Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
DizjayDeathPride said:
Lucifer pulled out his ringing cell, Vance calling him. He answered and spoke in Vance's mind. "Helloooo. Lucifer here. King of all things Wicked. For English, press 1. Par espanole, premia numerio dos. Or something like that. How may I direct your call?"
Vance took a deep breath and entered his darkness realm "Give me Vaughn back" Vance hissed through clenched teeth "There's no reason to bring a child into this because you're to scared to fight me"

GingerBread said:
Vance took a deep breath and entered his darkness realm "Give me Vaughn back" Vance hissed through clenched teeth "There's no reason to bring a child into this because you're to scared to fight me"

"Oooo that's not possible I'm sorry. This has nothing to do with the baby so please don't make me involve the baby. This is about principles silly. Order. Respect. I asked for ONE THING. My grand daughter. And what did I get? Arrogant children who thought they could take on a God. So I'm just showing you the same courtesy. You want your.... Hold on" there was a pause of silence. "Ahh it's a boy okay. Anyways you want your son. So in the sense of community and friendship I will do unto you as you did unto me. I really super duper hope we can be friends still Vancey. I admire your moxy. You'd make a great Knight"
Sage stopped cry and gritted his teeth. " I'll kill who ever took by baby. " He growled out , he had a sneaking suspicion that it was Lucifer who took Vaughn. He gave the baby to Sarah and got off the bed before putting on his clothes and walking outside. " Lucifer , give my back my son. " He yelled angrily as killer intent rose. Around the continent(Russia and all that surrounds. )people shook in fear as the killer intent surrounded them and the ground froze , even in the deity realm frost was spreading.

djinnamon said:
Sage stopped cry and gritted his teeth. " I'll kill who ever took by baby. " He growled out , he had a sneaking suspicion that it was Lucifer who took Vaughn. He gave the baby to Sarah and got off the bed before putting on his clothes and walking outside. " Lucifer , give my back my son. " He yelled angrily as killer intent rose. Around the continent(Russia and all that surrounds. )people shook in fear as the killer intent surrounded them and the ground froze , even in the deity realm frost was spreading.
"Hold on Vance getting a call"

He put Vance on hold and answered Sage

"Hellloooo Luci here. King of all things Wicked. For English please press one. Par espanole premia numero dos. Or something like that. How may I direct your call"
DizjayDeathPride said:
Lucifer pulled out his ringing cell, Vance calling him. He answered and spoke in Vance's mind. "Helloooo. Lucifer here. King of all things Wicked. For English, press 1. Par espanole, premia numerio dos. Or something like that. How may I direct your call?"

Damian turned to him. "And what would that be?"
"Go to Greece and find the kid who remembers all." He looked at Richard and waved. He then disappeared in vortex of flames.

djinnamon said:
Sage stopped cry and gritted his teeth. " I'll kill who ever took by baby. " He growled out , he had a sneaking suspicion that it was Lucifer who took Vaughn. He gave the baby to Sarah and got off the bed before putting on his clothes and walking outside. " Lucifer , give my back my son. " He yelled angrily as killer intent rose. Around the continent(Russia and all that surrounds. )people shook in fear as the killer intent surrounded them and the ground froze , even in the deity realm frost was spreading.
Juliette grew tired of the yelling and cut off all his sounds. She used the sound wave from the baby crying and appeared. "Calm down stopped yelling." She used the manipulation on him as well. "This won't make thing better." She hummed a tune and calmed down the baby.
Tazmodo said:
"Go to Greece and find the kid who remembers all." He looked at Richard and waved. He then disappeared in vortex of flames.
Juliette grew tired of the yelling and cut off all his sounds. She used the sound wave from the baby crying and appeared. "Calm down stopped yelling." She used the manipulation on him as well. "This won't make thing better." She hummed a tune and calmed down the baby.
Terrence was instantly next to her with a sword threatening to cut her head off. " Undo what you just did or else. " He said dangerously.
djinnamon said:
" Don't play Lucifer , I'm not in the mood. " Sage grumbled as the killer intent grew larger , people fainted and sea animals swam away.
"Yikes someone's upset... You should talk to your boyfriend I already explained to him my position. I did put him on hold. Lovely hold music. It's Chopin. I'm sure you uncultured swine don't know who he is but trust he's magnificent. Toodaloo Sagey-poo. If you need uncle Luci just give me a ring. Day or night. Heres little Luci." He put the phone to the laughing baby for a moment then put it back to his ear "See you soon boo-boo!"
djinnamon said:
Terrence was instantly next to her with a sword threatening to cut her head off. " Undo what you just did or else. " He said dangerously.
Juliette didn't care. "Fair warning if you kill me he will never be able to make sound. So calm down while calm him and the baby down." She kept humming. "I have no intention on killing anyone but if this continues nothing good can come out if it."

The elements stopped destroying the world.
Vaughn was crying constantly and it didn't seem like he would be stopping anytime soon. Vaughn wanted his daddies and wouldn't stop crying until he was with them again, he was scared of this new man.

djinnamon said:
Sage listened feeling horrified. " Please give him back to me , I'll do almost anything except get killed. " He said , it may sound selfish but he had good reason.
GingerBread said:
Vaughn was crying constantly and it didn't seem like he would be stopping anytime soon. Vaughn wanted his daddies and wouldn't stop crying until he was with them again, he was scared of this new man.
Lucifer sighed. "You know what? Ill make you a deal. Become my mindless servant and Knight, swearing your loyalties to me. And me alone. And I will return your soon to be daughter if it DOESN'T SHUT THE HELL UP!"
Sage thought about. " Ok fine , it would be more fun for you if I wasn't mindless and you could force me to conform cause hate that...... oh shot I retract that statement. " He said quickly, he was thinking out loud.


DizjayDeathPride said:
Lucifer sighed. "You know what? Ill make you a deal. Become my mindless servant and Knight, swearing your loyalties to me. And me alone. And I will return your soon to be daughter if it DOESN'T SHUT THE HELL UP!"
DizjayDeathPride said:
Lucifer sighed. "You know what? Ill make you a deal. Become my mindless servant and Knight, swearing your loyalties to me. And me alone. And I will return your soon to be daughter if it DOESN'T SHUT THE HELL UP!"
Vaughn kept crying, lucy's shouting make him cry even more making him scared and really wanting to be with his daddy and be comforted by them. This desire manifested and tapped into his power and used the the nearby darkness to create tendrils that wrapped around him and teleported him in front of Sage, in a small makeshift crib made of darkness

Sage saw the baby and smiled brightly before picking the baby up and hugging it firmly. " Thank goodness ,Vaughn my baby. " He said , tears of happiness forming as hugged the baby.

GingerBread said:
Vaughn kept crying, lucy's shouting make him cry even more making him scared and really wanting to be with his daddy and be comforted by them. This desire manifested and tapped into his power and used the the nearby darkness to create tendrils that wrapped around him and teleported him in front of Sage, in a small makeshift crib made of darkness
djinnamon said:
Sage thought about. " Ok fine , it would be more fun for you if I wasn't mindless and you could force me to conform cause hate that...... oh shot I retract that statement. " He said quickly, he was thinking out loud.
Once the baby left, a loud snap echoed across the entirety to the universe, ringing down to Vaughn and muting him. The baby fell asleep, under a spell. Lucifer connect the call to them two, making a three way call. "I put your baby to sleep. Eternally. Ill wake it up when I decide. Enjoy"
DizjayDeathPride said:
Once the baby left, a loud snap echoed across the entirety to the universe, ringing down to Vaughn and muting him. The baby fell asleep, under a spell. Lucifer connect the call to them two, making a three way call. "I put your baby to sleep. Eternally. Ill wake it up when I decide. Enjoy"
(Not happening, this isn't your character and I tried to solve this but you seemed to not agree to it unless it worked in your favour, so no, what you did doesn't work
djinnamon said:
Sage saw the baby and smiled brightly before picking the baby up and hugging it firmly. " Thank goodness ,Vaughn my baby. " He said , tears of happiness forming as hugged the baby.
Vaughn quieted down as he was hugged close to his daddy, his cries quieting down to sniffles as he buried his head in sages chest, happy that he was back with his daddy
GingerBread said:
(Not happening, this isn't your character and I tried to solve this but you seemed to not agree to it unless it worked in your favour, so no, what you did doesn't work
(Magically asleep like sleep beauty or I can come kill it I don't really care either way up to you)
DizjayDeathPride said:
(Magically asleep like sleep beauty or I can come kill it I don't really care either way up to you)
(Neither is happening, I don't like having to do this. But there is a limit to how much unstoppable Bullshit you can pull before i'll speak up and do something. And you, sir have pushed me to that limit. So i wouldn't even bother, Cause I'll just instant Kill Lucy. That's fair right?)
DizjayDeathPride said:
(Magically asleep like sleep beauty or I can come kill it I don't really care either way up to you)
( Godmod much , I was trying to stay out of this but the point you give us no choice I'm going to say something. Look , theses characters aren't yours so you can't control them you have to ask us , work out a plot with us not forcing things )

@GingerBread @DizjayDeathPride
Juliette sighed. "Well bye enjoy the silence." She disappeared. Leaving a note. "Clear you throat." She walked out and looked around. "Grimm can you hear me?" Her voice echoed across the globe.
Sage went back inside the house with the baby and was bombarded with questions from Sarah and Terrence before he also grabbed the blonder baby and looked down at it , love clear in his eyes. " I'll name you Sawyer. " He said causing the baby to giggle loudly. His parents smiled at the three.

Vance had fallen to his knees in grief when It appeared like Lucy wasn't going to ever give Vaughn back. He slowly got up and left his darkness realm. The cool air stinging against his raw and bloody hands causing Vance to take a sharp breath through his clenched teeth. Vance looked at his hands I deserve to be injured worse than i am now, i couldn't even save Vaughn He thought as he slowly trudged back to the house, slightly worried what Sage's reaction to him not being able to rescue Vaughn.

@djinnamon (Vance doesn't know Vaughn is safe)
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GingerBread said:
(Neither is happening, I don't like having to do this. But there is a limit to how much unstoppable Bullshit you can pull before i'll speak up and do something. And you, sir have pushed me to that limit. So i wouldn't even bother, Cause I'll just instant Kill Lucy. That's fair right?)
(If you can. I get your point and im sorry but I stand by what I say no more arguing it's done Kay? Kay)

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