Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

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djinnamon said:
Sage growled loudly. " Fine , whatever but if I become a consort for some stupid war god its on your head. " He growled out , it may be bad for him to say this but its time is mother died. It was time she didn't have constantly come back , help people only die again. He made a ice sword before he and Noire ran forward. Noire kept slashing the monsters in half while Sage finished the remains buy slashing them into a million pieces before freezing them and making them scatter.
@Light @GingerBread
"You know, I'm not sure I would care if it happened right now, I might in the future though. But I went to a lot of effort to try to bring your mother back, and what do you do? You completely make it null and void" Vance was still bitter about Sage's actions earlier, but still felt like he should help.

Vance glared at Brundyn
"I'll Kick your arse later, Have fun clearing up all the dead children you've probably caused" Vance said before teleporting to the guild "Right what do you need my help with Sage?"

@TheMADQ @djinnamon
Sage glared at Vance as he gestured to the monsters before destroying a few more. Noire sent arcs of darkness at the monsters , killing them. Diana destroyed some with beams of light that resembled stars. More kept coming , they seemed to multiple. One died but five more appeared. " I don't care anymore Vance. It was my mother's time anyway. I'm sad about it but I'm not going to keep trying to bring her back if it wasn't mean't to be. " Sage said as he kept destroying monsters until a white tendril grabbed Noire and another wrapped around Sage's legs. " Damn it. " He cursed.

Light said:
( Still R.I.P children. @DizjayDeathPride @The Otaku Diaries @CelticSol )

The terrorists in the other four hospitals begin to shoot the children in the hospital, even the one whom are bedridden. Babies, comatose, disabled. None of that mattered to the terrorists. This all happened because of one variable Brundyn had forgotten. The hospital the Dragon's Roar members were fine since these terrorists were eliminated.
Brundyn then teleports in many Iron Golems into each of the buildings they started to trash the place. They kill Terrorist after terrorist drawing the fire of the terrorist. They then teleport in many constructs with healing potions, to help those who had not died yet. Burndyn didn't care about the damage done to the building they pay for it to be fixed later.
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djinnamon said:
Sage glared at Vance as he gestured to the monsters before destroying a few more. Noire sent arcs of darkness at the monsters , killing them. Diana destroyed some with beams of light that resembled stars. More kept coming , they seemed to multiple. One died but five more appeared. " I don't care anymore Vance. It was my mother's time anyway. I'm sad about it but I'm not going to keep trying to bring her back if it wasn't mean't to be. " Sage said as he kept destroying monsters until a white tendril grabbed Noire and another wrapped around Sage's legs. " Damn it. " He cursed.
Vance cut the tendrils using small concentrated beams of darkness and sighed. Vance then snapped his fingers and dragging all the monsters into the darkness realm "So why do you have these things coming after you? And yeah it's all well and good that you've gotten over it, but that doesn't mean I didn't put effort into it in the first place because someone missed their mommy" Vance glared back at Sage "And you still haven't told me who this bitch is. Is she your Ex? And also you didn't give me a reason not to kill her?"

Sage right back at him. " What did I say about you not listening to me you dumbest. " He growled out. " I'm gay so I don't like girls or have any ex girlfriends, get that through your oh so thick skull. " He said as he folded his arms and the monsters in the darkness realm disappeared because their master summoned them back. Diana, Noire and Sage landed in front of Vance and glared for different reasons, Sage for obvious respond , Diana because she didn't like hoe he was talking to Sage and Noire cause the idiot taught he could kill her. " Since asked so politely, I'm Noire , goddess of Lastation. " Noire said as she returned to her human form. Sage and Diana also returned to human form. " Those things were after us because their master wants revenge. " Sage explained.

"Maybe you went through a Phase, or you were that desperate to have children. There are many reasons why you'd have a ex-girlfriend" Vance shrugged, not really caring "And I just got rid of them that easily, just let me talk to their master and I'll kill him, easy peasy lemon sausage" Vance then turned to look at Noire "I don't remember asking what you were, Only who you were. And don't think because you're a godess I won't kill you"

Tazmodo said:
( ! )
Jackson reformed. "Fine if that's what you want." His eyes glowed. Wind circled all around him forming a cyclone. It went all the way into the clouds. Flashes of orange and red flames came from the inside. With a beat of his giant wings the cyclone dissipated. "Is this what you wanted." He flapped his wings and tornadoes made of hot ash engulfed the area. Pillars of fire erupted everywhere. He let out a sonic scream infused with thunder.

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The clones disappeared and Morpheus stood there, in his true form. He screamed yes as he let the attack burn at him, taking the full force for it

He stood there, huffing, burning, smiling. His hat scattering into Stardust. He fell to his knees and his jacket morphed into a black leather sports coat. His pants turned midnight black and leather as well. His shirt turned thin, barely existent white and his skin pasty. He slowly chuckled and fell to his hands.

After some breaths he stood up and looked at Jackson. "OOOOOOOOH YEEEESS!" He swung his arms down and morphed into his true Nephalem form. His left eye blue, his right red. 4 demonic wings to the right and 4 angelic wings to the left. The ground below him was obliterated and the edges of his body digitizing to nothing, along with the edges of his wings.

He looked to Jackson and smiled. "Now let's have some fun"

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/Screenshot_2016-01-15-19-50-23.png.51875fa8444ba8ac8f566f499815f279.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="101057" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/Screenshot_2016-01-15-19-50-23.png.51875fa8444ba8ac8f566f499815f279.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

( ! ) Morpheus leaned forward and Twilight coated his body. With the speed of Twilight, he slammed his fist into Jackson, punching the bird to the ground



  • Screenshot_2016-01-15-19-50-23.png
    1.1 MB · Views: 29
The second Vance said that last part all three of the people before him rolled their eyes. Sage let out a scoff. " Nothing about the female appeals to him so I went through that phase and I'm not that desperate. " He said before all them glared at Vance. " If you try to kill her I'll..... Sage can I kill him? " Diana asked , She looked completely ready to kill Vance. Sage shook his head. " No , but you can severely injure him if he even attempts to hurt Noire. " Sage replied while Noire gave Vance the middle finger. " I fought a war god, I'm pretty sure I can kill a arrogant little idiot before he can lay a finger on me. " Noire said when Sage and Diana stood in front of her protectively. They were pretty pissed off because of the monsters and Vance only made it worse, they all looked ready to kick his ass into next week.

After doing what he'd been asked, Fola had gone back to the guild to finish sleeping, after all, he was done. He'd done what needed to be done and that was all anybody could ask for. Yet as he lay in his bed at the guild he found himself unable to sleep despite being so tired. He sighed and sat up after awhile, rubbing his hands through his hair he looked around the room, sucking his teeth as he realized he felt restless, as if he was leaving something big...

He grabbed his clothes,his sword, and his recently filled flask. He wasn't sure what to do, but he did know of someone who could tell him what to do, so putting his focus on her, he began to go to Ashyln....

djinnamon said:
The second Vance said that last part all three of the people before him rolled their eyes. Sage let out a scoff. " Nothing about the female appeals to him so I went through that phase and I'm not that desperate. " He said before all them glared at Vance. " If you try to kill her I'll..... Sage can I kill him? " Diana asked , She looked completely ready to kill Vance. Sage shook his head. " No , but you can severely injure him if he even attempts to hurt Noire. " Sage replied while Noire gave Vance the middle finger. " I fought a war god, I'm pretty sure I can kill a arrogant little idiot before he can lay a finger on me. " Noire said when Sage and Diana stood in front of her protectively. They were pretty pissed off because of the monsters and Vance only made it worse, they all looked ready to kick his ass into next week.
"Oh you fought a war god. Am I meant to be scared of the Big. Bad. Bitch?" Vance was obviously referring to Noire "And good luck trying to kill me, I've gone up against loads of people far stronger than yourselves, Like Lucy. But if you want to try, you're going to have to wait in line and form a orderly queue" Vance smiled facetiously at all of them.

Sage and the girls rolled his eyes. " Sage , being Mar's bitch doesn't seem as bad now does it. " Noire said and Sage nodded, hearing this dumbass talk was making him want to punch him. Sage opened his mouth to say something but suddenly stopped and began to walk away. " Girls lets go, we need to check on Vert and Blanc. " Sage said and Noire nodded before all three transformed and got ready to fly away.

"Ah so you're too scared to fight me? See this is the problem with you people, you talk all tough but you back it up" Vance turned away from them and began walking back to his own room "I'll see you later Sage, or I won't that's your choice. Though I still owe you don't I? Considering I failed to get your mother back"

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Light said:
Alexandria begins to shy away even more with a hurt expression, especially since he has red hair and yellow eyes. Those were the features her ex had, the ex she offended. An angel wing sprouts out of her right shoulder blade and covers her face. She assumes he can't see her because she can't see him. "I'm passing by... sorry.." She could feel her throat constricting, words slowly becoming rare. "I...I-I." She moved backwards in an intimidated fashion even though she needed to move past him.
Itami stops attacking Malren, staring at him as his angelic and demonic wings begin to unfold. "You what?!" He was about to strike with a beam of twilight to the heart but Malren could feel a soft body connect with his own. Christina was hugging Malren with a smile on her face. "So you finally admit it?" She continues to hold on to Malren but turns her head to her father. "He's telling the truth father! I wish to be with Malren and no one else! I'm his girlfriend after all. In due time I'll be his wife. That's what we agreed on anyways! It's either you accept him as your future son in law or kill us both!"

Itami was so surprised by the sudden turn of events, his guard had dropped and he left himself open. Though if Malren choose to attack him was the question.

( Gonna upload her Cs now. )

Alice gives Ace a quick glance and ignores her comment since she didn't know if that was snark. She turns back to the kids and explains the story, their faces brighten up at the end of the story. In due time the kids managed to convince her to unfold her dragon wings from her back, only for them to play with them. "How'd you get inside? You just walked in?" Alice turns to Ace.

( Still R.I.P children. @DizjayDeathPride @The Otaku Diaries @CelticSol )

The terrorists in the other four hospitals begin to shoot the children in the hospital, even the one whom are bedridden. Babies, comatose, disabled. None of that mattered to the terrorists. This all happened because of one variable Brundyn had forgotten. The hospital the Dragon's Roar members were fine since these terrorists were eliminated.

"Ah! A witch? This is nice, we have a half witch here too! There is the possibility of meeting someone every witch should meet at least once." Ashlyn seemed excited and smiles. "Seriously welcome to the guild though! Want me to show you around?"
Typhon frowned slightly, and the blizzard suddenly came to a halt, the remaining snow in the air drifting to the ground as the wind stopped completely. The girl appeared to have the wings of an angel. Which marked her as a holy being. Gods were also holy beings. Gods were Typhon's enemies, ever since he was born to destroy them. Typhon began to walk towards the girl, leaving footprints in the soft snow. "You did not tell me who you are," he said, this time with his mouth. He stopped a few feet away from the girl, his golden eyes unblinking. "So I shall ask again. I am Typhon. Who are you?"
DizjayDeathPride said:
The clones disappeared and Morpheus stood there, in his true form. He screamed yes as he let the attack burn at him, taking the full force for it
He stood there, huffing, burning, smiling. His hat scattering into Stardust. He fell to his knees and his jacket morphed into a black leather sports coat. His pants turned midnight black and leather as well. His shirt turned thin, barely existent white and his skin pasty. He slowly chuckled and fell to his hands.

After some breaths he stood up and looked at Jackson. "OOOOOOOOH YEEEESS!" He swung his arms down and morphed into his true Nephalem form. His left eye blue, his right red. 4 demonic wings to the right and 4 angelic wings to the left. The ground below him was obliterated and the edges of his body digitizing to nothing, along with the edges of his wings.

He looked to Jackson and smiled. "Now let's have some fun"

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( ! ) Morpheus leaned forward and Twilight coated his body. With the speed of Twilight, he slammed his fist into Jackson, punching the bird to the ground
( ! )

The moment his fist connected to Jackson he placed a curse on him. Anytime he used his twilight powers against him they would backfire and hit him. He took the blow and land on the ground. He flapped his wing and shit feather of light at Morpheus each exploding on contact.
Sage glanced back at him before he and the girls flew away. Sage opened a telepathic link with Kotori. " Hi Kotori, can you go over to Leanbox? " He asked. Kotori was in Hawaii when Sage asked. " Yeah , I can fly there. I'll see you soon. " She said before she transformed and began to flying to Leanbox. Meanwhile monsters began rising outside the guild , this time thief target was Vance.

Sage , Diana , Noire and Kotori flew over a large city. Cars and People filled the streets and pavement as the little group flew over until they reached a large table shaped building.

@Light @GingerBread
djinnamon said:
Sage glanced back at him before he and the girls flew away. Sage opened a telepathic link with Kotori. " Hi Kotori, can you go over to Leanbox? " He asked. Kotori was in Hawaii when Sage asked. " Yeah , I can fly there. I'll see you soon. " She said before she transformed and began to flying to Leanbox. Meanwhile monsters began rising outside the guild , this time thief target was Vance.
Sage , Diana , Noire and Kotori flew over a large city. Cars and People filled the streets and pavement as the little group flew over until they reached a large table shaped building.

@Light @GingerBread
Vance reached his room and laid down face first on his bed Why the hell do I still put up with him? He drags me into every problem he has, but does he ever ask about any of my problems or even offer to help. No. He doesn't. He just expects me to go along with him and do I ever get anything for it? No, and when I do it's mostly for his benefit Vance thought bitterly as he turned so he was laying on his side "But whenever I try to leave he gets me to stay, Because he knows I love him and he uses that against me, like the arsehole he is"
The monsters melted into the ground and through the walls , floor and roof of the guild building until they found Vance. White tendrils shoot out of the ground and make a grab for Vance's arms and legs.

Vance suddenly found white tendrils wrapped around his arms and legs. Vance let out a heavy sigh "Is there a reason you're going after me? If you want to kill me, I'm going to need you to add your name to the list"

TheMADQ said:
Brundyn then teleports in many Iron Golems into each of the buildings they started to trash the place. They kill Terrorist after terrorist drawing the fire of the terrorist. They then teleport in many constructs with healing potions, to help those who had not died yet.
By the time Brundyn had gotten to them, there were only 1 child left... in total. 2/3 hospitals that were being shot up were completely wiped out.

Daimao said:
Typhon frowned slightly, and the blizzard suddenly came to a halt, the remaining snow in the air drifting to the ground as the wind stopped completely. The girl appeared to have the wings of an angel. Which marked her as a holy being. Gods were also holy beings. Gods were Typhon's enemies, ever since he was born to destroy them. Typhon began to walk towards the girl, leaving footprints in the soft snow. "You did not tell me who you are," he said, this time with his mouth. He stopped a few feet away from the girl, his golden eyes unblinking. "So I shall ask again. I am Typhon. Who are you?"
Alexandria puts up her demonic wing from her left shoulder blade hiding even more. She was too afraid to move after that action, anxiety being the only moving thing within her. She felt like her blood had stopped flowing due to a lack of heartbeat. "I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry..." It seemed to be an endless repeat, a broken record. She no longer knew who she was talking to, a man named Typhon or her ex. Finally her body began to move but it was involuntary since her upper body was moving with each brief intake of breath. She wasn't hyperventilating but she was sniffling heavily. She was crying and she didn't even know it.

LokiofSP said:
After doing what he'd been asked, Fola had gone back to the guild to finish sleeping, after all, he was done. He'd done what needed to be done and that was all anybody could ask for. Yet as he lay in his bed at the guild he found himself unable to sleep despite being so tired. He sighed and sat up after awhile, rubbing his hands through his hair he looked around the room, sucking his teeth as he realized he felt restless, as if he was leaving something big...
He grabbed his clothes,his sword, and his recently filled flask. He wasn't sure what to do, but he did know of someone who could tell him what to do, so putting his focus on her, he began to go to Ashyln....

GingerBread said:
Vance suddenly found white tendrils wrapped around his arms and legs. Vance let out a heavy sigh "Is there a reason you're going after me? If you want to kill me, I'm going to need you to add your name to the list"
Grimm uses his torture aspect to terrorize the monsters. Metallic insects appeared in some of them and began to eat them from the inside out. A metallic centipede climbs up the throat of a monster and through its tongue out the soft bottom of the jaw. It loops around the jaw to drill back into the mouth using the space between your nose and your upper lip as the entry way, which tied the monsters mouth closed. The metallic centipede had doubled the amount of pain the monster's body feels from things and shredded it's vocal cords. The vocal cords could still be used but they would hurt a lot and wouldn't sound proper either. Roaches and other insects travel through very artery and grin of the monster, ripping the veins and arteries to shreds as they pass through. Ants and flies were eating away at the spinal cord, making the monster be unable to to do anything but endure the pain. A larger centipede wraps around the body of the monster and constricts it, crushing its bones and lodging it's ribs everywhere. The centipede releases the monster and slices down its chest and stomach perfectly, opening the skin afterwards and pins it down with two free legs and it had many legs. It begins to sloppily gorge at the monsters insides. It's saliva was healing the monster as well, keeping it alive even through the impossible. It roughly pulls out the ribs from pierced organs and accidentally swallows organs with it as well. This monster would endlessly go through this until Grimm decided torture time was over.

For other monsters, reapers appear and pin them down to the ground and hold their legs. A large buff shadowy entity with an axe approaches the monster and swings the axe down directly upon the knee cap. He kept having away at the knee cap until it snapped and the limb was cut off. He does this to all other limbs and leaves afterwards. The surgeons appear out of thin air and pour a special type of acid on the connecting pieces of the limbs. They attach the left foot where the right arm should be and the right foot where the left arm should be. The start to sew slowly as the acid burns into the monster's flesh. They begin to perform a root canal on each individual tooth in the monster's jaw.

Every monster summoned to the guild receives their own form of torture. A copy of Ashlyn was standing outside the guild and could have been harmed so Grimm had to step up. He decides to stop torturing the monsters and let's them all die, their bodies fading away. He appears in Vance's room and dusts off his hands. "Well that was fun!"
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Light said:
Grimm uses his torture aspect to terrorize the monsters. Metallic insects appeared in some of them and began to eat them from the inside out. A metallic centipede climbs up the throat of a monster and through its tongue out the soft bottom of the jaw. It loops around the jaw to drill back into the mouth using the space between your nose and your upper lip as the entry way, which tied the monsters mouth closed. The metallic centipede had doubled the amount of pain the monster's body feels from things and shredded it's vocal cords. The vocal cords could still be used but they would hurt a lot and wouldn't sound proper either. Roaches and other insects travel through very artery and grin of the monster, ripping the veins and arteries to shreds as they pass through. Ants and flies were eating away at the spinal cord, making the monster be unable to to do anything but endure the pain. A larger centipede wraps around the body of the monster and constricts it, crushing its bones and lodging it's ribs everywhere. The centerpiece releases the monster and slices down its chest and stomach perfectly, opening the skin afterwards and pins it down with two free legs and it had many legs. It begins to sloppily gorge at the monsters insides. It's saliva was healing the monster as well, keeping it alive even through the impossible. It roughly pulls out the ribs from pierced organs and accidentally swallows organs with it as well. This monster would endlessly go through this until Grimm decided torture time was over.
For other monsters, reapers appear and pin them down to the ground and hold their legs. A large buff shadowy entity with an axe approaches the monster and swings the axe down directly upon the knee cap. He kept having away at the knee cap until it snapped and the limb was cut off. He does this to all other limbs and leaves afterwards. The surgeons appear out of thin air and pour a special type of acid on the connecting pieces of the limbs. They attach the left foot where the right arm should be and the right foot where the left arm should be. The start to sew slowly as the acid burns into the monster's flesh. They begin to perform a root canal on each individual tooth in the monster's jaw.

Every monster summoned to the guild receives their own form of torture. A copy of Ashlyn was standing outside the guild and could have been harmed so Grimm had to step up. He decides to stop torturing the monsters and let's them all die, their bodies fading away. He appears in Vance's room and dusts off his hands. "Well that was fun!"
"Why the hell are you in my room? It's bad enough that I found out you've been stalking me longer than I can remember. But now you invade my personal space? Get out of here" Vance glared at Grimm "And why the hell did you get involved anyways? They posed no threat to me or anyone else, They were nothing more than a nuisance" Vance was annoyed that Grimm had taken away his opportunity to kill them himself.

Vance got up out of his bed
"I'm going to go to a hotel or maybe a B&B I swear to go though, If you keep stalking me, I will find a way to kill you" Vance then teleported to a B&B in the English countryside and paid for a room before going to it and laying down on the bed. This time he had tendrils ready and waiting underneath his bed incase something tried to attack him again. After a couple of minutes of nothing happening Vance let himself start to drift off to sleep, Though he was sleeping lightly incase something did attack him.

@Light @djinnamon
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GingerBread said:
"Why the hell are you in my room? It's bad enough that I found out you've been stalking me longer than I can remember. But now you invade my personal space? Get out of here" Vance glared at Grimm "And why the hell did you get involved anyways? They posed no threat to me or anyone else, They were nothing more than a nuisance" Vance was annoyed that Grimm had taken away his opportunity to kill them himself.
Vance got up out of his bed
"I'm going to go to a hotel or maybe a B&B I swear to go though, If you keep stalking me, I will find a way to kill you" Vance then teleported to a B&B in the English countryside and paid for a room before going to it and laying down on the bed. This time he had tendrils ready and waiting underneath his bed incase something tried to attack him again. After a couple of minutes of nothing happening Vance let himself start to drift off to sleep, Though he was sleeping lightly incase something did attack him.

@Light @djinnamon
"Vance doesn't want to be my friend." Grimm begins to frown but follows Vance anyways in the form of a cat with a hat. "Wait! There's more! I've never been stalking you. I've been with you, I've been with everyone. You and I have no choice. Neither does anything else that's a live or dead in existence. They're all stuck with me!"
Light said:
"Vance doesn't want to be my friend." Grimm begins to frown but follows Vance anyways in the form of a cat with a hat. "Wait! There's more! I've never been stalking you. I've been with you, I've been with everyone. You and I have no choice. Neither does anything else that's a live or dead in existence. They're all stuck with me!"
Vance glared at Grimm "Then can you at least be as polite as a normal stalker and not talk or interact with me in any way?" Vance was resisting the urge to kick Grimm "Why can't you go bother one of your other 'Children' Why do you insist on interacting with me. This guild has fucked up my life so much, And I can't leave it. Because I can't go back to what I was doing before because the whole goddamn media knows my face" Vance picked Grimm up and threw him out the door before shutting it and going back to sleeping on the bed


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