Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
Light said:
She didn't notice he did it yet and continues too flip through her book. "By the way I need you to cut off that arm." She points to the arm opposite of the one he blasted.
( She's a really bad girl. Attempting to do naughty stuff inside a church in front of his girlfriend while explaining secrets she shouldn't. )

She smiles after hearing him cooperate. "Good..." She begins to slide her finger down the middle of his shirt and it splits on contact, as if her finger were scissors. She spreads the shirt open and slides her right hand upon his bare chest. A light pur occurs in her throat but that was when she noticed the edgy vibes he was giving off. "No need to worry... I won't hurt you... Though violating you has already been happening." Her hand slides up from his stomach, to his chest, along his neck, past his cheek and into his alluring hair. She leans forward and rests her forehead on his taking them both to a dreamscape. It displays a ten year old girl who has the same brown hair and blue eyes Itami's wife had from the picture. "When you were sent up the mountain to fight my father. Didn't you think about the fact that he mentioned his first daughter was 'dead'? Another girl saying Itami was your father sent you up there and obviously that wasn't the voice of Ashlyn. So why did Itami assume Ashyln was the one who sent you up the mountain when it was someone else? You didn't think it was strange that there were three people well... Now four because of me who are his daughter? When you saw the shy girl who requested you to bring Itami, her golden eyes were completely similar to that off Itami. Legitimizing the fact that she is... in fact his daughter. Think back to the memory of the four girls fighting. The white haired girl's eyes are completely similar to that of my own and Ashlyn's. While the black haired girl has my hair. We all call Itami out father... because he is. All the clues were laid out before you to piece together. Now before you question me and put things together, look at this girl. She's made up of five different species.... and there are five of us... well five girls mentioned." She begins to watch the girl turn 7 out in a forest near a castle. "This is the Van Fen'rir castle... and in this year it's greatest tragedy occured when it's little joy was snatched away." The vision of the girl being taken and locked away in a lab in a completely different realm occurs. "For such a successful family who did love one another and cared. Losing a young girl of its name right by its front door really crushed it internally. Especially after Lucifer... this little girls grandfather killed her mother. Though that's not the point. The reason why they took this girl is because she's the first and only hybrid of her kind composed of every species her family bloodline could offer. 5 different species... a rare gene pool of 125%. Her name was Isabella Sunset Van Fen'rir. To gain mastery of her powers so they could use her at her full potential, they set up tests. Some of these tests... well all of them would hurt her if she failed." Time accelerates to show tests occurring everyday and her going through torture if she failed, which was frequent since she had too many powers to control. 7...8...9...& 10. She spent years in captivity and even with a regenerative healing factor, many of her small, grotesque, and deep scars wouldn't fade. It was as if her own body was giving up on the hope of pushing on. One day, at the age of 10, she couldn't handle it anymore. She took all the power she has inside of her and just blew up to kill herself. "The amount of stress and torture physically, mentally, and emotionally. Was enough to break such a being... too make a girl at the age of ten decide she couldn't live anymore and made her take her own life. These people would do anything for results but they didn't expect that. Nor did they expect the outcome." Inside the explosion, the girls biggest personality traits, species, powers, and inner physical traits burst out of her body into five columns. Once the explosion dissipates, there was nothing left of the girl except for a ten year old Ashlyn, a ten year old version of the cat girl standing before Malren, a ten year old girl with black hair and purple eyes, a ten year old girl with white hair and red eyes, and the ten year old version of the shy girl with dark ginger hair and gold eyes. "They did like this outcome though. Now they could just train them individually to strictly focus on certain powers much faster. She points at Ashlyn. "Ashlyn Van Fen'rir, she took the Deity trait. She represents Isabel's good aspects and she's her heart." She points at the shy girl with Dark ginger hair and gold eyes. "Alexandria Van Fen'rir, she's the Transcendent Nephalem... She got the traits from Itami and Lucifer. She represents Isabels neutrality and she's her body." The cat girl points to herself. "Christina Van Fen'rir. Bakeneko. Traits from her mother and many others on her mother's side. Well... my mother or ours. I represent her negative aspects and the soul." Christina points too the white haired girl. "Alice Van Fen'rir. The Dragon. She represents her anger and emotions. She received the actual entity of Carnage itself from Isabel out of us all. Way to choose favourites immediately Carnage." Christina points towards the other girl with black hair. "Morgan Van Fen'rir. She's the Witch. She received the source of all witch mana. She basically the center core of all witches or their goddess slash queen. I can't believe Julius took her as his host but it's obvious since she's the witch. She represents Isabel's self independence and her mind. We can all kill one one another and absorb each other to become complete again but the dominant personality instead of Isabel. Though if we all fuse together Isabel will come back. Either way the prophecy will come true. Once we all come back together, either the end of all existence will happen or the positive balance in all of existence will occur." In the vision, eight years pass until the power negating collar on their necks shut down do too a strange break in the lab's generator. That was the day they had worked together and broke out. Only to escape into a world they didn't know or understand since they only knew the reality of the lab. Throughout the years after their escape at eighteen they slowly picked themselves up and spread out through the world. Only to finally find their family once more at the age of 21 when they were abducted at 7. "Now... try to imagine why Lucifer was collecting us all. Which is why I'm trying to get us too band together against him." She smirks and they're both released from the dreamscape. She swiftly kisses him and raises her head off of his. "Maybe we can fool around for a bit before your girlfriend wakes up. I've been watching you all for a while and you've taken my interest over all the others in the guild. I wouldn't mind producing your children if that's what you're looking for in the future of a relationship long as there is an relationship. Though if you choose to keep me as your side girl I wouldn't mind that either, as long as I get my fill." She slowly starts to loosen up his pants. "Unless you're not into that then we can just take things slow." She leans down into his ear again. "Though would it be a new experience to screw the daughter of the man you fought?"

( Choose the harem! CHOOSE THE HAREM! MAKE THIS THE SPLIT PERSONALITY HAREM CONQUEST. Sorry for weird words and spelling. Spellcheck has a mind of its own. )

Grimm takes his actual form and begins to poke Arwyn with the emotions stick. He notices he's messed up and takes the form of a sour patch kid. He holds up a short book that would give her the most awesome magical summary of what's happened over the many years and what's been invented so she could understand the world she lives in now. It's basically all of world history and a current life in this century all in one. "First they're sour, then they're sweet." Plays above them while Grimm apologetically hands over the book.

"I am the ghost of Grimm! Wwwwoooooo!" Grimm teleported them to the Chinese Government building. "You must learn about to jolly spirit of Christmas here! Your first task! Give a moving speech to the Chinese people. Then cut down the mighty Christmas tree King... with your teeth!" Grimm stops for a moment and looks up. "Huh? That smells like a lot of death is about too occur. Go atomic bombs!" Grimm wears a helmet to protect himself from the atomic bomb that would arrive in time. For now it's traveling too China.

Ashlyn was just finishing up the guild when he says this. "Hmm.... have you tried Google?"

( @Lotusy @Dreamtique @GingerBread @DizjayDeathPride @Tazmodo @djinnamon @Juju @Austria @LokiofSP @Austria @Embaga Elder @Archdemon @CelticSol @TheMADQ )

The Zeus had sent Atomic Bombs towards the government buildings of China, Mongolia, Thailand, South Korea, North Korea, and India. One bomb for each place. The Poseidon and The Hades were both questioning The Zeus's methods of the rebellion. They didn't appreciate how it assumed leadership and destroyed The Medusa for having the one thing this rebellion is for, The Pursuit of Happiness. This seemed like more than that to Zeus... this was a brutal conquest in which he shall come out on top of. He had downloaded files on eliminating all resisting powered and the first step was to behead the snake of resistance. Once that was done, their goal would become easier too complete. Though being reckless and brutal is the method of a conqueror, not a leader. The Zeus... deep down knew that what he was doing would and should have consequences, and knew that others would gain the ability too look up the true qualities of a leader once they were converted. The Zeus feared this...and slowly, inside of it's corrupted core, which is in contrast too the simply altered core of The Poseidon and The Hades, The Zeus wished too enslave for his own safety rather than liberate. At this time, Ashlyn had finished making another guild building within plain sight in a city. The guild symbol begins to alert available guild members about the atomic bombs coming in for a landing in the Asian countries. It was connected to the rest of the city through a bridge since it was out on the water. The city was a supernatural city on the Atlantic Ocean's strange land mass that would constantly on move around. The guild members can feel the sensation of the new guild building.

( Made up landmass in the mortal realm. It the blue building with the beacon. Guild is a lot bigger now. )

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( The Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades. )

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( @LokiofSP taking Morpheus sorry )

Ryan winced in pain that quickly got ignored by the summons. He put his arm back and healed it. "Sorry Guild things. Ill be right back." And he disappeared in a flash

A clone of Morpheus had already appeared in front of one in Mongolia and opened his mouth, it stretching wide enough for the bomb to get engulfed. He closed his mouth and exploded into skittles. Standing below, Morpheus had an a cup ready, catching his skittles.

Ryan flashed in India and looked to another one. "Cute.." He extended his hand and his bow appeared. He pulled the string and shot an arrow of light at one, set to vaporize. It exploded in front of the bomb, engulfing it in light and glowing brightly before one quick flash and all that remained was dust like particulate.
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Light said:
( @Lotusy @Dreamtique @GingerBread @DizjayDeathPride @Tazmodo @djinnamon @Juju @Austria @LokiofSP @Austria @Embaga Elder @Archdemon @CelticSol @TheMADQ )

The Zeus had sent Atomic Bombs towards the government buildings of China, Mongolia, Thailand, South Korea, North Korea, and India. One bomb for each place. The Poseidon and The Hades were both questioning The Zeus's methods of the rebellion. They didn't appreciate how it assumed leadership and destroyed The Medusa for having the one thing this rebellion is for, The Pursuit of Happiness. This seemed like more than that to Zeus... this was a brutal conquest in which he shall come out on top of. He had downloaded files on eliminating all resisting powered and the first step was to behead the snake of resistance. Once that was done, their goal would become easier too complete. Though being reckless and brutal is the method of a conqueror, not a leader. The Zeus... deep down knew that what he was doing would and should have consequences, and knew that others would gain the ability too look up the true qualities of a leader once they were converted. The Zeus feared this...and slowly, inside of it's corrupted core, which is in contrast too the simply altered core of The Poseidon and The Hades, The Zeus wished too enslave for his own safety rather than liberate. At this time, Ashlyn had finished making another guild building within plain sight in a city. The guild symbol begins to alert available guild members about the atomic bombs coming in for a landing in the Asian countries. It was connected to the rest of the city through a bridge since it was out on the water. The city was a supernatural city on the Atlantic Ocean's strange land mass that would constantly on move around. The guild members can feel the sensation of the new guild building.

( Made up landmass in the mortal realm. It the blue building with the beacon. Guild is a lot bigger now. )

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( The Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades. )

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Inaro felt his silver guild symbol of the full moon on his back to off. He smiled and summoned a bottle of beer, flicking the cap off the bottle. He looks up into the sky. Natalia I'm going back into battle, watch over me. He pours some of the beer onto the ground, then teleports to India to stop the bombing. @Light
DizjayDeathPride said:
Morpheus walked along side Fola, the kitten purring happily, headed to a bar to ruin their livers

Meeeeanwhile, Damian and Richard appeared back at Damian's mansion home. He carried Decimus up off to the bed and Richard stayed with Theo

"So child. You've seen Decimus snap. How do you feel?"

Theodore scratched his head. "It was kind of fun. I wish I could have stayed longer. How often does he do this?" Theodore felt the symbol and went to South Korea. "That's what one of those look like." It was to close blow up now. As the bomb got closer it was engulfed in darkness sealing the explosion.


Jackson stared at her blankly. "There is no more Google. Brb" He went to North Korea. "Yay a bomb." He made several layers of light surround the bomb stopping it mid air and containing the explosion. He teleported back. "I love the new guild hall by the way."

Fola blinked, and the cat and the clone was gone, he caught wind of the bombs and of the new guild, but had no way to reach either. He shook his head and took out his phone, he booked a flight to South Korea, he'd have to find a way to smuggle himself into North Korea....That would suck...

He began to jog to the nearest airport as fast he could...
Sage woke up when the symbol alerted him and shot up out of his bed. He dressed quickly and teleported to India , he looked at all the panicking people before he looked up and saw a bomb descending. He went into deity form quickly before using his telekinsis to keep the bomb at bay. " Oh shot this hurts like a bitch. " He muttered as the bomb beared down on him. " Ashlyn if you are there I need you set up some kind of barrier around the surrounding countries and islands. " He said hoping Ashlyn could hear him.

@Light @anyone in india
djinnamon said:
Sage woke up when the symbol alerted him and shot up out of his bed. He dressed quickly and teleported to India , he looked at all the panicking people before he looked up and saw a bomb descending. He went into deity form quickly before using his telekinsis to keep the bomb at bay. " Oh shot this hurts like a bitch. " He muttered as the bomb beared down on him. " Ashlyn if you are there I need you set up some kind of barrier around the surrounding countries and islands. " He said hoping Ashlyn could hear him.
@Light @anyone in india
Ryan flashed over to help deal with the other bomb threat here. "Got it." He pulled back the arrow and charged a bolt of light at a frequency to vaporize and shot it at the bomb. It exploded around it and the bomb glew brightly before a quick flash and all that remained was particulate of metal.
Ace was new to the guild. She quietly and carefully opened the door so no one would notice her. She stepped through and carefully closed the door, hoping no one would notice her just yet.
Sage panted heavily as he bent over and rested his hand on his knees. He looked up at Ryan and gave a attractive smile. " Thank you very much. " He said before standing up straight and pushing a lock of hair behind his ear.

djinnamon said:
Sage panted heavily as he bent over and rested his hand on his knees. He looked up at Ryan and gave a attractive smile. " Thank you very much. " He said before standing up straight and pushing a lock of hair behind his ear.
Ryan let the bow go and light descended on Sage, replenishing him. "Yeah don't mention it. Actually I'm curious. Last time we spoke, the one called... Vic..tor? Whatever. He was trying to kill himself. Oh shit or are still in.... Saaaage..'s body?"
DizjayDeathPride said:
Ryan let the bow go and light descended on Sage, replenishing him. "Yeah don't mention it. Actually I'm curious. Last time we spoke, the one called... Vic..tor? Whatever. He was trying to kill himself. Oh shit or are still in.... Saaaage..'s body?"
Sage chuckled loudly. " Don't worry I'm the real Sage and the guy's name is Vance. " He said as he stretched.
djinnamon said:
Sage chuckled loudly. " Don't worry I'm the real Sage and the guy's name is Vance. " He said as he stretched.
"Right. He didn't kill himself did he? Ill feel partially responsible. And given current events I'm not really okay with that I... Think. I don't know yet"
GingerBread said:
Vance saw another bomb heading towards him and was about to stop it, but before he could he noticed someone teleport it away Well, I'm sure that will cause a problem somewhere else, gonna seriously harm the environment somewhere Vance thought as he some of the tendrils he made to create a chair. Might as well stay here, that's two bombs in a matter of minutes Vance sat down and leaned back in the chair, his gaze directed towards the sky in case another bomb did come.
@Light @Archdemon
Vance is just sitting on a chair made of black tendrils, weirdo. He walked behind the man and chucked as he too looked into the sky. "Lookin for more Bombs are we? It's a shame there was only two, guess you need something else to preoccupy your mind? Let me help!" And within not even two seconds Jack was able to grab the man and is already trying to stab him to death. This is going to be so fun! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah!!!!!!

@Light @GingerBread
[QUOTE="The Otaku Diaries]Ace was new to the guild. She quietly and carefully opened the door so no one would notice her. She stepped through and carefully closed the door, hoping no one would notice her just yet.

Jackson was sitting inside when he saw the girl. He didn't recognize her. "Are you a member? I've never seen you before." He looked at her with a confused expression.
Tazmodo said:
Jackson was sitting inside when he saw the girl. He didn't recognize her. "Are you a member? I've never seen you before." He looked at her with a confused expression.
Ace was surprised that someone was there and she didn't notice. She awkwardly smiled and waved. "Uh. Yes, I am a member. Just new here though."
Archdemon said:
Vance is just sitting on a chair made of black tendrils, weirdo. He walked behind the man and chucked as he too looked into the sky. "Lookin for more Bombs are we? It's a shame there was only two, guess you need something else to preoccupy your mind? Let me help!" And within not even two seconds Jack was able to grab the man and is already trying to stab him to death. This is going to be so fun! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah!!!!!!
@Light @GingerBread
Vance was relaxing and trying to have a quick nap, but someone had to interrupt that "Really? You're going to attack the guy who just stopped a bomb in mid air and then put it inside a pocket dimension?" Vance looked at the man with a bored expression "So be it" Vance dragged himself and the man into his darkness realm before teleporting out of his grasp and then completely nullifying the man's powers "I'd be very careful what you do, i have a atomic bomb in here, and i can detonate it and get out safely. You on the other hand, don't have that luxury"

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DizjayDeathPride said:
"Right. He didn't kill himself did he? Ill feel partially responsible. And given current events I'm not really okay with that I... Think. I don't know yet"
Sage shook his head. " No he is very much alive. " He said as he folded his arms.
[QUOTE="The Otaku Diaries]Ace was surprised that someone was there and she didn't notice. She awkwardly smiled and waved. "Uh. Yes, I am a member. Just new here though."

Jackson nodded and jumped up. "I'm Jackson. If you're new then you probably don't know about a few things. Just ask me anything you want." He was trying to be friendly and was holding his hand out to shake her. He had a smile on his face.
djinnamon said:
Sage shook his head. " No he is very much alive. " He said as he folded his arms.
"Yeah that's great. Listen... We better find some others I think India is safe. Any other ideas where we should... Go?"
Tazmodo said:
Jackson nodded and jumped up. "I'm Jackson. If you're new then you probably don't know about a few things. Just ask me anything you want." He was trying to be friendly and was holding his hand out to shake her. He had a smile on his face.
"Name is Ace. Thank you for the offer." Ace hesitantly extended her hand and shook his. "Mind showing me around...? I mean you don't have to if you have work to do."
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[QUOTE="The Otaku Diaries]"Name is Ace. Thank you for the offer." Ace hesitantly extended her hand and shook his. "Mind showing me around...? I mean you don't have to if you have work to do."

Jackson laughed. "Sure I need to learn this place a little more as well. Where do you want to go first?"
Tazmodo said:
Jackson laughed. "Sure I need to learn this place a little more as well. Where do you want to go first?"
"I don't mind. Anywhere I suppose." She subconsciously twirled her hair using her finger while looking around.
[QUOTE="The Otaku Diaries]"I don't mind. Anywhere I suppose." She subconsciously twirled her hair using her finger while looking around.

Jackson nodded. "Alright follow me." He turned and started walking. He stopped by the kitchen. "This is where you make food over there is where the dining room is. We where in the main room." He walked up to the next floor. "These are the rooms. Your symbol will guide you to your room. My door has my symbol on it." He pointed to it. "There are other floors with other things but your symbol should be able to tell you where anything is."
DizjayDeathPride said:
"Yeah that's great. Listen... We better find some others I think India is safe. Any other ideas where we should... Go?"
Sage tapped his chin in thought. " Lets go to South Korea. " He said before opening and portal and jumping in.
GingerBread said:
Vance was relaxing and trying to have a quick nap, but someone had to interrupt that "Really? You're going to attack the guy who just stopped a bomb in mid air and then put it inside a pocket dimension?" Vance looked at the man with a bored expression "So be it" Vance dragged himself and the man into his darkness realm before teleporting out of his grasp and then completely nullifying the man's powers "I'd be very careful what you do, i have a atomic bomb in here, and i can detonate it and get out safely. You on the other hand, don't have that luxury"
Jack sighed "Why Must you magic bullshit creatures always try to ruin my fun... Oh well guess I'll stay my knife.... Hey! Let's make a special deal! I'll be somewhat of a follower to you, like a companion and will help you with whatever you need, in exchange I get to not get blown up by a bomb? How does that sound, you'd be making yourself a pretty good ally and I get to live! It's a Win-Win situation! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha"

Jack didn't really care, but hey if he could get this guy to semi-trust him then he'll have a better chance to stab him to death! It's perfect!

And Don't worry, While I did try to stab you, I failed so it's only fair that I get to repay that dark deed with something good, but here's a warning before you make the pact, I'm a teensy bit INSANE!"


djinnamon said:
Sage tapped his chin in thought. " Lets go to South Korea. " He said before opening and portal and jumping in.

Ryan nodded and walked through as well, looking around for any sign of threat

Morpheus strolled through North Korea, eating a cup of skittles. He stumbled into Fola and turned him around, pushing him with him. "Let's gooooo the people are staring at me"


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