Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

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Daimao said:
Oymyakon, Russia. The coldest city on Earth. In this city of snow and ice, a single man stood out in the cold, snowy streets. His crimson hair whipped around his face in the bone-chilling wind. His clothes were no where close to being clothes that would allow a human to survive in this climate. However, this man was no human. Typhon looked up into the blizzard filled sky above him. He couldn't even feel the deadly cold. This blizzard was unusual, even for Oymyakon, because of the fact that the air was practically solid with snow. With a single thought, he caused the blizzard he had created's winds to whip harder. He enjoyed the snow. It was one of the few things he enjoyed.
There was a woman with dark ginger hair and gold eyes, Alexandria. She was trying to hide behind a light pole but it was extremely obvious she was there. It seemed like she was trying to find a way around Typhon without being noticed. "Ummm....no... oh no."

GingerBread said:
Vance took a deep breath and sighed. I hope whoever is causing the trouble gives me a reason to kill them, It can be the most minor of reasons and I'll still take it He teleported to where the guild Symbol had been telling him to go earlier.
Vance found himself in front of a children's hospital in California and noticed it was guarded by several people with guns "Alright Fuckers!" Vance boomed throwing both of his arms out to the sides "This is going to go two ways. Way number one, You all leave and don't harm anyone and I'll pretend none of this ever happened" Vance's tone was neutral and bored sounding "Option number two, You all stay and I pick you off one by one" Vance took on a more deadly expression and his voice lowered to match his expression "I really hope you pick the second option"

The terrorist glares at Vance and raises his gun. "Get the fuck away! Who are you to call the shots?!"

djinnamon said:
( *pouts* Ever heard of being subtle* whispers*)
( I'm only subtle with secret meanings behind things I've previously said. Like hints to who mysterious characters really are. I'm completely in your face about insults. If I were to insult your intelligence you would know. Believe me I have 4 people on this thread to support that claim. I would also literally put the You're stupid there as well like Taz said. Calm down. )
Light said:
( No.... I didn't think that far ahead. )
( @CelticSol )

Alice was sitting down in the lobby with a handful of children around her. She was grinning as the children began to dog pile her, as if they had forgotten about the threat. "Alright! I'll tell you about the time I fought another dragon!" Alice was tricked into telling them due to their smiles, a sheer contrast from the terrified faces they had before.

Ashlyn was looking around until she spotted a tall individual no to far away from Alice and her clique of kids. She continues to stare until she's lost in thought.

The terrorist glares at Brundyn and raises his gun. "Once we gain the others you shall be regarded as a hero and you will be spared once the reckoning day comes. For now we shall free hostages from one of the hospital's."
Brundyn thinks for a second, stroking the beard that they don't have. "You make a very convincing argument my good man. I think you have convened me to help you. But first tell me more about becoming a hero, I have always been fascinated by the concept of fame." Brundyn lied very convincingly, being a business man made this skill a must. It didn't take long for all of the bombs to be found by the Clockwork Scouts. Burndyn then teleports in skillful Crafting Constructs that can defuse the bombs. The Clockwork Scouts keep watch, if they see anything that could endanger the mission, the Crafting Construct is to abort and be teleported away.
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Light said:
The terrorist glares at Vance and raises his gun. "Get the fuck away! Who are you to call the shots?!"
"OH. MY. GOD! He has a gun" Vance covered his mouth in mock shock before returning to a deathly serious expression "You want to know who I am? I'm your worst fucking nightmare if you don't leave peacefully. Now last chance. Are you going to leave? Or do I get to have some fun?"

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GingerBread said:
"OH. MY. GOD! He has a gun" Vance covered his mouth in mock shock before returning to a pissed of expression "You want to know who I am? I'm your worst fucking nightmare if you don't leave peacefully. Now last chance. Are you going to leave? Or do I get to have some fun?"
Brundyn then then turns to face Vance. "No, I don't think you will be touching my new friends." They say walking towards him. They was still lying but they had to buy their constructs time to defuse the bombs. If this guy starts killing the bombs will start going off and Brundyn was not going to let that happen.
Light said:
There was a woman with dark ginger hair and gold eyes, Alexandria. She was trying to hide behind a light pole but it was extremely obvious she was there. It seemed like she was trying to find a way around Typhon without being noticed. "Ummm....no... oh no."
The terrorist glares at Vance and raises his gun. "Get the fuck away! Who are you to call the shots?!"

( I'm only subtle with secret meanings behind things I've previously said. Like hints to who mysterious characters really are. I'm completely in your face about insults. If I were to insult your intelligence you would know. Believe me I have 4 people on this thread to support that claim. I would also literally put the You're stupid there as well like Taz said. Calm down. )
Typhon's own glowing yellow eyes suddenly locked on to those of the woman who was attempting to hide. A silky smooth voice whispered in her head. "I can see you. Who are you and what do you want?" The voice whispered. Typhon didn't even twitch as the freezing wind began to whip even harder.
TheMADQ said:
Brundyn then then turns to face Vance. "No, I don't think you will be touching my new friends." They say walking towards him. They was still lying but they had to buy their constructs time to defuse the bombs. If this guy starts killing the bombs will start going off and Brundyn was not going to let that happen.
(F.Y.I the bombs will go off if any one of them is diffused, Right @Light)

"And what are you going to do? Cause I can take you all out without hurting a single one of you, And all it will take is a snap of my fingers" Vance placed his middle finger against his thumb and held his hand up for them all to see.

@Light @TheMADQ
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Light said:
Itami's scythe flies out of the shrine towards Malren. Itami was behind Malren, a fist covered in twilight. She could smell Christina all over him, not even in the oh we just hugged good way. Itami was infuriated. "What the hell did you do with my daughter?!"
"Me? Oh, heh. About that..." Malren laughed nervously as Itami confronted him. Shit. I totally forgot that she's his daughter. He let out a sigh of defeat, knowing that he probably couldn't hide the truth from Itami for long. "You know, that's a funny story. You see, I met her, and stuff happened, and we... well, we sort of did it." Malren shrunk away from Itami. "Please don't kill me," he whimpered.
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(If that's the case the constructs will wait and defuse them all at the same time, there are enough to do that. Brundyn would notice this feature by the look of the bomb. I just didn't know.)

"Well, lets see if you can take me out first." Brundyn thinks that the terrorist would't care they fought. Warping in a staff that is made of a rust-colored metal that has been corroded by acid, with a sickly green gem at its tip. "Bring it." Taunting Vance to come and fight them first.

@Light @GingerBread
"Really? Okay" Vance snaps his fingers and tendrils, which were purely for show, slowly twine around Brundyn's legs before they're pulled into his darkness realm and trapped their with his powers nullified "Right, Who wants to go next then?"

@TheMADQ @Light
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Sage and Diana kept cursing as the monsters reformed and more appeared. Noire kept fighting but was getting tired. " That is it! " Sage and Diana screamed in unison as a blizzard formed. The winds sliced and diced while the snow froze the monster into blocks before the blocks and monsters scattered. All the monsters were destroyed but everything else was safe.

( Well that is a killer blizzard *drum* @Light)
Brundyn acts quickly before being pulled into the darkness realm. The necklace on there neck changes, this item anchors them to this realm. "Nice, try but you will need to try harder." They swing the staff at Vance sending a glob of acid comes flying at him. This was not even a real attack just a test.

@Light @GingerBread
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Tazmodo said:
The tornado picked up the crystal. "Come on. This isn't a cartoon Morpheus." He threw a rock at his light ball.
The ball flickered, forcing Morpheus to react and catch the rock, his feet stopping and dragging back in the air. He was mumbling yo himself angrily. "Always scan the opponent fuck. me." He groaned and sucked all of the storm and light into the rock and obliterating it to nothing. He kicked off the air and landed on the ground facing Jackson.

( ! ) "Very well. Let's make it our reality." He sent a pulse out of his body that binged Jackson. The moment his body felt the pulse and his body twitched Morpheus kicked down in this chest, cracking into his ribs with his usual: 10 Ton-Force. Shattering his entire rib cage and kicked him down into the ground
DizjayDeathPride said:
The ball flickered, forcing Morpheus to react and catch the rock, his feet stopping and dragging back in the air. He was mumbling yo himself angrily. "Always scan the opponent fuck. me." He groaned and sucked all of the storm and light into the rock and obliterating it to nothing. He kicked off the air and landed on the ground facing Jackson.
( ! ) "Very well. Let's make it our reality." He sent a pulse out of his body that binged Jackson. The moment his body felt the pulse and his body twitched Morpheus kicked down in this chest, cracking into his ribs with his usual: 10 Ton-Force. Shattering his entire rib cage and kicked him down into the ground
( ! )

Jackson coughed up some blood and started healing. "That hurt." A pillar of fire engulfed Morpheus while chains of light could up his body holding him there.
Light said:
( No.... I didn't think that far ahead. )
( @CelticSol )

Alice was sitting down in the lobby with a handful of children around her. She was grinning as the children began to dog pile her, as if they had forgotten about the threat. "Alright! I'll tell you about the time I fought another dragon!" Alice was tricked into telling them due to their smiles, a sheer contrast from the terrified faces they had before.

Ashlyn was looking around until she spotted a tall individual no to far away from Alice and her clique of kids. She continues to stare until she's lost in thought.

The terrorist glares at Brundyn and raises his gun. "Once we gain the others you shall be regarded as a hero and you will be spared once the reckoning day comes. For now we shall free hostages from one of the hospital's."

The clone of Ashlyn felt more of an awkward aura from A's response. "So what can you do and what species are you? I just want to know your strengths and weaknesses to help you out in the future."

"No. I wanted the apology from Sage." Luna takes the soul out of Sarah's body, allowing a reaper to reap her soul. "I gave her another chance and Sage blew it. Next time he'll learn. You should thank me Vance, maybe Sage will smarten up and possibly not put your life on the line next time."

( You can't reincarnate your mother into your child. You keep defeating the purpose of character deaths. You kept Sarah and such alive the first time. She's dead. Tazmodo's character who's also named Sarah died and it's not fair your character gets instant repeats when legitimately killed as well. Though if you still want to go ahead and do that then I' just reincarnated every single antagonist we've had so far since that's fair right? )
After arriving in California, Ace immediately went to search for Alice and the others. She found Alice first and noticed that she was telling stories about her to the children. Ace went behind her. "Uh yeah. Tell me about you defeating a dragon." She said in a not serious tone.
Tazmodo said:
( ! )
Jackson coughed up some blood and started healing. "That hurt." A pillar of fire engulfed Morpheus while chains of light could up his body holding him there.
( ! ) While the flames rose he used the speed of Twilight and slammed his fist into Jackson's back, a clone going to each side, and one to his stomach each punching 5 Ton-Force straight, the force punching through him, cutting him into fourths, their arms through his body, stretching to the other side.

Each spoke in unison: "let's see just what. you. are." They were all grey. Eyes, clothes, hair. All grey.
Brundyn was pulled into the shadow realm and the mark on there back began to glow. They recognize this power, its teleportation magic. They use the power to teleport to Vance. "Nice, try but you will need to try harder." They swing the staff at Vance sending a glob of acid comes flying at him. This was not even a real attack just a test.

@Light @GingerBread

(Whelp I am glad that I was able to come back anyway xD )
TheMADQ said:
Brundyn was pulled into the shadow realm and the mark on there back began to glow. They recognize this power, its teleportation magic. They use the power to teleport to Vance. "Nice, try but you will need to try harder." They swing the staff at Vance sending a glob of acid comes flying at him. This was not even a real attack just a test.
@Light @GingerBread

(Whelp I am glad that I was able to come back anyway xD )
He's part of the guild Isn't he? And he's friends with the terrorists Vance thought as he sidestepped out of the way of the attack "Right, Last chance. You can either leave peacefully, or I can kill you all right now" As Vance said this razor sharp tendrils appeared behind all of the terrorists ready to strike at a moment's notice.

@Light @TheMADQ
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GingerBread said:
He's part of the guild Isn't he? And he's friends with the terrorists Vance thought as he sidestepped out of the way of the attack "Right, Last chance. You can either leave peacefully, or I can kill you all right now" As Vance said this razor sharp tendrils appeared behind all of the terrorists ready to strike at a moment's notice.
@Light @TheMADQ
It was about this point that all the bombs had been defused at the same time. "Oh well my job is done." Spinning he staff around before it vanishes. "Well I do apologize for my actions, I just needed to buy a little bit of time. All the bombs have been defused. So go on and kill everyone here, I really don't care." Brundyn warps a small bag in there hand and they pull out a small black sphere that looked like it could be a black pearl. Fining it at the guy who had slammed the back of there gun into Brundyn's face. This Bead Of Force Mark 1 captures them in a sphere of force. "Except you, your coming with me." They suddenly vanish into Brundyns interdimensional space. "Sorry buddy about bugging you." They say to Vance as they walk into the building ignoring all the Terrorists.

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"Witch. I have all elemental magic, but not light. I have a lot of other magicks as well, to many to name." She replied in a coolly voice.
Sage ,Diana and Noire landed on the ground and sighed , thinking it was all over before more monsters formed. Sage cursed before opening his telepathic link to Vance, Ashlyn ,Jack and the rest of the guild members . " Guys , we need help at the guild. " He said as the monsters advanced on them.

@Light @GingerBread @Archdemon @anyone
Daimao said:
Typhon's own glowing yellow eyes suddenly locked on to those of the woman who was attempting to hide. A silky smooth voice whispered in her head. "I can see you. Who are you and what do you want?" The voice whispered. Typhon didn't even twitch as the freezing wind began to whip even harder.
Alexandria begins to shy away even more with a hurt expression, especially since he has red hair and yellow eyes. Those were the features her ex had, the ex she offended. An angel wing sprouts out of her right shoulder blade and covers her face. She assumes he can't see her because she can't see him. "I'm passing by... sorry.." She could feel her throat constricting, words slowly becoming rare. "I...I-I." She moved backwards in an intimidated fashion even though she needed to move past him.

Lotusy said:
"Me? Oh, heh. About that..." Malren laughed nervously as Itami confronted him. Shit. I totally forgot that she's his daughter. He let out a sigh of defeat, knowing that he probably couldn't hide the truth from Itami for long. "You know, that's a funny story. You see, I met her, and stuff happened, and we... well, we sort of did it." Malren shrunk away from Itami. "Please don't kill me," he whimpered.
Itami stops attacking Malren, staring at him as his angelic and demonic wings begin to unfold. "You what?!" He was about to strike with a beam of twilight to the heart but Malren could feel a soft body connect with his own. Christina was hugging Malren with a smile on her face. "So you finally admit it?" She continues to hold on to Malren but turns her head to her father. "He's telling the truth father! I wish to be with Malren and no one else! I'm his girlfriend after all. In due time I'll be his wife. That's what we agreed on anyways! It's either you accept him as your future son in law or kill us both!"

Itami was so surprised by the sudden turn of events, his guard had dropped and he left himself open. Though if Malren choose to attack him was the question.

( Gonna upload her Cs now. )

GingerBread said:
(Wait, you managed to disarm all the bombs in all of the buildings? If not R.I.P Children)
( Still R.I.P children. @DizjayDeathPride @The Otaku Diaries @CelticSol )

The terrorists in the other four hospitals begin to shoot the children in the hospital, even the one whom are bedridden. Babies, comatose, disabled. None of that mattered to the terrorists. This all happened because of one variable Brundyn had forgotten. The hospital the Dragon's Roar members were fine since these terrorists were eliminated.

DarknessSpirit said:
"Witch. I have all elemental magic, but not light. I have a lot of other magicks as well, to many to name." She replied in a coolly voice.
"Ah! A witch? This is nice, we have a half witch here too! There is the possibility of meeting someone every witch should meet at least once." Ashlyn seemed excited and smiles. "Seriously welcome to the guild though! Want me to show you around?"
TheMADQ said:
It was about this point that all the bombs had been defused at the same time. "Oh well my job is done." Spinning he staff around before it vanishes. "Well I do apologize for my actions, I just needed to buy a little bit of time. All the bombs have been defused. So go on and kill everyone here, I really don't care." Brundyn warps a small bag in there hand and they pull out a small black sphere that looked like it could be a black pearl. Fining it at the guy who had slammed the back of there gun into Brundyn's face. This Bead Of Force Mark 1 captures them in a sphere of force. "Except you, your coming with me." They suddenly vanish into Brundyns interdimensional space. "Sorry buddy about bugging you." They say to Vance as they walk into the building ignoring all the Terrorists.
Vance stabbed all the terrorists in the hearts before he sends a tendril to wrap around Brundyn's torso "No, no no no. No" Vance said as he got the tendril to pull Brundyn back. "You're not leaving, you don't just try to attack me and then walk away, That's not what happens here. I'm going to kill you, Or at least beat you within an inch of your life, for trying to attack me" Vance then got a message from Sage "No, I'm sure you can deal with it yourself, cause last time I tried to help you, you fucked it up. and your mother is definantly dead, no hope of bringing her back anymore"

@Light @TheMADQ @djinnamon

Light said:
( Still R.I.P children. @DizjayDeathPride @The Otaku Diaries @CelticSol )
The terrorists in the other four hospitals begin to shoot the children in the hospital, even the one whom are bedridden. Babies, comatose, disabled. None of that mattered to the terrorists. This all happened because of one variable Brundyn had forgotten. The hospital the Dragon's Roar members were fine since these terrorists were eliminated.

(This is probably the worst thing to say I told you so for. But I told you so
@TheMADQ )
DizjayDeathPride said:
( ! ) While the flames rose he used the speed of Twilight and slammed his fist into Jackson's back, a clone going to each side, and one to his stomach each punching 5 Ton-Force straight, the force punching through him, cutting him into fourths, their arms through his body, stretching to the other side.
Each spoke in unison: "let's see just what. you. are." They were all grey. Eyes, clothes, hair. All grey.
( ! )

Jackson reformed. "Fine if that's what you want." His eyes glowed. Wind circled all around him forming a cyclone. It went all the way into the clouds. Flashes of orange and red flames came from the inside. With a beat of his giant wings the cyclone dissipated. "Is this what you wanted." He flapped his wings and tornadoes made of hot ash engulfed the area. Pillars of fire erupted everywhere. He let out a sonic scream infused with thunder.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c74d1b885_2016-01-2217.05.31.png.f314bc5c139583d6f55cacad7d353efd.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="101025" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c74d1b885_2016-01-2217.05.31.png.f314bc5c139583d6f55cacad7d353efd.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • 2016-01-22 17.05.31.png
    2016-01-22 17.05.31.png
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Sage growled loudly. " Fine , whatever but if I become a consort for some stupid war god its on your head. " He growled out , it may be bad for him to say this but its time is mother died. It was time she didn't have constantly come back , help people only die again. He made a ice sword before he and Noire ran forward. Noire kept slashing the monsters in half while Sage finished the remains buy slashing them into a million pieces before freezing them and making them scatter.

@Light @GingerBread
Light said:
Alexandria begins to shy away even more with a hurt expression, especially since he has red hair and yellow eyes. Those were the features her ex had, the ex she offended. An angel wing sprouts out of her right shoulder blade and covers her face. She assumes he can't see her because she can't see him. "I'm passing by... sorry.." She could feel her throat constricting, words slowly becoming rare. "I...I-I." She moved backwards in an intimidated fashion even though she needed to move past him.
Itami stops attacking Malren, staring at him as his angelic and demonic wings begin to unfold. "You what?!" He was about to strike with a beam of twilight to the heart but Malren could feel a soft body connect with his own. Christina was hugging Malren with a smile on her face. "So you finally admit it?" She continues to hold on to Malren but turns her head to her father. "He's telling the truth father! I wish to be with Malren and no one else! I'm his girlfriend after all. In due time I'll be his wife. That's what we agreed on anyways! It's either you accept him as your future son in law or kill us both!"

Itami was so surprised by the sudden turn of events, his guard had dropped and he left himself open. Though if Malren choose to attack him was the question.

( Gonna upload her Cs now. )

Alice gives Ace a quick glance and ignores her comment since she didn't know if that was snark. She turns back to the kids and explains the story, their faces brighten up at the end of the story. In due time the kids managed to convince her to unfold her dragon wings from her back, only for them to play with them. "How'd you get inside? You just walked in?" Alice turns to Ace.

( Still R.I.P children. @DizjayDeathPride @The Otaku Diaries @CelticSol )

The terrorists in the other four hospitals begin to shoot the children in the hospital, even the one whom are bedridden. Babies, comatose, disabled. None of that mattered to the terrorists. This all happened because of one variable Brundyn had forgotten. The hospital the Dragon's Roar members were fine since these terrorists were eliminated.

"Ah! A witch? This is nice, we have a half witch here too! There is the possibility of meeting someone every witch should meet at least once." Ashlyn seemed excited and smiles. "Seriously welcome to the guild though! Want me to show you around?"
((Gomenasai I might be getting facts wrong about the entrance!)) "The door is like wide open over there." Ace pointed at the entrance with the opened doors.

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