Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
Sage had already teleported behind Vance and aimed a kick at the man's head that would send him flying.

GingerBread said:
Vance glared at Sage "I suggest you rethink trying to fight me. I'm not in the mood to leave anyone I fight alive" Vance reached into the shadows and pulled out a dagger made of pure darkness "But, I can't kill my boyfriend, so that just means I'll have to beat you within an inch of your life. So are you sure you want to do this?"

Light said:
Before Earl could find the book, the guild felt a certain shudder.
"Ah...baby...you are coming with me......" He held the book in his hand about quantum physics while slowly dusted it off with a fascinated look in his eyes, he gently pushes his lips on it. The sudden shudder sent him jumping and he quickly threw the book away, trying to act normal. He cleared his throat and looked around, after making sure no one was around, he sighed for relieve, without noticing that his face was completely red.

"Tsk! What's wrong with this place!? Can't even stay quiet for a second?!" His voice echo throughout the empty library.

He flipped his cape and looked around awkwardly. He slowly kneed down to pick up the book and added it to the stack of books in his arm.

He continued to prance his way around the library while uncontrollably hummed while he continued his joyful search, totally forgot that he had to stay cool.

(Staying cool is real hard......especially with books......)
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djinnamon said:
Sage had already teleported behind Vance and aimed a kick at the man's head that would send him flying.
Vance felt himself get kicked in the back of the head at get sent flying at a wall "So be it then" As soon as Vance touched the shadow that the wall was casting he teleported himself so that he was facing the other way. Vance was sent flying towards Sage, his dagger raised in the air, aiming for Sage's shoulder while tendrils seeped out out every shadow to wrap around Sage's limbs.

Sage flew upwards making Vance fly under him while the tendrils grabbed Vance instead. Sage gave a wink to the rpers who control the characters and himself before falling downwards to land on Vance's back.

@GingerBread @Light

( Sage has broken the fourth wall)
Vance had made the tendrils grab him to stop him from flying into the oppsite wall. Vance saw Sage attempt to fall onto his back and made the tendrils grow spikes of darkness around him so that Sage would get cut up by them an leave him unharmed.

Sage yelped and stopped right before he hit the spikes. Sage folded his arms and pouted. " That's not nice , someone could be seriously hurt you know. " He said before a portal appeared under Vance that would teleport him above Sage who was at the moment making a large lance of ice , that if it hit Vance it would separate and encase Vance's torso in ice.

Jack nodded "Don't worry, I haven't forgotten what I.... Said..." He sighed as the two weren't paying attention to Jack anymore, oh well guess it's time to explore for a bit "If anyone needs a Psychopath who stabs stuff for a hobby you know how to contact me!"

Jack left the area intent on figuring out why his whole system of stab, stab, stab, and more stab, is being broken. He should've stabbed Vance, he should've killed everyone here but he isn't and he won't. He was getting too irritated by thinking and kinda punched the wall. This is all too confusing.

Vance was still being suspended in the air by the few tendrils that were around his arms and legs "Oh a portal that looks like fun" Vance mocked as he purposely fell into it feet first and aimed a kick at Sage's head .

Sage shoot the Lance at Vance's feet , freezing them. Sage then teleported above the man before attempting grab the man's head and throw him into the sky. Diana looked on in amazement. " Sage.... is toying with him. " She muttered.

Vance grabbed ahold of Sage's arms stopping him from grabbing his head "Hey Why don't we go somewhere, Darker" Vance said he dragged himself and Sage into his darkness realm and nullified Sage's powers before teleporting slightly away from Sage and sending thousands of tendrils to wrap around everyone of Sage's limbs.

Sage struggled relentlessly. He turned to Vance with a smirk. " Oh my I didn't think you like bondage. You are a very naughty boy Vance. " He said with a alluring smirk on his face.

"I warned you I would beat you till you're almost dead. And that's what I'm going to do, So don't think you can try to talk your way out of this" Vance started cracking the Ice around his feet before he started slowly walking over to Sage "Though I apologise in advance if I do end up killing you, I don't know deities limits of getting the shit beat out of them" Vance swung a hard punch towards Sage's stomach.

"Of course that's not all I've got" Vance replied as he created a hammer made of darkness "Do you know how many different ways a bone can break? Cause I don't, Do you want to find out" Vance asked as he held the hammer up in front of Sage "If not I suggest you apologise for what you did" Vance paused for a second seeming to admire the hammer in his hand "Because if I start, I'm not going to stop and I don't know if you still want to be with me. But if i begin, even if by some chance you still want to be with me afterwards. I'm leaving. maybe forever, maybe not"

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Sage glared up at him. " Why should I apologize, she attacked the guild then she hurt Ashlyn. Besides I'm severely passed at Luna at the moment , oh should I tell you what your master did? " He asked as he raised his head completely. " Guess what , she pulled me , my mother and my friend into the astral realm again and kept us in there until my mother sacrificed herself, but why would you care. If you apparently can't stop yourself from killing me is obvious you don't give a rat's ass about me. " He said as he began to glare.

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Vance dropped the hammer onto the floor, where it promptly disappeared. Vance glared at Sage before he punched him in the face as hard as he could "So you don't think you should apologise to me? for constantly almost getting yourself killed?" Vance once again punched Sage in the face "Your mother gets herself killed just to save you, and then what do you do? You put yourself directly back into the firing line. And your saying I don't give a rats Arse" Vance was getting more pissed off with every word he said, hundreds of swords made of darkness started to appear behind Vance, all of them pointing at Sage "And because you keep trying to act tough people keep getting hurt, So why don't you learn to Shut the fuck up once in awhile" Vance threw another punch at Sage's stomach "Because if you don't learn when to shut your mouth, all the people who care about you are either going to die, or are going to leave and never want to see you again."

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Sage gritted his teeth and looked down , tears starting to welll up in his eyes. " I don't want to be treated like a weakling , I don't want to be constantly protected. " He muttered before he looked up at Vance with tear rolling down his face. " I'm a deity for god sake. Besides you do the same thing , you are arrogant even after you get beat up by people obviously stronger than you. " He said angrily as he began glaring. " And looked stat harmmar and behind you yet you expect me to think you care about me. All you do is treat my like a weakling , belittle me and make me feel like I'm useless. " he said as he dropped his head again and was held up limply by the tendrils.

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"If I didn't care about you I would've haven even given you a chance to talk to me before I broke all your bones. And yes I belittle you, but not to make you feel useless, to bring you back down to earth, you're not the most powerful person here and you need to stop acting like you are" Vance said as he looked behind him and was shocked when he saw the several hundreds swords behind him, Vance quickly got rid of them and turned back to Sage "And yes I continue being arrogant after I've been beaten, but I don't go picking fights when I know I'm most likely going to lose" Vance got rid of the tendrils and caught Sage before making a couch and pulling Sage into his lap "I care about you more than I care to admit, I hate seeing you upset and I hate seeing you get hurt, But if you keep picking fight you know you can't win, Then I'm going to leave you." Vance began combing his fingers through Sage's hair "But I'll talk to Luna about your mother and see if I can get her back, But I'm not sure what I can do, I'm already her slave. But I'll keep trying" Vance gently smiled at Sage "But after this, I'm not going to bail you or your family out again, So be more careful"

Alice leaves, finally being able to do what she needed to do.

Dreamtique said:
"Ah...baby...you are coming with me......" He held the book in his hand about quantum physics while slowly dusted it off with a fascinated look in his eyes, he gently pushes his lips on it. The sudden shudder sent him jumping and he quickly threw the book away, trying to act normal. He cleared his throat and looked around, after making sure no one was around, he sighed for relieve, without noticing that his face was completely red.
"Tsk! What's wrong with this place!? Can't even stay quiet for a second?!" His voice echo throughout the empty library.

He flipped his cape and looked around awkwardly. He slowly kneed down to pick up the book and added it to the stack of books in his arm.

He continued to prance his way around the library while uncontrollably hummed while he continued his joyful search, totally forgot that he had to stay cool.

(Staying cool is real hard......especially with books......)
The book Earl picked up covers the war of the deity realm and how the deity of Chaos brought order.
Sage nodded before curling up in Vance's lap. " Ok, I'm going to get stronger though. I'm planning to ask Diana start training with me. " He said as he looked up at Vance. " Oh by the way you won cause I couldn't bring myself to hurt you. " He said with a pout, it was true though he was holding back greatly so Vance wouldn't get hurt. " I wonder who win if I was actually trying to kill you. " He wondered out loud

( Sage would probably win )

djinnamon said:
Sage nodded before curling up in Vance's lap. " Ok, I'm going to get stronger though. I'm planning to ask Diana start training with me. " He said as he looked up at Vance. " Oh by the way you won cause I couldn't bring myself to hurt you. " He said with a pout, it was true though he was holding back greatly so Vance wouldn't get hurt. " I wonder who win if I was actually trying to kill you. " He wondered out loud
( Sage would probably win )

"I would Win" Vance replied without the slightest bit of hesitation "I've been killing people longer than you have, and I'm the best at what I do, If I didn't want to give you a chance I would hide in the shadows and I'm more powerful than you, I also notice everything, even the smallest of details, and I'm quite quick on my feet" Vance pointed out "But you're not to fight anyone unless it's in self defense or I say you can"

Sage gaped. " What ! Vance you can't be serious. " He looked up at Vance with shock and outrage. This guy couldn't be serious , what is worse is that Vance would never let him fight.

"I can be serious and I am right now. But If you want to fight, go ahead. Just be aware that I'll leave, and most likely won't come back" Vance replied as he looked down at Sage, a serious expression etched on his face "I don't want you fighting anything unless they pose a threat to you, and you alone"

GingerBread said:
"I can be serious and I am right now. But If you want to fight, go ahead. Just be aware that I'll leave, and most likely won't come back" Vance replied as he looked down at Sage, a serious expression etched on his face "I don't want you fighting anything unless they pose a threat to you, and you alone"

Sage growled. " So basically you are black mailing me. That's low. " He said while glaring before he adjusted himself so his legs were on either side of Vance's lap. " You owe me big time. " He said as he tugged at Vance's shirt with a needy look in his eyes.
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"I'm not blackmailing you, I'm just pointing out that there will be consequences to your actions" Vance replied, looking indifferent about the entire topic "I'm sure I do owe you, but I was going to get your mother back, because that's probably going to take a lot. But if you'd rather have me do something else, then go right ahead" Vance was still angry and annoyed at Sage for starting a fight with him.


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