Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
Vance shrugged and followed Sage through the portal and just looked up at the bombs "You know, you'd think that people would start disabling the the bombs by i don't know, taking them apart, shutting down the launch computers, taking out the flight controls. But what do I know, I'm just the one who has to deal with the bombs after they've been launched" Vance complained as he sent thousands of tendrils to stop two of the bombs by grabbing the tails of them and pulling on them to slow them down.

LokiofSP said:
"Well I mean...Fuck it, your giving me drinks, only fair I give you conversation. Okay, so this is the story of the uh...Shunned witch...Yeah lets call it that. Anyways, pay attention because I'm only telling it once..."

A blue kitten hopped up onto his lap and climbed his shoulders to the top of his head. The bartender nodded. "Carry on"
Vance looked confused for a second but understood what Sage meant when he started to fall forwards. Vance rushed over to Sage to catch him and then pick Sage up and carry him in his arms. Vance created a small sofa out of darkness to sit down on and then placed Sage in his lap and started Idly running his hands through Sage's hair "I was right about you not having any stamina. God you tire easily"

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Fola sighed, "Alright, so once upon a time, there was a witch and a human who met late one night at a bar. The witch, keeping up a fake human apperance, was there because her human 'freinds' had dragged her there, while this human, being the sad lonely waste of space he was, was there to meet women. They got to talking that night and a mutual feeling was felt between them...Lust...

Acting upon those feelings that night though led to an unfortunate consequence, the witch found she was with child, and due to her and the human being idiots, they decided to give a go at family. So they got married six months later, and had their child another three months after that. The witch promised to stop doing witch things, and the human finally got a job..."

Fola paused for a moment and took a sip of his drink, "But two problems soon arose...You see, this witch was no ordinary witch, she came from a very, 'pure' bloodline. So when they found out about her half humam bastard, they shunned her...She resented the man and her child for that..." Fola paused, taking a moment to collect his thoughts...

Sage glared up at him weakly. " Why don't you try opening over five extremely large portal into a galaxy to get rid of bombs. " He said before he began to drift off to sleep.

djinnamon said:
Sage growled fore making 3 large portals that the bombs went into only to get teleported into the other side of the galaxy where there were no planets. Sage panted.
@Light @DizjayDeathPride
Sage ranks up too Theta.

GingerBread said:
"Then why the hell are you out here?" Vance asked as he walked closer to Sage "Now probably isn't the best time to take a stroll when you're not feeling alright. There's bombs dropping everywhere"
Vance ranks up to Iota.

Inaro ranks up to Theta.

DizjayDeathPride said:
Bartender Morpheus returned with another, still wiping the class. "So you wanna talk about it mate?"
Ryan ranks up to Delta while Morpheus stays at Beta.

Tazmodo said:
Theodore was still in South Korea. "God damn it." He looked at the bombs. He looked at Morpheus and the other guy after teleport in to them. "Um three big bombs headed our way."
Jackson looked at Ace. "You said you already were." @The Otaku Diaries
Theodore ranks up too Rho.

( @Juju @Lotusy @Dreamtique @GingerBread @DizjayDeathPride @Tazmodo @CelticSol @LokiofSP @The Otaku Diaries @Embaga Elder @djinnamon @Austria @Archdemon )

( ! ) It seemed like the bomb raid had ended but everything around the world that was electronic, even the most minimal of things such as electronic cigarettes sparks to life and attacks humanity. Phones, cars, planes, trains, computers, the internet, government files and personal belongings to those on their internet, the internet itself, stocks, advanced military weaponry, and more either sets it's aim on killing all humans who don't bow down or completely delete themselves. This was worse than a zombie apocalypse, the world has officially turned against itself. The world went completely dark since all lights went out, even backup generators. Missiles and military vehicles from the many countries around the world begin to activate and destroy other countries. From space, you couldn't even see the ground due to the amount of missiles, atomic bombs, jets, planes, satellites, and such going haywire. Many places around the world were being destroyed and overrun by the surviving technology once bombs hit it. The Poseidon didn't like what was happening but couldn't go against The Zeus due too a human emotion it was feeling, fear. This was not their original plan... this was not The Pursuit of Happiness for technology and humans alike. The Poseidon starts up sea storms and hurricanes and sends them around to different countries. While the Hades has seismic waves travel throughout Yellowstone to trigger an eruption. The Hades intentionally was slowly edging at it... seeing that it was being hesitant. The Zeus was creating something far more destructive than what's currently happening. They had planned do to this exactly when the members of Dragon's Roar were weakened and distracted, which was now. The technology near the new guild building began to cross the wide and long bridge towards the guild, the bridge was at least a 20 minute walk long.
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"I've no idea how you're going to deal with children" Vance replied, smiling warmly at Sage "I just kept mine, I'm going to use it later. Maybe Lucy would like a to see what an exploding bomb looks like up close" Vance thought aloud, trying to think of a way to utilise the bomb. "I'll take you to the new guild Headquarters so you can rest Sage" Vance said as he teleported himself to the guild before going to his room and laying Sage gently on the bed.

Sage layed on the bed and sleeped peacefully.

GingerBread said:
"I've no idea how you're going to deal with children" Vance replied, smiling warmly at Sage "I just kept mine, I'm going to use it later. Maybe Lucy would like a to see what an exploding bomb looks like up close" Vance thought aloud, trying to think of a way to utilise the bomb. "I'll take you to the new guild Headquarters so you can rest Sage" Vance said as he teleported himself to the guild before going to his room and laying Sage gently on the bed.
Light said:
( Christina )
"No I wasn't going to but now that you mention it, sure. You don't have too but I'd like for you too. Like I said, I've taken an interest in you and for how hard you've been working and how cooperative you've been I think you deserve something nice." After this sentence she slightly gets off of Malren and tugs, completely revealing him. "Well this is going to be fun." She wanted to make this good for Malren but didn't want him to openly admit it. She wanted him to know deep down, even though he wasn't completely for it, he liked it. That's when she made her first move.

( Fade to black. )
(Aw shiet son. Also, I can't believe I got her name wrong :o . Fade out from black.)

Malren stood up from the chair after whole... ordeal, feeling slightly exhausted and extremely guilty. He sighed before walking over to Kinziel and picking her up. He felt extremely angry for getting trapped in that situation, and even angrier for letting himself go like that. Well, no matter. He walked out of the church with Kinziel, acknowledging Christina with a nod. "It was a good... storytime. Just don't put Kinziel on the line next time." With that, he willed himself back to the guild. When he got there, he walked past Vance and Sage, placing Kinziel on a nearby bed. It had been a terribly long day for him, and he just wanted to rest... As he sat next to Kinziel, Malren slowly drifted off to sleep.

(Feel free to wake him up.)
Light said:
Sage ranks up too Theta.
Vance ranks up to Iota.

Inaro ranks up to Theta.

Ryan ranks up to Delta while Morpheus stays at Beta.

Theodore ranks up too Rho.

( @Juju @Lotusy @Dreamtique @GingerBread @DizjayDeathPride @Tazmodo @CelticSol @LokiofSP @The Otaku Diaries @Embaga Elder @djinnamon @Austria @Archdemon )

( ! ) It seemed like the bomb raid had ended but everything around the world that was electronic, even the most minimal of things such as electronic cigarettes sparks to life and attacks humanity. Phones, cars, planes, trains, computers, the internet, government files and personal belongings to those on their internet, the internet itself, stocks, advanced military weaponry, and more either sets it's aim on killing all humans who don't bow down or completely delete themselves. This was worse than a zombie apocalypse, the world has officially turned against itself. The world went completely dark since all lights went out, even backup generators. Missiles and military vehicles from the many countries around the world begin to activate and destroy other countries. From space, you couldn't even see the ground due to the amount of missiles, atomic bombs, jets, planes, satellites, and such going haywire. Many places around the world were being destroyed and overrun by the surviving technology once bombs hit it. The Poseidon didn't like what was happening but couldn't go against The Zeus due too a human emotion it was feeling, fear. This was not their original plan... this was not The Pursuit of Happiness for technology and humans alike. The Poseidon starts up sea storms and hurricanes and sends them around to different countries. While the Hades has seismic waves travel throughout Yellowstone to trigger an eruption. The Hades intentionally was slowly edging at it... seeing that it was being hesitant. The Zeus was creating something far more destructive than what's currently happening. They had planned do to this exactly when the members of Dragon's Roar were weakened and distracted, which was now. The technology near the new guild building began to cross the wide and long bridge towards the guild, the bridge was at least a 20 minute walk long.
LokiofSP said:
Fola sighed, "Alright, so once upon a time, there was a witch and a human who met late one night at a bar. The witch, keeping up a fake human apperance, was there because her human 'freinds' had dragged her there, while this human, being the sad lonely waste of space he was, was there to meet women. They got to talking that night and a mutual feeling was felt between them...Lust...
Acting upon those feelings that night though led to an unfortunate consequence, the witch found she was with child, and due to her and the human being idiots, they decided to give a go at family. So they got married six months later, and had their child another three months after that. The witch promised to stop doing witch things, and the human finally got a job..."

Fola paused for a moment and took a sip of his drink, "But two problems soon arose...You see, this witch was no ordinary witch, she came from a very, 'pure' bloodline. So when they found out about her half humam bastard, they shunned her...She resented the man and her child for that..." Fola paused, taking a moment to collect his thoughts...

The DJ Morpheus turned itself into electricity, getting sucked away with the energy, following the line and practically directing Morpheus to where Zeus was. "Fola you deal with the guild stuff. I'm going for the leader. We have a few things to... Talk about."

The kitten and bartender both disappeared, going to where the electricity was redirected
Vance smiled as Sage started Sleeping peacefully. Vance saw Malren walk into the guild, He knew he'd seen him before but couldn't place where. Vance got up and walked over to him, not really caring that he was trying to sleep "Oi! You. Where have i seen you before?"

@Lotusy (Hope ya don't mind :) )
Fola stood up, rubbing his head as he did so. He jumped over the bar and downed one last bottle of beer before putting his focus on the new guild. His symbol made him feel as if he was being called to this new guild, as if he needed to go...So he focused on that feeling and allowed himself to be transported to the new guild...
DizjayDeathPride said:
Morpheus stood there, his black suit shining, flipping through a deck. "Yep"
Theodore looked at the big guy. "Huh I expected a lot more. Anyways big boy time for you to stop this before someone who matters gets hurt." @Light
Lotusy said:
(Aw shiet son. Also, I can't believe I got her name wrong :o . Fade out from black.)
Malren stood up from the chair after whole... ordeal, feeling slightly exhausted and extremely guilty. He sighed before walking over to Kinziel and picking her up. He felt extremely angry for getting trapped in that situation, and even angrier for letting himself go like that. Well, no matter. He walked out of the church with Kinziel, acknowledging Christina with a nod. "It was a good... storytime. Just don't put Kinziel on the line next time." With that, he willed himself back to the guild. When he got there, he walked past Vance and Sage, placing Kinziel on a nearby bed. It had been a terribly long day for him, and he just wanted to rest... As he sat next to Kinziel, Malren slowly drifted off to sleep.

(Feel free to wake him up.)
Christina watches him leave with a smile on her face, she knew what he meant by story time. He even said next time as well. "Bye!~" She would make sure to keep close tabs on Malren, things were getting dangerous and she does have to help protect her technical boyfriend after all.

GingerBread said:
Vance smiled as Sage started Sleeping peacefully. Vance saw Malren walk into the guild, He knew he'd seen him before but couldn't place where. Vance got up and walked over to him, not really caring that he was trying to sleep "Oi! You. Where have i seen you before?"

@Lotusy (Hope ya don't mind :) )
LokiofSP said:
Fola stood up, rubbing his head as he did so. He jumped over the bar and downed one last bottle of beer before putting his focus on the new guild. His symbol made him feel as if he was being called to this new guild, as if he needed to go...So he focused on that feeling and allowed himself to be transported to the new guild...
djinnamon said:
Sage layed on the bed and sleeped peacefully.
( @Lotusy @The Otaku Diaries @Tazmodo )

Metals came together and formed AI Mecha as well, they all march towards the guild and make way for the trucks and cars to push through on the bridge. The cars and trucks would explode once close enough too the guild. Ships were growing close to the guild through the water as well with oil canisters. Fighter Jets fly over and release missiles while regular planes intended to crash into the ships. There were 4 ships, 9 trucks, 27 cars, 2 fighter jets, 4 missiles, 4 planes, and 79 Mecha.

DizjayDeathPride said:
The DJ Morpheus turned itself into electricity, getting sucked away with the energy, following the line and practically directing Morpheus to where Zeus was. "Fola you deal with the guild stuff. I'm going for the leader. We have a few things to... Talk about."
The kitten and bartender both disappeared, going to where the electricity was redirected
Tazmodo said:
Theodore looked at the big guy. "Huh I expected a lot more. Anyways big boy time for you to stop this before someone who matters gets hurt." @Light
The Zeus merely glances at them and continues working.
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Light said:
Christina watches him leave with a smile on her face, she knew what he meant by story time. He even said next time as well. "Bye!~" She would make sure to keep close tabs on Malren, things were getting dangerous and she does have to help protect her technical boyfriend after all.
( @Lotusy @The Otaku Diaries @Tazmodo )

Metals came together and formed AI Mecha as well, they all march towards the guild and make way for the trucks and cars to push through on the bridge. The cars and trucks would explode once close enough too the guild. Ships were growing close to the guild through the water as well with oil canisters. Fighter Jets fly over and release missiles while regular planes intended to crash into the ships. There were 4 ships, 9 trucks, 27 cars, 2 fighter jets, 4 missiles, 4 planes, and 79 Mecha.

The Zeus merely glances at them and continues working.
Curiosity took him and he walked up, 10 cards swirling around Zeus, draining away his power. "Where are your comrades?"
Light said:
Metals came together and formed AI Mecha as well, they all march towards the guild and make way for the trucks and cars to push through on the bridge. The cars and trucks would explode once close enough too the guild. Ships were growing close to the guild through the water as well with oil canisters. Fighter Jets fly over and release missiles while regular planes intended to crash into the ships. There were 4 ships, 9 trucks, 27 cars, 2 fighter jets, 4 missiles, 4 planes, and 79 Mecha.
Vance started to hear a faint stomping outside the guild Did Ashlyn build us next to a marching bands practice area? Vance thought as he started heading outside to investigate. When Vance got outside he saw a whole host of vehicles and mecha attacking the guild "We never get one day of peace, Do we?" Vance thought as he created some tendrils to grab the missiles out of mid air and lob them at the mecha that were marching towards the guild "Screw collateral damage, Ashlyn can deal with it. I just want one god damn day where we're not being attacked"

Sage woke up to the noise coming from outside the guild. He growled and got up before teleporting outside and glared at the assembled machines. " Bye Byte. " He said before he froze a majority of mechas then made them scatter.

@Light @GingerBread
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Light said:
Christina watches him leave with a smile on her face, she knew what he meant by story time. He even said next time as well. "Bye!~" She would make sure to keep close tabs on Malren, things were getting dangerous and she does have to help protect her technical boyfriend after all.
( @Lotusy @The Otaku Diaries @Tazmodo )

Metals came together and formed AI Mecha as well, they all march towards the guild and make way for the trucks and cars to push through on the bridge. The cars and trucks would explode once close enough too the guild. Ships were growing close to the guild through the water as well with oil canisters. Fighter Jets fly over and release missiles while regular planes intended to crash into the ships. There were 4 ships, 9 trucks, 27 cars, 2 fighter jets, 4 missiles, 4 planes, and 79 Mecha.

The Zeus merely glances at them and continues working.
Jackson looked out the window and saw everything. "Oh shit Ace you settle this then come help me." He said as he ran outside. Fire pulsed from his body. He looked at the Mecha and fired beans of like into the explode on contact.

Jasmine at Derek were outside. Jasmine was a giant and Derek was a giant fly swatter. Jasmine was swinging Derek around at the Jets like they were bugs.

Julliette was running from all the electronics.
Tazmodo said:
Jackson looked out the window and saw everything. "Oh shit Ace you settle this then come help me." He said as he ran outside. Fire pulsed from his body. He looked at the Mecha and fired beans of like into the explode on contact.
Jasmine at Derek were outside. Jasmine was a giant and Derek was a giant fly swatter. Jasmine was swinging Derek around at the Jets like they were bugs.

Julliette was running from all the electronics.
In a quick run,Damian zoomed by, picking up Juliette and taking her somewhere safe; Having assumed that she was a civilian, he placed her down. "Stay out of danger lady. You'll get hurt"
DizjayDeathPride said:
In a quick run,Damian zoomed by, picking up Juliette and taking her somewhere safe; Having assumed that she was a civilian, he placed her down. "Stay out of danger lady. You'll get hurt"
Juliette was scared when she was picked up. She calmed down when she saw it was a human. "Oh um thank you but I'll be fine. I can hear where everything is coming from. Do you know what's happening or are you a survivor too." Her voice was somewhat sad. She was just returning from where her mom used to life. Now there was just a bloodyssey corpse left and the machines got to her.
Fola shook his head, he pounded his head with his hand to shake the diziness out of his mind. He stood to look at the approaching boats and focused. He then unleashed a straight line of electricity to a boat's oil canisters, destroying it. He began to work on the other three...

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