Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
Tazmodo said:
Theodore scratched his head. "That actually makes sense also how long has she been running his back? We've had a full conversation."
Morpheus stopped and looked down to the boy. "We don't speak of continuity errors here sir. It's only been a few seconds hush don't do this to us please"
Light said:
At this moment, the time Luna had said such memories will never leave you to Vance and Sage, had been confirmed. Which added another tally to the 'Luna is always right' board. Ashlyn starts to sit up and creates a small light for herself. "I'm fine.... Thank you." She notices the smirk they're giving each other and slowly floats away. She didn't want to be here when they did... that... since she's never done.... that herself. Though she does hear their thoughts and... moans when she accidentally leaves her communication link opens when they do it. She's never been do caught off guard before in her life. "I'm gonna go create a new guild. Hopefully I can get it done soon."
djinnamon said:
" I see , why can't I die before you. " He asked
"Right okay, see you soon Ashlyn" Vance smiled at her before turning to Sage "You can't die before me, because as long as I'm alive, I'm not going to let you die" Vance said as he smiled warmly at Sage.

@djinnamon @Light
Light said:
At this moment, the time Luna had said such memories will never leave you to Vance and Sage, had been confirmed. Which added another tally to the 'Luna is always right' board. Ashlyn starts to sit up and creates a small light for herself. "I'm fine.... Thank you." She notices the smirk they're giving each other and slowly floats away. She didn't want to be here when they did... that... since she's never done.... that herself. Though she does hear their thoughts and... moans when she accidentally leaves her communication link opens when they do it. She's never been do caught off guard before in her life. "I'm gonna go create a new guild. Hopefully I can get it done soon."
Malren was suddenly pulled into the Phantom Realm. A place of lost and forgotten ghosts, memories, dreams, power, hopes, and beings. The girl with black hair and red eyes stands before him in a burned down church in a burned and snowed over town. The realm had grey skies and black clouds. As if the depressed realm itself was a cast away dream. Kinziel was asleep, sitting down in the front row of the church's seats. "It's nice to see you've come to my call." The cat girl smiles and slowly strolls over. "I saved her in case you didn't come back to me.... Malren." She was behind him suddenly and wraps her arms loosely around his neck, hugging him from behind. She had gotten so close to his ear, her soft but cold lips had gently caressed it when she whispered his name. She rests her head on his shoulder and let's her head lean on his own as her hands inspect his chest and stomach slowly. "Now let me tell you about the Van Fen'rir tragedy. If you're a patient listener then you'll get your girlfriend back." She pushes Malren into one of the church's couch-like seats and straddles his hips. She begins to draw little circles on his chest. "Well... you'll have to be cooperative as well. Will you accept or reject? Be careful... one open might hurt my feelings Malren. I don't like diamonds like you putting me down."

Red Flag Grimm begins to cry red flags. "R-Red Flag! Embarrassing me on National television!" It seemed like the Grimm raid would never end. "How will Jack get the answers he wants? Will he kill Red Flag Grimm? Or will he take the time out? Find out next time on, I Fucking Hate Cliffhangers!" Another Grimm was in a narrator's box above them.

"Well I don't see anything wrong with that, whatever." She snaps her finger and gives him the ability to see the magic organ. "Dont go ham with them. Or else you'll have an actual reason to keep visiting me so I can recharge them." Morgan assumed Ryan didn't want to be here all the time and shrugs her shoulders. "Now step right there on that symbol and mutilate yourself or something."

( @Dreamtique @Tazmodo @DizjayDeathPride @LokiofSP )

The Medusa was about to accept but suddenly from an open outlet, a spear of electricity rips through her core and goes through Decimus's chest. Instantly cutting off The Medusa from the world for good. It seemed like the Zeus didn't like what was going on.

"Arwyn! The details don't matter! Just accept the food so you won't die! I would never lie to you! I'm your son!" Grimm hugs her. "I'm talking about joining Dragon's Roar. I was the talking dog from before!" He was still hugging her in the form of a small boy with her features. "I love you mommy."
Ryan blinked quickly. "I... Wow. Huh. That was... Fast. This is why I like you. And you know I'm going to come around here more often naturally when DR isn't always in danger, right? I'm quite smitten with you actually." He took a stand on the symbol and looked up, closing his eyes "Please tell me you're joking" He grabbed his left arm and inhaled deeply. "You can stop me at aaaanytime you know?" A beam of light charged in his right hand. "Aaaaanytime....." He waited a moment then shot the beam through his arm

Decimus stared in shock, blood coughing from is mouth. His eyes flashed a bright Purple and his Cloak of the Underworld ripped out. An endless black with faint death purple swimming through. The ground shook violently, ripping apart. He still stared, the blade through his chest as the Dam rumbled and shook apart

Tazmodo said:
Theodore scratched his head. "That actually makes sense also how long has she been running his back? We've had a full conversation."
Morpheus too stared. In fear more so than anger. "Oh crap... Hey Theo... It would be a good idea to leave Decimus. Now. Right now. RIGHT NOW!" Morpheus ran and jumped off the Dam and ino the water

The Dam began to break and rip apart, chunks of the stone floating in the air, water gushing. Thousands upon thousands of the Damned ripped out of the ground, pouring onto the Dam. Decimus pushed himself off and screamed and pain and anger. The wave itself enough to cause the Dam to rip apart more, Damned Cyclops and Trolls and many more Underworld creatures poured out
( Wait , Ashlyn hears Sage and Vance going at it at times. Whoa the poor girl. )

Sage waved at Ashlyn. " Ok stay safe. " he said before smiling and hugging Vance tightly as he teleported them to his bed room.

( I think this is a god time for baby making if that is ok with you light! )

@Light @GingerBread
DizjayDeathPride said:
Morpheus stopped and looked down to the boy. "We don't speak of continuity errors here sir. It's only been a few seconds hush don't do this to us please"
Theodore was about to respond when Decimus was attacked. He didn't know what was happening. "Wait Morpheus what's wrong?!" He watched Decimus freak out. He took the water from the damn and washed away the dead. Decimus was pulled into the water then spit back out. Theodore ran over to him. "Decimus what happened?!"

Gazelle had been keeping tracking of Decimus when she noticed something had went terribly wrong she was enraged. She cut through the earth leave a giant fissure and went out. She would deal with the others later. She went instantly to Decimus and blew away all of the dead. She threw him into the water and Angel started to heal him. She did not want to make Gazelle mad.
Light said:
Malren was suddenly pulled into the Phantom Realm. A place of lost and forgotten ghosts, memories, dreams, power, hopes, and beings. The girl with black hair and red eyes stands before him in a burned down church in a burned and snowed over town. The realm had grey skies and black clouds. As if the depressed realm itself was a cast away dream. Kinziel was asleep, sitting down in the front row of the church's seats. "It's nice to see you've come to my call." The cat girl smiles and slowly strolls over. "I saved her in case you didn't come back to me.... Malren." She was behind him suddenly and wraps her arms loosely around his neck, hugging him from behind. She had gotten so close to his ear, her soft but cold lips had gently caressed it when she whispered his name. She rests her head on his shoulder and let's her head lean on his own as her hands inspect his chest and stomach slowly. "Now let me tell you about the Van Fen'rir tragedy. If you're a patient listener then you'll get your girlfriend back." She pushes Malren into one of the church's couch-like seats and straddles his hips. She begins to draw little circles on his chest. "Well... you'll have to be cooperative as well. Will you accept or reject? Be careful... one open might hurt my feelings Malren. I don't like diamonds like you putting me down."
Malren felt a tugging sensation in his gut as his shadow pulled him away, into the Phantom Realm. The sensation was so terrible that Malren shut his eyes to prevent the disorientation from getting to him. When the world stopped rotating, Mal opened his eyes, only to be greeted by a depressing sight. The snow was settling on a burnt town... and if Malren looked closely, he could see the burning remnants of his forest overlap in a blurry vision against the ruined town. And then, he spotted her. The cat-eared girl from before, and behind her, Kinziel. A ray of hope shook through his heart, though he quickly snuffed it out as the cat girl advanced upon him.

"What do you want?" Though it wasn't visible, Malren's back began getting hairy, spiking with a bear's fur in nervous anticipation. He growled uncomfortably as she hugged him from behind, but didn't struggle. "Good to see you again, or not, miss," he growled. When she offered him the option to listen to the story, he had no option, since Kinziel's existence was on the line. He responded with a silent nod, then a surprised stare as the girl started getting more... comfortable with him. Though he felt embarrassed when he was shoved down onto the seat, Malren fought back the blush, replacing it with a hard stare. Maybe the Malren from a few days ago, the fearful whelp on the ship, would have become flustered and lightheaded at this action, the Malren of now felt no such thing. He had lost too much, fought too much, to give up at this point. Trying to keep his tone polite, he slowly rumbled. "Alright. Tell me the story."
Vance noticed Sage had teleported them to his room "Why are we here?" Vance asked as he pried Sage off of him "I mean i'm fine with just sleeping, especially after what just happened" Vance said before he started smiling provocatively at Sage "But something tells me you want to do something other than sleeping"


@Light So are we (re)introducing the babies? Or not yet?
djinnamon said:
( Wait , Ashlyn hears Sage and Vance going at it at times. Whoa the poor girl. )
Sage waved at Ashlyn. " Ok stay safe. " he said before smiling and hugging Vance tightly as he teleported them to his bed room.

( I think this is a god time for baby making if that is ok with you light! )

@Light @GingerBread
GingerBread said:
Vance noticed Sage had teleported them to his room "Why are we here?" Vance asked as he pried Sage off of him "I mean i'm fine with just sleeping, especially after what just happened" Vance said before he started smiling provocatively at Sage "But something tells me you want to do something other than sleeping"


@Light So are we (re)introducing the babies? Or not yet?
( No. Wait until the arc for it. )
Tazmodo said:
Theodore was about to respond when Decimus was attacked. He didn't know what was happening. "Wait Morpheus what's wrong?!" He watched Decimus freak out. He took the water from the damn and washed away the dead. Decimus was pulled into the water then spit back out. Theodore ran over to him. "Decimus what happened?!"
Gazelle had been keeping tracking of Decimus when she noticed something had went terribly wrong she was enraged. She cut through the earth leave a giant fissure and went out. She would deal with the others later. She went instantly to Decimus and blew away all of the dead. She threw him into the water and Angel started to heal him. She did not want to make Gazelle mad.
( ! ) Decimus looked to Theo, his eyes glowing a deep violet. Darkness wrapped around him completely engulfing, suffocating and squeezing, compressing him. The Undead and Damned grew out of the ground Decimus and Theo stood on, going and pouring in the Darkness trying to get to him inevitably blocked by the darkness. But that being their only barrior, they continued to pound relentlessly
DizjayDeathPride said:
( ! ) Decimus looked to Theo, his eyes glowing a deep violet. Darkness wrapped around him completely engulfing, suffocating and squeezing, compressing him. The Undead and Damned grew out of the ground Decimus and Theo stood on, going and pouring in the Darkness trying to get to him inevitably blocked by the darkness. But that being their only barrior, they continued to pound relentlessly
Theodore didn't now what to do. "I'm sorry." He teleported away using the symbol.

Gazelle blasted him with air in his sternum. "Stop this please. You aren't in danger anymore!"
Tazmodo said:
Theodore didn't now what to do. "I'm sorry." He teleported away using the symbol.
Gazelle blasted him with air in his sternum. "Stop this please. You aren't in danger anymore!"
Decimus looked to her and growled. Darkness shot to her too, wrapping around her
GingerBread said:
Vance noticed Sage had teleported them to his room "Why are we here?" Vance asked as he pried Sage off of him "I mean i'm fine with just sleeping, especially after what just happened" Vance said before he started smiling provocatively at Sage "But something tells me you want to do something other than sleeping"


@Light So are we (re)introducing the babies? Or not yet?
Sage was already walking over to the bed and striping off his clothes while smirking. " Get over here. " He said
As soon as the damn began to fall Fola began to think about all the choice words he had for Ashyln for putting him in this situation. He also wanted to slap Vance for allot of reasons, but mainly because he cheated him out of a hug. That's when the monsters began to come in as well...Then some asswipe started attacking.

Fola took in a breath and shot fire in a narrow tube in an attempt to burn the man, but not kill him...

LokiofSP said:
As soon as the damn began to fall Fola began to think about all the choice words he had for Ashyln for putting him in this situation. He also wanted to slap Vance for allot of reasons, but mainly because he cheated him out of a hug. That's when the monsters began to come in as well...Then some asswipe started attacking.
Fola took in a breath and shot fire in a narrow tube in an attempt to burn the man, but not kill him...

(Holy Fuck did I forget you were there otherwise I wouldn't have left you to fall down a breaking dam xD im so sorry on that one)

Decimus screamed in pain that quickly subsided as he subtracted away the damaged flesh and adding fress new form.

He looked over and extended his arms. The lock around his neck twisted and snapped off, power breaking out of Decimus rapidly pouring, flowing around him. It sucked back inside and Decimus flung his head forward, his eyes a dark deep purple surrounded by black. Floating above him were two fists. They were a faint faded purple, the flesh meltong and dripping down, the ground it touched cracking from such a decreased temperature. Each the length of a semi-truck and the height of a decent house. The Hands of Hades. He flung his right arm to Fola, closing his hand. The Right Hand of Hades moved as an extension of himself and closed around Fola, moving blinding rapidly to close the real world distance than where Decimus clenchd his hand (physics shit). The purply Hand squeezed him, its icy touch feeling like he was burning in deep fire.
DizjayDeathPride said:
Decimus looked to her and growled. Darkness shot to her too, wrapping around her
Gazelle stood there and let it wrap around her. "Are you really going to hurt me? If your rage is that massive then fine. Do your worst and let it out. I'll take it all so long as you end up ok."
djinnamon said:
Sage was already walking over to the bed and striping off his clothes while smirking. " Get over here. " He said
Vance smirked at Sage as he began taking off his clothes "Are you telling me what to do?" Vance raised an eyebrow as he walked over to Sage and began kissing him passionately on the lips

@djinnamon (Fade to black?)
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Tazmodo said:
Gazelle stood there and let it wrap around her. "Are you really going to hurt me? If your rage is that massive then fine. Do your worst and let it out. I'll take it all so long as you end up ok."
He looked to her quickly and the darkness wrapped around her, sucking her into hia Darkness Realm. Trapping her instead of killing
DizjayDeathPride said:
He looked to her quickly and the darkness wrapped around her, sucking her into hia Darkness Realm. Trapping her instead of killing
Gazelle sighed and sat down. "I got one last ditch resort."

The cloud Serjizo was riding took him to Decimus. Serjizo let out a loud Roar at Decimus. He glared at him as smoke shrouded the dam.
Fola gasped and squirmed in the hand, cold sweats running down his face qs he slowly attempted to wiggle his arm free. He counted it as a minor sucsess when it worked. He brought a hand over his chest and began to mutter words, charging a lightning spell. He looked at Decimus and thought, 'All it would take was one straight shot, in a line through his head...Damn I wish this guy was an actual enemy...' Instead he unleashed a small but fast orb of electricity that stunned Decimus for a moment...

djinnamon said:
( Yes Fade to black)
Sage curled up under the sheets and yawned. " Lets go to sleep. " he said

"You know for what you're the deity of, I would've expected you to have more stamina" Vance said as he wrapped his arms around Sage and pulled him into a hug before yawning and letting himself drift off to sleep.

Jack head was getting redder and redder before he finally snapped "Nnnnnnnnnnngggggggggggggggggaaaaaaaaaa" He let out something of a terror inducing yell as he slashed everything back to heaven and whatever bulldhit they're spawning from. Stab after stab after stab after stab after stab, it wouldn't stop and when the wall was soaked with blood and the blade was Crimson, he killed the other one in the same brutal style and smashed all tv equipment. He wiped the blood from his blade as he began leaving the crime scene and shook his head with a frown on his face.

@Light ((If you want you could introduce Mr. Jack to some more people, I do enjoy stabbing Grimm clones to death but he needs more people to greet n' stab.))
LokiofSP said:
Fola gasped and squirmed in the hand, cold sweats running down his face qs he slowly attempted to wiggle his arm free. He counted it as a minor sucsess when it worked. He brought a hand over his chest and began to mutter words, charging a lightning spell. He looked at Decimus and thought, 'All it would take was one straight shot, in a line through his head...Damn I wish this guy was an actual enemy...' Instead he unleashed a small but fast orb of electricity that stunned Decimus for a moment...

Decimus withered in pain for a moment that turned into a deep demonic roar. Exploding out of him and pushing Fola away was a thick purple like field. As it expanded it to its proper size it spread out to the form of skeletal rips. Similar in build to the Hands but much larger. The Bones dripped between their bone marrow like flesh, equally as cold as the flesh of the Hands. But flowing around the Chest of Hades was a purple steam like mist that burned and ate away anything it touched. Decimus continued to roar out as the Chest of Hades took shape until its peak form and he stopped, frozen still.

He twitched a bit starting with his eyes. He took a deep breath and gained control, his eyes turning a faint light purple and the blacking going back white to just normal again. He continued to inhale as the Chest and Hands of Hades were sucked back into his body. The ripped fissures of dimensions along the area sucked back in the Undead
and Damned, sealing

Decimus' eyes rolled back and he went unconscious, falling.

Some of the water took shape of Morpheus and caught him. The water and bits of the Dam all reformed and reverted back as he took shape, sucking back inside of Morpheus as he had melded is existence with the Dam itself. Once it was fixed he laid Decimus down and closed his eyes for the man.

News and helicopters had made it to the scene by now and flew over the DR members. Soon came after a military effort. The dropped down a ladder and out climbed an official. He stood to the group and said "Who's the one leading this so called "Dragon's Roar" Resistance Group?"

Morpheus quickly stood at attention and wobbled back and forth like a terrified cartoon character, sound effect and all, and looked between Fola and the official repeadly, squinting. Deciding it wouldnt be safe to let Fola take any military blame. Then said, "Oh no Mr Scary Man! This isn't Dragon's Roar. We're The Dragon's Rawrior's! We are like a completeeeeely separate group that was INSPIRED by Dragon's Roar and deciding to uphold our values the same as theirs! This man here!" He turned and pointed out Fola dramatically. "He was a poor innocent lad just visiting the beautiful marvel of human ingenuity and passion! And just so happened to come at the wrong time for a group of bad meanies to come blow it up. But aaaaas you can see I fixed it." The official and Morpheus continued going back and forth, ignoring Fola's existence at this point
Archdemon said:
Jack head was getting redder and redder before he finally snapped "Nnnnnnnnnnngggggggggggggggggaaaaaaaaaa" He let out something of a terror inducing yell as he slashed everything back to heaven and whatever bulldhit they're spawning from. Stab after stab after stab after stab after stab, it wouldn't stop and when the wall was soaked with blood and the blade was Crimson, he killed the other one in the same brutal style and smashed all tv equipment. He wiped the blood from his blade as he began leaving the crime scene and shook his head with a frown on his face.
@Light ((If you want you could introduce Mr. Jack to some more people, I do enjoy stabbing Grimm clones to death but he needs more people to greet n' stab.))
(I have the perfect person for you to try and stab I guarantee it won't work though)

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