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Fantasy Dragon's Roar 2: The Destruction of Fate ( Finished )

Feimaan dodges the black spike but gets hit by most of the ice shot at him as he did. He creates a rather small looking black sphere above the three he was fighting which immediately began pulling everything up towards it, including trees, leaves, dirt, and even Feimaan, though he managed to remain stationary by created a new protective barrier to stop himself from being pushed towards the sphere. The trees the Titan threw where pulle up towards the sphere as well. None of them were sucked in, but rather stuck onto the sphere like a magnet, and the sphere gradually seemed to grow as it collected more fallen trees, leaves, and even a few animals. If he got the three up there, they'd be vulnerable to his attacks, though he was curious to see whether the man would teleport again, replacing himself and the other with neighbouring trees. @Light @National

"Quis audeat perturbare domain meo?"

A tremendous voice bellows, the ground trembling. Within the minds of all present, the voice also sounds, however, instead of Latin, it speaks in English.

Who dares to disturb my domain?'

Hundreds of giant vines, hard as stone and covered in thorns as strong and sharp as strong as steel, burst from the ground, coiling into the air.

"Arbitratu tuo ius dat filii in terra mea?"

'What gives you children the right to do as you wish in MY land?'

Suddenly, a cloud of fireflies burst from the trees, circling the fighters. As the fireflies circle them, the vines twist together, intertwining with eachother as they form a being, standing at fifteen feet tall. The fireflies all congregate into a cloud, before rushing into the being from every possible opening and crevice. The being moved, taking a few steps towards the intruders in its forest. With every step, lush, beautiful flowers that gave off incredible light bloomed instantly.

"Ego sum Yggdrasil."

'I am Yggdrasil.'

"Vos autem peccauerit"

'And you are trespassing.'

@Light @Verdas @National
Daimao said:
Alpha chuckles, gently patting Jackie with his tail. "Oh, putting up with you is easy," he said, giving a canine grin. "You should have seen Helen of Troy. Now that was a woman I couldn't stand."
She giggles in very un-Jackie way, covering her mouth to stifle them as she looks at him, "I can imagine she was a complete nightmare," Jackie flips onto her stomach and sits up on her elbows to look at him, grinning as she flicks him on the tip of his nose. "You're so old, Alpha."
Xerxes looks at Yggdrasil. Xerxes remembers Yggdrasil. One of the Originals, a being older than Xerxes. Xerxes looks at the being, the magical presence of Yggdrasil massive. He states a quuestion to Yggdrasil "How have we trespassed?"

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National said:
Xerxes looks at Yggdrasil. Xerxes remembers Yggdrasil. One of the Originals, a being older than Xerxes. Xerxes looks at the being, the magical presence of Yggdrasil massive. He states a quuestion to Yggdrasil "How have we trespassed?"
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Daimao said:

"Quis audeat perturbare domain meo?"

A tremendous voice bellows, the ground trembling. Within the minds of all present, the voice also sounds, however, instead of Latin, it speaks in English.

Who dares to disturb my domain?'

Hundreds of giant vines, hard as stone and covered in thorns as strong and sharp as strong as steel, burst from the ground, coiling into the air.

"Arbitratu tuo ius dat filii in terra mea?"

'What gives you children the right to do as you wish in MY land?'

Suddenly, a cloud of fireflies burst from the trees, circling the fighters. As the fireflies circle them, the vines twist together, intertwining with eachother as they form a being, standing at fifteen feet tall. The fireflies all congregate into a cloud, before rushing into the being from every possible opening and crevice. The being moved, taking a few steps towards the intruders in its forest. With every step, lush, beautiful flowers that gave off incredible light bloomed instantly.

"Ego sum Yggdrasil."

'I am Yggdrasil.'

"Vos autem peccauerit"

'And you are trespassing.'

@Light @Verdas @National
Verdas said:
Feimaan dodges the black spike but gets hit by most of the ice shot at him as he did. He creates a rather small looking black sphere above the three he was fighting which immediately began pulling everything up towards it, including trees, leaves, dirt, and even Feimaan, though he managed to remain stationary by created a new protective barrier to stop himself from being pushed towards the sphere. The trees the Titan threw where pulle up towards the sphere as well. None of them were sucked in, but rather stuck onto the sphere like a magnet, and the sphere gradually seemed to grow as it collected more fallen trees, leaves, and even a few animals. If he got the three up there, they'd be vulnerable to his attacks, though he was curious to see whether the man would teleport again, replacing himself and the other with neighbouring trees. @Light @National
Itami used this opportunity to jump into the sphere. He then uses replacement magic to replace his current position with the serpents. Making the caster of the spell stuck on the orb. Itami's scythe shatters and reforms themselves as cannons on his arms. He uses replacement magic to appear beside Xerxes and Royal again. He fires a blast of death flame at the serpent and the orb.
The sphere in the sky disappears as Feimaan realises that Yggdrasil was here. "Yggdrasil. I see that our fighting as angered you. These young ones are free from the strings of fate and have the blessing of a deity. Be cautious, or else they may defeat you." He warns the ancient original, though he doubted he would lose, they were able to use flames, which were one of Yggdrasil's weaknesses, which made him worry. @Light @Daimao @National


Light said:
Itami used this opportunity to jump into the sphere. He then uses replacement magic to replace his current position with the serpents. Making the caster of the spell stuck on the orb. Itami's scythe shatters and reforms themselves as cannons on his arms. He uses replacement magic to appear beside Xerxes and Royal again. He fires a blast of death flame at the serpent and the orb.
National said:
Xerxes looks at Yggdrasil. Xerxes remembers Yggdrasil. One of the Originals, a being older than Xerxes. Xerxes looks at the being, the magical presence of Yggdrasil massive. He states a quuestion to Yggdrasil "How have we trespassed?"
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"Locum sylvae vitae augendamque,"

'The forest is a place of life and growth,'

Yggdrasil motioned to the surrounding foliage with his large hands.

"Nondum debellatum et mortem."

'Not of fighting and death.'

"Ego custodem saltus et omnes inimici mei turbaturum."

'I am guardian of the forest, and all who disturb it are my enemies.'


CelticSol said:
She giggles in very un-Jackie way, covering her mouth to stifle them as she looks at him, "I can imagine she was a complete nightmare," Jackie flips onto her stomach and sits up on her elbows to look at him, grinning as she flicks him on the tip of his nose. "You're so old, Alpha."
"It's not like that's a bad thing," Alpha said with a huff. "Besides, I'm still as spry and limber as I was when I was one thousand years old."
Verdas said:
The sphere in the sky disappears as Feimaan realises that Yggdrasil was here. "Yggdrasil. I see that our fighting as angered you. These young ones are free from the strings of fate and have the blessing of a deity. Be cautious, or else they may defeat you." He warns the ancient original, though he doubted he would lose, they were able to use flames, which were one of Yggdrasil's weaknesses, which made him worry. @Light @Daimao @National

( Ignore my post then. )
Xerxes looks at the trees he threw. He looks back at Yggdrasil. "You are powerful enough to grow back the damages. I do not see why you are complaining" Xerxes summons a halo of fire above the palm of his hand, ready to throw it at Yggdrasil.

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Daimao said:

"Locum sylvae vitae augendamque,"

'The forest is a place of life and growth,'

Yggdrasil motioned to the surrounding foliage with his large hands.

"Nondum debellatum et mortem."

'Not of fighting and death.'

"Ego custodem saltus et omnes inimici mei turbaturum."

'I am guardian of the forest, and all who disturb it are my enemies.'


"It's not like that's a bad thing," Alpha said with a huff. "Besides, I'm still as spry and limber as I was when I was one thousand years old."
She smiles, rubbing behind his ears, "Wow, I'm glad that Alzheimer's or Dementia hadn't taken you yet, old man," she says, obviously teasing.
National said:
Xerxes looks at the trees he threw. He looks back at Yggdrasil. "You are powerful enough to grow back the damages. I do not see why you are complaining" Xerxes summons a halo of fire above the palm of his hand, ready to throw it at Yggdrasil.
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"Quonium regressus sum in saltibus sumam. Ego pro multis millenniis dormitaverunt et iuvenes deos exivi curam mei silvis factus est praeter deceptiones. Vocer. Auari. Inutilis."

'I have returned to take back the forests. For many millennia I have slumbered, and the young gods I left to care for my forests have become disappointments. Lazy. Greedy. Useless.'

Yggdrasil raised one of his large arms up, palm facing upwards, and trees instantly sprouted from the earth in the places where Xerxes had torn up trees.

"Ego liberos redire ad pristinum decus excitavit. A quo gloriari diluculum hominis aetate vidimus. Qui obstiterit,"

'I have awoken to return my children to their former glory. A glory not since seen since the dawn of the age of man. Any who stand in my way,'

Yggdrasil lowered his arm and the trees that Xerxes had torn up twisted themselves together, forming a large dragon.


'Will be crushed.'

The dragon let out a tremendous roar, its joints creaking as it flapped its wings and took to the skies.
Xerxes looked up at the splendid dragon. Xerxes flung the halo of fire, the small halo rapidly growing into a massive disc of fire straight towards the dragon "I was made, forged by the Ancients. I was created to slay them, and to sleep until I felt more disturbances. And that is why I am awakened Ancient One. And you are on of those powerful presences."

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Daimao said:

"Quonium regressus sum in saltibus sumam. Ego pro multis millenniis dormitaverunt et iuvenes deos exivi curam mei silvis factus est praeter deceptiones. Vocer. Auari. Inutilis."

'I have returned to take back the forests. For many millennia I have slumbered, and the young gods I left to care for my forests have become disappointments. Lazy. Greedy. Useless.'

Yggdrasil raised one of his large arms up, palm facing upwards, and trees instantly sprouted from the earth in the places where Xerxes had torn up trees.

"Ego liberos redire ad pristinum decus excitavit. A quo gloriari diluculum hominis aetate vidimus. Qui obstiterit,"

'I have awoken to return my children to their former glory. A glory not since seen since the dawn of the age of man. Any who stand in my way,'

Yggdrasil lowered his arm and the trees that Xerxes had torn up twisted themselves together, forming a large dragon.


'Will be crushed.'

The dragon let out a tremendous roar, its joints creaking as it flapped its wings and took to the skies.
Itami and Royal get ready to fight. Royal herself erupts in water and takes Dragon form.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c2eaaf6aa_images(6).jpg.f61290b4f26d89c4fccb5a45fcaacf80.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="57602" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c2eaaf6aa_images(6).jpg.f61290b4f26d89c4fccb5a45fcaacf80.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Itami on the other hand has his body erupt in death flame.



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The halo of fire hit the dragon, setting it on fire. As it began to fall back down to the earth, it stopped moving as it burned. Yggdrasil merely twitched a single finger. By time the dragon hit the ground, the fire was out and the charred fauna that made up it's body had already regrown.

"Vos plura amplectendi terminis tuis parvulus. Iis, quorum potentiam tua dwarfs te provocas. Quod sit patrinus error."

'You overstep your boundaries, little one. You meddle with those whose power dwarfs yours. That is a grave mistake.'

As Yggdrasil speaks, thousands of long, thin vines with poisonous thorns crawl their way up Xerxes, crawling into all the gaps and crevices in his armor. Similar vines wrapped themselves around Royal's legs. The dragon turns its large head to look at Royal, letting out another tremendous roar.


CelticSol said:
She smiles, rubbing behind his ears, "Wow, I'm glad that Alzheimer's or Dementia hadn't taken you yet, old man," she says, obviously teasing.
Alpha merely chuckled, pushing his head into Jackie's hand. "Oh quit it, ya little whipper snapper."
Xerxes roars and rips out of the vines "I am a Titan. Small vines cannot beat me! Your foliage needs to be burned" Titan slams his fist into the ground, the earth shaking. Two large black pillars rise up, runes etched on every inch of the pillars. The pillars start to fire beams of fire at everything around them, other than Royal and Itami

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Daimao said:
The halo of fire hit the dragon, setting it on fire. As it began to fall back down to the earth, it stopped moving as it burned. Yggdrasil merely twitched a single finger. By time the dragon hit the ground, the fire was out and the charred fauna that made up it's body had already regrown.

"Vos plura amplectendi terminis tuis parvulus. Iis, quorum potentiam tua dwarfs te provocas. Quod sit patrinus error."

'You overstep your boundaries, little one. You meddle with those whose power dwarfs yours. That is a grave mistake.'

As Yggdrasil speaks, thousands of long, thin vines with poisonous thorns crawl their way up Xerxes, crawling into all the gaps and crevices in his armor. Similar vines wrapped themselves around Royal's legs. The dragon turns its large head to look at Royal, letting out another tremendous roar.​


Alpha merely chuckled, pushing his head into Jackie's hand. "Oh quit it, ya little whipper snapper."
Royal roars as well. When she does a blast of ice sprays out of her jaws. Thus freezing the other dragon in place. She stops and then fires a highly pressurized blast of water. Shattering the ice and the wood Dragon in it.
Yggdrasil ignored the pillars. Bathed in flame, his body simply regrew as fast as it burned. He raised his hand up once again, and a massive fist formed from trees burst out of the ground right below Royal. His featureless head then turned to Xerxes, and three mammoth trees burst out of the ground at his feet, wrapping themselves around him and carrying him hundreds of feet into the air. Yggdrasil spoke no words as vines wrapped themselves around the columns, growing faster then they could be burned.

Xerxes grunts as he is being carried and grabs one of the trees and rips it out of the ground, but is stuck and cannot get to the other two, so he starts to heat himself up, hoping he can burn through the remaining trees

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Daimao said:
Yggdrasil ignored the pillars. Bathed in flame, his body simply regrew as fast as it burned. He raised his hand up once again, and a massive fist formed from trees burst out of the ground right below Royal. His featureless head then turned to Xerxes, and three mammoth trees burst out of the ground at his feet, wrapping themselves around him and carrying him hundreds of feet into the air. Yggdrasil spoke no words as vines wrapped themselves around the columns, growing faster then they could be burned.

National said:
Xerxes grunts as he is being carried and grabs one of the trees and rips it out of the ground, but is stuck and cannot get to the other two, so he starts to heat himself up, hoping he can burn through the remaining trees
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Royal is knocked over by the large fist. She slams into the ground and turns into a large tidal wave as if she were filled with water. She knocks the trees over like toothpicks.

Itami on the other hand was on top of Xerxes. Since he's a flame user himself he was quite immune to the heat. Itami decided to call on the being inside his body. Chaos has been using Itami as a host. He's only going to use it for a couple minutes but hopefully it'll be enough to make Yggdrasil and the serpent retreat.
National said:
Xerxes grunts as he is being carried and grabs one of the trees and rips it out of the ground, but is stuck and cannot get to the other two, so he starts to heat himself up, hoping he can burn through the remaining trees
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As Xerxes heats up, he slowly starts charring the bark of the trees. However, they are burning incredibly slowly, and continue to carry him skywards, leaving the hundreds of feet and entering the thousands. As they carry him up, trillions upon trillions of bugs begin eating at his armor. Each bug survives mere miliseconds before they burn, but that's still enough time for a good chomp.

Light said:
Royal is knocked over by the large fist. She slams into the ground and turns into a large tidal wave as if she were filled with water. She knocks the trees over like toothpicks.
Itami on the other hand was on top of Xerxes. Since he's a flame user himself he was quite immune to the heat. Itami decided to call on the being inside his body. Chaos has been using Itami as a host. He's only going to use it for a couple minutes but hopefully it'll be enough to make Yggdrasil and the serpent retreat.
The water causes the plants to grow like crazy, quickly replacing what has been destroyed.

Xerxes laughs "This is no normal armor" He bellows as he shoves his hands into the trees and pushes them off him. He jumps on one tree and rips the other one out of the ground and let's it drop down to Yggdrasil.

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Daimao said:
As Xerxes heats up, he slowly starts charring the bark of the trees. However, they are burning incredibly slowly, and continue to carry him skywards, leaving the hundreds of feet and entering the thousands. As they carry him up, trillions upon trillions of bugs begin eating at his armor. Each bug survives mere miliseconds before they burn, but that's still enough time for a good chomp.

The water causes the plants to grow like crazy, quickly replacing what has been destroyed.

The water suddenly evaporates when Itami has it erupt in death flame. Itami's skin starts to bubble and morph into something unlike this world. It had no exact definition. Even to an original they were unable to comprehend what Itami had exactly turned into. It looks like a black flaming body, with a spiked back and sharp claws. It had no feet because it stuck out of the ground as if it wear coming out of the body. Even though it had a flaming appearance it looked like it had a liquid body. Faces and different beings keep appearing and disappearing on the surface of his body. Itami rushes Yggdrasil. He claws into his body and starts to slither inside.
Light said:
The water suddenly evaporates when Itami has it erupt in death flame. Itami's skin starts to bubble and morph into something unlike this world. It had no exact definition. Even to an original they were unable to comprehend what Itami had exactly turned into. It looks like a black flaming body, with a spiked back and sharp claws. It had no feet because it stuck out of the ground as if it wear coming out of the body. Even though it had a flaming appearance it looked like it had a liquid body. Faces and different beings keep appearing and disappearing on the surface of his body. Itami rushes Yggdrasil. He claws into his body and starts to slither inside.
Yggdrasil doesn't react as Itami slithers inside of him. Inside, Itami finds...nothing. Just vines. And a few fireflies crawling along said vines. The opening that Itami crawled in through simply regrows and closes the hole.

Xerxes jumps off the tree and starts to fall like a meteor. When he crashes down, the shockwave of his landing blows the trees and everything in a medium sized radius apart, a large crater where a part of the forest was. "Ancient one. I was created to slay things like you. And if I must, I will kill you to return to my slumber"

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