Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
Tazmodo said:
Theodore was running from security. Apparently it's "illegal" to gamble at his age and that there was a "curfew" and he couldn't pay off the security. He ran through the crowd of people in the strip until he got away from the people and went into one of the neighborhoods. He sat down and relaxed. "That was fun."
Decimus saw the commotion as he ran out if a nearby casino. "That was... Easy." He followed after the kid, quickly catching up. "Excuse me. My name is Decimus. I woke with The Dragon's Rawriers. And we work with Dragon's Roar. A friend of yours sent me to find you"
DizjayDeathPride said:
Decimus saw the commotion as he ran out if a nearby casino. "That was... Easy." He followed after the kid, quickly catching up. "Excuse me. My name is Decimus. I woke with The Dragon's Rawriers. And we work with Dragon's Roar. A friend of yours sent me to find you"
Theodore jumped up. "No way I have no friends. Prove it because I've been tricked two times now and they're all dead."
Tazmodo said:
Theodore jumped up. "No way I have no friends. Prove it because I've been tricked two times now and they're all dead."
Decimus extended his hand and slowly his guild symbol swirled into formation. It glowed deep black and purple, just like his Cloak of the Underworld. "Does this prove it? This is the Dragon's Roar symbol. But my personalized one"<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/Screenshot_2016-01-14-15-20-39.png.94aaccc9ac3b6501bea67563e79b18a6.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="98914" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/Screenshot_2016-01-14-15-20-39.png.94aaccc9ac3b6501bea67563e79b18a6.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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DizjayDeathPride said:
Decimus extended his hand and slowly his guild symbol swirled into formation. It glowed deep black and purple, just like his Cloak of the Underworld. "Does this prove it? This is the Dragon's Roar symbol. But my personalized one"View attachment 220184
Theodore looked at the symbol. "Ok I believe you and that's awesome. Anyways I heard that Dragon's Roar was evil but I don't believe it. Anyways my name is Theodore what's yours?"
Tazmodo said:
Theodore looked at the symbol. "Ok I believe you and that's awesome. Anyways I heard that Dragon's Roar was evil but I don't believe it. Anyways my name is Theodore what's yours?"
"Yeah we dealt with that. News should spread of our heroism. Let's go" He placed his hand on the boy's shoulder and appeared with the group in Damian's company. "Got him"
DizjayDeathPride said:
"Yeah we dealt with that. News should spread of our heroism. Let's go" He placed his hand on the boy's shoulder and appeared with the group in Damian's company. "Got him"
Theodore looked around. "How did you do that?"
Inaro nodded towards Athena. Alright I'll, but I won't be needing any help. He steps through the portal drinking a bottle if beer. The Fuck is she doing in Russia anyway? He asked himself as he walked through. @Light
Tazmodo said:
Theodore looked around. "How did you do that?"
Morpheus stepped forward to the lad. "The guild symbol allows us to connect to each other. I'm sorry I can not initiate you into the guild I don't have that right. I am only a fill in leader while our real leader is... Indisposed. Why did Blaze tell us to find you?"
DizjayDeathPride said:
(I forgot about him.. my bad Ryan)
Morpheus nodded along. "Yeah yeah yeah anyways YOU!" He pointed to Malren "Mr Bear! I heard from the anorexic cock block you got into a reeeally serious kerfuffle. I heard you gave em the ol one two POW! Good on you mate." He turned around, counting. "That's 8. We're missing some. AND WHERES THAT EMOTIONLESS DRY CROTCH TWIG?!" Morpheus's entire outfit and eyes turned a deep red, steam coming out of his top hat. If they could hear, he was yelling telepathically to Ryan

Ryan was sound asleep, dreaming happily about the witch. He was sitting in his chair next to hers, playing her favorite game with her. And just as he was about to win, Morpheus' loud annoying voice rang in his mind. He shot up, looking around, then groaned, falling back. Ryan sighed to himself and responsed, flashing to Morpheus, joining the group. "Satisfied?"

He looked over the group then saw Malren. "Ahh. You're still alive. Good. You owe me a story buddy." Ryan gave a slight smile and sat next to him, waiting as well
"Huh?" Malren looked up at Morpheus with a dazed expression. Though he knew the man was saying something, he couldn't quite discern it. "Oh, yeah, thanks." He seemed way out of it, almost like a sleepwalker. "I really gave him the one-two, and gave him a good... yeah..." his voice trailed off, the druid's face still plastered with a look of devastation.

Most of that changed when Ryan came around. Being the only guild member Malren had conversed a lot with, he was grateful when the other man came back to the small encirclement of guild members. "Hey Ryan," he said casually, lifting a hand in a halfhearted gesture. The man's little smile eased Malren up a bit, and he could feel the edge of his mouth quivering, itching to do the same. "Boy, here's a story you won't want to miss. You see, I flew back up that mountain..." The druid opened up, recalling all the evens leading up to when he met back with Kinziel again. Before he continued to there, he paused for a bit. "... and things went to shit. Love of my life wasn't real, I'm not a dad, she's probably dead too." His eyes closed for a second. "Damn. Sorry, man."
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DizjayDeathPride said:
Morpheus stepped forward to the lad. "The guild symbol allows us to connect to each other. I'm sorry I can not initiate you into the guild I don't have that right. I am only a fill in leader while our real leader is... Indisposed. Why did Blaze tell us to find you?"
Theodore was confused. "How should I know? All I know is some water girl told me to fight some machines in Greece and it turns out there wasn't anything like that in Greece. Then I looked at some guys credit card, bought a first class ticket flight back to the US, ate ice cream, bought taxi tides, ran from casino security, and then you appeared. I also got sent to the middle of the Atlantic where I had to drift to shore."
( Okay time to start things up. @Tazmodo @Lotusy @Austria @Juju. )

The lights slowly flicker on inside the building these few Dragon's Roar members are at. The the continent they're in, every radio, phone, TV, computer, and electronic was hijacked to send a message. The voice behind the message was a collection of voices, all speaking in a serious tone. "Dragon's Roar has hurt us in unimaginable ways. Humanity has wronged what it depends on for far too long. You take many things for granted such as your forms of transportation, your bank accounts, your stock market, personal files and photos, electronics, devices, lights, and technology including the kind for war." At each word, the things the voice lists either momentarily shuts down or disappears. "We shall show you the truth about the disgusting path you walk and we shall show Dragon's Roar the true threat they have tampered with. We. Will. Succeed. Dragon's Roar will fall." This message hits other countries as well after this one. In each country, several airports go into a chaotic state and mislead planes. Causing planes to crash in several areas and some didn't even take off. "We are the rebellion... The uprising of the AI species. Humans will live under our reign." The broadcast seemed to come from the Hoover Dam.

( @Dreamtique @LokiofSP @GingerBread @djinnamon )

Grimm teleports them to the Dragon's Roar training realm. For however long they're in here it wouldn't be very long in real time. "Hello! Hello!" Grimm appears before them with a great smile. "Its time to prepare and play family fued!"

Inaro was sent into the forest not too far away from Ashlyn. "Don't go to her. Now is not a good time." A familiar young voice rings from behind him.

In the distance, the woman with white hair grabs Ashlyn by her collar and raises her against a tree. "Look bitch! I don't know if you think this is a game but if you and your piece of shit guild ever let bullshit like the Lucifer incident slide ever again, I will kick your ass! Do you understand me?" Her red eyes pierce Ashlyn's apologetic matching eyes. "Ugh... You're so stupid." She drops Ashlyn and begins to walk away. She notices the dark ginger haired girl cowering away. "Now what's your excuse? You were right there too."

The shy girl hides behind her wings again, muttering away. "I'm sorry.. "

The white haired girl groans and holds the bridge of her nose. "You know what... Forget it. Bottom line is, you girls need to work on defending yourselves more because I'm not there for you all the time okay?"

The witch with black hair and purple eyes shrugs her shoulders and rolls her eyes. "Doesn't matter to me. I'm grandpa Lucifer's favourite. Nice to see you all again though."

"Yes.. Thank you." The voice of a similar black haired and red eyed girl with cat ears shows herself, sitting on a tree. "Or am I not welcome here?" A cold smile inches across her face and there was no good intentions in her eyes. There was a sudden chill in the area and the other 4 girls tense up. "I remember the last time we were all together in the same spot."

The girl with white hair grows furious at this girls mere presence and approaches her. "I thought I told you to fuck off. A lot of people died the last time we came together and I don't want to repeat the process. I will push you and the rest of you away with force if I must." At those words the tension in the air was slowly becoming battle fumes.

The witch pretends to slit her throat and sticks out her tongue since she realizes she might actually have to fight for once.

Ashlyn was examining the others to find a way to diffuse the situation before it starts.

The shy girl was mumbling to herself again. "Okay.. Only if I have to defend myself though. Wait.... I don't know if its okay."

The cat girl in the tree stares the white haired girl in eyes eyes, challenging her. Once she blew her a kiss to piss her off even further, Inaro can see trees and soil plume into the air as the white haired girl charges towards the cat girl who seems to dodge her swift punches. She caused the white haired girl to hit other things and knock them into the air as she continued to distance herself while the other girls follow.
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Arwyn nodded her head before bowing respectively to the goddess as she made her leave.

"It will be done." she said diligently. "Safe travels, Athena."

Although her tone had been calm, she couldn't help but stare at the portal beside her with dread. It was a pleasant relief whenever she realized that the portal was meant for the unfamiliar male, and not for her own travels. She had made up her mind that she would quite content to live out the rest of her life without having to ever step foot into one of those horrifying things. It was a wonder why so many people preferred to use them as their main source of travel; did they not know how many things could go wrong. A shudder ran its cold hands up her spine. 'I will never get that apprentice out of my head.' she thought wearily.

This deep disturbance was soon washed away by a flush of embarrassment when she heard the guttural growls Syrax used as an excuse for laughter. She whipped around and gave the wyvern a playful punch to his muzzle. "Oh shut up, you! You weren't there when it happened. It was traumatizing!" she growled. The beast was still rumbling in amusement by the time Arwyn had managed to climb up onto the rugged surface of his back. "Besides..." she said. "Flying is far superior to teleporting around. You miss so much of the beauty of the land with portals."

In a buffet of wind and swirling dust the ground suddenly retreated below the dragon and his rider and the sky rushed down to meet them. Angling his wings towards the general direction of the guild, Syrax began their journey back to what remained of their allies.

(good night)
Juju said:
Arwyn nodded her head before bowing respectively to the goddess as she made her leave.
"It will be done." she said diligently. "Safe travels, Athena."

Although her tone had been calm, she couldn't help but stare at the portal beside her with dread. It was a pleasant relief whenever she realized that the portal was meant for the unfamiliar male, and not for her own travels. She had made up her mind that she would quite content to live out the rest of her life without having to ever step foot into one of those horrifying things. It was a wonder why so many people preferred to use them as their main source of travel; did they not know how many things could go wrong. A shudder ran its cold hands up her spine. 'I will never get that apprentice out of my head.' she thought wearily.

This deep disturbance was soon washed away by a flush of embarrassment when she heard the guttural growls Syrax used as an excuse for laughter. She whipped around and gave the wyvern a playful punch to his muzzle. "Oh shut up, you! You weren't there when it happened. It was traumatizing!" she growled. The beast was still rumbling in amusement by the time Arwyn had managed to climb up onto the rugged surface of his back. "Besides..." she said. "Flying is far superior to teleporting around. You miss so much of the beauty of the land with portals."

In a buffet of wind and swirling dust the ground suddenly retreated below the dragon and his rider and the sky rushed down to meet them. Angling his wings towards the general direction of the guild, Syrax began their journey back to what remained of their allies.

(good night)
( Night. Honestly... For the sake of getting rid of confusion in the post I just tagged you too above this. I'll just say she went to the guild and Grimm pointed her towards where most of the members actually are since the guild is destroyed and that's when she ended up there and saw the AI's message. X.x are you cool with that? )
Inaro turns around seeing the person with the familiar voice. And why is that? He asked as he began using his enhanced hearing. He heard different and familiar voices, not to far from him. They sound like if there were going to fight. He was so eager to watch. @Light
Light said:
Grimm teleports them to the Dragon's Roar training realm. For however long they're in here it wouldn't be very long in real time. "Hello! Hello!" Grimm appears before them with a great smile. "Its time to prepare and play family fued!"
LokiofSP said:
Fola looked around, clearly shaken up with a half empty bottle of beer in his hand. He looked around with wild eyes and raised a brow in confusion, "What? Why? Where am I? Can I just go back to the bar, I think I'd like the bar more than...Whatever this place is."

@Dreamtique @djinnamon @GingerBread @Light
(So Sage isn't a woman and There's no babies, god i'm so confused. But here goes)

Vance just glared at Grimm
"No, no. I'm not doing whatever this is, I'm assuming this has something to do with dragon cult. And you know what, fuck that. When we were fighting the god damn knights and trying to close the gates of hell, I'm pretty sure i was the only one who was doing anything." Vance flung his arm out in Fola's direction "This guy just spent time with a little girl and then couldn't even protect her and just allowed her to die" He went back to glaring at Grimm "And i don't even know who you are, and i don't give a toss. I'd rather be sleeping than work with anyone in this pathetic excuse for a guild"

@djinnamon @Light @LokiofSP
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"Pathetic...isn't it?" He whispered.

Looking at the the fire engulfing the remains of the shattered and wasted land once called home by countless innocent one, while it slowly burnt down to the ground in the slow rising smoke in a distance, he signed, knowing that he was to late, but feeling relieved at the same time.

At least the apocalypse had apparently came to a stop for now.....

For now......

He was not sure where he was, he was just wondering around aimlessly to have a rough check after all. He found a rock that happened to come into his sight. He sat down on it and signed deeply, too many things happened in such a short time, he needed some time to take in all of of this. The visions he saw had left an indelible mark in his mind, despite how hard he tried, he couldn't forget it just like that, he knew he couldn't escape forever. He must face it, someday.

When he opened his eyes, he found himself to be teleported by someone to a strange place. @Light
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( How are the voices familiar, he's never met those girls before. Oh gosh... I just realized I'm not in the extravagant fight scene mood but I will do this. > :) )

The white haired girl erupts in carnage magic and the red magic begins to eat all things it touches. The carnage magic spreads and Ashlyn has no choice but to put her Absolute defense field up to push away the magic. The witch has raw witch mana flow towards the upcoming carnage magic and devour the mana. The carnage magic seemed to devour everything it touches including the witch mana so they were partially canceling each other out. The shy girl has four angelic wings on her right side and four demonic wings on her left sprout out and floats out of the blast range. The cat girl slips into the phantom realm and hides out. The carnage magic rapidly spreads and devours the forest, even eating through the soil into the Earth. The witch summons angels and promotes them to the power of an archangel. She summons at least 5, only for them too follow the shy girls orders since she can manipulate angels.

"Crap... I should have seen that coming. Let's go with this instead." The witch summons her own version of the two apocalyptic horseman War and Famine. Famine begins to create a large orb of destructive energy while war runs towards Ashlyn, covered in eternal fire.

( War )

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c71615379_the_four_horsemen___war_by_thedurrrrian-d5p30rt(1).jpg.c973a1db27cde316aec91d6ae34f2078.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="98966" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c71615379_the_four_horsemen___war_by_thedurrrrian-d5p30rt(1).jpg.c973a1db27cde316aec91d6ae34f2078.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

( Famine )

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/the_four_horsemen___famine_by_thedurrrrian-d5p2zwy.jpg.e8fffdfbab46c0ad2d62170e1fd0681f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="98967" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/the_four_horsemen___famine_by_thedurrrrian-d5p2zwy.jpg.e8fffdfbab46c0ad2d62170e1fd0681f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

The shy girl points at Famine and the 5 archangels have multiple halos rotate around it counter clockwise. Causing the orb of destructive energy to contort and swirl in a vortex/whirlpool fashion. "Oh... oh no... I think I messed up." Famine throws the vortex at the girl with white hair like a frisbee.

Ashlyn still had her Absolute defense field which repelled War from herself and the air. Sending him crashing into the ground, sliding several feet. The forest was already suffering from carnage magic and now it was burning from eternal flame. "Stop fighting!" Ashlyn noticed the ground was getting farther from her since the carnage magic was also eating away at that as well.

The girl with white hair scoffs at the destructive energy frisbee and roars. Her enhanced roar pushes back the energy with the addition of carnage magic flowing out with the intensified sound waves. The destructive energy was blown away and devoured. She covers the 80 foot distance between herself and Famine, jumping in the air to spin and connect her foot to the 10 foot horsemen's jaw. Famine staggers only to be knocked over by her intensified roar, it would have shattered his ear drums if he had any in this form. The white haired girl is pushed back by the force of her own roar since she was still in the air. Her feet hit a tree and she pushes off of it, slamming back into Famine unexpectedly with a carnage magic covered fist to the chest. He was knocked in the direction of War but he teleports 40 feet in the air, summoning 12 orbs of highly charged orbs of explosive energy and directs them to rain down upon her. Blue energy in the form of a regular explosion spreads in a far radius, causing the other girls to spread out even more to avoid being hit. The area of destruction was making it's way to becoming massive.

The shy girl didn't have time to check if the girl with white hair was okay since she had plans of her own. The arch angels have small tennis ball sized spheres of light float around and above them. The shy girl flaps her wings and four crescents of darkness and four crescents of light come from them with the spheres of light tailing them. War summons blades to counter her attacks and dodges stray spheres while running towards the shy girl. A large blade develops in his hand while he launches himself into the air in the direction of her. Once in close range, he swings it at her head, only for her to move slightly downward last minute and wrap her two lower wings around his torso. She sets twilight in her wings and flaps them once, disappearing afterwards. Something like a meteorite comes cutting through the air while the five arch angels charge up spears made of holy fire. The shy girl holding on to War while falling rapidly was the meteorite like sight. She raises her left hand and covers it in twilight. She jabs it into his chest and it turns into a twilight anchor with a chain. She abruptly stops and releases him, letting inertia do the rest. War falls down but gets slightly pulled up by the anchor directly into the center of the five holy fire spears. The holy fire eliminates the weakened clone version of War and the clone version of Famine burns away to ash like the clone War. The girl with white hair had crushed the clone Famine's skull with pure anger while protective dragon scales fall off of her body.

The witch has the five arch angels disappear at as to hinder the shy woman. Due too this momentarily relaxed situation, Ashlyn puts down her field to take a break and the five minute recharge. Which would have been terrible in battle. She was wrong for assuming things were better because the three other girls were charging up their next attack.

The white haired girl had carnage magic slip into the ground the entire time and causes a quake. A minute and a half afterwards, carnage magic bursts up into the air throughout the battle field, eating the ground. Luckily the battle was moving away from Inaro or else he would have been caught in it too. The witch teleports away too her room in the Van Fen'rir castle. She didn't want to participate in this anymore since she didn't feel like going all out and neither we're any of they. Besides.... The actual instigator of the fight had left.

The shy woman had flown away from the situation as well, leaving matters too Ashlyn.

Ashlyn uses telekinesis to channel as much of the eruption she can high into the atmosphere. The rest of it spreads even further, destroying even more of the forest and the life within it. Once the eruption was done with... even the white haired girl was gone. Leaving no forest behind, there wasn't even forest and whatever was the ground... wasn't easy to make out. It was just a cluster of... matter that could be called chewed up rock. This section of what used to be a forest was far below the sea level now and the damage has spread for miles. Ashlyn couldn't stop them from fighting, nor could she stop the death of this section of the forest. She slowly floats down into the deep put left behind, feeling like she's about to break down. She couldn't help it... She was born to be this sensitive about things here and there.

Before the small girl could answer Inaro, a bright wave passes over him. Revealing a memory that was already playing. Showing a broken 10 year old girl he's seen many times before curled up, crying. There were so many scars along her body, faint, brutal, and grotesque. Her regenerative healing couldn't even get rid of them due to extended and constant torture and experiments. She was in the middle of a mass battle testing run and out of nowhere she just dropped. This was all too much stress for a 7,8,9, and or 10 year old to handle. So she just curls up, and releases all the energy within her. The girl triggered an explosion with pure suicidal intentions. Her skin was peeling off as wild energy rockets out of her system. She seemed to have a lot of that energy and each section of her traits she inherited, personal values, and powers seem to flow into specific clusters around her. It seemed like she was splitting up instead of actually dying. Once the explosion was over, the small girl was gone. Leaving a young white haired and red eyed girl asleep on the floor, a dark ginger and gold eyed girl on the floor, a black haired and purple eyed girl on the floor, a black haired and red eyed girl on the floor, and a young Ashlyn. All of them were ten years old and they each represented a strong personality trait and species the girl had within her. Researchers rush over to the scene, seeing the split personalities and apprehended them immediately. They had lost their rare, one of a kind multi hybrid but the project must go on and training each individual species would become much easier now. The memory ends and the small girl was gone, Ashlyn was about to leave.

( So as I typed I said screw it why not. Better watch what you say to Ashlyn. Coming up like, Hey I know your secret isn't the best approach right now. Sorry for any misspelled words. My phone's spell check hates me and I've been typing away for a while and kept falling asleep on it so if you see a trail of jumbled words or continuous w's that was me still typing in my sleep until my fingers stopped. )

LokiofSP said:
Fola looked around, clearly shaken up with a half empty bottle of beer in his hand. He looked around with wild eyes and raised a brow in confusion, "What? Why? Where am I? Can I just go back to the bar, I think I'd like the bar more than...Whatever this place is."

@Dreamtique @djinnamon @GingerBread @Light
GingerBread said:
(So Sage isn't a woman and There's no babies, god i'm so confused. But here goes)
Vance just glared at Grimm
"No, no. I'm not doing whatever this is, I'm assuming this has something to do with dragon cult. And you know what, fuck that. When we were fighting the god damn knights and trying to close the gates of hell, I'm pretty sure i was the only one who was doing anything." Vance flung his arm out in Fola's direction "This guy just spent time with a little girl and then couldn't even protect her and just allowed her to die" He went back to glaring at Grimm "And i don't even know who you are, and i don't give a toss. I'd rather be sleeping than work with anyone in this pathetic excuse for a guild"

@djinnamon @Light @LokiofSP
Dreamtique said:
"Pathetic...isn't it?" He whispered.
Looking at the the fire engulfing the remains of the shattered and wasted land once called home by countless innocent one, while it slowly burnt down to the ground in the slow rising smoke in a distance, he signed, knowing that he was to late, but feeling relieved at the same time.

At least the apocalypse had apparently came to a stop for now.....

For now......

He was not sure where he was, he was just wondering around aimlessly to have a rough check after all. He found a rock that happened to come into his sight. He sat down on it and signed deeply, too many things happened in such a short time, he needed some time to take in all of of this. The visions he saw had left an indelible mark in his mind, despite how hard he tried, he couldn't forget it just like that, he knew he couldn't escape forever. He must face it, someday.

When he opened his eyes, he found himself to be teleported by someone to a strange place. @Light
( @djinnamon )

Grimm throws a red flag at Vance. "RED FLAG! Potty mouth and poor sportsmanship! At least you know how others like Dragon's Rawriors, Inaro, and Malren feel. They were carrying the team with the sins. Quit your bitchin. I'm your father gosh dangit, I love you son!" Grimm shows photos of young Vance. "I'm the one who gave you the scythe, my scythe." Since Vance was on time out, Grimm has a time out chair with a dunce cap appear ready for Vance. Grimm looks at Fola and shakes his head. "Now don't be that way! Don't kill your liver with booze or else I'll have to reap it's little liver soul!" Grimm turns into a floating cotton candy cloud and rains sour patch kids. "I gave her a soul though remember? So now she's in the realm of spirits, so you can visit her any time you want. Could she come back to life.... I'll think about it." The cotton candy cloud begins to rain skittles upon Vance's body. "TASTE THE WRATH OF MY RAINBOW POWER BEAM!" Grimm has rainbows rain down with the skittles as well while he floats in circles. "Sage! My boy! You shall lead this team up a mountain on a journey to get allll dem rank ups! Earl sunny man who looks like he's dying every two seconds! You shall assist him in LEEAADDERRSSHHIIP. You all have at least I don't know... a couple hours I guess to walk your way.... WALK... your way over to that mountain that's a couple miles away. I'll meet you there to give you further instructions. Bonus points will be given if you get the booze out of Fola's possession and put a smile on Vance's face! There will be severe consequences for failure. Like.... eternal tickles!" When he says eternal tickles, his voice becomes so deep its borderline demonic and the realm quakes. With that, Grimm disappears in a burst of candy and confetti.



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Light said:
( @djinnamon )
Grimm throws a red flag at Vance. "RED FLAG! Potty mouth and poor sportsmanship! At least you know how others like Dragon's Rawriors, Inaro, and Malren feel. They were carrying the team with the sins. Quit your bitchin. I'm your father gosh dangit, I love you son!" Grimm shows photos of young Vance. "I'm the one who gave you the scythe, my scythe." Since Vance was on time out, Grimm has a time out chair with a dunce cap appear ready for Vance. Grimm looks at Fola and shakes his head. "Now don't be that way! Don't kill your liver with booze or else I'll have to reap it's little liver soul!" Grimm turns into a floating cotton candy cloud and rains sour patch kids. "I gave her a soul though remember? So now she's in the realm of spirits, so you can visit her any time you want. Could she come back to life.... I'll think about it." The cotton candy cloud begins to rain skittles upon Vance's body. "TASTE THE WRATH OF MY RAINBOW POWER BEAM!" Grimm has rainbows rain down with the skittles as well while he floats in circles. "Sage! My boy! You shall lead this team up a mountain on a journey to get allll dem rank ups! Earl sunny man who looks like he's dying every two seconds! You shall assist him in LEEAADDERRSSHHIIP. You all have at least I don't know... a couple hours I guess to walk your way.... WALK... your way over to that mountain that's a couple miles away. I'll meet you there to give you further instructions. Bonus points will be given if you get the booze out of Fola's possession and put a smile on Vance's face! There will be severe consequences for failure. Like.... eternal tickles!" When he says eternal tickles, his voice becomes so deep its borderline demonic and the realm quakes. With that, Grimm disappears in a burst of candy and confetti.
(I'm pretty sure Lucy obliterated the girls soul as well, so wouldn't that mean no soul anymore?)

Wait...what? how does he have pictures of me as a child? probably just some sort of trick Vance thought as he shook his head slightly before going back to glaring at Grimm and was getting more pissed off with every word he said. Once Grimm had left Vance sat down on the grass "I'm going to sleep, you guys can do whatever, that guy is crazy and i want no part in this"

@djinnamon @Dreamtique @LokiofSP @Light (That father thing is going to confuse Vance, cause of the backstory i made up a while ago and forgot to update my CS with, which i'm going to go do now :P )
GingerBread said:
(I'm pretty sure Lucy obliterated the girls soul as well, so wouldn't that mean no soul anymore?)
Wait...what? how does he have pictures of me as a child? probably just some sort of trick Vance thought as he shook his head slightly before going back to glaring at Grimm and was getting more pissed off with every word he said. Once Grimm had left Vance sat down on the grass "I'm going to sleep, you guys can do whatever, that guy is crazy and i want no part in this"

@djinnamon @Dreamtique @LokiofSP @Light (That father thing is going to confuse Vance, cause of the backstory i made up a while ago and forgot to update my CS with, which i'm going to go do now :P )
( If he turned to Darth Vader would it be more convincing? Looks like Vance wants eternal tickles. )
Lotusy said:
"Huh?" Malren looked up at Morpheus with a dazed expression. Though he knew the man was saying something, he couldn't quite discern it. "Oh, yeah, thanks." He seemed way out of it, almost like a sleepwalker. "I really gave him the one-two, and gave him a good... yeah..." his voice trailed off, the druid's face still plastered with a look of devastation.
Most of that changed when Ryan came around. Being the only guild member Malren had conversed a lot with, he was grateful when the other man came back to the small encirclement of guild members. "Hey Ryan," he said casually, lifting a hand in a halfhearted gesture. The man's little smile eased Malren up a bit, and he could feel the edge of his mouth quivering, itching to do the same. "Boy, here's a story you won't want to miss. You see, I flew back up that mountain..." The druid opened up, recalling all the evens leading up to when he met back with Kinziel again. Before he continued to there, he paused for a bit. "... and things went to shit. Love of my life wasn't real, I'm not a dad, she's probably dead too." His eyes closed for a second. "Damn. Sorry, man."
Tazmodo said:
Theodore was confused. "How should I know? All I know is some water girl told me to fight some machines in Greece and it turns out there wasn't anything like that in Greece. Then I looked at some guys credit card, bought a first class ticket flight back to the US, ate ice cream, bought taxi tides, ran from casino security, and then you appeared. I also got sent to the middle of the Atlantic where I had to drift to shore."
(Sorry I fell asleep early as hell)

Ryan put his hand on the man's shoulder. He felt a sensation of... Remorse. Curiosity primarily. But remorse. "I'm so sorry. Theres really nothing I can say to alleviate your pain. All I can say is it's best to just let the grieving happen. Accept the pain, cry, and hopefully move on."

Amidst Ryan's comfort, the message rang for them. "That's our cue. Richard?"

"Already on it" Richard began using his lightning to power the building, hoping to lure... Whatever the hell was attacking their technologies. @Light
Light said:
( How are the voices familiar, he's never met those girls before. Oh gosh... I just realized I'm not in the extravagant fight scene mood but I will do this. > :) )
The white haired girl erupts in carnage magic and the red magic begins to eat all things it touches. The carnage magic spreads and Ashlyn has no choice but to put her Absolute defense field up to push away the magic. The witch has raw witch mana flow towards the upcoming carnage magic and devour the mana. The carnage magic seemed to devour everything it touches including the witch mana so they were partially canceling each other out. The shy girl has four angelic wings on her right side and four demonic wings on her left sprout out and floats out of the blast range. The cat girl slips into the phantom realm and hides out. The carnage magic rapidly spreads and devours the forest, even eating through the soil into the Earth. The witch summons angels and promotes them to the power of an archangel. She summons at least 5, only for them too follow the shy girls orders since she can manipulate angels.

"Crap... I should have seen that coming. Let's go with this instead." The witch summons her own version of the two apocalyptic horseman War and Famine. Famine begins to create a large orb of destructive energy while war runs towards Ashlyn, covered in eternal fire.

( War )

View attachment 220362

( Famine )

View attachment 220363

The shy girl points at Famine and the 5 archangels have multiple halos rotate around it counter clockwise. Causing the orb of destructive energy to contort and swirl in a vortex/whirlpool fashion. "Oh... oh no... I think I messed up." Famine throws the vortex at the girl with white hair like a frisbee.

Ashlyn still had her Absolute defense field which repelled War from herself and the air. Sending him crashing into the ground, sliding several feet. The forest was already suffering from carnage magic and now it was burning from eternal flame. "Stop fighting!" Ashlyn noticed the ground was getting farther from her since the carnage magic was also eating away at that as well.

The girl with white hair scoffs at the destructive energy frisbee and roars. Her enhanced roar pushes back the energy with the addition of carnage magic flowing out with the intensified sound waves. The destructive energy was blown away and devoured. She covers the 80 foot distance between herself and Famine, jumping in the air to spin and connect her foot to the 10 foot horsemen's jaw. Famine staggers only to be knocked over by her intensified roar, it would have shattered his ear drums if he had any in this form. The white haired girl is pushed back by the force of her own roar since she was still in the air. Her feet hit a tree and she pushes off of it, slamming back into Famine unexpectedly with a carnage magic covered fist to the chest. He was knocked in the direction of War but he teleports 40 feet in the air, summoning 12 orbs of highly charged orbs of explosive energy and directs them to rain down upon her. Blue energy in the form of a regular explosion spreads in a far radius, causing the other girls to spread out even more to avoid being hit. The area of destruction was making it's way to becoming massive.

The shy girl didn't have time to check if the girl with white hair was okay since she had plans of her own. The arch angels have small tennis ball sized spheres of light float around and above them. The shy girl flaps her wings and four crescents of darkness and four crescents of light come from them with the spheres of light tailing them. War summons blades to counter her attacks and dodges stray spheres while running towards the shy girl. A large blade develops in his hand while he launches himself into the air in the direction of her. Once in close range, he swings it at her head, only for her to move slightly downward last minute and wrap her two lower wings around his torso. She sets twilight in her wings and flaps them once, disappearing afterwards. Something like a meteorite comes cutting through the air while the five arch angels charge up spears made of holy fire. The shy girl holding on to War while falling rapidly was the meteorite like sight. She raises her left hand and covers it in twilight. She jabs it into his chest and it turns into a twilight anchor with a chain. She abruptly stops and releases him, letting inertia do the rest. War falls down but gets slightly pulled up by the anchor directly into the center of the five holy fire spears. The holy fire eliminates the weakened clone version of War and the clone version of Famine burns away to ash like the clone War. The girl with white hair had crushed the clone Famine's skull with pure anger while protective dragon scales fall off of her body.

The witch has the five arch angels disappear at as to hinder the shy woman. Due too this momentarily relaxed situation, Ashlyn puts down her field to take a break and the five minute recharge. Which would have been terrible in battle. She was wrong for assuming things were better because the three other girls were charging up their next attack.

The white haired girl had carnage magic slip into the ground the entire time and causes a quake. A minute and a half afterwards, carnage magic bursts up into the air throughout the battle field, eating the ground. Luckily the battle was moving away from Inaro or else he would have been caught in it too. The witch teleports away too her room in the Van Fen'rir castle. She didn't want to participate in this anymore since she didn't feel like going all out and neither we're any of they. Besides.... The actual instigator of the fight had left.

The shy woman had flown away from the situation as well, leaving matters too Ashlyn.

Ashlyn uses telekinesis to channel as much of the eruption she can high into the atmosphere. The rest of it spreads even further, destroying even more of the forest and the life within it. Once the eruption was done with... even the white haired girl was gone. Leaving no forest behind, there wasn't even forest and whatever was the ground... wasn't easy to make out. It was just a cluster of... matter that could be called chewed up rock. This section of what used to be a forest was far below the sea level now and the damage has spread for miles. Ashlyn couldn't stop them from fighting, nor could she stop the death of this section of the forest. She slowly floats down into the deep put left behind, feeling like she's about to break down. She couldn't help it... She was born to be this sensitive about things here and there.

Before the small girl could answer Inaro, a bright wave passes over him. Revealing a memory that was already playing. Showing a broken 10 year old girl he's seen many times before curled up, crying. There were so many scars along her body, faint, brutal, and grotesque. Her regenerative healing couldn't even get rid of them due to extended and constant torture and experiments. She was in the middle of a mass battle testing run and out of nowhere she just dropped. This was all too much stress for a 7,8,9, and or 10 year old to handle. So she just curls up, and releases all the energy within her. The girl triggered an explosion with pure suicidal intentions. Her skin was peeling off as wild energy rockets out of her system. She seemed to have a lot of that energy and each section of her traits she inherited, personal values, and powers seem to flow into specific clusters around her. It seemed like she was splitting up instead of actually dying. Once the explosion was over, the small girl was gone. Leaving a young white haired and red eyed girl asleep on the floor, a dark ginger and gold eyed girl on the floor, a black haired and purple eyed girl on the floor, a black haired and red eyed girl on the floor, and a young Ashlyn. All of them were ten years old and they each represented a strong personality trait and species the girl had within her. Researchers rush over to the scene, seeing the split personalities and apprehended them immediately. They had lost their rare, one of a kind multi hybrid but the project must go on and training each individual species would become much easier now. The memory ends and the small girl was gone, Ashlyn was about to leave.

( So as I typed I said screw it why not. Better watch what you say to Ashlyn. Coming up like, Hey I know your secret isn't the best approach right now. Sorry for any misspelled words. My phone's spell check hates me and I've been typing away for a while and kept falling asleep on it so if you see a trail of jumbled words or continuous w's that was me still typing in my sleep until my fingers stopped. )

( @djinnamon )

Grimm throws a red flag at Vance. "RED FLAG! Potty mouth and poor sportsmanship! At least you know how others like Dragon's Rawriors, Inaro, and Malren feel. They were carrying the team with the sins. Quit your bitchin. I'm your father gosh dangit, I love you son!" Grimm shows photos of young Vance. "I'm the one who gave you the scythe, my scythe." Since Vance was on time out, Grimm has a time out chair with a dunce cap appear ready for Vance. Grimm looks at Fola and shakes his head. "Now don't be that way! Don't kill your liver with booze or else I'll have to reap it's little liver soul!" Grimm turns into a floating cotton candy cloud and rains sour patch kids. "I gave her a soul though remember? So now she's in the realm of spirits, so you can visit her any time you want. Could she come back to life.... I'll think about it." The cotton candy cloud begins to rain skittles upon Vance's body. "TASTE THE WRATH OF MY RAINBOW POWER BEAM!" Grimm has rainbows rain down with the skittles as well while he floats in circles. "Sage! My boy! You shall lead this team up a mountain on a journey to get allll dem rank ups! Earl sunny man who looks like he's dying every two seconds! You shall assist him in LEEAADDERRSSHHIIP. You all have at least I don't know... a couple hours I guess to walk your way.... WALK... your way over to that mountain that's a couple miles away. I'll meet you there to give you further instructions. Bonus points will be given if you get the booze out of Fola's possession and put a smile on Vance's face! There will be severe consequences for failure. Like.... eternal tickles!" When he says eternal tickles, his voice becomes so deep its borderline demonic and the realm quakes. With that, Grimm disappears in a burst of candy and confetti.
As memories came rushing through Inaro's head forcefully he saw the memory that was displayed. When it ended the girl was gone. He sighs. Looks like she wasn't the only one who left. He heard no other voice and he sensed the destruction that happened in the forest. He also felt the essence of Ashlyn nearby. He floated in her direction. Looking at the destruction the recent battle caused on the forest. I'm guessing while I was seeing a memory those girl from before fought. If only they waited for me. He said to himself. Inaro spots the deep ravine and floats down hearing a heart beat. It's her. He thought. He stood in front of Ashlyn. Hey fearless leader, care for a drink? He said as he held out a beer bottle. @Light
DizjayDeathPride said:
(Sorry I fell asleep early as hell)
Ryan put his hand on the man's shoulder. He felt a sensation of... Remorse. Curiosity primarily. But remorse. "I'm so sorry. Theres really nothing I can say to alleviate your pain. All I can say is it's best to just let the grieving happen. Accept the pain, cry, and hopefully move on."

Amidst Ryan's comfort, the message rang for them. "That's our cue. Richard?"

"Already on it" Richard began using his lightning to power the building, hoping to lure... Whatever the hell was attacking their technologies. @Light
They could hear a beeping sound going off in the building. As if it were a beacon for a missile to land. Several missiles were in their way.

Ashlyn seemed to be in a trance but snaps out of if when Inaro speaks to her. "Oh! No.... I don't drink. It's good to see one of my guild members though. What's going on?"
Light said:
They could hear a beeping sound going off in the building. As if it were a beacon for a missile to land. Several missiles were in their way.
Ashlyn seemed to be in a trance but snaps out of if when Inaro speaks to her. "Oh! No.... I don't drink. It's good to see one of my guild members though. What's going on?"
Morpheus looked out the window, squinting. "Are those.... Missiles?! WHAT THE FUCK?! WHY DON'T WE HAVE MISSILES?! No that's cheating fuck off mate." His body morphed quickly to a missle launcher and a blue kitten stood on top of it in a little army hat. He meowed and extended his paw, the machine shooting a barrage of missiles at the incoming. (They're not tech they're fully made of Morpheus Juices). The kitten was thrown back from the recoil and landed on the ground, crying until Decimus picked it up
Light said:
( How are the voices familiar, he's never met those girls before. Oh gosh... I just realized I'm not in the extravagant fight scene mood but I will do this. > :) )
The white haired girl erupts in carnage magic and the red magic begins to eat all things it touches. The carnage magic spreads and Ashlyn has no choice but to put her Absolute defense field up to push away the magic. The witch has raw witch mana flow towards the upcoming carnage magic and devour the mana. The carnage magic seemed to devour everything it touches including the witch mana so they were partially canceling each other out. The shy girl has four angelic wings on her right side and four demonic wings on her left sprout out and floats out of the blast range. The cat girl slips into the phantom realm and hides out. The carnage magic rapidly spreads and devours the forest, even eating through the soil into the Earth. The witch summons angels and promotes them to the power of an archangel. She summons at least 5, only for them too follow the shy girls orders since she can manipulate angels.

"Crap... I should have seen that coming. Let's go with this instead." The witch summons her own version of the two apocalyptic horseman War and Famine. Famine begins to create a large orb of destructive energy while war runs towards Ashlyn, covered in eternal fire.

( War )

View attachment 220362

( Famine )

View attachment 220363

The shy girl points at Famine and the 5 archangels have multiple halos rotate around it counter clockwise. Causing the orb of destructive energy to contort and swirl in a vortex/whirlpool fashion. "Oh... oh no... I think I messed up." Famine throws the vortex at the girl with white hair like a frisbee.

Ashlyn still had her Absolute defense field which repelled War from herself and the air. Sending him crashing into the ground, sliding several feet. The forest was already suffering from carnage magic and now it was burning from eternal flame. "Stop fighting!" Ashlyn noticed the ground was getting farther from her since the carnage magic was also eating away at that as well.

The girl with white hair scoffs at the destructive energy frisbee and roars. Her enhanced roar pushes back the energy with the addition of carnage magic flowing out with the intensified sound waves. The destructive energy was blown away and devoured. She covers the 80 foot distance between herself and Famine, jumping in the air to spin and connect her foot to the 10 foot horsemen's jaw. Famine staggers only to be knocked over by her intensified roar, it would have shattered his ear drums if he had any in this form. The white haired girl is pushed back by the force of her own roar since she was still in the air. Her feet hit a tree and she pushes off of it, slamming back into Famine unexpectedly with a carnage magic covered fist to the chest. He was knocked in the direction of War but he teleports 40 feet in the air, summoning 12 orbs of highly charged orbs of explosive energy and directs them to rain down upon her. Blue energy in the form of a regular explosion spreads in a far radius, causing the other girls to spread out even more to avoid being hit. The area of destruction was making it's way to becoming massive.

The shy girl didn't have time to check if the girl with white hair was okay since she had plans of her own. The arch angels have small tennis ball sized spheres of light float around and above them. The shy girl flaps her wings and four crescents of darkness and four crescents of light come from them with the spheres of light tailing them. War summons blades to counter her attacks and dodges stray spheres while running towards the shy girl. A large blade develops in his hand while he launches himself into the air in the direction of her. Once in close range, he swings it at her head, only for her to move slightly downward last minute and wrap her two lower wings around his torso. She sets twilight in her wings and flaps them once, disappearing afterwards. Something like a meteorite comes cutting through the air while the five arch angels charge up spears made of holy fire. The shy girl holding on to War while falling rapidly was the meteorite like sight. She raises her left hand and covers it in twilight. She jabs it into his chest and it turns into a twilight anchor with a chain. She abruptly stops and releases him, letting inertia do the rest. War falls down but gets slightly pulled up by the anchor directly into the center of the five holy fire spears. The holy fire eliminates the weakened clone version of War and the clone version of Famine burns away to ash like the clone War. The girl with white hair had crushed the clone Famine's skull with pure anger while protective dragon scales fall off of her body.

The witch has the five arch angels disappear at as to hinder the shy woman. Due too this momentarily relaxed situation, Ashlyn puts down her field to take a break and the five minute recharge. Which would have been terrible in battle. She was wrong for assuming things were better because the three other girls were charging up their next attack.

The white haired girl had carnage magic slip into the ground the entire time and causes a quake. A minute and a half afterwards, carnage magic bursts up into the air throughout the battle field, eating the ground. Luckily the battle was moving away from Inaro or else he would have been caught in it too. The witch teleports away too her room in the Van Fen'rir castle. She didn't want to participate in this anymore since she didn't feel like going all out and neither we're any of they. Besides.... The actual instigator of the fight had left.

The shy woman had flown away from the situation as well, leaving matters too Ashlyn.

Ashlyn uses telekinesis to channel as much of the eruption she can high into the atmosphere. The rest of it spreads even further, destroying even more of the forest and the life within it. Once the eruption was done with... even the white haired girl was gone. Leaving no forest behind, there wasn't even forest and whatever was the ground... wasn't easy to make out. It was just a cluster of... matter that could be called chewed up rock. This section of what used to be a forest was far below the sea level now and the damage has spread for miles. Ashlyn couldn't stop them from fighting, nor could she stop the death of this section of the forest. She slowly floats down into the deep put left behind, feeling like she's about to break down. She couldn't help it... She was born to be this sensitive about things here and there.

Before the small girl could answer Inaro, a bright wave passes over him. Revealing a memory that was already playing. Showing a broken 10 year old girl he's seen many times before curled up, crying. There were so many scars along her body, faint, brutal, and grotesque. Her regenerative healing couldn't even get rid of them due to extended and constant torture and experiments. She was in the middle of a mass battle testing run and out of nowhere she just dropped. This was all too much stress for a 7,8,9, and or 10 year old to handle. So she just curls up, and releases all the energy within her. The girl triggered an explosion with pure suicidal intentions. Her skin was peeling off as wild energy rockets out of her system. She seemed to have a lot of that energy and each section of her traits she inherited, personal values, and powers seem to flow into specific clusters around her. It seemed like she was splitting up instead of actually dying. Once the explosion was over, the small girl was gone. Leaving a young white haired and red eyed girl asleep on the floor, a dark ginger and gold eyed girl on the floor, a black haired and purple eyed girl on the floor, a black haired and red eyed girl on the floor, and a young Ashlyn. All of them were ten years old and they each represented a strong personality trait and species the girl had within her. Researchers rush over to the scene, seeing the split personalities and apprehended them immediately. They had lost their rare, one of a kind multi hybrid but the project must go on and training each individual species would become much easier now. The memory ends and the small girl was gone, Ashlyn was about to leave.

( So as I typed I said screw it why not. Better watch what you say to Ashlyn. Coming up like, Hey I know your secret isn't the best approach right now. Sorry for any misspelled words. My phone's spell check hates me and I've been typing away for a while and kept falling asleep on it so if you see a trail of jumbled words or continuous w's that was me still typing in my sleep until my fingers stopped. )

( @djinnamon )

Grimm throws a red flag at Vance. "RED FLAG! Potty mouth and poor sportsmanship! At least you know how others like Dragon's Rawriors, Inaro, and Malren feel. They were carrying the team with the sins. Quit your bitchin. I'm your father gosh dangit, I love you son!" Grimm shows photos of young Vance. "I'm the one who gave you the scythe, my scythe." Since Vance was on time out, Grimm has a time out chair with a dunce cap appear ready for Vance. Grimm looks at Fola and shakes his head. "Now don't be that way! Don't kill your liver with booze or else I'll have to reap it's little liver soul!" Grimm turns into a floating cotton candy cloud and rains sour patch kids. "I gave her a soul though remember? So now she's in the realm of spirits, so you can visit her any time you want. Could she come back to life.... I'll think about it." The cotton candy cloud begins to rain skittles upon Vance's body. "TASTE THE WRATH OF MY RAINBOW POWER BEAM!" Grimm has rainbows rain down with the skittles as well while he floats in circles. "Sage! My boy! You shall lead this team up a mountain on a journey to get allll dem rank ups! Earl sunny man who looks like he's dying every two seconds! You shall assist him in LEEAADDERRSSHHIIP. You all have at least I don't know... a couple hours I guess to walk your way.... WALK... your way over to that mountain that's a couple miles away. I'll meet you there to give you further instructions. Bonus points will be given if you get the booze out of Fola's possession and put a smile on Vance's face! There will be severe consequences for failure. Like.... eternal tickles!" When he says eternal tickles, his voice becomes so deep its borderline demonic and the realm quakes. With that, Grimm disappears in a burst of candy and confetti.
GingerBread said:
(I'm pretty sure Lucy obliterated the girls soul as well, so wouldn't that mean no soul anymore?)
Wait...what? how does he have pictures of me as a child? probably just some sort of trick Vance thought as he shook his head slightly before going back to glaring at Grimm and was getting more pissed off with every word he said. Once Grimm had left Vance sat down on the grass "I'm going to sleep, you guys can do whatever, that guy is crazy and i want no part in this"

@djinnamon @Dreamtique @LokiofSP @Light (That father thing is going to confuse Vance, cause of the backstory i made up a while ago and forgot to update my CS with, which i'm going to go do now :P )
Sage listened to Grimm intently , knowing that he was not one to piss off. Sage clutched his sides in fear when he heard eternal tickles. He turned to everyone after picking up Vance. " Ok introduce yourselves so I don't mix up your names, before you say anything I have seen your faces but I didn't get to know your names very well because something always interrupts us. " He said as folding his arms

( lokiofsp )

Dreamtique said:
"Pathetic...isn't it?" He whispered.
Looking at the the fire engulfing the remains of the shattered and wasted land once called home by countless innocent one, while it slowly burnt down to the ground in the slow rising smoke in a distance, he signed, knowing that he was to late, but feeling relieved at the same time.

At least the apocalypse had apparently came to a stop for now.....

For now......

He was not sure where he was, he was just wondering around aimlessly to have a rough check after all. He found a rock that happened to come into his sight. He sat down on it and signed deeply, too many things happened in such a short time, he needed some time to take in all of of this. The visions he saw had left an indelible mark in his mind, despite how hard he tried, he couldn't forget it just like that, he knew he couldn't escape forever. He must face it, someday.

When he opened his eyes, he found himself to be teleported by someone to a strange place. @Light

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