Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
Light said:
The Medusa leaves the electronics alone and holds Decimus's head. Tilting her head in confusion since she wasn't being hostile at all. She didn't understand why Morpheus was upset.
Ashlyn had a sheet of telekinetic energy on her skin and has it expand into a bubble to push back the attacks. She expands the bubble and has it once again knock Vance and Sage away. The bubble opens up for Fola and keeps him undamaged from the battle since he chose to stop fighting and he wasn't even the real target. Ashlyn didn't necessarily like hitting Vance after the first four hits so she was hoping Sage would stop fighting and Vance would just apologize so she could stop hurting them. The more she hit the more upset she grew with herself. Though if this was the way they'd learn then so be it. "So how was your day today Fola?" She says as she begins to heal all three of the men.
Morpheus sighed. "You seem to have taken a liking to him. But we need him. Alive. And mortal. You don't have to change him to make him be with you. He's already befriended you. He stopped us from hurting you. So why are you going to hurt him? Do you think he wants to be separated from his friends? We're all he's ever had. Let him have both of us and live a full and happy life."
Dreamtique said:
Trying to ignore all of the drama going on, it was hard, especially when it involved fighting.
He wouldn't admit it, but he was definitely amused when he quietly observed the "human interactions", it was something quite new to him. Though most parts of it irritated him.

He couldn't help it but to finally open his mouth: "Ashlyn, is this really necessary? Wouldn't you find better way to tame your guild member? "

(We're in Vance's darkness realm, you're not :/ )
Fola rubbed his eyes and raised a brow, "Oh, we're done? You know my na- wait... Alpha status, nevermind. My day has been pretty shit, befreinded a child, got to watch said child die, got pulled away from the bar JUST as I was getting a buzz, then I had to deal with asswipe playing with previously mentioned girl's corpse...So yeah, shit first day..."

Light said:
Ashlyn had a sheet of telekinetic energy on her skin and has it expand into a bubble to push back the attacks. She expands the bubble and has it once again knock Vance and Sage away. The bubble opens up for Fola and keeps him undamaged from the battle since he chose to stop fighting and he wasn't even the real target. Ashlyn didn't necessarily like hitting Vance after the first four hits so she was hoping Sage would stop fighting and Vance would just apologize so she could stop hurting them. The more she hit the more upset she grew with herself. Though if this was the way they'd learn then so be it. "So how was your day today Fola?" She says as she begins to heal all three of the men.
Why the hell is she talking to him? I thought she wanted to kick my ass Vance thought, slightly confused by Ashlyn's actions. Vance realising they weren't going to win decided to release Fola from the darkness realm "What the hell is up with you? Do you even want to fight, because i know you can do a lot worse than this, I've seen you do a lot worse than this because someone touched your hair. So why are you holding back? And why did you start a fight with me when my intention was to leave the guild? Are you that desperate for me to stay?"

@LokiofSP @djinnamon @Light
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((Sorry but I don't know who Grimm is, can't find his CS))

Jack turned his head towards the fleeing man and shook his head. He flipped his knife upwards and caught it on the sides near the tip and flung it at Grimm's right leg nailing the hit, sending him to the ground. When Grimm would look at his right leg to see the damage the knife was gone and when turned his head to look forward into the direction he ran he would see Jack squatting down tapping the knife into the palm of his hand "Someone else to torture? It must be my lucky day! Hehehe. Running is pointless my prey, wherever you go I'll be right there. I'm feeling a bit torturous today!"

He grab The right side of Grimm's face and began draining his life energy, it feels like someone is branding him with molten iron like they did with slaves back in the olden days. Jack stopped and grabbed Grimm by the throat and lifted him up in the air "Since very few people see me in the act I'll give you the great honor of actually telling me your name before your life is plunged forever into the dark void of death!" He had a smirk on his face as he waited for Grimm to speak before stabbed the bastard.

Earl finally made it to the mountain. He looked around, waiting for instruction to proceed, as that was what he was told to do. Noticed the three guys were gone, he assumed that they were all getting an... eternal tickle...somehow this idea sent his eyes twitching, not sure why. He took a deep long sigh again, before closing both of his eyes and tried to rest while standing at the quite place, it was a long and harsh day for him. @Light
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DizjayDeathPride said:
(Sorry I fell asleep early as hell)
Ryan put his hand on the man's shoulder. He felt a sensation of... Remorse. Curiosity primarily. But remorse. "I'm so sorry. Theres really nothing I can say to alleviate your pain. All I can say is it's best to just let the grieving happen. Accept the pain, cry, and hopefully move on."

Amidst Ryan's comfort, the message rang for them. "That's our cue. Richard?"

"Already on it" Richard began using his lightning to power the building, hoping to lure... Whatever the hell was attacking their technologies. @Light
"Accept it? How could I accept it if just happened like that? That was absolutely horrific. Well, thanks anyways." Malren groaned, standing up and stretching. "Where to now?"

After a lot of the plot train leaving Malren at the station, he is now behind Morpheus with Medusa. :P

Malren stayed back as he watched Morpheus negotiate with Medusa, staying back near the end of the dam. Though Medusa wasn't making any direct attempts on their lives, Malren was still on alert nonetheless. His hand started to grow more hair, becoming a furry paw. "Just in case."
LokiofSP said:
Fola rubbed his eyes and raised a brow, "Oh, we're done? You know my na- wait... Alpha status, nevermind. My day has been pretty shit, befreinded a child, got to watch said child die, got pulled away from the bar JUST as I was getting a buzz, then I had to deal with asswipe playing with previously mentioned girl's corpse...So yeah, shit first day..."

GingerBread said:
Why the hell is she talking to him? I thought she wanted to kick my ass Vance thought, slightly confused by Ashlyn's actions. Vance realising they weren't going to win released Fola and Sage from his darkness realm before turning to Ashlyn "What the hell is up with you? Do you even want to fight, because i know you can do a lot worse than this, I've seen you do a lot worse than this because someone touched your hair. So why are you holding back? And why did you start a fight with me when my intention was to leave the guild? Are you that desperate for me to stay?"
@LokiofSP @djinnamon @Light
Dreamtique said:
Earl finally made it to the mountain. He looked around, waiting for instruction to proceed, as that was what he was told to do. Noticed the three guys were gone, he assumed that they were all getting an... eternal tickle...somehow this idea sent his eyes twitching, not sure why. He took a deep long sigh again, before closing both of his eyes and tried to rest while standing at the quite place, it was a long and harsh day for him. @Light
( Wow... Vance robbed Fola of his hug. )

"Oh.." She floats over to Fola with open arms offering him a hug. "It's not much but I can at least do this. Maybe we can talk about it later instead of turning to heavy drinking. My name is Ashlyn Van Fen'rir in case I didn't properly intro-." She was suddenly cut off by Vance's actions and just stares at him. "It's rude to stop people from leaving if they want to leave. Though no, I don't want to fight at all but I was angry about the way you trash talked everyone in the guild. I care about my guild members, even you. So next ti-." She thinks about the hair comment and all colour drains from her face. "What did you mean by my hair?"

Fola appears beside Earl and Grimm appears as well. "Oh boy that was some hard work." Grimm wipes the sweat off of his forehead and looks at Fola. "I forgot, I'm broke as hell and I'm charging you. The grave is done though. She's buried in the center of a mountain and on its peak is a statue of her. So let's do some adventury stuff!" Grimm teleports both Earl and Fola into the electrical room in the Hoover Dam with several other guild members and the AI Mecha, the Medusa.

( Check the reply under this one. That's what's happening in that room and situation. Trying to throw you two into the arc plot. )

Lotusy said:
"Accept it? How could I accept it if just happened like that? That was absolutely horrific. Well, thanks anyways." Malren groaned, standing up and stretching. "Where to now?"
After a lot of the plot train leaving Malren at the station, he is now behind Morpheus with Medusa. :P

Malren stayed back as he watched Morpheus negotiate with Medusa, staying back near the end of the dam. Though Medusa wasn't making any direct attempts on their lives, Malren was still on alert nonetheless. His hand started to grow more hair, becoming a furry paw. "Just in case."
DizjayDeathPride said:
Morpheus sighed. "You seem to have taken a liking to him. But we need him. Alive. And mortal. You don't have to change him to make him be with you. He's already befriended you. He stopped us from hurting you. So why are you going to hurt him? Do you think he wants to be separated from his friends? We're all he's ever had. Let him have both of us and live a full and happy life."
( @Tazmodo )

The Medusa notices Malren's fur and begins to get on edge, coiling around Decimus in a protective fashion. She was defending him while saying, he's all mine. She at least got rid of the mecha inducing liquid. She was a bit stingy and didn't like sharing her man.

Kinziel's voice rings inside Malren's mind. She was calling out to him, encouraging him to go to his own shadow.

Archdemon said:
((Sorry but I don't know who Grimm is, can't find his CS))
Jack turned his head towards the fleeing man and shook his head. He flipped his knife upwards and caught it on the sides near the tip and flung it at Grimm's right leg nailing the hit, sending him to the ground. When Grimm would look at his right leg to see the damage the knife was gone and when turned his head to look forward into the direction he ran he would see Jack squatting down tapping the knife into the palm of his hand "Someone else to torture? It must be my lucky day! Hehehe. Running is pointless my prey, wherever you go I'll be right there. I'm feeling a bit torturous today!"

He grab The right side of Grimm's face and began draining his life energy, it feels like someone is branding him with molten iron like they did with slaves back in the olden days. Jack stopped and grabbed Grimm by the throat and lifted him up in the air "Since very few people see me in the act I'll give you the great honor of actually telling me your name before your life is plunged forever into the dark void of death!" He had a smirk on his face as he waited for Grimm to speak before stabbed the bastard.

"Meh name is Grimm! Why u do dis?" Grimm slowly dies in his clutches and another copy of Grimm appears in the form of a cotton candy cloud. He begins to rain cellphones to call the police but remembers. Clouds don't have hands. "Help! He's killing people!" The cotton candy cloud spins in circles, raining skittles and sour patch kids.
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Light said:
"Oh.." She floats over to Fola with open arms offering him a hug. "It's not much but I can at least do this. Maybe we can talk about it later instead of turning to heavy drinking. My name is Ashlyn Van Fen'rir in case I didn't properly intro-." She was suddenly cut off by Vance's actions and just stares at him. "It's rude to stop people from leaving if they want to leave. Though no, I don't want to fight at all but I was angry about the way you trash talked everyone in the guild. I care about my guild members, even you. So next ti-." She thinks about the hair comment and all colour drains from her face. "What did you mean by my hair?"
"Because I'm the best person there is" Vance replied half-jokingly as he gently got out of the hug. Vance created a couch made out of darkness and sat down before patting the seat next to him, gesturing for Sage to sit down next to him. Vance looked over at Ashlyn "I know you don't like people touching your hair, I've seen you kill a man because of it, well i think it was 3 different men, details details"

@djinnamon @Light
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Sage could help but chuckle at the paling of Ashlyn's face , he knew the feeling he hated anything that involved someone or something doing any thing to his hair. He sat on the couch and wondered about this new ranking.

@Light @GingerBread
Jack just raised an Eyebrow "What? You're candy? I mean I know I'm insane but man I really losing it.... Well isn't this a weird situation, I mean I would kill you but um, you're a cloud. I kill people because that's the purpose in which I was made, or at least that's what I think."

Jack sighed and just started walking away while cleaning the knife with a rag. He just shook his head trying to think of a way to kill a cloud..... He then realized that it was a cotton candy cloud. Maybe he could eat him? Worth a shot.

Jack reappeared behind the cloud and started to eat it.

Light said:
Grimm teleports both Earl and Fola into the electrical room in the Hoover Dam with several other guild members and the AI Mecha, the Medusa.
"Ah...damn..I swear!! This teleporting thing......."

Earl had a quick look around, he was not sure that he was sent to where, and for what. But one thing that he was sure about is that there was a dangerous looking robot around, not looking friendly. He stood aside and observed, trying to figure out what was happening while preparing himself for some slaying, just in case.
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GingerBread said:
"Because I'm the best person there is" Vance replied half-jokingly as he gently got out of the hug. Vance created a couch made out of darkness and sat down before patting the seat next to him, gesturing for Sage to sit down next to him. Vance looked over at Ashlyn "I know you don't like people touching your hair, I've seen you kill a man because of it, well i think it was 3 different men, details details"
@djinnamon @Light
djinnamon said:
Sage could help but chuckle at the paling of Ashlyn's face , he knew the feeling he hated anything that involved someone or something doing any thing to his hair. He sat on the couch and wondered about this new ranking.
@Light @GingerBread
"How did you see this?!" Her voice almost held... fear. Her eyes seemed like they were about to gently slide out of their sockets due to how wide they were now. "That happened 12 years ago!" Just when she thought she could escape her past, it catches right back up to her. She could feel her brain buzzing and vibrating but at the same time it was numb. She felt like she was outside of her body as memories of that situation and many more run through her mind again. Being pierced by large rod like projectiles if she couldn't master her fields, the corrosive acid bath for her durability, the beatings, the hateful kindness, and the emotional abuse was vividly cycling throughout her brain. The added darkness didn't help since she was afraid of dark rooms. Tears start to spill from her eyes and her breath starts up a slowly. With each half second it gets faster, faster, and faster to the point of hyperventilation. She slowly felt the darkness closing in on her as well as beasts if she didn't complete a task correctly. She would remember the feeling of being too hungry, tired, weak, emotionally crippled, and repulsive to living, to fight back against these hell hound like beasts as they nearly mauled her to death. She was used to it since she would always fail at her tasks, she just didn't believe in using her powers for such evil tactics. Ashlyn didn't notice but her eyes were looking forward, not focused on looking at anything at all but the empty void that she deeply wishes she could return too. Her panic attack was still occurring.

( You broke Ashlyn D: )

Archdemon said:
Jack just raised an Eyebrow "What? You're candy? I mean I know I'm insane but man I really losing it.... Well isn't this a weird situation, I mean I would kill you but um, you're a cloud. I kill people because that's the purpose in which I was made, or at least that's what I think."
Jack sighed and just started walking away while cleaning the knife with a rag. He just shook his head trying to think of a way to kill a cloud..... He then realized that it was a cotton candy cloud. Maybe he could eat him? Worth a shot.

Jack reappeared behind the cloud and started to eat it.

"No!" Grimm screams as his attacker slowly gains in powerful.

( If I missed a response I'm sorry. Barely awake right now. )
Light said:
"How did you see this?!" Her voice almost held... fear. Her eyes seemed like they were about to gently slide out of their sockets due to how wide they were now. "That happened 12 years ago!" Just when she thought she could escape her past, it catches right back up to her. She could feel her brain buzzing and vibrating but at the same time it was numb. She felt like she was outside of her body as memories of that situation and many more run through her mind again. Being pierced by large rod like projectiles if she couldn't master her fields, the corrosive acid bath for her durability, the beatings, the hateful kindness, and the emotional abuse was vividly cycling throughout her brain. The added darkness didn't help since she was afraid of dark rooms. Tears start to spill from her eyes and her breath starts up a slowly. With each half second it gets faster, faster, and faster to the point of hyperventilation. She slowly felt the darkness closing in on her as well as beasts if she didn't complete a task correctly. She would remember the feeling of being too hungry, tired, weak, emotionally crippled, and repulsive to living, to fight back against these hell hound like beasts as they nearly mauled her to death. She was used to it since she would always fail at her tasks, she just didn't believe in using her powers for such evil tactics. Ashlyn didn't notice but her eyes were looking forward, not focused on looking at anything at all but the empty void that she deeply wishes she could return too. Her panic attack was still occurring.
( You broke Ashlyn D: )
Vance knew he'd fucked up when Ashlyn started having a panic attack "Shit" Vance muttered as he stood up If i don't fix this, so many people are going to want to kill me Vance thought as he created a couch behind Ashlyn for her to lay on. "Ashlyn, what's the matter? it will help if you talk about it" He wasn't sure if that was necessarily true but none the less he walked over to her and gingerly went to place a hand on her shoulder, attempting to guide her to the couch while doing his best to avoid touching her hair.

@Light @djinnamon
Dreamtique said:
"Ah...damn..I swear!! This teleporting thing......."
Earl had a quick look around, he was not sure that he was sent to where, and for what. But one thing that he was sure about is that there was a dangerous looking robot around, not looking friendly. He stood aside and observed, trying to figure out what was happening while preparing himself for some slaying, just in case.
Lotusy said:
"Accept it? How could I accept it if just happened like that? That was absolutely horrific. Well, thanks anyways." Malren groaned, standing up and stretching. "Where to now?"
After a lot of the plot train leaving Malren at the station, he is now behind Morpheus with Medusa. :P

Malren stayed back as he watched Morpheus negotiate with Medusa, staying back near the end of the dam. Though Medusa wasn't making any direct attempts on their lives, Malren was still on alert nonetheless. His hand started to grow more hair, becoming a furry paw. "Just in case."
LokiofSP said:
Fola rubbed his eyes and raised a brow, "Oh, we're done? You know my na- wait... Alpha status, nevermind. My day has been pretty shit, befreinded a child, got to watch said child die, got pulled away from the bar JUST as I was getting a buzz, then I had to deal with asswipe playing with previously mentioned girl's corpse...So yeah, shit first day..."


Light said:
( Wow... Vance robbed Fola of his hug. )
"Oh.." She floats over to Fola with open arms offering him a hug. "It's not much but I can at least do this. Maybe we can talk about it later instead of turning to heavy drinking. My name is Ashlyn Van Fen'rir in case I didn't properly intro-." She was suddenly cut off by Vance's actions and just stares at him. "It's rude to stop people from leaving if they want to leave. Though no, I don't want to fight at all but I was angry about the way you trash talked everyone in the guild. I care about my guild members, even you. So next ti-." She thinks about the hair comment and all colour drains from her face. "What did you mean by my hair?"

Fola appears beside Earl and Grimm appears as well. "Oh boy that was some hard work." Grimm wipes the sweat off of his forehead and looks at Fola. "I forgot, I'm broke as hell and I'm charging you. The grave is done though. She's buried in the center of a mountain and on its peak is a statue of her. So let's do some adventury stuff!" Grimm teleports both Earl and Fola into the electrical room in the Hoover Dam with several other guild members and the AI Mecha, the Medusa.

( Check the reply under this one. That's what's happening in that room and situation. Trying to throw you two into the arc plot. )

( @Tazmodo )

The Medusa notices Malren's fur and begins to get on edge, coiling around Decimus in a protective fashion. She was defending him while saying, he's all mine. She at least got rid of the mecha inducing liquid. She was a bit stingy and didn't like sharing her man.

Kinziel's voice rings inside Malren's mind. She was calling out to him, encouraging him to go to his own shadow.

"Meh name is Grimm! Why u do dis?" Grimm slowly dies in his clutches and another copy of Grimm appears in the form of a cotton candy cloud. He begins to rain cellphones to call the police but remembers. Clouds don't have hands. "Help! He's killing people!" The cotton candy cloud spins in circles, raining skittles and sour patch kids.
Morpheus extended his hands very slowly to not scare her. "Let me way him up. Hes kind of useless to you if he's asleep. Don't you want him to talk and hold you too? To love you too? In this state he's just a noodle. All you can do is hold a limp body. I can fix that. You can trust me. Any friend of Decimus is a friend of mine. My name is Morpheus, his leader. I would never do anything to hurt him, just like you"

Meeeeanwhile (because I forgot he existed again) Ryan flashed from the building, going to Morgan's castle. He was sure Morpheus could handle some robots and quite frankly wasn't in the mood for another build up a kill just to have it taken away. He flashed inside the room he originally was in and looked around. "Miss? Are you here?"
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GingerBread said:
Vance knew he'd fucked up when Ashlyn started having a panic attack "Shit" Vance muttered as he stood up If i don't fix this, so many people are going to want to kill me Vance thought as he created a couch behind Ashlyn for her to lay on. "Ashlyn, what's the matter? it will help if you talk about it" He wasn't sure if that was necessarily true but none the less he walked over to her and gingerly went to place a hand on her shoulder, attempting to guide her to the couch while doing his best to avoid touching her hair.
@Light @djinnamon
Ashlyn was still looking forward since her body was still in a frenzy mode so she couldn't exactly look at him so easily. Though in her in her mind she was wondering if he was crazy. How was she going to talk to him about it when she literally can't even control her breathing. She would at least try though. "I-I-I-I-I-I-" Her breathing became more rapid each time she attempted to talk and cut her off, making her sobs more dominant. "Y-y-y-yo-you-you-y-" She was so disoriented he put Fola, Sage, and Vance back to their previous ranks. She didn't want to talk about it because when she thought about it, the visions only got worse. Whenever she stopped hyperventilating even though it was for at least threes seconds at time, a loud and terrible sob like cry would escape her lips. She lays down on her back on the couch, staring up into the concluding darkness, which made her cry even more. Her face was completely soaked in tears and the rise and fall of her chest was too rapid to even try to keep track of. Due to the hyperventilating she was slowly losing consciousness.

DizjayDeathPride said:
Morpheus extended his hands very slowly to not scare her. "Let me way him up. Hes kind of useless to you if he's asleep. Don't you want him to talk and hold you too? To love you too? In this state he's just a noodle. All you can do is hold a limp body. I can fix that. You can trust me. Any friend of Decimus is a friend of mine. My name is Morpheus, his leader. I would never do anything to hurt him, just like you"

Meeeeanwhile (because I forgot he existed again) Ryan flashed from the building, going to Morgan's castle. He was sure Morpheus could handle some robots and quite frankly wasn't in the mood for another build up a kill just to have it taken away. He flashed inside the room he originally was in and looked around. "Miss? Are you here?"
The Medusa slowly starts to release Decimus so Morpheus can approach him, watching Morpheus carefully.

"You can't just walk into the Van Fen'rir castle like that, the reapers might rip you apart." She says this as if she's not even sure reapers are here. "Why are you here Hawkeye?"
Light said:
Ashlyn was still looking forward since her body was still in a frenzy mode so she couldn't exactly look at him so easily. Though in her in her mind she was wondering if he was crazy. How was she going to talk to him about it when she literally can't even control her breathing. She would at least try though. "I-I-I-I-I-I-" Her breathing became more rapid each time she attempted to talk and cut her off, making her sobs more dominant. "Y-y-y-yo-you-you-y-" She was so disoriented he put Fola, Sage, and Vance back to their previous ranks. She didn't want to talk about it because when she thought about it, the visions only got worse. Whenever she stopped hyperventilating even though it was for at least threes seconds at time, a loud and terrible sob like cry would escape her lips. She lays down on her back on the couch, staring up into the concluding darkness, which made her cry even more. Her face was completely soaked in tears and the rise and fall of her chest was too rapid to even try to keep track of. Due to the hyperventilating she was slowly losing consciousness.
The Medusa slowly starts to release Decimus so Morpheus can approach him, watching Morpheus carefully.

"You can't just walk into the Van Fen'rir castle like that, the reapers might rip you apart." She says this as if she's not even sure reapers are here. "Why are you here Hawkeye?"
Morpheus smiled as kind as he could, placing his hand on Decimus and entering the man's mind. He closed his eyes and and fished for him, waking him up and giving him a task. As well, his voice rang through the symbol to Ashlyn, equally as gentle. "Hey there fearless leader. Morpheus again. Just breathe slowly okay? Close your eyes and breathe slowly. I'm here. I gotchu girl." He was using his power to ease her mind and calm her, giving her a relaxed warmth sensation. As if she were in a nice relaxing bubble bath. "Inhale, exhale. Can you do that for me?"

Decimus slowly woke up and looked to Medusa, hurt in his eyes

Ryan smiled. "I would see myself as more of a Green Arrow. At least I get a TV show. How're you?"
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Light said:
Ashlyn was still looking forward since her body was still in a frenzy mode so she couldn't exactly look at him so easily. Though in her in her mind she was wondering if he was crazy. How was she going to talk to him about it when she literally can't even control her breathing. She would at least try though. "I-I-I-I-I-I-" Her breathing became more rapid each time she attempted to talk and cut her off, making her sobs more dominant. "Y-y-y-yo-you-you-y-" She was so disoriented he put Fola, Sage, and Vance back to their previous ranks. She didn't want to talk about it because when she thought about it, the visions only got worse. Whenever she stopped hyperventilating even though it was for at least threes seconds at time, a loud and terrible sob like cry would escape her lips. She lays down on her back on the couch, staring up into the concluding darkness, which made her cry even more. Her face was completely soaked in tears and the rise and fall of her chest was too rapid to even try to keep track of. Due to the hyperventilating she was slowly losing consciousness.
Vance leaned over Ashlyn so that his face was above hers "Ashlyn. Focus on me and nothing else, just focus on my face and voice, you don't need to focus on anything else. you're okay here, no one who wants to hurt you can get in without me allowing them in, you're safe, so just focus on my voice and face, don't focus on anything else" Vance did his best to smile at Ashlyn, really wanting her to calm down before someone killed him for making her this way.

@Light @djinnamon
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The two watched the fight between Ashlyn and the three males up until the point where they disappeared suddenly mid-fight. 'So that was the guild leader...' she observed. Syrax nodded as he looked on as well. "She shrugs away their attacks as if they were nothing more than a pestering swarm of midges" he rumbled. It was true, this female must be powerful enough to rival a god. Arwyn tilted her head at this thought ''unless... do you think she is one?" Syrax only shrugged his scaled shoulders in response. "It would explain a lot..." he finally muttered.

A smile found its way onto the dragonknight's face as she watched the three men, who had once been at each others' throats, join forces to take on the challenger that was beyond their skills as individuals. "Ah, now this is what I was waiting for. They may be aggressive to one another but they can put their differences aside when there is a greater enemy."

Her musings were interrupted whenever Syrax decided to go hunting. She had decided it would be good for him; she could barely remember the last time she ate, let alone when the dragon last hunted. So she waved him off before sitting down on a ledge and looked down on the valley and watched as the wyvern flew above it in lazy circles, scanning the forest floor for prey.
Woah! This cloud tastes really good! Jack thought it would taste like flesh or something but instead it really is cotton candy. He just kept eating away slowly eating the cloud into non existence, he then ate faster and faster and before he knew it, the cloud was gone entirely and the last piece was in his hand. He grinned as he ate the last piece of Grimm and sighed. He pulled out his knife and looked around some more waiting for another bullshit version if this guy to just suddenly pop out. He began scanning the area of the alleyway for any sign of a person or A copy of Grimm.

@Light ((Jack = Candy killer! Dun dun dahhhhhhhhhhh)))))))
Archdemon said:
Woah! This cloud tastes really good! Jack thought it would taste like flesh or something but instead it really is cotton candy. He just kept eating away slowly eating the cloud into non existence, he then ate faster and faster and before he knew it, the cloud was gone entirely and the last piece was in his hand. He grinned as he ate the last piece of Grimm and sighed. He pulled out his knife and looked around some more waiting for another bullshit version if this guy to just suddenly pop out. He began scanning the area of the alleyway for any sign of a person or A copy of Grimm.
@Light ((Jack = Candy killer! Dun dun dahhhhhhhhhhh)))))))
(Poor Cotton Candy Grimm... He will be missed. RIP)
Sage gasped and walked over to the couch Ashlyn layed on before crouching. He didn't what to do so he placed and gentle hand on head. " Ashlyn calm down , its ok no one wants to hurt. " he said calming and parently tone as he stroked his hand on Ashlyn's head slowly.

@Light @GingerBread

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