Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
Light said:
Richard and Brundyn appear in front of one of the children's hospital's with Alice and Ashlyn. "Ah.... guild members I see? They didn't ask for your group Ash, they're going to take it the wrong way." She knocks on the side of Ashlyn's head lightly with her knuckle.

Ashlyn rubs her head and continues to float forward to the building, putting up her hands when the terrorists arrive with guns pointed. "We come in peace as instructed."

The terrorists raise their guns after they get both Alice and Ashlyn in the hospital, ready to shoot both Richard and Brundyn.
Brundyn raises their hands in halfway in the air when the terrorists point guns at them. "Yeah, guys lets not do this. It won't end well for you, that I assure you." Moving forward focusing on the ones with the guns pointed at them. "Now, why don't you just put those down and we can work this out without anyone having to die."
Sage growled. " She doesn't even let me explain. " He said before sighing. " Luna , please I'm sorry." He called out weakly, thinking Luna didn't care , as Noire and Diana rested their hand on either of his shoulders comfortingly. He smiled at the two before a serious look came to his face. " Ok Noire, what has happened. " He asked. " Neptune's piece of Mars broke out and one of his minions managed to capture her with a Anti crystal. " Noire said and Sage's eyes widened. " How! J thought we destroyed all the anti crystals! " He yelled in outrage.

@Light @GingerBread
djinnamon said:
" Sage I came her for a reason. " Noire said and Sage turned to her with a serious look on his face , completely ignoring Vance's remark. " Let me guess , Mars. " Sage said and Noire nodded sadly. " How did he get out, my piece of Mars is still in the star realm. " Sage said before turning to Luna. " I'm sorry for trying to stop you from killing someone. " He said.
@Light @GingerBread
Light said:
Luna was about to release the other half of Sarah's soul until Sage said that. "It was a duel, I wasn't trying to kill her. I'm not doing it if you're going to be this way. You can leave now." Luna takes her hand off of the vial and sends Sage and his friends out of the Astral plane and let's Vance stay. She takes the other half of Sarah's soul out of her vegetable body and puts it in another vial.
"God fucking damn it Sage. I try to help him and he just goes and fucks it up" Vance ranted to Luna "And he complains that I treat him like a child. Maybe if he didn't act like one than I wouldn't have to" Vance took a deep breath before looking directly at Luna "Can you just bring her back? Even for a couple of seconds, just so I can let her know that her son would rather act like an idiot than have his own mother alive"

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Light said:
Morgan was inside the shower and it seemed like her clothes were outside the bathroom. Ryan had a choice, to stay and see Morgan undressed and lose all trust as well as his possible life. Walk out the door and bump into the servant who would alarm the other Van Fen'rir and cause trouble for him. Or avoid both problems and go back outside to the reapers and get beat up.
Richard and Brundyn appear in front of one of the children's hospital's with Alice and Ashlyn. "Ah.... guild members I see? They didn't ask for your group Ash, they're going to take it the wrong way." She knocks on the side of Ashlyn's head lightly with her knuckle.

Ashlyn rubs her head and continues to float forward to the building, putting up her hands when the terrorists arrive with guns pointed. "We come in peace as instructed."

The terrorists raise their guns after they get both Alice and Ashlyn in the hospital, ready to shoot both Richard and Brundyn.

The clone of Ashlyn sends mental information about the guilds ranking system and it's functions. "Welcome to the guild." The guild symbol appears within A.

Most of the people these such as Ashlyn were gone. Cole could feel the distress signal and figure out why.

Earl could feel the distress signal going off after he read the book. The name in the book is no longer smudged now that it was no longer being read.

( Your characters aren't in the guild yet so they wouldn't get the distress call. They can still be there coincidentally though. )

Soul chains drag all of them into the Astral plane, right before Luna and the brain dead Sarah. "Hello."
Ryan looked up after he noticed there was no hello and a shower and looked around. Seeing her clothes he understood quickly and left a small orb of light on her desk, disappearing. Hed just return later

Richard too put up his hands. "We want no trouble. We brought the girls as you requested. Is there some sort of payment or?" He looked as terrified and humane as he could seeing it best to lie than expose himself
djinnamon said:
Sage growled. " She doesn't even let me explain. " He said before sighing. " Luna , please I'm sorry." He called out weakly, thinking Luna didn't care , as Noire and Diana rested their hand on either of his shoulders comfortingly. He smiled at the two before a serious look came to his face. " Ok Noire, what has happened. " He asked. " Neptune's piece of Mars broke out and one of his minions managed to capture her with a Anti crystal. " Noire said and Sage's eyes widened. " How! J thought we destroyed all the anti crystals! " He yelled in outrage.
@Light @GingerBread
GingerBread said:
"God fucking damn it Sage. I try to help him and he just goes and fucks it up" Vance ranted to Luna "And he complains that I threat him like a child. Maybe if he didn't act like one than I wouldn't have to" Vance took a deep breath before looking directly at Luna "Can you just bring her back? Even for a couple of seconds, just so I can let her know that her son would rather act like an idiot than have his own mother alive"

"Alright." Luna resurrects Sarah so Vance can give her his message.

DizjayDeathPride said:
Richard too put up his hands. "We want no trouble. We brought the girls as you requested. Is there some sort of payment or?" He looked as terrified and humane as he could seeing it best to lie than expose himself
TheMADQ said:
Brundyn raises their hands in halfway in the air when the terrorists point guns at them. "Yeah, guys lets not do this. It won't end well for you, that I assure you." Moving forward focusing on the ones with the guns pointed at them. "Now, why don't you just put those down and we can work this out without anyone having to die."
"You fool!" One terrorist hits Brundyn in the head with the back of his gun. "You harm us and the other hospital's including this one blows up!"
Light said:
"Alright." Luna resurrects Sarah so Vance can give her his message.
"You fool!" One terrorist hits Brundyn in the head with the back of his gun. "You harm us and the other hospital's including this one blows up!"
Richard sighed Fiiiiigures it wouldn't be easy. Great can't even touch them. At this point I'm starting to think negotiations are pointless "listen. We brought the girls . Where's our payment?"
Light said:
Luna drinks tea and stares Sarah in the eyes. She flashes her a smile after she finishes.
Sarah folds her arms and looks right back at Luna before scoffing, she understood why Sage was being so childish now this woman is infuriating but she had to keep her mouth shut if she ever wanted to see Sage again.
djinnamon said:
Sarah folds her arms and looks right back at Luna before scoffing, she understood why Sage was being so childish now this woman is infuriating but she had to keep her mouth shut if she ever wanted to see Sage again.
Light said:
"Alright." Luna resurrects Sarah so Vance can give her his message.
Vance didn't think Luna would actually let him but he turned to speak to Sarah anyways "Afternoon Sarah, You won't be coming back to life or getting out of here" Vance informed her "Now I was able to get Luna here to agree to bring you back to life and she only had one condition. That Sage apologised to her, And he almost did it, but he was an idiot and decided to try to be a smartass and say something stupid" Vance just shrugged "So how do you feel about your son valuing being a smartass more than your life?"

@djinnamon @Light
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Sarah turned to Vance. " Did she let Sage explain his side of the story or did you just listen to the woman who pulled me in here. My son is a idiot at times but he called it as he saw it so I can't be angry. " Sarah said before she turned to Luna. " So , are you going to keep me in that vial forever. " she asked. ' I guess I'll never see Sage or Terrence again. I'm sorry but at least they have each other. " She thought.

Sage suddenly had the urge to cry again and covered his mouth as tears began to fall. " Sage what's wrong. " Diana asked before she and Noire hugged Sage tightly to comfort him. Terrence finally woke up , he was pumping power to free Sarah before and had been in a coma. He could tell his wife wasn't in the world anymore. He sat on the edge of his bed and covered his face with his hand.

@Light @GingerBread

( I guess this is goodbye to Sarah )
Without even flinching Brundyn continues. "Psh, how many hospital can you possibly be holding hostage?" They then Teleport in 20 tiny Clockwork Scouts in the shadow's where no one is looking, along with 20 at the location of every hospital being held hostage. They all scurry into the building, searching for the bombs. They appear to be nothing more then modern every day rats. Brundyn is able to see out of the eyes of the Clockwork Scouts if they so wish. "Also that's funny, you thought I mean't that we were going to kill you. No, but if you kill the girl who just walked in, you will have doomed yourself."

(Are the bombs being guarded? I would assume not xD )

@Light @DizjayDeathPride
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djinnamon said:
Sarah turned to Vance. " Did she let Sage explain his side of the story or did you just listen to the woman who pulled me in here. My son is a idiot at times but he called it as he saw it so I can't be angry. " Sarah said before she turned to Luna. " So , are you going to keep me in that vial forever. " she asked. ' I guess I'll never see Sage or Terrence again. I'm sorry but at least they have each other. " She thought.
Sage suddenly had the urge to cry again and covered his mouth as tears began to fall. " Sage what's wrong. " Diana asked before she and Noire hugged Sage tightly to comfort him. Terrence finally woke up , he was pumping power to free Sarah before and had been in a coma. He could tell his wife wasn't in the world anymore. He sat on the edge of his bed and covered his face with his hand.

@Light @GingerBread

( I guess this is goodbye to Sarah )
"It doesn't matter who was right to me, I took yours and Sage's side and I was the one who put in the majority of the effort and to be honest I would still like you have you brought back to life, But it's out of my hands. If Sage just swallowed his pride for one second, you'd be alive" Vance replied, wanting Sarah to be brought back to life himself. If only because he knew he'd have to deal with Sage's crying and stuff if she wasn't. Vance turned to Luna "Luna, can you just let her stay alive? Please?" Vance went silent for a moment as he thought "Can't she apologise on Sage's behalf? She's his mother. And you told me she was involved as well. And anything Sage does could be put down to bad parenting on her behalf anyways" Vance quickly glanced at Sarah and gave her a look that said shut your mouth and complain to me later.

@Light @djinnamon (I redid my post, I like this version better)
A felt the guild symbol before she knew it. "Thank you." She said calmly. But still a hint of rudeness, although unintentional.
GingerBread said:
"It doesn't matter who was right to me, I took yours and Sage's side and I was the one who put in the majority of the effort and to be honest I would still like you have you brought back to life, But it's out of my hands. If Sage just swallowed his pride for one second, you'd be alive" Vance replied, wanting Sarah to be brought back to life himself. If only because he knew he'd have to deal with Sage's crying and stuff if she wasn't. Vance turned to Luna "Luna, can you just let her stay alive? Please?" Vance went silent for a moment as he thought "Can't she apologise on Sage's behalf? She's his mother. And you told me she was involved as well. And anything Sage does could be put down to bad parenting on her behalf anyways" Vance quickly glanced at Sarah and gave her a look that said shut your mouth and complain to me later.

@Light @djinnamon (I redid my post, I like this version better)
Sarah sighed. " Can I apologize on my don'ts behalf? " She asked with a raised eyebrow.?

DizjayDeathPride said:
The man poked his head out of the light ball he was inside like a turtle from its shell. "Silly boy" He ducked back inside and closed it off. Inside he tapped his lips and pondered.
Overhead a black stormy cloud swirled in formation. Thick yellow cartoon like lighting cracked in the sky. The light cocoon floated up into the eye of the storm and eventually Morpheus poked his head up. H
e waved down to Jackson as 10 playing cards swirled around Morpheus' head. He grabbed one and looked at it. "5 of diamonds."

( ! ) Above Jackson, 5 spikes of Diamond swirled, spinning together to a point that twinkled in its sharpness, then falling rapidly above his head
The tornado picked up the crystal. "Come on. This isn't a cartoon Morpheus." He threw a rock at his light ball.
DizjayDeathPride said:
Richard sighed Fiiiiigures it wouldn't be easy. Great can't even touch them. At this point I'm starting to think negotiations are pointless "listen. We brought the girls . Where's our payment?"
( No.... I didn't think that far ahead. )

( @CelticSol )

Alice was sitting down in the lobby with a handful of children around her. She was grinning as the children began to dog pile her, as if they had forgotten about the threat. "Alright! I'll tell you about the time I fought another dragon!" Alice was tricked into telling them due to their smiles, a sheer contrast from the terrified faces they had before.

Ashlyn was looking around until she spotted a tall individual no to far away from Alice and her clique of kids. She continues to stare until she's lost in thought.

The terrorist glares at Brundyn and raises his gun. "Once we gain the others you shall be regarded as a hero and you will be spared once the reckoning day comes. For now we shall free hostages from one of the hospital's."

DarknessSpirit said:
A felt the guild symbol before she knew it. "Thank you." She said calmly. But still a hint of rudeness, although unintentional.
The clone of Ashlyn felt more of an awkward aura from A's response. "So what can you do and what species are you? I just want to know your strengths and weaknesses to help you out in the future."

GingerBread said:
"It doesn't matter who was right to me, I took yours and Sage's side and I was the one who put in the majority of the effort and to be honest I would still like you have you brought back to life, But it's out of my hands. If Sage just swallowed his pride for one second, you'd be alive" Vance replied, wanting Sarah to be brought back to life himself. If only because he knew he'd have to deal with Sage's crying and stuff if she wasn't. Vance turned to Luna "Luna, can you just let her stay alive? Please?" Vance went silent for a moment as he thought "Can't she apologise on Sage's behalf? She's his mother. And you told me she was involved as well. And anything Sage does could be put down to bad parenting on her behalf anyways" Vance quickly glanced at Sarah and gave her a look that said shut your mouth and complain to me later.

@Light @djinnamon (I redid my post, I like this version better)
djinnamon said:
Sarah sighed. " Can I apologize on my don'ts behalf? " She asked with a raised eyebrow.?
"No. I wanted the apology from Sage." Luna takes the soul out of Sarah's body, allowing a reaper to reap her soul. "I gave her another chance and Sage blew it. Next time he'll learn. You should thank me Vance, maybe Sage will smarten up and possibly not put your life on the line next time."

( You can't reincarnate your mother into your child. You keep defeating the purpose of character deaths. You kept Sarah and such alive the first time. She's dead. Tazmodo's character who's also named Sarah died and it's not fair your character gets instant repeats when legitimately killed as well. Though if you still want to go ahead and do that then I' just reincarnated every single antagonist we've had so far since that's fair right? )
Light said:
"No. I wanted the apology from Sage." Luna takes the soul out of Sarah's body, allowing a reaper to reap her soul. "I gave her another chance and Sage blew it. Next time he'll learn. You should thank me Vance, maybe Sage will smarten up and possibly not put your life on the line next time."
Vance placed his head in his hands and sighed before dragging his hands down his face "Right, well... Can I go now? My guild symbol was going off earlier and Well, I want. No. I Need to kill some people" Vance went silent for a second "And I really don't want to face Sage right now"

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GingerBread said:
Vance placed his head in his hands and sighed before dragging his hands down his face "Right, well... Can I go now? My guild symbol was going off earlier and Well, I want. No. I Need to kill some people" Vance went silent for a second "And I really don't want to face Sage right now"
"Alright, have a good day!" Luna sends Vance out of the Astral plane to the Rocky mountains again.
Oymyakon, Russia. The coldest city on Earth. In this city of snow and ice, a single man stood out in the cold, snowy streets. His crimson hair whipped around his face in the bone-chilling wind. His clothes were no where close to being clothes that would allow a human to survive in this climate. However, this man was no human. Typhon looked up into the blizzard filled sky above him. He couldn't even feel the deadly cold. This blizzard was unusual, even for Oymyakon, because of the fact that the air was practically solid with snow. With a single thought, he caused the blizzard he had created's winds to whip harder. He enjoyed the snow. It was one of the few things he enjoyed.
Sage eventually calmed down. " Anyway , we need to find a way to seal the part of Mars that escaped and save Neptune. " He said before a wave of dread hit him and Noire as figures rose from the ground and formed. It was a army of the monsters they fought before. " Oh no. " Sage said before the leader of the monsters raise his arm. " Take the god and goddess, Lord Mars wants them for his harem. " The leader said and the army attacked the guild. Sage , Noire and Diana let out collective curse before transforming. " Lace Ribbon! " Noire yelled as she slashed five of the 30 monsters to ribbons with her rapier. Sage froze ten into icicles and Diana des toryed five with wind arcs.
Vance took a deep breath and sighed. I hope whoever is causing the trouble gives me a reason to kill them, It can be the most minor of reasons and I'll still take it He teleported to where the guild Symbol had been telling him to go earlier.

Vance found himself in front of a children's hospital in California and noticed it was guarded by several people with guns "Alright Fuckers!" Vance boomed throwing both of his arms out to the sides "This is going to go two ways. Way number one, You all leave and don't harm anyone and I'll pretend none of this ever happened" Vance's tone was neutral and bored sounding "Option number two, You all stay and I pick you off one by one" Vance took on a more deadly expression and his voice lowered to match his expression "I really hope you pick the second option"


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