Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
DizjayDeathPride said:
Morpheus came back into the room, his eyes puffy and red, squinting at Sarah. "Hey Theo. Wanna join Leg- I mean The Dragon's Rawriors? We even have a super cute symbol!"
Sarah was going to speak to him but stopped herself. "I can't help it...."

Theodore looked at him. "Sure why not but can you do me a favor and show me some kind of power?"
While the three men were bickering away, Arwyn and Syrax silently followed behind. They weren't trying to be stealthy, mind you, they were simply tailing the members in hope of aiding them. It was amusing to listen to their squabbles over the size of their manhoods, among other things, and it was a great opportunity to see what the members of Dragon's Roar were like.

The dragonknight and her companion gathered a great deal of details from this; the most shocking thing to both of them was the fact that two of these males were in a relationship with one another and were proud of it by their tone. Even the other male seemed unphased by this. This struck the dragonknight as being quite odd, although not necessarily bad, but then again she came from a time when you would be killed for such things.

Although the dragonknight was pretty sure this was a bad relationship, regardless of the genders of each individual. One of them seemed to have some sense (well... maybe not considering he seemed to forgive his partner who just threatened to harm him) and the other just seemed like a typical pompous youth with a head too big for his shoulders. She still wasn't sure about the plus one.

'Times have changes' she thought. Syrax rumbled in agreement and tilted his head to the air. "I don't like the smell of that one..." he said while looking towards Vance. "He is threatening to mutilate the corpse of a hatching just out of spite towards this other male. All over the size of one's manhood."

Syrax seemed dead serious about his comment but Arwyn on the other hand couldn't help but chuckle. 'Well some things haven't changed...'

When they made it to the top of the mountain the two stood away from the three and looked down at the valley below. The weather was great for flying; only a slight breeze was coming from the north and the sun was shimmering above a clear sky.
Fola opened his mouth to tell Sage, "Lead the way." But what came out instead was a collum of fire. Fola blinked and attempted to speak again, only for more fire to spew forth. He clamped his hands over his mouth and began to follow...

@djinnamon @GingerBread
Tazmodo said:
Sarah was going to speak to him but stopped herself. "I can't help it...."
Theodore looked at him. "Sure why not but can you do me a favor and show me some kind of power?"
Morpheus nodded. "Sure why not. The pooooower... OF BRANDING!" He slammed his burning heated hand to Theo's chest, burning the symbol of The Dragon's Rawriors to his flesh "YOU HAVE THE POOOOWER! WHOOOO! How do feel?"

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/Screenshot_2016-01-15-12-38-00.png.202a4d5e3499f572ff0bf878a06c457b.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="99047" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/Screenshot_2016-01-15-12-38-00.png.202a4d5e3499f572ff0bf878a06c457b.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • Screenshot_2016-01-15-12-38-00.png
    117.3 KB · Views: 15
Vance was getting bored sitting atop the mountain, doing nothing aside from waiting for Grimm This wouldn't be half as bad if i had a objective in mind, instead it's just sit on top of a mountain and do bugger all He thought, getting annoyed at Grimm and the guild. Vance had an idea of what he could do and Pulled the little girls body out of the darkness realm and attached tendrils to her legs and started spinning her around "You spin me right round baby right round....." Vance muttered he kept spinning the girl around, even though it wasn't stopping him from being bored.

@LokiofSP @Light @djinnamon @Dreamtique
DizjayDeathPride said:
Morpheus nodded. "Sure why not. The pooooower... OF BRANDING!" He slammed his burning heated hand to Theo's chest, burning the symbol of The Dragon's Rawriors to his flesh "YOU HAVE THE POOOOWER! WHOOOO! How do feel?"
View attachment 220552
Theodore coughed. "I feel warm." He looked at his hands. "That power is useless but thank you." He touched a wall and put a brand on it tagging it.
(!) Fola's eyes widened, he took his hands from his mouth and forced Vance to turn around. He looked at him with pure rage and tried to say, "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" But once again, instead of words a huge collum of flame came out....

@GingerBread, not trying to kill Vance on purpose, but when typing this I realized the breath may actually kill him, so I put up a warning :P )
LokiofSP said:
(!) Fola's eyes widened, he took his hands from his mouth and forced Vance to turn around. He looked at him with pure rage and tried to say, "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" But once again, instead of words a huge collum of flame came out....
@GingerBread, not trying to kill Vance on purpose, but when typing this I realized the breath may actually kill him, so I put up a warning :P )
(I've got absolutely no idea how to save Vance, Well R.I.P :P )
Sage watched as the ice melt enough for the fire hit Vance's cheek and instantly dashed toward him and Pushed Fola away. " You are so lucky I saw that torrent before it came. " He growled out.

LokiofSP said:
(Why did you save him you son of a-!
Im just kidding! Oh dear god I almost commited character murder O-O Im a monster...)
LokiofSP said:
(!) Fola's eyes widened, he took his hands from his mouth and forced Vance to turn around. He looked at him with pure rage and tried to say, "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" But once again, instead of words a huge collum of flame came out....
@GingerBread, not trying to kill Vance on purpose, but when typing this I realized the breath may actually kill him, so I put up a warning :P )
Vance pushed Sage away "Why the hell are you siding with me? I thought you two were a couple now" Vance spat, glaring at Sage and to a lesser extent Fola as he sent the little girl back into his darkness realm "You wanted to have children with him didn't you? You need to make up your mind, first it's me, then angel and now it's child killer over there" Vance growled as he patted out the remaining fire on his upper torso and shoulders.

@LokiofSP @djinnamon
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Fola's eyes widened and he shook his head, he went to speak once more, but he caught himself. He made a bunch of grunting noises and made as if he were scribbling on paper with his hands as if to say, "GIVE ME SOMETHING TO WRITE WITH!"

@GingerBread @djinnamon
Sage growled and slapped Vance , a loud noise echo through the forest around the mountain. " I love you , get that through your think skull , I pretended to like Fola because I wanted you to get off your high horse. And as I told you dumbass I'm gay , another example of you being a idiot and not listening to me. " He yelled before glancing at Fola before pointing at a patch of dirt and a stick.

@LokiofSP @GingerBread
Vance gritted his teeth and glared at Sage, fighting back the desire to murder him right there "I was under the assumption Fola was a man, i know he is a pussy, but i didn't think that meant he had one" Vance growled, his hands clenching into fists as his anger intensified "No. Wait. I understand now, you want me back because he rejected you, that's the only reason. Because i'm the only one who can put up with you for more than a couple of minutes"

@LokiofSP @djinnamon (God Vance is a dick)
Embaga Elder]Inaro shrugs. [B]More for me then.[/B] He takes a sip of a bottle. [B]Sense your grandfather attacked things have been hell on earth. [/B]He chuckles. [B]Literally. The gates of hell have opened but was delt with by us. [/B]He said with a smile. Inaro didn't know about the mechas so he didn't mention them. But he did start to mention the deity war. [B]Also Ashlyn the deities want you to return to the deity realm. Apparently there's a war. Surprisingly I wasn't invited but I'll live.[/B] He drinks his beer. [B]So what are you doing here? [/B][URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/10734-light/ said:
"Oh no..." Ashlyn opens up a rift to the deity realm and turns to Inaro. "Alright thank you! Regroup with Morpheus or another Dragon's Roar member in case of anything. Thank you." She gives him a kind smile and floats into the portal.

GingerBread said:
So we're just meant to wait for the insane guy who claims he my father, which can't be true Vance thought, getting bored of just standing around There's no shadows around so i can't make myself a chair, Actually... Vance got an idea and took his dagger out before dropping it to the ground and using the shadow casted by it to create a chair Well this makes this whole thing slightly more tolerable Vance sat down in the chair and leaned back and relaxed There's no real reason for me to stay in this guild anymore, wonder what they'll do if i leave, i doubt they'll beg me to stay, Sage seems to want to go out with child killer at the moment anyway. I probably won't be able to know all this stuff about the guild, so either they'll kill me or take my memories or force me to stay somehow Vance thought, not seeing any point in staying in the guild anymore, but decided to find out what would happen if he left before he made a decision
@Light @djinnamon @LokiofSP @Dreamtique
( @Dreamtique @LokiofSP @djinnamon )

Juju said:
While the three men were bickering away, Arwyn and Syrax silently followed behind. They weren't trying to be stealthy, mind you, they were simply tailing the members in hope of aiding them. It was amusing to listen to their squabbles over the size of their manhoods, among other things, and it was a great opportunity to see what the members of Dragon's Roar were like.
The dragonknight and her companion gathered a great deal of details from this; the most shocking thing to both of them was the fact that two of these males were in a relationship with one another and were proud of it by their tone. Even the other male seemed unphased by this. This struck the dragonknight as being quite odd, although not necessarily bad, but then again she came from a time when you would be killed for such things.

Although the dragonknight was pretty sure this was a bad relationship, regardless of the genders of each individual. One of them seemed to have some sense (well... maybe not considering he seemed to forgive his partner who just threatened to harm him) and the other just seemed like a typical pompous youth with a head too big for his shoulders. She still wasn't sure about the plus one.

'Times have changes' she thought. Syrax rumbled in agreement and tilted his head to the air. "I don't like the smell of that one..." he said while looking towards Vance. "He is threatening to mutilate the corpse of a hatching just out of spite towards this other male. All over the size of one's manhood."

Syrax seemed dead serious about his comment but Arwyn on the other hand couldn't help but chuckle. 'Well some things haven't changed...'

When they made it to the top of the mountain the two stood away from the three and looked down at the valley below. The weather was great for flying; only a slight breeze was coming from the north and the sun was shimmering above a clear sky.
Now that they were all on top of the mountain Grimm ranks them up. Earl ranks up to Pi. Sage is at Nu and Vance is at Kap-pa. Fola is at Iota due to making it too the mountain and practically beating Vance since even a little bit of eternal fire hit his cheek. Arwyn and Syrax ranks up to Omicron. An Ashlyn clone appears and uses telekinesis to separate the eternal fire from Vance's cheek. "What is going on here?"

Grimm appears and tosses a red flag in shock. "Excessive.... flaming? Unhealthy campfire? Lack of Marshmallows." He kept throwing red flags.

( Its eternal fire. Vance can't put it out. Nothing can. )

( @Lotusy @Tazmodo @Austria @DizjayDeathPride )

A clone of Ashlyn appears in the building with the other Dragon's Roar members. "Alright.. I'm sorry for my absence. Is there anything you need?!" Ashlyn seemed genuinely concerned. She ranks Ryan up to Zeta. Decimus to Mu. Damian up to Kap-pa. Richard up to Lamba. Jackson goes up too Lambda. Derek and Jasmie go up to Omicron. This happens before the explosions occur. "Woooaahh..."
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Vance breathed in through his clenched teeth "There goes any hope of you having kids with me" Vance said half jokingly "Yeah, I'll add you to the list, once i get to the bottom of it" Vance hissed as he saw Sage running away If he's not here, Then grimm will probably end up making us wait for him Vance thought before sending tendrils of darkness after him "You don't just get to run away Sage, that's how people like child killer sort out their problems, by running away from them and trying to pretend that they're not a problem" He began slowly walking after him "So what the hell is your problem? One minute you like me, the next you hate me. Yet you always end up telling me you love me, are you trying to convince yourself of that?"

@djinnamon @LokiofSP
Light said:
"Oh no..." Ashlyn opens up a rift to the deity realm and turns to Inaro. "Alright thank you! Regroup with Morpheus or another Dragon's Roar member in case of anything. Thank you." She gives him a kind smile and floats into the portal.
( @Dreamtique @LokiofSP @djinnamon )

Now that they were all on top of the mountain Grimm ranks them up. Earl ranks up to Pi. Sage is at Nu and Vance is at Kap-pa. Fola is at Iota due to making it too the mountain and practically beating Vance since even a little bit of eternal fire hit his cheek. Arwyn and Syrax ranks up to Omicron. An Ashlyn clone appears and uses telekinesis to separate the eternal fire from Vance's cheek. "What is going on here?"

Grimm appears and tosses a red flag in shock. "Excessive.... flaming? Unhealthy campfire? Lack of Marshmallows." He kept throwing red flags.

( Its eternal fire. Vance can't put it out. Nothing can. )

( @Lotusy @Tazmodo @Austria @DizjayDeathPride )

A clone of Ashlyn appears in the building with the other Dragon's Roar members. "Alright.. I'm sorry for my absence. Is there anything you need?!" Ashlyn seemed genuinely concerned. She ranks Ryan up to Zeta. Decimus to Mu. Damian up to Kap-pa. Richard up to Lamba. Jackson goes up too Lambda. Derek and Jasmie go up to Omicron. This happens before the explosions occur. "Woooaahh..."
Morpheus looked to Ashlyn and his eyes got wide. "So yoooure our leader. Awww I'm no longer in charge I'm sad." He walked over to her and Decimus stood to his right and Ryan stood to his left. The three each got to their knee and bowed to her. "We are The Dragon's Rawriors. I did my best to keep your guild together. But no one else but these folks came." He stood and gave a light stomach bow. "My name is Morpheus, your Beta. I've been needing to ask, side comment. How do I become Alpha? You were busy and then... yeeeah"
Sage felt one of tendrils grip his arm and he growled. " Its called going from 0 to 100 real quick. Oh I can run , I'm not the problem you are. You are too arrogant and stupid for your own good and don't want the kids if they are going to be like you when they grow up. " He said with venom , tears still running down his face as he turned to glare at Vance. He really didn't want to do this , all he wanted was to curl up into ball and cry himself to death.

(Sweet mother that's allot of rank ups!)

Fola gestures to himself, makes a hand to mime talking and opens his mouth away from everyone, allowing the flames to jet from his mouth. He looked at Ashlyn and used his eyes to say, "Help me..."

@Light @GingerBread @djinnamon
Light said:
"Oh no..." Ashlyn opens up a rift to the deity realm and turns to Inaro. "Alright thank you! Regroup with Morpheus or another Dragon's Roar member in case of anything. Thank you." She gives him a kind smile and floats into the portal.
( @Dreamtique @LokiofSP @djinnamon )

Now that they were all on top of the mountain Grimm ranks them up. Earl ranks up to Pi. Sage is at Nu and Vance is at Kap-pa. Fola is at Iota due to making it too the mountain and practically beating Vance since even a little bit of eternal fire hit his cheek. Arwyn and Syrax ranks up to Omicron. An Ashlyn clone appears and uses telekinesis to separate the eternal fire from Vance's cheek. "What is going on here?"

Grimm appears and tosses a red flag in shock. "Excessive.... flaming? Unhealthy campfire? Lack of Marshmallows." He kept throwing red flags.

( Its eternal fire. Vance can't put it out. Nothing can. )

( @Lotusy @Tazmodo @Austria @DizjayDeathPride )

A clone of Ashlyn appears in the building with the other Dragon's Roar members. "Alright.. I'm sorry for my absence. Is there anything you need?!" Ashlyn seemed genuinely concerned. She ranks Ryan up to Zeta. Decimus to Mu. Damian up to Kap-pa. Richard up to Lamba. Jackson goes up too Lambda. Derek and Jasmie go up to Omicron. This happens before the explosions occur. "Woooaahh..."
DizjayDeathPride said:
Morpheus looked to Ashlyn and his eyes got wide. "So yoooure our leader. Awww I'm no longer in charge I'm sad." He walked over to her and Decimus stood to his right and Ryan stood to his left. The three each got to their knee and bowed to her. "We are The Dragon's Rawriors. I did my best to keep your guild together. But no one else but these folks came." He stood and gave a light stomach bow. "My name is Morpheus, your Beta. I've been needing to ask, side comment. How do I become Alpha? You were busy and then... yeeeah"
Theodore looked at the blond girl then saw the others bowere so he did too. "Who is this?" He wispered to Decimus.

Jackson looked at her. "You guys are back? Finally. Where's Alice?"
Tazmodo said:
Theodore looked at the blond girl then saw the others bowere so he did too. "Who is this?" He wispered to Decimus.
Jackson looked at her. "You guys are back? Finally. Where's Alice?"

Decimus looked to him. "That's our leader. Actually" He stood "Ashlyn, we have a new member. Theodore. Can he be added?"

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