Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
Tazmodo said:
( ! )
The dark angel few into the air. The clouds had blocked off the sun and darkness spread everywhere. Tendrils came out of the ground and wrapped around Alice. Absolute Darkness spread everywhere blocking off her senses.
DizjayDeathPride said:
Morpheus couldn't sleep with all this ruckus going on. He went to go discover just what was going on and he appeared with the group. He looked between the angel and Alice, back and forth quickly. "Oh no...." He ran away and hid behind a big rock, covering his head with his hat
( ! ) Alice has Carnage magic spread from her body, eating away at the tendrils and the surrounding darkness. She finally has the carnage magic that was making the ground shake burst upwards and spread, assisting her in the task. The area that previously filled with Absolute Darkness was devoured and replaced by Carnage magic. As if it were an absolute carnage. The carnage magic spreads out to the attacker from many angles.

GingerBread said:
Colin struggles out of the bag before running towards the closest building, which just so happened to be the guild. He glanced back around and looked at the tiny Grimm "Please leave me alone, I don't want to be sold"

Tazmodo said:
Theodore couldn't help himself. "Awww that's adorable." He sat down. "I know it's you Morpheus and you're cute. Hey can you do me a favor?"
DizjayDeathPride said:
A small blue kitten landed on Theo, swatting at his face and hissing
A 5 inch tall Mini Grimm was sprinting swiftly after Colin whom was running in the direction of Theodore and Morpheus.

Daimao said:
"Are you serious?" Typhon asked in shock. "...you are serious." He sighed. "In that case, I want the girl that I made run off to come back so that I can apologize. I would also like to know how to deal with children in this age so that it won't happen again. For the third gift, I would like a friend, a companion that can help me understand how the world has changed since my imprisonment."
In an instant all three wishes came true. Typhon gained knowledge on how to deal with people of this era. Though the third one didn't seem to appear, only the girl from before did. "There! Bye!" All three of them disappear.

Alexandria backs away from Typhon once more, ready to fly away.
Light said:
A 5 inch tall Mini Grimm was sprinting swiftly after Colin whom was running in the direction of Theodore and Morpheus.
Colin was keeping an eye on the tiny Grimm and not looking where he was going. He crashed into Theodore and knocked him to the ground "Sorry, are you okay?" Colin asked as he offered a hand to help Theodore up. He momentarily forgot about the tiny grimm chasing him, too focused on checking if Theodore was okay.

@Light @Tazmodo @DizjayDeathPride
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Crimson continues to drink as he was insulted. If it wasn't a 10 year old kid. Crimson would've attacked. Runt.

Cole chuckles. If you consider those two stupid then you should meet the actual stupid one of our group. Cole shakes his head. That Dumbass @Light
GingerBread said:
Colin was keeping an eye on the tiny Grimm and not looking where he was going. He crashed into Theodore and knocked him to the ground "Sorry, are you okay?" Colin asked as he offered a hand to help Theodore up. He momentarily forgot about the tiny grimm chasing him, too focused on checking if Theodore was okay.

@Light @Tazmodo @DizjayDeathPride
The kitten stood up from its fall and shook, ruffling its fluff. The little kitten looked up to Colin sadly and meowed, wanting to be picked up
Light said:
Ashlyn was about to respond to Fola and sit down in the booth as well but she felt something touch her arm. At this moment the portal closes. Ashlyn stares at Jericho with her sad but sheltered eyes. "My name is Ashlyn Van Fen'rir. I'm the Deity Chaos... leader if Dragon's Roar... ruler of the deity realm. Which is where we're at. Who are you and why are you in such a hurry." Ashlyn gives Fola an apologetic smile since she has to handle the distressed man first.
Jericho. Jericho Belikova. He hand grips tighter on her arm as the woman from before enters, her eyes grazing across the crowd in search of him. He looks back to Isabel desperately, his eyes pleading, Please hide me. I don't know where I am, or what's going on, but there's someone coming after me.

Jackie sighed as the portal opened up into her room in the guild. Blood had splattered and dried on her face, making her face feel tight and uncomfortable. Her blood-stained, indecently short and revealing cocktail dress hit the floor first, her stilettos following shortly after. Jackie sat down, rubbing her aching feet with a sigh. The job itself hadn't been hard, per se, but it hadn't been the most fun she'd had with a victim - he'd been a pig, and luring him into a secluded street corner had been disgustingly easy. He just hadn't gone down easy - once he'd realized Jackie wasn't actually a hooker, he hadn't reacted very well. By the time she'd pinned him down and finally slit his throat, he had given her a real shiner of a black eye (it'd healed by now, but it had hurt like a bitch).

Turning on the shower connected to her room, she quickly washed off the dirt, grime, blood, and makeup, feeling the aching tension in her limbs slowly relieve. She sighed as she ran her hands through her wet hair, eyes closing as she wiped her face clean. As she stepped out and wrapped her body and hair in towels. Laying back on her bed, she almost growled when Sanctum's voice ran through her head, Awful laid back for everything that is happening right now. Shouldn't you help out Ashlynn?

I can't nap? Honestly, go suck a dick and give me a chance to rest. You haven't let me sleep in days, and its turning me into a fucking zombie. Leave me alone.

Oddly enough, he fell quiet, and with his silence, her eyes slowly slipped closed and she drifted into a light sleep.
Light said:
( ! ) Alice has Carnage magic spread from her body, eating away at the tendrils and the surrounding darkness. She finally has the carnage magic that was making the ground shake burst upwards and spread, assisting her in the task. The area that previously filled with Absolute Darkness was devoured and replaced by Carnage magic. As if it were an absolute carnage. The carnage magic spreads out to the attacker from many angles.
A 5 inch tall Mini Grimm was sprinting swiftly after Colin whom was running in the direction of Theodore and Morpheus.

In an instant all three wishes came true. Typhon gained knowledge on how to deal with people of this era. Though the third one didn't seem to appear, only the girl from before did. "There! Bye!" All three of them disappear.

Alexandria backs away from Typhon once more, ready to fly away.
Typhon looked at the girl in silence for a moment, before he spoke. "Child, I apologize for my earlier words. I have no experience talking to children other than my own. I am Typhon. Come, tell me what troubles you so that I may help you," he said kindly.
Light said:
( ! ) Alice has Carnage magic spread from her body, eating away at the tendrils and the surrounding darkness. She finally has the carnage magic that was making the ground shake burst upwards and spread, assisting her in the task. The area that previously filled with Absolute Darkness was devoured and replaced by Carnage magic. As if it were an absolute carnage. The carnage magic spreads out to the attacker from many angles.
A 5 inch tall Mini Grimm was sprinting swiftly after Colin whom was running in the direction of Theodore and Morpheus.

In an instant all three wishes came true. Typhon gained knowledge on how to deal with people of this era. Though the third one didn't seem to appear, only the girl from before did. "There! Bye!" All three of them disappear.

Alexandria backs away from Typhon once more, ready to fly away.
( ! )

The dark angel laughed as he started to radiated reparation. It was like carnage but blue. It hit the carnage magic and rendered it useless. "You are just as predictable as they said you were." He laughed as more tendrils formed around his body he had blades of darkness shoot from her shadow aimed for her spinal cord.
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DizjayDeathPride said:
The kitten stood up from its fall and shook, ruffling its fluff. The little kitten looked up to Colin sadly and meowed, wanting to be picked up
Colin reached down and gently picked up the kitten and began gently stroking him as he looked towards Theodore "Is this your cat? He's rather adorable" Colin had forgotten that he was being chased by a mini man hell bent on selling him for money.

@Light @Tazmodo @DizjayDeathPride
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GingerBread said:
Colin was keeping an eye on the tiny Grimm and not looking where he was going. He crashed into Theodore and knocked him to the ground "Sorry, are you okay?" Colin asked as he offered a hand to help Theodore up. He momentarily forgot about the tiny grimm chasing him, too focused on checking if Theodore was okay.
@Light @Tazmodo @DizjayDeathPride
DizjayDeathPride said:
The kitten stood up from its fall and shook, ruffling its fluff. The little kitten looked up to Colin sadly and meowed, wanting to be picked up
Theodore looked at the kitten then at Colin. "He likes you. You can keep him he obviously doesn't like me. His name is Mittens. What are you running from?"
Tazmodo said:
Theodore looked at the kitten then at Colin. "He likes you. You can keep him he obviously doesn't like me. His name is Mittens. What are you running from?"
"I know this is going to sound a bit crazy, but a tiny man who wants to sell me for money" Colin kept stroking the kitten "Aren't you a bit young to be out here by yourself? How old are you anyways? Ten, eleven?" Colin gave Theodore a worried look "Shouldn't you have someone with you? Or are you lost?"

@Tazmodo @DizjayDeathPride
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Tazmodo said:
( ! )
The dark angel laughed as he started to radiated reparation. It was like carnage but blue. It hit the carnage magic and rendered it useless. "You are just as predictable as they said you were." He laughed as more tendrils formed around his body he had blades of darkness shoot from her shadow aimed for her spinal cord.
Light said:
( ! ) Alice has Carnage magic spread from her body, eating away at the tendrils and the surrounding darkness. She finally has the carnage magic that was making the ground shake burst upwards and spread, assisting her in the task. The area that previously filled with Absolute Darkness was devoured and replaced by Carnage magic. As if it were an absolute carnage. The carnage magic spreads out to the attacker from many angles.
A 5 inch tall Mini Grimm was sprinting swiftly after Colin whom was running in the direction of Theodore and Morpheus.

In an instant all three wishes came true. Typhon gained knowledge on how to deal with people of this era. Though the third one didn't seem to appear, only the girl from before did. "There! Bye!" All three of them disappear.

Alexandria backs away from Typhon once more, ready to fly away.
Morpheus watched the two in horror. He couldn't believe two flying creatures would do this to each other. He looked to the ground as tears spilled from his eyes. My winged friends... Why do you do this to each other? He looked up to the two, his eyes puffy and red. He sniffled and wiped his tears. He hid behind another rock for safety
GingerBread said:
"I know this is going to sound a bit crazy, but a tiny man who wants to sell me for money" Colin kept stroking the kitten "Aren't you a bit young to be out here by yourself? How old are you anyways? Ten, eleven?" Colin gave Theodore a worried look "Shouldn't you have someone with you? Or are you lost?"

@Tazmodo @DizjayDeathPride
Theodore glared into his eyes. "I'm 12 and I'm plenty old enough to look out for myself. Shouldn't someone be watching you sense your scare of tiny men trying to sell you. I'm sure the people over at the mental hospital are looking for you." He hated when people thought he was weak and needed supervision because of his age.
GingerBread said:
"I know this is going to sound a bit crazy, but a tiny man who wants to sell me for money" Colin kept stroking the kitten "Aren't you a bit young to be out here by yourself? How old are you anyways? Ten, eleven?" Colin gave Theodore a worried look "Shouldn't you have someone with you? Or are you lost?"

@Tazmodo @DizjayDeathPride
The kitten purred the climbed out of his hands, hopping down and walking past Theo into the Guild, flicking him with his tail as he went

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Tazmodo said:
Theodore glared into his eyes. "I'm 12 and I'm plenty old enough to look out for myself. Shouldn't someone be watching you sense your scare of tiny men trying to sell you. I'm sure the people over at the mental hospital are looking for you." He hated when people thought he was weak and needed supervision because of his age.
Colin put his hands up in mock defense "Calm down little man. All I'm saying is it's dangerous out here at the moment, Did you not see the news about the children hospitals that got attacked by terrorists, Only a small group of them survived" Colin looked down sadly, he hated even thinking about anyone getting hurt especially children. "I'd feel better if you had someone to look out for you. So seeing as you're by yourself I'm going to be looking after you" Colin smiled brightly at the boy "Anyway, what's your name? Mine's Colin" Colin held his hand out for Theodore to shake.

@DizjayDeathPride @Tazmodo (Colin is now adopting Theodore xP )
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Embaga Elder] [COLOR=#b30000]Crimson continues to drink as he was insulted. If it wasn't a 10 year old kid. Crimson would've attacked. [/COLOR][COLOR=#b30000][B]Runt.[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#5900b3]Cole chuckles. [/COLOR][COLOR=#5900b3][B]If you consider those two stupid then you should meet the actual stupid one of our group. [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=#5900b3]Cole shakes his head. [/COLOR][COLOR=#5900b3][B]That Dumbass [/B][/COLOR][URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/10734-light/ said:
"Can you tell the dumby to stop calling me a runt?! I'll call him stupid again if he doesn't stop." The girl looked like she was going to step on his foot. "What rank are you anyways not stupid man."

DizjayDeathPride said:
The kitten purred the climbed out of his hands, hopping down and walking past Theo into the Guild, flicking him with his tail as he went
Tazmodo said:
Theodore glared into his eyes. "I'm 12 and I'm plenty old enough to look out for myself. Shouldn't someone be watching you sense your scare of tiny men trying to sell you. I'm sure the people over at the mental hospital are looking for you." He hated when people thought he was weak and needed supervision because of his age.
GingerBread said:
"I know this is going to sound a bit crazy, but a tiny man who wants to sell me for money" Colin kept stroking the kitten "Aren't you a bit young to be out here by yourself? How old are you anyways? Ten, eleven?" Colin gave Theodore a worried look "Shouldn't you have someone with you? Or are you lost?"

@Tazmodo @DizjayDeathPride
Mini Grimm catches up and shoves kitten Morpheus into his bag. He runs over to Theodore and Colin. "Gotta make bank!"

DizjayDeathPride said:
Morpheus watched the two in horror. He couldn't believe two flying creatures would do this to each other. He looked to the ground as tears spilled from his eyes. My winged friends... Why do you do this to each other? He looked up to the two, his eyes puffy and red. He sniffled and wiped his tears. He hid behind another rock for safety
Tazmodo said:
( ! )
The dark angel laughed as he started to radiated reparation. It was like carnage but blue. It hit the carnage magic and rendered it useless. "You are just as predictable as they said you were." He laughed as more tendrils formed around his body he had blades of darkness shoot from her shadow aimed for her spinal cord.
( ! ) Alice moves forward at high speeds and spreads her wings. She flies up to the Angel and sets both her feet on his face and accelerates off of it with her speed and strength. Pushing off of him with the force of a mach cone since she did leave one behind when she pushed off of him. She flies in and out of clouds of carnage magic she's created at high speeds. Waiting for the perfect opportunity for when his personal guard was down.

Daimao said:
Typhon looked at the girl in silence for a moment, before he spoke. "Child, I apologize for my earlier words. I have no experience talking to children other than my own. I am Typhon. Come, tell me what troubles you so that I may help you," he said kindly.
Alexandria stops running and turns to Typhon, hiding her face behind her wing again. "Oh... I don't know... r-really?"

CelticSol said:
Jericho. Jericho Belikova. He hand grips tighter on her arm as the woman from before enters, her eyes grazing across the crowd in search of him. He looks back to Isabel desperately, his eyes pleading, Please hide me. I don't know where I am, or what's going on, but there's someone coming after me.
( @LokiofSP )

Ashlyn floats in from of Jericho and puts a telekinetic bubble around him. "Sit in the booth, hurry. This is Fola by the way." She gestures to the male half witch in the seat across from them.
DizjayDeathPride said:
The kitten purred the climbed out of his hands, hopping down and walking past Theo into the Guild, flicking him with his tail as he went
GingerBread said:
Colin put his hands up in mock defense "Calm down little man. All I'm saying is it's dangerous out here at the moment, Did you not see the news about the children hospitals that got attacked by terrorists, Only a small group of them survived" Colin looked down sadly, he hated even thinking about anyone getting hurt especially children. "I'd feel better if you had someone to look out for you. So seeing as you're by yourself I'm going to be looking after you" Colin smiled brightly at the boy "Anyway, what's your name? Mine's Colin" Colin held his hand out for Theodore to shake.
@DizjayDeathPride @Tazmodo (Colin is now adopting Theodore xP )
Theodore looked at the cat. "I'll be back for you in a second." He turned to the Colin. "I'm Theodore and I'm probably a higher rank then you if you even in the guild and those kids died because they were weak. I was once like that but no more? Now leave me alone I don't need to be watched." He turned toward Grimm. "How much?" @Light
Colin wa appalled by what Theodore had said. He marched over to him "If I hear you say something like that again Theodore, I will put you in time out" Colin said in a commanding and serious tone before turning to the mini Grimm "How much do you want for Theodore's cat?" Colin asked, silently hoping that the mini man wouldn't kidnap him again.

@Tazmodo @DizjayDeathPride @Light
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GingerBread said:
Colin wa appalled by what Theodore had said. He marched over to him "If I hear you say something like that again Theodore, I will put you in time out" Colin said in a commanding and serious tone before turning to the mini Grimm "How much do you want for Theodore's cat?" Colin asked, silently hoping that the mini man wouldn't kidnap him again.

@Tazmodo @DizjayDeathPride @Light
Theodore glared at him. "The last time I had a parent I killed them. That was accidental and I love them more then anything in the world. I don't know you, you annoy me, and you think you can tell me what to do. I will kill you without remorse. I'd rather have the cat be my father. Shoot I'd rather have red flag Grimm be my father. Now. Leave. Me. Alone." He had no patience to deal with him.
Tazmodo said:
Theodore looked at the cat. "I'll be back for you in a second." He turned to the Colin. "I'm Theodore and I'm probably a higher rank then you if you even in the guild and those kids died because they were weak. I was once like that but no more? Now leave me alone I don't need to be watched." He turned toward Grimm. "How much?" @Light
GingerBread said:
Colin wa appalled by what Theodore had said. He marched over to him "If I hear you say something like that again Theodore, I will put you in time out" Colin said in a commanding and serious tone before turning to the mini Grimm "How much do you want for Theodore's cat?" Colin asked, silently hoping that the mini man wouldn't kidnap him again.

@Tazmodo @DizjayDeathPride @Light
( @DizjayDeathPride @Embaga Elder )

Mini Grimm ignores them both and shoves them into the bag. He begins to run into the guild. He shoves Cole into the bag and scurries.

CelticSol said:
Jackie sighed as the portal opened up into her room in the guild. Blood had splattered and dried on her face, making her face feel tight and uncomfortable. Her blood-stained, indecently short and revealing cocktail dress hit the floor first, her stilettos following shortly after. Jackie sat down, rubbing her aching feet with a sigh. The job itself hadn't been hard, per se, but it hadn't been the most fun she'd had with a victim - he'd been a pig, and luring him into a secluded street corner had been disgustingly easy. He just hadn't gone down easy - once he'd realized Jackie wasn't actually a hooker, he hadn't reacted very well. By the time she'd pinned him down and finally slit his throat, he had given her a real shiner of a black eye (it'd healed by now, but it had hurt like a bitch).
Turning on the shower connected to her room, she quickly washed off the dirt, grime, blood, and makeup, feeling the aching tension in her limbs slowly relieve. She sighed as she ran her hands through her wet hair, eyes closing as she wiped her face clean. As she stepped out and wrapped her body and hair in towels. Laying back on her bed, she almost growled when Sanctum's voice ran through her head, Awful laid back for everything that is happening right now. Shouldn't you help out Ashlynn?

I can't nap? Honestly, go suck a dick and give me a chance to rest. You haven't let me sleep in days, and its turning me into a fucking zombie. Leave me alone.

Oddly enough, he fell quiet, and with his silence, her eyes slowly slipped closed and she drifted into a light sleep.
Grimm appears in the dreams of Jackie. "So this is what you like to dream about. Fun. Hey there Jackie guess who it is!"
Light said:
"Can you tell the dumby to stop calling me a runt?! I'll call him stupid again if he doesn't stop." The girl looked like she was going to step on his foot. "What rank are you anyways not stupid man."
Mini Grimm catches up and shoves kitten Morpheus into his bag. He runs over to Theodore and Colin. "Gotta make bank!"

( ! ) Alice moves forward at high speeds and spreads her wings. She flies up to the Angel and sets both her feet on his face and accelerates off of it with her speed and strength. Pushing off of him with the force of a mach cone since she did leave one behind when she pushed off of him. She flies in and out of clouds of carnage magic she's created at high speeds. Waiting for the perfect opportunity for when his personal guard was down.

Alexandria stops running and turns to Typhon, hiding her face behind her wing again. "Oh... I don't know... r-really?"

( @LokiofSP )

Ashlyn floats in from of Jericho and puts a telekinetic bubble around him. "Sit in the booth, hurry. This is Fola by the way." She gestures to the male half witch in the seat across from them.
"Yes, really," Typhon replied. "Tell me what troubles you, child."
Tazmodo said:
Theodore glared at him. "The last time I had a parent I killed them. That was accidental and I love them more then anything in the world. I don't know you, you annoy me, and you think you can tell me what to do. I will kill you without remorse. I'd rather have the cat be my father. Shoot I'd rather have red flag Grimm be my father. Now. Leave. Me. Alone." He had no patience to deal with him.
Colin covered his mouth in shock "That's it Theodore, Right after we get your kitty back, You're going straight into time out mister. You should not talk about killing people" Colin said before he was put back into the bag along with Theodore and the Cat "Or when we get out of here. Though if you apologise we can go get you some ice cream"

@Light @DizjayDeathPride @Tazmodo
Light said:
( @DizjayDeathPride @Embaga Elder )
Mini Grimm ignores them both and shoves them into the bag. He begins to run into the guild. He shoves Cole into the bag and scurries.

Grimm appears in the dreams of Jackie. "So this is what you like to dream about. Fun. Hey there Jackie guess who it is!"
Tazmodo said:
Theodore glared at him. "The last time I had a parent I killed them. That was accidental and I love them more then anything in the world. I don't know you, you annoy me, and you think you can tell me what to do. I will kill you without remorse. I'd rather have the cat be my father. Shoot I'd rather have red flag Grimm be my father. Now. Leave. Me. Alone." He had no patience to deal with him.
GingerBread said:
Colin wa appalled by what Theodore had said. He marched over to him "If I hear you say something like that again Theodore, I will put you in time out" Colin said in a commanding and serious tone before turning to the mini Grimm "How much do you want for Theodore's cat?" Colin asked, silently hoping that the mini man wouldn't kidnap him again.

@Tazmodo @DizjayDeathPride @Light
Another kitten watched as his rides were both taken. Slowly its eyes wiggled, ready to cry. Then it stopped and figured if you can't escape, join.

The kitten ran through the halls, breaking into rooms and stealing valuables, eating them and putting them in a sort of stomach pocket
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Cole was about to speak until he was shoved into the bag. But he just chills as if everything was normal. Crimson on the other hand.

Crimson saw the mean version of Grimm stuff one of his bestfriends in a bag. Oh no you don't. Crimson chases after mini Grimm and kicks him likes he's a soccer ball. Gooooaaaaalll @Light
GingerBread said:
Colin covered his mouth in shock "That's it Theodore, Right after we get your kitty back, You're going straight into time out mister. You should not talk about killing people" Colin said before he was put back into the bag along with Theodore and the Cat "Or when we get out of here. Though if you apologise we can go get you some ice cream"
@Light @DizjayDeathPride @Tazmodo
Theodore glared at him and made his own ice cream appear. "I don't need or want you I'm an orphan and I'm staying that way." He opened a portal and went to his room leaving Colin.

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