Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
Light said:
Suddenly a woman at the age of Ashlyn with dark ginger hair and gold eyes stands before him, using the Guild symbol to reach him. "Oh.... ummm.... I just came to help... I-I'm sorry for watching you practice with a bow before." She begins to cower away. "No I came to help I can't.... oh.... I'm sorry." She hides behind one of her angelic wings and has warm healing magic spread over Vance. "I hope you feel better."
"Yeah, I feel like I've only had a brick wall fall on me, before i felt like i'd been hit by a truck. So it's a welcome improvement" Vance smiled at the girl "Why are you sorry for watching me 'practice'? Any other person would've just laughed at me, at least you didn't" Vance said as he sat up on the couch and started stretching his arms "Aw, crap. I forgot I left someone in my darkness realm, I'll be back soon if you want to stay, but you aren't obligated to" Vance said as he stood up.

Vance entered the Darkness realm and looked at Jack "So, can you give me a good reason why I should keep you alive? Or am I going to have to kill you?" Vance asked as he created a chair out of darkness and sat down on it, leaning back and relaxing.

@Light @Archdemon
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Light said:
The Hades looked extremely conflicted, it was pacing back and forth. It notices the Dragon's Roar members and gets defensive. The Hades raises large boulders and hurls them both at the group.
( Screw it. I'm done with this child's tone, Poseidon isn't playing nice. I'm killing this kid, I'm done. I don't have time for ballsy 12 year olds running their mouths off. )

( ! ) There was rain all around him, no sunlight at all. The only light available was the random flashes of lightning. The ocean was violent and inconsiderate. The rain around Theodore stops and forms a sphere of water around him, crushing him with pressure. The Poseidon didn't have to worry about any water manipulators, he didn't have to worry about the actual water element itself. Since he was it's god.

Suddenly a woman at the age of Ashlyn with dark ginger hair and gold eyes stands before him, using the Guild symbol to reach him. "Oh.... ummm.... I just came to help... I-I'm sorry for watching you practice with a bow before." She begins to cower away. "No I came to help I can't.... oh.... I'm sorry." She hides behind one of her angelic wings and has warm healing magic spread over Vance. "I hope you feel better."

The remaining cars were destroyed, leaving a destroyed bridge but an intact guild. A large cargo plane was on its way to the guild with mecha inside. When it was almost in close range, a girl with draconic wings sprouting out of her back, white hair, and red eyes flies right through it. Once she ripped through the top and came out the other side, the cargo plane erupts in a red substance, Carnage magic. The carnage magic eats away at the plane and leaves nothing behind. The girl lands before the Dragon's Roar members and looks around. "Yo! Where the fuck is Ashlyn and that bitch Christina? Why the hell do I smell her all over you and inside this building?" She points to Malren first and then to the building behind them. She notices Fola on the ground and scoffs. "Dude you look like a sad sack of shit." She looks back at the other members. "Well? Where are they?!" She looks at them, as if daring them to say something other than the answer to her question.
Theodore used the guilds teleportation to get out of the water. "Yo dude chill it's not that serious. I only came to talk shit. Why do you guys always have to kill weren't you made by humans?" He said while on the shore. He dried himself off with a towel. He thought for a sec. "Was it the bolts for brains thing because that was just a joke. But I'm not kidding about the complaint thing you're killing a lot of innocent people."
Jackson stood up on his two legs. "Man I love this healing." He looked at her. "Hey what's wrong? I heard you've been pissed of but this is insane. You tore through that plane. Thank you by the way."

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Jack sheathed his Knife and stood up. "Yeah well, I've been thinking. I know I'm too untrustworthy to be something like a bodyguard and I can understand your caution about that sudden offer. So! I have thought up a new one, in exchange for letting me live I can help you with whatever you want, whenever you want, and as many times as you want! I know I can't kill you cause you could just send me here and kill me off and then I'll never fulfill my purpose in this world. I can see that you're very hurt, while I can't help heal you I can stab what ever it is that did such damage to you in the first place! I have never actually done this type of system before as I had no need too and I value my life more than trying to take another's so I plan on never attacking you again."

Jack wasn't really lying as he has no interest anymore to try and kill this man and he has no interest in betrayal yet. Hell he'd never even lied before and feels that he'd be a terrible liar.

So what do you say? Have little old Jack here owe you infinite favors in which you can call upon anytime in exchange for my life or just kill me off? Hell I'll even throw my knife away so you know I can't stab you!" Jack grabbed the knife and just stuck it somewhere away from him as he held out his hand to form the deal.

@GingerBread ((You know I would totally take the deal, that's a pretty good lifetime deal for having a crazy murderer at your beck and call whenever you want plus he kills stuff fir a living so it's kinda of a win-win for everyone. Totally not biased since he's my character!))
"That sounds like a good deal, But if you try to hurt anyone i care about, which currently is like one person. You'll be sent right back here and get to see a atomic bomb explode up close" Vance replied as he shook Jack's hand "So how am i meant to contact you? Cause I don't own a phone and Since technology has gone crazy I'm kinda happy about that"

Fola stopped crawling and leaned against a wall, sighing at the apperance of the girl, "I swear to god if I meet one more unplesant person in this damn guild I'm going to drink so much I'll die from alcohol poisoning..." He planted his sword in the ground and used it to push himself up, he winced as he did so and put a hand on his ribs, "I look like shit because this day has been shit, what you see isn't even half of it...That guy over there probably smells like 'that bitch' because he got into close contact with her, it's not rocket science."

@Light @Lotusy
The Otaku Diaries]"Uhh. How should I know?" Ace replied to the female's question. She then attempted to change the subject of the conversation. "Isn't this place nice today?" Ace pointed behind the female and she noticed that there were destroyed cars and a broken bridge. She awkwardly laughed. "..... Of course I knew there were destroyed cars and a broken bridge here...." [/QUOTE] [QUOTE=Tazmodo]Jackson stood up on his two legs. "Man I love this healing." He looked at her. "Hey what's wrong? I heard you've been pissed of but this is insane. You tore through that plane. Thank you by the way." [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/10734-light/ said:
After Ace says her piece, she can feel Alice's fist connect with her jaw. She hits Ace with enough force to blow her off of the bridge into the water. The moment after, she makes her way over to Jackson and spins, slamming her foot into his head. He also received enough force to be knocked off of the bridge. "So anyone else want to waste my time with bullshit or answer my fuckin' question. I'm not here to play, hopefully that chick can find out how good the day is while she takes a swim."

( @Lotusy @LokiofSP @djinnamon )
LokiofSP said:
Fola stopped crawling and leaned against a wall, sighing at the apperance of the girl, "I swear to god if I meet one more unplesant person in this damn guild I'm going to drink so much I'll die from alcohol poisoning..." He planted his sword in the ground and used it to push himself up, he winced as he did so and put a hand on his ribs, "I look like shit because this day has been shit, what you see isn't even half of it...That guy over there probably smells like 'that bitch' because he got into close contact with her, it's not rocket science."

@Light @Lotusy
After Alice knocks away Ace and Jackson. She grabs Fola and headbutts him. After this she slams her foot into his knee cap and punches him in the nose with enough force to knock him into the water. "So it seems like you all think this is a game."
Jack looked at him curiously "Well I do live in London, I can give you my address for later purposes, and don't worry! You're the boss, I'll kill whoever you want dead! Hahahahahaha, anyways what's this about technology being chaotic also I would really enjoy being out in the open right now cause while this place is.... Homey I much prefer to see more than one color."

Jack gave a smile, he didn't like this but hey, if his order to kill stuff then Jacks happy!

Light said:
After Ace says her piece, she can feel Alice's fist connect with her jaw. She hits Ace with enough force to blow her off of the bridge into the water. The moment after, she makes her way over to Jackson and spins, slamming her foot into his head. He also received enough force to be knocked off of the bridge. "So anyone else want to waste my time with bullshit or answer my fuckin' question. I'm not here to play, hopefully that chick can find out how good the day is while she takes a swim."
( @Lotusy @LokiofSP @djinnamon )
Jackson barely managed to muster to words. "Oh shit" until she connected to his face. He started healing from his broken bones again and flew over to catch Ace.
"I don't know, I think some A.I's are trying to take over the world or something, I think they took over all electronics and sent them to kill people, Not sure if that's still going on. I was hit by a truck anyways." Vance replied in a bored tone as he shrugged "I should actually get back there. I'll take you with me" Vance said as he released himself and Jack from his darkness realm and teleported them to the guild.

@Archdemon @Light @djinnamon @Other people
Fola attempted to grab on to the bridge, not wanting to fall into the water with his injuries, he caught onto something but slipped, crashing in the water with a loud splash. Once he was under and falling, he screamed every curse word he could think of under the water, cursing the guild, cursing Ashlyn, cursing his mother for telling him of the guild, and cursing himself for making the journey out. He swam back up to the top of the water and took in a big breath of air.

He looked and the bridge and attempted to climb it, thinking as he did so, he slipped about five times on the way up. He did however, eventually make it up, he stood there, breathing heavily and looked at Alice, "Bitch. You never saw enough affection as a child so you grew up never knowing how to respond to positive emotions, you still don't, so instead of dealing with people PROPERLY, you attack and disrespect people. You can dish it out but you can't take it. Classic bitch."

LokiofSP said:
Fola attempted to grab on to the bridge, not wanting to fall into the water with his injuries, he caught onto something but slipped, crashing in the water with a loud splash. Once he was under and falling, he screamed every curse word he could think of under the water, cursing the guild, cursing Ashlyn, cursing his mother for telling him of the guild, and cursing himself for making the journey out. He swam back up to the top of the water and took in a big breath of air.
He looked and the bridge and attempted to climb it, thinking as he did so, he slipped about five times on the way up. He did however, eventually make it up, he stood there, breathing heavily and looked at Alice, "Bitch. You never saw enough affection as a child so you grew up never knowing how to respond to positive emotions, you still don't, so instead of dealing with people PROPERLY, you attack and disrespect people. You can dish it out but you can't take it. Classic bitch."


Damian ran faster than light, pulling Richard with him and spun around such to wrap around Fola and use Damian as a shield from her obviously incoming slaughter feast, grabbing him and running off

Richard stood, his strength up, electrically charged to electrocute and stun her once she touched him
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Jack looked around "This is the beacon place I saw earlier correct? The one near the Chinese capital if we're still in China. Who built this place as it's very mystical! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. No seriously where are we?"

"Yeah, I've no idea where we are, I've stopped questioning it at this point. I just go along with it cause if I don't, I just get bugged until I do" Vance replied as he made a chair out of darkness and sat down, waiting to see what was going to happen next "So just I don't know, kill anyone who attacks me, just don't get yourself killed yet"

Light said:
After Ace says her piece, she can feel Alice's fist connect with her jaw. She hits Ace with enough force to blow her off of the bridge into the water. The moment after, she makes her way over to Jackson and spins, slamming her foot into his head. He also received enough force to be knocked off of the bridge. "So anyone else want to waste my time with bullshit or answer my fuckin' question. I'm not here to play, hopefully that chick can find out how good the day is while she takes a swim."
( @Lotusy @LokiofSP @djinnamon )
Tazmodo said:
Jackson barely managed to muster to words. "Oh shit" until she connected to his face. He started healing from his broken bones again and flew over to catch Ace.
Ace did a flip to try to stop herself from falling down the bridge. Key word: try. After she dropped in the water, she hissed at the female and stepped out. "How unpleasant." She muttered while running her hand through her hair.
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Tazmodo said:
Jackson landed by her. "Yeah we need to leave. Now. There are very few people who stand a chance against her and no one here is it. Let's go to Ashlyn and hopefully she'll resolve this." He picked her up and flew over to Ashlyn.
Jasmine and Derek ran inside.

Theodore called out again. "Hey man I'm sorry I called you that. Can we just talk about this? Please." He called out.

Ace sighed. "Well that was very unpleasant."
[QUOTE="The Otaku Diaries]Ace sighed. "Well that was very unpleasant."

Jacksons face turned red. "Oh sorry about that I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable. Do you have any broken bones or injurys?"
DizjayDeathPride said:
( ! ) Morpheus looked ahead with the group. "Formation 2 Modification B."
7 more copies of Morpheus stood, each given a bow of light from Ryan. They drew the string and were multiplied by 20 by Decimus, circling right around Hades, letting go of the arrow
Embaga Elder]Inaro smiles as he runs toward Hades and punches boulders with his Bio-metal enlarger fist. Shattering them. He catches the last one and throws it back [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/10734-light/ said:
The Hades takes heavy damage and begins to raise mecha zombies. It seemed like The Hades didn't have high attack skill, just environmental manipulation. The Hades focuses on the volcano, getting it at the near brink of eruption to decimate this continent and affect the world with ash. The Hades releases a thick black fog which slowly kills to hold off the Dragon's Roar members.

Tazmodo said:
Theodore used the guilds teleportation to get out of the water. "Yo dude chill it's not that serious. I only came to talk shit. Why do you guys always have to kill weren't you made by humans?" He said while on the shore. He dried himself off with a towel. He thought for a sec. "Was it the bolts for brains thing because that was just a joke. But I'm not kidding about the complaint thing you're killing a lot of innocent people."
The waters begin to calm down and the Poseidon slowly shows itself.

djinnamon said:
(!) A torrent of Fire , Ice and Light shoot toward Alice. Sage and Sarah stand behind her in god form and glare.
Tazmodo said:
Jasmine yelled out. "She's inside." To the woman. "Guys she's her sister like chill out." @Light
LokiofSP said:
Fola attempted to grab on to the bridge, not wanting to fall into the water with his injuries, he caught onto something but slipped, crashing in the water with a loud splash. Once he was under and falling, he screamed every curse word he could think of under the water, cursing the guild, cursing Ashlyn, cursing his mother for telling him of the guild, and cursing himself for making the journey out. He swam back up to the top of the water and took in a big breath of air.
He looked and the bridge and attempted to climb it, thinking as he did so, he slipped about five times on the way up. He did however, eventually make it up, he stood there, breathing heavily and looked at Alice, "Bitch. You never saw enough affection as a child so you grew up never knowing how to respond to positive emotions, you still don't, so instead of dealing with people PROPERLY, you attack and disrespect people. You can dish it out but you can't take it. Classic bitch."

Archdemon said:
Jack looked around "This is the beacon place I saw earlier correct? The one near the Chinese capital if we're still in China. Who built this place as it's very mystical! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. No seriously where are we?"
DizjayDeathPride said:
Damian ran faster than light, pulling Richard with him and spun around such to wrap around Fola and use Damian as a shield from her obviously incoming slaughter feast, grabbing him and running off

Richard stood, his strength up, electrically charged to electrocute and stun her once she touched him
The fire washes over Alice and the ice shatters on her skin. She bends her knee backwards to hit Sage square in the private area while she leans forward. She ends up pushing Sage up above her and raises her arm to grab on to his collar, slamming him head first into the ground before her. She spins around and the back of her fist connects with Sarah's neck while she adjusts her footing, having her left foot on top of Sage's face. She puts in more strength too blow her far from the bridge since apparently Sarah was in god mode. She begins to walk forward and dusts her shoulders off. "Each and every one of you better be at Alpha rank if you're going too challenge me." She seemed to know bout Dragon's Roar and their ranking system for some reason. Her durability made Sage's ice shatter like glass on cement and other attacks may have the same affect. "Looks like Jackson has gotten smarten since the last time I saw him. Now he's flirting with some other chick after he suddenly told me he loves me a while ago. Lady killer.... I'm proud." Alice looks around at everyone else. "So do you all want to continue pointless fighting because I honestly don't. I just want to warn Ashlyn about something so moving out of my way would be nice. I asked for her location and most of you decided to stray from the question so I hit your shit. So what? Get a bandaid and quit bitchin'."
Sage growled and teleported in front the woman and kicked her in the face sending her flying. Sarah appeared behind Alice and grabbed her by the neck before slamming her into the ground and dragging her along.(!) Sarah then threw her into the air and Sage froze into a block of ice.

Light said:
The Hades takes heavy damage and begins to raise mecha zombies. It seemed like The Hades didn't have high attack skill, just environmental manipulation. The Hades focuses on the volcano, getting it at the near brink of eruption to decimate this continent and affect the world with ash. The Hades releases a thick black fog which slowly kills to hold off the Dragon's Roar members.
The waters begin to calm down and the Poseidon slowly shows itself.

The fire washes over Alice and the ice shatters on her skin. She bends her knee backwards to hit Sage square in the private area while she leans forward. She ends up pushing Sage up above her and raises her arm to grab on to his collar, slamming him head first into the ground before her. She spins around and the back of her fist connects with Sarah's neck while she adjusts her footing, having her left foot on top of Sage's face. She puts in more strength too blow her far from the bridge since apparently Sarah was in god mode. She begins to walk forward and dusts her shoulders off. "Each and every one of you better be at Alpha rank if you're going too challenge me." She seemed to know bout Dragon's Roar and their ranking system for some reason. Her durability made Sage's ice shatter like glass on cement and other attacks may have the same affect. "Looks like Jackson has gotten smarten since the last time I saw him. Now he's flirting with some other chick after he suddenly told me he loves me a while ago. Lady killer.... I'm proud." Alice looks around at everyone else. "So do you all want to continue pointless fighting because I honestly don't. I just want to warn Ashlyn about something so moving out of my way would be nice. I asked for her location and most of you decided to stray from the question so I hit your shit. So what? Get a bandaid and quit bitchin'."
Theodore smiles as he came out. "We can have peanut butter and Jelly sandwiches. Just come talk to me."

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