Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
Jack looked up and snapped into reality, wait a minute... Where's Jack? He stared at Sage, Ashlyn, Cole, and Fola confused as to what's going on. "Um.... Would someone like to elaborate on what's going on at the moment? Though that's your choice and I....." He stopped mid sentence as he just stood there confused 'what the hell is going on? I should be stabbing these people! Not talking in a polite manner to them! But I just can't bring myself to be a murderer anymore, WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!!!!!!' He just stood there waiting as he ponders on what's happening to him.

@djinnamon @LokiofSP @Light @Embaga Elder @Tazmodo
djinnamon said:
Diana raised a eyebrow as the items were thrown as the thing she could only describe as a robot searched for something. " What are you looking for. " She asked .
Brundyn keeps looking around through all of there many pockets all along there vest. "Oh, nothing of importance, just a custom order." Turning there head back as though someone had said something to them. "Oh, right thanks for that." They respond taking off their hat and taking a ring off the top of their head. "Ah, that's right it was here for safe keeping." The ring in their hand gives off eminence magical presence.
TheMADQ said:
Brundyn keeps looking around through all of there many pockets all along there vest. "Oh, nothing of importance, just a custom order." Turning there head back as though someone had said something to them. "Oh, right thanks for that." They respond taking off their hat and taking a ring off the top of their head. "Ah, that's right it was here for safe keeping." The ring in their hand gives off eminence magical presence.
( Diana already left , you could follow her. )
Light said:
"Yes I am. You said so yourself with the harem plan." Christina hides behind Kinziel. "Malren has been doing lie after lie all day."
Kinziel glares at Malren even more. "Why can't you stop with the flimsy lies and excuses. First you say you want a harem, you experience... things with her, and you said you're not against doing those things with me as your girlfriend."

Christina smiles and nods her head. "Those three things, stop straying away from them and prove it. If you want a harem that badly and you are willing to have us both we don't mind. We're willing to share if you'd stop running away from it. Unless you're going to deny us both right now, then I guess we can have each other." Christina turns Kinziel's head to the side and kisses her. Kinziel definitely was not used to this and didn't know what to do at first. She honestly didn't care about Christina being another girl since once your dead sexuality isn't all that big of a deal. The biggest thing on her mind once she got herself together was that she wasn't going to be unimpressive in front of Malren in comparison to Christina. Her pride wouldn't allow her to be 'okay', she had to be amazing. Besides, this is for Malren and she had to come to enjoy it in time. Kinziel begins to kiss Christina back, only for things to go from teasing Malren to actual passion between the two. They were already going too far and were leaving Malren out, that is unless he admits to the claims and joins in.
Malren glared at Christina as she kept up her charade. To be honest, Malren didn't even know what a harem was, what with being raised in a forest and all. The only problem was the fact that Kinziel seemed to be getting mad with him over it. And an even bigger problem cropped up as Chirstina decided to pull Kinziel into a kiss, most likely to taunt him. Malren could feel himself getting slowly flustered as the two got more intimate. "Geez, fine!" He walked over to Kinziel, then brushed the hair from her head. "Nothing crazy, alright?" He gave her a small kiss on the forehead, trying to distract her from Christina. As he did, though, Malren's face flushed over with a bright red. "I think I might need some fresh air... argh! It's too much! Dammit!" He stormed out of the room, furious at the current situation.

As Malren opened the guild doors to a whiff of fresh air, he sighed. The day had been way too much for him, and to be honest, he regretted a lot of it. Kinziel would come to her senses, he knew that. He's just have to get stronger, more serious, and try his best to show her that he cared. Instead of heading back inside, he tried calling up a different number, specifically, Ashlyn. "Hello? I'd like to look for some missions."

(@Light Sorry about the sudden removal of Malren, but I'm pretty slow with posting now, and I really don't want to slow down whatever you have planned. I'm really sorry, but life is really overwhelming, and I'm not sure if I can pump posts out as fas as I once did. :/ )
djinnamon said:
( Diana already left , you could follow her. )
(oh oops, well I have to go to bed now so I don't have time to change it. Just assume they followed her and start stalking the group. That's what Brundyn would do when there is a group of people they don't know. I will probably be a few pages behind by the time I wake up, with this I will just be able to jump into the group whenever I wake up.)
DarknessSpirit said:
Allison looked at him curiously,was he in the guild? Why so young be here? "Allison. But call me A." She hated the name Allison. It sounded too... Girly to her. Her voice was in a serious commanding tone, but yet it always was if she wasn't being sarcastic.
Theodore nodded. "Got it. Anyways why were out walking so maddly. I mean I was to but that was because of a friend of mine."

Light said:
"Alright, I'm done playing games." Alice exhales flames on to the shadow tendrils and burns them off. She frees her right hand and breathes flames onto her actual body, setting herself on fire. The fire burns away the remaining tendrils as she pulls out the sword. Alice catches his dagger and roars, blasting the shadows away. She begins to squeeze the blade to melt and crush it. She starts to smell the air in the surrounding area, grinning at what she finds. She takes a deep breath and flies into the air after spreading her wings. She releases her enhanced roar to make Vance's eardrums burst and crack the arena's grounds with a destructive force.
Morgan finishes healing and nods her head. "We're almost there! Thank you, I'll be fine." Fola could see a large castle up ahead.

Ashlyn was floating there as Reed was leaving, it was obvious she was crying but she was trying to wipe the evidence away.
Reed continued to walk in a straight line. He didn't bother even looking. He just walked trying to figure out what this pain was. Newt was trying to navigate him but Reed didn't pay attention.
GingerBread said:
Vance created a chair of darkness and sat down in it "I do believe you, It wouldn't be the first time that he's done something like this, He's way too cocky" Vance brought his hands up to his face before dragging them down it and letting out a sigh "I'll need to talk to him about it. I guess I jumped to conclusions too quickly, But to be fair, I did see you threatening to kill him and his mother, and then almost killing his mother" Vance combed a hand through his hair "So, How do we leave?"
Alice looks around and shrugs. "I wouldn't know. Yo! Grandpa!" Alice looks up and yells, only for Grimm to fall down from the sky.

"You called, my sweet granddaughter?" Grimm stands up and grins.

Alice glares at his grin and smacks him on the side of his head, the same way someone from his past would, she didn't know this though. Grimm stares at her, at first with shock, sadness, then a smile. "Alright then!" With that, Grimm sends Sage and Vance to the Rocky mountains. "Oh hell." Alice rubs the bridge of her nose.

LokiofSP said:
Fola rubs his neck, "Fuck this is akward...Alright, let me break this up for a moment so I can speak. You know Morgan? I'm going to assume you do because you were in that doggy pile with her last night. Anyways, she was being hunted, I had to escort her home, we were attacked...Twice... She said warn the others, I ASSUMED it was the guild she was talking about, but after talking to one of the assholes who attacked us, I feel like something more...Sinister is at hand."

@Light @djinnamon
djinnamon said:
( Diana already left , you could follow her. )
Ashlyn listens to what Fola says she turns to Cole. "Well there's that." Ashlyn begins to think about what that could be. "Wait.... all of you here with me! I need you too collect these girls! Christina, Alice, Morgan, and Alexandria! I know Ashlyn stays at the Rocky mountains! I need you to get her here first! This is of high importance!"

Lotusy said:
Malren glared at Christina as she kept up her charade. To be honest, Malren didn't even know what a harem was, what with being raised in a forest and all. The only problem was the fact that Kinziel seemed to be getting mad with him over it. And an even bigger problem cropped up as Chirstina decided to pull Kinziel into a kiss, most likely to taunt him. Malren could feel himself getting slowly flustered as the two got more intimate. "Geez, fine!" He walked over to Kinziel, then brushed the hair from her head. "Nothing crazy, alright?" He gave her a small kiss on the forehead, trying to distract her from Christina. As he did, though, Malren's face flushed over with a bright red. "I think I might need some fresh air... argh! It's too much! Dammit!" He stormed out of the room, furious at the current situation.
As Malren opened the guild doors to a whiff of fresh air, he sighed. The day had been way too much for him, and to be honest, he regretted a lot of it. Kinziel would come to her senses, he knew that. He's just have to get stronger, more serious, and try his best to show her that he cared. Instead of heading back inside, he tried calling up a different number, specifically, Ashlyn. "Hello? I'd like to look for some missions."

(@Light Sorry about the sudden removal of Malren, but I'm pretty slow with posting now, and I really don't want to slow down whatever you have planned. I'm really sorry, but life is really overwhelming, and I'm not sure if I can pump posts out as fas as I once did. :/ )
( It's ok. )

Once Christina and Kinziel were done, Christina leaves to the Phantom Realm with a wink. Kinziel stays in Malren's room, waiting patiently. Maybe things went a bit too far.

Christina was interested to see how far her newfound infatuation with Malren would go. She was also curious to see if Malren would return those feelings. "In time...."

"I need you to go up the mountain again and relay a message to my father! Project Hybrid is back!"

( @DizjayDeathPride )

Luna shakes her head and continues to walk, slipping into the astral plane. "I won't take long here. Just a small errand."
Cole smiles as he was already given a task. Inaro was right this guild is active. he thought to himself I'll go after the girl name Alice. He said lightning his cig. I'll also take that you accept me joining the guild? @Light
Embaga Elder] [COLOR=#5900b3]Cole smiles as he was already given a task. [/COLOR][COLOR=#5900b3][I]Inaro was right this guild is active. [/I][/COLOR][COLOR=#5900b3]he thought to himself [/COLOR][COLOR=#5900b3][B] I'll go after the girl name Alice.[/B][/COLOR][COLOR=#5900b3] He said lightning his cig. [/COLOR][COLOR=#5900b3][B]I'll also take that you accept me joining the guild? [/B][/COLOR][URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/10734-light/ said:
djinnamon said:
Diana looked at Ashlyn and smiled. " Hi , I want to join your guild. " She said hopefully.
"Yes, you're both accepted into the guild." Cole and Diana can feel the guild symbol within them.
The guild symbol appears on Cole's back taking the shape and color of a grey moon. Alright thanks. I'll be going now. Cole thinks about Alice teleporting towards her. @Light
Adrian was walking with his little group playing with his hammer.

"Adrian where are we going?" Said Scott.

"I don't know" He replied.

They all groaned as they walked. Jessica was playing with shadows.

Harry kept walking. "Thus is why I should be in charge."

They all groaned again. But Harry.
A sighed heavily. "Because it's how I walk." She said sharply and coldly. She wasn't the easiest person to converse with and A knew it.
Morpheus let Luna go into the astral plane and hopped away, going to find the other Rawriors. He hopped off to their room and went back human, opening the door.

Inside of this room was like a mini studio. A living area, kitchen, and bathroom. Across from the door across the room was another wall and blue door, Morpheus' room. To the right of the door was another wall, purple, Decimus. To Morpheus' left was a faint red-orange door. Ryan. To the left of Ryan's was a burgundy door. Richard. And right of Decimus was a green door. Damian.

Morpheus plopped down on the couch and relaxed, closing his eyes.

Coming out of his room, Ryan went into the kitchen and grabbed a drink, leaning on the counter. "I need to talk to you. I think I'm finally able to fix our... Problem."

Morpheus leaned forward from his seat and looked to him. "You're sure?"

"It's not that difficult really. I'm sure I can recreate it"

Decimus, Damian, and Richard all came out and sat around. "How long would this take?"

Ryan shrugged, sipping his drink. "I lost track of time. A couple of hours?"

"Ill be the te-" is all Damian got out before Morpheus raised his hand to him, looking at Ryan seriously and saying, "Let's get started"

Ryan chuckled and finished his drink. "Alright. Let's go team" The 5 glittered white and black flashing away and teleporting to the Twilight Realm.

An operation table laid in the endless glittering white on black, fragments and dots shooting like stars. He gestured and Morpheus laid across.

Ryan blinked and activated his eyes from Morgan, his tools ready. Everyone stood around watching as he cracked his neck and exhaled deeply. "Let's hope for the best" and he began
Jack just stared at everyone and began thinking, Well what's the point in joining a guild if he isn't gonna do guild stuff. He looked at Ashlyn "I'm Pretty sure me and you haven't met yet! The name is Jack, and to clarify something, I'M A PSYCHOPATH!!! Anyways I know nobody of which you speak so if someone needs a guy who stabs stuff well I'll be glad to join as I enjoy stabbing things to death!"

@Light @djinnamon @LokiofSP @The Otaku Diaries
Archdemon said:
Jack just stared at everyone and began thinking, Well what's the point in joining a guild if he isn't gonna do guild stuff. He looked at Ashlyn "I'm Pretty sure me and you haven't met yet! The name is Jack, and to clarify something, I'M A PSYCHOPATH!!! Anyways I know nobody of which you speak so if someone needs a guy who stabs stuff well I'll be glad to join as I enjoy stabbing things to death!"
@Light @djinnamon @LokiofSP @The Otaku Diaries
Ace blinked multiple times as he spoke. "Okay so let me clear this. All I understood was you're a psychopath and you like stabbing things?"
DarknessSpirit said:
A sighed heavily. "Because it's how I walk." She said sharply and coldly. She wasn't the easiest person to converse with and A knew it.
Theodore nodded. "Ok then you aren't mad. Anyways are you lost or something humanity is still in shelters right now getting back on its feet."
She looked down at him. "I'm aware." She sighed, thinking for a moment before replying. "I'm here to join the guild. Not make friends. I may be rude but I'm not evil." A said a bit softer.
DarknessSpirit said:
She looked down at him. "I'm aware." She sighed, thinking for a moment before replying. "I'm here to join the guild. Not make friends. I may be rude but I'm not evil." A said a bit softer.
Theodore smiled. "Well then I'll be your only friend then I'm in the guild. What kind of power do you do? Also follow me." He said as he started walking.
Embaga Elder] [COLOR=#5900b3]The guild symbol appears on Cole's back taking the shape and color of a grey moon. [/COLOR][COLOR=#5900b3][B]Alright thanks. I'll be going now. [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=#5900b3]Cole thinks about Alice teleporting towards her. [/COLOR][URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/10734-light/ said:
( @GingerBread )

Cole appears beside Vance and Alice. Though Alice was walking away with her hands over her head, she was about to spread her wings and fly away.

djinnamon said:
Diana felt a green symbol appear on her left breast. She smiled at Ashlyn and made a move to hug her.
Archdemon said:
Jack just stared at everyone and began thinking, Well what's the point in joining a guild if he isn't gonna do guild stuff. He looked at Ashlyn "I'm Pretty sure me and you haven't met yet! The name is Jack, and to clarify something, I'M A PSYCHOPATH!!! Anyways I know nobody of which you speak so if someone needs a guy who stabs stuff well I'll be glad to join as I enjoy stabbing things to death!"
@Light @djinnamon @LokiofSP @The Otaku Diaries
Ashlyn hugs Diana and makes Jack a member of Dragon's Roar as well. He can feel the guild symbol within him while mental information on the ranking system and it's gifts pass through his mind.
Sage smiled sadly as he floated to the ground went into human form. He sat on the ground and pulled his knees to his chest as tears welled in his eyes again. Diana went into human form as well before crouching and hugging Sage tightly after letting go of Ashlyn and floating to the ground.

djinnamon said:
Sage smiled sadly as he floated to the ground went into human form. He sat on the ground and pulled his knees to his chest as tears welled in his eyes again. Diana went into human form as well before crouching and hugging Sage tightly after letting go of Ashlyn and floating to the ground.
Ashlyn floats over to Sage and Diana now that her message was over. "Sage I don't understand what's going on but I'd like to help. Even though it sounds hypocritical of me since I didn't let any of you in, your emotions prioritize over my own."
"Hm..interesting...Anthropology...I should keep that for later." He took the thick and dusty book down from the giant bookshelf carefully and wrapped his arm around it. He continued to walk around the library.

He closed his eyes and shook his head, it felt...weird...he have something that he just couldn't lift off his chest. The cat he saw on the Mountain Everest, he tried to put it aside, but it always came back to itch him. The fact that a stray cat would appear on the top of the mountain was already strange enough, let alone the strange vibe it gave him......it just didn't felt right.

He glanced around the library before continue to hunt for information about the guild.

(@Light I am still waiting for the information )
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Light said:
Alice looks around and shrugs. "I wouldn't know. Yo! Grandpa!" Alice looks up and yells, only for Grimm to fall down from the sky.
"You called, my sweet granddaughter?" Grimm stands up and grins.

Alice glares at his grin and smacks him on the side of his head, the same way someone from his past would, she didn't know this though. Grimm stares at her, at first with shock, sadness, then a smile. "Alright then!" With that, Grimm sends Sage and Vance to the Rocky mountains. "Oh hell." Alice rubs the bridge of her nose.
Light said:
Cole appears beside Vance and Alice. Though Alice was walking away with her hands over her head, she was about to spread her wings and fly away.
"Where the hell are we?" Vance asked, annoying that he wasn't sent back to where he was before this "And where the hell are you going? You're just going to leave me here? And not even tell me where here is?" Vance glared at Alice, he knew he could teleport back to the guild, but that didn't stop him from being annoyed about having to do it.

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