Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
GingerBread said:
"Yeah and I'm sure your plan will go so well" Vance replied sarcastically "All I need you three to do is take me to where Sage is, and I can go get Sage while you lot....take care of mars. Because I'll be busy, saving Sage" Vance said, trying to make up a reason for him to avoid Mars without seeming like he was scared.


"What do you do at this guild? and more importantly why do you want me of all people to join?" Colin looks at Grimm like he's crazy for wanting him to join.

The girls roll their eyes but nod. " Ok lets do this in my room. " Diana said before they flew to Diana's room.
djinnamon said:
The girls roll their eyes but nod. " Ok lets do this in my room. " Diana said before they flew to Diana's room.
Vance raised an eyebrow at the girls "Do what in your room exactly? Because it's a bit suggestive to tell me we're going to do an unspecified thing in your room"

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GingerBread said:
"No, I'm good" Colin did a dismissive hand gesture "If I don't sign anything it just means I can leave easier, If by any point I start to disagree with what you guys do" Colin paused for a moment "Is theodore apart of this guild? Cause I'm pretty sure he has it out for me" Colin looked both ways before putting a hand to the side of his mouth "I think he had a poor upbringing, and he seems to hate me because I offered to be a parental figure for him. I mean he's only twelve, He needs a parental figure in his life"

"Yes Theodore is in this guild." Colin could feel the guild symbol within him. "Welcome to the guild. We should convince him to let you adopt him!"

Tazmodo said:
Another guy appeared by her side. "Hey don't be discouraged a lot of men can't appreciate what they have until it's gone. Don't worry plenty of men will want to be with you when you want to be with them. This boy obviously just isn't mature enough. It might be time to move on to bigger and better things."
Embaga Elder] [COLOR=#5900b3]Cole shake his head towards the Situation. He continues to smoke blowing the smoke up into the air. [/COLOR][COLOR=#5900b3][I]Why did get this job.[/I][/COLOR] [/QUOTE] ( [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/22819-lotusy/ said:
@Lotusy[/URL] )

Ashlyn sends a mental message to Cole. "Remember! Protect her from any and everything!"

Christina distances herself from the man who appeared beside her. "Please don't talk ill of Malren. I'd like for you two to leave."

Alice steps out the house with Red and Blue standing on each of her shoulders. Emily was walking behind her with a small backpack on. "Alright, ready to go. I have anger problems as well. For now we're going to travel to the Van Fen'rir castle. You cool with that?"

DizjayDeathPride said:
After he finished the painstaking procedure on Decimus, the man disappeared from the Twilight Realm and landed on his bed, asleep
Ryan wiped his head and sighed to himself. The operation table disappeared and the realm shifted around him to take him to his desk. To his surprise, a man was sitting in his chair, feet up on the desk, holding the 4 rings held together on Lucifer's necklace. Ryan immediately got defensive and created a bow of Twilight, the arrow ready to kill the intruder

Death looked over to him and raised an eyebrow. "If you think that's best Ryan then so be it. Otherwise?" He groaned and stood up, tossing the rings on Ryan's desk. "Id highly advise talking first, shooting second."

Ryan let the bow disappear and looked to the intruder. "Very well. How did you get in this realm? And more importantly, my section of it?"

Death shrugged and pointed to the rings. "My ring lead me here. I simply went to it." The black gem-ed ring was glowing brightly in the presence of its owner. "I see you've taken it upon yourself to guard my family heirlooms. Very well. So, I come with a gift. You need to be able to protect these rings against anything. And I need to borrow two of them. So here" He extended his hand and his birth scythe appeared. He tossed it to Ryan who reflexively caught it. The scythe bound itself to his soul and disappeared. Ignoring Ryan's questions on 'what exactly that was?', Death picked up the rings again, looking over the blue and red gem-ed ones. He slightly smirked and tapped the stones, a whispy orb coming out of each. He placed them in little vials and dropped the rings back on the desk. "Make sure to take care of my little deviant. It's a tricky little beast. And do be sure not to let anyone touch it. I don't like the mess it makes."

Death waved his hand and walked past Ryan "When you die, expect me to personally reap your soul. Free of charge" And he left the realm

Ryan stared down at his hands then back to the desk and rings. The four disappeared, back into safe keeping. He turned and looked around then figured it's best not to question and just roll with it. He went to his desk, opened the door, and pulled out a vial and some papers. "Time to finish disease C-842"

He placed the papers down and began going to work on his new disease
A holographic skeletal dragon appears beside Ryan, floating in the air. Once he touches it the guild message from Grimm would ring out. This is another feature the guild symbol had in case instant mental messages didn't work. The message would notify Ryan of the fact that he's been assigned to stay by Morgan's side at all times and guard her from anything and everything starting now.
Light said:
"Yes Theodore is in this guild." Colin could feel the guild symbol within him. "Welcome to the guild. We should convince him to let you adopt him!"
"Ehh. Last time I tried he threatened to kill me, as much as I like helping people, I'd rather not die. But If you want to help me convince him, I'm all for it" Colin awkwardly shrugged his shoulders "So what exactly do I do in this guild? And how do I rank up?"

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" You are not man enough to handle a woman of my altitude. " Vert said while folding a arm under her breasts making them jiggle.

" Oh please. It shocks me why some like Sage will get in bed with you." Noire scoffed

" Get your head out of the gutter. " Kotori snarled

" We are making a plan to save Sage you idiot . " Diana said


( Shoot down by four beautiful girls in a row ,I feel sad for Vance. )
Light said:
"Yes Theodore is in this guild." Colin could feel the guild symbol within him. "Welcome to the guild. We should convince him to let you adopt him!"
( @Lotusy )

Ashlyn sends a mental message to Cole. "Remember! Protect her from any and everything!"

Christina distances herself from the man who appeared beside her. "Please don't talk ill of Malren. I'd like for you two to leave."

Alice steps out the house with Red and Blue standing on each of her shoulders. Emily was walking behind her with a small backpack on. "Alright, ready to go. I have anger problems as well. For now we're going to travel to the Van Fen'rir castle. You cool with that?"

A holographic skeletal dragon appears beside Ryan, floating in the air. Once he touches it the guild message from Grimm would ring out. This is another feature the guild symbol had in case instant mental messages didn't work. The message would notify Ryan of the fact that he's been assigned to stay by Morgan's side at all times and guard her from anything and everything starting now.
The masked men sighed. "But then how am I supposed to help out. Malren here clearly has other plans and doesn't want to be tied down. They only thing on his mind is probably Kinziel but many not he turned her down too. Just face it Malren isn't that type of guy and finding someone else and making him jelous doesn't work either. You and Kinziel made that very clear. Just move on."
Light said:
When Malren tried to pry her off it wasn't hard at all, she was pushed off almost immediately. She wasn't holding on tightly anymore. Her eyes gaze down at her shoes and her cat ears dip down, along with her tail. "Oh.... yeah. He's right..... it's not what it's not what it looks like. Though sadly I guess I was the mistaken one as well." Christina didn't know what to do, she'd never been in this situation before. She would always threaten that she didn't like it when people told her no but now that it happened for the first time she didn't know how to react. Christina stands there as the three men talk away. "I don't know what's going on myself anymore." Christina responds to Cole.
Tazmodo said:
The masked men sighed. "But then how am I supposed to help out. Malren here clearly has other plans and doesn't want to be tied down. They only thing on his mind is probably Kinziel but many not he turned her down too. Just face it Malren isn't that type of guy and finding someone else and making him jelous doesn't work either. You and Kinziel made that very clear. Just move on."
When Christina came off so easily and appeared hurt, Malren felt a pang of guilt, though he didn't know why. "Hey, uh, Christina. I didn't mean it that way..." his voice dropped off as he saw her ears and tail droop. "I'm sorry." He didn't expect to see Christina this way. All the times before, she had seemed happy-go-lucky and dirty, but now she seemed... kinda sad. Suddenly, when the new man appeared by Christina and started, well, flirting with her. "Hey, buzz off. You know, I might not love her, but that is absolutely no reason to use it as an excuse to hit on her! Seriously, what is wrong with you?"
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Light said:
"Yes Theodore is in this guild." Colin could feel the guild symbol within him. "Welcome to the guild. We should convince him to let you adopt him!"
( @Lotusy )

Ashlyn sends a mental message to Cole. "Remember! Protect her from any and everything!"

Christina distances herself from the man who appeared beside her. "Please don't talk ill of Malren. I'd like for you two to leave."

Alice steps out the house with Red and Blue standing on each of her shoulders. Emily was walking behind her with a small backpack on. "Alright, ready to go. I have anger problems as well. For now we're going to travel to the Van Fen'rir castle. You cool with that?"

A holographic skeletal dragon appears beside Ryan, floating in the air. Once he touches it the guild message from Grimm would ring out. This is another feature the guild symbol had in case instant mental messages didn't work. The message would notify Ryan of the fact that he's been assigned to stay by Morgan's side at all times and guard her from anything and everything starting now.
Ryan looked to the dragon and raised an eyebrow. "Interesting. You can enter this realm and use magic. Ill keep that in mind." He made a mental note to work on that. After carefully scanning it he figured the old man had something to say. Once he touched it he heard the message. "Oh....." He shrugged and left the realm, appearing in her room.

. Okay.."

And he looked around. "Shit."
djinnamon said:
" You are not man enough to handle a woman of my altitude. " Vert said while folding a arm under her breasts making them jiggle.
" Oh please. It shocks me why some like Sage will get in bed with you." Noire scoffed

" Get your head out of the gutter. " Kotori snarled

" We are making a plan to save Sage you idiot . " Diana said


( Shoot down by four beautiful girls in a row ,I feel sad for Vance. )
"I never said I wanted too, And besides I can do better than all four of you if I wanted to. But I'm sort of committed to someone. But even if I wasn't, I wouldn't want to do it with anyone of you. I mean you lot have no defining features. And I prefer peoples personallitys, not their looks. So you lot have got nothing going for you really" Vance shrugs as he leans against a nearby wall "Anyway, We don't need a plan. Plans are useless, Cause all it takes is one thing to go wrong in your plan and the whole thing is messed up. I'm a pro at sneaking into places and killing people, trust me on this"

All four girls decided to ignore the first part of what Vance said knowing that the guild would have been destroyed if they hadn't. " Ok , what do you suggest we do. " Vert asked.

GingerBread said:
"I never said I wanted too, And besides I can do better than all four of you if I wanted to. But I'm sort of committed to someone. But even if I wasn't, I wouldn't want to do it with anyone of you. I mean you lot have no defining features. And I prefer peoples personallitys, not their looks. So you lot have got nothing going for you really" Vance shrugs as he leans against a nearby wall "Anyway, We don't need a plan. Plans are useless, Cause all it takes is one thing to go wrong in your plan and the whole thing is messed up. I'm a pro at sneaking into places and killing people, trust me on this"
djinnamon said:
All four girls decided to ignore the first part of what Vance said knowing that the guild would have been destroyed if they hadn't. " Ok , what do you suggest we do. " Vert asked.
"You guys get me in there, I'll find Sage, break him out. Then we...... You can fight Mars, While I........ Get Sage out of there, yeah, I'll get Sage out of the while you fight Mars, because getting Sage out of there is the most important part of what we're doing, so It makes sense that I should be doing it" Vance said, wanting to avoid as Mars as much as possible "That's what we will do. any objections?"

Brigby hissed as the cleaning solution did its job, stinging the behemoth while his smaller friend prepared some bandages.

"Brigby, I still don't understand. You were perfectly fine having that drunkard talk to you then you snap his neck for... Suggesting something to me. He had daggers and you're very lucky they weren't poisoned."

Brigby scanned James as the healer wrapped the white cloth around the laceration, James hands gently closing the wound made by daggers.

"Sorry... Not that I don't appreciate your help,but next time, use scare-tactics not force. Okay?"

The woods around them were peaceful and calming, the perfect place to lick wounds and plan. James was deathly tired, having spent energy on saving the drunkard and walking here.

"You should get some rest. I did drag you into this mess James."

"Oh hush, ya big lug... I do admit that I am feeling sleepy... Are you sure you can hand."

"I got it, just get some Zs."

James leaned into his strong protector, the quiet noise of the forest leading him into sleep. Brigby watched James face relax and chest move slowly as sleep held his friend in her soft embrace.

*Yeah... I guess he is right... That man didn't know what he was doing at the time... Wow, I thought James would notice.. The way I look at him or even how I act around him... Jeez.*

Brigby was paid for secrets,but never did he think he would have his own. The gun for hire finally met his match... A healer. James had barely known him and he saved Brigby's life...
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CelticSol said:
Jackie nodded, the lights shorting out for a brief moment. When they flicker back on, Jackie has vanished. She reappears in the darkened bathroom, with a thick parka coat on, double layered, thick woollen mittens, a hat over her now dried hair, and thermal pants. She holds out her hand. "Hello, my name is Jackie, and I'll be your mode of transportation today. I believe you have a one way ticket to Cold-as-Balls, Russia."
Alpha takes her hand, smiling. "Whisk me away, Miss Jackie."

Light said:
When Malren tried to pry her off it wasn't hard at all, she was pushed off almost immediately. She wasn't holding on tightly anymore. Her eyes gaze down at her shoes and her cat ears dip down, along with her tail. "Oh.... yeah. He's right..... it's not what it's not what it looks like. Though sadly I guess I was the mistaken one as well." Christina didn't know what to do, she'd never been in this situation before. She would always threaten that she didn't like it when people told her no but now that it happened for the first time she didn't know how to react. Christina stands there as the three men talk away. "I don't know what's going on myself anymore." Christina responds to Cole.
"I think all things I'm afraid of are trying to kill me. Especially monopoly, it always tries to put me in jail." Alexandria has a flash back of playing monopoly with Grimm. She was actually sent inside the game and nearly got landed in jail where people wanted to kill her. So she did ha e a legitimate reason to fear monopoly, it's just that no one would know. Alexandria really didn't like where things were going. "This place scares me. How do you feel about it? This planet..." So it turns out Alexandria was talking about the Earth when she said this place scares her.

( @LokiofSP )

Ashlyn floats forward, standing in front of the two. "I will be your opponent. What are the conditions of this fight?"

"No you don't have to sign anything... do you want to?" Grimm pulls out a pen and a piece of paper.

"The name's Alice Van Fen'rir. A lot of people are trying to hunt me down and capture me. I guess Ashlyn sent you over to guard me." Alice walks into her house to finish packing for her kids, it was up to Crimson to either follow or wait outside.
Typhon sighed. "Honestly, this world scares me too. Who wouldn't be scared of a world where people kill each other for meaningless reasons?"
Cole's sighs. A protection mission huh. Alright. He looks over at Christina. Is it just me protecting her or are the others here apart of it?? He ask Ashlyn. @Light
GingerBread said:
"Ehh. Last time I tried he threatened to kill me, as much as I like helping people, I'd rather not die" Colin awkwardly shrugged his shoulders "So what exactly do I do in this guild? And how do I rank up?"
"Well.... I don't know. Do something that stands out I would guess. For now let's test out how far your healing can go. I'm also going to test if you can point out where faults actually are." Grimm starts to grip his chest in pain, a piece of metal was stuck in a small section of his esophagus.

Tazmodo said:
The masked men sighed. "But then how am I supposed to help out. Malren here clearly has other plans and doesn't want to be tied down. They only thing on his mind is probably Kinziel but many not he turned her down too. Just face it Malren isn't that type of guy and finding someone else and making him jelous doesn't work either. You and Kinziel made that very clear. Just move on."
Lotusy said:
When Christina came off so easily and appeared hurt, Malren felt a pang of guilt, though he didn't know why. "Hey, uh, Christina. I didn't mean it that way..." his voice dropped off as he saw her ears and tail droop. "I'm sorry." He didn't expect to see Christina this way. All the times before, she had seemed happy-go-lucky and dirty, but now she seemed... kinda sad. Suddenly, when the new man appeared by Christina and started, well, flirting with her. "Hey, buzz off. You know, I might not love her, but that is absolutely no reason to use it as an excuse to hit on her! Seriously, what is wrong with you?"
Embaga Elder] [COLOR=#5900b3]Cole's sighs. [/COLOR][COLOR=#5900b3][I]A protection mission huh. Alright. [/I][/COLOR][COLOR=#5900b3]He looks over at Christina. [/COLOR][COLOR=#5900b3][I]Is it just me protecting her or are the others here apart of it?? [/I][/COLOR][COLOR=#5900b3]He ask Ashlyn. [/COLOR][URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/10734-light/ said:
Christina cringes once Malren says he doesn't love her. "Yeah we get that Malren." Christina looked even worse now. "For your information though he's quite happy with Kinziel."

"It's only you. Cole you are to guard her at all times. From every and anything."

Crimson and Cole rank up twice.

DizjayDeathPride said:
Ryan looked to the dragon and raised an eyebrow. "Interesting. You can enter this realm and use magic. Ill keep that in mind." He made a mental note to work on that. After carefully scanning it he figured the old man had something to say. Once he touched it he heard the message. "Oh....." He shrugged and left the realm, appearing in her room.
. Okay.."

And he looked around. "Shit."
DarknessSpirit said:
A just looked over to the clone and raised an eyebrow.
The clone of Ashlyn fades away. Morgan tilts her head at A. "So it seems like that one didn't work very well. Thank you." A could feel a certain connection with Morgan. Once Ryan appears in the room, Morgan has a vial float over to him. "Drink that, I'm testing things."

Daimao said:
Typhon sighed. "Honestly, this world scares me too. Who wouldn't be scared of a world where people kill each other for meaningless reasons?"
Alexandria slightly shows her face and lightly smiles. "Really? You're afraid of the world too? W-wait do you have any friends?" Her golden eyes look up at Typhon with anticipation.
Crimson jumped off the roof and lands beside Alice. Then we gone get along just fine then. And yeah I'm alright with that. Zedd the 5ft wolf appears beside Crimson in a red light. Ready when you are. @Light
Light said:
"Well.... I don't know. Do something that stands out I would guess. For now let's test out how far your healing can go. I'm also going to test if you can point out where faults actually are." Grimm starts to grip his chest in pain, a piece of metal was stuck in a small section of his esophagus.
Christina cringes once Malren says he doesn't love her. "Yeah we get that Malren." Christina looked even worse now. "For your information though he's quite happy with Kinziel."

"It's only you. Cole you are to guard her at all times. From every and anything."

Crimson and Cole rank up twice.

The clone of Ashlyn fades away. Morgan tilts her head at A. "So it seems like that one didn't work very well. Thank you." A could feel a certain connection with Morgan. Once Ryan appears in the room, Morgan has a vial float over to him. "Drink that, I'm testing things."

Alexandria slightly shows her face and lightly smiles. "Really? You're afraid of the world too? W-wait do you have any friends?" Her golden eyes look up at Typhon with anticipation.
The masked man looked at him. "Oh so now you care. After you broke her heart. And for your information I wasn't flirting just proving a point. So tree boy what do you want? A booth call? Is that all you see her as? If so you don't have the right to command me. As a matter of fact. When you decide what you want tell me until then." He tapped his forehead and used insanity inducement. "Have fun." He turned back. "Christina dear I am here to help while this boy is sorting his problem deep in his head you can relax for now I'm not here to harm but only to help and when his mind comes crawling back when he decides what it is he truly wants then he'll be free and shall easily make a decision." He appeared in front of her and lifted her chin. "Please don't be sad your face is to beautiful to be soiled by tears." He wink to her and disappeared in a poof of smoke. @Lotusy
Light said:
"Well.... I don't know. Do something that stands out I would guess. For now let's test out how far your healing can go. I'm also going to test if you can point out where faults actually are." Grimm starts to grip his chest in pain, a piece of metal was stuck in a small section of his esophagus.
Colin immediately placed a hand on Grimm's shoulder and begins healing him, the piece of metal in Grimm's throat disappearing into the wound as it reappeared in Colin's esophagus creating the exact same wound. Colin recoiled from the sudden pain and began gripping his own chest.

Kytha looks around her at the people her eyes racing frantically looking for a way out. Luckily, she was sitting near a window. Thinking quickly, Kytha grabs the chair beside her and smashes the window before jumping out as quickly as she can before beginning to run. What the hell were they talking about?! The Damned?!
Cole blew smoke out. I'll watch over her for you. He looks at Christina, and a void opens up under he sucking her in, and closing as soon as she's in completely. Another portal opens up beside him and he sticks his hand, grabbing hers, and pulls her out. I'm sorry for what just happened but Ashlyn told me that I must protect you, from any and everything. My name is Cole by the way. He said in a friendly manner. @Light @Lotusy

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Light said:
"Well.... I don't know. Do something that stands out I would guess. For now let's test out how far your healing can go. I'm also going to test if you can point out where faults actually are." Grimm starts to grip his chest in pain, a piece of metal was stuck in a small section of his esophagus.
Christina cringes once Malren says he doesn't love her. "Yeah we get that Malren." Christina looked even worse now. "For your information though he's quite happy with Kinziel."

"It's only you. Cole you are to guard her at all times. From every and anything."

Crimson and Cole rank up twice.

The clone of Ashlyn fades away. Morgan tilts her head at A. "So it seems like that one didn't work very well. Thank you." A could feel a certain connection with Morgan. Once Ryan appears in the room, Morgan has a vial float over to him. "Drink that, I'm testing things."

Alexandria slightly shows her face and lightly smiles. "Really? You're afraid of the world too? W-wait do you have any friends?" Her golden eyes look up at Typhon with anticipation.
Ryan caught the vial bottom with his index and middle, moving it and looking under it and to Morgan. "This is going to be an everyday thing isn't it?" He rolled his eyes and smiled, drinking the contents of her little 'experiment.'

"Morgan sweetheart, you don't have to make love potio-" and he covered his mouth, his chest feeling warm. Looking down he saw the TDR symbol glowing. It turned off and he looked back to her, panicked then relaxed quickly, realizing what had happened. "I'm sorry. Ignore that."
Light said:
"Well.... I don't know. Do something that stands out I would guess. For now let's test out how far your healing can go. I'm also going to test if you can point out where faults actually are." Grimm starts to grip his chest in pain, a piece of metal was stuck in a small section of his esophagus.
Christina cringes once Malren says he doesn't love her. "Yeah we get that Malren." Christina looked even worse now. "For your information though he's quite happy with Kinziel."

"It's only you. Cole you are to guard her at all times. From every and anything."

Crimson and Cole rank up twice.

The clone of Ashlyn fades away. Morgan tilts her head at A. "So it seems like that one didn't work very well. Thank you." A could feel a certain connection with Morgan. Once Ryan appears in the room, Morgan has a vial float over to him. "Drink that, I'm testing things."

Alexandria slightly shows her face and lightly smiles. "Really? You're afraid of the world too? W-wait do you have any friends?" Her golden eyes look up at Typhon with anticipation.
"No, I don't have any friends, Alexandria," Typhon answered, starting to smile, before he remembered how she felt about smiling and quickly stopped himself.
Daimao said:
Alpha takes her hand, smiling. "Whisk me away, Miss Jackie."
Typhon sighed. "Honestly, this world scares me too. Who wouldn't be scared of a world where people kill each other for meaningless reasons?"
She grins, pulling him tight to her side. The lights flicker out, a feeling of bone chilling cold hitting them as the shadows seemingly swallow them whole. When they arrive, Jackie holds him closer to her, shuddering, "Jesus, you weren't kidding about it being cold," She zips up her coat higher, pulling a scarf higher up her neck, "C'mon, let's go meet your dad."

Light said:
When Malren tried to pry her off it wasn't hard at all, she was pushed off almost immediately. She wasn't holding on tightly anymore. Her eyes gaze down at her shoes and her cat ears dip down, along with her tail. "Oh.... yeah. He's right..... it's not what it's not what it looks like. Though sadly I guess I was the mistaken one as well." Christina didn't know what to do, she'd never been in this situation before. She would always threaten that she didn't like it when people told her no but now that it happened for the first time she didn't know how to react. Christina stands there as the three men talk away. "I don't know what's going on myself anymore." Christina responds to Cole.
"I think all things I'm afraid of are trying to kill me. Especially monopoly, it always tries to put me in jail." Alexandria has a flash back of playing monopoly with Grimm. She was actually sent inside the game and nearly got landed in jail where people wanted to kill her. So she did ha e a legitimate reason to fear monopoly, it's just that no one would know. Alexandria really didn't like where things were going. "This place scares me. How do you feel about it? This planet..." So it turns out Alexandria was talking about the Earth when she said this place scares her.

( @LokiofSP )

Ashlyn floats forward, standing in front of the two. "I will be your opponent. What are the conditions of this fight?"

"No you don't have to sign anything... do you want to?" Grimm pulls out a pen and a piece of paper.

"The name's Alice Van Fen'rir. A lot of people are trying to hunt me down and capture me. I guess Ashlyn sent you over to guard me." Alice walks into her house to finish packing for her kids, it was up to Crimson to either follow or wait outside.
LokiofSP said:
Fola tightened up briefly, and seeing that Ashyln wasn't moving, he sighed and raised his hand, "Fuck it, I'll fight..."

@Light @CelticSol
She raises an eyebrow at the pair. "One or the other, not both. Decide."

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