Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

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djinnamon said:
Sarah went back to the Planet Mother and sighed sadly. It would be awhile until she could break out again if she could at all. Sage was on his butt crying loudly , tears streaming down his face on to the ground. " I hate Luna , I wish she dies a slow painful death. " Sage muttered as he stopped crying and his mouth went into a straight line. The eyes dimmed , he was hardly feeling any of his emotions anymore.
Diana got on her knees and hugged him tightly while resting her head on top his but he was still in her arms. He didn't make a sound or movement and Diana hugged him tighter. " Please. Become like him , don't become like my brother. " Diana begged as tears began to flow down her face onto Sage's lap. The light returned to Sages eyes as he hugged Diana. " What do you mean don't become like your brother. " He asked as the girl curled up in his arms. " When my mother died my brother , he became heartless and only wanted revenge on the person who killed our mother. When he did he became a empty shell of his former self. So please , don't become like him. " She begged as she cried into Sage chest , wetting his shirt.
( Sarah can't leave. She's dead. Her soul is trapped their permanently. She can't use her powers so there's no way to go to Planet Mother. Besides even if she could, she's trapped. )

Lotusy said:
"Ow Yeowch! Kinziel, please! Don't do this!" Malren whimpered sadly as he tried to hide under the pillow, being smacked by the belt like he was. It was actually quite comical, as she kept him holed up behind the pillow with her belt. "Yea, yea, I get it Christina." He tried his best to stand up, holding up the pillow in defense. "Hey, hey, Kinziel. She's not my girlfriend- ow! Please Kinz, you mean the world to me!"
"Yes I am. You said so yourself with the harem plan." Christina hides behind Kinziel. "Malren has been doing lie after lie all day."

Kinziel glares at Malren even more. "Why can't you stop with the flimsy lies and excuses. First you say you want a harem, you experience... things with her, and you said you're not against doing those things with me as your girlfriend."

Christina smiles and nods her head. "Those three things, stop straying away from them and prove it. If you want a harem that badly and you are willing to have us both we don't mind. We're willing to share if you'd stop running away from it. Unless you're going to deny us both right now, then I guess we can have each other." Christina turns Kinziel's head to the side and kisses her. Kinziel definitely was not used to this and didn't know what to do at first. She honestly didn't care about Christina being another girl since once your dead sexuality isn't all that big of a deal. The biggest thing on her mind once she got herself together was that she wasn't going to be unimpressive in front of Malren in comparison to Christina. Her pride wouldn't allow her to be 'okay', she had to be amazing. Besides, this is for Malren and she had to come to enjoy it in time. Kinziel begins to kiss Christina back, only for things to go from teasing Malren to actual passion between the two. They were already going too far and were leaving Malren out, that is unless he admits to the claims and joins in.

Tazmodo said:
The guy started rotting away. The power was the only thing keeping him alive. "I don't have much time but there is a bounty on you. All of you. Your powers have been told to us and they are watching. They will be coming soon and you will fall." This was all he could manage to say as he rotted into a pile of bones.
LokiofSP said:
Fola clutched his chest as the man rotted away to bone. He began to laugh raspily as if he'd seen the funniest thing of all time, "I guess... You could say... That guy was... Boned... HAHAHAH- *Wince* Ow... I think he stabbed lung..."

Morgan holds her chest since the stab wound she delayed opens and blood gushes out. She begins to heal Fola before she heals the stab wound in her own chest first. She slowly staggers over to a tree and leans on it. Beginning to heal herself. "I need you..... to...." Morgan was catching her breath but it seemed like she had more to say.

DizjayDeathPride said:
Morpheus ignored him and branded him the symbol of The Dragon's Rawriors. "Now as for your memories. I can't do that. Or more so, I won't. But I know someone who can help. Oh aaaaashlyn" The world around them wobbled and he appeared before Ashlyn with Reed. "Your old friend came to say hello. Goodbye my lady." He tipped his hat and bowed to her, disappearing
Ashlyn stares at Reed, a sad expression grows on her face.
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Light said:
( Sarah can't leave. She's dead. Her soul is trapped their permanently. She can't use her powers so there's no way to go to Planet Mother. Besides even if she could, she's trapped. )
"Yes I am. You said so yourself with the harem plan." Christina hides behind Kinziel. "Malren has been doing lie after lie all day."

Kinziel glares at Malren even more. "Why can't you stop with the flimsy lies and excuses. First you say you want a harem, you experience... things with her, and you said you're not against doing those things with me as your girlfriend."

Christina smiles and nods her head. "Those three things, stop straying away from them and prove it. If you want a harem that badly and you are willing to have us both we don't mind. We're willing to share if you'd stop running away from it. Unless you're going to deny us both right now, then I guess we can have each other." Christina turns Kinziel's head to the side and kisses her. Kinziel definitely was not used to this and didn't know what to do at first. She honestly didn't care about Christina being another girl since once your dead sexuality isn't all that big if a deal. The biggest thing on her mind once she got herself together was that she wasn't going to be unimpressive in front of Malren in comparison to Christina. Her pride wouldn't allow her to be 'okay', she had to be amazing. Besides, this is for Malren and she had to come to enjoy it in time. Kinziel begins to kiss Christina back, only for things to go from teasing Malren to actual passion between the two. They were already going to far and were leaving Malren out, that is unless he admits to the claims and joins in.

Morgan holds her chest since the stab wound she delayed opens and blood gushes out. She begins to heal Fola before she heals the stab wound in her own chest first. She slowly staggers over to a tree and leans on it. Beginning to heal herself. "I need you..... to...." Morgan was catching her breath but it seemed like she had more to say.

Ashlyn stares at Reed, a sad expression grows on her face.
Reed frowned. "Hey why the long face. You look like your puppy died and it turns out it was just stolen then when you called the police you had no evidence so they couldn't get it back. Are you ok?" He was generally concerned.
Fola rushed to Morgan's side, he put her arm over his shoulder and supported her, "No talking, focus on making sure your wounds are healed then you speak alright? We need to get you to this damn house, if that guy was any indicator of the people after you, we'll be screwed next time one of them comes after us."

DizjayDeathPride said:
Morpheus' eyes shot up beyond wide. "Unfettered shirt! That! I want your whole supply of that! And..." He looked away deviously rubbing his hands. Then turned back. "And EVERY SUPPLY! MUHAHAHAHAA!!!" The sky getting dark and cloudy, yellow cartoon lightning cracking. He stopped laughing and stood, eyes wide and the cartoon storm was gone. He looked to them and smiled widely fully showing his teeth and leaning on his cane. "Toootally not nefarious Kay?"
(sorry it too so long. your response got stuck in your quote so it took me a while to find it.)

Nodding his head. "Of coarse noting nefarious." Taking out a pen Brundyn wrights down the order. "Alright, so as a representative of this guild will this be the official request of the whole guild? If so this order will be free." They then wright down a meme to take the Unfettered shirt off the market. That all the current stock had been paid for and we were to send all of our future stock to this location. Ripping the page and warping it to the corporate HQ. "Alright if this is the deal then my debt will be paid for and I will start construction of the shop." Holding his hand out to Morpheus with an equally big smile.
DizjayDeathPride said:
The kitten nodded. Its eye twitched from the strain of maintaining so many other Morpheus' at once to show. It meowed, standing and putting its paws on her thigh
"Aaaww, it's okay. I'm back now..." Luna picks the kitten up and nuzzles it. "Now tell me what's happened so far."

Tazmodo said:
Reed frowned. "Hey why the long face. You look like your puppy died and it turns out it was just stolen then when you called the police you had no evidence so they couldn't get it back. Are you ok?" He was generally concerned.
Ashlyn suddenly begins to cry. "I'm sorry..... Reed I'm so sorry." She covers her face and swiftly floats away.

LokiofSP said:
Fola rushed to Morgan's side, he put her arm over his shoulder and supported her, "No talking, focus on making sure your wounds are healed then you speak alright? We need to get you to this damn house, if that guy was any indicator of the people after you, we'll be screwed next time one of them comes after us."

Morgan nods her head and begins to walk in the direction of the house while she heals. "I need you to tell Ashlyn... and the others of this after we make it to my place. Please!"
Light said:
"Aaaww, it's okay. I'm back now..." Luna picks the kitten up and nuzzles it. "Now tell me what's happened so far."
Ashlyn suddenly begins to cry. "I'm sorry..... Reed I'm so sorry." She covers her face and swiftly floats away.

Morgan nods her head and begins to walk in the direction of the house while she heals. "I need you to tell Ashlyn... and the others of this after we make it to my place. Please!"
Reed opened a portal and stepped out in front of her. "Hey what's wrong?" As she passed him he kept going. "Why are you crying?"
TheMADQ said:
(sorry it too so long. your response got stuck in your quote so it took me a while to find it.)
Nodding his head. "Of coarse noting nefarious." Taking out a pen Brundyn wrights down the order. "Alright, so as a representative of this guild will this be the official request of the whole guild? If so this order will be free." They then wright down a meme to take the Unfettered shirt off the market. That all the current stock had been paid for and we were to send all of our future stock to this location. Ripping the page and warping it to the corporate HQ. "Alright if this is the deal then my debt will be paid for and I will start construction of the shop." Holding his hand out to Morpheus with an equally big smile.
(I do that on accident it's a phone thing I'm sry </3 )

Morpheus smiled, shaking his hand. "Put it in my personal credit. All your Unfettered shirts will be for meeee! Give me a ding when the shipment arrives and I shall collect." Morpheus looked way, chuckling evily and rubbing his hands. Then turned back. "Say... Can I have the first one now?"

Light said:
"Aaaww, it's okay. I'm back now..." Luna picks the kitten up and nuzzles it. "Now tell me what's happened so far."
Ashlyn suddenly begins to cry. "I'm sorry..... Reed I'm so sorry." She covers her face and swiftly floats away.

Morgan nods her head and begins to walk in the direction of the house while she heals. "I need you to tell Ashlyn... and the others of this after we make it to my place. Please!"

The kitten connected her memories to his, showing her the whole battle and the pre-battle. Once it finished with Morpheus falsifying information to make himself a star, the kitten pawed her face and meowed

DizjayDeathPride said:
(I do that on accident it's a phone thing I'm sry </3 )
Morpheus smiled, shaking his hand. "Put it in my personal credit. All your Unfettered shirts will be for meeee! Give me a ding when the shipment arrives and I shall collect." Morpheus looked way, chuckling evily and rubbing his hands. Then turned back. "Say... Can I have the first one now?"
(Oh, its fine)

"Alright will do I shall inform you when they arive." When Morpheus looks back at Brundyn they are changed into a delivery mans uniform with 1,000 boxes behind them, each one holding 100 Unfettered shirts. "Please sign here." They say handing him a pin and clipboard. "Serenely sir." They cut open the box and hand Morpheus one. "Here you are."
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Tazmodo said:
Reed opened a portal and stepped out in front of her. "Hey what's wrong?" As she passed him he kept going. "Why are you crying?"
Ashlyn stops floating away since she knows it's futile and begins to wipe away her tears. "It's nothing. Forget it." Ashlyn turns away from him.

DizjayDeathPride said:
The kitten connected her memories to his, showing her the whole battle and the pre-battle. Once it finished with Morpheus falsifying information to make himself a star, the kitten pawed her face and meowed
"Ah, so that's what happened. Congratulations on getting Alpha!" Luna begins to walk off with the kitten. "I need to get my hands on something."
Light said:
Alice has carnage magic burst from her body and devour the shards but it cuts off. "This will be a lesson to teach you to be obedient!" Carnage had stopped the magic from devouring the tendrils and greatsword. The tendrils hold Alice still and the greatsword pierces her stomach. A pool of blood begins to spill out of her stomach and Carnage rubs it in her face by devouring the spilled blood. "Yeah.....laugh it up....asshat. Wait until I......get free and......crush this guy. I'm going for you next!" Alice waits for the perfect opportunity to strike and winches at the fact that there's a greatsword in her stomach.
( ! ) Vance makes the greatsword start to rise up through Alice slowly, Vance wanted to make sure she was in as much pain as possible. Vance then made the tendrils start to pull all her limbs in a different direction, the tendrils weren't going to stop pulling till they were gone or Alice was dead.

Fola nodded, "Of course I'll tell them...Well...I'll tell the ones I remember and the rest will find out soon after. Right now though, I'm concerned about you, are you gonna be okay? I mean, you'll be in your house all alone, there's no telling what might happen..."

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Light said:
Ashlyn stops floating away since she knows it's futile and begins to wipe away her tears. "It's nothing. Forget it." Ashlyn turns away from him.
"Ah, so that's what happened. Congratulations on getting Alpha!" Luna begins to walk off with the kitten. "I need to get my hands on something."
Reed sinks down against the wall. His heart sinks and he doesn't quite know why. He blamed it on the memory lose knowing it would never be fixed. "This is all just a waste I guess. I'll be going now I guess." He got up and started walking away. Every step he took hurt just a little but more.
TheMADQ said:
(Oh, its fine)
"Alright will do I shall inform you when they arive." When Morpheus looks back at Brundyn they are changed into a delivery mans uniform with 1,000 boxes behind them, each one holding 100 Unfettered shirts. "Please sign here." They say handing him a pin and clipboard. "Serenely sir." They cut open the box and hand Morpheus one. "Here you are."
Morpheus signed effortlessly and looked the shirt over. "Fascinating.. thank you kindly." He gave another light bow then thought how to enact his plans "Of VENGEANCE!" The storm kicked up again as he laughed maniacally, then all disappeared as he vanished in a poof of smoke

(You are free to terrorize the others now c: )

Light said:
Ashlyn stops floating away since she knows it's futile and begins to wipe away her tears. "It's nothing. Forget it." Ashlyn turns away from him.
"Ah, so that's what happened. Congratulations on getting Alpha!" Luna begins to walk off with the kitten. "I need to get my hands on something."

The kitten meowed proudly and relaxed in her hands.

A clone popped up and caught up to them so he could speak. "Thank you cutie. It means a lot to hear that from you. What would you like? Feeling more tea?"

Allison looked at him curiously,was he in the guild? Why so young be here? "Allison. But call me A." She hated the name Allison. It sounded too... Girly to her. Her voice was in a serious commanding tone, but yet it always was if she wasn't being sarcastic.
Brundyn walks into the guild looking around. "Nice, well time to get to putting up my shop." Walking to an open space, fare enough away as to not be a nuance yet close enough to be convenient. Now it appears as though Brundyn has on an ornage jumpsuit, with with some sandals on and a headband with a leafe engraved on it. Bitting at there thumb not really doing anything they make several hand signs. "SUMMONING JUTSU!!!!!!" They yell really loud, in a puff of smoke comes a huge construct. "Now lets get to business." None of what they did was necessary, they could have just warped in the construct, they just wanted to be flashy. The cobstruct takes a few steps before forming into a building. Appearing in there normal attire. "Ahhh, job well done." They say brushing the dirt off there hands. Petting there familiar friend on the head "and I would like you to run this shop....well because your the most qualified.....I trust you the most thsts why I am letting you do this.....good I will be off then." Walking off the psionic familiar floats into the building flipping a signe in the window so that it says open.

Sage stands up and pulls Diana up with him slowly. After a while both had stopped crying and were just hugging. Diana looked up at him. " Let's do something besides cry, ok? " She asked and Sage nodded. " Sure but I want to rest a bit. " Sage said and it was Diana's turn to nod. " Ok, I'll be back soon. " he said then opened a telepathic link with Diana before teleporting to Vance's room. Sage looked down and his hair fell around his face as he gritted his teeth but he fought back tears. He opened a link with Vance quickly. " Vance ate you there. " he asked through the link.

djinnamon said:
Sage stands up and pulls Diana up with him slowly. After a while both had stopped crying and were just hugging. Diana looked up at him. " Let's do something besides cry, ok? " She asked and Sage nodded. " Sure but I want to rest a bit. " Sage said and it was Diana's turn to nod. " Ok, I'll be back soon. " he said then opened a telepathic link with Diana before teleporting to Vance's room. Sage looked down and his hair fell around his face as he gritted his teeth but he fought back tears. He opened a link with Vance quickly. " Vance ate you there. " he asked through the link.
Vance was watching Alice with a stone faced expression, no emotion was showing on his face at all. Though inside Vance was furious, He wanted nothing more than to watch her suffer. When Vance heard the telepathic message from Sage he stepped backwards into the shadows and went invisible and teleported around so Alice couldn't attack him, If she managed to get free from the tendrils, while he Replied to Sage.

Vance created a small muffled field, so Alice wouldn't be able to hear him and find his location from that. "Is it something Important? I'm kinda a bit busy" Vance replied, neglecting to mention what he was doing as he assumed Sage wouldn't approve.

@Light @djinnamon
GingerBread said:
Vance was watching Alice with a stone faced expression, no emotion was showing on his face at all. Though inside Vance was furious, He wanted nothing more than to watch her suffer. When Vance heard the telepathic message from Sage he stepped backwards into the shadows and went invisible and teleported around so Alice couldn't attack him, If she managed to get free from the tendrils, while he Replied to Sage.
Vance created a small muffled field, so Alice wouldn't be able to hear him and find his location from that. "Is it something Important? I'm kinda a bit busy" Vance replied, neglecting to mention what he was doing as he assumed Sage wouldn't approve.

@Light @djinnamon
Sage was still struggling not to cry. " Oh O-ok *small whimper* I'll wait for you. " He said weakly , whimpering ever so often as tears welled up in his eyes. It hurt so bad, it was like the first his mother left him but this time there was no doubt in his mind that she was dead. Sage clutched his short and breathed heavily, completely forgetting the link was on.
Diana flew around getting to know the area. She sighed as the cool breeze hit her in the face and her hair flowed in the wind. After a while he touched down in front of the guild.
djinnamon said:
Sage was still struggling not to cry. " Oh O-ok *small whimper* I'll wait for you. " He said weakly , whimpering ever so often as tears welled up in his eyes. It hurt so bad, it was like the first his mother left him but this time there was no doubt in his mind that she was dead. Sage clutched his short and breathed heavily, completely forgetting the link was on.
Vance's face softened and became more visibly worried, though this would go unknown to everyone as he was still invisible in the shadows "Sage, What's wrong? Are you okay?" Vance paused for a second "You're not hurt are you?"

@djinnamon @Light
"Okay, I'll speak to you later. But It better be 'Ok', If it's not I won't be happy" Vance warned before he stepped out of the shadows, Becoming stone faced Once again, making sure not to show any emotion, in case Alice tried to exploit it.

( ! ) Vance continued watching the greatsword slowly work it's way up Alice's body, while the tendrils attempted to pull her apart. Vance had an idea and unsheathed his dagger once again and threw it at alice, making spikes jut out of the ground just like the time before

@djinnamon @Light
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After the whole mecha epidemic was over. Inaro felt like it was time for him to take a break. Especially since he doesn't stay in one place for too long. No matter how much he wanted to leave he couldn't just leave without having a replacement, so he called for one. By call Inaro roars echoing throughout the galaxy for one of his allies nearby to hear. A purple portal opens in front of him, and stepping out is his old friend Cole.
You rang Inaro he said lighting a cig.

Yeah, I need a favor. Also lemme guess that's your tenth packet of smokes today. He said raising an eyebrow.

Cole places the cigarette in his mouth, and smokes a couple of seconds before speaking again. Depends on the favor. And no this is my twelveth. Lemme guess that's your twenthth bottle today? He said while holding the cig in his mouth.

Inaro chuckles then finishes his bottle of beer. You're right. He looks back at the

I need you to protect this guild.

Cole looks at the guild and smiles. Alright. I will. How long will you be gone.

I don't know, it'll probably be a short vacation. I'm just going to visit Natalia. He said while looking up. He then turns around. Inaro and Cole fist bounds. While they dust pound Inaro gives all the information about Dragon Roar he had in his head. Try to stick to one type of magic. He begins to fade away.

Cole smiles as Inaro disappear, he then looks up. Looks like you'll have another visitor Natalia. He looks back down at the guild. Let's see what type of people this guild has. He walks through a portal leading to the guild. He walks out the stands in the main hall. @Light
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GingerBread said:
( ! ) Vance makes the greatsword start to rise up through Alice slowly, Vance wanted to make sure she was in as much pain as possible. Vance then made the tendrils start to pull all her limbs in a different direction, the tendrils weren't going to stop pulling till they were gone or Alice was dead.
"Alright, I'm done playing games." Alice exhales flames on to the shadow tendrils and burns them off. She frees her right hand and breathes flames onto her actual body, setting herself on fire. The fire burns away the remaining tendrils as she pulls out the sword. Alice catches his dagger and roars, blasting the shadows away. She begins to squeeze the blade to melt and crush it. She starts to smell the air in the surrounding area, grinning at what she finds. She takes a deep breath and flies into the air after spreading her wings. She releases her enhanced roar to make Vance's eardrums burst and crack the arena's grounds with a destructive force.

LokiofSP said:
Fola nodded, "Of course I'll tell them...Well...I'll tell the ones I remember and the rest will find out soon after. Right now though, I'm concerned about you, are you gonna be okay? I mean, you'll be in your house all alone, there's no telling what might happen..."

Morgan finishes healing and nods her head. "We're almost there! Thank you, I'll be fine." Fola could see a large castle up ahead.

Tazmodo said:
Reed sinks down against the wall. His heart sinks and he doesn't quite know why. He blamed it on the memory lose knowing it would never be fixed. "This is all just a waste I guess. I'll be going now I guess." He got up and started walking away. Every step he took hurt just a little but more.
Ashlyn was floating there as Reed was leaving, it was obvious she was crying but she was trying to wipe the evidence away.
Sage and Diana meet up again and walked around together when they noticed Ashlyn crying. They both went up to her. " What is wrong? " Sage asked worriedly.


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