Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
Fola took deep breaths, his chest wound was way worse than he thought. His eyes sparked for a moment as the sky flashed, "Of course it's not all I got, I wouldn't be worth my rank if I wasn't..." (!) Fola jumped back, breathing out a large blast of fire as a giant hammer made of pure lightning came down at the same time!

How long has it been? Jack was wandering the halls of the guild mostly looking at its architecture and stuff he'd see along the way. He hasn't realized how long he's been walking but it doesn't matter, he's just getting use to the new area. He was of course flipping his knife in a bored manner, waiting for something interesting to happen around him but didn't really care as sometimes you gotta enjoy the scenery even if you're a nut job who kills people for fun, it's a change of pace.... Wait why is Jack enjoying this!? He should be murdering these people and yet he isn't, what's going on with him, it can't be that boy.... Can it? Deep and in thought he continued walking without really looking to where he was going.

GingerBread said:
Vance had been watching the dagger and teleported to the shadow underneath it, by the time Vance had teleported to the shadow, the dagger had already collided with the wall of the arena, leaving Vance unharmed "Is that the best you've got? I've been through worse at the hands of a small child" Vance taunted as he teleported to where his dagger was now and wrenched it out of the wall it was embedded in before sheathing it again "So why don't you attack me for once? Or are you too weak to do even that?"
@Light (So I've still no idea what Alice's powers are, apart form the carnage magic, which can destroy stuff and the wings, I'm assuming she has more though D: )
( Do you want me to put up the character sheet now and let you stay ignorant and happy. Or put it up and show you what you're dealing with? )

"You don't want me to attack, it's better you continue until you get tired and pass out so the match will end." Alice floats down to the ground and pulls her wings back into her back. "Come at me."

djinnamon said:
Sage couldn't think of what to do before he got an idea. " Grim! If you hear please help us. " He yelled out hoping grim could hear him.
Grimm was about to respond but Luna makes sure her voice was louder. "Only two of you may leave alive. Choose."

@Light[/URL], used a summoning charm on her wand, which flew towards her. As soon as it touched her hand, Alexa teleported away from the duel to another location in the guild within shouting distance of her opponent.
"You have bested me, Luna. I resign. Thank you for the duel." Alexa says.

Alexa turns around and sees Allison.

"Who are you then?" She asks.
Luna calls off the guardian and glares down at the cat Morpheus. "Now before you start explaining. You better be the real deal, not a clone or else I swear this wedding is off."

LokiofSP said:
Fola took deep breaths, his chest wound was way worse than he thought. His eyes sparked for a moment as the sky flashed, "Of course it's not all I got, I wouldn't be worth my rank if I wasn't..." (!) Fola jumped back, breathing out a large blast of fire as a giant hammer made of pure lightning came down at the same time!

Tazmodo said:
The lighting hit him but had not effect. His skin didn't conduct it. "That's all really?" His blade extended back to his chest. He was bleeding out and the guy in the mask hated the waste.
Morgan turns to Fola and rolls her eyes. "Yeah, I told you I had a bad feeling! Don't kill him though, we need to get information!" Morgan recklessly jumps in the way of the blade for Fola. "Wait!"
Archdemon said:
How long has it been? Jack was wandering the halls of the guild mostly looking at its architecture and stuff he'd see along the way. He hasn't realized how long he's been walking but it doesn't matter, he's just getting use to the new area. He was of course flipping his knife in a bored manner, waiting for something interesting to happen around him but didn't really care as sometimes you gotta enjoy the scenery even if you're a nut job who kills people for fun, it's a change of pace.... Wait why is Jack enjoying this!? He should be murdering these people and yet he isn't, what's going on with him, it can't be that boy.... Can it? Deep and in thought he continued walking without really looking to where he was going.
Alexa quickly jumped out from behind a corner, aimed straight at Jack's chest, and shot a pale disarming curse from her wand.
Sarah sighed and Sage knew what she was about to do. " Mother please don't do it. " Sage said but Sarah shook her head. " Let them go. " Sarah said sadly. " Mom!" Sage yelled

Light said:
( Do you want me to put up the character sheet now and let you stay ignorant and happy. Or put it up and show you what you're dealing with? )
"You don't want me to attack, it's better you continue until you get tired and pass out so the match will end." Alice floats down to the ground and pulls her wings back into her back. "Come at me."
(That's completely up to you :) but even if you did, it won't change the fight as IC Vance hasn't a clue what Alice can do )

"This fight isn't going to end until one of us is laying dead on the floor, This is what happens when you even so much as threaten to hurt someone I care about, because normally I half ass everything, but you don't get the luxury of me hardly trying" Vance replied as he glared at Alice "But if you're too scared to fight me, then so be it. I'll still get enjoyment out of watching the life slowly fade from your eyes" Vance unsheathed his dagger before teleporting to the shadows around the edge of the arena, Once again becoming invisible

( ! ) Vance once again assaulted Alice with a barrage of Darkness shards from every angle, while also sending out hundreds of tendrils to wrap around her every limb. Vance also sent a greatsword of darkness towards Alice at incredible speeds.

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TheMADQ said:
Just being the cautious person Brundyn is and swapping out there 'Arachnid Goggles' for there 'Speed Reading Goggles.' They takes the contracts and literally flip through it, the glasses allowing them to thoroughly read the whole thing and dedicated it to memory. "Alright it seems pretty good." (I will just assume there is nothing fishy inside the thing. If there is then Brundyn would have caught it.) Burndyn warps in a pen and singes it. "Nice, now before I get obstructionist started is hat anything I could get you guys?" Brundyn got ready to bring in some of there example items.
(Nah you're good it just states that you explicitly understand taking care of the kitten is your top priority. And then written the same thing on repeat xD )

The papers poofed and Morpheus grew full sized. "Very well youvr sold me sire. Might I partake in your delectables?" Taking a bow his outfit completely changing to a sort of medieval noble scout with a feather for spice. He truly loved how the world seemed almost like... A game

Tazmodo said:
Reed stared at him blankly. "Uh sure why not. I'm Reed but that's the most I know a lot of myou recent life had been erased and I need someone to explain why. You guys were fighting that giant machine so I thought why not go to you."
The lighting hit him but had not effect. His skin didn't conduct it. "That's all really?" His blade extended back to his chest. He was bleeding out and the guy in the mask hated the waste.

Morpheus tilted his head back and forth, scanning Reed. Talking to himself, his voice barely a whisper. "Interesting... Now why would someone do that." He completely read Reed's mind. "Very interesting....." He walked around, holding Reed still with kinetic energy.

( ! ) He turned back, looking to Reed, his arm growing, morphing like a monster to a completely extended sort of... Mouth. His fingers cracking and breaking into its teeth. "Now why would they do tha" He dropped the kinetic and cracked his neck. 'Let's find out"

Light said:
( Do you want me to put up the character sheet now and let you stay ignorant and happy. Or put it up and show you what you're dealing with? )
"You don't want me to attack, it's better you continue until you get tired and pass out so the match will end." Alice floats down to the ground and pulls her wings back into her back. "Come at me."

Grimm was about to respond but Luna makes sure her voice was louder. "Only two of you may leave alive. Choose."

Luna calls off the guardian and glares down at the cat Morpheus. "Now before you start explaining. You better be the real deal, not a clone or else I swear this wedding is off."

Morgan turns to Fola and rolls her eyes. "Yeah, I told you I had a bad feeling! Don't kill him though, we need to get information!" Morgan recklessly jumps in the way of the blade for Fola. "Wait!"
The kitten nodded. Its eye twitched from the strain of maintaining so many other Morpheus' at once to show. It meowed, standing and putting its paws on her thigh
A swore loudly as some guy all of a sudden ran straight into her. Knocking her down. A got up and dusted herself. A got up quite pissed off now. "Fine." She said coldy to the guy. A groaned loudly up at the ceiling as some girl spoke from behind her. Moooooore people. Bad enough she was getting in a guild as it is. She didn't want "friends". A looked sharply at the girl. "Yes I am." She said with almost frostbite in her voice. Crossingly crossing her arms.
Light said:
( Do you want me to put up the character sheet now and let you stay ignorant and happy. Or put it up and show you what you're dealing with? )
"You don't want me to attack, it's better you continue until you get tired and pass out so the match will end." Alice floats down to the ground and pulls her wings back into her back. "Come at me."

Grimm was about to respond but Luna makes sure her voice was louder. "Only two of you may leave alive. Choose."

Luna calls off the guardian and glares down at the cat Morpheus. "Now before you start explaining. You better be the real deal, not a clone or else I swear this wedding is off."

Morgan turns to Fola and rolls her eyes. "Yeah, I told you I had a bad feeling! Don't kill him though, we need to get information!" Morgan recklessly jumps in the way of the blade for Fola. "Wait!"
The blades stabs into her. The moment it did she was sucked into a capsule. "This should lay nicely. The man laugh and left without another word.

DizjayDeathPride said:
(Nah you're good it just states that you explicitly understand taking care of the kitten is your top priority. And then written the same thing on repeat xD )
The papers poofed and Morpheus grew full sized. "Very well youvr sold me sire. Might I partake in your delectables?" Taking a bow his outfit completely changing to a sort of medieval noble scout with a feather for spice. He truly loved how the world seemed almost like... A game

Morpheus tilted his head back and forth, scanning Reed. Talking to himself, his voice barely a whisper. "Interesting... Now why would someone do that." He completely read Reed's mind. "Very interesting....." He walked around, holding Reed still with kinetic energy.

( ! ) He turned back, looking to Reed, his arm growing, morphing like a monster to a completely extended sort of... Mouth. His fingers cracking and breaking into its teeth. "Now why would they do tha" He dropped the kinetic and cracked his neck. 'Let's find out"
Reed stared at him. "Hey man I don't want any trouble. I just want to know what happened." He slowly backed up.
DarknessSpirit said:
A swore loudly as some guy all of a sudden ran straight into her. Knocking her down. A got up and dusted herself. A got up quite pissed off now. "Fine." She said coldy to the guy. A groaned loudly up at the ceiling as some girl spoke from behind her. Moooooore people. Bad enough she was getting in a guild as it is. She didn't want "friends". A looked sharply at the girl. "Yes I am." She said with almost frostbite in her voice. Crossingly crossing her arms.
"Hey I'm really sorry about that I didn't see you. Are you mad?" He truly felt bad about it. (He's 12)
DizjayDeathPride said:
(Nah you're good it just states that you explicitly understand taking care of the kitten is your top priority. And then written the same thing on repeat xD )
The papers poofed and Morpheus grew full sized. "Very well youvr sold me sire. Might I partake in your delectables?" Taking a bow his outfit completely changing to a sort of medieval noble scout with a feather for spice. He truly loved how the world seemed almost like... A game
(Oh nice. Its going to be real fun when Brundyn misunderstands what you mean by "taking care of." )

"Well I have almost anything you might want." They say pulling as they warp in a back pack in there hands. Reaching inside they pull out a pack of black Liquorice. "Well I said almost anything." Throwing them behind them, they reach in and start pulling out random objects. "No, no, not good enough." They reach really far into it half of there body being stuck into it. "Alright so we have Serpent belt, which is kind of self explanatory. Here is the Xiorn Robe, this allows you to phase through all kinds of earth. Unfettered shirt, as long as you have this on nothing can hold you. Darksight goggles, self explanatory. Clasp Swarmbane, with this orb you can punch those pesky swarms as though they were a whole creature." Looking around for anything else that they could show them. "Well if none of this interests you, just give me a shout on something that you might want."

djinnamon said:
Sarah sighed and Sage knew what she was about to do. " Mother please don't do it. " Sage said but Sarah shook her head. " Let them go. " Sarah said sadly. " Mom!" Sage yelled
Sage and his sister were released from the Astral Plane into the guild.

GingerBread said:
(That's completely up to you :) but even if you did, it won't change the fight as IC Vance hasn't a clue what Alice can do )
"This fight isn't going to end until one of us is laying dead on the floor, This is what happens when you even so much as threaten to hurt someone I care about, because normally I half ass everything, but you don't get the luxury of me hardly trying" Vance replied as he glared at Alice "But if you're too scared to fight me, then so be it. I'll still get enjoyment out of watching the life slowly fade from your eyes" Vance unsheathed his dagger before teleporting to the shadows around the edge of the arena, Once again becoming invisible

( ! ) Vance once again assaulted Alice with a barrage of Darkness shards from every angle, while also sending out hundreds of tendrils to wrap around her every limb. Vance also sent a greatsword of darkness towards Alice at incredible speeds.

Alice has carnage magic burst from her body and devour the shards but it cuts off. "This will be a lesson to teach you to be obedient!" Carnage had stopped the magic from devouring the tendrils and greatsword. The tendrils hold Alice still and the greatsword pierces her stomach. A pool of blood begins to spill out of her stomach and Carnage rubs it in her face by devouring the spilled blood. "Yeah.....laugh it up....asshat. Wait until I......get free and......crush this guy. I'm going for you next!" Alice waits for the perfect opportunity to strike and winches at the fact that there's a greatsword in her stomach.

Tazmodo said:
The blades stabs into her. The moment it did she was sucked into a capsule. "This should lay nicely. The man laugh and left without another word.
Reed stared at him. "Hey man I don't want any trouble. I just want to know what happened." He slowly backed up.

( ! ) Julius and Morgan we're going to wait a few minutes to understand what's going on before they simply left. While waiting Morgan got an idea of what was slightly going on. At this moment, Julius springs out of Fola's body and becomes physical. He grows bigger and upchucks Morgan. "Now I'm back! You're going to tell me everything you know." She has raw witch mana course through their attackers body and eat away at his secondary circulatory system's power source, then his physical stamina. After this all that would be left is his soul to devour. "Tell. Me. Now."

Tazmodo said:
The blades stabs into her. The moment it did she was sucked into a capsule. "This should lay nicely. The man laugh and left without another word.
Reed stared at him. "Hey man I don't want any trouble. I just want to know what happened." He slowly backed up.
Darkness stretched and climb from every crevice, sticking to space around then, creating a box of Absolute Darkness.

( ! ) Morpheus extended his mouth-arm. "You will fight me. Or you will die

TheMADQ said:
(Oh nice. Its going to be real fun when Brundyn misunderstands what you mean by "taking care of." )
"Well I have almost anything you might want." They say pulling as they warp in a back pack in there hands. Reaching inside they pull out a pack of black Liquorice. "Well I said almost anything." Throwing them behind them, they reach in and start pulling out random objects. "No, no, not good enough." They reach really far into it half of there body being stuck into it. "Alright so we have Serpent belt, which is kind of self explanatory. Here is the Xiorn Robe, this allows you to phase through all kinds of earth. Unfettered shirt, as long as you have this on nothing can hold you. Darksight goggles, self explanatory. Clasp Swarmbane, with this orb you can punch those pesky swarms as though they were a whole creature." Looking around for anything else that they could show them. "Well if none of this interests you, just give me a shout on something that you might want."

Morpheus' eyes shot up beyond wide. "Unfettered shirt! That! I want your whole supply of that! And..." He looked away deviously rubbing his hands. Then turned back. "And EVERY SUPPLY! MUHAHAHAHAA!!!" The sky getting dark and cloudy, yellow cartoon lightning cracking. He stopped laughing and stood, eyes wide and the cartoon storm was gone. He looked to them and smiled widely fully showing his teeth and leaning on his cane. "Toootally not nefarious Kay?"
Sarah went back to the Planet Mother and sighed sadly. It would be awhile until she could break out again if she could at all. Sage was on his butt crying loudly , tears streaming down his face on to the ground. " I hate Luna , I wish she dies a slow painful death. " Sage muttered as he stopped crying and his mouth went into a straight line. The eyes dimmed , he was hardly feeling any of his emotions anymore.

Diana got on her knees and hugged him tightly while resting her head on top his but he was still in her arms. He didn't make a sound or movement and Diana hugged him tighter. " Please. Become like him , don't become like my brother. " Diana begged as tears began to flow down her face onto Sage's lap. The light returned to Sages eyes as he hugged Diana. " What do you mean don't become like your brother. " He asked as the girl curled up in his arms. " When my mother died my brother , he became heartless and only wanted revenge on the person who killed our mother. When he did he became a empty shell of his former self. So please , don't become like him. " She begged as she cried into Sage chest , wetting his shirt.
Light said:
"Oh? So you didn't even know her and you still do that with her and I'm still not considered to be your girlfriend when she is?! Malren your a piece of shit you know that?!" She continues to strike Malren with her belt.
Christina shakes her head and frowns. "You know if you had just said something other than that she wouldn't be mad at you. I set everything up for her to be ready for you. You could have had a go with the both of us but noooo you just continue to make things worse. Just say your sorry and tell her she does mean a lot to you. Nothing more, nothing less. I'll handle the rest." She whispers to Malren.
"Ow Yeowch! Kinziel, please! Don't do this!" Malren whimpered sadly as he tried to hide under the pillow, being smacked by the belt like he was. It was actually quite comical, as she kept him holed up behind the pillow with her belt. "Yea, yea, I get it Christina." He tried his best to stand up, holding up the pillow in defense. "Hey, hey, Kinziel. She's not my girlfriend- ow! Please Kinz, you mean the world to me!"
Light said:
Sage and his sister were released from the Astral Plane into the guild.
Alice has carnage magic burst from her body and devour the shards but it cuts off. "This will be a lesson to teach you to be obedient!" Carnage had stopped the magic from devouring the tendrils and greatsword. The tendrils hold Alice still and the greatsword pierces her stomach. A pool of blood begins to spill out of her stomach and Carnage rubs it in her face by devouring the spilled blood. "Yeah.....laugh it up....asshat. Wait until I......get free and......crush this guy. I'm going for you next!" Alice waits for the perfect opportunity to strike and winches at the fact that there's a greatsword in her stomach.

( ! ) Julius and Morgan we're going to wait a few minutes to understand what's going on before they simply left. While waiting Morgan got an idea of what was slightly going on. At this moment, Julius springs out of Fola's body and becomes physical. He grows bigger and upchucks Morgan. "Now I'm back! You're going to tell me everything you know." She has raw witch mana course through their attackers body and eat away at his secondary circulatory system's power source, then his physical stamina. After this all that would be left is his soul to devour. "Tell. Me. Now."
The guy started rotting away. The power was the only thing keeping him alive. "I don't have much time but there is a bounty on you. All of you. Your powers have been told to us and they are watching. They will be coming soon and you will fall." This was all he could manage to say as he rotted into a pile of bones.

DizjayDeathPride said:
Darkness stretched and climb from every crevice, sticking to space around then, creating a box of Absolute Darkness.
( ! ) Morpheus extended his mouth-arm. "You will fight me. Or you will die

Reed stared blankly at him. "Yo dude chill the only power that made me in anyway offensive was taken by some asshole who thought I would go on a murder spree. Anyways I don't want to fight I literally have no attacks or weapons."
Fola clutched his chest as the man rotted away to bone. He began to laugh raspily as if he'd seen the funniest thing of all time, "I guess... You could say... That guy was... Boned... HAHAHAH- *Wince* Ow... I think he stabbed lung..."

A's expression softened, yet hardly as she looked the boy up and down. Her voice was still irritable but she replied "No I'm fine."'she said, with a hard face but a bit soft.
DarknessSpirit said:
A's expression softened, yet hardly as she looked the boy up and down. Her voice was still irritable but she replied "No I'm fine."'she said, with a hard face but a bit soft.
Theodore smiled. "That's good I was worry I hurt you. I'm Theodore what's your name?" He didn't dare flirt last time Morpheus hit him with ice cream.
Tazmodo said:
The guy started rotting away. The power was the only thing keeping him alive. "I don't have much time but there is a bounty on you. All of you. Your powers have been told to us and they are watching. They will be coming soon and you will fall." This was all he could manage to say as he rotted into a pile of bones.
Reed stared blankly at him. "Yo dude chill the only power that made me in anyway offensive was taken by some asshole who thought I would go on a murder spree. Anyways I don't want to fight I literally have no attacks or weapons."
Morpheus' eyes got wide and he was in front of Reed, looking deeper into his mind. Reading the very existence of Reed. "I see..." He put his human hand on Reed analyzing what was done to him. Tilting Reed's head back. "Interesting.... You've angered the deities... My.. oh my.." He analyzed every aspect of the effect and figured out its reverse, smirking to himself

By now he's outfit had turned completely pitch black, his eyes a blank white, looking into Reed. "Oh.... You are a dangerous beast..."

The mouth arm unmolded and went back to normal, both hands holding Reed's head. "I want you. You are my final piece. I need you to join my league"

As he spoke the darkness disappeared, his clothes changing back and his eyes normal. "Please?"
DizjayDeathPride said:
Morpheus' eyes got wide and he was in front of Reed, looking deeper into his mind. Reading the very existence of Reed. "I see..." He put his human hand on Reed analyzing what was done to him. Tilting Reed's head back. "Interesting.... You've angered the deities... My.. oh my.." He analyzed every aspect of the effect and figured out its reverse, smirking to himself
By now he's outfit had turned completely pitch black, his eyes a blank white, looking into Reed. "Oh.... You are a dangerous beast..."

The mouth arm unmolded and went back to normal, both hands holding Reed's head. "I want you. You are my final piece. I need you to join my league"

As he spoke the darkness disappeared, his clothes changing back and his eyes normal. "Please?"
Reed had no clue what was happening. "If you can bring back my memories then sure that and my power. But can you do that? And what collection?"
Tazmodo said:
Reed had no clue what was happening. "If you can bring back my memories then sure that and my power. But can you do that? And what collection?"
Morpheus ignored him and branded him the symbol of The Dragon's Rawriors. "Now as for your memories. I can't do that. Or more so, I won't. But I know someone who can help. Oh aaaaashlyn" The world around them wobbled and he appeared before Ashlyn with Reed. "Your old friend came to say hello. Goodbye my lady." He tipped his hat and bowed to her, disappearing

DizjayDeathPride said:
Morpheus ignored him and branded him the symbol of The Dragon's Rawriors. "Now as for your memories. I can't do that. Or more so, I won't. But I know someone who can help. Oh aaaaashlyn" The world around them wobbled and he appeared before Ashlyn with Reed. "Your old friend came to say hello. Goodbye my lady." He tipped his hat and bowed to her, disappearing
Reed tried to stop. "What the hell that was the agreement." He turned to her. "Sorry about that anyways I heard you can help with my while memory thing. Morphues lied."

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