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Fantasy Dragon's Roar 2: The Destruction of Fate ( Finished )

CelticSol said:
Arcadia gasps when she's drops, her descent much faster than Alice's, as she isn't gliding, but rather in a straight down fall. She throws out her wings with a wince just in time to stop herself from crashing into the ground hard, though she still stumbles upon landing. She looks up to where Dark is quickly falling as well, and purses her lips. She flies up about 20 feet, realizing she will have to wait for any rescue, as she has no way to get to the deity realm by herself.
She frowns, "Don't make me out to be a fool, Grimm. If an elaborate speech was all it took, then my forgiveness would mean nothing. You've given declaration similar to that one before, but I have yet to see you... What's the saying? Put you money where you mouth is?" She disregards his outstretched hand, "You've done nothing as of yet to prove you're trying to regain my trust in you, which is in shambles right now. Marriage is not one-sided, so it's time for you to stop acting like it is."

Layla unlatches the portion of armour that protects her right bicep, exposing a number of tattoos there, and she digs her fingernail into a tattoo of an eye until she draw blood. It drips down across the entirety of the tattoo, which glows brighter than a flare as a form nearly identical to Simi materializes beside her, dressed in a black cloak. Her eyes are covered in a dark blindfold, and she, unlike Simi's childishness, seems ageless and ancient. She bows lowly to Layla, "My Lady," She greets politely, but her lips curl into a sneer when she spots Grimm. "Brother," She says shortly, her tone cold and lacking any affection or love for him.

"A pleasure, Timor," Layla turns to Grimm, "Timor will join us. I can see her being an asset to us in a fight, don't you think?" Layla smiles coldly, "Also, I can get her to watch you if you try to pull shit."

Jackie starts grabbing food, eating rather slowly, and she looks around the table, "Well, that was an interesting series of events..." Jackie trails off, then drops her fork as her adrenaline from the fight against Sonter finally dies off and the fact she's got a hole in her side and and her shoulder, elbow, and every finger of her hand is dislocated becomes very apparent to her, "Oh, fuck me!" She hisses, holding her hand in her uninjured one, clenching her jaw to hold back any other complaint. She starts to pop her fingers back into place, snarling a combo of "ow" and every curse word ever invented under her breath.

(Sorry for how long this took)

(Oh, fuck me, how much have I missed?)
( @Airagog )

Isabel finally caught up to the scene but Dark had already spread her wings again and was already leaving. Isabel lands and releases H. "Arcadia!"

Grimm doesn't smile at this. Not too long along Timor liked him, so what happened. What had Layla done to his sister? He'd investigate this later. Suddenly another sphere appears around them and transports them to Isabel. Whom he expected to be at the guild but instead was with Arcadia.

Witch notices this but remembers all the times Jackie would say she couldn't receive healing magic. She would leave her to do this herself to be honest. But she also remembers all the times Jackie would help out when she has a mana spike. Witch gets out of her seat and grabs a bottle of wine and a tub of ice cream for dessert. She sets them in front of Jackie. Witch hesitates for a moment. Looking at Jackie to see if she's doing anything wrong before she pours her a glass of it. "I honestly don't know what I'm doing but. If this upsets you I'll stop. I was never asked to help anyways."
H looks around completely bewildered. He raises a hand to Arcadia. "Hi. Um... where am i? Who are you? What's going on exactly?" He asks meekly bent over slightly as he looks around. "I'm not sure what's what or who's who. Why were you fighting?"
Light said:
Isabel finally caught up to the scene but Dark had already spread her wings again and was already leaving. Isabel lands and releases H. "Arcadia!"
Airagog said:
H looks around completely bewildered. He raises a hand to Arcadia. "Hi. Um... where am i? Who are you? What's going on exactly?" He asks meekly bent over slightly as he looks around. "I'm not sure what's what or who's who. Why were you fighting?"
Light said:
Grimm doesn't smile at this. Not too long along Timor liked him, so what happened. What had Layla done to his sister? He'd investigate this later. Suddenly another sphere appears around them and transports them to Isabel. Whom he expected to be at the guild but instead was with Arcadia.
Arcadia descends a bit, until she's hovering just above the ground. Besides the blossoming bruises across her throat, which are getting progressively darker, she appears to be okay. "Hello, Isabel," She says, calmly enough that it's obvious she's still angry. She looks to H. with a raised eyebrow, "I don't believe I've met you," Arcadia touches down, her wings going from a hummingbird speed to near stillness in a moment. Her wings flutter similar to a landed butterfly as she walks to H, "My name is Arcadia Frost. I am the head healer of the Dragon's Roar guild," She gestures to Isabel with her hand, "This is Isabel. She, along with three of her other, alternate personalities, is one of the leaders of this guild."

Arcadia looks up at H, "Currently, we are a part of a war with beings known as Originals, who rule over the fate of anyone who does not know of them. Now that you know, you are free from fate and every decision you make from now to the moment you die is by your own will, but as such, you carry the full burden of every consequence of every action you make in that time. We wish to be free to rule our own fate, and that is why we fight. The girl you witnessed me and one of my guildmembers fighting is a corrupted version of one of Isabel's personalities, who now goes by the name of Alice. She has declared herself an enemy of the guild, and I imagine Isabel is probably planning on putting a stop to her to prevent any further damage," Arcadia pauses her info dump, "Are there any other questions?"

Layla steps forward, sneaking up on Isabel despite the fact she is in armour, her helmet tucked under her arm, "An apt summary of our current situation," She looks down at H, "If you are new and require introductions, my name is Layla van Fenrir. I am Isabel's Grandmother, and this is my husband, Grimm, who is a deity, and my sister-in-law, Timor, who is also a deity. Who are you?

Light said:
Witch notices this but remembers all the times Jackie would say she couldn't receive healing magic. She would leave her to do this herself to be honest. But she also remembers all the times Jackie would help out when she has a mana spike. Witch gets out of her seat and grabs a bottle of wine and a tub of ice cream for dessert. She sets them in front of Jackie. Witch hesitates for a moment. Looking at Jackie to see if she's doing anything wrong before she pours her a glass of it. "I honestly don't know what I'm doing but. If this upsets you I'll stop. I was never asked to help anyways."
Jackie sees the wine glass and chugs the whole thing without making a face, hoping it might numb some of the pain, which is somewhat does. She puts the glass down, and shifts in her seat until her back is to the table and her front is to the back of the chair, her injured arm to Isabel. "I need you to shove my arm back into place. If you don't know how, grab my bicep with both hands and push up to pop it back into place, and do it quickly."
CelticSol said:
Arcadia descends a bit, until she's hovering just above the ground. Besides the blossoming bruises across her throat, which are getting progressively darker, she appears to be okay. "Hello, Isabel," She says, calmly enough that it's obvious she's still angry. She looks to H. with a raised eyebrow, "I don't believe I've met you," Arcadia touches down, her wings going from a hummingbird speed to near stillness in a moment. Her wings flutter similar to a landed butterfly as she walks to H, "My name is Arcadia Frost. I am the head healer of the Dragon's Roar guild," She gestures to Isabel with her hand, "This is Isabel. She, along with three of her other, alternate personalities, is one of the leaders of this guild."
Arcadia looks up at H, "Currently, we are a part of a war with beings known as Originals, who rule over the fate of anyone who does not know of them. Now that you know, you are free from fate and every decision you make from now to the moment you die is by your own will, but as such, you carry the full burden of every consequence of every action you make in that time. We wish to be free to rule our own fate, and that is why we fight. The girl you witnessed me and one of my guildmembers fighting is a corrupted version of one of Isabel's personalities, who now goes by the name of Alice. She has declared herself an enemy of the guild, and I imagine Isabel is probably planning on putting a stop to her to prevent any further damage," Arcadia pauses her info dump, "Are there any other questions?"

Layla steps forward, sneaking up on Isabel despite the fact she is in armour, her helmet tucked under her arm, "An apt summary of our current situation," She looks down at H, "If you are new and require introductions, my name is Layla van Fenrir. I am Isabel's Grandmother, and this is my husband, Grimm, who is a deity, and my sister-in-law, Timor, who is also a deity. Who are you?

Jackie sees the wine glass and chugs the whole thing without making a face, hoping it might numb some of the pain, which is somewhat does. She puts the glass down, and shifts in her seat until her back is to the table and her front is to the back of the chair, her injured arm to Isabel. "I need you to shove my arm back into place. If you don't know how, grab my bicep with both hands and push up to pop it back into place, and do it quickly."
Isabel looks at everyone around her and sighs. She would have to fight Alice. If things get bad, she and the other split personalities would have to delete her permanently. Which is something she didn't want to do so easily. "Arcadia what happened to you recently? Where's Alice?"

Witch gets out of her chair and nods her head. She does exactly as instructed with zero hesitation. Since the more she waited the longer Jackie would have to sit in pain. "Anything else?"
@Light @BarrelOfGunpowder

Bruce looks around at the knights surrounding them. It seemed their strength came more from their numbers than their own power alone. While he could possibly just go in acting like a tank taking the hits and giving them back, Bruce decided on the tactic of making himself a blur on the battlefield, moving in completely random motions to confuse the knights and keep them from predicting any of his moves. He powered himself up, changing himself to match the style he was about to use. Instead of the white aura that usually surrounded him when he used his full power it was now green. He was sure that his new ally could hold his own against these knights for a while. Bruce held up one of his hands and started off a countdown from five "5, 4, 3, 2, 1 GO!" He rushed the army of course, acting almost like a pinball... or Sonic as he mostly bounced off the knights heads, using different quick attacks, one time smashing down with both hands, the next with his feet, then a quick grab and throw into the crowd. "You're too slow!" He called out as he jumped into the air and charged a ki blast, not to fire at the army, no, too simply. Bruce was about to turn himself into a human cannonball, like always. That's right, he still hasn't learned.
Stares at Bruce in complete confusion, motionless for a while before shaking his head and looking at the knights. Banging his gunlance against his shield in a taunting matter to make a few of them approach him. "Come on! I'm offering free tickets to the abyss!" He shouts loudly at them before bracing his shield up in front of himself and holding his gunlance out to the side.
CelticSol said:
Arcadia descends a bit, until she's hovering just above the ground. Besides the blossoming bruises across her throat, which are getting progressively darker, she appears to be okay. "Hello, Isabel," She says, calmly enough that it's obvious she's still angry. She looks to H. with a raised eyebrow, "I don't believe I've met you," Arcadia touches down, her wings going from a hummingbird speed to near stillness in a moment. Her wings flutter similar to a landed butterfly as she walks to H, "My name is Arcadia Frost. I am the head healer of the Dragon's Roar guild," She gestures to Isabel with her hand, "This is Isabel. She, along with three of her other, alternate personalities, is one of the leaders of this guild."
Arcadia looks up at H, "Currently, we are a part of a war with beings known as Originals, who rule over the fate of anyone who does not know of them. Now that you know, you are free from fate and every decision you make from now to the moment you die is by your own will, but as such, you carry the full burden of every consequence of every action you make in that time. We wish to be free to rule our own fate, and that is why we fight. The girl you witnessed me and one of my guildmembers fighting is a corrupted version of one of Isabel's personalities, who now goes by the name of Alice. She has declared herself an enemy of the guild, and I imagine Isabel is probably planning on putting a stop to her to prevent any further damage," Arcadia pauses her info dump, "Are there any other questions?"

Layla steps forward, sneaking up on Isabel despite the fact she is in armour, her helmet tucked under her arm, "An apt summary of our current situation," She looks down at H, "If you are new and require introductions, my name is Layla van Fenrir. I am Isabel's Grandmother, and this is my husband, Grimm, who is a deity, and my sister-in-law, Timor, who is also a deity. Who are you?

Jackie sees the wine glass and chugs the whole thing without making a face, hoping it might numb some of the pain, which is somewhat does. She puts the glass down, and shifts in her seat until her back is to the table and her front is to the back of the chair, her injured arm to Isabel. "I need you to shove my arm back into place. If you don't know how, grab my bicep with both hands and push up to pop it back into place, and do it quickly."
H nodded, "I'm H. Im from... where am i from? I had a.... did I have a family? Did I have a home? Questions? there... there are a lot. There's a lot of fog and it's in my head. But I think I knew that. I think. I think maybe there is something about fate and people. Originals you said? Did I know that? I can't remember if I knew that.... but I do remember one thing. Humanity is meant to choose. That's what I remember." He said looking into the distance, "I'm not sure why I'm here. I'm not a good fighter. I'm not good at anything. Especially remembering things. I can't remember things for very long at all. I know there's a reason for it though. Just.... I wrote it down and lost the paper. It's all too fuzzy now. Like it may have been someone else. But maybe it wasn't? I'm unsure about so many things. How do you all keep moving?" He said looking down. "It's too hard to think. Too difficult to remember. Steps are intensive. Heavy. My entire body is heavy. Where should I go now? Why should I go there? Too many questions, can't remember the answers."
Afrobrony said:
@Light @BarrelOfGunpowder
Bruce looks around at the knights surrounding them. It seemed their strength came more from their numbers than their own power alone. While he could possibly just go in acting like a tank taking the hits and giving them back, Bruce decided on the tactic of making himself a blur on the battlefield, moving in completely random motions to confuse the knights and keep them from predicting any of his moves. He powered himself up, changing himself to match the style he was about to use. Instead of the white aura that usually surrounded him when he used his full power it was now green. He was sure that his new ally could hold his own against these knights for a while. Bruce held up one of his hands and started off a countdown from five "5, 4, 3, 2, 1 GO!" He rushed the army of course, acting almost like a pinball... or Sonic as he mostly bounced off the knights heads, using different quick attacks, one time smashing down with both hands, the next with his feet, then a quick grab and throw into the crowd. "You're too slow!" He called out as he jumped into the air and charged a ki blast, not to fire at the army, no, too simply. Bruce was about to turn himself into a human cannonball, like always. That's right, he still hasn't learned.
( @BarrelOfGunpowder )

The knights seemed to make way for the executioner. It carries two butcher knives this time and stares directly at the two. Suddenly it fires beams out of it's eyes at them.

( @Airagog )

Isabel have him a weird look since she didn't know what to do. "Uuummm.... you'll be okay?" Isabel slightly pats his back.
Airagog said:
H nodded, "I'm H. Im from... where am i from? I had a.... did I have a family? Did I have a home? Questions? there... there are a lot. There's a lot of fog and it's in my head. But I think I knew that. I think. I think maybe there is something about fate and people. Originals you said? Did I know that? I can't remember if I knew that.... but I do remember one thing. Humanity is meant to choose. That's what I remember." He said looking into the distance, "I'm not sure why I'm here. I'm not a good fighter. I'm not good at anything. Especially remembering things. I can't remember things for very long at all. I know there's a reason for it though. Just.... I wrote it down and lost the paper. It's all too fuzzy now. Like it may have been someone else. But maybe it wasn't? I'm unsure about so many things. How do you all keep moving?" He said looking down. "It's too hard to think. Too difficult to remember. Steps are intensive. Heavy. My entire body is heavy. Where should I go now? Why should I go there? Too many questions, can't remember the answers."
Arcadia frowns as she processes his words, "I can't answer those questions, but I may be able to tell you what this 'fog' might be. I believe you may have some form of amnesia, which means that you've lost a portion of your memories, or you might have lost all of them. It may be in my capacity to heal if it's caused by a headwound, but if it's caused by anything else it might not be," Arcadia steps forward, and puts her hand on H's shoulder, "And if you'd like a place to go, you could return with us to the guild. There, you'll be safe, warm, and fed. It's up to you, really, but I would like to have you come with us."

Light said:
Witch gets out of her chair and nods her head. She does exactly as instructed with zero hesitation. Since the more she waited the longer Jackie would have to sit in pain. "Anything else?"
"FUCKING HELL, WITCH!" Jackie shouts, having thought that she would have time to mentally prepare herself as the girl hesitated or was thinking about how to go about it. Jackie rubs her shoulder, looking at her with a wide-eyes, "Not even a hesitation! Dude, you have to be like 'Hey, Jackie, I'm going to fucking shove your arm back into your socket, get ready!'!" She holds her arm, feeling corruption starting to heal it and bring it fully back into place, "Jesus, that never hurts less..." She grumbles, grabbing a spoon and digging into the ice cream with an expression that looks suspiciously like a pout.
@Light @BarrelOfGunpowder

Bruce thought to himself as he let loose his ki and rocketed himself down to the army "goddammit, not another one of these things." The beams forced him to change his course a bit by moving the direction his hands were pointing. Bruce smashed into the group of knights just behind the executioner. "Pro tip, new ally! Don't let the leeches that come out of that thing get on you!"
Afrobrony said:
@Light @BarrelOfGunpowder
Bruce thought to himself as he let loose his ki and rocketed himself down to the army "goddammit, not another one of these things." The beams forced him to change his course a bit by moving the direction his hands were pointing. Bruce smashed into the group of knights just behind the executioner. "Pro tip, new ally! Don't let the leeches that come out of that thing get on you!"
The executioner starts to cut into its own stomach. Trying to release the magma and leeches.

CelticSol said:
Arcadia frowns as she processes his words, "I can't answer those questions, but I may be able to tell you what this 'fog' might be. I believe you may have some form of amnesia, which means that you've lost a portion of your memories, or you might have lost all of them. It may be in my capacity to heal if it's caused by a headwound, but if it's caused by anything else it might not be," Arcadia steps forward, and puts her hand on H's shoulder, "And if you'd like a place to go, you could return with us to the guild. There, you'll be safe, warm, and fed. It's up to you, really, but I would like to have you come with us."
"FUCKING HELL, WITCH!" Jackie shouts, having thought that she would have time to mentally prepare herself as the girl hesitated or was thinking about how to go about it. Jackie rubs her shoulder, looking at her with a wide-eyes, "Not even a hesitation! Dude, you have to be like 'Hey, Jackie, I'm going to fucking shove your arm back into your socket, get ready!'!" She holds her arm, feeling corruption starting to heal it and bring it fully back into place, "Jesus, that never hurts less..." She grumbles, grabbing a spoon and digging into the ice cream with an expression that looks suspiciously like a pout.
Witch blinks and sits down. She was told to do it fast. So she did it immediately. She decides on eating more food, happy the ice cream and wine came in handy. "Hopefully that helped. Since we'll be out on the field again really soon. Jackie did you learn anything while you were at the originals realm? Since we'll be back there soon."

Isabel watches Arcadia invite him to the guild. "You know.... nobody ever stops to think about how I bought out two large buildings for the guild and how I buy all the food and shit you need."
H looks at Arcadia, then at Isabel. "But I don't need to eat." He said quietly looking at the ground. "And my head doesn't hurt. At least not my outside head. That feels okay. So I don't think I'm injured. I don't remember."
Light said:
Witch blinks and sits down. She was told to do it fast. So she did it immediately. She decides on eating more food, happy the ice cream and wine came in handy. "Hopefully that helped. Since we'll be out on the field again really soon. Jackie did you learn anything while you were at the originals realm? Since we'll be back there soon."
"Ill be fine in about 10 minutes. And I learned lots of exciting stuff," she says around her ice cream stuffed mouth, "Schniezel is like, full on homo for Harbinger. Like, so gay. Dark is going to be taken advantage of, in one way or another if she hasn't already been turned. Mist is a fucking idiot and a traitor and I'm still kind of confused on why we haven't killed him yet, and Schniezel is sending his armies through all the realms to find us. He controlled my fate and all that, and I think I killed him, but I think it's only a matter of time until he regenerates and tries to kill me for killing him."

Light said:
Isabel watches Arcadia invite him to the guild. "You know.... nobody ever stops to think about how I bought out two large buildings for the guild and how I buy all the food and shit you need."
Airagog said:
H looks at Arcadia, then at Isabel. "But I don't need to eat." He said quietly looking at the ground. "And my head doesn't hurt. At least not my outside head. That feels okay. So I don't think I'm injured. I don't remember."
Arcadia looks to Isabel, her eyes narrowed, "That is one of the most entitled things you've ever said to me, and one of your personalities was going to keep me as their plaything."

She nods at H, "I see. If you're okay with it, I'd like to check your condition if you decide to join the guild."
CelticSol said:
"Ill be fine in about 10 minutes. And I learned lots of exciting stuff," she says around her ice cream stuffed mouth, "Schniezel is like, full on homo for Harbinger. Like, so gay. Dark is going to be taken advantage of, in one way or another if she hasn't already been turned. Mist is a fucking idiot and a traitor and I'm still kind of confused on why we haven't killed him yet, and Schniezel is sending his armies through all the realms to find us. He controlled my fate and all that, and I think I killed him, but I think it's only a matter of time until he regenerates and tries to kill me for killing him."
Arcadia looks to Isabel, her eyes narrowed, "That is one of the most entitled things you've ever said to me, and one of your personalities was going to keep me as their plaything."

She nods at H, "I see. If you're okay with it, I'd like to check your condition if you decide to join the guild."
"Wow really entitled when we're about to fight a war which is technically our fault. So when this is over and if I'm not dead. People are going to point fingers at Dragon's Roar when villages and towns wonder who's going to pay for the damages. Then the blaming will keep going through Dragon's Roar until it hits me. So I'm just a little mad.... I want him to join too. So call it entitled or whatever the fuck you want to. But I'm going to stay reasonably mad because Isaac decided to use everything we have in the fridge to make food from every different fucking culture!"

Grimm walks up and ignores Isabels rant. "She's just mad she has to pay for things. Welcome to the world of the adults Isabel, even though I don't live it. Anyways where did Alice go? Did you learn anything Arcadia?" Grimm seemed to be inspecting H while he was inspecting Arcadia.

Witch nods her head at everything Jackie says. "Do you think we could use Schniezels need for Harbinger against him?"

Royal seemed to be feeding Mist. "It's like the real life doll I never had!" She cleans his mouth and starts to feed him even more. Mist didn't appreciate it all too much but he was going to use this to his advantage. As long he wasn't getting killed and he was being fed he was fine. He was intentionally chewing slowly to stall.
Light said:
"Wow really entitled when we're about to fight a war which is technically our fault. So when this is over and if I'm not dead. People are going to point fingers at Dragon's Roar when villages and towns wonder who's going to pay for the damages. Then the blaming will keep going through Dragon's Roar until it hits me. So I'm just a little mad.... I want him to join too. So call it entitled or whatever the fuck you want to. But I'm going to stay reasonably mad because Isaac decided to use everything we have in the fridge to make food from every different fucking culture!"
Grimm walks up and ignores Isabels rant. "She's just mad she has to pay for things. Welcome to the world of the adults Isabel, even though I don't live it. Anyways where did Alice go? Did you learn anything Arcadia?" Grimm seemed to be inspecting H while he was inspecting Arcadia.

Witch nods her head at everything Jackie says. "Do you think we could use Schniezels need for Harbinger against him?"

Royal seemed to be feeding Mist. "It's like the real life doll I never had!" She cleans his mouth and starts to feed him even more. Mist didn't appreciate it all too much but he was going to use this to his advantage. As long he wasn't getting killed and he was being fed he was fine. He was intentionally chewing slowly to stall.
H looked down and shuffled his feet. "I don't need food though. I'm not hungry. I don't remember ever being hungry...." He looked at Arcadia, "I'm okay with that... I think... I can stay quiet and you look. That's fine." He said averting his eyes.
Airagog said:
H looked down and shuffled his feet. "I don't need food though. I'm not hungry. I don't remember ever being hungry...." He looked at Arcadia, "I'm okay with that... I think... I can stay quiet and you look. That's fine." He said averting his eyes.
Grimm nods his head slowly as if getting something out of nothing.
Light said:
"Wow really entitled when we're about to fight a war which is technically our fault. So when this is over and if I'm not dead. People are going to point fingers at Dragon's Roar when villages and towns wonder who's going to pay for the damages. Then the blaming will keep going through Dragon's Roar until it hits me. So I'm just a little mad.... I want him to join too. So call it entitled or whatever the fuck you want to. But I'm going to stay reasonably mad because Isaac decided to use everything we have in the fridge to make food from every different fucking culture!"
Airagog said:
H looked down and shuffled his feet. "I don't need food though. I'm not hungry. I don't remember ever being hungry...." He looked at Arcadia, "I'm okay with that... I think... I can stay quiet and you look. That's fine." He said averting his eyes.
"If you're so adamant on us not relying on your funds, I will take care of myself, which I was doing in every way except for housing. I've been feeding myself since I've stayed under your care, Isabel, and I don't appreciate the tone of voice you're using on me. I was just pointing out that it sounded like we owed something to you, which we don't. You have been generous, and don't mistake me for not being thankful, but it's not kind hearted generosity if you rub it in our face or brag about it," she crosses her arms. "Maybe I'm bitter about leaving one war and entering another right off he bat, but you started this war. So if the fingers point to you for damage that has only happened because of your war, then - pardon my language - stop pissing about it and take responsibility for your own damn actions."

She takes a deep breath to calm down before she speaks to H again, smiling genuinely, "Only if you're comfortable with it. When you're with me in my clinic - which I outfitted from one of the unused rooms, Isabel - no one will be bothering you, and I promise none of my treatments hurt unless it's treating a very grave wound. Even after I finish, if you need a quiet place to come and think or just escape, the door is always open. I can't promise I'll always be there, but you're always welcome to go."

Light said:
Grimm walks up and ignores Isabels rant. "She's just mad she has to pay for things. Welcome to the world of the adults Isabel, even though I don't live it. Anyways where did Alice go? Did you learn anything Arcadia?" Grimm seemed to be inspecting H while he was inspecting Arcadia.
Arcadia steps back from Grimm automatically, seeming wary of him. Timor sighs, "Brother, you're making her nervous," Timor's physical form shivers, flashing to a woman with dark hair and a wild smile before her body reverts to its child-like form. "Stop looking at her like that. Former slaves don't like it when you look at them like they're not a person and more of an object or animal you're inspecting. "

Arcadia looks wide eyed at Timor, then clears her throat, taking on a more professional posture and attitude, "Dark isn't in full control of herself, but neither is this new personality. They're fighting and confusing each other. I threw them mentally off balance more than once by mentioning one thing or another. This new personality is probably some type of invasive virus created by Harbinger, but due to her modus operandi of creation, it's more likely that he's actually created a consciousness and planted into Dark's mind, and it's slowly corrupting the personality. As far as I can tell, it could be purged from Dark's system, but there's no telling what the effects on her will be."

Light said:
Witch nods her head at everything Jackie says. "Do you think we could use Schniezels need for Harbinger against him?"
Jackie sighs, scratching the back of her neck, shrugging her undamaged arm, "That's the thing, Witch. I've thought about it, but in order for it not be an empty threat, we need Harbinger. It's clear if you watch him that he's more of a ring leader than a fighter, but that makes shit harder. The others, in some extent or as a subconscious action, might be protecting him. And, combatant or not, he's not going to go down easy; he's an original, and there's no telling what he could create or the extent of his abilities on your family. Genetically speaking, there's gotta be a hell of a lot of Layla in you for you to be able to take a dragon form, so who's to say that he won't have some form of control over that part of you?" Jackie takes another spoonful of ice cream, "Harbinger is starting to piss me off. He's one big variable I don't want to count on."

Light said:
Royal seemed to be feeding Mist. "It's like the real life doll I never had!" She cleans his mouth and starts to feed him even more. Mist didn't appreciate it all too much but he was going to use this to his advantage. As long he wasn't getting killed and he was being fed he was fine. He was intentionally chewing slowly to stall.
Jackie looks up at Royal's voice, and stares at this with the most unamused stare since Mist almost drowned her. With a flash of near invisible motion, a knife flies past Royal's face and slices across Mist's ear, drawing blood immediately from the slash. Jackie's arm remains extended, her eyes dark with anger, "I think you're forgetting something very key, Isabel," She says, her voice suddenly low and dangerous, "He's betrayed us. Left us for an enemy he knew would do us harm. There's no innocence, no denial, no defence. He sold out our secrets to ressurect his dead girlfriend. As much as I'm laughing on the inside of him being treated like that, you're procrastinating on what's going to be done to him and have now drawn my attention to the fact you haven't done anything about," Jackie stands up, grabbing another steak knife from the table as she leans across, dragging the tip of the blade across his nose, her face so apathetic, it looked more like she was considering what movie to watch rather than what way she was going to interrogate Mist, "But before we talk about that, I think it's time for somebody - who's been uncharacteriscally quiet- to fess up. I'd like to know how many of our secrets are worth a corpse," She tilts her head, her eyes clouding from bright blue to slate grey, "So, Goodwell? How many, and which ones?"
CelticSol said:
"If you're so adamant on us not relying on your funds, I will take care of myself, which I was doing in every way except for housing. I've been feeding myself since I've stayed under your care, Isabel, and I don't appreciate the tone of voice you're using on me. I was just pointing out that it sounded like we owed something to you, which we don't. You have been generous, and don't mistake me for not being thankful, but it's not kind hearted generosity if you rub it in our face or brag about it," she crosses her arms. "Maybe I'm bitter about leaving one war and entering another right off he bat, but you started this war. So if the fingers point to you for damage that has only happened because of your war, then - pardon my language - stop pissing about it and take responsibility for your own damn actions."
She takes a deep breath to calm down before she speaks to H again, smiling genuinely, "Only if you're comfortable with it. When you're with me in my clinic - which I outfitted from one of the unused rooms, Isabel - no one will be bothering you, and I promise none of my treatments hurt unless it's treating a very grave wound. Even after I finish, if you need a quiet place to come and think or just escape, the door is always open. I can't promise I'll always be there, but you're always welcome to go."

Arcadia steps back from Grimm automatically, seeming wary of him. Timor sighs, "Brother, you're making her nervous," Timor's physical form shivers, flashing to a woman with dark hair and a wild smile before her body reverts to its child-like form. "Stop looking at her like that. Former slaves don't like it when you look at them like they're not a person and more of an object or animal you're inspecting. "

Arcadia looks wide eyed at Timor, then clears her throat, taking on a more professional posture and attitude, "Dark isn't in full control of herself, but neither is this new personality. They're fighting and confusing each other. I threw them mentally off balance more than once by mentioning one thing or another. This new personality is probably some type of invasive virus created by Harbinger, but due to her modus operandi of creation, it's more likely that he's actually created a consciousness and planted into Dark's mind, and it's slowly corrupting the personality. As far as I can tell, it could be purged from Dark's system, but there's no telling what the effects on her will be."

Jackie sighs, scratching the back of her neck, shrugging her undamaged arm, "That's the thing, Witch. I've thought about it, but in order for it not be an empty threat, we need Harbinger. It's clear if you watch him that he's more of a ring leader than a fighter, but that makes shit harder. The others, in some extent or as a subconscious action, might be protecting him. And, combatant or not, he's not going to go down easy; he's an original, and there's no telling what he could create or the extent of his abilities on your family. Genetically speaking, there's gotta be a hell of a lot of Layla in you for you to be able to take a dragon form, so who's to say that he won't have some form of control over that part of you?" Jackie takes another spoonful of ice cream, "Harbinger is starting to piss me off. He's one big variable I don't want to count on."

Jackie looks up at Royal's voice, and stares at this with the most unamused stare since Mist almost drowned her. With a flash of near invisible motion, a knife flies past Royal's face and slices across Mist's ear, drawing blood immediately from the slash. Jackie's arm remains extended, her eyes dark with anger, "I think you're forgetting something very key, Isabel," She says, her voice suddenly low and dangerous, "He's betrayed us. Left us for an enemy he knew would do us harm. There's no innocence, no denial, no defence. He sold out our secrets to ressurect his dead girlfriend. As much as I'm laughing on the inside of him being treated like that, you're procrastinating on what's going to be done to him and have now drawn my attention to the fact you haven't done anything about," Jackie stands up, grabbing another steak knife from the table as she leans across, dragging the tip of the blade across his nose, her face so apathetic, it looked more like she was considering what movie to watch rather than what way she was going to interrogate Mist, "But before we talk about that, I think it's time for somebody - who's been uncharacteriscally quiet- to fess up. I'd like to know how many of our secrets are worth a corpse," She tilts her head, her eyes clouding from bright blue to slate grey, "So, Goodwell? How many, and which ones?"
When Jackie moves over to Mist. Witch takes a spare spoon and slowly inches over to the ice cream. She hoped Jackie would stay distracted long enough.

Royal looks at what they're doing. "Jackie even though you sound very evil which I do applaud. I highly doubt just some ropes and a chair would stop Mist from killing us all if he truly wanted to right at this moment. Also with the way Excidium ran. Not many of you respected him anyways. He didn't get a deep bond with any of you. So in comparison to seeing someone he did care for vs people whom by the looks of it. Treated him like shit. I have to say he didn't betray you because he had nothing to betray in the first place. I don't condone his actions though he's still an enemy. Put the knife down, the drugs I put in his food should work well enough. Unless you intend to point it at me next."

( Accidentally clicked reply. Still working on the others. )


CelticSol said:
"If you're so adamant on us not relying on your funds, I will take care of myself, which I was doing in every way except for housing. I've been feeding myself since I've stayed under your care, Isabel, and I don't appreciate the tone of voice you're using on me. I was just pointing out that it sounded like we owed something to you, which we don't. You have been generous, and don't mistake me for not being thankful, but it's not kind hearted generosity if you rub it in our face or brag about it," she crosses her arms. "Maybe I'm bitter about leaving one war and entering another right off he bat, but you started this war. So if the fingers point to you for damage that has only happened because of your war, then - pardon my language - stop pissing about it and take responsibility for your own damn actions."
She takes a deep breath to calm down before she speaks to H again, smiling genuinely, "Only if you're comfortable with it. When you're with me in my clinic - which I outfitted from one of the unused rooms, Isabel - no one will be bothering you, and I promise none of my treatments hurt unless it's treating a very grave wound. Even after I finish, if you need a quiet place to come and think or just escape, the door is always open. I can't promise I'll always be there, but you're always welcome to go."

Arcadia steps back from Grimm automatically, seeming wary of him. Timor sighs, "Brother, you're making her nervous," Timor's physical form shivers, flashing to a woman with dark hair and a wild smile before her body reverts to its child-like form. "Stop looking at her like that. Former slaves don't like it when you look at them like they're not a person and more of an object or animal you're inspecting. "

Arcadia looks wide eyed at Timor, then clears her throat, taking on a more professional posture and attitude, "Dark isn't in full control of herself, but neither is this new personality. They're fighting and confusing each other. I threw them mentally off balance more than once by mentioning one thing or another. This new personality is probably some type of invasive virus created by Harbinger, but due to her modus operandi of creation, it's more likely that he's actually created a consciousness and planted into Dark's mind, and it's slowly corrupting the personality. As far as I can tell, it could be purged from Dark's system, but there's no telling what the effects on her will be."

Jackie sighs, scratching the back of her neck, shrugging her undamaged arm, "That's the thing, Witch. I've thought about it, but in order for it not be an empty threat, we need Harbinger. It's clear if you watch him that he's more of a ring leader than a fighter, but that makes shit harder. The others, in some extent or as a subconscious action, might be protecting him. And, combatant or not, he's not going to go down easy; he's an original, and there's no telling what he could create or the extent of his abilities on your family. Genetically speaking, there's gotta be a hell of a lot of Layla in you for you to be able to take a dragon form, so who's to say that he won't have some form of control over that part of you?" Jackie takes another spoonful of ice cream, "Harbinger is starting to piss me off. He's one big variable I don't want to count on."

Jackie looks up at Royal's voice, and stares at this with the most unamused stare since Mist almost drowned her. With a flash of near invisible motion, a knife flies past Royal's face and slices across Mist's ear, drawing blood immediately from the slash. Jackie's arm remains extended, her eyes dark with anger, "I think you're forgetting something very key, Isabel," She says, her voice suddenly low and dangerous, "He's betrayed us. Left us for an enemy he knew would do us harm. There's no innocence, no denial, no defence. He sold out our secrets to ressurect his dead girlfriend. As much as I'm laughing on the inside of him being treated like that, you're procrastinating on what's going to be done to him and have now drawn my attention to the fact you haven't done anything about," Jackie stands up, grabbing another steak knife from the table as she leans across, dragging the tip of the blade across his nose, her face so apathetic, it looked more like she was considering what movie to watch rather than what way she was going to interrogate Mist, "But before we talk about that, I think it's time for somebody - who's been uncharacteriscally quiet- to fess up. I'd like to know how many of our secrets are worth a corpse," She tilts her head, her eyes clouding from bright blue to slate grey, "So, Goodwell? How many, and which ones?"
Isabel simply rolls her eyes. "This is just one minor topic that you're making a huge deal out of. I do care for you all, I'm just a little mad that I have to pay for something such as several fucking villages I don't even fucking know. Yes, it's quite obvious the war is something I started."

Grimm looks over at Isabel. "I hope you know arguing with Arcadia will only take your mind off of what you have to do with Dark for so long." With that Isabel stops talking. "Anyways Timor. Before you rudely accused me of inspecting them like animals. I was checking for any damage done to them that would make me have to reap their souls later on. If anything I'm trying to help them and go against my own rules. So please don't antagonize me as if you're any different. Since they were both carried by a split personality of Isabel. Whom doesn't know how to fly properly even with another person."

( I literally meant to addressing Arcadia instead of inspecting. I guess I typed out the same word twice without noticing but I'll go along with it. xD )
H looked confused, tiling his head. "I don't think I have anything wrong with me. Or a soul? Do I have a soul? I'm not sure.... I know nothing is wrong with me though. That much I do remember. Or do i? I don't think I feel like there's something wrong with me.." He said examining himself. "I'm okay with going to... wherever that place is. It sounds safe."
Airagog said:
H looked confused, tiling his head. "I don't think I have anything wrong with me. Or a soul? Do I have a soul? I'm not sure.... I know nothing is wrong with me though. That much I do remember. Or do i? I don't think I feel like there's something wrong with me.." He said examining himself. "I'm okay with going to... wherever that place is. It sounds safe."
Isabel thinks of all the times there were fights in the guild. All the arguments. The drama and the mess. "Yes.... definitely safe. I assure you."
Light said:
When Jackie moves over to Mist. Witch takes a spare spoon and slowly inches over to the ice cream. She hoped Jackie would stay distracted long enough.
Royal looks at what they're doing. "Jackie even though you sound very evil which I do applaud. I highly doubt just some ropes and a chair would stop Mist from killing us all if he truly wanted to right at this moment. Also with the way Excidium ran. Not many of you respected him anyways. He didn't get a deep bond with any of you. So in comparison to seeing someone he did care for vs people whom by the looks of it. Treated him like shit. I have to say he didn't betray you because he had nothing to betray in the first place. I don't condone his actions though he's still an enemy. Put the knife down, the drugs I put in his food should work well enough. Unless you intend to point it at me next."
Jackie raises an eyebrow, looking genuinely confused, "Ropes and a chair?" She realizes what she meant, then let's out a laugh, "Oh, of course. 'Course you think I'm gonna torture him," She shakes her head in disgust, "Your opinion must be incredibly high of me, Goldie," She slams the knife hilt deep into the table, though it seems more like a way to get rid of it than an intimidation tactic.

Even though she's still talking to Royal, the meaning of her words seem more directed at him, "Mist isn't an idiot, despite what I say. Dragon's Roar doesn't - didn't - function like Excidium. The core components that keep it running aren't the same. It's not based on comraderie and teamwork and doesn't emphasize going solo on important tasks like yours does, it's based on the ability to function independently but also as a unit, and revolves around respect earned from constant results. Does that mean we don't make friends? No. But it's not the backbone of our group. Our unconditional loyalty or bonds were never important to the grander purpose. We were supposed to be given a plan by whoever gains the title of leader and follow it. We respected Mist, and while that might not be enough for you, he should know this and understand that was probably all he was going to get with the group he was dealing with."

Jackie turns to face Royal completely, crossing her arms across her chest, "The biggest difference between the guilds are the people who make it up. If I showed you a video of every single horrible thing I've ever done, you would probably be less afraid of Mist's powers and more afraid of what I'm mentally capable of. Alpha literally devours people and their souls because he doesn't give a shit. Bruce has probably done fucked up shit, and I know enough about Mist to know that he's done shit he's probably not proud of. You probably have, too, but we made a career out of doing it."

"If this is long winded, sorry, but you're treating Mist like he's like you. He might be. But he was friends with someone who ran their show exactly like that. You can say I treated him like shit, but he can tell you that I was trying to help him lead. I had my group, and he was making every mistake I made, and a lot of people I cared about died because of it. He knows how traitors are treated in the criminal underworld, I can see it in his eyes and the fact he hasn't protested against my actions prove he at least has an idea. So don't talk down to me like I don't fucking know how this works. I've been in this game longer than you've been alive."

( Accidentally clicked reply. Still working on the others. )


Light said:
Isabel simply rolls her eyes. "This is just one minor topic that you're making a huge deal out of. I do care for you all, I'm just a little mad that I have to pay for something such as several fucking villages I don't even fucking know. Yes, it's quite obvious the war is something I started."
Insult flashes across her face before Arcadia ties it into a poker face, "Fine. Roll your eyes and dismiss me. We're wasting time anyway," She picks up a plain rock and pulls chalk from her seemingly endless pockets. She starts to mark it with intricate designs, and once she makes the last mark, it starts to glow with magic she's infusing into it.

Light said:
Grimm looks over at Isabel. "I hope you know arguing with Arcadia will only take your mind off of what you have to do with Dark for so long." With that Isabel stops talking. "Anyways Timor. Before you rudely accused me of inspecting them like animals. I was checking for any damage done to them that would make me have to reap their souls later on. If anything I'm trying to help them and go against my own rules. So please don't antagonize me as if you're any different. Since they were both carried by a split personality of Isabel. Whom doesn't know how to fly properly even with another person."
Timor barely reacts, "Pardon me for believing you had ill intentions for them, then. It's not exactly my fault that you don't have the best track record when it comes to bringing harm to children-"

"Timor, enough," Layla cuts in sharply, and Timor stops speaking immediately. Layla looks to Grimm as well, "Stop critizing Isabel. Prior to your inheritance of Akoto's power, you were barely above her caliber of abilities, and she is barely 20. If you had the weight of physics on your back, carrying other people with the added weight of her exoskeleton would be difficult for even you."
Light said:
The executioner starts to cut into its own stomach. Trying to release the magma and leeches.

"Oh you little bastard, not waiting for me to cut you open. But why just a small cut when you can have," Bruce fired off a ki blast at the executioner, similar to the one used on Charon but obviously not needing nearly as much power "a hole." Just as he said, the ki attack pierced through the executioner, creating a hole in its abdomen.
CelticSol said:
Jackie raises an eyebrow, looking genuinely confused, "Ropes and a chair?" She realizes what she meant, then let's out a laugh, "Oh, of course. 'Course you think I'm gonna torture him," She shakes her head in disgust, "Your opinion must be incredibly high of me, Goldie," She slams the knife hilt deep into the table, though it seems more like a way to get rid of it than an intimidation tactic.
Even though she's still talking to Royal, the meaning of her words seem more directed at him, "Mist isn't an idiot, despite what I say. Dragon's Roar doesn't - didn't - function like Excidium. The core components that keep it running aren't the same. It's not based on comraderie and teamwork and doesn't emphasize going solo on important tasks like yours does, it's based on the ability to function independently but also as a unit, and revolves around respect earned from constant results. Does that mean we don't make friends? No. But it's not the backbone of our group. Our unconditional loyalty or bonds were never important to the grander purpose. We were supposed to be given a plan by whoever gains the title of leader and follow it. We respected Mist, and while that might not be enough for you, he should know this and understand that was probably all he was going to get with the group he was dealing with."

Jackie turns to face Royal completely, crossing her arms across her chest, "The biggest difference between the guilds are the people who make it up. If I showed you a video of every single horrible thing I've ever done, you would probably be less afraid of Mist's powers and more afraid of what I'm mentally capable of. Alpha literally devours people and their souls because he doesn't give a shit. Bruce has probably done fucked up shit, and I know enough about Mist to know that he's done shit he's probably not proud of. You probably have, too, but we made a career out of doing it."

"If this is long winded, sorry, but you're treating Mist like he's like you. He might be. But he was friends with someone who ran their show exactly like that. You can say I treated him like shit, but he can tell you that I was trying to help him lead. I had my group, and he was making every mistake I made, and a lot of people I cared about died because of it. He knows how traitors are treated in the criminal underworld, I can see it in his eyes and the fact he hasn't protested against my actions prove he at least has an idea. So don't talk down to me like I don't fucking know how this works. I've been in this game longer than you've been alive."

( Accidentally clicked reply. Still working on the others. )


Insult flashes across her face before Arcadia ties it into a poker face, "Fine. Roll your eyes and dismiss me. We're wasting time anyway," She picks up a plain rock and pulls chalk from her seemingly endless pockets. She starts to mark it with intricate designs, and once she makes the last mark, it starts to glow with magic she's infusing into it.

Timor barely reacts, "Pardon me for believing you had ill intentions for them, then. It's not exactly my fault that you don't have the best track record when it comes to bringing harm to children-"

"Timor, enough," Layla cuts in sharply, and Timor stops speaking immediately. Layla looks to Grimm as well, "Stop critizing Isabel. Prior to your inheritance of Akoto's power, you were barely above her caliber of abilities, and she is barely 20. If you had the weight of physics on your back, carrying other people with the added weight of her exoskeleton would be difficult for even you."
"Oh poo. I believe I was still very strong without death. I barely even use those powers. I'm not talking about the weight I'm talking about the way she flies. Anyways we should move on." Grimm glances at Arcadia. "Oh joy! I'm quite artsy myself! What are you doing?"

Royal turns away and sighs. She nods her head and plays with the plate of food for Mist. "Alright then. Continue."

Isabel approaches Arcadia. "Look... I'm sorry. That was really rude of me to do. It was entitled and out of line. It was also rude towards H. I'm just stressed out." Isabel decides not to speak any further.

Afrobrony said:
"Oh you little bastard, not waiting for me to cut you open. But why just a small cut when you can have," Bruce fired off a ki blast at the executioner, similar to the one used on Charon but obviously not needing nearly as much power "a hole." Just as he said, the ki attack pierced through the executioner, creating a hole in its abdomen.
The executioner drops to the ground as the leeches try to chew their way out of its stomach through the hole Bruce just created. Since the executioners head hasn't been taken off.
Light said:
The executioner drops to the ground as the leeches try to chew their way out of its stomach through the hole Bruce just created. Since the executioners head hasn't been taken off.
As a finishing move, Bruce grabs one of the knights, jumps into the air with it, and suplexes it into the executioner's head. "And the crowd goes wild!" He yells as he holds up his hands with the John Cena hand sign thing.
Afrobrony said:
As a finishing move, Bruce grabs one of the knights, jumps into the air with it, and suplexes it into the executioner's head. "And the crowd goes wild!" He yells as he holds up his hands with the John Cena hand sign thing.
Several of the knights back up due to the defeat of the executioner. Others grow angry and get into battle formation.

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