Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
Tazmodo said:
Theodore glared at him and made his own ice cream appear. "I don't need or want you I'm an orphan and I'm staying that way." He opened a portal and went to his room leaving Colin.
Colin jumped through the portal, following Theodore "Why do you want to stay an orphan? Everyone needs a parent they can talk to" Colin said as he sat down on Theodore's bed, Smiling brightly at Theodore "You don't have to act tough. I'm not going to judge you. I promise, Cross my heart" Colin did the crossing gesture over his heart.

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Derek walked out of the guild and went to stretch his wings. He turned into an eagle and started to just fly. He didn't know where he was going and didn't care.
Tazmodo said:
Theodore glared at him and made his own ice cream appear. "I don't need or want you I'm an orphan and I'm staying that way." He opened a portal and went to his room leaving Colin.
THeo could see his door was forced open and all of his valuables were gone
Embaga Elder] [COLOR=#5900b3]Cole was about to speak until he was shoved into the bag. But he just chills as if everything was normal. [/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]Crimson on the other hand.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#b30000]Crimson saw the mean version of Grimm stuff one of his bestfriends in a bag. [/COLOR][COLOR=#b30000][B]Oh no you don't. [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=#b30000]Crimson chases after mini Grimm and kicks him likes he's a soccer ball. [/COLOR][COLOR=#b30000][B]Gooooaaaaalll [/B][/COLOR][URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/10734-light/ said:
Tazmodo said:
Theodore glared at him and made his own ice cream appear. "I don't need or want you I'm an orphan and I'm staying that way." He opened a portal and went to his room leaving Colin.
DizjayDeathPride said:
Another kitten watched as his rides were both taken. Slowly its eyes wiggled, ready to cry. Then it stopped and figured if you can't escape, join.
The kitten ran through the halls, breaking into rooms and stealing valuables, eating them and putting them in a sort of stomach pocket
GingerBread said:
Colin covered his mouth in shock "That's it Theodore, Right after we get your kitty back, You're going straight into time out mister. You should not talk about killing people" Colin said before he was put back into the bag along with Theodore and the Cat "Or when we get out of here. Though if you apologise we can go get you some ice cream"
@Light @DizjayDeathPride @Tazmodo
Mini Grimm who was only 5 inches tall flies away once kicked. He picks up his bag and casts a spell which stops people from teleporting or using portals to escape. The only way to escape is being pulled out of the bag. He casts Absolute Light which blinds everyone and erases their senses. By the time the light is gone it was too late. Everything on the first floor of the guild was stolen. Crimson's clothes were gone leaving him stark naked and the little girl was gone too. Mini Grimm took Theodore and Colin once more. Mini Grimm had taken the front door to the guild as well. Once Mini Grimm found the extra kitten. He beat it to near death by pounding it's stomach with Absolute strength. Forcing it to cough up everything it swallowed and stole that as well. After doing all that Mini Grimm had fled the guild completely.
Light said:
Mini Grimm who was only 5 inches tall flies away once kicked. He picks up his bag and casts a spell which stops people from teleporting or using portals to escape. The only way to escape is being pulled out of the bag. He casts Absolute Light which blinds everyone and erases their senses. By the time the light is gone it was too late. Everything on the first floor of the guild was stolen. Crimson's clothes were gone leaving him stark naked and the little girl was gone too. Mini Grimm took Theodore and Colin once more. Mini Grimm had taken the front door to the guild as well. Once Mini Grimm found the extra kitten. He beat it to near death by pounding it's stomach with Absolute strength. Forcing it to cough up everything it swallowed and stole that as well. After doing all that Mini Grimm had fled the guild completely.
The kitten closed its stomach pocket off completely, allowing itself to die and poof, cutting everyone off from the valuables forever

A clone of Morpheus looked to the mssing door and shook his head. "Ashlyn's guild keeps getting fucked. Maybe I'll hire someone to fix this.... Ohhhhhhh BRUNDY!"

Light said:
Mini Grimm who was only 5 inches tall flies away once kicked. He picks up his bag and casts a spell which stops people from teleporting or using portals to escape. The only way to escape is being pulled out of the bag. He casts Absolute Light which blinds everyone and erases their senses. By the time the light is gone it was too late. Everything on the first floor of the guild was stolen. Crimson's clothes were gone leaving him stark naked and the little girl was gone too. Mini Grimm took Theodore and Colin once more. Mini Grimm had taken the front door to the guild as well. Once Mini Grimm found the extra kitten. He beat it to near death by pounding it's stomach with Absolute strength. Forcing it to cough up everything it swallowed and stole that as well. After doing all that Mini Grimm had fled the guild completely.
"So theo, while we're stuck in here, why don't you tell me why you hate the idea of me looking after you. You don't have to be alone you know" Colin said as he did his best to get comfortable in the sack "All I want to do Is make sure you don't get hurt, why are you so against that?"

GingerBread said:
"So theo, while we're stuck in here, why don't you tell me why you hate the idea of me looking after you. You don't have to be alone you know" Colin said as he did his best to get comfortable in the sack "All I want to do Is make sure you don't get hurt, why are you so against that?"

The captured kitten, no more than 5 inches tall, its head obviously too big for it's body, sat on Colin's toes almost weightlessly.

It looked to Theo and hissed, climbing up Colin's body and resting on his shoulder

Light said:
Christina was no longer focused on Itami since she'd rather pull her body closer to Malren's and bury her head in his chest.
Itami sits down in the snow and thinks about what Malren said before. "Wait! You said you were a father! Christina you're pregnant?!" Itami was ready to get up again.

Christina actually pays attention and puts her finger to her chin. "Uuumm... I don't think so. We didn't have protection but I'm pretty sure Malren was paying attention. So that would be a no."

Itami takes his daughters word for it and calms down. "So... what did you want to talk about?"
"Me, oh, the usual stuff. You know, a daughter of yours asks me to get you, I try, you try and kill me, the usual." He sat down as Itami did, crossing his legs. "The father thing from before, well, it's a long story. But basically, a girl told me that she was pregnant, and it turned out that not only was she not, but she'd been dead for quite some time." He sighed. "I mean, damn. Well, the message I was sent here for was to tell you something about a, er, 'Project Hybrid' coming back." As he talked, Malren poured the quickly cooling tea, the offered it to Itami. "Tea?"
GingerBread said:
"So theo, while we're stuck in here, why don't you tell me why you hate the idea of me looking after you. You don't have to be alone you know" Colin said as he did his best to get comfortable in the sack "All I want to do Is make sure you don't get hurt, why are you so against that?"

DizjayDeathPride said:
The captured kitten, no more than 5 inches tall, its head obviously too big for it's body, sat on Colin's toes almost weightlessly.
It looked to Theo and hissed, climbing up Colin's body and resting on his shoulder

( ! )

Theodore blasted the kitten with a beam of light. "Because i don't need nor do I want parents. I'm happy the way I am. Now leave me alone before you end up like that stupid cat."
Colin's eyes widened when he saw Theodore blast the cat with a beam of light. Colin immediately started healing the cat and took the wound upon himself, hissing in pain as he did "Theodore! We do not abuse animals, and you obviously do need parents because you don't seem to know right from wrong" Colin stated confidently "Which either means you lost your parents at an early age or they were bad parents" Colin voiced his thoughts out loud.

@Tazmodo @DizjayDeathPride
Tazmodo said:
( ! )
Theodore blasted the kitten with a beam of light. "Because i don't need nor do I want parents. I'm happy the way I am. Now leave me alone before you end up like that stupid cat."
Mini Grimm throws Theodore out the bag.
GingerBread said:
Colin's eyes widened when he saw Theodore blast the cat with a beam of light. Colin immediately started healing the cat and took the wound upon himself, hissing in pain as he did "Theodore! We do not abuse animals, and you obviously do need parents because you don't seem to know right from wrong" Colin stated confidently "Which either means you lost your parents at an early age or they were bad parents" Colin voiced his thoughts out loud.

@Tazmodo @DizjayDeathPride
Light said:
Mini Grimm throws Theodore out the bag.
Theodore was literal seconds away from killing him. He looked at mini Grimm. "I'll pay a million dollars to never let Colin out of that bag." He held his hand out to shake the mini Grimm.
Fola nodded at the man in front of him, raising a brow at the suddenness of it all, he chuckled a bit as he realized what he (thought) was going on, "Alright, if you didn't want to talk you didn't need to make a damn excuse...Alright guy, so what's your story? Why'd you come in here the way you did huh? Did you piss someone off? Owe money? Is money even a thing in this weird place? Fuck if I know, but I'm betting you owe the deity equivalent of cash."

@CelticSol @Light
Light said:
"Can you tell the dumby to stop calling me a runt?! I'll call him stupid again if he doesn't stop." The girl looked like she was going to step on his foot. "What rank are you anyways not stupid man."
Mini Grimm catches up and shoves kitten Morpheus into his bag. He runs over to Theodore and Colin. "Gotta make bank!"

( ! ) Alice moves forward at high speeds and spreads her wings. She flies up to the Angel and sets both her feet on his face and accelerates off of it with her speed and strength. Pushing off of him with the force of a mach cone since she did leave one behind when she pushed off of him. She flies in and out of clouds of carnage magic she's created at high speeds. Waiting for the perfect opportunity for when his personal guard was down.

Alexandria stops running and turns to Typhon, hiding her face behind her wing again. "Oh... I don't know... r-really?"

( @LokiofSP )

Ashlyn floats in from of Jericho and puts a telekinetic bubble around him. "Sit in the booth, hurry. This is Fola by the way." She gestures to the male half witch in the seat across from them.
When Alice came out from the clouds the Angel didn't move.
GingerBread said:
Colin's eyes widened when he saw Theodore blast the cat with a beam of light. Colin immediately started healing the cat and took the wound upon himself, hissing in pain as he did "Theodore! We do not abuse animals, and you obviously do need parents because you don't seem to know right from wrong" Colin stated confidently "Which either means you lost your parents at an early age or they were bad parents" Colin voiced his thoughts out loud.

@Tazmodo @DizjayDeathPride
@Tazmodo @Light

The kitten cried and whined from being attacked. Its tears starting to fill the bag
DizjayDeathPride said:
@Tazmodo @Light
The kitten cried and whined from being attacked. Its tears starting to fill the bag
Colin gingerly picked the kitten up and sat it on his lap while he started stroking it, wanting to calm the cat down and stop it from crying I thought cat's were incapable of crying from emotions Colin thought, slightly confused by the kittens crying, but he attempted confort it none the less
GingerBread said:
Colin gingerly picked the kitten up and sat it on his lap while he started stroking it, wanting to calm the cat down and stop it from crying I thought cat's were incapable of crying from emotions Colin thought, slightly confused by the kittens crying, but he attempted confort it none the less
The kitten bawled and wailed. More kittens started to appear, also crying. The more each kitten cried the more it made the kittens in total want to cry

The bag was getting decently filled with water and this made the kittens cry more since they hate water

More and more kittens started to appear in this hoard, all crying
Colin started slightly panicking and frantically looked around for something to help calm the kittens down. Colin noticed a bit of loose threat on his shirt and started pulling at it until he had a decently long piece of thread. Colin started dangling the thread above the kittens hoping it would distract them from their sadness.

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GingerBread said:
Colin started slightly panicking and frantically looked around for something to help calm the kittens down. Colin noticed a bit of loose threat on his shirt and started pulling at it until he had a decently long piece of thread. Colin started dangling the threat above the kittens hoping it would distract them from their sadness.
The little blue kittens slowly started to stop, all staring at the string, memorized.

Their eyes started to glow bright red. One sneezed and shot lasars to the ground. They all turned to the sick kitten and hissed. It ran and they all chased, shooting lasars after it
Crimson roars loudly as he realizes he's naked. When guys Senses comes back he follows the smell of mini Grimm. Naked

Cole just chills within the bag like he's okay with it or doesn't care. @Light
DizjayDeathPride said:
The little blue kittens slowly started to stop, all staring at the string, memorized.
Their eyes started to glow bright red. One sneezed and shot lasars to the ground. They all turned to the sick kitten and hissed. It ran and they all chased, shooting lasars after it
Colin quickly scooped the sick kitten up and held it in his arms protectively "Why can you guys fire lazers? You're kittens, though admittedly that makes it cooler, but if you're all good when we get out of here, I'll get you all some cat treats.... Or tuna" Colin said, feeling slightly crazy for trying to reason with kittens.

Lotusy said:
"Me, oh, the usual stuff. You know, a daughter of yours asks me to get you, I try, you try and kill me, the usual." He sat down as Itami did, crossing his legs. "The father thing from before, well, it's a long story. But basically, a girl told me that she was pregnant, and it turned out that not only was she not, but she'd been dead for quite some time." He sighed. "I mean, damn. Well, the message I was sent here for was to tell you something about a, er, 'Project Hybrid' coming back." As he talked, Malren poured the quickly cooling tea, the offered it to Itami. "Tea?"
Itami stood up immediately at the words Project Hybrid. He begins to walk towards Malren. "No time for tea let's go. You've convinced me and I'm trusting you with my daughter. If you break her heart I swear I will break yours." Itami grabs the two and speeds off of the mountain. "Alright where is your guild now? Wait hold that thought I have something to do." Itami leaves and Malren could feel himself rank up to Alpha. Christina holds on to Malren and kisses his cheek. "Looks like my father approves for now. What are we going to do though?"

LokiofSP said:
Fola nodded at the man in front of him, raising a brow at the suddenness of it all, he chuckled a bit as he realized what he (thought) was going on, "Alright, if you didn't want to talk you didn't need to make a damn excuse...Alright guy, so what's your story? Why'd you come in here the way you did huh? Did you piss someone off? Owe money? Is money even a thing in this weird place? Fuck if I know, but I'm betting you owe the deity equivalent of cash."

@CelticSol @Light
( @CelticSol )

"Fola... be nice." Ashlyn gives him a pleading look.

Tazmodo said:
When Alice came out from the clouds the Angel didn't move.
( ! ) Alice flies into the air and dives down. She gain a incredible speed while a wave of liquid carnage magic rises behind the Angel.

Embaga Elder] [COLOR=#b30000]Crimson roars loudly as he realizes he's naked. When guys Senses comes back he follows the smell of mini Grimm. Naked[/COLOR] [COLOR=#5900b3]Cole just chills within the bag like he's okay with it or doesn't care. [/COLOR][URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/10734-light/ said:
DizjayDeathPride said:
The little blue kittens slowly started to stop, all staring at the string, memorized.
Their eyes started to glow bright red. One sneezed and shot lasars to the ground. They all turned to the sick kitten and hissed. It ran and they all chased, shooting lasars after it
GingerBread said:
Colin quickly scooped the sick kitten up and held it in his arms protectively "Why can you guys fire lazers? You're kittens, though admittedly that makes it cooler, but if you're all good when we get out of here, I'll get you all some cat treats.... Or tuna" Colin said, feeling slightly crazy for trying to reason with kittens.

Mini Grimm gets tired of the drama and runs back to the guild, passing the naked Crimson as he goes and puts his clothes on. Mini Grimm reaches the guild and puts everything back where he found it, disappearing after killing off all the kittens.
GingerBread said:
Colin quickly scooped the sick kitten up and held it in his arms protectively "Why can you guys fire lazers? You're kittens, though admittedly that makes it cooler, but if you're all good when we get out of here, I'll get you all some cat treats.... Or tuna" Colin said, feeling slightly crazy for trying to reason with kittens.

The kittens were all ready to kill him but then he offered their favorite: treats. They all squinted at him then let the lasars go, their eyes returning to normal

Embaga Elder] [COLOR=#0000ff]Crimson roars loudly as he realizes he's naked. When guys Senses comes back he follows the smell of mini Grimm. Naked[/COLOR][COLOR=#0000ff] [/COLOR][COLOR=#0000ff]Cole just chills within the bag like he's okay with it or doesn't care. [/COLOR][URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/10734-light/ said:

The leader of the kitten revolution hopped on Cole in an attempt to make Colin jealous.

Light said:
Mini Grimm gets tired of the drama and runs back to the guild, passing the naked Crimson as he goes and puts his clothes on. Mini Grimm reaches the guild and puts everything back where he found it, disappearing after killing off all the kittens.
"I'm going to go home, go to sleep and then wake up and pretend none of this happened" Colin thought aloud as he began walking away from the guild and towards a bus stop.

GingerBread said:
"I'm going to go home, go to sleep and then wake up and pretend none of this happened" Colin thought aloud as he began walking away from the guild and towards a bus stop.
Colin was dropped into the darkness realm by Theodore. "I said to said time out." His voice rang.

Light said:
Itami stood up immediately at the words Project Hybrid. He begins to walk towards Malren. "No time for tea let's go. You've convinced me and I'm trusting you with my daughter. If you break her heart I swear I will break yours." Itami grabs the two and speeds off of the mountain. "Alright where is your guild now? Wait hold that thought I have something to do." Itami leaves and Malren could feel himself rank up to Alpha. Christina holds on to Malren and kisses his cheek. "Looks like my father approves for now. What are we going to do though?"
( @CelticSol )

"Fola... be nice." Ashlyn gives him a pleading look.

( ! ) Alice flies into the air and dives down. She gain a incredible speed while a wave of liquid carnage magic rises behind the Angel.

Mini Grimm gets tired of the drama and runs back to the guild, passing the naked Crimson as he goes and puts his clothes on. Mini Grimm reaches the guild and puts everything back where he found it, disappearing after killing off all the kittens.
The angel still stood there. The carnage was instantly negated by the aparation.

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