Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
GingerBread said:
"You guys get me in there, I'll find Sage, break him out. Then we...... You can fight Mars, While I........ Get Sage out of there, yeah, I'll get Sage out of the while you fight Mars, because getting Sage out of there is the most important part of what we're doing, so It makes sense that I should be doing it" Vance said, wanting to avoid as Mars as much as possible "That's what we will do. any objections?"
" Fine. " Noire said and the other girls nodded. " Mars' castle is located Antarctica. "Vert said before they flew out of the window at max speed but Diana grabbed Vance right before she flew out.
(I actually hadn't seen @Light's post, probably because I was busy doing laundry,so let me correct this...)

Fola looked over to Ashyln, he wanted to fight, but this woman had access to the realm without sneaking into portals, plus Ashyln was Alpha! He went further into the booth and pointed at Ashyln, "On second thought, I don't have a death wish, she can go..."

GingerBread said:
"You guys get me in there, I'll find Sage, break him out. Then we...... You can fight Mars, While I........ Get Sage out of there, yeah, I'll get Sage out of the while you fight Mars, because getting Sage out of there is the most important part of what we're doing, so It makes sense that I should be doing it" Vance said, wanting to avoid as Mars as much as possible "That's what we will do. any objections?"
Light said:
"Well.... I don't know. Do something that stands out I would guess. For now let's test out how far your healing can go. I'm also going to test if you can point out where faults actually are." Grimm starts to grip his chest in pain, a piece of metal was stuck in a small section of his esophagus.
Christina cringes once Malren says he doesn't love her. "Yeah we get that Malren." Christina looked even worse now. "For your information though he's quite happy with Kinziel."

"It's only you. Cole you are to guard her at all times. From every and anything."

Crimson and Cole rank up twice.

The clone of Ashlyn fades away. Morgan tilts her head at A. "So it seems like that one didn't work very well. Thank you." A could feel a certain connection with Morgan. Once Ryan appears in the room, Morgan has a vial float over to him. "Drink that, I'm testing things."

Alexandria slightly shows her face and lightly smiles. "Really? You're afraid of the world too? W-wait do you have any friends?" Her golden eyes look up at Typhon with anticipation.
The Twilight Realm desk rippled a little to a tiny lizard. It burrowed into the energy of the desk, going deeper into the fabric of the realm. It looked around and saw a tiny small vault. Oh Ryan. You are so predictable. The lizard crawled into the vault, swallowing the four rings and smiling, the rings disappearing.

The lizard spun around and appeared on Ryan's back in the form of energy, activating his TDR symbol to help him out with Morgan. Then he disappeared and appeared in his room, the lizard form. His left eye was glowing brightly and he looked out the window.
Oi.. this is gonna be bad.

He used the guild symbol to connect to Vance, finding his mind's area. His lizard body fazed through energy to appear in the room with Vance, Morpheus' mind going to the lizard and looking at him. While passing through his mind, he got a thought of some... devious.

Morpheus looked at Vance from across the room, hidden in the shadows. He fazed a bit and disappeared completely again
DizjayDeathPride said:
The Twilight Realm desk rippled a little to a tiny lizard. It burrowed into the energy of the desk, going deeper into the fabric of the realm. It looked around and saw a tiny small vault. Oh Ryan. You are so predictable. The lizard crawled into the vault, swallowing the four rings and smiling, the rings disappearing.
The lizard spun around and appeared on Ryan's back in the form of energy, activating his TDR symbol to help him out with Morgan. Then he disappeared and appeared in his room, the lizard form. His left eye was glowing brightly and he looked out the window.
Oi.. this is gonna be bad.

He used the guild symbol to connect to Vance, finding his mind's area. His lizard body fazed through energy to appear in the room with Vance, Morpheus' mind going to the lizard and looking at him. While passing through his mind, he got a thought of some... devious.

Morpheus looked at Vance from across the room, hidden in the shadows. He fazed a bit and disappeared completely again
djinnamon said:
" Fine. " Noire said and the other girls nodded. " Mars' castle is located Antarctica. "Vert said before they flew out of the window at max speed but Diana grabbed Vance right before she flew out.
"Wait, Antarctica? Could you not have given me time to get some warmer clothes? Or some sort of alcohol, maybe vodka" Vanc went quiet for a moment "Actually maybe me getting drunk before this wouldn't have been a good idea, Carry on"
GingerBread said:
"Wait, Antarctica? Could you not have given me time to get some warmer clothes? Or some sort of alcohol, maybe vodka" Vanc went quiet for a moment "Actually maybe me getting drunk before this wouldn't have been a good idea, Carry on"
A bottle of jack appeared in front of Vance, falling to the ground. Morpheus had decided to help Vance out with whatever he needed at the drop of a dime.
DizjayDeathPride said:
A bottle of jack appeared in front of Vance, falling to the ground. Morpheus had decided to help Vance out with whatever he needed at the drop of a dime.
Vance saw the bottle of Jack appear in front of him and caught it before it could fall to the ground "Sweet, in flight drinking. What's next a packet of peanuts?" Vance took of the lid of the bottle and took a swig "Someone approves of me getting hammered before this"

@djinnamon @DizjayDeathPride
The girls gave Vance a collective glare but said nothing. Finally they touched down a large hill of ice and Diana let go of Vance. " Look over there. " Noire said before pointing at a large ominously glowing castle.

djinnamon said:
The girls gave Vance a collective glare but said nothing. Finally they touched down a large hill of ice and Diana let go of Vance. " Look over there. " Noire said before pointing at a large ominously glowing castle.
"We need a point of entry other than the front door, if this place even has one" Vance made an L shape with his index finger and thumb and pointed at a wall of the castle "A massive hole in that wall would be great" Vance said as he did a mock shooting gesture before turning to the girls "You lot wouldn't happen to have any explosives would-" Vance was shocked into silence when a large beam came from what appeared to be out of nowhere and blew a wall in the castle wall "Well I guess we have our entry point"

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The girls looked at each other and Vance worriedly but nodded and flew into the castle before looking around. Monsters began rising out of the ground but three were black ones too.

djinnamon said:
The girls looked at each other and Vance worriedly but nodded and flew into the castle before looking around. Monsters began rising out of the ground but three were black ones too.
Vance took another swig of his drink before putting the cap back on it and storing it in his darkness realm "Right then, I've had a decent amount to drink. Let's go" Vance started sprinting towards the castle, attempting to dodge all the monsters and get in the castle so he could find where Sage was and rescue him.

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Embaga Elder] [COLOR=#b30000]Crimson jumped off the roof and lands beside Alice. [/COLOR][COLOR=#b30000][B]Then we gone get along just fine then. And yeah I'm alright with that. [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=#b30000]Zedd the 5ft wolf appears beside Crimson in a red light. [/COLOR][COLOR=#b30000][B]Ready when you are. [/B][/COLOR][URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/10734-light/ said:
Alice begins to walk and Emily runs towards Zedd, petting him. "Sorry about that. She's 8." Alice starts to walk down a safe path to maneuver down the mountain. "So what's your story?"

( @Lotusy )

Once Christina appears beside Cole she bursts out in tears. "I hate this place so much! I don't want this anymore, I'd rather go back to the hell I was born at!"

GingerBread said:
Colin immediately placed a hand on Grimm's shoulder and begins healing him, the piece of metal in Grimm's throat disappearing into the wound as it reappeared in Colin's esophagus creating the exact same wound. Colin recoiled from the sudden pain and began gripping his own chest.
"Alright! That's good!" Grimm heals Colin and claps his hands. Colin could feel himself rank up once. "Let's go to work!" Grimm pulls Colin into the training realm.

Sh3w0lfSp1r1t said:
Kytha looks around her at the people her eyes racing frantically looking for a way out. Luckily, she was sitting near a window. Thinking quickly, Kytha grabs the chair beside her and smashes the window before jumping out as quickly as she can before beginning to run. What the hell were they talking about?! The Damned?!
It seemed like the entire city was targeting her. People got out of their cars to chase her. It was like a living zombie apocalypse.

CelticSol said:
She raises an eyebrow at the pair. "One or the other, not both. Decide."
LokiofSP said:
(I actually hadn't seen @Light's post, probably because I was busy doing laundry,so let me correct this...)
Fola looked over to Ashyln, he wanted to fight, but this woman had access to the realm without sneaking into portals, plus Ashyln was Alpha! He went further into the booth and pointed at Ashyln, "On second thought, I don't have a death wish, she can go..."

( She's not Alpha though... (TAT) Fuck it, Ashlyn hates this place too. )

Ashlyn hears Fola's internal thoughts because she forgot to turn off her channel. She was actually the guild leader... not an Alpha. She bites her lip at this and internally cringes. Maybe she just didn't have a leader like aura. Guild members do walk over her from time to time. That's the way it always was and will be for Ashlyn. She just sits down and gets walked on by everyone else. She didn't want to live that type of life but it was in her nature and she couldn't defy that. It almost made her want to cry due to frustration and bitterness. Maybe that's a reason why as well... because she always cries. Which was another thing she couldn't help, she was just sensitive by nature. "I'm ready..." Ashlyn sounds like she isn't doing well at all.

Daimao said:
"No, I don't have any friends, Alexandria," Typhon answered, starting to smile, before he remembered how she felt about smiling and quickly stopped himself.
"N-no... it's okay you can smile." Alexandria quickly glances down then back up at him, only to look away. "Well then will you be my friend?"

DizjayDeathPride said:
Ryan caught the vial bottom with his index and middle, moving it and looking under it and to Morgan. "This is going to be an everyday thing isn't it?" He rolled his eyes and smiled, drinking the contents of her little 'experiment.'
"Morgan sweetheart, you don't have to make love potio-" and he covered his mouth, his chest feeling warm. Looking down he saw the TDR symbol glowing. It turned off and he looked back to her, panicked then relaxed quickly, realizing what had happened. "I'm sorry. Ignore that."
"Oh it's not a love potion.... what is it again? Oh! It makes you brutally honest for a good half hour." Morgan sits down in her chair and writes in a book.
Light said:
"Alright! That's good!" Grimm heals Colin and claps his hands. Colin could feel himself rank up once. "Let's go to work!" Grimm pulls Colin into the training realm.
"Why did you have something in your gullet?" Colin looks around at his new surroundings? "Where are we? Is this day going to keep getting weirder? And get to work on what?" Colin looked confused, he could already heal to the best of his abilities, he didn't really think he needed much else if he was going to be a medic.


Light said:
Alice begins to walk and Emily runs towards Zedd, petting him. "Sorry about that. She's 8." Alice starts to walk down a safe path to maneuver down the mountain. "So what's your story?"
"Ruuuunnn. Run away! Boo!" A ghost version of Grimm floats around the two.

( @Lotusy )

Once Christina appears beside Cole she bursts out in tears. "I hate this place so much! I don't want this anymore, I'd rather go back to the hell I was born at!"

"Alright! That's good!" Grimm heals Colin and claps his hands. Colin could feel himself rank up once. "Let's go to work!" Grimm pulls Colin into the training realm.

It seemed like the entire city was targeting her. People got out of their cars to chase her. It was like a living zombie apocalypse.

( She's not Alpha though... (TAT) Fuck it, Ashlyn hates this place too. )

Ashlyn hears Fola's internal thoughts because she forgot to turn off her channel. She was actually the guild leader... not an Alpha. She bites her lip at this and internally cringes. Maybe she just didn't have a leader like aura. Guild members do walk over her from time to time. That's the way it always was and will be for Ashlyn. She just sits down and gets walked on by everyone else. She didn't want to live that type of life but it was in her nature and she couldn't defy that. It almost made her want to cry due to frustration and bitterness. Maybe that's a reason why as well... because she always cries. Which was another thing she couldn't help, she was just sensitive by nature. "I'm ready..." Ashlyn sounds like she isn't doing well at all.

"N-no... it's okay you can smile." Alexandria quickly glances down then back up at him, only to look away. "Well then will you be my friend?"

"Oh it's not a love potion.... what is it again? Oh! It makes you brutally honest for a good half hour." Morgan sits down in her chair and writes in a book.
Evannia was running through trees, swatting branches away, speeding. She saw the king of the mountain had come down. She ran and had gotten herself turned, running past Christina. She stopped and looked at her. "Are you okay?"

Ryan thought about this and smiled, walking over and taking a seat "Oh well that's... terrible." He looked at her and chuckled. "Are you going to put me through some sort of psychoanalytic process?"
Tazmodo said:
Gazelle curled up to the sleeping Decimus. Her head was on his chest listening to his heart beat. She kissed his cheek and laid there for a little while. @DizjayDeathPride
Tazmodo said:
Gazelle curled up to the sleeping Decimus. Her head was on his chest listening to his heart beat. She kissed his cheek and laid there for a little while. @DizjayDeathPride
Out in the city streets, a rift opened, and out walked a man with two shoulder blades of armor, a black coat they sat upon. His hair was short and black, spiked out. He looked to the guild building and cracked his hands, the rift closing. The center of his attire was a metal skull. His eyes were a deep violet.

This man could feel the power radiating inside of that building.

In the speed of Darkness, faster than a dark moment, he was inside of Decimus' room, his gun pointed at the girl next to him. A beam of charged Underworld energy swirled in the chamber, waiting to be shot at her. The gun disappeared but his expression stayed stern and serious, the purple eyes going from a bright vibrant violet to a dull deep one. "Now... Isn't this interesting. Hello son"

Decimus shot up from the sensation of someone in the room, his eyes getting larger. His hand was over Gazelle, ready to protect her from whoever it was. Then his expression went back to normal. "Ah. It's you. Come to shun me some more?"

The man chuckled and waved, disappearing
Juliette was looking at the walls that Ashlyn had painted. She stared at them in awe. "No matter how long I look I'm still amazed." It asnot the fact that the paint were well made it was the love behind them. Julliette could see the way Ashlyn cared for all of them and it warmed her heart. There was a smile on everyones face. All these emotions and thoughts were relayed to Ashlyn through the guild symbol.

Derek and Jasmine had been looking for Ashlyn. They haven't heard from her in ages and we're worried. The connected to the symbol and tried to find her. "Ashlyn if you can here us then I hope you're safe. We've been looking for you for sense you went missing. Please let us know.

Jackson had been looking for Alice. He knew off only one place and flew towards that direction he knew people were after here and feared for her safety. He was also worried about Ashlyn but knew she was strong enough to face anything that came here way. Jackson went to the Rocky mountains following her scent. @Light
A could feel a sort of... Almost family like bond, or a familer person feel. It must be the witch thing. A just simply sort of bowed he head, in response to her thanks. "Sure." A said a little mystified.
DizjayDeathPride said:
Out in the city streets, a rift opened, and out walked a man with two shoulder blades of armor, a black coat they sat upon. His hair was short and black, spiked out. He looked to the guild building and cracked his hands, the rift closing. The center of his attire was a metal skull. His eyes were a deep violet.
This man could feel the power radiating inside of that building.

In the speed of Darkness, faster than a dark moment, he was inside of Decimus' room, his gun pointed at the girl next to him. A beam of charged Underworld energy swirled in the chamber, waiting to be shot at her. The gun disappeared but his expression stayed stern and serious, the purple eyes going from a bright vibrant violet to a dull deep one. "Now... Isn't this interesting. Hello son"

Decimus shot up from the sensation of someone in the room, his eyes getting larger. His hand was over Gazelle, ready to protect her from whoever it was. Then his expression went back to normal. "Ah. It's you. Come to shun me some more?"

The man chuckled and waved, disappearing
Gazelle looked at the guy then Decimus. "Um who was that?" She was worried about why Decimus freaked out.
Light said:
Alice begins to walk and Emily runs towards Zedd, petting him. "Sorry about that. She's 8." Alice starts to walk down a safe path to maneuver down the mountain. "So what's your story?"
"Ruuuunnn. Run away! Boo!" A ghost version of Grimm floats around the two.

( @Lotusy )

Once Christina appears beside Cole she bursts out in tears. "I hate this place so much! I don't want this anymore, I'd rather go back to the hell I was born at!"

"Alright! That's good!" Grimm heals Colin and claps his hands. Colin could feel himself rank up once. "Let's go to work!" Grimm pulls Colin into the training realm.

It seemed like the entire city was targeting her. People got out of their cars to chase her. It was like a living zombie apocalypse.

( She's not Alpha though... (TAT) Fuck it, Ashlyn hates this place too. )

Ashlyn hears Fola's internal thoughts because she forgot to turn off her channel. She was actually the guild leader... not an Alpha. She bites her lip at this and internally cringes. Maybe she just didn't have a leader like aura. Guild members do walk over her from time to time. That's the way it always was and will be for Ashlyn. She just sits down and gets walked on by everyone else. She didn't want to live that type of life but it was in her nature and she couldn't defy that. It almost made her want to cry due to frustration and bitterness. Maybe that's a reason why as well... because she always cries. Which was another thing she couldn't help, she was just sensitive by nature. "I'm ready..." Ashlyn sounds like she isn't doing well at all.

"N-no... it's okay you can smile." Alexandria quickly glances down then back up at him, only to look away. "Well then will you be my friend?"

"Oh it's not a love potion.... what is it again? Oh! It makes you brutally honest for a good half hour." Morgan sits down in her chair and writes in a book.
Typhon smiles. "Yes, Alexandria, I will be your friend."

CelticSol said:
She grins, pulling him tight to her side. The lights flicker out, a feeling of bone chilling cold hitting them as the shadows seemingly swallow them whole. When they arrive, Jackie holds him closer to her, shuddering, "Jesus, you weren't kidding about it being cold," She zips up her coat higher, pulling a scarf higher up her neck, "C'mon, let's go meet your dad."
She raises an eyebrow at the pair. "One or the other, not both. Decide."
Alpha wraps his arm around Jackie, pulling her close as he walked in the direction that he sensed his father in. Eventually, they arrived in the center of the city, where a man was talking to a woman. Alpha stopped. "That's him."
(Oh crap, really? I thought she was Alpha because when she fought Fola, Vance and Sage she turned THEM to Alpha...Hm...This is what I get fro not being able to read every post all the time)

Fola looked on at Ashlyn with a raised brow, this was...Odd...Why did she look so upset? She had to be one of, if not the best person in the guild to lead, to top that off she had stomped all over him when they had fought...So how could she be so...Down? It was starting to piss Fola off a tad. He looked on at the fight that was about to start and subtly places a hand over his chest, charging up a basic spell just in case. He also kept his other hand by the sword on his hip, even though he was sure his leader had this, he needed to be on guard just in case....

@Light @CelticSol
Tazmodo said:
Gazelle looked at the guy then Decimus. "Um who was that?" She was worried about why Decimus freaked out.
Decimus sighed and laid back. "My father. Nothing to worry about." He stretched and got up. "Ive been up and around for quite awhile while you were asleep. So I'm all good. Would you like me to make you something to eat?"

DizjayDeathPride said:
Decimus sighed and laid back. "My father. Nothing to worry about." He stretched and got up. "Ive been up and around for quite awhile while you were asleep. So I'm all good. Would you like me to make you something to eat?"
Gazelle jumped up. "I'm ok thank you what about you? I'll gladly make something." She put on her clothes and looked at him. "I kmow you were gone. I woke up and took a shower if that's ok." She had a bright smile.
Daimao said:
Typhon smiles. "Yes, Alexandria, I will be your friend."
Alpha wraps his arm around Jackie, pulling her close as he walked in the direction that he sensed his father in. Eventually, they arrived in the center of the city, where a man was talking to a woman. Alpha stopped. "That's him."
Jackie nods, looking up at him with a curious look. She squeezes his hand reassuringly, "Are you nervous?"
Tazmodo said:
Gazelle jumped up. "I'm ok thank you what about you? I'll gladly make something." She put on her clothes and looked at him. "I kmow you were gone. I woke up and took a shower if that's ok." She had a bright smile.
Decimus shook his head and opened the door. "It's fine. And I don't eat. But thank you." He looked back to her and winked, leaving the room
DizjayDeathPride said:
Decimus shook his head and opened the door. "It's fine. And I don't eat. But thank you." He looked back to her and winked, leaving the room
Gazelle laughed. "I'll be back later be safe out there and call me when you need me." She disappeared in a gust of warm wind making sure to pass through him and take his breathe away as she went.

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