Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
GingerBread said:
"If i go out of this realm then you guys do too, And right now my boyfriend is getting attacked, so i don't want to have to stay here any longer than i have to" Vance thought for a second "I could just let you out of here and you could help my boyfriend, but i'm pretty sure, she doesn't want to be with just me" Vance suggested, though he assumed the girl wouldn't want to be here without Fola.
@DizjayDeathPride @LokiofSP
(OMG I need to teach you how to use the realm I forgot xD give me 10 minutes I'm taking a tesr)
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Light said:
( @Juju @Embaga Elder )
They could both feel something stir in the air above them, only to reveal a rift. Athena floats out of the one above Arwyn, her face stern but polite as if she were about to tell you good morning as she lays down the law. Above Inaro, Lelantos floats down, disappearing the moment after.

The woman sighs, knowing full well Death wouldn't care enough to help anyways so she summons Gabriel, Raphael, Michael, Uriel, Zaphkiel, Metatron, Samael, Sandalphon, Sariel, Raguel, Ramiel, and Azrael. They're all trapped on the symbol they're standing on and she just sighs. "Look, I need you to fight Lucifer and lock him back in his cage. Hopefully if you all fight Death might get the itch to join in too because why not have an all archangel bash if the chance is there. I don't care if you're fallen, cute, chubby, arrogant, or nice just banish Lucifer. You can either do it of your free will or I can just force you to do to it under mind control, like most things do when they're forcefully summoned. If you try anything funny against me, I'd love to show you how many times I can corrupt your existence with a few words before you make an attempt to run. You though... you'll be sticking with me for personal reasons." She stares directly at Metatron, opening a fresh new book.

Grimm stares at the display and shrugs his shoulders. "Yeah I probably should but then again we have her. She hasn't even begun to fight herself. I'll handle it soon though."
As Inaro walked towards the guild Grimm left him behind and he was alone. He suddenly felt the air above him began to stir. He looked up seeing a Rift. He knew something was about to come out of it. He was right. He saw the Titan Lelantos floats down out of the Rift, only to disappear moments after. What would you expect from the Titan of the unseen. Inaro continues to walk towards the guild. @Light
" They are such weaklings. " Sarah said as she let go of Sage's hands , who was smirking like a mad man. The figure of fire , the stars and the planets disappeared as Sage and Sarah hugged and cheered. Terrance watched the two fondly before glaring at the exit the knights took. " That was a little too easy. " He said causing Sage and Sarah to look at him before looking thoughtful and nodding. Sage suddenly gasped and looked around. " Where is Vance. " He said before looking around.

@DizjayDeathPride @GingerBread
djinnamon said:
" They are such weaklings. " Sarah said as she let go of Sage's hands , who was smirking like a mad man. The figure of fire , the stars and the planets disappeared as Sage and Sarah hugged and cheered. Terrance watched the two fondly before glaring at the exit the knights took. " That was a little too easy. " He said causing Sage and Sarah to look at him before looking thoughtful and nodding. Sage suddenly gasped and looked around. " Where is Vance. " He said before looking around.
@DizjayDeathPride @GingerBread
The Knights ran back outside and regrouped with the other Knights. All 6 connected and used thsir Hell-Fire. Flames swirled around the Guild, growing, extending above the Guild building, closing around it.

Kris clicked his teeth and a spark happened, the Hell-Fire being covered in Eternal Flames. He pulled out another "cigarette" and light it up, blowing the smoke in the air
"So, what's your choice? I can leave you both trapped in here until i remember you're both in here, or i can let you both out when i go out. What one do you choose?" Vance asked as he looked at the both of them, awaiting their decision "The only thing is, I might end up wanting to pull other people into here and take away their powers, so it's easier for me to kill them"

@DizjayDeathPride @LokiofSP
The family looked outside and gasped. " Ice dome now." Sarah commanded and a dome made of eternal ice ,that can only be broken by the owner, covered the guild from under the flames. Sage and Sarah panted and fell to their knees as they regained their energy but they were still alert.

DizjayDeathPride said:
See, Lucifer was no fool. He knew full well Grimm would show up if Lucifer came anywhere near this place. So Grimm, having left the castle and going straight into Lucifer's hands, walking right into his already extended complete power erasal field. Lucifer smiled innocently as Grimm was forced back into his humanoid form, turned basically... Mortal. "Holy crap that was too easy wow.. see now I say leave with your hands up, you're under arrest? Not 'make empty threats as if I'm not a completely devious little shit' like honestly Grimm-Gram." Lucifer opened the back of the squad car for Grimm. "You're practically useless. Now please enter of your own accord. You're all stiiiiill under arrest. You two little purple one. Please don't make me go inside there. It's not like Death is going to stop me."
Death looked at her and shrugged. "He doesn't seem to be trying to kill anyone. Id say just comply and it'll all be easier." Death was sitting on her table, sipping a cup of tea. "If he comes in don't expect me to help all that much. Ill give you a mystical wand if that pleases you"
"Oh no!" Grimm begins to roll around on the ground, still in chibi since he lost the power to revert back. "He erased my powers!" Grimm begins to cry.

The girl sighs and rolls her eyes, appearing outside the castle but not inside the field after sending Ryan back to the guild. She has witch mana devour the field and walks willingly to Lucifer. "Yeah, I don't play that power erasure shit." She keeps witch mana around her to keep any other attempts from affecting her. The woman rolls her eyes and gets in the car, holding a crying Grimm by his shirt.

Austria said:


STATUS: "Laying low"

ORDERS: "Escape"


Mechanical lenses adjusted their size accordingly as FOLLOWER's entire frame tensed up at the mention of her designation. The act of turning around on her heel to face the source of the voice was executed smoothly, despite having kicked up a light spray of sand into the air during the process.

She was taken aback at the appearance of a man standing before her with arms outstretched.

" How the
heckie did you get here? Nothing was behind me before! I...I tried so hard on making sure that no-one was following me so-- " FOLLOWER exclaimed, her body reacting in such a surprised manner that she had jumped back away from their waiting embrace. However her systems displayed nor sensed any hostility coming from them...

" Wait, huh?
Fath...Dad? "

FOLLOWER was absolutely certain that relations such as
that were never established with her overwritten program.[/color]


Grimm nods his head and grows closer to her, enveloping her in a hug and has books appear around them holding baby pictures. "Look! This was you when you tried to eat a fork! I'll name you guppy and you'll be my fishy daughter from now on." He begins to play with her cheeks.

To Inaro, Lelantos was gone but the hunt wasn't over yet. Another rift opens above Inaro and Asteria floats out from it next.
Light said:
"Oh no!" Grimm begins to roll around on the ground, still in chibi since he lost the power to revert back. "He erased my powers!" Grimm begins to cry.
The girl sighs and rolls her eyes, appearing outside the castle but not inside the field after sending Ryan back to the guild. She has witch mana devour the field and walks willingly to Lucifer. "Yeah, I don't play that power erasure shit." She keeps witch mana around her to keep any other attempts from affecting her. The woman rolls her eyes and gets in the car, holding a crying Grimm by his shirt.

Grimm nods his head and grows closer to her, enveloping her in a hug and has books appear around them holding baby pictures. "Look! This was you when you tried to eat a fork! I'll name you guppy and you'll be my fishy daughter from now on." He begins to play with her cheeks.

To Inaro, Lelantos was gone but the hunt wasn't over yet. Another rift opens above Inaro and Asteria floats out from it next.
Luci smiled kindly "seeee I knew youd see it my way" He closed the door and he, the witch, and the car were gone, leaving Grimm with Death. Lucifer didn't want to deal with it

djinnamon said:
The family looked outside and gasped. " Ice dome now." Sarah commanded and a dome made of eternal ice ,that can only be broken by the owner, covered the guild from under the flames. Sage and Sarah panted and fell to their knees as they regained their energy but they were still alert.
The flames that were touching the Guild replenished under the Ice, making a layer of Eternal Hell-Fire, Eternal Ice, Eternal Hell-Fire.

Kris walked up and knocked on the ice. "Yep. Solid" and Teleported inside. "Is anyone still alive in here? We need to clean up the mess" the other Knights appeared behind him. "There's no way out, ya hear? Even if you manage to get through that there wall of ice you'll be burned to nothing from the fire. Let's just be civilized ya here?"

GingerBread said:
"So, what's your choice? I can leave you both trapped in here until i remember you're both in here, or i can let you both out when i go out. What one do you choose?" Vance asked as he looked at the both of them, awaiting their decision "The only thing is, I might end up wanting to pull other people into here and take away their powers, so it's easier for me to kill them"

@DizjayDeathPride @LokiofSP

"Just leave us. Please"

DizjayDeathPride said:
"Just leave us. Please"
"I'll see you whenever then" Vance replied before leaving the Darkness realm and appearing inside the icy fiery dome thing just in time to see Sage teleport away "Well then, Just me, i see myself not doing so well here" Vance muttered to himself as he turned to face the knights.

djinnamon said:
Sage growled before grabbing his mother and father before teleporting out. @DizjayDeathPride
Kris signed, blowing out a puff. "See? Now was that so damn hard? Yo boss. We got them out"

Lucifer appeared in the Guild, looking around. "Well now. Isn't this fantastic?" He tapped the walls. "Solid... ALRIGHT!" He turned to the two deities, his hand on the wall, corrupting the magic within, cutting the Guild off and claiming it as his own. "Hey there. That's cute" He waved his hand and the stars and planets exploded in their faces. "Leave my house. Now" The other Knights stood behind him. "And do remove the Ice. I'm not too fond of it. It's tacky"
Sage and Sarah growled before new planets and stars appeared before all of them shoot at knights to tear them apart. " We can't beat Lucifer at the moment. " Sarah said as Sage grabbed Vance's hand and Sarah's shoulder before teleporting all of them outside before Terrance placed his hand on Sage's shoulder and they all teleported away to a large house in a unknown forest.

@GingerBread @DizjayDeathPride
DizjayDeathPride said:
Luci smiled kindly "seeee I knew youd see it my way" He closed the door and he, the witch, and the car were gone, leaving Grimm with Death. Lucifer didn't want to deal with it
"This is too much." She begins to open a squeezable applesauce pack. "Yo, old fart. You don't know how to drive do you?" She pointed out Lucifer's shitty driving.

Grimm sat on Death's head, crying. "Help me!"
djinnamon said:
Sage and Sarah growled before new planets and stars appeared before all of them shoot at knights to tear them apart. " We can't beat Lucifer at the moment. " Sarah said as Sage grabbed Vance's hand and Sarah's shoulder before teleporting all of them outside before Terrance placed his hand on Sage's shoulder and they all teleported away to a large house in a unknown forest.
@GingerBread @DizjayDeathPride
Luci extended his hand and stopped the orbs in the air, leaving them there. He walked away through the halls, ready to flush out and kill anyone else left inside

The Knights all scattered and began rebuilding the destroyed parts of the castle

Light said:
"This is too much." She begins to open a squeezable applesauce pack. "Yo, old fart. You don't know how to drive do you?" She pointed out Lucifer's shitty driving.
Grimm sat on Death's head, crying. "Help me!"

The Lucifer with the witch chuckled, taking her to a similar realm like where he was holding Ashlyn hostage. A plane of no escape. "So tell me about your little 'friend'. I need to be a concerned grand pappy"

Death placed Grimm on the ground and towered over him. "And what do you expect of me? I have somewhere I need to be. Maybe if you had just let the girl walk out peacefully it would have been okay. There there." He patted Grimm's head. "At least you're finally cute"
djinnamon said:
Sage and Sarah growled before new planets and stars appeared before all of them shoot at knights to tear them apart. " We can't beat Lucifer at the moment. " Sarah said as Sage grabbed Vance's hand and Sarah's shoulder before teleporting all of them outside before Terrance placed his hand on Sage's shoulder and they all teleported away to a large house in a unknown forest.
@GingerBread @DizjayDeathPride
"So we lost the guild HQ, you know, we probably could've won, if it wasn't just us lot. You know maybe if the other members of the guild helped instead of picking their asses and scratching their noses, We would've won" Vance threw his arms up in frustration "And i'm the most hated member, at least i fucking do something to help, instead of just doing nothing, i'm pretty sure i'm the only one who actually killed any of those guys" Vance ranted, getting annoyed that he completely hated the Lizard cult, but he was doing the most for it at the moment.

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Fola sat down as best he could, tried to get comfortable, but he couldn't. He felt bad about deserting everybody at the guild, he had wanted to fight, to help out if he could, but he also wanted to save Kristen. He wanted to stay where he was, but if somebody got hurt when he could have done something...Damn his councious. He stood up and turned to Kristen, "Look kid, I'm sorry, more sorry than you can understand, but I have to be out there... I'll feel like shit if I don't...."

Vance was thinking about ways to weaken Lucy when he was broken out of his thoughts when he saw Sage fall forwards. Vance rushed to catch Sage before he hit the floor "Sage, you alright?" Vance asked, not sounding like he was completely focused on that.


(@LokiofSP I'll come let you out of the realm in a bit, unless you want to stay in there a bit longer)
LokiofSP said:
Fola sat down as best he could, tried to get comfortable, but he couldn't. He felt bad about deserting everybody at the guild, he had wanted to fight, to help out if he could, but he also wanted to save Kristen. He wanted to stay where he was, but if somebody got hurt when he could have done something...Damn his councious. He stood up and turned to Kristen, "Look kid, I'm sorry, more sorry than you can understand, but I have to be out there... I'll feel like shit if I don't...."

a Lucifer appeared behind him, using the guild symbol connected to his Knight. The four rings on a chain around his neck was enough to say who he was. He walked around and faced Fola "Whats going on in this neck of the woods?"
Sage panted , he felt extremely weak at the moment. He snuggled into Vance's chest , his cheek was squished against Vance's chest as he drifted off to sleep. Sarah followed soon after as Terrence picked up bridal style and looked at the house. " He teleported us to our old house. " Terrence said

djinnamon said:
Sage panted , he felt extremely weak at the moment. He snuggled into Vance's chest , his cheek was squished against Vance's chest as he drifted off to sleep. Sarah followed soon after as Terrence picked up bridal style and looked at the house. " He teleported us to our old house. " Terrence said
"God, you're annoying" Vance said as he held Sage bridal style before turning his attention towards Terrence "So this is your old house, from just before you died or is it older than that?" Vance asked, before realizing he didn't really care "But is there somewhere in there that we can all sit down and rest?"

Fola raised a brow at the strange man's apperance, but shrugged, 'Huh... Guess that guy talked allot of shit, anybody can enter here when they want...' He looked at Lucifer, "Nothing much... I was just leaving actually, gotta help the guild with some guy named Lucifer and his Knights, I'm just getting this little one out of harms way... What about you? You with the guild? What's your name?"

Terrance nodded and showed Vance inside the house before leading him to Sage's old room. It was clean and tidy , toys were in the corner and the walls were a striking ice blue in colour , the same as Sage's eyes. " You can rest here. " Terrence said before lpgoing to his and Sarah's room. A large bed was pushed up to the centre of the upper wall that was , like the other walls , a light red with hints of gold. A desk was in the corner with a computer and T.V was mounted on the wall across from the bed.

Vance gently laid Sage onto his bed before laying down next to him and wrapping his arms around him "You had to try to stay and fight didn't you? You couldn't've just let me deal with it all" Vance smiled slightly as he relaxed but kept his eyes open in case anything tried to attack him or Sage.


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