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Fantasy Dragon's Roar 2: The Destruction of Fate ( Finished )

Light said:
Grimms smile drops immediately. He stares at Jackie will plain eyes. There isn't a glint of humanity in them at all. "More power? I would turn that down in a heartbeat. More power, is what ruined me. More power is what makes my sister's fear me. More power is what makes my beloved unable to trust me. The first thing I'd do is get rid of power. Oh, how I wish to do that but it's impossible without being killed. So what you've run your mouth off about accusing me with. Is the very thing that's cursed me." The second after he's done he returns to a smile. "So I'm guessing you don't want the drink?" The soulless look in his eyes are gone.
She's taken aback by that, narrowing her eyes at him. After a minute of judging him, she shrugs, then takes the drink and throws it back quickly. She cringes a bit and coughs, then leans her head in her hands. "I guess we have something in common, then. I'm guessing you can sense the foreign aura on me? Everyone else seems to be able to. Fuckin' natural mages."

Light said:
Dark wants to claw her own eyes out. She's terrible at this and she knew it. "Look. I was held captive and experimented on the deities for years. Humans are the very beings that nearly drove all Dragon's and Witches to extinction. But I still cooperate with them. Because they had nothing to do with it, just like that elf boy outside didn't. I know you hold a lot of negative feelings for the elf. I cannot and will not excuse them for what they did. But if you hate this boy with all of your heart and tell him that he is evil for something he had nothing to do with. He will doubt himself and fall off the correct path. Then he'll really become the monster you point him out to be. You can't let yourself be the same as the people whom wronged you. They used your people and stereotyped you as slaves. But how do you expect the next generation of elves to do the right thing and not be like the one before if you stereotype them as well and expect them to be that way? I'm not telling you to forgive them right now or at all. But I'm asking you in time, to please give this boy a chance to prove himself to be different! Who knows? This one kid could end up completely breaking the chain of slavery and stereotyping towards your race. Holy carp..... I overstepped the line there. Sorry." Dark wanted to punch herself now but it was too late to turn back. If Arcadia hated her for it then. Dark might as well take her leave. If she didn't, then holy shit the blessing of Layla is true.
TheGodSnake said:
As Arcadia continues yelling, son tee tenses up and Nopos pales. As she stops and runs off the final burst of magic from Arcadia causes him to run to the nearest window where he starts vomiting.

Sinter listened to the news about Mist and Sighed, it ran in the family, greed for money was his weakness, greed for power was his brother's. He waited a bit then entered the room Arcadia had disappeared into, switching to his sight enhancement to allow him to see in the darkness. "Arcadia, I know you're angry but I have to tell you something about Nopos, oh hi dark." he said as he saw dark standing there.
She flips the blankets off of her and stands up, "Comparing something that happened to one person and one person only isn't exactly a fair comparison to the systematic slavery and murder of an entire race," She stalks towards Isabel, all but ignoring Sonter, "I found something out while I was serving my people, saving slaves and trying to stop random murder happening in the streets; I found out that your grandmother was supposed to stop the last war. You know, the one that I was taken as a slave for? She was supposed to stop conflict between the Fae and the Elves by oath. But she never came. Would you like to know why she never came for us? Why she left us to the cruelty of the elves and left us all to die under their hand?"

Arcadia grabs her by the shoulders and shoves her back with surprising strength, "She was looking for you! She left us all for dead because you had been kidnapped! 59 million Fae sent to the slaughter for one girl! So excuse me that I'm prejudiced against a people that have taken my home, my family and my freedom just because the fucking cause of it said I should just let it go!" Her tattoos light up, and she throws her arms wide, "Oh, and just in case you two didn't get the picture, here's what they've done to me. Here's what they've done to my body! This is all raw mana, embedded into my flesh by one of the Elvish slavers," She takes her shirt off, leaving her in her bra and showing the markings curling around her entire torso, and possibly down further, as she turns in a slow circle to show them both. When her back is turned to them, the light illuminates scars which could only be from whip lashes. When she turns back to both of them, her face is bitter and cold, and something in her eyes and in Arcadia has died, and they can both see that the Arcadia they knew before is not the Arcadia standing in front of them. "And before you ask, yes, they hurt to receive. They hurt more than anything I've ever experienced."

She spins on Sonter, "That elvish child will not be brought anywhere near me, and if he is, I will kill him. I don't care if he was born in a human village or if he is half elvish or if he's your apprentice! He is an elf and the elves murdered my brother for the sake of entertainment, raped my mother until she dropped dead, and worked my father straight into his grave! Neither of you have a right to tell me what I should or shouldn't be upset about, because regardless of what you think you've been through, you have not been through suffering like I have."
CelticSol said:
She spins on Sonter, "That elvish child will not be brought anywhere near me, and if he is, I will kill him. I don't care if he was born in a human village or if he is half elvish or if he's your apprentice! He is an elf and the elves murdered my brother for the sake of entertainment, raped my mother until she dropped dead, and worked my father straight into his grave! Neither of you have a right to tell me what I should or shouldn't be upset about, because regardless of what you think you've been through, you have not been through suffering like I have."
Sonter couldn't contain his rage and let loose as she threatened Nopos, "YOU'RE NOT THE ONLY ONE WHO SUFFERED! DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHY NOPOS IS AN ORPHAN! HIS MOTHER FELL IN LOVE WITH A HUMAN, AN ELF KING HAD EVERY SINGLE ONE OF HIS LIVING RELATIVES MURDERED BECAUSE HIS MOTHER FELL IN LOVE. He was hidden and only just survived. He has grown up being hated because of the elf that ruined his life. Don't go threatening the boy who watched his mother get her heart literally ripped from her chest! Im the closest thing he has to family because of the same man who you hate so much. He has suffered at ELVEN hands as well, don't lay a finger on him. I won't let his life be further destroyed by more hate because of someone who he vowed revenge on too. You just beat him too it."

As Sonter spoke, his voice slowly quieted as he regained control, "understand thy enemy before you curse him to death, for thou may yet suffer the same fate. Understand Nopos before you hate him so furiously, he's losing his mind at this moment because you brought back his memories of his family's slaughter. He hates his elven heritage and traits, otherwise he wouldn't have that memory"
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CelticSol said:
She's taken aback by that, narrowing her eyes at him. After a minute of judging him, she shrugs, then takes the drink and throws it back quickly. She cringes a bit and coughs, then leans her head in her hands. "I guess we have something in common, then. I'm guessing you can sense the foreign aura on me? Everyone else seems to be able to. Fuckin' natural mages."
She flips the blankets off of her and stands up, "Comparing something that happened to one person and one person only isn't exactly a fair comparison to the systematic slavery and murder of an entire race," She stalks towards Isabel, all but ignoring Sonter, "I found something out while I was serving my people, saving slaves and trying to stop random murder happening in the streets; I found out that your grandmother was supposed to stop the last war. You know, the one that I was taken as a slave for? She was supposed to stop conflict between the Fae and the Elves by oath. But she never came. Would you like to know why she never came for us? Why she left us to the cruelty of the elves and left us all to die under their hand?"

Arcadia grabs her by the shoulders and shoves her back with surprising strength, "She was looking for you! She left us all for dead because you had been kidnapped! 59 million Fae sent to the slaughter for one girl! So excuse me that I'm prejudiced against a people that have taken my home, my family and my freedom just because the fucking cause of it said I should just let it go!" Her tattoos light up, and she throws her arms wide, "Oh, and just in case you two didn't get the picture, here's what they've done to me. Here's what they've done to my body! This is all raw mana, embedded into my flesh by one of the Elvish slavers," She takes her shirt off, leaving her in her bra and showing the markings curling around her entire torso, and possibly down further, as she turns in a slow circle to show them both. When her back is turned to them, the light illuminates scars which could only be from whip lashes. When she turns back to both of them, her face is bitter and cold, and something in her eyes and in Arcadia has died, and they can both see that the Arcadia they knew before is not the Arcadia standing in front of them. "And before you ask, yes, they hurt to receive. They hurt more than anything I've ever experienced."

She spins on Sonter, "That elvish child will not be brought anywhere near me, and if he is, I will kill him. I don't care if he was born in a human village or if he is half elvish or if he's your apprentice! He is an elf and the elves murdered my brother for the sake of entertainment, raped my mother until she dropped dead, and worked my father straight into his grave! Neither of you have a right to tell me what I should or shouldn't be upset about, because regardless of what you think you've been through, you have not been through suffering like I have."
Grimm nods his head. "Yes I can." Grimm stands in his scuba outfit. "Sorry I was also giving scuba lessons in this motion. Someone's tank ran out of oxygen. Johnny... You poor bastard. Anyways just to let you know. Things are going down in the room Arcadia's in. I wouldn't go in there if I were. You should relax. Anymore stress and.... oops. Never mind. My tongue slipped." When he says this his tongue literally slips out of his mouth.

Dark was quite shocked by this statement. Note to self, Fuck the blessing of Layla. It just gets your hopes up. She didn't know what to say. For her? Layla didn't save many lives because of her? She feels like it's her fault for all of Arcadia's suffering, because it is. Dark gripped the pillow tightly. "Why didn't you tell me this before?" You could tell she was trying to hold back her tears by blinking since her eyes glow in the dark but they flickered repeatedly. "C-Cadia If I knew what was going to happen I wouldn't have wanted her to look." Dark doesn't know if she should leave or if she should stay. She's not even good with these type of talks when it comes to emotions. She's not even good with talking to Arcadia under normal circumstances due to her feelings for her. Another part of her is trying to tell her not to care but that's her usual reaction to everything in life. Even for the choice of breakfast. All her feelings were clashing inside her.
TheGodSnake said:
Sonter couldn't contain his rage and let loose as she threatened Nopos, "YOU'RE NOT THE ONLY ONE WHO SUFFERED! DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHY NOPOS IS AN ORPHAN! HIS MOTHER FELL IN LOVE WITH A HUMAN, AN ELF KING HAD EVERY SINGLE ONE OF HIS LIVING RELATIVES MURDERED BECAUSE HIS MOTHER FELL IN LOVE. He was hidden and only just survived. He has grown up being hated because of the elf that ruined his life. Don't go threatening the boy who watched his mother get her heart literally ripped from her chest! Im the closest thing he has to family because of the same man who you hate so much. He has suffered at ELVEN hands as well, don't lay a finger on him. I won't let his life be further destroyed by more hate because of someone who he vowed revenge on too. You just beat him too it."
As Sonter spoke, his voice slowly quieted as he regained control, "understand thy enemy before you curse him to death, for thou may yet suffer the same fate. Understand Nopos before you hate him so furiously, he's losing his mind at this moment because you brought back his memories of his family's slaughter. He hates his elven heritage and traits, otherwise he wouldn't have that memory"
Light said:
Dark was quite shocked by this statement. Note to self, Fuck the blessing of Layla. It just gets your hopes up. She didn't know what to say. For her? Layla didn't save many lives because of her? She feels like it's her fault for all of Arcadia's suffering, because it is. Dark gripped the pillow tightly. "Why didn't you tell me this before?" You could tell she was trying to hold back her tears by blinking since her eyes glow in the dark but they flickered repeatedly. "C-Cadia If I knew what was going to happen I wouldn't have wanted her to look." Dark doesn't know if she should leave or if she should stay. She's not even good with these type of talks when it comes to emotions. She's not even good with talking to Arcadia under normal circumstances due to her feelings for her. Another part of her is trying to tell her not to care but that's her usual reaction to everything in life. Even for the choice of breakfast. All her feelings were clashing inside her.
She stares at Sonter, unphased by his shouting. "Didn't you hear what I said? My family was killed, too. If you want to hate me, that's your choice, and you can feel free to take the side of the elf, but know this; tragedy or not, the suffering of an elf means less than nothing to me. Apathetic, I know, but just because we have the same enemy doesn't excuse the fact he is partially one of them."

She looks over at Isabel out of the corner of her eyes, her arms crossing across her chest, "I shouldn't have snapped at you. Your grandmother's choice wasn't yours."


Light said:
Grimm nods his head. "Yes I can." Grimm stands in his scuba outfit. "Sorry I was also giving scuba lessons in this motion. Someone's tank ran out of oxygen. Johnny... You poor bastard. Anyways just to let you know. Things are going down in the room Arcadia's in. I wouldn't go in there if I were. You should relax. Anymore stress and.... oops. Never mind. My tongue slipped." When he says this his tongue literally slips out of his mouth.
She watches that, then looks at him in disgust, "Ew."
CelticSol said:
She stares at Sonter, unphased by his shouting. "Didn't you hear what I said? My family was killed, too. If you want to hate me, that's your choice, and you can feel free to take the side of the elf, but know this; tragedy or not, the suffering of an elf means less than nothing to me. Apathetic, I know, but just because we have the same enemy doesn't excuse the fact he is partially one of them."
She looks over at Isabel out of the corner of her eyes, her arms crossing across her chest, "I shouldn't have snapped at you. Your grandmother's choice wasn't yours."


She watches that, then looks at him in disgust, "Ew."
"No... I shouldn't have tried to force my opinion on you. I also can't be mad over not telling you. I lied to some of you too. Like Bruce. To tell the truth my mother isn't even alive anymore. She's dead but I told him she's not. She dead hating me, she died because of me. It makes me wonder though. Why Layla hasn't told me this before? Why she still continues to hide things from me. Why I'm also the cause of many deaths." Dark looks at Arcadia and then Sonter. "I won't let my very being be the cause of agony any longer. I'm going to let Harbinger unlock the full potential within me and once I do. I'll fulfill the promise Layla couldn't because of me." Dark turns to the window, the pillow Arcadia threw at her still in hand. Her scales start to grow along her body starting from her limbs. Slowly spreading to cover her entire body. "You know Arcadia. I'll be honest with you, this is my last secret. I really liked you, a lot. Even before you left the guild a year ago. I still have those feelings for you. Tell the others I said bye. Cya Cadia." With that the scales are completely finished and the black bone Exoskeleton appears, along with wings. Dark wastes no time flying out the window. Speeding through the night sky. Threatening to tear apart anything in her way with just her speed alone. The pillow trapped in her claws.

Grimm opens his mouth to reveal a new tongue. The previous one is gone. "Magic isn't it?" Grimm pulls a gun out of thin air and fires confetti out of it. "Would you like to know something?" His voice had a joking tone but there was something serious behind it.
Vramiel rubbed the bridge of his nose contemplating the use of a peace spell, but deciding it may only end up inflaming things he held back instead he walked up to Apex. "Perhaps you should all take a break, separate yourselves from on another...distance wise and then come back to talk the issue over. It's not productive for you all to simply shout over each other to prove your point." Vramiel looked at Jackie a stern icy gaze that held her in place, "As for you as true as your words are I believe it is better for you to speak instead of shout Isabell is a guild leader and ruler of this realm, she is not one to raise your voice at even out of exasperation." White eyes going over everyone else in the vicinity they landed on the doorway moments before another person made their entrance. Pushing open the double doors which led inside in came Zan towing a large cart with bags of money loaded onto it. "Uhh hey Isabells I know its been some months since I left in that last batch of assignments but I got them done."
CelticSol said:
Jackie blinks flatly at Vramiel, then says dryly, "Okay, mom, I'll be sure to do that," She sips some more of her drink, "You think you're intimidating, but you just look like you're grumpy, which makes it very hard to take you seriously."
She looks over at him, then shifts herself so she seems extremely interested in what he has to say, "What?"

Arcadia watches her leave, her face a perfect poker face, save for the fact her hands are clenched into tight fists, then she turns to Sonter, "Anything else you'd like to say?"
Grimm turns around and grabs a piece of paper. "Here is your bill!" He passes her a piece of paper that has the cost of the drinks but under the light only she can see the words on the back of the paper. They say, Not everything is what it seems. Even Originals are just as fake as Sunset's smile. Grimm cleans cups expecting her to know who he means by Sunset.
CelticSol said:
Arcadia watches her leave, her face a perfect poker face, save for the fact her hands are clenched into tight fists, then she turns to Sonter, "Anything else you'd like to say?"
Sonter Growls, "All my meditating, all my focus, all gone. I'm sorry, i cant support this hate you have for Nopos," with a face between sad and angry, Sonter unconsciously switches into his Strength enhancement. As he pulls the door open, its pulled off its hinges and crashes to the ground behind him. he walks across the way to Nopos and pats his back, "C'mon bud, lets go get you cleaned up, youll be alright." he helps his apprentice up the stairs quietly, his face crestfallen.

(surprised Julie didnt help Nop)
TheGodSnake said:
Sonter Growls, "All my meditating, all my focus, all gone. I'm sorry, i cant support this hate you have for Nopos," with a face between sad and angry, Sonter unconsciously switches into his Strength enhancement. As he pulls the door open, its pulled off its hinges and crashes to the ground behind him. he walks across the way to Nopos and pats his back, "C'mon bud, lets go get you cleaned up, youll be alright." he helps his apprentice up the stairs quietly, his face crestfallen.
(surprised Julie didnt help Nop)
She shrugs, but lets him leave without issue. She stares out the window where Dark disappeared, sighing.
TheGodSnake said:
Sonter Growls, "All my meditating, all my focus, all gone. I'm sorry, i cant support this hate you have for Nopos," with a face between sad and angry, Sonter unconsciously switches into his Strength enhancement. As he pulls the door open, its pulled off its hinges and crashes to the ground behind him. he walks across the way to Nopos and pats his back, "C'mon bud, lets go get you cleaned up, youll be alright." he helps his apprentice up the stairs quietly, his face crestfallen.
(surprised Julie didnt help Nop)
( Julie doesn't jump in arguments like that. )

Origin decides to go to the top floor to get to the speakers. He sets them to only sound off inside the building. "All Dragon's Roar members. This may seem childish but I think we should all head to our rooms and get rest. We have a big day ahead of us tomorrow and a lot.of us are stressed." With that Isabel goes down to the floor her room is at.
Light said:
Grimm turns around and grabs a piece of paper. "Here is your bill!" He passes her a piece of paper that has the cost of the drinks but under the light only she can see the words on the back of the paper. They say, Not everything is what it seems. Even Originals are just as fake as Sunset's smile. Grimm cleans cups expecting her to know who he means by Sunset.
Light said:
Origin decides to go to the top floor to get to the speakers. He sets them to only sound off inside the building. "All Dragon's Roar members. This may seem childish but I think we should all head to our rooms and get rest. We have a big day ahead of us tomorrow and a lot.of us are stressed." With that Isabel goes down to the floor her room is at.
Jackie looks at the paper, then at Grimm, then back and forth. She nods after a minute, partly comprehending the message but partly too wasted to get the full meaning, then stuffs the bill in her back pocket as she chugs the last of her drink. "Put it on Izzy's tab. She loves me so she'll pay for it," When she stands up she nearly falls flat on her face while stumbling. She looks around, seeming dazed, then spots Alpha at the other end of the bar and heads over. She basically falls on him, grabbing him and leaning so heavily on him that she's barely standing. "Alpha, didn't you hear the lady? She said we have to go to bed~" She sing songs.

(@Daimao )
Light said:
( Julie doesn't jump in arguments like that. )
Origin decides to go to the top floor to get to the speakers. He sets them to only sound off inside the building. "All Dragon's Roar members. This may seem childish but I think we should all head to our rooms and get rest. We have a big day ahead of us tomorrow and a lot.of us are stressed." With that Isabel goes down to the floor her room is at.
Bruce was completely oblivious to everything that had happened except for the words "get rest" coming from Origin on the speakers. He slowly walked up to his room, changed into his pink pajamas and let himself fall into his bed and a good sleep.
CelticSol said:
Jackie looks at the paper, then at Grimm, then back and forth. She nods after a minute, partly comprehending the message but partly too wasted to get the full meaning, then stuffs the bill in her back pocket as she chugs the last of her drink. "Put it on Izzy's tab. She loves me so she'll pay for it," When she stands up she nearly falls flat on her face while stumbling. She looks around, seeming dazed, then spots Alpha at the other end of the bar and heads over. She basically falls on him, grabbing him and leaning so heavily on him that she's barely standing. "Alpha, didn't you hear the lady? She said we have to go to bed~" She sing songs.
(@Daimao )
Afrobrony said:
Bruce was completely oblivious to everything that had happened except for the words "get rest" coming from Origin on the speakers. He slowly walked up to his room, changed into his pink pajamas and let himself fall into his bed and a good sleep.
Grimm nods his head. "Lucky... You all share a deep bond with the girl. She'd never pay my bill."

Julie heads up to her room that She shares with Origin. Closing the door to prepare for bed.
Feimaan stays silent for a long time before replying. "I am going to the other realm, Schniezel. Just a quick peak at how our rebelling creations are doing. Perhaps I might even be able to eradicate one of them if I separate one from the rest... You should remain here." He then travels into the other realm without waiting for the other Original to reply. @Light
Xerxes nods at Itami "A calm demon? I thought I would never hear those two words used in a sentence together. And it seems that I have taken quite the nap. When I went to sleep, it was right after I ravaged the Northern Lands and killed off many races. They didn't hold peace, so I made their bodies hold it for now. Death is the only true way to keep peace. Kill the disturbances." Xerxes looks at Itami "And what is your purpose here? Why are you here? What is your mission?" @Light

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CelticSol said:
Jackie looks at the paper, then at Grimm, then back and forth. She nods after a minute, partly comprehending the message but partly too wasted to get the full meaning, then stuffs the bill in her back pocket as she chugs the last of her drink. "Put it on Izzy's tab. She loves me so she'll pay for it," When she stands up she nearly falls flat on her face while stumbling. She looks around, seeming dazed, then spots Alpha at the other end of the bar and heads over. She basically falls on him, grabbing him and leaning so heavily on him that she's barely standing. "Alpha, didn't you hear the lady? She said we have to go to bed~" She sing songs.
(@Daimao )
Alpha finishes his twentieth beer right before Jackie falls into him. Putting down the empty bottle, he chuckles. "Yes, yes you do," he says as he lifts her up, one arm under the crook of her knees, and the other behind her back. After all, Jackie wasn't exactly sober enough to walk on her own. Carrying her down to her room, he gently layed her down on her bed. "Be sure to get some sleep," he said as he pulled the blanket up over her.
Verdas said:
Feimaan stays silent for a long time before replying. "I am going to the other realm, Schniezel. Just a quick peak at how our rebelling creations are doing. Perhaps I might even be able to eradicate one of them if I separate one from the rest... You should remain here." He then travels into the other realm without waiting for the other Original to reply. @Light
( From now on Originals post on the Organization tab. Also they're free from the strings of fate we can't track them or feel them. So trying to find them is nearly impossible. )


National said:
Xerxes nods at Itami "A calm demon? I thought I would never hear those two words used in a sentence together. And it seems that I have taken quite the nap. When I went to sleep, it was right after I ravaged the Northern Lands and killed off many races. They didn't hold peace, so I made their bodies hold it for now. Death is the only true way to keep peace. Kill the disturbances." Xerxes looks at Itami "And what is your purpose here? Why are you here? What is your mission?" @Light
Sent from my SCH-I435 using Tapatalk
"Well I came here to check out why there's a sudden split in the ground. Looks like I've found out why." Itami chuckles.
@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira @Cadin shadow lord

In his sleep, Bruce received a vision, a vision that told him of a possible business opportunity to take advantage of things that he doesn't know about. When he wakes, it is morning and he realizes he must act upon this vision at once. He put on his normal clothes and rushed to a computer room to starts printing off papers. He didn't have time to make a really cool design the paper only consisted of large bold letters that said "In trouble? Need someone to listen to you talk about your problems? Then a therapist is what you need. Sessions will be held in room 55 on the second floor. Walk ins welcome." In a smaller text underneath the previous was "$25 per session. All dealings will be kept confidential unless deemed otherwise necessary by the patient and doctor." All of this on a Hawaiian background. Bruce posted these papers in just about every hallway or room, save the bedrooms. It was impossible to miss them. After all this, he patiently sat in his room, organized to accommodate multiple patients and Bruce himself, awaiting his first patient.
Daimao said:
Alpha finishes his twentieth beer right before Jackie falls into him. Putting down the empty bottle, he chuckles. "Yes, yes you do," he says as he lifts her up, one arm under the crook of her knees, and the other behind her back. After all, Jackie wasn't exactly sober enough to walk on her own. Carrying her down to her room, he gently layed her down on her bed. "Be sure to get some sleep," he said as he pulled the blanket up over her.
She kicks off her heels at some point where he's carrying her, and the whole time he carries her to her room, she plays with the ends of his hair. When he puts her into the bed and tucks the blankets around her, she grabs him by the bottom of his shirt, "No, you have to stay. I'll get nightmares."
Afrobrony said:
@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira @Cadin shadow lord
In his sleep, Bruce received a vision, a vision that told him of a possible business opportunity to take advantage of things that he doesn't know about. When he wakes, it is morning and he realizes he must act upon this vision at once. He put on his normal clothes and rushed to a computer room to starts printing off papers. He didn't have time to make a really cool design the paper only consisted of large bold letters that said "In trouble? Need someone to listen to you talk about your problems? Then a therapist is what you need. Sessions will be held in room 55 on the second floor. Walk ins welcome." In a smaller text underneath the previous was "$25 per session. All dealings will be kept confidential unless deemed otherwise necessary by the patient and doctor." All of this on a Hawaiian background. Bruce posted these papers in just about every hallway or room, save the bedrooms. It was impossible to miss them. After all this, he patiently sat in his room, organized to accommodate multiple patients and Bruce himself, awaiting his first patient.
Grimm appears in Bruce's room. "I hope you know it's still the beginning of night. You should get some rest and start at the crack of dawn."
Light said:
Grimm appears in Bruce's room. "I hope you know it's still the beginning of night. You should get some rest and start at the crack of dawn."
"I already got my rest, that's when I had my vision... my vision to go into therapy even though I have no license or practice that qualifies me to be a therapist."
Afrobrony said:
"I already got my rest, that's when I had my vision... my vision to go into therapy even though I have no license or practice that qualifies me to be a therapist."
Grimm shrugs his shoulders as he walks on the ceiling. "Okay. But you'll be waiting here for hours while everyone is asleep."
CelticSol said:
She kicks off her heels at some point where he's carrying her, and the whole time he carries her to her room, she plays with the ends of his hair. When he puts her into the bed and tucks the blankets around her, she grabs him by the bottom of his shirt, "No, you have to stay. I'll get nightmares."
Alpha smiles. "As you wish," he replies, gently removing Jackie's hands from his shirt. "You can't be getting nightmares if you expect a good night's sleep." With that, he shifted into his Cerberus form, about the size of a lion, and layed down on the floor next to Jackie's bed, his faintly glowing white eyes watching her.

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