Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
Fola's eye widen as he makes a T with his hands,"Wait! Hold up! Let's take it back...What's this about kids? Excuse the ignorance but what happened here? Kinda been asleep for a bit..."

Light said:
By the time Brundyn had gotten to them, there were only 1 child left... in total. 2/3 hospitals that were being shot up were completely wiped out.
Alexandria puts up her demonic wing from her left shoulder blade hiding even more. She was too afraid to move after that action, anxiety being the only moving thing within her. She felt like her blood had stopped flowing due to a lack of heartbeat. "I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry..." It seemed to be an endless repeat, a broken record. She no longer knew who she was talking to, a man named Typhon or her ex. Finally her body began to move but it was involuntary since her upper body was moving with each brief intake of breath. She wasn't hyperventilating but she was sniffling heavily. She was crying and she didn't even know it.

Ashlyn was still in the hospital that was cleared out. Once Fola appears there she puts two and two together. "So the situation is solved!" The police start to arrive at the scene at this moment.

Alice shrugs at the open doors and notices the sound of police sirens. "Looks like whatever happened is over with. Thank you for coming to our aid. Bethany, Chris, Yuno, Anne, Christopher, Penny, Maverick, and Stella. It's time to go! The bad guys are gone and your parents can come and get you!" The children seemed relieved but at the same time afraid once more. Alice had tried her best too take their minds off of the situation. So when she brought up the fact that their parents were here, it stirred up emotions. "Don't worry, it's okay. Your parents will be there for you even more than I can or will be. You're in good hands! Come on!" Alice was also talking to Ace as the many children jump in to her and her wings, holding on to her while she effortlessly walked as if they weren't there. Not one of them knew about the news. The other hospital's were completely wiped out, blood everywhere. All the children were killed with only this hospital and one child from the others spared.

Grimm uses his torture aspect to terrorize the monsters. Metallic insects appeared in some of them and began to eat them from the inside out. A metallic centipede climbs up the throat of a monster and through its tongue out the soft bottom of the jaw. It loops around the jaw to drill back into the mouth using the space between your nose and your upper lip as the entry way, which tied the monsters mouth closed. The metallic centipede had doubled the amount of pain the monster's body feels from things and shredded it's vocal cords. The vocal cords could still be used but they would hurt a lot and wouldn't sound proper either. Roaches and other insects travel through very artery and grin of the monster, ripping the veins and arteries to shreds as they pass through. Ants and flies were eating away at the spinal cord, making the monster be unable to to do anything but endure the pain. A larger centipede wraps around the body of the monster and constricts it, crushing its bones and lodging it's ribs everywhere. The centipede releases the monster and slices down its chest and stomach perfectly, opening the skin afterwards and pins it down with two free legs and it had many legs. It begins to sloppily gorge at the monsters insides. It's saliva was healing the monster as well, keeping it alive even through the impossible. It roughly pulls out the ribs from pierced organs and accidentally swallows organs with it as well. This monster would endlessly go through this until Grimm decided torture time was over.

For other monsters, reapers appear and pin them down to the ground and hold their legs. A large buff shadowy entity with an axe approaches the monster and swings the axe down directly upon the knee cap. He kept having away at the knee cap until it snapped and the limb was cut off. He does this to all other limbs and leaves afterwards. The surgeons appear out of thin air and pour a special type of acid on the connecting pieces of the limbs. They attach the left foot where the right arm should be and the right foot where the left arm should be. The start to sew slowly as the acid burns into the monster's flesh. They begin to perform a root canal on each individual tooth in the monster's jaw.

Every monster summoned to the guild receives their own form of torture. A copy of Ashlyn was standing outside the guild and could have been harmed so Grimm had to step up. He decides to stop torturing the monsters and let's them all die, their bodies fading away. He appears in Vance's room and dusts off his hands. "Well that was fun!"
"Surprisingly, you're better at children than I am." Ace snickered and followed Alice.
Light said:
By the time Brundyn had gotten to them, there were only 1 child left... in total. 2/3 hospitals that were being shot up were completely wiped out.
Alexandria puts up her demonic wing from her left shoulder blade hiding even more. She was too afraid to move after that action, anxiety being the only moving thing within her. She felt like her blood had stopped flowing due to a lack of heartbeat. "I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry..." It seemed to be an endless repeat, a broken record. She no longer knew who she was talking to, a man named Typhon or her ex. Finally her body began to move but it was involuntary since her upper body was moving with each brief intake of breath. She wasn't hyperventilating but she was sniffling heavily. She was crying and she didn't even know it.

Ashlyn was still in the hospital that was cleared out. Once Fola appears there she puts two and two together. "So the situation is solved!" The police start to arrive at the scene at this moment.

Alice shrugs at the open doors and notices the sound of police sirens. "Looks like whatever happened is over with. Thank you for coming to our aid. Bethany, Chris, Yuno, Anne, Christopher, Penny, Maverick, and Stella. It's time to go! The bad guys are gone and your parents can come and get you!" The children seemed relieved but at the same time afraid once more. Alice had tried her best too take their minds off of the situation. So when she brought up the fact that their parents were here, it stirred up emotions. "Don't worry, it's okay. Your parents will be there for you even more than I can or will be. You're in good hands! Come on!" Alice was also talking to Ace as the many children jump in to her and her wings, holding on to her while she effortlessly walked as if they weren't there. Not one of them knew about the news. The other hospital's were completely wiped out, blood everywhere. All the children were killed with only this hospital and one child from the others sparred.

Grimm uses his torture aspect to terrorize the monsters. Metallic insects appeared in some of them and began to eat them from the inside out. A metallic centipede climbs up the throat of a monster and through its tongue out the soft bottom of the jaw. It loops around the jaw to drill back into the mouth using the space between your nose and your upper lip as the entry way, which tied the monsters mouth closed. The metallic centipede had doubled the amount of pain the monster's body feels from things and shredded it's vocal cords. The vocal cords could still be used but they would hurt a lot and wouldn't sound proper either. Roaches and other insects travel through very artery and grin of the monster, ripping the veins and arteries to shreds as they pass through. Ants and flies were eating away at the spinal cord, making the monster be unable to to do anything but endure the pain. A larger centipede wraps around the body of the monster and constricts it, crushing its bones and lodging it's ribs everywhere. The centipede releases the monster and slices down its chest and stomach perfectly, opening the skin afterwards and pins it down with two free legs and it had many legs. It begins to sloppily gorge at the monsters insides. It's saliva was healing the monster as well, keeping it alive even through the impossible. It roughly pulls out the ribs from pierced organs and accidentally swallows organs with it as well. This monster would endlessly go through this until Grimm decided torture time was over.

For other monsters, reapers appear and pin them down to the ground and hold their legs. A large buff shadowy entity with an axe approaches the monster and swings the axe down directly upon the knee cap. He kept having away at the knee cap until it snapped and the limb was cut off. He does this to all other limbs and leaves afterwards. The surgeons appear out of thin air and pour a special type of acid on the connecting pieces of the limbs. They attach the left foot where the right arm should be and the right foot where the left arm should be. The start to sew slowly as the acid burns into the monster's flesh. They begin to perform a root canal on each individual tooth in the monster's jaw.

Every monster summoned to the guild receives their own form of torture. A copy of Ashlyn was standing outside the guild and could have been harmed so Grimm had to step up. He decides to stop torturing the monsters and let's them all die, their bodies fading away. He appears in Vance's room and dusts off his hands. "Well that was fun!"
Light said:
By the time Brundyn had gotten to them, there were only 1 child left... in total. 2/3 hospitals that were being shot up were completely wiped out.
Alexandria puts up her demonic wing from her left shoulder blade hiding even more. She was too afraid to move after that action, anxiety being the only moving thing within her. She felt like her blood had stopped flowing due to a lack of heartbeat. "I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry..." It seemed to be an endless repeat, a broken record. She no longer knew who she was talking to, a man named Typhon or her ex. Finally her body began to move but it was involuntary since her upper body was moving with each brief intake of breath. She wasn't hyperventilating but she was sniffling heavily. She was crying and she didn't even know it.

Ashlyn was still in the hospital that was cleared out. Once Fola appears there she puts two and two together. "So the situation is solved!" The police start to arrive at the scene at this moment.

Alice shrugs at the open doors and notices the sound of police sirens. "Looks like whatever happened is over with. Thank you for coming to our aid. Bethany, Chris, Yuno, Anne, Christopher, Penny, Maverick, and Stella. It's time to go! The bad guys are gone and your parents can come and get you!" The children seemed relieved but at the same time afraid once more. Alice had tried her best too take their minds off of the situation. So when she brought up the fact that their parents were here, it stirred up emotions. "Don't worry, it's okay. Your parents will be there for you even more than I can or will be. You're in good hands! Come on!" Alice was also talking to Ace as the many children jump in to her and her wings, holding on to her while she effortlessly walked as if they weren't there. Not one of them knew about the news. The other hospital's were completely wiped out, blood everywhere. All the children were killed with only this hospital and one child from the others sparred.

Grimm uses his torture aspect to terrorize the monsters. Metallic insects appeared in some of them and began to eat them from the inside out. A metallic centipede climbs up the throat of a monster and through its tongue out the soft bottom of the jaw. It loops around the jaw to drill back into the mouth using the space between your nose and your upper lip as the entry way, which tied the monsters mouth closed. The metallic centipede had doubled the amount of pain the monster's body feels from things and shredded it's vocal cords. The vocal cords could still be used but they would hurt a lot and wouldn't sound proper either. Roaches and other insects travel through very artery and grin of the monster, ripping the veins and arteries to shreds as they pass through. Ants and flies were eating away at the spinal cord, making the monster be unable to to do anything but endure the pain. A larger centipede wraps around the body of the monster and constricts it, crushing its bones and lodging it's ribs everywhere. The centipede releases the monster and slices down its chest and stomach perfectly, opening the skin afterwards and pins it down with two free legs and it had many legs. It begins to sloppily gorge at the monsters insides. It's saliva was healing the monster as well, keeping it alive even through the impossible. It roughly pulls out the ribs from pierced organs and accidentally swallows organs with it as well. This monster would endlessly go through this until Grimm decided torture time was over.

For other monsters, reapers appear and pin them down to the ground and hold their legs. A large buff shadowy entity with an axe approaches the monster and swings the axe down directly upon the knee cap. He kept having away at the knee cap until it snapped and the limb was cut off. He does this to all other limbs and leaves afterwards. The surgeons appear out of thin air and pour a special type of acid on the connecting pieces of the limbs. They attach the left foot where the right arm should be and the right foot where the left arm should be. The start to sew slowly as the acid burns into the monster's flesh. They begin to perform a root canal on each individual tooth in the monster's jaw.

Every monster summoned to the guild receives their own form of torture. A copy of Ashlyn was standing outside the guild and could have been harmed so Grimm had to step up. He decides to stop torturing the monsters and let's them all die, their bodies fading away. He appears in Vance's room and dusts off his hands. "Well that was fun!"
Typhon stared at the girl as she cried. He frowned. This girl was crying over something trivial. To the point where she was spouting nonsense. "Child," Typhon began, a twinge of annoyance seeping into his voice. "Has your mother disowned you? Have your children been mercilessly slaughtered? Has your legacy in the annals of history been twisted into that of a hideous, terrible monster? Have you been locked away from the world for hundreds of thousands of years as time marched on without you? Have you been forsaken by the gods? For if you have not, your tears have no meaning to me. If you wish to cry about your petty problems, don't do so to someone who should be shedding tears themselves."
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GingerBread said:
Vance glared at Grimm "Then can you at least be as polite as a normal stalker and not talk or interact with me in any way?" Vance was resisting the urge to kick Grimm "Why can't you go bother one of your other 'Children' Why do you insist on interacting with me. This guild has fucked up my life so much, And I can't leave it. Because I can't go back to what I was doing before because the whole goddamn media knows my face" Vance picked Grimm up and threw him out the door before shutting it and going back to sleeping on the bed
"You know.... I'm starting to get the feeling that maybe Vance doesn't want me around." Grimm rubs his chin and thinks deeply. "Nah, couldn't be that!" He disappears to get attention from his actual biological daughter.

LokiofSP said:
Fola's eye widen as he makes a T with his hands,"Wait! Hold up! Let's take it back...What's this about kids? Excuse the ignorance but what happened here? Kinda been asleep for a bit..."

[QUOTE="The Otaku Diaries]"Surprisingly, you're better at children than I am." Ace snickered and followed Alice.

Ashlyn begins to explain the terrorists situation with the four buildings and how it's apparently over now. Alice passes them both by with a mountain of 8 kids holding on to her. A legion of children follow her as well. Alice looks behind her when Ace makes that comment. "What do you mean surprisingly?" Alice steps out of the hospital doors and begins the process of sending the kids to their correct parents. She made sure to smell them all first just in case some stranger was trying to say they were the parent when they weren't. Once all the kids were gone so they could be moved to a different hospital, an officer approaches Ace, Alice, Ashlyn, and Fola. He tells them about the other 3 hospitals being completely wiped out. Not even the babies were left alive. Alice feel like she was going to throw up and Ashlyn could only feel a sense of dread pass through her.

The officer gestures to the one remaining child who survived. Alice rushes over to the child immediately once she was pointed towards him.

Ashlyn on the other hand nods her head in thanks to the officer and opens a portal. "I'm going to be leaving for a bit......"

Daimao said:
Typhon stared at the girl as she cried. He frowned. This girl was crying over something trivial. To the point where she was spouting nonsense. "Child," Typhon began, a twinge of annoyance seeping into his voice. "Has your mother disowned you? Have your children been mercilessly slaughtered? Has your legacy in the annals of history been twisted into that of a hideous, terrible monster? Have you been locked away from the world for hundreds of thousands of years as time marched on without you? Have you been forsaken by the gods? For if you have not, your tears have no meaning to me. If you wish to cry about your petty problems, don't do so to someone who should be shedding tears themselves."
He was right, her reason for tears was stupid. Her previous relationship was stupid and she was stupid for feeling this way. She would lock her emotions away from now on since they weren't exactly as troublesome as most others in the world. The only terrible thing that happened to her was Project Hybrid but that didn't matter much either anymore did it. After all she was only the body of what used to be an amazing girl. She was just a shadow and she should act like one, shadows weren't allowed express what they wished to. They can only express what's expect of them. This man expects her to stop crying and so she would do it. "I-I'm sorry." She had to stop saying sorry and she knew it, it was stupid and honestly at this point it didn't matter. "I'm going to go. Have a good day." She rushes away into the realm of neutrality. She felt like crying but she wasn't allowed to, her problems weren't worth such a meaning. Maybe that's what drove her ex away though. Alexandria sits in the lonely realm as her mirror begins to ooze blood.
Light said:
"You know.... I'm starting to get the feeling that maybe Vance doesn't want me around." Grimm rubs his chin and thinks deeply. "Nah, couldn't be that!" He disappears to get attention from his actual biological daughter.
Ashlyn begins to explain the terrorists situation with the four buildings and how it's apparently over now. Alice passes them both by with a mountain of 8 kids holding on to her. A legion of children follow her as well. Alice looks behind her when Ace makes that comment. "What do you mean surprisingly?" Alice steps out of the hospital doors and begins the process of sending the kids to their correct parents. She made sure to smell them all first just in case some stranger was trying to say they were the parent when they weren't. Once all the kids were gone so they could be moved to a different hospital, an officer approaches Ace, Alice, Ashlyn, and Fola. He tells them about the other 3 hospitals being completely wiped out. Not even the babies were left alive. Alice feel like she was going to throw up and Ashlyn could only feel a sense of dread pass through her.

The officer gestures to the one remaining child who survived. Alice rushes over to the child immediately once she was pointed towards him.

Ashlyn on the other hand nods her head in thanks to the officer and opens a portal. "I'm going to be leaving for a bit......"

He was right, her reason for tears was stupid. Her previous relationship was stupid and she was stupid for feeling this way. She would lock her emotions away from now on since they weren't exactly as troublesome as most others in the world. The only terrible thing that happened to her was Project Hybrid but that didn't matter much either anymore did it. After all she was only the body of what used to be an amazing girl. She was just a shadow and she should act like one, shadows weren't allowed express what they wished to. They can only express what's expect of them. This man expects her to stop crying and so she would do it. "I-I'm sorry." She had to stop saying sorry and she knew it, it was stupid and honestly at this point it didn't matter. "I'm going to go. Have a good day." She rushes away into the realm of neutrality. She felt like crying but she wasn't allowed to, her problems weren't worth such a meaning. Maybe that's what drove her ex away though. Alexandria sits in the lonely realm as her mirror begins to ooze blood.
"Never thought you'd be so great at handling children, because I'm not." After how Alice rushed off, Ace chased right behind her. "Where are we going? Where are you rushing to??"
[QUOTE="The Otaku Diaries]"Never thought you'd be so great at handling children, because I'm not." After how Alice rushed off, Ace chased right behind her. "Where are we going? Where are you rushing to??"

"To the surviving kid!" Alice stops running once she sees the surviving kid sitting on a fire truck with a blanket around him. Alice squats down and looks up into his eyes. "Hey there... my name is Alice. I'm here to help you with whatever you need until your parents arrive."

"Why?" The young boy speaks faintly, almost non audibly.

"Why what?" Alice tilts her hand and extends her hand for him to shake.

"Why couldn't you and your split personalities or whatever just turn yourselves in?! I heard them speak about you! How could you be so selfish! None of us... none of my friends would have died if not for you." The young boy had so much inner hatred for the woman before him he started to develop angry tears.

Alice was so shocked by these turn of events. "I-I did turn myself i-."

"THEN WHY DID THEY ALL DIE?! WHY! WHY DID THEY DIE?!" The young boy starts to scream at the top of his lungs. The officers come over to calm the boy down to the best of their ability.

Alice could only spread her wings in response and fly away into the night sky. After leaving a mach cone behind, Alice was gone.
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White tendrils shoot from the ground at lightening speed and grabbed at Vance's arms , legs and torso. They grabbed him before it teleported him to a large throne room. A man with glowing eyes sat in a throne at the back of the room with a red carpet leading to him. There were four pillars next to the throne , two on each side and the a monster craved out of stone with his mouth open behind the throne.

The man on the throne was smirked at Vance who was now being held up in front of him by white tendrils. The smirk on the man's attractive face was cruel and sinister while his blonde hair covered his glowing red eyes.

djinnamon said:
White tendrils shoot from the ground at lightening speed and grabbed at Vance's arms , legs and torso. They grabbed him before it teleported him to a large throne room. A man with glowing eyes sat in a throne at the back of the room with a red carpet leading to him. There were four pillars next to the throne , two on each side and the a monster craved out of stone with his mouth open behind the throne.

The man on the throne was smirked at Vance who was now being held up in front of him by white tendrils. The smirk on the man's attractive face was cruel and sinister while his blonde hair covered his glowing red eyes.

Vance yawned "Do you want me to go get the list?" Vance asked, not really caring if the man knew what he was on about "If you don't you can tell me why I'm here? And then you can direct me to the nearest bed"

Light said:
"You know.... I'm starting to get the feeling that maybe Vance doesn't want me around." Grimm rubs his chin and thinks deeply. "Nah, couldn't be that!" He disappears to get attention from his actual biological daughter.
Ashlyn begins to explain the terrorists situation with the four buildings and how it's apparently over now. Alice passes them both by with a mountain of 8 kids holding on to her. A legion of children follow her as well. Alice looks behind her when Ace makes that comment. "What do you mean surprisingly?" Alice steps out of the hospital doors and begins the process of sending the kids to their correct parents. She made sure to smell them all first just in case some stranger was trying to say they were the parent when they weren't. Once all the kids were gone so they could be moved to a different hospital, an officer approaches Ace, Alice, Ashlyn, and Fola. He tells them about the other 3 hospitals being completely wiped out. Not even the babies were left alive. Alice feel like she was going to throw up and Ashlyn could only feel a sense of dread pass through her.

The officer gestures to the one remaining child who survived. Alice rushes over to the child immediately once she was pointed towards him.

Ashlyn on the other hand nods her head in thanks to the officer and opens a portal. "I'm going to be leaving for a bit......"

He was right, her reason for tears was stupid. Her previous relationship was stupid and she was stupid for feeling this way. She would lock her emotions away from now on since they weren't exactly as troublesome as most others in the world. The only terrible thing that happened to her was Project Hybrid but that didn't matter much either anymore did it. After all she was only the body of what used to be an amazing girl. She was just a shadow and she should act like one, shadows weren't allowed express what they wished to. They can only express what's expect of them. This man expects her to stop crying and so she would do it. "I-I'm sorry." She had to stop saying sorry and she knew it, it was stupid and honestly at this point it didn't matter. "I'm going to go. Have a good day." She rushes away into the realm of neutrality. She felt like crying but she wasn't allowed to, her problems weren't worth such a meaning. Maybe that's what drove her ex away though. Alexandria sits in the lonely realm as her mirror begins to ooze blood.
Typhon stood alone in the snow. Rubbing his chin, he frowns. "Damn. Didn't expect that. Seems like children in this age are much more emotionally fragile than what I'm used too," he mumbles. "I'm going to have to work on that..."
The man laughed loudly before getting up and walked over to Vance. " Funny if you were a little smaller I would put you in my harem. Anyway the reason you are here is to be bait for your little boyfriend. I'm sure this will lure that little bitch and the sluts to me " The man explained with a crazed smirk on his face.

"You wish you could have a harem with me in it" Vance replied, looking at the man with a bored expression "Anyway, nearest bed. I was sleeping before you so rudely woke me up, and I would like to go back to doing what I was doing"

The man smirked as his eyes glowed more before he ripped off Vance's shirt. " Do you want to test me? " He asked with a raised eyebrow.

GingerBread said:
"You wish you could have a harem with me in it" Vance replied, looking at the man with a bored expression "Anyway, nearest bed. I was sleeping before you so rudely woke me up, and I would like to go back to doing what I was doing"
djinnamon said:
The man smirked as his eyes glowed more before he ripped off Vance's shirt. " Do you want to test me? " He asked with a raised eyebrow.
Vance looked down at his now ripped shirt "You're paying for a new one" Vance said as he looked back up at the man "And what I want to do is find a bed and go to sleep. You really are the worst at this, I bet you can't do anything right"

The man smirked evilly before he got to work on Vance's pants.

(fade to black)

The man pulled up his pants as Vance's ripped clothes and a little blood layer on the ground before he snapped his fingers and a monsters appeared. " Take him to the power nullification room. " The man said and monsters nodded and teleported Vance to the room.


( This going to get dark )
Vance was stunned into silence by what had just happened. He found himself unable focus on what the man was saying or anything that was going on around him. Vance's face was completely expressionless, not even a trace of emotion could be found on his face.

Once Vance was in the room he snapped back to reality and started to get angry at the man How fucking dare he do that to me, I'll fucking kill him Vance thought furiously, ready to kill the man. Underneath all his anger buried deep down, Vance held the slightest bit of fear of the man because of what had just happened.

djinnamon said:
The man smirked evilly before he got to work on Vance's pants.
(fade to black)

The man pulled up his pants as Vance's ripped clothes and a little blood layer on the ground before he snapped his fingers and a monsters appeared. " Take him to the power nullification room. " The man said and monsters nodded and teleported Vance to the room.


( This going to get dark )
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Tazmodo said:
( ! )
The moment his fist connected to Jackson he placed a curse on him. Anytime he used his twilight powers against him they would backfire and hit him. He took the blow and land on the ground. He flapped his wing and shit feather of light at Morpheus each exploding on contact.
In immediate response he tried to blast a beam that only resulted in blasting him back. He flew backwards and landed,kicking off and dodging the light, watching them explode into the ground. "Interesting..."

He extended his hand and examined the Twilight, analyzing every aspect of it. He found the corruption within and removed it, looking to Jackson. "You need to do better than that or I will actually kill you"

( ! ) Twilight glittered over his body as he flicked his wrists, thousands of 2ft thick spikes of Twilight appeared around Jackson one after the other, stabbing into Jackson. 10s of Thousands of spikes in a matter of seconds. He used the Dark Element to magnify the pain Jackson felt to double after every spike.

A halo formed above his head and Morpheus smiled, staring at the impaled bird. "There. All better"
DizjayDeathPride said:
In immediate response he tried to blast a beam that only resulted in blasting him back. He flew backwards and landed,kicking off and dodging the light, watching them explode into the ground. "Interesting..."
He extended his hand and examined the Twilight, analyzing every aspect of it. He found the corruption within and removed it, looking to Jackson. "You need to do better than that or I will actually kill you"

( ! ) Twilight glittered over his body as he flicked his wrists, thousands of 2ft thick spikes of Twilight appeared around Jackson one after the other, stabbing into Jackson. 10s of Thousands of spikes in a matter of seconds. He used the Dark Element to magnify the pain Jackson felt to double after every spike.

A halo formed above his head and Morpheus smiled, staring at the impaled bird. "There. All better"
Jackson made a slight aura of disintegration and destroyed the spike. He healed instantly. "Fine" He shot a massive beam of disintegration at Morpheus and flew into the air still firing the beam.
Tazmodo said:
Jackson made a slight aura of disintegration and destroyed the spike. He healed instantly. "Fine" He shot a massive beam of disintegration at Morpheus and flew into the air still firing the beam.
( ! ) Morpheus stared at it, making it come to a hault then sent it back to its source using his Kinetics. He appeared behind Jackson and kicked his back, sending him into the oncoming beam of disintegration
Light said:
Itami stops attacking Malren, staring at him as his angelic and demonic wings begin to unfold. "You what?!" He was about to strike with a beam of twilight to the heart but Malren could feel a soft body connect with his own. Christina was hugging Malren with a smile on her face. "So you finally admit it?" She continues to hold on to Malren but turns her head to her father. "He's telling the truth father! I wish to be with Malren and no one else! I'm his girlfriend after all. In due time I'll be his wife. That's what we agreed on anyways! It's either you accept him as your future son in law or kill us both!"
Itami was so surprised by the sudden turn of events, his guard had dropped and he left himself open. Though if Malren choose to attack him was the question.

( Gonna upload her Cs now. )
Malren just stood awkwardly and watched as Christina appeared next to him, scaring him and throwing Itami totally off-guard. The man seemed speechless and defenseless, but Malren didn't feel like continuing the fight. Itami may have been a grump, but Malren never liked fighting him anyways. In the awkward silence he smiled nervously, holding up the pot of tea. "Yea, what she said is halfway true. If you don't mind, we could, um, sit down, and talk this over."
DizjayDeathPride said:
( ! ) Morpheus stared at it, making it come to a hault then sent it back to its source using his Kinetics. He appeared behind Jackson and kicked his back, sending him into the oncoming beam of disintegration
Jackson resist the kick and few around the beam. He spread his wings out and the symbol behind him started to glow. He shot a condensed beam of fire at Morpheus infused with chaotic energy.

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