Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
Fola took the bear after it hit him and set it down. He stared at Kris with death in his eyes, "Alright, I think I found out who I hate the most out of all of you..." He then unleashed an arc of lighting in a straight line, using the time he had bought from the attack he began to climb down...

Sage smirked at Sarah who smirked right back. They both knew the drill , make the knight so passed he can't think straight. " Oh Mama , the basic ads bitch think he is better than the other basic ass bitch. " Sage said sassily , his hip cocked and his arms folded. " I know , the bitch also thinks he can order the boss ass bitch around. Who is this guy anyway. " Sarah said mimicking Sage. " I don't know but I think we should teach her a lesson. " Sage said and he disappeared before appearing behind the knight and kicking him into and through the guild way.

" That honey , was for making my boyfriend bleed. " Sage said with a huff. Sarah smirked more before speeding at at the female knight with blond hair while Terrance facepalmed. " When those to get started its like their a pair of vipers , but i'm not much different. " He said before appearing behind the knight who Sage was trying to seduce and stabbing him in the back.

( Sage and Sarah are sassy bitchs)

@DizjayDeathPride @GingerBread
Vance noticed someone who seemed like he was on the guilds side was talking to one the knights like they were friends Maybe i can use this to my advantage, could get some information Vance thought, making the decision to pull Himself, Kristen and Fola into his darkness realm and nullified their powers, in case either of them tried to attack him "Hello, both of you, we're in my realm now and you'll find your powers aren't working, I'm not intending to kill either of you, at least not yet"

@LokiofSP @DizjayDeathPride
LokiofSP said:
Fola took the bear after it hit him and set it down. He stared at Kris with death in his eyes, "Alright, I think I found out who I hate the most out of all of you..." He then unleashed an arc of lighting in a straight line, using the time he had bought from the attack he began to climb down...

djinnamon said:
Sage smirked at Sarah who smirked right back. They both knew the drill , make the knight so passed he can't think straight. " Oh Mama , the basic ads bitch think he is better than the other basic ass bitch. " Sage said sassily , his hip cocked and his arms folded. " I know , the bitch also thinks he can order the boss ass bitch around. Who is this guy anyway. " Sarah said mimicking Sage. " I don't know but I think we should teach her a lesson. " Sage said and he disappeared before appearing behind the knight and kicking him into and through the guild way.
" That honey , was for making my boyfriend bleed. " Sage said with a huff. Sarah smirked more before speeding at at the female knight with blond hair while Terrance facepalmed. " When those to get started its like their a pair of vipers , but i'm not much different. " He said before appearing behind the knight who Sage was trying to seduce and stabbing him in the back.

( Sage and Sarah are sassy bitchs)

@DizjayDeathPride @GingerBread
Kris sighed and just took the hit, getting basted back through the crowd of Knights

All 6 turned and watched him tumble. But only Kayden laughed. He pointed, falling to the ground in tears, hysterical "That's what you get you lazy proper southern dick!" He composed himself and stood back up, dusting himself off, still laughing. "Aye man you're cool with me I won't kill you" But thanks to his idiotic laughter he was caught off guard and crashed through the Guild, slamming into the wall. "Ow ow ow... yikes... that kind of hurt"

(Okay forgive me but.. blonde is.... Katherine?) Katherine, on guard from the first set of attacks, ran faster than Sarah, fist to her face, and continuing forward, straight to Kayden. She kicked his chest and crashed him through the wall, grabbing him and running deeper into the Guild

(The one he tried to seduce was blasted by the lightning)

GingerBread said:
Vance stood back up, blood from his nose running down his face "Right which one of you want to go first? Because I'll take on any of you bitches" Vance took out a dagger from the shadows and twirled it around his fingers, daring one of the Knights to fight him.
@djinnamon @DizjayDeathPride @LokiofSP (@Light Just want to check, i can just nullify certain peoples powers in my darkness realm right?)

The 4 remaining Knights all looked to Vance. Kathleen spoke up. "We aren't like them. Pick any of us and we are yours"

Kristen (the little girl) looked down, hoping he didnt pick her. But with her luck. It was. She listened to Vance and nodded, running to Fola and hugging him. "I'm sorry! The boss made us go back I'M SO SORRY PLEASE DON'T HATE ME!"
(Yeah sorry... I'm a tad boring to fight against. I'm slow as molasses! Anyways I do agree that we needed to get this Lucy fight started > :D )

"Honeyed words will not save you, darkspawn. Your kind breathe lies like the very air you taint with your presence." He hissed at the woman before attacking again. In truth, this onslaught was nothing more than a false play. Although each slash of claw or gnashing of the wyvern's teeth still retained the savage force of his previous attacks they were constant and utterly predictable. Yet he continued, waiting for the faintest mistep or a brash move as he allowed the demon to dance away from his swipes. And then it appeared; a slight hesitation in the knight's movements.

Like a serpent striking the unsuspecting prey, Syrax siezed the precious moment and aimed one last bite at the demon. Flames flickered in the back of the beast's throat as twin rows of spikes parted in anticipation of the killing blow and then...

The crisp sound of tooth clashing against tooth reverbrated off of the walls of the deserted buildings and seemed to echo on before fading once more into silence.
"Coward!" The wyvern cursed before lifting his head in a furious roar that could be heard for miles. A wall collapsed beside him as his tail bludgeoned the bricks apart in his wrath.

Sage huffed and appeared above Kayden before landing on him, his face being stepped on. Sarah was dazed for a second before regaining her barings and ice shards shoot at Katrina that impaled her shoulder and one went for the back of her knee. Terrance appeared behind the blonde man who Vance fought and slashed at him with Sandalphon.

Fola looked down at Kristen and smiled, "Couldn't hate you if I tried Not even kidding there I legitimately couldn't if I tried fact is, I got upset, thought I was...I dunno, lied to? That make sense? I just...Don't want to fight you, if you have to stand by their sides then I'd prefer you deal with me..." He looked at Vance, "Neither of us are really with them, this whole thing is a whole giant misunderstanding. We're actually with the guild so...Yeah, can we go back to fighting the actual threat?"


"Oh i know you're with the guild, but she isn't." Vance just idly toyed with his dagger "But that works to my advantage right now" Vance turned his attention towards the girl "Now i want all the information you have, or I Kill you, and if i think you're lying, i'll kill you" Vance smiled at them both.

@LokiofSP @DizjayDeathPride
djinnamon said:
Sage huffed and appeared above Kayden before landing on him, his face being stepped on. Sarah was dazed for a second before regaining her barings and ice shards shoot at Katrina that impaled her shoulder and one went for the back of her knee. Terrance appeared behind the blonde man who Vance fought and slashed at him with Sandalphon.
Kayden took a few stomps, wincing each time, catching the rhythm then quickly grabbed Sage's foot and slammed him to the ground and pushed forward on his shin while pulling back on his thigh, ripping his knee out of place. He winced at the sound as his face healed itself "That sounded painful..."

Kathrine turned to Sarah, the Hell-Fire melting away the ice. The flames swirled around her angrily and she extended her hand, a pillar of fire headed to Sarah

Kharl quickly dodged, analyzing. He misstepped once and the blade nicked his cheek, quickly healing. To him, the man seemed to be moving in slow motion based on his years of battle experience. He grabbed his whip and flicked it, the tendril wrapping around Terrance's wrist and he yanked down to knock the blade out

LokiofSP said:
Fola looked down at Kristen and smiled, "Couldn't hate you if I tried Not even kidding there I legitimately couldn't if I tried fact is, I got upset, thought I was...I dunno, lied to? That make sense? I just...Don't want to fight you, if you have to stand by their sides then I'd prefer you deal with me..." He looked at Vance, "Neither of us are really with them, this whole thing is a whole giant misunderstanding. We're actually with the guild so...Yeah, can we go back to fighting the actual threat?"


Kristen shook her head rapidly, terrified. "If we go out there I'll have to kill you! Let's just stay in here.."

GingerBread said:
"Oh i know you're with the guild, but she isn't." Vance just idly toyed with his dagger "But that works to my advantage right now" Vance turned his attention towards the girl "Now i want all the information you have, or I Kill you, and if i think you're lying, i'll kill you" Vance smiled at them both.
@LokiofSP @DizjayDeathPride
Staying was an option until Vance threatened her. She ran behind Fola and clutched his shirt tightly, trying to hide
At first, the earth just trembled beneath his sitting frame, but soon after followed a series of violent shaking that made keeping a straight and stable position a struggle. Not only was the floor quaking, but the dirt gradually became hot--hot enough to singe to the touch.

Through panic, fear and determination, the Deity forced his aching legs to stand him up. With one of nature's elements going against him, staying up on two sore legs that have to support an upper-half without any leverage, caused his mood descend into the surface of misery. Zalgo's breathing gradually turned ragged and shallow, but his attention remained unhindered. He glimpsed the winged monstrosity wielding a weapon that had seemingly appeared out of nowhere, through the ominous smog.

Suddenly, from the corner of the only eye that could see, a familiar streak of lightning whipped at the winged demon, though it never managed to reach it due to the earth rising up to obstruct its attack. The Deity had wanted to take a step back in surprise when the bolt had appeared, but the air felt so heavy not just on his skin anymore, but on his limbs as well.

'My previous adversary is present here?--No, that's ridiculous. How did such a notion even come to mind...'

A pale blue orb squinted through the mist, trying to spy the source that shot the electricity. All he saw was one silhouette...actually two. The shadowy figures were just very close to each other--even when they had began to retreat.


Zalgo's white brows furrowed as he watched them head further back into the area and away from the winged monstrosity. That being mentioned, he returned his gaze to the enemy and felt an ironic chill rush down his spine. The demon no longer had a mechanical appearance, but now sported an armour of pure magma; the boiling yellow-red liquid was gushing from it, and was slowly creeping forward...

Exhausted as the Deity was, it didn't stop him from deconstructing once again--it was his own convenient way on escaping the advancing magma, and a much safer one. With his physical body already straining itself, running from the danger would lead to a possible worst case scenario.

When the process was complete, his groups of pieces gathered together and followed after the silhouettes. He was trailing behind them, unable to fully keep up due to the effects of the mist but it didn't seem to be bothering them at all.




Vision diminished temporarily

Zalgo suddenly only saw in black & white, until he blinked his nonexistent pale blue orb a few times, that the colours of the Mortal Realm returned to him like paint dripping onto a blank canvas. His surroundings had changed again but for the better, the heavens were above his head and the atmosphere felt softer, lighter...burnt.

Remnants of half a building was scattered about the new area he was in, and destruction seemed fresh on its grounds.

His silent observation was interrupted by a tone of distress, and his groups of pieces swivelled at the direction it came from. The source was a masculine-looking entity, wracked with very apparent concern as they took rapid breaths. Zalgo felt a spark of curiosity finally make its comeback, shoving aside the feeling of fear and apprehension that each battle had given him. Though he remember recalling that there were two silhouettes, but only one entity stood a distance ahead of him.

The Deity was thinking of interacting with them, hoping that they weren't hostile. He hadn't spoken in a while, or to anyone since Olivianna...

He chose a spot where a wall once stood to manifest his body, not too far from the other or too close; half of the wall had fallen down on top of the earth, while its lower half stayed firmly upright and could act as a somewhat decent seat. However, before his physical form was fully reconstructed, the entity had already ran off in a hurry. And so the Deity was left alone, standing on broken half of a wall with a burdened look on his visage. Letting out a sigh, he allowed his exhausted body to plop down upon the upright half of the wall. The sudden weight on it caused a few pieces to fall off.

Perhaps it was for the best, being left alone...--it was a suitable period for him to compose himself and gather his strength back after all.

'...I am not the type to conform into conflict so willingly. Yet here I sit, completely haggard from two battles that in the end bore no fruit of real success...'

Chi -> Tau

Limit lost to Telepathy

Zalgo no longer needs to know the entity he's trying to communicate with in-depth. Consent is now optional.

Previous Rank Up!

Omega -> Chi

Ability increase to Deconstruction of Organic Matter but in addition, a new limit

Can now deconstruct three organic materials (that is not himself) instead of one, before retreating back to the Void to recuperate. However, each time it is used he grows immensely weaker, to the point that he won't be able to stand up nor talk. Now for the period of how long it would take for him to recover, about a day in real life--so no posts will be made until the day is over.
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Well i'm going to have to learn how to deal with a child at some point Vance thought as he crouched down, hoping it made him look less intimidating "Look, I'm not going to hurt you, I'll be honest i've no idea how to deal with children, all i want is some information on how to kill your boss, or at least get rid of him" Vance attempted to smile kindly at the girl, it felt unnatural on his face "If i get rid of Lucy then you can be with your friend" Vance offered, not even sure if that were true.

@DizjayDeathPride @LokiofSP
Sage shoot a large icicle into Kayden face before he could hurt his foot and back flipped several times and winced , even though he stop Kayden from breaking his leg his leg still did hurt a little. He then made Icicles burst from the ground under Kayden. Sarah growled as a torrent of ice shards and ultraviolet light ,that could burn even the more powerful deities , shoot from her hand and stopped the fire in its tracks.

Terrance glared before moving a extremely fast that even Karl could barely keep up.

( Sage's family is a family of bad asses)

Fola looked at Vance with slit eyes, he attempted to asses what the assassin could do, but he really couldn't, so instead he put an arm between him and Kristen, "I swear to God even put a hand to her head I will gut you like a fish."

@GingerBread @DizjayDeathPride
Vance stood back up "Is that a challenge?" He asked as he raised an eyebrow in curiosity "Are you forgetting this is my realm, and you two have no powers, Oh yeah and if you kill me, you'll be stuck here" Vance smiled maliciously at Fola "Anyway, information or i kill you both, Lucy needs to die and if she can't help with that, she's better off dead. At least then I'll rank up and gain more power so i can kill Lucy"

@DizjayDeathPride @LokiofSP
Fola bit back a curse, Vance had them exactly where he wanted them, he could do anything he wanted and Fola couldn't stop it. He was caught between a rock and a hard place. Even if he did somehow kill Vance, they'd be trapped, but there was no garuentee that Vance would keep them alive... He knelt down to Kristen's level, "Look kid... I don't know what to do here, but I do know that you're possibly the smartest person ever, so asking for a bit of your genius right now, whatever you want to do is what we'll do."

@DizjayDeathPride @GingerBread
GingerBread said:
Vance stood back up "Is that a challenge?" He asked as he raised an eyebrow in curiosity "Are you forgetting this is my realm, and you two have no powers, Oh yeah and if you kill me, you'll be stuck here" Vance smiled maliciously at Fola "Anyway, information or i kill you both, Lucy needs to die and if she can't help with that, she's better off dead. At least then I'll rank up and gain more power so i can kill Lucy"

@DizjayDeathPride @LokiofSP
LokiofSP said:
Fola looked at Vance with slit eyes, he attempted to asses what the assassin could do, but he really couldn't, so instead he put an arm between him and Kristen, "I swear to God even put a hand to her head I will gut you like a fish."

@GingerBread @DizjayDeathPride
And just like that, Kristen was a bawling mess. Tears and mucus stained into Fola's back. She screamed and wailed and cried and cried and cried (wow Vance what a bully)

djinnamon said:
Sage shoot a large icicle into Kayden face before he could hurt his foot and back flipped several times and winced , even though he stop Kayden from breaking his leg his leg still did hurt a little. He then made Icicles burst from the ground under Kayden. Sarah growled as a torrent of ice shards and ultraviolet light ,that could burn even the more powerful deities , shoot from her hand and stopped the fire in its tracks.
Terrance glared before moving a extremely fast that even Karl could barely keep up.

( Sage's family is a family of bad asses)


Kayden ducked back Matrix style, blowing out Hell-Fire and kicked off the spikes off the ground, taking to the sky and sticking to the ceiling upside down. "Man you are a hard one to kill. It's kind of-" Mid sentence he kicked off, faster than the eye, slamming his fist into Sage's chest "annoying"

Katherine withheld as best she could then just tsked, kicked back and moving from the attack. She glanced to Kayden to see if he was okay then back to Sarah. "So leaving is just absolutey a no?"

Kharl's eyes scanned, dodging as best he could. But when Terrance hit a point of too much, he dissipated and reappeared behind Terrance, a swift kick to the back. Cuts on his body quickly healed away

DizjayDeathPride said:
And just like that, Kristen was a bawling mess. Tears and mucus stained into Fola's back. She screamed and wailed and cried and cried and cried (wow Vance what a bully)
Vance walked closer to the both of them, he was visibly pissed off "Look kid, I don't have any patience for kids, like at all. In fact i can hardly stand them. But you two" Vance motioned between Fola and Kristen "Seem to be friends or whatever, but we both know Lucy wouldn't allow that would he? So i'm asking if you have any information that could help me take him down, Because if i do take him down, you'll most likely be able to spend time with this guy" Vance crouched down to Kristen's level again "All i want to do is take down Lucy, I can't hurt you even if i wanted to, my boyfriend would kill me or do something worse if i hurt a child" Vance slightly outstretched his hand towards Kristen "Does that sound good?"

@DizjayDeathPride @LokiofSP
Sage , Sarah and Terrance jumped backward until they were all back to. " Ok Sage me and you will transform and you can enchant your father to give him some upgrades. Terrence and Sage nodded before he and Sarah were engulfed in light.

( I'm introducing a change in personality when they transform)

Sage then chanted and Terrence glowed as his strength and speed increased dramatically. The small family smirked evily and raised their hands in unison at their respective enemies with a' come at me bruh' hand gesture. " Come get some. " They said together.

GingerBread said:
Vance walked closer to the both of them, he was visibly pissed off "Look kid, I don't have any patience for kids, like at all. In fact i can hardly stand them. But you two" Vance motioned between Fola and Kristen "Seem to be friends or whatever, but we both know Lucy wouldn't allow that would he? So i'm asking if you have any information that could help me take him down, Because if i do take him down, you'll most likely be able to spend time with this guy" Vance crouched down to Kristen's level again "All i want to do is take down Lucy, I can't hurt you even if i wanted to, my boyfriend would kill me or do something worse if i hurt a child" Vance slightly outstretched his hand towards Kristen "Does that sound good?"

@DizjayDeathPride @LokiofSP
Kristen slowly calmed down staring at Vance. Angrily. Vance's control over the Darkness Realm was no where near as strong as her telepathy. The realm shook a bit, the violently. And finally, a spike of darkness rose out and stabbed through Vance's hand. She stared him dead in the eye. Not saying a word, having made him use his own power to attack himself.
GingerBread said:
Vance walked closer to the both of them, he was visibly pissed off "Look kid, I don't have any patience for kids, like at all. In fact i can hardly stand them. But you two" Vance motioned between Fola and Kristen "Seem to be friends or whatever, but we both know Lucy wouldn't allow that would he? So i'm asking if you have any information that could help me take him down, Because if i do take him down, you'll most likely be able to spend time with this guy" Vance crouched down to Kristen's level again "All i want to do is take down Lucy, I can't hurt you even if i wanted to, my boyfriend would kill me or do something worse if i hurt a child" Vance slightly outstretched his hand towards Kristen "Does that sound good?"

@DizjayDeathPride @LokiofSP
( Vance is correct Sage would rekt him if he hurt a child )
djinnamon said:
Sage , Sarah and Terrance jumped backward until they were all back to. " Ok Sage me and you will transform and you can enchant your father to give him some upgrades. Terrence and Sage nodded before he and Sarah were engulfed in light.

( I'm introducing a change in personality when they transform)

Sage then chanted and Terrence glowed as his strength and speed increased dramatically. The small family smirked evily and raised their hands in unison at their respective enemies with a' come at me bruh' hand gesture. " Come get some. " They said together.

The three Knights stared at their enemies. The entire place began to shake as they too increased their power. The ground cracked, ripping, raising and disintegrating to dust under them as they all stared. And in unison they said, "After you"

DizjayDeathPride said:
Kristen slowly calmed down staring at Vance. Angrily. Vance's control over the Darkness Realm was no where near as strong as her telepathy. The realm shook a bit, the violently. And finally, a spike of darkness rose out and stabbed through Vance's hand. She stared him dead in the eye. Not saying a word, having made him use his own power to attack himself.
Vance winced in pain as a spike of darkness rose of the 'floor' and stabbed through his hand "Okay" He breathed out "I already said, I'm not going to hurt you, My boyfriend would kill me, So I'm trying to be nice and I'm pretty sure it's killing me from the inside out, So could you please just tell me some information" Vance asked, his hand still stuck in the same position with the spike sticking through it. "And if you help me, I'll do something for you" Vance offered, the pain still coursing through his hand.

@DizjayDeathPride @LokiofSP

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