Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
Light said:
The book Earl picked up covers the war of the deity realm and how the deity of Chaos brought order.
"Wait...this seems interesting....." the book caught Earl's attention, he picked up the book and turned it around to inspect it.

He ran his hands over the book's cover slowly before he opened it and started to read intently.

(@Light Go ahead, the rough content of the book. )
Light said:
Vance is sent back to Sage after this. Luna stares at the brain dead Sarah, waiting for Vance's return. It seems like he's gotten... better since the last time they've met.
"Oi! Sage. I've managed to get Luna to agree to bring your mother back" Vance gave Sage a small smile that quickly faded "But, you have to apologise to her for what you did" Vance felt his guild symbol go off warning him of danger, he decided to ignore it until Sage had his mother back.

DizjayDeathPride said:
Morpheus eeped and kicked off the air, spinning around and making a shield of light as well, cowering behind it. When the noise was over he poked his head over. "Eh? Bleh" and stuck out his tongue.
( ! ) Hundreds of little blue orbs appeared around Jackson, seemingly floating there. The shield went completely around Morpheus like a shell and he clenched his hand, the orbs zooming to Jackson, exploding on contact

Ryan tsked and allowed himself to be blown back, the little insects being pushed out and floating in little balls of light. "I don't mean anything any harm! I JUST want to see Morgan!"

Richard sighed a bit and let it go once he got the guild notification. He didn't exactly know what it was but given modernization, he assumed it would be on the news. So he turned back and went to his room to see the alert on the news, no surprise. He was slightly reminiscing to when he had a similar mission back when Morpheus called them The Red Ribbon Army.

From what he gathered from the news, there were four bombs and threats of destruction if these "so called split personalities do not turn themselves in." Equally, no touching the terrorist themselves. Lovely

He sighed and looked up. "Alright alright. How exactly can I do this?" He found it odd there were only 4. It seemed like an empty threat now. If he's counted correctly there had been 5 of the girls. So why only 4 bombs? He assumed the terrorist assumed the girls would easily make a 4 formation and diffuse the bombs themselves, quickly coming to the conclusion there are actually 5 or more bombs.

He sat on the couch and sighed. "This one is challenging to say the least. Welp only one way to get this done" He closed his eyes and connected to the symbol.
"Hello Ashlyn. By now I'm sure you've heard. Would you mind being bait?"
Jackson made tiny walls of light appear in front of all the orbs. "Come on Morpheus at least make it fun." Thunder appeared overhead and tornadoes started to form. Jackson threw a ball of fire at Morpheus.

Light said:
Ashlyn was tempted to go after him but she couldn't turn back against her word so easily. "Goodbye...." She turns to Newt and tries to give him a smile, this time it's obviously fake.
"I mean none of you nor Morgan any harm."

The reapers hear this and look at one another, shocked. "He wishes to kill the servants! He didn't include them! Not did he include the items in the home and the pets! He didn't even include the other Van Fen'rir! Worst of all he didn't even mention the tapestry we made with our own hands! Do you even know how hard it is to make that while trying to stay hidden and intangible? You can't even touch the tapestry for fucks sales! That bastard! Kill him!" 5 reapers combine a pulse attack to blow Ryan away from the door, it seemed like metallic insects were growing on the wound from it on and in his chest.

Alexandria wouldn't show up at all.
Reed was gone and knew it was now hopeless. The only person he thought would care didn't. He was on the verge of giving up and disappearing.

Newt looked at her with sad eyes. He ran towards her and jumped on her shoulder. He lucked her cheek and tried to keep her warm. He bottled up his own emotions to help her.
Tazmodo said:
Jackson made tiny walls of light appear in front of all the orbs. "Come on Morpheus at least make it fun." Thunder appeared overhead and tornadoes started to form. Jackson threw a ball of fire at Morpheus.
Reed was gone and knew it was now hopeless. The only person he thought would care didn't. He was on the verge of giving up and disappearing.

Newt looked at her with sad eyes. He ran towards her and jumped on her shoulder. He lucked her cheek and tried to keep her warm. He bottled up his own emotions to help her.
The man poked his head out of the light ball he was inside like a turtle from its shell. "Silly boy" He ducked back inside and closed it off. Inside he tapped his lips and pondered.

Overhead a black stormy cloud swirled in formation. Thick yellow cartoon like lighting cracked in the sky. The light cocoon floated up into the eye of the storm and eventually Morpheus poked his head up. H
e waved down to Jackson as 10 playing cards swirled around Morpheus' head. He grabbed one and looked at it. "5 of diamonds."

( ! ) Above Jackson, 5 spikes of Diamond swirled, spinning together to a point that twinkled in its sharpness, then falling rapidly above his head
Light said:

Before Ashlyn could respond to Brundyn she notices Reed, which puts a frown on her face. "Brundyn I can give you a mission that will definitely help out the world thank you." She opens up a portal to the government building in Iran. They were beginning to make a military move to get their hands on the personalities as well. "Can you stop them from mobilizing as peacefully as you can?"

"Iran? Psh, I sell to them all the time, they know me. I can convince them to stop and it should be easy enough to keep it peaceful." Their attire changes into something more formal and appropriate for Iran. They warp in what looks like a royal scepter made with many jewels and precious metals. This was the Rod of Rulership, this would allow the wielder to take control over many creatures at once. They only ever use this specific rod whenever they are going into a situations where negotiations can turn bad and they might need a little persuasion. They walk through the portal using it as a walking stick, strutting in as if they owned the place. Brundyn waves at the receptionist as they walk by, then security tried to stop them. They tap the Rod of Rulership on the ground and you could see a sparkle in her eye for a split second as the magic too its effect. "Well, I am here for my appointment with the government leaders."

"Yes, Mr.
Sengullery. Just head to the top floor and its the first door to the right." She then pages the Leader and informs him that Mr. Sengullery is heading up to him.

Brundyn walks through the building not being bothered by any of the guards as they make there way to the leaders office. Though they tip there top hat to every guard they see saying. "Afternoon, Good day, Lovely weather, ect." They

eventually get to the top floor and go into the room.
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DizjayDeathPride said:
Ryan tsked and allowed himself to be blown back, the little insects being pushed out and floating in little balls of light. "I don't mean anything any harm! I JUST want to see Morgan!"
Richard sighed a bit and let it go once he got the guild notification. He didn't exactly know what it was but given modernization, he assumed it would be on the news. So he turned back and went to his room to see the alert on the news, no surprise. He was slightly reminiscing to when he had a similar mission back when Morpheus called them The Red Ribbon Army.

From what he gathered from the news, there were four bombs and threats of destruction if these "so called split personalities do not turn themselves in." Equally, no touching the terrorist themselves. Lovely

He sighed and looked up. "Alright alright. How exactly can I do this?" He found it odd there were only 4. It seemed like an empty threat now. If he's counted correctly there had been 5 of the girls. So why only 4 bombs? He assumed the terrorist assumed the girls would easily make a 4 formation and diffuse the bombs themselves, quickly coming to the conclusion there are actually 5 or more bombs.

He sat on the couch and sighed. "This one is challenging to say the least. Welp only one way to get this done" He closed his eyes and connected to the symbol.
"Hello Ashlyn. By now I'm sure you've heard. Would you mind being bait?"
( ! ) A buff reaper with four arms appears though it's invisible to Ryan. It equips four scythes and spins them rapidly, throwing the first at Ryan. This scythe had bubble manipulation, another scythe appears in its hand and it throws it again, explosion inducement. When the scythe hits Ryan, a bubble appears around his head and then the next scythe hitting him triggers an explosion. The reaper throws all four weapons. One had spoon mimicry which buried Ryan in spoons and he second had health drainage. The third had combustion inducement and the fourth had confusion inducement. The reaper makes more of these weapons and continues to spin them. Each time the scythe hits the ground it creates a portal which summons more reapers. These reapers bombard Ryan with these pulses and continue to randomly show themselves in his line of sight. Causing Ryan's vision to buzz out like a t.v. on the wrong channel. They were doing this to confuse him even more which they sliced and blasted away at him.

"Being bait? Alright then." Ashlyn appears in front of one of the child hospitals right when Alice lands. "You too?"

Alice shrugs her shoulders in response.

Dreamtique said:
"Wait...this seems interesting....." the book caught Earl's attention, he picked up the book and turned it around to inspect it.
He ran his hands over the book's cover slowly before he opened it and started to read intently.

(@Light Go ahead, the rough content of the book. )
There was a great war in the deity realm long ago for custody of leadership once the previous leader fell. For 4,000 years this war razed the very foundations of the realm. The affects of the carnage managed to reach many other realms. On the exact day to date 4,000 years a rebellion within the war rose. The deity of chaos slowly gained allies to begin a new age, a new government which surpasses even the previous one. This being was the deity of chaos whom stopped the war and brought peace to the deity realm, assuming leadership. Her name was. The name was smudged out of the book.
[QUOTE="The Reaper Of Souls]Bigby and James were already there, staying out of sight for the time-being.
"Briby... Did you have to punch that guy? He clearly meant trouble if he was harmed."

James was patching up a minor dagger laceration, Brigby letting out a hiss as the cleaning solution did its job.

"Oh hush. You brought this on yourself, ya big lug."

The wound didn't even hurt, the act just simply moved Brigby from James touch in a strange game of tag. At least they would have a little fun before the blade cut their lives to an end...

"You have been getting lazy James."

"Me? Me being lazy!?! You're the one who decided not to kill the guy than snapped his neck when he got close to me."

"Minor... Mistake?"

"That's rich coming from you. In your line of business, a minor mistake can kill you or give profit."

( So you killed one of the terrorists? )

TheMADQ said:

"Iran? Psh, I sell to them all the time, they know me. I can convince them to stop and it should be easy enough to keep it peaceful." Their attire changes into something more formal and appropriate for Iran. They warp in what looks like a royal scepter made with many jewels and precious metals. This was the Rod of Rulership, this would allow the wielder to take control over many creatures at once. They only ever use this specific rod whenever they are going into a situations where negotiations can turn bad and they might need a little persuasion. They walk through the portal using it as a walking stick, strutting in as if they owned the place. Brundyn waves at the receptionist as they walk by, then security tried to stop them. They tap the Rod of Rulership on the ground and you could see a sparkle in her eye for a split second as the magic too its effect. "Well, I am here for my appointment with the government leaders."

"Yes, Mr.
Sengullery. Just head to the top floor and its the first door to the right." She then pages the Leader and informs him that Mr. Sengullery is heading up to him.

Brundyn walks through the building not being bothered by any of the guards as they make there way to the leaders office. Though they tip there top hat to every guard they see saying. "Afternoon, Good day, Lovely weather, ect." They

eventually get to the top floor and go into the room.
( You can return when you like and skip the conversation. You'll get your rank up and I'll give you a better mission that's benefiting. )
Light said:
( ! ) A buff reaper with four arms appears though it's invisible to Ryan. It equips four scythes and spins them rapidly, throwing the first at Ryan. This scythe had bubble manipulation, another scythe appears in its hand and it throws it again, explosion inducement. When the scythe hits Ryan, a bubble appears around his head and then the next scythe hitting him triggers an explosion. The reaper throws all four weapons. One had spoon mimicry which buried Ryan in spoons and he second had health drainage. The third had combustion inducement and the fourth had confusion inducement. The reaper makes more of these weapons and continues to spin them. Each time the scythe hits the ground it creates a portal which summons more reapers. These reapers bombard Ryan with these pulses and continue to randomly show themselves in his line of sight. Causing Ryan's vision to buzz out like a t.v. on the wrong channel. They were doing this to confuse him even more which they sliced and blasted away at him.
"Being bait? Alright then." Ashlyn appears in front of one of the child hospitals right when Alice lands. "You too?"

Alice shrugs her shoulders in response.

There was a great war in the deity realm long ago for custody of leadership once the previous leader fell. For 4,000 years this war razed the very foundations of the realm. The affects of the carnage managed to reach many other realms. On the exact day to date 4,000 years a rebellion within the war rose. The deity of chaos slowly gained allies to begin a new age, a new government which surpasses even the previous one. This being was the deity of chaos whom stopped the war and brought peace to the deity realm, assuming leadership. Her name was. The name was smudged out of the book.
Still alert from the attack earlier, Ryan's eyes ripped blue and red. The left and right. His Nephalem eyes seeing the power radiating off though he couldn't see the reaper itself. Classical music; Four Seasons, Spring, by Vivaldi, began playing, making himself more and more agile. Given so he dodged from each reaper, ducking and moving away with smooth fluidity. His hands crossed behind his back, swaying away from them and leading them into each other

Once he kicked and slide away from the last swipe he waves his fingers to them and disappeared in a flash at the end of the song, appearing in Morgan's room, taking a bow, just in case she wasn't decent, extending his arm."


Richard's eyes got wide and he appeared next to her. "I... Didn't mean that. Well there goes my idea." He looked around. "Helloooo? We have two here. Where are you?"
Brundyn shakes the mans hand. "Well I am glad that we can come to an understanding." Looking at there watch. "Oh, look at the time I better get going. I have several other appointments I need to get to." They say making up an excuse so they could leave. "It was nice talking to you again, I hope we can have another lovely conversation soon." After walking out of the room they teleport back to Ashlyn. "Well, I got the job done." They say giving a short report of the details.

Cole steps out a portal within the guild. He's hands are in his pockets and is still smoking. I'm back and I brought a guest. He said pointing back at the portal with his thumb and unaware if someone is in the guild hall or not.

Crimson steps out the portal with Zedd walking next to him. He had his hands in his pocket also. He looks around. I can already tell this place will Piss me off. @Light
Light said:
( So you killed one of the terrorists?)
(No, the wound was inflicted by a drunk bastard, James and Brigby usually pick up work in a bar. Brigby just kicked his ass before getting the distress call.)
Sage didn't know what to do. He was torn between helping his mother and finding what was happening with Mars. He turned to Vance. " Fine take me quickly. " He said , he would do this quickly then return.?

"I can't take you anywhere. You're going to have to ask Luna" Vance shrugged, he had done as much as he could "Also why are you in such a rush? It's not like your mother is going anywhere"

[QUOTE="The Reaper Of Souls](No, the wound was inflicted by a drunk bastard, James and Brigby usually pick up work in a bar. Brigby just kicked his ass before getting the distress call.)

(has he joined Dragon's Roar already? Because I'm pretty sure the distress call was just for dragon roar members)
Sage growled. " First off , I don't particularly like Luna , second I was just attacked and third I think perverted , war loving god with a grudge and a thing for harem is free and coming for me. " He screamed the last part while pulling at his hair. He was pissed off as F at the moment but also slightly scared. Diana put a hand on Sage's shoulder to calm him down but he was still pulling his hair. " Sage stop that or else you'll prove to Vert that you have hair extensions. " A voice said in a somewhat superior tone with a hint of amusement causing Sage to stop look up to see a girl floating above him.

Light said:
There was a great war in the deity realm long ago for custody of leadership once the previous leader fell. For 4,000 years this war razed the very foundations of the realm. The affects of the carnage managed to reach many other realms. On the exact day to date 4,000 years a rebellion within the war rose. The deity of chaos slowly gained allies to begin a new age, a new government which surpasses even the previous one. This being was the deity of chaos whom stopped the war and brought peace to the deity realm, assuming leadership. Her name was. The name was smudged out of the book.
He narrowed his eyes when he noticed that a portion of the words were smudged out, he couldn't help it but to get a little bit curious.

"Who could it be? But guess that wouldn't really matter for now......"

"Hm...so the deity realm was brought to peace by the deity of chaos? Heh...guess that is just how things work, ever paradoxical......" Earl looked into the emptiness, thinking about himself. He chuckled and shakes his head.

"Guess that was a happy ending......" He sighed after the long reading.

He put the book back to where it belongs and walked away.
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djinnamon said:
Sage growled. " First off , I don't particularly like Luna , second I was just attacked and third I think perverted , war loving god with a grudge and a thing for harem is free and coming for me. " He screamed the last part while pulling at his hair. He was pissed off as F at the moment but also slightly scared. Diana put a hand on Sage's shoulder to calm him down but he was still pulling his hair. " Sage stop that or else you'll prove to Vert that you have hair extensions. " A voice said in a somewhat superior tone with a hint of amusement causing Sage to stop look up to see a girl floating above him.
Vance looked up at the girl "I'll get to you in a second" Vance looked back at Sage "Do you really think I care what your opinion on Luna is? Is how you feel about Luna more important to you than your mother's life? And did you not think to tell me when you were being attacked? I could've come to help" Vance sound extremely bored and tired. He shook his head as he turned his attention towards the girl "You have exactly 5 seconds to tell me why you're here and why I shouldn't kill you where you stand/Float. four seconds now, better hurry" Vance still kept his bored tone of voice while he threatened the girl

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DizjayDeathPride said:
Still alert from the attack earlier, Ryan's eyes ripped blue and red. The left and right. His Nephalem eyes seeing the power radiating off though he couldn't see the reaper itself. Classical music; Four Seasons, Spring, by Vivaldi, began playing, making himself more and more agile. Given so he dodged from each reaper, ducking and moving away with smooth fluidity. His hands crossed behind his back, swaying away from them and leading them into each other
Once he kicked and slide away from the last swipe he waves his fingers to them and disappeared in a flash at the end of the song, appearing in Morgan's room, taking a bow, just in case she wasn't decent, extending his arm."


Morgan was inside the shower and it seemed like her clothes were outside the bathroom. Ryan had a choice, to stay and see Morgan undressed and lose all trust as well as his possible life. Walk out the door and bump into the servant who would alarm the other Van Fen'rir and cause trouble for him. Or avoid both problems and go back outside to the reapers and get beat up.

TheMADQ said:
Brundyn shakes the mans hand. "Well I am glad that we can come to an understanding." Looking at there watch. "Oh, look at the time I better get going. I have several other appointments I need to get to." They say making up an excuse so they could leave. "It was nice talking to you again, I hope we can have another lovely conversation soon." After walking out of the room they teleport back to Ashlyn. "Well, I got the job done." They say giving a short report of the details.
DizjayDeathPride said:
Richard's eyes got wide and he appeared next to her. "I... Didn't mean that. Well there goes my idea." He looked around. "Helloooo? We have two here. Where are you?"
Richard and Brundyn appear in front of one of the children's hospital's with Alice and Ashlyn. "Ah.... guild members I see? They didn't ask for your group Ash, they're going to take it the wrong way." She knocks on the side of Ashlyn's head lightly with her knuckle.

Ashlyn rubs her head and continues to float forward to the building, putting up her hands when the terrorists arrive with guns pointed. "We come in peace as instructed."

The terrorists raise their guns after they get both Alice and Ashlyn in the hospital, ready to shoot both Richard and Brundyn.

DarknessSpirit said:
A shook her hand politely and replied "nice to meet you." In a softer kinder tone, but tha blantness still remained.
The clone of Ashlyn sends mental information about the guilds ranking system and it's functions. "Welcome to the guild." The guild symbol appears within A.

Embaga Elder] [COLOR=#5900b3]Cole steps out a portal within the guild. He's hands are in his pockets and is still smoking. [/COLOR][COLOR=#5900b3][B]I'm back and I brought a guest. [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=#5900b3]He said pointing back at the portal with his thumb and unaware if someone is in the guild hall or not. [/COLOR][COLOR=#5900b3] [/COLOR] [COLOR=#b30000]Crimson steps out the portal with Zedd walking next to him. He had his hands in his pocket also. He looks around. [/COLOR][COLOR=#b30000][B]I can already tell this place will Piss me off. [/B][/COLOR][URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/10734-light/ said:
Most of the people these such as Ashlyn were gone. Cole could feel the distress signal and figure out why.

Dreamtique said:
He narrowed his eyes when he noticed that a portion of the words were smudged out, he couldn't help it but to get a little bit curious.
"Who could it be? But guess that wouldn't really matter for now......"

"Hm...so the deity realm was brought to peace by the deity of chaos? Heh...guess that is just how things work, ever paradoxical......" Earl looked into the emptiness, thinking about himself. He chuckled and shakes his head.

"Guess that was a happy ending......" He sighed after the long reading.

He put the book back to where it belongs and walked away.
Earl could feel the distress signal going off after he read the book. The name in the book is no longer smudged now that it was no longer being read.

GingerBread said:
Vance looked up at the girl "I'll get to you in a second" Vance looked back at Sage "Do you really think I care what your opinion on Luna is? Is how you feel about Luna more important to you than your mother's life? And did you not think to tell me when you were being attacked? I could've come to help" Vance sound extremely bored and tired. He shook his head as he turned his attention towards the girl "You have exactly 5 seconds to tell me why you're here and why I shouldn't kill you where you stand/Float. four seconds now, better hurry" Vance still kept his bored tone of voice while he threatened the girl
Soul chains drag all of them into the Astral plane, right before Luna and the brain dead Sarah. "Hello."
Sage already had a ice dagger flying towards Vance's crotch before stopped a inch away while the girl in the air rolled her eyes. " Sage who is this boy. " The girl asked as yawned at the threat.


" Well this my boyfriend. " Sage said to Noire before growling at Vance. " Don't you dare touch her." He warned Vance before they were all pulled into the Astral Realm. Sage turned to Luna with contempt but sighed. " I'm sorry. " He said while Noire landed on her feet and her transformation broke revealing a black haired girl with twin tails.

@Light @GingerBread
Light said:
Soul chains drag all of them into the Astral plane, right before Luna and the brain dead Sarah. "Hello."
"If you want to mutilate my genitals go ahead Sage, It would really only affect you" Vance then turned to Luna "Afternoon Luna, Sage has apologised now. So can we have his mother back please"

@Light @djinnamon
djinnamon said:
Sage already had a ice dagger flying towards Vance's crotch before stopped a inch away while the girl in the air rolled her eyes. " Sage who is this boy. " The girl asked as yawned at the threat.

" Well this my boyfriend. " Sage said to Noire before growling at Vance. " Don't you dare touch her." He warned Vance before they were all pulled into the Astral Realm. Sage turned to Luna with contempt but sighed. " I'm sorry. " He said while Noire landed on her feet and her transformation broke revealing a black haired girl with twin tails.

@Light @GingerBread
GingerBread said:
"If you want to mutilate my genitals go ahead Sage, It would really only affect you" Vance then turned to Luna "Afternoon Luna, Sage has apologised now. So can we have his mother back please"
@Light @djinnamon
"I'm sorry for what?" Luna tilts her head with a smirk. She was slowly opening the vial.
" Sage I came her for a reason. " Noire said and Sage turned to her with a serious look on his face , completely ignoring Vance's remark. " Let me guess , Mars. " Sage said and Noire nodded sadly. " How did he get out, my piece of Mars is still in the star realm. " Sage said before turning to Luna. " I'm sorry for trying to stop you from killing someone. " He said.

@Light @GingerBread
djinnamon said:
" Sage I came her for a reason. " Noire said and Sage turned to her with a serious look on his face , completely ignoring Vance's remark. " Let me guess , Mars. " Sage said and Noire nodded sadly. " How did he get out, my piece of Mars is still in the star realm. " Sage said before turning to Luna. " I'm sorry for trying to stop you from killing someone. " He said.
@Light @GingerBread
Luna was about to release the other half of Sarah's soul until Sage said that. "It was a duel, I wasn't trying to kill her. I'm not doing it if you're going to be this way. You can leave now." Luna takes her hand off of the vial and sends Sage and his friends out of the Astral plane and let's Vance stay. She takes the other half of Sarah's soul out of her vegetable body and puts it in another vial.

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