Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
Sage folded his arms and pouted. " Can leave this place now , its too dark for my taste. " He asked , he was itching to get his powers back. He was slowly but surely getting anger again.

"Sure" Vance shrugged, he was rather fond of this place "And later, when I'm in a better mood, we'll do whatever you want" Vance left himself and Sage out of the darkness realm with a snap of his fingers, which was purely for show. Vance had taken the couch with him and leant backwards and relaxed, not caring that Sage was on his lap still.

Vance sighed as Sage fell asleep on top of him "If I didn't love you as much as I do, I'd shove you off" Vance complained while he smiled at Sage. "Oi! Luna, you there? I need to talk to you" Vance called out.

@djinnamon @Light
Grimm decides now is the perfect time to stop assisting Dragon's Roar with everything. He didn't need to since the only people he had to break the law to save were the Van Fen'rir. He remembers the day his wife convinced him to sign the document saying he would keep the Van Fen'rir from harm and smiles. It's about time he's withheld his promises.
GingerBread said:
Vance sighed as Sage fell asleep on top of him "If I didn't love you as much as I do, I'd shove you off" Vance complained while he smiled at Sage. "Oi! Luna, you there? I need to talk to you" Vance called out.
@djinnamon @Light
At this moment Vance was pulled into the Astral plane inside Luna's home. "You called?"
Light said:
At this moment Vance was pulled into the Astral plane inside Luna's home. "You called?"
"Yeah" Vance sounded tired and annoyed but gave Luna a small smile regardless "My boyfriend told me that you 'killed' his mother. First off why? Second, Can you bring her back?"

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Archdemon said:
Jack turned to Ace "What? It's all I'm good at, I didn't ask to be this way. Besides stabbing things is my hobby and I love my hobby, so if anyone here as a job that needs someone to stab people then I'm your guy!"
Jack addressed this to all who were present as he began flipping his knife in a semi bored manner.

@Light @The Otaku Diaries @djinnamon @Tazmodo @everyone else
((Gomenasai for the late reply! ;- ;) ) "Uhh. I suppose....?" Ace said, in a tone of questioning. She took out a deck of fortune telling cards and signed. Ace begun organizing them.
GingerBread said:
"Yeah" Vance sounded tired and annoyed but gave Luna a small smile regardless "My boyfriend told me that you 'killed' his mother. First off why? Second, Can you bring her back?"

"I came out the astral plane only to see my fiancee with another women. That girl challenged me to a duel and I accepted. The moment I came out the astral plane Sage had made comments about me and approached me. He directly interfered with the duel and threatened me. So I sent both him and his friend off to the astral plane, his mother appeared as if she were a threat. So I showed all three of them how insignificant they are but I gave them a choice. Two could live and Sarah sacrificed herself so she died. Done."
djinnamon said:
Sage , who was on Vance's lap ,woke up. He growled before turning to Vance. " May I speak and explain to this woman the situation? " he asked , really hoping Vance would let him. He even threw in the puppy dog eyes.
@GingerBread @Light
( They're in the astral plane. Without Sage. )
Light said:
"I came out the astral plane only to see my fiancee with another women. That girl challenged me to a duel and I accepted. The moment I came out the astral plane Sage had made comments about me and approached me. He directly interfered with the duel and threatened me. So I sent both him and his friend off to the astral plane, his mother appeared as if she were a threat. So I showed all three of them how insignificant they are but I gave them a choice. Two could live and Sarah sacrificed herself so she died. Done."
"Okay, disregard the fact that Sage and his mother were idiots and got involved. Lets just focus on the fact that you killed her and now need to bring her back. I clearly remember you saying that you care about the mental well being of all of your contracts, Yes?" Vance asked but pushed on without waiting for an answer "So if you do you'll bring her back to life, Because it's not exactly putting me in the best mental state to see my boyfriend upset over his mother dying. And it can be on my head if she messes up again, at that point you're free to kill me as well if you so wish"

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Light said:
Alice was trying extremely hard to contain her anger when Sage started opening his mouth. Ashlyn floats forward out of the hole in the wall. "We collected her because a certain project from our past is coming back to haunt us. It's important that we get my other....sisters before anyone else does. It may not seem like a big deal but the fate of all existence depends on this."
Alice looks up at Ashlyn. "Alright.... now that's a valid reason. This can't happen again and we do need to get the others. Though I can't stay here right now, I have to go."
(Alright so after saying I was stalking Daina [For convenience purpose] I see that she would have led Brundyn to Ashlyn and they would seen all of that stuff. xD YAY for convenient stalking.)

Brundyn revels themselves to the group after overhearing there problem. "Excuse me, but I couldn't help but overhear that you need to find a few people. Normally I wouldn't care but if all existance is at stake, considering I live in this existance, I would like to lend you my aid." They say offering there hand to Ashlyn.

[COLOR=rgb(86,86,86)]@GingerBread[/COLOR] @Archdemon@anyone else who is within earshot.
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djinnamon said:
( Can you clearly state that next time )
( At this moment Vance was pulled into the Astral plane inside Luna's home. "You called?")

( That wasn't clear enough? Do I need to zoom into the name Vance? If this isn't clear enough I'll make sure every post I make with you in it I'll be specific as if I'm talking to a baby. Don't sass me. )
Light said:
( At this moment Vance was pulled into the Astral plane inside Luna's home. "You called?")
( That wasn't clear enough? Do I need to zoom into the name Vance? If this isn't clear enough I'll make sure every post I make with you in it I'll be specific as if I'm talking to a baby. Don't sass me. )
( Eep , sowwy big brother *goes to time out corner* )
( But seriously sorry)

Light said:
( At this moment Vance was pulled into the Astral plane inside Luna's home. "You called?")
( That wasn't clear enough? Do I need to zoom into the name Vance? If this isn't clear enough I'll make sure every post I make with you in it I'll be specific as if I'm talking to a baby. Don't sass me. )
Light said:
( It's ok. )
Once Christina and Kinziel were done, Christina leaves to the Phantom Realm with a wink. Kinziel stays in Malren's room, waiting patiently. Maybe things went a bit too far.

Christina was interested to see how far her newfound infatuation with Malren would go. She was also curious to see if Malren would return those feelings. "In time...."

"I need you to go up the mountain again and relay a message to my father! Project Hybrid is back!"
"Ugh, him again?" Malren groaned as he tapped his inner guild symbol. "I swear, these people can slip between dimensions like nothing, but they need a messenger boy anyways?" He sighed as he was pulled to Greece. "Maybe it won't be so bad this time ar-whooaaaa!"

After Malren we sent to Greece, still reeling, he tried to get a bearing on his surroundings. The mountain stood tall as ever, and as steep too. Before heading up, Malren decided to try out the tea routine again. After he picked up the pot and cups from the vendor, he sprung up as a griffin, fighting his way to the top of the mountain before the tea got cold. When he reached the top, he put the tea down and sat back on his haunches. "Yo! Your daughter's calling again!"
DarknessSpirit said:
"Depends on what kind of magic your looking for." She replied cooly, looking at her black nails. She couldn't begin to name off all the magics she did.
Theodore turned around and was walking backwards. "Oh your one if those people. Man I hate magic it's so confusing." He said without paying attention to where he was going.

DizjayDeathPride said:
After his little... episode, Morpheus tested his power on The Dragon's Rawriors. While they did get him down to a terrible position, in the end he finished them all and left the Twilight Realm, placing them each in their beds, going back to normal
Morpheus could sense immense amounts of power nearby and teleported to it, a bit disappointed it was a teammate and he couldn't keep "spreading his wings" as he put it

Morpheus tip toed up to Jackson and tapped his shoulder. "Whatcha doin?"
Reed opened his eyes and looked at him. The blizzards and thunder died down. "Just training and growing used to my powers. Why?"
Tazmodo said:
Theodore turned around and was walking backwards. "Oh your one if those people. Man I hate magic it's so confusing." He said without paying attention to where he was going.
Reed opened his eyes and looked at him. The blizzards and thunder died down. "Just training and growing used to my powers. Why?"
"Because you were causing a ruckus!" Then a light bulp dinged above his head. "You knoooooow.... Just using your power isn't enough to train it... It needs to be battle born. THAT'S when true power emerges"
DizjayDeathPride said:
"Because you were causing a ruckus!" Then a light bulp dinged above his head. "You knoooooow.... Just using your power isn't enough to train it... It needs to be battle born. THAT'S when true power emerges"
Jackson looked at him with a confused expression. "Ummm sure ok I'm up for sparing. Oh I heard you're Alpha good job. Who am I sparring with?" He put his shirt back on.

Reed continued to walk. Every time he tried to go back the past few years nothing happened. It's all just gone. "Those were probably the best hears of my life." He tried to think farther back a few more years and holes were there. It was just the one event it was all throughout his mind. Holes were everywhere. It's like it was just taken. He thought about the girl from earlier and why was she crying. "She must know something." He opened another portal. "Ashyln I know you know something. It's not just one point in my memory there are holes everywhere. What happened to me?!" He said calling throughout the guild. @Light
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Ryan woke up from his minor concussion, shaking his head. He groaned and got up, teleporting to Morgan's castle, remembering to not go inside without knocking. He knocked. "Moooorgan. Are you here?"

Morpheus appeared beside Ashlyn in a lizard form. It crawled on her foot and smiled up to her


Tazmodo said:
Jackson looked at him with a confused expression. "Ummm sure ok I'm up for sparing. Oh I heard you're Alpha good job. Who am I sparring with?" He put his shirt back on.
Reed continued to walk. Every time he tried to go back the past few years nothing happened. It's all just gone. "Those were probably the best hears of my life." He tried to think farther back a few more years and holes were there. It was just the one event it was all throughout his mind. Holes were everywhere. It's like it was just taken. He thought about the girl from earlier and why was she crying. "She must know something." He opened another portal. "Ashyln I know you know something. It's not just one point in my memory there are holes everywhere. What happened to me?!" He said calling throughout the guild. @Light
Morpheus cracked his neck and stretched. "Me! I'm curious to see your power." He drew a line in the dirt and waved his fingers. "Your move"
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Sage woke up to fond Diana sitting next to him. " Welcome back to the land of the living. Do you want to go out somewhere. " She asked, Sage looked thoughtful before nodding and getting up. Diana went into her human form and the two went out. They walked around until they went to a open night bar. They both sat at a table while three boys came on stage.




They each picked up a mic and began to scream. By the time the song was finished all the girls except Diana were fangirling while Sage was fanboying. " They are so hot. " Sage squealed causing Diana to laugh. The boys suddenly made their over to the two. " Hi there. " The red haired one said smoothly as he and his friends stopped in front of the table. Sage suddenly got a feeling of dread and he grabbed Diana's arm and shoot up from his seat , pulling Diana with him. " Hi , but we need to go. " Sage said before he pulled Diana out of the club. " What's wrong Sage! " Diana asked frantically. " They aren't normal , I can feel it. " He said before a two long white tendril grabbed the two and pulled them into a alley.

She continued to walk but put her right arm out. And put her palm out flat in front of her. A black smoke began to curl around her hand. "You just got to think of what you want, and clear your mind. But magic always comes with a price." She said while focusing on her hand. It went from black smoke to a ball of fire, levitating on her palms.
Jack was walked my along, following some guy, he just needed to assure himself killer intent was still his to control until he saw Sage and Diana get pulled into an alleyway. With nothing else to do Jack appeared before the scene but paid no mind to the tendrils or creature if there even is one "Hey Jackass! Need some help? I'll be glad to help, just know that I'm not a creature to trifle with okay?"

Jack was talking about what happened earlier today when Sage was about to destroy the body in which "Jack" inhabits, such a foolish boy thinking that just killing the vessel would kill a powerful demon such as "Jack". He's much more powerful than he lets on or even shows. He unsheathed his knife as he hacks into the Tendril cutting it off and grins as he faces his opponent!

Diana and Sage looked at Jack as the three boys from before appeared from the shadows. " Sage or should I say Yellow Heart. " The red haired man said in a voice that sound like nails on a chalkboard causing Sage and Diana to cringe , Sage mainly cringing at the name he was called and the man's terrible voice only made it worse. " Yellow Heart ,my god wishs to repay the kindness you showed him. " The man said as his he and friends' clothes and skin melted away revealing white skin and pupiless and lifeless pale yellow eyes.


All three men's arms turned into long white tendrils and they began to began to attack Diana , Sage and Jack. Sage cursed a made a sword of ice before he began cutting the tendrils apart but they kept regrowing. Sage cursed and teleported behind the one of the monsters and cut off its head before cutting off the other monster's head but was almost grabbed by another tendril from the third monster but Diana cut its head and tendril off with a wind arc. The monsters layed on the ground but they soon began to regrow.

" We need to go now. " He said as he grabbed Diana and made a move to grab Jack.


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