Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
Earl raised one of his eye brows, though it's not that noticeable under his mask. While his eyes uncontrollably followed Grimm while he goofed around.

Good.. so now I have to play games here......


He sighed, typical.

Casually looked around, he then proceeded to walk toward the mountain that could be seen a mile away. He stopped suddenly and turned his head to looked at the others, making a rough scan on each of them, even trying to reassure that if they were really just going to continue wasting their time to have a "bonding session" instead of get moving. He then turned away and continued to move forward alone. @Light

@djinnamon @LokiofSP @GingerBread
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"Who cares about their names, they'll end up dying soon. It's like being on a farm, you don't name the things you'll probably have to end up killing, you might end up getting attached to them" Vance shrugged, not really caring "Though if we must have names for them" Vance pointed at Fola "He's Mr 'I can't defend a child' We can always call him child killer for short" Vance smirked maliciously at him before motioning towards Earl "I've no idea about you, but what about 'soon to be dead' does that work for you? It's most likely true"

@djinnamon @LokiofSP @Dreamtique
Fola had been finishing his bottle when Sage spoke, he raised his brow and put up on finger to indicate to everybody they needed to wait. He finshed and wiped his mouth, he then did a half-bow and spoke, "Name's Fola, I'm a half-witch who can't do witch things. I enjoy long walks on the beach, classic romance and scotch. That what you wanted to know?"

@djinnamon @GingerBread @Light
Vance walked over to Sage and started walking alongside him "So what's the point of us walking to a mountain? Why can't we just use our powers to get there? This seems a bit pointless and vaguely suspicious to me. But hey let's just go along with this cause it's not like everythings been going to shit and trying to kill us thus far is it?"

@djinnamon @LokiofSP @Dreamtique @Light
Inaro shrugs. More for me then. He takes a sip of a bottle. Sense your grandfather attacked things have been hell on earth. He chuckles. Literally. The gates of hell have opened but was delt with by us. He said with a smile. Inaro didn't know about the mechas so he didn't mention them. But he did start to mention the deity war. Also Ashlyn the deities want you to return to the deity realm. Apparently there's a war. Surprisingly I wasn't invited but I'll live. He drinks his beer. So what are you doing here? @Light
Fola turned to look at Vance after the child killer comment. He stared at the man intently and said, "So you just have a microscopic penis right? That's your whole deal."

LokiofSP said:
Fola turned to look at Vance after the child killer comment. He stared at the man intently and said, "So you just have a microscopic penis right? That's your whole deal."

Sage couldn't contain a scuff and covered his mouth.
Upon hear Fola's comment Vance's face formed a scowl "No, I don't. If you don't believe me ask Sage" He replied as he glared at Fola "But you couldn't even protect a Little girl, though let's be honest, she was probably the one protecting you all the time. Cause i don't see a weakling like you being able to protect yourself, let alone anyone else"

@djinnamon @LokiofSP @Dreamtique @Light
Fola shrugged and spoke as if everything he said was the most apparent thing in the world, "I'm not fighting, just stating facts, your boyfriend has a tiny penis and possible daddy issues. Probably grew up in the shadow of a father who was better than him, got upset at the fact that daddy would always be better at everything and developed an inferiority complex. That coupled with his tiny penis makes him angry, he tries to belittle others to hide the fact that every time he gets a BJ, the person giving it to him needs a magnifying glass." Vance's words had hurt, but he smirked, knowing his hurt more, "Sucks that I couldn't save a kid, but at least I don't spend a good thirty minutes feeling around for 'it' every time I go piss."

@GingerBread @djinnamon @Dreamtique
"Do you know what? I never got the girl's corpse out of my darkness realm, would you like to see it? Just so you can remind yourself of how much of a failure you are" Vance was trying his best not to show Fola he was getting pissed off "And it's still as fresh as the moment she died, isn't that great?"

@djinnamon @LokiofSP @Dreamtique
Sage gapped in shock. He got over his shock and glared at both of them before turning his attractiveness up. " Can guys please not talk unless talked to for the rest of this mission. " He asked in sweet tone his face softening as a very convincing smile came to his face.

@GingerBread @LokiofSP
Fola shrugged, he wasn't sure if he could take seeing the corpse, but he wasn't going to back down now, this was a matter of pride, "I already know I'm a fuck-up. I accepted that fact when my parents disowned me five years ago. I came to terms with it when I watched her die, the first step is admitting your weakness. Now say it with me..." He put his right hand over his chest and put his left hand up at a 90 degree angle, "I, fuckface-whatever-my-name-is, have a problem... That problem is that I can never satisfy any-" He stopped as he looked at Sage, he whistled and smiled, "Alright, I understand, didn't mean to upset you..."

He smirked and looked Vance in the eye briefly before beginning to walk away, just as he got ten feet away he turned around and shook his finger as if remembering something, "One last thing... I just wanted you to know that even though mommy and daddy never cared, you'll find somebody who does one day...If you're lucky..." He shoved his hands in his jacket pockets and continued upwards...

@GingerBread @djinnamon
Vance glared at Fola "By your reaction, i take it you want to see the corpse again?" He asked, knowing that Fola probably didn't want to "Good, I'll take you to it, wouldn't want it to lose it's freshness, you can see the fear and pain in her face still, it's like a work of art" Vance walked over to Fola and place a hand on his shoulder "So you ready to see it?"

@djinnamon @LokiofSP @Dreamtique
Fola shrugged Vance off and continued walking, "Didn't you hear your boyfriend? Or are you deaf as well? I'm surprised as it is you got the deity of sex to be your partner, especially with your previously mentioned problems...I bet you wouldn't want to fuck that up, and if you don't, well then you'll back the fuck off me..."

LokiofSP said:
Fola shrugged and spoke as if everything he said was the most apparent thing in the world, "I'm not fighting, just stating facts, your boyfriend has a tiny penis and possible daddy issues. Probably grew up in the shadow of a father who was better than him, got upset at the fact that daddy would always be better at everything and developed an inferiority complex. That coupled with his tiny penis makes him angry, he tries to belittle others to hide the fact that every time he gets a BJ, the person giving it to him needs a magnifying glass." Vance's words had hurt, but he smirked, knowing his hurt more, "Sucks that I couldn't save a kid, but at least I don't spend a good thirty minutes feeling around for 'it' every time I go piss."

@GingerBread @djinnamon @Dreamtique
(Jesus Christ Fola...)
Sage glared at Vance. " Don't you dare. " He said in a dangerous voice as he stomped over to him. " Stop this right now. " he said with a growl , he may love Vance but that not going to stop him from slapping him and sending him flying from the force of it.

@GingerBread @LokiofSP

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