Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
Crimson looks at the clone. No I'm just her to have my clothes stripped off me again for the tenth time. His aura flickered for a second.

Cole smacks him against his head. Be nice, it was only a question.

Crimson glares at Cole, then sighs. Yeah I'll like to join.

Daimao said:
Typhon raised an eyebrow as Alexandria listed off her fears. You sure are scared of...a lot. Why is this? "
"Yeah...They're all so....scary. They hurt me.. or make me feel uncomfortable..or anxious...m-maybe a little targeted or vulnerable." Alexandria continues to hide behind one of her angel wings. "I'm really scared of bubblegum and relationships though." Alexandria continues to speak in a low voice as she cowers from Typhon. "I-I just d-don't get how people you know...interact with things that are so s-scary."

Tazmodo said:
( ! )
The two were protected by crystals. Two pillars rose and shattered creating thousands of more they all attacked Alice.
( ! ) Alice claps her hands and creates a shockwave while breathing fire. The shockwave and the fire eliminate the shards. Alice turns to the two beasts and stomps her foot heavily on the ground, making it quake to throw them off balance. She also has carnage magic grow under the ground. For a direct attack while the quake was occurring Alice takes a deep breath and releases a destructive enhanced roar with fire. The roar was powerful enough to shatter ear drums and break objects and the fire was propelled at high speeds towards them.

Ashlyn flinches at the comment, being put in hush mode because of it until Cole spoke up. "Alright then!" Ashlyn smiles and has the guild symbol appear within Crimson. "I never got to know either of you so I'll formally introduce myself. My name is Ashlyn Van Fen'rir. You are?" She extends both of her hands for them to shake.
Light said:
When Fola responds Ashlyn stops talking, not wanting to argue with him. "No problem..." Ashlyn's eyes closely follow the deity approaching their takes let and considers her options when she speaks. "No I'm not giving either of them away. They're my friends and they're not for sale."
LokiofSP said:
Fola raised a brow, "Really? Like, actual money? How about we talk about it? Start the price off at say...500 dollars and work our way up, after all, this looks to be a strapping young lad..." He took out his flask and grabbed a cup that had been placed on the table, filling it with the liquid from his flask he swirled it a bit and gave it to the woman, "Also, why this one? Of course he's told us a reason, but I believe they may be lies and falsehoods, especially when he said these things about such a respectable looking young woman...So tell me, why?"
The woman leaned forward to Fola, smiling, "Yes, actual, real money. And about my reasoning... Let's just say I've got a keen eye for these things. I've done this long enough to know what I like, and I've had enough pets to know which ones are worth the hassle," She made a mocking pout, "But unfortunately, my pets don't last long. Most don't survive."

Her eyes snapped to Ashlyn, her smile fading away, "A damn shame, that. Maybe I can pay you in other ways... Perhaps money is not your price. People? Power? Or maybe information on a certain missing relative?" She let her off dangle in the air a bit before she backed up, sighing with a shrug of her shoulders, "But, there's nothing I can do if he's not for sale..."

Daimao said:
Alpha's arms wrap around Jackie's back, pulling her into a long, passionate kiss. Alpha held the kiss for what felt like an eternity, before he remembered that Jackie probably needed oxygen and broke the kiss
Jackie gasped when he broke the kiss, looking pleased with herself. "Unless you're planning on going very, very exciting places today, I should get dressed," She says breathlessly, sitting up straight as she lets her hands drag down his torso until they rest on his stomach. She raises an eyebrow, a coy smile on her lips, "But... If you had any complaints to that, I would be happy to hear them."
Light said:
"Yeah...They're all so....scary. They hurt me.. or make me feel uncomfortable..or anxious...m-maybe a little targeted or vulnerable." Alexandria continues to hide behind one of her angel wings. "I'm really scared of bubblegum and relationships though." Alexandria continues to speak in a low voice as she cowers from Typhon. "I-I just d-don't get how people you know...interact with things that are so s-scary."

( ! ) Alice claps her hands and creates a shockwave while breathing fire. The shockwave and the fire eliminate the shards. Alice turns to the two beasts and stomps her foot heavily on the ground, making it quake to throw them off balance. She also has carnage magic grow under the ground. For a direct attack while the quake was occurring Alice takes a deep breath and releases a destructive enhanced roar with fire. The roar was powerful enough to shatter ear drums and break objects and the fire was propelled at high speeds towards them.

Ashlyn flinches at the comment, being put in hush mode because of it until Cole spoke up. "Alright then!" Ashlyn smiles and has the guild symbol appear within Crimson. "I never got to know either of you so I'll formally introduce myself. My name is Ashlyn Van Fen'rir. You are?" She extends both of her hands for them to shake.
The two creatures werent effected by the roars and resisted the fire. The started to spread aparation to block off the carnage.
CelticSol said:
The woman leaned forward to Fola, smiling, "Yes, actual, real money. And about my reasoning... Let's just say I've got a keen eye for these things. I've done this long enough to know what I like, and I've had enough pets to know which ones are worth the hassle," She made a mocking pout, "But unfortunately, my pets don't last long. Most don't survive."
Her eyes snapped to Ashlyn, her smile fading away, "A damn shame, that. Maybe I can pay you in other ways... Perhaps money is not your price. People? Power? Or maybe information on a certain missing relative?" She let her off dangle in the air a bit before she backed up, sighing with a shrug of her shoulders, "But, there's nothing I can do if he's not for sale..."
Ashlyn shakes her head and exhales. She always wanted to know about the other Van Fen'rir family members but this wasn't the right way to go about it. "I'm sorry but it still stands as a no. I'd like for you to leave him alone he doesn't appreciate it at all. Thank you for at least asking though, most people wouldn't." Typical Ashlyn, having to compliment someone even though she has to law down the law. It was obvious she was incapable of being too harsh.

Tazmodo said:
The two creatures werent effected by the roars and resisted the fire. The started to spread aparation to block off the carnage.
( ! ) Alice runs around them, getting faster and faster with each moment. In time she was kicking up her own version of a tornado around them. She mixed fire and carnage magic within it, the fire eats away at the oxygen inside the tornado and the carnage magic spreads inside the tornado, devouring any oxygen in there. The tornado begins to pick the two beings up and Alice blasts them with her enhanced roar, sending them higher into the air. In time there was no oxygen left within the tornado and the temperature was almost unbearable. Alice uses her hypnosis on both beings, commanding the spiked being to kill the crystal being and fall asleep afterwards.
Fola made a shushing gesture to Ashyln before turning back to the woman, "Sorry, excuse her, she's had a highly emotional day. You know how life is and such, times get trying, I'm actually a uh... Co-worker of sorts, so I can handle this for her. Now let's say we DID hand you the guy...How could we ensure you'd give us the information we desire?"

@Light @CelticSol
LokiofSP said:
Fola made a shushing gesture to Ashyln before turning back to the woman, "Sorry, excuse her, she's had a highly emotional day. You know how life is and such, times get trying, I'm actually a uh... Co-worker of sorts, so I can handle this for her. Now let's say we DID hand you the guy...How could we ensure you'd give us the information we desire?"

@Light @CelticSol
( @CelticSol )

Ashlyn assumed that when she said no it would be the end of it but apparently it wasn't. Ashlyn couldn't say anything back because that would be too rude. She could only tightly grip Jericho's hand in response to assure him that she wouldn't let anything harm him.
A raised an eyebrow as she stepped though the portal. The woman showed no reaction to her and neither did A. He face remained blank and silent. Slightly annoyed at introductions.
DarknessSpirit said:
A raised an eyebrow as she stepped though the portal. The woman showed no reaction to her and neither did A. He face remained blank and silent. Slightly annoyed at introductions.
Morgan looks up from her book and walks towards her shelf, picking up a vial with a potion in it. "Drink this." She hands it to A. "Before you say no and get concerned for you life like most people will you can either drink it yourself or I'll force you to. Just telling you the cruel reality of what happens ahead of time."
A's eyes opened wide, like the woman was crazy. But she honestly really didn't care although she was quite suspicious. She gulped down the vile quickly then tried to her and asked "Do you want to tell me what the hell I just drank?"? She asked her furiously.
DarknessSpirit said:
A's eyes opened wide, like the woman was crazy. But she honestly really didn't care although she was quite suspicious. She gulped down the vile quickly then tried to her and asked "Do you want to tell me what the hell I just drank?"? She asked her furiously.
"I'll tell you after the affects take place, spoiling it will ruin the experiment." Morgan shuffles through pages in her book and puts it back on a shelf to her left. She opens her palm and a vial flies towards it. At this moment A transcends. "Oh so it did work. Cool. Drink this." The temporary transcendence expires and A is set back to normal. It seemed like this potion could be just as interesting.
Kythas feet pounded against the side walk with each step she took. Detroit was a wonderful place, yet she was always terrified of it. There was one place that always cheered her up. Her favourite coffee shop that was just a half hour walk away from her house. Music boomed in her ears as she rounded the last corner to get to the cozy little shop. There was only one thing on her mind now. What to order.

The coffee shop was filled with customers sitting on the patio and inside just relaxing. Kytha entered through the door, a little bell ringing as she pushed it open.

Pulling out her earbuds and pausing the music, Kytha walked up to the counter and said quietly "A brownie and a half hot hot chocolate with whip please." And watched as the cashier gave her the price. Kytha paid with the little money she had left before grabbing her order and sitting down at a table to relax.
A now had a sour expression on her face, after drinking the last vial. "Glad I could be a good test subject." She remarked sarcastically.
Morpheus went into the Twilight Realm after he finished messing around with everyone. He closed his eyes and relaxed, enjoying the power of this Realm.

He extended his left arm and watched it turn into his Divine Force arm. The previously white and faint blue claws were a orangey-red tint now from the Phoenix-Ziz blood. Its energy coursing through his veins.

Along his right arm, a blue foam-like mist swirled and curled and laced through his fingers. It modified and changed, copying that of what he'd say his wingeded friends doing it

He inhaled slowly and the misty foam and orangey- color both drained away, going inside of his power supply. The arm turned back to normal and he squeezed it, checking the fingers.

After his little tests he returned back to reality and left his room. The other TDR were all sitting around the living room, doing various activities. He greeted them and informed them of his intentions

"So until it's literally us or the end of the world, don't wake me up. Don't let me be wakened up. If you need me, you know where to find me. Until then, Ryan's in charge do what he says. Oh buddy I added some new people here and there make sure to watch them. Oh and Richard and Damian dearies in case you leave before I wake up, " He smiled widely, closing his eyes. "It was nice having you two back with the group. Together for once. Not separately."

"Actually about that. I was going to tell you, we're going back to our companies soon. Make sure business still runs. It was just grand risking my life for you once more but there's only so much excitement I can take."

"We've already liquidated the payment of Dragon's Roar to our accounts, all of you actually, and gave a decent amount extra as a gift"

Morpheus chuckled to himself and shook his head. "Poor Ryan and Decimus. All alone. You two sure you can handle it?"

Ryan shrugged and looked to Decimus who too shrugged nonchalantly

"Sour pusses! The whole lot! Come on." The 5 stood in their pentagon formation and looked to the center. "Take care Decimus. I've left you a wittle gift to make up for when I tried to moderately kill you. Though in my defense, I think we're even now."

He placed his hands on Ryan and Decimus' shoulders, rambling to waste time. When he did so, their TDR symbols started to glow and fill in with color. "When the time comes, you'll know. Au revoir my lovely Rawriors. Until we meet again" he took a light bow, and disappeared

Richard and Damian shook their heads and lightly smiled. "That's Morpheus. Never will he change. We'll see you around. If things get too bad you know we'll always randomly show up"

"Ill continue to handle media spinning for Dragon's Roar and... The Dragon's Rawriors" he ended sarcastically, shaking his head. "Take care of yourself you two. Don't over work. Remember you still need energy too. Take up a hobby or something"

Richard chuckled and shook is head. They both shook hands with Ryan and Decimus, the colors on TDR's symbol all glowing brightly after the fact. All except one spot that still needed to be filled. "He didn't leave any kind of explanation of his little symbol. Figures."

Richard and Damian stood before Ryan and Decimus, hands on their waist. "If you need us, you know how to call us."

"Adios mis compadres." The two nodded to each other, then to Decimus and Ryan, and disappeared as well

Ryan looked to Decimus and shrugged. "Alright... Looks like it's just you and me. Let's go get you up to our caliber before you end up killing us all." He chuckled and placed his hands on Decimus' shoulders, going to the Twilight Realm.

He rubbed his hands together and sighed. "Alright. Operation Two."

As Decimus got on the operation desk, Ryan's eyes changed. "Let's begin"
Cole, Crimson. They both say as they go in that order to shake Ashlyn's hands.

So is there anything we need to do? Crimson ask calmly, as the guild emblem appears on his back in the shape and color of a Red moon @Light
djinnamon said:
The girls looked at Vance and glared. " We didn't date him you idiot. " The girls said in unison before sighing. " We are going to make a plan to save him. " They said.
"Yeah and I'm sure your plan will go so well" Vance replied sarcastically "All I need you three to do is take me to where Sage is, and I can go get Sage while you lot....take care of mars. Because I'll be busy, saving Sage" Vance said, trying to make up a reason for him to avoid Mars without seeming like he was scared.


Light said:
"No we're not doing that! I want you to join this wonderful guild!" Grimm smiles and spreads his arms.
"What do you do at this guild? and more importantly why do you want me of all people to join?" Colin looks at Grimm like he's crazy for wanting him to join.

Light said:
"Yeah...They're all so....scary. They hurt me.. or make me feel uncomfortable..or anxious...m-maybe a little targeted or vulnerable." Alexandria continues to hide behind one of her angel wings. "I'm really scared of bubblegum and relationships though." Alexandria continues to speak in a low voice as she cowers from Typhon. "I-I just d-don't get how people you know...interact with things that are so s-scary."

( ! ) Alice claps her hands and creates a shockwave while breathing fire. The shockwave and the fire eliminate the shards. Alice turns to the two beasts and stomps her foot heavily on the ground, making it quake to throw them off balance. She also has carnage magic grow under the ground. For a direct attack while the quake was occurring Alice takes a deep breath and releases a destructive enhanced roar with fire. The roar was powerful enough to shatter ear drums and break objects and the fire was propelled at high speeds towards them.

Ashlyn flinches at the comment, being put in hush mode because of it until Cole spoke up. "Alright then!" Ashlyn smiles and has the guild symbol appear within Crimson. "I never got to know either of you so I'll formally introduce myself. My name is Ashlyn Van Fen'rir. You are?" She extends both of her hands for them to shake.
"You know," Typhon replied. "I think you are very brave for talking to me right now, considering that you said that I scared you," he said with a smile.

CelticSol said:
The woman leaned forward to Fola, smiling, "Yes, actual, real money. And about my reasoning... Let's just say I've got a keen eye for these things. I've done this long enough to know what I like, and I've had enough pets to know which ones are worth the hassle," She made a mocking pout, "But unfortunately, my pets don't last long. Most don't survive."
Her eyes snapped to Ashlyn, her smile fading away, "A damn shame, that. Maybe I can pay you in other ways... Perhaps money is not your price. People? Power? Or maybe information on a certain missing relative?" She let her off dangle in the air a bit before she backed up, sighing with a shrug of her shoulders, "But, there's nothing I can do if he's not for sale..."

Jackie gasped when he broke the kiss, looking pleased with herself. "Unless you're planning on going very, very exciting places today, I should get dressed," She says breathlessly, sitting up straight as she lets her hands drag down his torso until they rest on his stomach. She raises an eyebrow, a coy smile on her lips, "But... If you had any complaints to that, I would be happy to hear them."
" Well, if you insist..." Alpha said suggestively, before chuckling. "Nope, I'm good," he said, effortlessly lifting Jackie off of him and placing her elsewhere on the bed so that he could sit up.
Daimao said:
"You know," Typhon replied. "I think you are very brave for talking to me right now, considering that you said that I scared you," he said with a smile.
" Well, if you insist..." Alpha said suggestively, before chuckling. "Nope, I'm good," he said, effortlessly lifting Jackie off of him and placing her elsewhere on the bed so that he could sit up.
She rolls her eyes, crossing her arms over her chest, "You're such a tease," She picks out random clothes out of her dresser, not really paying much attention to her choices. Heading into the bathroom, Jackie quickly dries off and changes into a plain t-shirt she snagged off Alpha at some point, tucking it into a pair of ripped jeans. She comes out running the towel through her hair, sitting down on the bed with her back resting on the headboard. She pokes his thigh with her foot, "So, what have you been up to, Mr. Cerberus?"
Light said:
Ashlyn shakes her head and exhales. She always wanted to know about the other Van Fen'rir family members but this wasn't the right way to go about it. "I'm sorry but it still stands as a no. I'd like for you to leave him alone he doesn't appreciate it at all. Thank you for at least asking though, most people wouldn't." Typical Ashlyn, having to compliment someone even though she has to law down the law. It was obvious she was incapable of being too harsh.
( ! ) Alice runs around them, getting faster and faster with each moment. In time she was kicking up her own version of a tornado around them. She mixed fire and carnage magic within it, the fire eats away at the oxygen inside the tornado and the carnage magic spreads inside the tornado, devouring any oxygen in there. The tornado begins to pick the two beings up and Alice blasts them with her enhanced roar, sending them higher into the air. In time there was no oxygen left within the tornado and the temperature was almost unbearable. Alice uses her hypnosis on both beings, commanding the spiked being to kill the crystal being and fall asleep afterwards.
The reparation magic kept fight the carnage holding it back and bringing back oxygen. The spike creature let out its own roar to counter hers and throught them out of the tornado. The spike creature just went to sleep knowing he could do nothing to kill the other one. The other creature launched spikes at Alice.
Light said:
Itami stood up immediately at the words Project Hybrid. He begins to walk towards Malren. "No time for tea let's go. You've convinced me and I'm trusting you with my daughter. If you break her heart I swear I will break yours." Itami grabs the two and speeds off of the mountain. "Alright where is your guild now? Wait hold that thought I have something to do." Itami leaves and Malren could feel himself rank up to Alpha. Christina holds on to Malren and kisses his cheek. "Looks like my father approves for now. What are we going to do though?"
Malren laughed nervously as he heard Itami's threat "Break mine? Heh... o-ok then-ACK!!" His sentence was cut off as Itami suddenly used his superspeed, ripping the teacup from Malren's hands and speeding down the mountain. When he stopped and asked them for the guild locations, Malren was too dizzy to respond. Thankfully, he didn't, and in a flash Itami was gone again. Malren could feel Alpha rank finally coming to him, but couldn't savor it long since Christina suddenly kissed him on the cheek. In an instant, he let out a very un-manly yelp, jumping away and blushing. "W-what the hell was that for?"
Lotusy said:
Malren laughed nervously as he heard Itami's threat "Break mine? Heh... o-ok then-ACK!!" His sentence was cut off as Itami suddenly used his superspeed, ripping the teacup from Malren's hands and speeding down the mountain. When he stopped and asked them for the guild locations, Malren was too dizzy to respond. Thankfully, he didn't, and in a flash Itami was gone again. Malren could feel Alpha rank finally coming to him, but couldn't savor it long since Christina suddenly kissed him on the cheek. In an instant, he let out a very un-manly yelp, jumping away and blushing. "W-what the hell was that for?"
A man appeared behind Malren. "Isn't it obvious dude. I swear you have like negative five game. Anyways she's cute right? She likes you and only you right? Go be with her." Two more appeared to his sides. "Dude she just waiting. She's like a fruit ripe for the taking. You know you want it. Now go take it." They all looked at Christina. "I know I would."

(The second one is his human form. He is in his human form right now.)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/inu-x-boku-ss-fox-boy-desktop-wallpaper-2560x1600.jpg.054f1e12eae0cc93e778ee42db37fcba.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="101416" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/inu-x-boku-ss-fox-boy-desktop-wallpaper-2560x1600.jpg.054f1e12eae0cc93e778ee42db37fcba.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/5aabe50bfa6f8e20f853dd78d3237af9.jpg.b16c4c3fbbe222e234c681f2ba047aa4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="101417" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/5aabe50bfa6f8e20f853dd78d3237af9.jpg.b16c4c3fbbe222e234c681f2ba047aa4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • inu-x-boku-ss-fox-boy-desktop-wallpaper-2560x1600.jpg
    497.5 KB · Views: 5
  • 5aabe50bfa6f8e20f853dd78d3237af9.jpg
    86.3 KB · Views: 4
CelticSol said:
She rolls her eyes, crossing her arms over her chest, "You're such a tease," She picks out random clothes out of her dresser, not really paying much attention to her choices. Heading into the bathroom, Jackie quickly dries off and changes into a plain t-shirt she snagged off Alpha at some point, tucking it into a pair of ripped jeans. She comes out running the towel through her hair, sitting down on the bed with her back resting on the headboard. She pokes his thigh with her foot, "So, what have you been up to, Mr. Cerberus?"
" Not much," Alpha replied with a shrug. "Spent a while talking with souls in the afterlife. That was pretty enlightening. You know, you have killed a lot of people," he said, before giving her a wink. "That's hot. Anyways, I- wait, is that my shirt? When the fuck did you get that?"
Sh3w0lfSp1r1t said:
Kythas feet pounded against the side walk with each step she took. Detroit was a wonderful place, yet she was always terrified of it. There was one place that always cheered her up. Her favourite coffee shop that was just a half hour walk away from her house. Music boomed in her ears as she rounded the last corner to get to the cozy little shop. There was only one thing on her mind now. What to order.
The coffee shop was filled with customers sitting on the patio and inside just relaxing. Kytha entered through the door, a little bell ringing as she pushed it open.

Pulling out her earbuds and pausing the music, Kytha walked up to the counter and said quietly "A brownie and a half hot hot chocolate with whip please." And watched as the cashier gave her the price. Kytha paid with the little money she had left before grabbing her order and sitting down at a table to relax.
Inside the cafe, a male was staring at Kytha obviously behind a newspaper. "There she is." He also whispers loudly.

DarknessSpirit said:
A now had a sour expression on her face, after drinking the last vial. "Glad I could be a good test subject." She remarked sarcastically.
The last vial give one a shit faced experience. "I wonder..... continue on with your business I want to see how it goes."

Tazmodo said:
A man appeared behind Malren. "Isn't it obvious dude. I swear you have like negative five game. Anyways she's cute right? She likes you and only you right? Go be with her." Two more appeared to his sides. "Dude she just waiting. She's like a fruit ripe for the taking. You know you want it. Now go take it." They all looked at Christina. "I know I would."
(The second one is his human form. He is in his human form right now.)
Lotusy said:
Malren laughed nervously as he heard Itami's threat "Break mine? Heh... o-ok then-ACK!!" His sentence was cut off as Itami suddenly used his superspeed, ripping the teacup from Malren's hands and speeding down the mountain. When he stopped and asked them for the guild locations, Malren was too dizzy to respond. Thankfully, he didn't, and in a flash Itami was gone again. Malren could feel Alpha rank finally coming to him, but couldn't savor it long since Christina suddenly kissed him on the cheek. In an instant, he let out a very un-manly yelp, jumping away and blushing. "W-what the hell was that for?"
Tazmodo said:
The reparation magic kept fight the carnage holding it back and bringing back oxygen. The spike creature let out its own roar to counter hers and throught them out of the tornado. The spike creature just went to sleep knowing he could do nothing to kill the other one. The other creature launched spikes at Alice.
"I have an idea on where. I'm putting you on guard duty for these two women." Ashlyn sends Crimson to Alice whom is fighting against the two creatures. Alice was recently dodging the spikes thrown at her.

Cole appears at the bottom of Mount Olympus in Greece beside Malren and Christina. A masked man recently appeared and began to taunt Malren.

Christina continues to hold Malren and kisses his cheek once more. "Mal!~"

Daimao said:
"You know," Typhon replied. "I think you are very brave for talking to me right now, considering that you said that I scared you," he said with a smile.
"B-brave? Oh no...I'm talking to you out of fear, I think you'll kill me if I d-don't. Please don't smile. Smiles are tools of seduction and seduction is scary." Alexandria closes her eyes and notices her legs are shaking. "My name is Alexandria Van Fen'rir by the way."

GingerBread said:

"It's because you're a medic and medics are fun! This guild is fun!" Grimm spreads his arms and gestures to the building they're in. "We save lives!"

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Light said:
"It's because you're a medic and medics are fun! This guild is fun!" Grimm spreads his arms and gestures to the building they're in. "We save lives!"
"I'm not really a medic. I'm more of a thief, but I steal injuries instead" Colin just shrugged as he stood up "You guys save lives? So are you a hospital or something? Cause I can't see any other reason why you guys would need a medic"

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GingerBread said:
"I'm not really a medic. I'm more of a thief, but I steal injuries instead" Colin just shrugged as he stood up "You guys save lives? So are you a hospital or something? Cause I can't see any other reason why you guys would need a medic"

"No we're a guild that defends the world from threats that it can't handle on its own. We could use a medic because we do get messed up from time to time. We have a ranking system that boosts power and relieves you of limits. Guild members are also paid in gold."

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