fault. My mind was somewhere else"
Light said:
"In battle you always go for the medic first. Which is why you must learn to defend yourself. Don't worry I won't let you mess up. I'll take over your body and stop the process before it happens. Just try it."
(The most comforting thing to say to someone. "If you fuck up i'm going to take over your body" :D )

"I Really don't want to lose my head" Colin sighed and placed one hand against Grimm's chest and placed a hand on the chest of the body next to him. Taking a deep breath Colin closed his eyes and started attempting to transfer the damage from Grimm to the Body he was standing Next to.

Colin felt himself go through excruciating pain and the feeling like his head was about to fall off. Colin's head and neck area appeared to be perfectly fine, though it didn't feel like his head was fine to him. He heard something hit the ground with a thud. Looking down he saw there was a head on the floor that wasn't his "Oh thank god" Colin breathed a sigh of relief

Typhon noticed Alpha and Jackie approaching and turned to face them as Alexandria hid behind him.

"Yes," Alpha replied as he let go of Jackie and walked over to his father. As he approached Typhon, he looked him in the eyes. Typhon held his unblinking gaze. "Father," Alpha said simply.

Typhon remained silent for a few moments as he looked Alpha over. "You look a lot like your mother," he finally said. He then turned his eyes to Jackie, looking her up and down. "Is this your mate?"

@CelticSol @Light
Light said:
"I put it there that's why! I'm going to teach you a trick you could possibly do with your powers." Grimm raises a body standing beside Colin. Grimm has his head fall off but catches it in his hands. "I want you to touch me and that body and instead of transferring the damage that I have to you, I want you to transfer it to that body. Use yourself like a bridge to trade our conditions since you can do that. If you're a medic you need to defend yourself."
Christina shakes her head in response and continues to cry. "No I'm not."

Morgan opens a squeezable applesauce pack. "Nope. I'm not doing a thing." Morgan spins in the chair and looks at A. "So you feel it now? We have a special connection you and I." Morgan turns to Ryan. "Oh, every secret and brutally honest opinion and or thought you've had will come out in 3...2....1."

Ashlyn appreciated the gestures but couldn't respond at the moment since she was a bit busy with a deity trying to eat Jericho.

Alice was walking down the mountain with her kids and Crimson.

( @CelticSol )

Alexandria's eye brighten and her facial expression isn't so negative. "O-oh this is great! I've made two friends!" Alexandria notices Jackie and Alpha approaching them and her mood drops. She hides behind Typhon and mumbles to herself constantly. She didn't hide very well behind him either, her right angelic wing and her left demonic wing we're sticking out. It made it look like they belonged to Typhon.

Ashlyn continuous to wallow in her own emotions, starting to lose focus on the fight. Maybe she should just... quit everything she had.

"The order of king boo!" Ghost Grimm tries to be as intimidating as possible.
Jackson landed by Alice. "Hey Alice in back. Why are you and the kids all packed up and stuff?" He knelt down to Emily. "Hey I can carry your bags for you if you want." He said with a smile. He hoped Alice would be able to tell it was him even with the new appearance.
Daimao said:
Typhon noticed Alpha and Jackie approaching and turned to face them as Alexandria hid behind him.
"Yes," Alpha replied as he let go of Jackie and walked over to his father. As he approached Typhon, he looked him in the eyes. Typhon held his unblinking gaze. "Father," Alpha said simply.

Typhon remained silent for a few moments as he looked Alpha over. "You look a lot like your mother," he finally said. He then turned his eyes to Jackie, looking her up and down. "Is this your mate?"

@CelticSol @Light
Jackie met his eyes evenly, no trace of fear showing externally. On the inside, she was a bundle of nerves; this wasn't just the Father of Monsters, described as cruel and merciless, this was Alpha's dad. His parent. She was meeting a parent.

She looks to Alpha with a wry smile, stepping forward to stand by his side. "We haven't exactly had that conversation, but that's a pretty close comparison. So... Yes?" She looks up at Typhon, keeping her back straight and her posture confident, "My name is Jackie Sapienti."
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Light said:
Alice begins to walk and Emily runs towards Zedd, petting him. "Sorry about that. She's 8." Alice starts to walk down a safe path to maneuver down the mountain. "So what's your story?"
( @Lotusy )

Once Christina appears beside Cole she bursts out in tears. "I hate this place so much! I don't want this anymore, I'd rather go back to the hell I was born at!"
Crimson looks at Zedd who sits down allowing the girl to climb on. It's okay he's use to it. Zedd will protect her with his life. As soon as Alice starts to walk, crimson and Zedd follows. Crimson sighs when he was asked about his story. I really hate telling stories, but since Ima be with you for awhile I might as well tell you. He paused for a couple of seconds. I was born with a terrible case of anger issues. Almost everything pisses me off not matter how small. This anger with my powers over rage was a terrible mix with someone who was only a child. As terrible things continued to happen I caused attention to myself. Some good, but mainly bad. The good attention was my master Natalia. She taught me how to control my anger and my powers. Being with her I learned how to stay calm no matter how piss I am. Like now. Training along side Natalia was when I meet my friends. We grew up, trained, hunted, and fought together. One of my friends brother Void was way stronger than us and disliked us allot. He killed us all one by one. Taking me out first. Three of us spent years in hell, and the other three was in heaven until we were reborn one by one, with new abilities and physciologies. I was reborn as the Embodiment of Rage. Our master Natalia was the one that revived us and gave us new attributes. With her we continued to train again become stronger then Void. We all killed him. We had to kill him 6 times. Very annoying. After that we went our separate ways and met up every now and then. Crimson summoned a bottle of Whiskey and takes a sip.

Cole held the girl trying to comfort her. It's okay. I can take you anywhere, pick any place besides hell, and I'll take you. @Light
CelticSol said:
Jackie met his eyes evenly, no trace of fear showing externally. On the inside, she was a bundle of nerves; this wasn't just the Father of Monsters, described as cruel and merciless, this was Alpha's dad. His parent. She was meeting a parent.
She looks to Alpha with a wry smile, stepping forward to stand by his side. "We haven't exactly had that conversation, but that's a pretty close comparison. So... Yes?" She looks up at Typhon, keeping her back straight and her posture confident, "My name is Jackie Sapienti."
"Jackie Sapienti," Typhon mumbled. His eyes shifted back to Alpha. "Should I be expecting grandchildren soon?" He asked.

All the blood in Alpha's body rushed to his face. "Um- Ah, we- uh," he stuttered, stumbling over his words.

"Ah. I see," Typhon said, cutting his son off. "You have not had sexual intercorse yet," he stated nonchalantly. Alpha hung his head in embarrassment. "A pity. Echidna would love grandchildren to spoil."

"Speaking of mother, she-" Alpha was cut off when a portal opened up between him and Typhon, and a little girl popped out, tackling Typhon. Typhon didn't budge, as the girl was about four and a half feet tall, but she remained clinging to his chest like a monkey. "TYPHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON!!!!" she squealed in joy. "Hello Echidna," Typhon said, greeting his wife for the first time in...forever. Echidna let go of Typhon and dropped to the ground, turning to Alpha. "I heard someone mention my name and grandmother in the same sentence! Am I a grandmother? Am I? Am I? Am IIIIIIII?" she asked, hopping up and down in excitement like a child.

"Hello mother," Alpha said with a sigh.

Daimao said:
"Jackie Sapienti," Typhon mumbled. His eyes shifted back to Alpha. "Should I be expecting grandchildren soon?" He asked.
All the blood in Alpha's body rushed to his face. "Um- Ah, we- uh," he stuttered, stumbling over his words.

"Ah. I see," Typhon said, cutting his son off. "You have not had sexual intercorse yet," he stated nonchalantly. Alpha hung his head in embarrassment. "A pity. Echidna would love grandchildren to spoil."

"Speaking of mother, she-" Alpha was cut off when a portal opened up between him and Typhon, and a little girl popped out, tackling Typhon. Typhon didn't budge, as the girl was about four and a half feet tall, but she remained clinging to his chest like a monkey. "TYPHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON!!!!" she squealed in joy. "Hello Echidna," Typhon said, greeting his wife for the first time in...forever. Echidna let go of Typhon and dropped to the ground, turning to Alpha. "I heard someone mention my name and grandmother in the same sentence! Am I a grandmother? Am I? Am I? Am IIIIIIII?" she asked, hopping up and down in excitement like a child.

"Hello mother," Alpha said with a sigh.


Jackie hides her smile behind her mitten, using her other hand to soothing rub Alpha's back. She is thankful her face is already red from the cold, because his father's blunt, straight to the point had sent most of her blood into her face. Jackie jumps a bit at Echidna's sudden appearance, looking back and forth from the pair with an amused smile, though she can't help the silver of sadness in her gut. She shakes her head a bit, looking down at Echidna, "No babies here. Sorry about that, ma'am."
Light said:
"The order of king boo!" Ghost Grimm tries to be as intimidating as possible.
(What is this? Mario?)

Brigby tilted his head at the pitiful attempt to frighten him, a soft chuckle echoing from beneath the mask.

"King Boo?"

Not even worth effort, but James gave a sharp moan and wiggled further into the assassin's embrace. Brigby slid up his Mask a little to reveal sharpen teeth which were twisted into a deadly grin. They didn't have an exact purpose,but they certainly helped with scare factor.

"Now... If you have a problem with us being here, tell me... And do it quietly... I'm not as forgiving as my friend here."
GingerBread said:
Vance took another swig of his drink before putting the cap back on it and storing it in his darkness realm "Right then, I've had a decent amount to drink. Let's go" Vance started sprinting towards the castle, attempting to dodge all the monsters and get in the castle so he could find where Sage was and rescue him.

The new monsters threw ice and fire arrows at Vance who as breaking through their defences. The girls were taking down monsters left and right to clear a way for Vance.
LokiofSP said:
(I saw somebody else do this recently on another RP I'm in, I figured it might help with immersion, so here's what Oden sounds like: [media]


"Well at the very least let me buy you another drink! I'm sure I can help you that way at least!"
Oden smiled and closed his eyes, "Come on, I'll feel like an asshole if I don't!"

Annalyse sighed and looked to the sky. After thinking a moment she looked back down and smiled. "Sure why the hell not? Let's go"
djinnamon said:
The new monsters threw ice and fire arrows at Vance who as breaking through their defences. The girls were taking down monsters left and right to clear a way for Vance.
Vance saw the arrows heading towards him and reached out his hands to grab them mid flight "Okay that burns" Vance dropped the fire and ice arrows after they starting burning him "Why did I think that would work?" Vance muttered to himself as he looked over towards the girls "Why did you let me drink before this, you lot are useless" Vance shook his head before he resumed sprinting towards the castle. Vance saw two arrows heading towards him and only just managed to dodge them by teleporting to a shadow inside the castle "Why didn't I just teleport in here in the beginning?" Vance questioned himself, though he already knew the answer was because he didn't want to be alone with Mars "Sage! Where are you!?" Vance shouted as he walked in the shadows through the castle halls, making sure he was invisible while he did so.

Light said:
Ashlyn hears Fola's internal thoughts because she forgot to turn off her channel. She was actually the guild leader... not an Alpha. She bites her lip at this and internally cringes. Maybe she just didn't have a leader like aura. Guild members do walk over her from time to time. That's the way it always was and will be for Ashlyn. She just sits down and gets walked on by everyone else. She didn't want to live that type of life but it was in her nature and she couldn't defy that. It almost made her want to cry due to frustration and bitterness. Maybe that's a reason why as well... because she always cries. Which was another thing she couldn't help, she was just sensitive by nature. "I'm ready..." Ashlyn sounds like she isn't doing well at all.
The woman grins, "Good, good. As courtesy, I allow you the first shot," She holds her arms out wide, her expression not indicating any level of hostility, besides the fact they are about to fight.
CelticSol said:
Jackie hides her smile behind her mitten, using her other hand to soothing rub Alpha's back. She is thankful her face is already red from the cold, because his father's blunt, straight to the point had sent most of her blood into her face. Jackie jumps a bit at Echidna's sudden appearance, looking back and forth from the pair with an amused smile, though she can't help the silver of sadness in her gut. She shakes her head a bit, looking down at Echidna, "No babies here. Sorry about that, ma'am."
Echidna pouted and the earth began to shake. "Well just fuck already! What are you two? Pussies?!" Said Echidna, who, despite looking like a child, was using some very unchildlike language. "Mother, you're acting unladylike again," Alpha mumbled. Echidna took a big breath, and the earth ceased its shaking. A nearby building collapsed. Echidna put on a sweet smile. "I do apologize, I've just been waiting for a grandchild for millions. Of. YEARS!" She took another breath, before standing on her very tippy toes to poke Alpha in the nose. "Remember, you're mommies favorite, but you better not let her down," she said in a singsong voice, her eyes briefly glowing red. With that, she turned back to Typhon, hopped in the air to kiss his cheek, and created another portal. Waving goodbye, she went through the portal and disappeared.

Typhon looked at Alpha. "She hasn't changed at all," he said simply.

"Yeah," Alpha replied, before turning to Jackie. "We can go now. I've done what I came to do," he said.

"I'm glad to see you all grown up, Alpha. I'll see you again."
Daimao said:
Echidna pouted and the earth began to shake. "Well just fuck already! What are you two? Pussies?!" Said Echidna, who, despite looking like a child, was using some very unchildlike language. "Mother, you're acting unladylike again," Alpha mumbled. Echidna took a big breath, and the earth ceased its shaking. A nearby building collapsed. Echidna put on a sweet smile. "I do apologize, I've just been waiting for a grandchild for millions. Of. YEARS!" She took another breath, before standing on her very tippy toes to poke Alpha in the nose. "Remember, you're mommies favorite, but you better not let her down," she said in a singsong voice, her eyes briefly glowing red. With that, she turned back to Typhon, hopped in the air to kiss his cheek, and created another portal. Waving goodbye, she went through the portal and disappeared.
Typhon looked at Alpha. "She hasn't changed at all," he said simply.

"Yeah," Alpha replied, before turning to Jackie. "We can go now. I've done what I came to do," he said.

"I'm glad to see you all grown up, Alpha. I'll see you again."
Jackie full out laughed at Echidna's foul language, burying her face into Alpha's shoulder to muffle it. She waved goodbye as Alpha's mother departed as quickly as she had come. At Alpha's words, she nods, then inclines her head to Typhon, "It was nice to meet you," She says sincerely, before she takes Alpha's hand, shadows surrounding them with a suffocating cold. It deposits them in an apartment unfamiliar to Alpha, overlooking the Mediterranean sea. She sheds her multiple layers of coats and other outer wear until she's in the outfit from before. Jackie is quiet for a moment, thinking of what to say, settling with, "Your parents seem nice. I like them."
CelticSol said:
Jackie full out laughed at Echidna's foul language, burying her face into Alpha's shoulder to muffle it. She waved goodbye as Alpha's mother departed as quickly as she had come. At Alpha's words, she nods, then inclines her head to Typhon, "It was nice to meet you," She says sincerely, before she takes Alpha's hand, shadows surrounding them with a suffocating cold. It deposits them in an apartment unfamiliar to Alpha, overlooking the Mediterranean sea. She sheds her multiple layers of coats and other outer wear until she's in the outfit from before. Jackie is quiet for a moment, thinking of what to say, settling with, "Your parents seem nice. I like them."
"Yeah, they seem to like you too," Alpha said with a chuckle. Looking out at the Mediterranean Sea, he smiles. "So, Miss Jackie, where have you brought us now?"
Daimao said:
"Yeah, they seem to like you too," Alpha said with a chuckle. Looking out at the Mediterranean Sea, he smiles. "So, Miss Jackie, where have you brought us now?"
Her lips curve into a fond smile, leaning against the wall and appraising Alpha from her vantage point, "That's good. I'd hate to be the hated girlfriend of Echidna's favourite son," At his continuation of their earlier conversation, she waves her hand to their surroundings in a grandiose gesture,reminiscent of an overenthusiastic real estate agent, "I've brought you to the humble Sicilian abode of Jacqueline Sapienti. It features a stunning view of the Medditerranean Sea, an open floor concept, and very chic furniture. It also happens to belong to the world's sexiest assassin, but that's an irrelevant detail."
CelticSol said:
Her lips curve into a fond smile, leaning against the wall and appraising Alpha from her vantage point, "That's good. I'd hate to be the hated girlfriend of Echidna's favourite son," At his continuation of their earlier conversation, she waves her hand to their surroundings in a grandiose gesture,reminiscent of an overenthusiastic real estate agent, "I've brought you to the humble Sicilian abode of Jacqueline Sapienti. It features a stunning view of the Medditerranean Sea, an open floor concept, and very chic furniture. It also happens to belong to the world's sexiest assassin, but that's an irrelevant detail."
Alpha grinned, moving from the window and walking over to where Jackie was. "And why exactly has the world's sexiest assassin brought me to her humble abode?" He asked, placing his hand on the wall next to her head, a grin on his face.
Daimao said:
Alpha grinned, moving from the window and walking over to where Jackie was. "And why exactly has the world's sexiest assassin brought me to her humble abode?" He asked, placing his hand on the wall next to her head, a grin on his face.
"Netflix and chill," She replies matter-of-factly, completely straight faced, but she is only able to hold it a second before she bursts into laughter. "Sorry, sorry," She says, looking up at him with a very unapologetic grin, "Real reason? I figured it was nicer than my fucking guild room. Did I deliver on this front?"

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