Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
LokiofSP said:
Fola shrugged Vance off and continued walking, "Didn't you hear your boyfriend? Or are you deaf as well? I'm surprised as it is you got the deity of sex to be your partner, especially with your previously mentioned problems...I bet you wouldn't want to fuck that up, and if you don't, well then you'll back the fuck off me..."

"Someone sounds angry, tell you what I'll attach some strings to her and pretend she's a marionnet so you can relive her death, over and over and over" Vance smirked, knowing his words were getting to Fola. Vance put his hands up in mock defence as Sage came storming over to him "Calm down Sage, I wouldn't want to have to damage your beautiful face, and i wouldn't even think about pissing me off unless you no longer want kids"

@djinnamon @LokiofSP @Dreamtique
Sage growled as he got angrier before a cruel smirk came to his face. " I really don't need you to have kids , if anything Fola is a better choice. " He said before he ran up to Fola and hugged his arm. He was going to make Vance beg for forgiveness.

@GingerBread @LokiofSP
On the inside Vance was furious but he did his best to remain calm looking "Fine, if you really would prefer someone who can't protect children, go ahead" Vance shrugged. Seeing no reason in continuing he used the nearby shadows to create a chair and sat down "have fun" Vance wiggled his fingers in a sort of wave before leaning back and closing his eyes, planning to take a nap.

@djinnamon @LokiofSP @Dreamtique
(Yeah...I wonder...Sorry to keep you waiting, pop quiz ;- ;)

Fola pushed Sage off and shook his head, "First off, you're cute, but we just met, second, I REFUSE to be used as a rebound guy, I have a LITTLE self respect, come on..."

@GingerBread @djinnamon
LokiofSP said:
(Yeah...I wonder...Sorry to keep you waiting, pop quiz ;- ;)
Fola pushed Sage off and shook his head, "First off, you're cute, but we just met, second, I REFUSE to be used as a rebound guy, I have a LITTLE self respect, come on..."

@GingerBread @djinnamon
Sage couldn't help but laugh. This was amusing the guy thought he was serious, he did think Fola was attractive but he cared about Vance even if he is a dick. " Thank you for the complement, and I feel the same but I'm trying to make that idiot realize that he can't do what ever he wants and not have any consequences. " He whispered the explanation so only Fola would hear
Fola snorted and shook his head, "Won't work, I've met people like him. Trying to get through to him like this ussualy ends with him attacking us, trust me, this whole 'I don't need you thing' won't work on him."

Vance had to hide a smirk as he heard Sage get rejected, though after that he had stopped listening. He opened his eyes and saw that they were still here God, he talks about wanting to finish whatever we're meant to be doing and then stands there trying to convince child killer to go out with him Vance thought as he stood up and started walking, completely ignoring them as he went past.

@djinnamon @LokiofSP
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LokiofSP said:
Fola shrugged and spoke as if everything he said was the most apparent thing in the world, "I'm not fighting, just stating facts, your boyfriend has a tiny penis and possible daddy issues. Probably grew up in the shadow of a father who was better than him, got upset at the fact that daddy would always be better at everything and developed an inferiority complex. That coupled with his tiny penis makes him angry, he tries to belittle others to hide the fact that every time he gets a BJ, the person giving it to him needs a magnifying glass." Vance's words had hurt, but he smirked, knowing his hurt more, "Sucks that I couldn't save a kid, but at least I don't spend a good thirty minutes feeling around for 'it' every time I go piss."

@GingerBread @djinnamon @Dreamtique
Grimm is dying from laughter in whatever place he is and bestows the actual power of breathing eternal fire upon Fola. He could only breath the unending fire though, he couldn't manipulate it though. That's how much he flamed Vance.
Theodore looked out the window and saw the missiles. He materialized house in front of the enemy missiles making them explode.

Tazmodo said:
Theodore looked out the window and saw the missiles. He materialized house in front of the enemy missiles making them explode.
The missiles filled with Morpheus Juices exploded against the house making a large explosion then nothing

The kitten turned back to Morpheus who turned to the group seriously and said, "I hear dead people..."

Richard and Damian just shook their heads and went in the elevator. "We'll be back. Man the observation deck while we're gone" The doors closed and they began their descent
DizjayDeathPride said:
The missiles filled with Morpheus Juices exploded against the house making a large explosion then nothing

The kitten turned back to Morpheus who turned to the group seriously and said, "I hear dead people..."

Richard and Damian just shook their heads and went in the elevator. "We'll be back. Man the observation deck while we're gone" The doors closed and they began their descent
Sarah spoke to him. "Wait you can? That's awesome. Can you do me a favor I have eight lives left but no body I died on a mission for Dragon's Roar."
Tazmodo said:
Sarah spoke to him. "Wait you can? That's awesome. Can you do me a favor I have eight lives left but no body I died on a mission for Dragon's Roar."
Morpheus stared out of the window to nothingness. He turned back to the group and spoke to what appeared to be nothingness. "Where are you? What is your name? And do you like cheese?"
DizjayDeathPride said:
Morpheus stared out of the window to nothingness. He turned back to the group and spoke to what appeared to be nothingness. "Where are you? What is your name? And do you like cheese?"
Sarah laughed. "I don't know where I am. I'm Sarah. And I'm lactose intolerant so I've never had it." She whispered back.
So we're just meant to wait for the insane guy who claims he my father, which can't be true Vance thought, getting bored of just standing around There's no shadows around so i can't make myself a chair, Actually... Vance got an idea and took his dagger out before dropping it to the ground and using the shadow casted by it to create a chair Well this makes this whole thing slightly more tolerable Vance sat down in the chair and leaned back and relaxed There's no real reason for me to stay in this guild anymore, wonder what they'll do if i leave, i doubt they'll beg me to stay, Sage seems to want to go out with child killer at the moment anyway. I probably won't be able to know all this stuff about the guild, so either they'll kill me or take my memories or force me to stay somehow Vance thought, not seeing any point in staying in the guild anymore, but decided to find out what would happen if he left before he made a decision

@Light @djinnamon @LokiofSP @Dreamtique
Tazmodo said:
Sarah laughed. "I don't know where I am. I'm Sarah. And I'm lactose intolerant so I've never had it." She whispered back.
Morpheus blinked. "I hate you!" He ran out of the room, crying

Decimus shook his head. "This idiot"
DizjayDeathPride said:
Morpheus blinked. "I hate you!" He ran out of the room, crying
Decimus shook his head. "This idiot"
Sarah didn't know what she did wrong. "It's not my fault." She sat down and watched the crowd. "What do I do now?"
Tazmodo said:
Sarah didn't know what she did wrong. "It's not my fault." She sat down and watched the crowd. "What do I do now?"
Morpheus came back into the room, his eyes puffy and red, squinting at Sarah. "Hey Theo. Wanna join Leg- I mean The Dragon's Rawriors? We even have a super cute symbol!"

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