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Fantasy Dragon's Roar 2: The Destruction of Fate ( Finished )

Light said:
"Ask her yourself then." Witch looks towards Dark now that Arcadia is gone. She won't hold back. Dark drops the smile even though it was completely genuine.
"Dark, you can make a choice. Stick with us or leave with Harbinger. Obviously you shut us out of your mind. Just know that if you choose Harbinger I doubt we'll come to save you. Even if somebody like Arcadia or Isaac tries. I will do everything in my power to stop them." Witch stares at her with her cold stare.

Dark clenched her fists. "Why can't I just try to figure out who I am? Also you're one to talk. We had to split ties with mother because of you. Because hates you for being a witch! Who stood up for you when she told you she wouldn't care if we all burned at the stake? Who was helping you get control of your witch mana? Me! It was me! So don't...." Dark had angry tears streaming down her face. "Don't you dare give me that!"
Jackie watches them fight back and forth, her jaw clenched tightly, until tendrils come out of back and grab both Witch and Dark and wrench them away from each other, finally snapping, "I've had enough of this bullshit! Jesus Christ, are you two five?! Stop bitching like fucking pussies! I swear to God if either of you even speaks I'll summon your fucking grandmother to beat the shit out of you! This is fucking ridiculous!" She looks at Witch, "You're a hypocrite! All of you are!" She points to Royal, "You'd do anything for people to take you seriously-" She points at Apex,"- and you've already done shit to gain control of this realm! These people tortured and imprisoned you and you fucking run the shithole? What the fuck is wrong with you? Can any of you honestly look me in the eye and say that if he had propositioned you instead of Dark, said you'd be able to not be in the shadow of the rest of your family, would you turn it down?" She glares at all of them, "I don't think so."

She turns on Dark then, "Don't start giggling because you think you're right; you're wrong. You're going to fucking sell us out to this Harbinger motherfucker? Take it from some who manipulates; he's going to train you into a fucking weapon and he's gonna turn you against us. He's using your weaknesses - all of your weaknesses - and making you think his way. Do it if you think it's the thing to do, but if I see you standing at his side instead of ours when it comes down to it, I will kill you myself. Do you understand me?"

Light said:
Isabel frowns at this. "I'm sorry you had to arrive here to see this.. it's just." Isabel stopped talking. She had nothing to say. It was true. "Tell me... honesty please. Is it too late to fix what was lost? Can it all be fixed?" Isabel starts to stand up. "What have I been doing? Forget those questions. I'm so stupid. It's been happening right in front of me this whole time and I've never done a thing about it. The guild.... it's people. Even my split personalities, I just watched as they all left even Apex. I just expected them all to come back or I expected the problem to fix itself. I didn't even notice how much Dark needed me by her side Apex and." She glances at Arcadia. "Someone in the guild left. I was just sitting there.... oblivious to everything around me. Now it's happening again and what do I do? I throw a party.... I'm terrible honestly. I need to confront her and whatever decision she makes. I'll support her. Thanks Arcadia. Do you mind helping me over to before Witch jumps her?"
TheGodSnake said:
Sonter watches, knowingly unable to do anything as Arcadia takes off and is thrown through a portal by an immensely powerful Being. Sonter heads back inside and suddenly senses arcadia in the stairwell, but sees his apprentice off to the side with julie, talking. "hey Nope, Julie." Sonter had met her once, just after he had disappeared the year before, when he was still a cocky jerk. "Hey," Nopos said to Sonter, having just finished saying something to Julie, "Whats up?"

Sonter Sighed, "we got some people to meet, while theyre all together." Nopos got off his stool and nodded, "Ok, you coming Jules?" the name had suddenly popped into his head, he didnt know why. As sonter started walking to the stairwell, Nopos followed a few feet behind, his elven ears still poking out from his hair as he had forgotten to cover them up again. Sonter walked into where the rest of the group was, "Wow, lots of people from before," dSonter commented as he walked to Arcadia's side "You okay? our conversation was cut a bit short." Sonter leaned against the wall, regarding her curiously as Nopos walked into the middle of the room.
Arcadia lets Isabel rant, sitting on the floor with her tattooed hands folded in her lap. When she's asked to help, she nods, then spots Jackie shouting at both personalities, "Um... I think Jackie's got it..."

She goes over to Sonter, then nods and smiles, "I'm in one piece," she looks behind Sonter at Nopos, starting to smile, but she freezes and the smile drops off her face when she notices his ears. She nearly knocks over a table backing up, shaking like a human confronted by a venomous snake. Every tattoo on her body lights up, and the table she's holding on to starts to burn. "You have an elf?!"
CelticSol said:
Jackie watches them fight back and forth, her jaw clenched tightly, until tendrils come out of back and grab both Witch and Dark and wrench them away from each other, finally snapping, "I've had enough of this bullshit! Jesus Christ, are you two five?! Stop bitching like fucking pussies! I swear to God if either of you even speaks I'll summon your fucking grandmother to beat the shit out of you! This is fucking ridiculous!" She looks at Witch, "You're a hypocrite! All of you are!" She points to Royal, "You'd do anything for people to take you seriously-" She points at Apex,"- and you've already done shit to gain control of this realm! These people tortured and imprisoned you and you fucking run the shithole? What the fuck is wrong with you? Can any of you honestly look me in the eye and say that if he had propositioned you instead of Dark, said you'd be able to not be in the shadow of the rest of your family, would you turn it down?" She glares at all of them, "I don't think so."
She turns on Dark then, "Don't start giggling because you think you're right; you're wrong. You're going to fucking sell us out to this Harbinger motherfucker? Take it from some who manipulates; he's going to train you into a fucking weapon and he's gonna turn you against us. He's using your weaknesses - all of your weaknesses - and making you think his way. Do it if you think it's the thing to do, but if I see you standing at his side instead of ours when it comes down to it, I will kill you myself. Do you understand me?"

Arcadia lets Isabel rant, sitting on the floor with her tattooed hands folded in her lap. When she's asked to help, she nods, then spots Jackie shouting at both personalities, "Um... I think Jackie's got it..."

She goes over to Sonter, then nods and smiles, "I'm in one piece," she looks behind Sonter at Nopos, starting to smile, but she freezes and the smile drops off her face when she notices his ears. She nearly knocks over a table backing up, shaking like a human confronted by a venomous snake. Every tattoo on her body lights up, and the table she's holding on to starts to burn. "You have an elf?!"
Sonter put up his hands and shot a look at Nopos, as nopos quickly covered his ears with his hair. "Arcadia, I dont have an elf, Hes my apprentice, I dont owm him, Secondly, He's only half elven and was living on the streets in a human town," Sonter stood between the two, "He is no threat to you or anyone here, he has no allegiances to the Race of elves. Nopos is under my protection." Nopos hung his head, people hated him, hated elves, thats why he kept his ears covered, they would attack him just because they thought he was an elf.
The ravine looked like a large, ugly gash in the earth. The forest around it neatly decorated the gash in the earth. Down below in the ravine, the stony floor was starting go melt and burn, the bottom getting more and more hot. All of a sudden, the bottom erupts, lava spewing everywhere. A large figure rises out of the hole, the heat of the lava making His armor red. The figure jumps up to the surface, his presence making the forest grim. Each step of his burn the floor as he walks out. "Crush the powerful magics. That is my mission" Xerxes said in a hollow evil tone.

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CelticSol said:
Jackie watches them fight back and forth, her jaw clenched tightly, until tendrils come out of back and grab both Witch and Dark and wrench them away from each other, finally snapping, "I've had enough of this bullshit! Jesus Christ, are you two five?! Stop bitching like fucking pussies! I swear to God if either of you even speaks I'll summon your fucking grandmother to beat the shit out of you! This is fucking ridiculous!" She looks at Witch, "You're a hypocrite! All of you are!" She points to Royal, "You'd do anything for people to take you seriously-" She points at Apex,"- and you've already done shit to gain control of this realm! These people tortured and imprisoned you and you fucking run the shithole? What the fuck is wrong with you? Can any of you honestly look me in the eye and say that if he had propositioned you instead of Dark, said you'd be able to not be in the shadow of the rest of your family, would you turn it down?" She glares at all of them, "I don't think so."
She turns on Dark then, "Don't start giggling because you think you're right; you're wrong. You're going to fucking sell us out to this Harbinger motherfucker? Take it from some who manipulates; he's going to train you into a fucking weapon and he's gonna turn you against us. He's using your weaknesses - all of your weaknesses - and making you think his way. Do it if you think it's the thing to do, but if I see you standing at his side instead of ours when it comes down to it, I will kill you myself. Do you understand me?"

Arcadia lets Isabel rant, sitting on the floor with her tattooed hands folded in her lap. When she's asked to help, she nods, then spots Jackie shouting at both personalities, "Um... I think Jackie's got it..."

She goes over to Sonter, then nods and smiles, "I'm in one piece," she looks behind Sonter at Nopos, starting to smile, but she freezes and the smile drops off her face when she notices his ears. She nearly knocks over a table backing up, shaking like a human confronted by a venomous snake. Every tattoo on her body lights up, and the table she's holding on to starts to burn. "You have an elf?!"
TheGodSnake said:
Sonter put up his hands and shot a look at Nopos, as nopos quickly covered his ears with his hair. "Arcadia, I dont have an elf, Hes my apprentice, I dont owm him, Secondly, He's only half elven and was living on the streets in a human town," Sonter stood between the two, "He is no threat to you or anyone here, he has no allegiances to the Race of elves. Nopos is under my protection." Nopos hung his head, people hated him, hated elves, thats why he kept his ears covered, they would attack him just because they thought he was an elf.
All of the split personalities seem to shut up. All of them being put in hush mode, especially with the threat of their grandmother arriving. She's on a way different level than her father. "I just.... need to find out. What I can do. I don't want to be in the shadow of the family. I won't be betraying you. I hope you all understand." Dark floats into the window and exits her exoskeleton form. "You heard that Sunset?"

Isabel was standing behind Jackie. "Yeah... I did. I understand, I'd like to apologize for not being there for you when you needed me most."

Dark nods her head. "Yeah, it's cool. We all knew you were a dumbass anyways." This comment makes both girls smile as the other personalities disappear. "Thanks Jackie. You won't regret it. I just have to say bye to one more person." She starts to approach Arcadia but stops. She wonders what's going on. She looks towards Julie and raises and eyebrow. Julie merely points at Nopos and mouths the word elf.

National said:
The ravine looked like a large, ugly gash in the earth. The forest around it neatly decorated the gash in the earth. Down below in the ravine, the stony floor was starting go melt and burn, the bottom getting more and more hot. All of a sudden, the bottom erupts, lava spewing everywhere. A large figure rises out of the hole, the heat of the lava making His armor red. The figure jumps up to the surface, his presence making the forest grim. Each step of his burn the floor as he walks out. "Crush the powerful magics. That is my mission" Xerxes said in a hollow evil tone.
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Itami appears at this area. "Hmm? What's this?"
Xerxes continues to trundle through the forest, knocking over the trees in his area, the grass dying around him with each step. Xerxes feels a presence stronger than the common animals around here, and he bellows "Whoever it is, step out." Xerxes stands, waiting for the persons response

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National said:
Xerxes continues to trundle through the forest, knocking over the trees in his area, the grass dying around him with each step. Xerxes feels a presence stronger than the common animals around here, and he bellows "Whoever it is, step out." Xerxes stands, waiting for the persons response
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Itami steps out in front of him. Leaning on his scythe as if it were a wall. "I'm right here."
Xerxes looks at the man. He could not tell if he was enemy or foe. The scythe made him look a bit more threatening than he already was, but Xerxes could not tell. "Friend or for? State your business. There have been powerful magical forces that awakened me from my slumber. Chaotic magical forces." Xerxes states all this with his usual Hollow, steely tone. The grass around him wilt away, as he waits for the mans response

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Light said:
All of the split personalities seem to shut up. All of them being put in hush mode, especially with the threat of their grandmother arriving. She's on a way different level than her father. "I just.... need to find out. What I can do. I don't want to be in the shadow of the family. I won't be betraying you. I hope you all understand." Dark floats into the window and exits her exoskeleton form. "You heard that Sunset?"
Isabel was standing behind Jackie. "Yeah... I did. I understand, I'd like to apologize for not being there for you when you needed me most."

Dark nods her head. "Yeah, it's cool. We all knew you were a dumbass anyways." This comment makes both girls smile as the other personalities disappear. "Thanks Jackie. You won't regret it. I just have to say bye to one more person." She starts to approach Arcadia but stops. She wonders what's going on. She looks towards Julie and raises and eyebrow. Julie merely points at Nopos and mouths the word elf.
Jackie crosses her arms, "You're getting the wrong idea about me if you think I've told you this out of the kindness of my heart. You're our leader. Mist heard this from me so many times he actually might've tried to kill me that one time, but if you can't pull it together, then you shouldn't be leading us, and if your loyalties are divided and your judgment is fucked because of it, I will take charge. We need to be confident in your abilities not to lead us to disaster, because God knows I want to come out of this alive."

TheGodSnake said:
Sonter put up his hands and shot a look at Nopos, as nopos quickly covered his ears with his hair. "Arcadia, I dont have an elf, Hes my apprentice, I dont owm him, Secondly, He's only half elven and was living on the streets in a human town," Sonter stood between the two, "He is no threat to you or anyone here, he has no allegiances to the Race of elves. Nopos is under my protection." Nopos hung his head, people hated him, hated elves, thats why he kept his ears covered, they would attack him just because they thought he was an elf.
"Allegiance or no, greed and entitlement runs in their blood," She sneers, the tattoos across her cheeks and curling from the bottom of her chin glowing brighter. The table starts to crumble, weakened by the fact it's slowly turning to charcoal, "Don't you know what his people have done to me? What elves have done to my people?!" She is shouting at this point, and she points an accusing finger at Nopos, "He wouldn't belong to you, because the elves have enslaved my people on three different occasions, and I had to break my oath of pacifism in order for my kin to be released! They've slaughtered my people, they've humiliated and made slaves of them, and I murdered Victus because his fucking elvish pride wouldn't let my people go!" The swear is harsh and sounds strange coming out of her, and the table cracks and incinerates under her palm, startling her from her rage. She glances at the destruction, then to Sonter, then to Nopos, breathing heavily. She then sprints out of the room and shuts herself into one of the guest rooms.
CelticSol said:
Jackie crosses her arms, "You're getting the wrong idea about me if you think I've told you this out of the kindness of my heart. You're our leader. Mist heard this from me so many times he actually might've tried to kill me that one time, but if you can't pull it together, then you shouldn't be leading us, and if your loyalties are divided and your judgment is fucked because of it, I will take charge. We need to be confident in your abilities not to lead us to disaster, because God knows I want to come out of this alive."
"Allegiance or no, greed and entitlement runs in their blood," She sneers, the tattoos across her cheeks and curling from the bottom of her chin glowing brighter. The table starts to crumble, weakened by the fact it's slowly turning to charcoal, "Don't you know what his people have done to me? What elves have done to my people?!" She is shouting at this point, and she points an accusing finger at Nopos, "He wouldn't belong to you, because the elves have enslaved my people on three different occasions, and I had to break my oath of pacifism in order for my kin to be released! They've slaughtered my people, they've humiliated and made slaves of them, and I murdered Victus because his fucking elvish pride wouldn't let my people go!" The swear is harsh and sounds strange coming out of her, and the table cracks and incinerates under her palm, startling her from her rage. She glances at the destruction, then to Sonter, then to Nopos, breathing heavily. She then sprints out of the room and shuts herself into one of the guest rooms.
( @TheGodSnake )

Isabel turns back to Jackie. "Look. I think It's a good idea for Dark to go with Harbinger and learn about the things she can do. I also want her to figure out the weak points in all of the Originals. She's loyal to us. As you can see, she gave up leaving already just to check on a guild member. If there were a moment in which she does betray us, she knows full well that my judgement wouldn't be clouded if I have to fight her." Isabel stares out the window for a moment. "I won't lead you all to disaster, I'll tell you that." Isabel clears her throat. "Grimm."

Grimm appears, floating upside down. "Let me guess. You want me to find out why and how they found our place and made a portal to abduct members? I've already done it. It's simple, Mist. He never returned from the realm of the Originals because he joined them. He didn't die. I would sense that. Luckily for you I've made this building portal proof just now. So if you defeat Mist, the Originals are clueless as to how you're operating while you have Dark in there. Knowing their every move. Yes I was listening in on your conversation. Since I'm not an Original I can hear what yours saying inside the building. Originals are also not allowed to enter." With that Grimm turns into a cloud of cotton candy. "Oh joy! Oh Sonter! Your brother is a traitor, looks like he's picked it up from you."

Dark walks off to the room Arcadia ran into. She knocks gently, not even knowing if Arcadia wanted visitors. "Hey, Cadia. It's me Dark. Can I come in?"

National said:
Xerxes looks at the man. He could not tell if he was enemy or foe. The scythe made him look a bit more threatening than he already was, but Xerxes could not tell. "Friend or for? State your business. There have been powerful magical forces that awakened me from my slumber. Chaotic magical forces." Xerxes states all this with his usual Hollow, steely tone. The grass around him wilt away, as he waits for the mans response
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"I don't know. That all depends on why you're destroying things. Calm down for a moment and explain." Itami didn't show any signs of hostility.
Xerxes tightens his fist, and his magical presence calms down. The grass around him stops dying. He looks at the man "I have been awakened from my slumber, and I wish to sleep again. Yet I cannot with so much magical power shaking the world." Xerxe's black armor shines brightly from the sun, the ground around him not seathing hot anymore. @Light

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Light said:
Isabel turns back to Jackie. "Look. I think It's a good idea for Dark to go with Harbinger and learn about the things she can do. I also want her to figure out the weak points in all of the Originals. She's loyal to us. As you can see, she gave up leaving already just to check on a guild member. If there were a moment in which she does betray us, she knows full well that my judgement wouldn't be clouded if I have to fight her." Isabel stares out the window for a moment. "I won't lead you all to disaster, I'll tell you that." Isabel clears her throat. "Grimm."
Grimm appears, floating upside down. "Let me guess. You want me to find out why and how they found our place and made a portal to abduct members? I've already done it. It's simple, Mist. He never returned from the realm of the Originals because he joined them. He didn't die. I would sense that. Luckily for you I've made this building portal proof just now. So if you defeat Mist, the Originals are clueless as to how you're operating while you have Dark in there. Knowing their every move. Yes I was listening in on your conversation. Since I'm not an Original I can hear what yours saying inside the building. Originals are also not allowed to enter." With that Grimm turns into a cloud of cotton candy. "Oh joy! Oh Sonter! Your brother is a traitor, looks like he's picked it up from you."
Jackie walks around to look at Grimm, her brow furrowed. She doesn't speak while he does, "This is Grimm," She says flatly, then closes her eyes and pinches the bridge of her nose with a sigh.

Light said:
Dark walks off to the room Arcadia ran into. She knocks gently, not even knowing if Arcadia wanted visitors. "Hey, Cadia. It's me Dark. Can I come in?"
She hears her muffled voice come through the door, and she sounds upset. "Go away!"
CelticSol said:
Jackie walks around to look at Grimm, her brow furrowed. She doesn't speak while he does, "This is Grimm," She says flatly, then closes her eyes and pinches the bridge of her nose with a sigh.
She hears her muffled voice come through the door, and she sounds upset. "Go away!"
The cotton candy cloud floats around. "Grimm? Where? Where is he?" Grimm starts to look around.

Dark Isabel flinches at this. "Alright. I understand. I'll be leaving. I just wanted to say that..." What could she say to Arcadia now? "Never mind. Cya around." With this Dark turns away from the door and heads toward the window. "Isabel keep your mind open. I'll be contacting you. I'll find Mist while I'm at it." Dark waves and jumps out the window. Spreading her wings and flying off into the night sky to join Harbinger.

National said:
Xerxes tightens his fist, and his magical presence calms down. The grass around him stops dying. He looks at the man "I have been awakened from my slumber, and I wish to sleep again. Yet I cannot with so much magical power shaking the world." Xerxe's black armor shines brightly from the sun, the ground around him not seathing hot anymore. @Light
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Itami nods his head. "Yes there has been a magical disturbance lately. I will help you balance it out but I won't help you kill or destroy things. Just calm down."
Xerxes nods. He un clenches his fist, his black armor cooling down. "My name is Xerxes, The Berserking Titan of the North. And you are?"

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National said:
Xerxes nods. He un clenches his fist, his black armor cooling down. "My name is Xerxes, The Berserking Titan of the North. And you are?"
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"My name is Itami. I'm an Archdemon. I govern Sloth." Itami puts his scythe away and stands in in his own two feet.

Dark Isabel hadn't exactly left. She simply flew around the building to a window. She climbs into it and puts her wings away. "Arcadia! I'm not gonna leave with you like this!"

( @CelticSol )
Xerxes nods "An ArchDemon. I remember when Demons came on this land. They have corrupted some of my brethren, which fascinated me. Beings who can corrupt Titans. Powerful indeed" Xerxes looks at Itami "What year is it?"

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Feimaan wandered, appearing as if though he were looking for something. A thick fog surrounded him, keeping him hidden as he did so. The fog moved along with him, and began spreading even more. He noticed that there were some whose fate he could not control of direct, which posed a threat against the Originals if they were to come into contact with a deity. In the worst case, they may have already done so.
National said:
Xerxes nods "An ArchDemon. I remember when Demons came on this land. They have corrupted some of my brethren, which fascinated me. Beings who can corrupt Titans. Powerful indeed" Xerxes looks at Itami "What year is it?"
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"Some futuristic time. Y'know stuff like that. 2027." Itami blinks at his comment. "Well, I assure you. I'm not like them. I'm more... Calm."

Verdas said:
Feimaan wandered, appearing as if though he were looking for something. A thick fog surrounded him, keeping him hidden as he did so. The fog moved along with him, and began spreading even more. He noticed that there were some whose fate he could not control of direct, which posed a threat against the Originals if they were to come into contact with a deity. In the worst case, they may have already done so.
Schniezel was also wandering around in the realm of originals as well. "Yo. Ghosty! Where were you earlier today? A bunch of people free of the strings of fate almost wiped the floor with us earlier. They even have a deities blessing. They have the tools to kill us. We can't even track them."
Light said:
The cotton candy cloud floats around. "Grimm? Where? Where is he?" Grimm starts to look around.
Jackie looks at Grimm with a very unamused look, then walks to the bar, and waves the bartender over, "Give me the strongest thing you have. Everyone is a fucking idiot."

Light said:
Dark Isabel hadn't exactly left. She simply flew around the building to a window. She climbs into it and puts her wings away. "Arcadia! I'm not gonna leave with you like this!"
The room is entirely dark, the only thing visible being faint light emanating from under the blanket. A pillow flies at Isabel's face, "Can't you respect my wishes? I want to be left in peace."
CelticSol said:
Jackie looks at Grimm with a very unamused look, then walks to the bar, and waves the bartender over, "Give me the strongest thing you have. Everyone is a fucking idiot."
The room is entirely dark, the only thing visible being faint light emanating from under the blanket. A pillow flies at Isabel's face, "Can't you respect my wishes? I want to be left in peace."
The bartender turns around. The bartender is Grimm himself. "Oh yes. Right away but even though they're idiots. They wouldn't be the same if they weren't would they?" He pours her a glass of pure alcohol along with blended fruits and lemonade. "Trust me. It tastes good. It's my special drink. It even gets the deity of alcohol shitfaced

Dark feels bad about not respecting her wishes but she's leaving and she just can't live with herself if she leaves Arcadia like this. "Hey. Come on, I'm here to talk. I remember when I felt like shit and wanted to be left alone but you still entered the office and helped out with the headache. You've done a lot for me. I can't just leave with you like this." She slowly approaches the bed. Holding the pillow Arcadia threw at her.
"Hm? Is that so? I suppose it is too late then, since they have already gotten a deity's blessing. Were they strong?" Feimaan asks the other Original. The fog around him began shrinking before it completely disappeared. @Light
Verdas said:
"Hm? Is that so? I suppose it is too late then, since they have already gotten a deity's blessing. Were they strong?" Feimaan asks the other Original. The fog around him began shrinking before it completely disappeared. @Light
Schniezel nods his head. "Suprisingly so. Almost overpowered me. We'll need both you and Yggdrasil next time."
Light said:
The bartender turns around. The bartender is Grimm himself. "Oh yes. Right away but even though they're idiots. They wouldn't be the same if they weren't would they?" He pours her a glass of pure alcohol along with blended fruits and lemonade. "Trust me. It tastes good. It's my special drink. It even gets the deity of alcohol shitfaced
Jackie looks very unamused with him, pushing the drink back towards him and grimacing, "Listen, that's really sweet and all that you're playing the whole 'I'm your friend!', but to me, you're as much of an enemy to me as any of the Originals. I get that you're 'on our side'," She makes air quotes with her fingers, "But I wouldn't trust you as far I can throw you. After all, it didn't take much to sway Dark, and she's one of the most stubborn bitches I've ever met. What about a God being offered more power? It'd be hard to resist, wouldn't it?"

Light said:
Dark feels bad about not respecting her wishes but she's leaving and she just can't live with herself if she leaves Arcadia like this. "Hey. Come on, I'm here to talk. I remember when I felt like shit and wanted to be left alone but you still entered the office and helped out with the headache. You've done a lot for me. I can't just leave with you like this." She slowly approaches the bed. Holding the pillow Arcadia threw at her.
"I went in because I knew it was a headache. It's my duty as a healer to heal. You're pushing a situation that has no relation to mine on to me," She curls deeper into her blankets, "You having a headache and me being confronted by a race that enslaved me isn't the same thing."
CelticSol said:
Jackie looks very unamused with him, pushing the drink back towards him and grimacing, "Listen, that's really sweet and all that you're playing the whole 'I'm your friend!', but to me, you're as much of an enemy to me as any of the Originals. I get that you're 'on our side'," She makes air quotes with her fingers, "But I wouldn't trust you as far I can throw you. After all, it didn't take much to sway Dark, and she's one of the most stubborn bitches I've ever met. What about a God being offered more power? It'd be hard to resist, wouldn't it?"
"I went in because I knew it was a headache. It's my duty as a healer to heal. You're pushing a situation that has no relation to mine on to me," She curls deeper into her blankets, "You having a headache and me being confronted by a race that enslaved me isn't the same thing."
Grimms smile drops immediately. He stares at Jackie will plain eyes. There isn't a glint of humanity in them at all. "More power? I would turn that down in a heartbeat. More power, is what ruined me. More power is what makes my sister's fear me. More power is what makes my beloved unable to trust me. The first thing I'd do is get rid of power. Oh, how I wish to do that but it's impossible without being killed. So what you've run your mouth off about accusing me with. Is the very thing that's cursed me." The second after he's done he returns to a smile. "So I'm guessing you don't want the drink?" The soulless look in his eyes are gone.

Dark wants to claw her own eyes out. She's terrible at this and she knew it. "Look. I was held captive and experimented on the deities for years. Humans are the very beings that nearly drove all Dragon's and Witches to extinction. But I still cooperate with them. Because they had nothing to do with it, just like that elf boy outside didn't. I know you hold a lot of negative feelings for the elf. I cannot and will not excuse them for what they did. But if you hate this boy with all of your heart and tell him that he is evil for something he had nothing to do with. He will doubt himself and fall off the correct path. Then he'll really become the monster you point him out to be. You can't let yourself be the same as the people whom wronged you. They used your people and stereotyped you as slaves. But how do you expect the next generation of elves to do the right thing and not be like the one before if you stereotype them as well and expect them to be that way? I'm not telling you to forgive them right now or at all. But I'm asking you in time, to please give this boy a chance to prove himself to be different! Who knows? This one kid could end up completely breaking the chain of slavery and stereotyping towards your race. Holy carp..... I overstepped the line there. Sorry." Dark wanted to punch herself now but it was too late to turn back. If Arcadia hated her for it then. Dark might as well take her leave. If she didn't, then holy shit the blessing of Layla is true.
CelticSol said:
Jackie crosses her arms, "You're getting the wrong idea about me if you think I've told you this out of the kindness of my heart. You're our leader. Mist heard this from me so many times he actually might've tried to kill me that one time, but if you can't pull it together, then you shouldn't be leading us, and if your loyalties are divided and your judgment is fucked because of it, I will take charge. We need to be confident in your abilities not to lead us to disaster, because God knows I want to come out of this alive."
"Allegiance or no, greed and entitlement runs in their blood," She sneers, the tattoos across her cheeks and curling from the bottom of her chin glowing brighter. The table starts to crumble, weakened by the fact it's slowly turning to charcoal, "Don't you know what his people have done to me? What elves have done to my people?!" She is shouting at this point, and she points an accusing finger at Nopos, "He wouldn't belong to you, because the elves have enslaved my people on three different occasions, and I had to break my oath of pacifism in order for my kin to be released! They've slaughtered my people, they've humiliated and made slaves of them, and I murdered Victus because his fucking elvish pride wouldn't let my people go!" The swear is harsh and sounds strange coming out of her, and the table cracks and incinerates under her palm, startling her from her rage. She glances at the destruction, then to Sonter, then to Nopos, breathing heavily. She then sprints out of the room and shuts herself into one of the guest rooms.
As Arcadia continues yelling, son tee tenses up and Nopos pales. As she stops and runs off the final burst of magic from Arcadia causes him to run to the nearest window where he starts vomiting.


Sinter listened to the news about Mist and Sighed, it ran in the family, greed for money was his weakness, greed for power was his brother's. He waited a bit then entered the room Arcadia had disappeared into, switching to his sight enhancement to allow him to see in the darkness. "Arcadia, I know you're angry but I have to tell you something about Nopos, oh hi dark." he said as he saw dark standing there.
TheGodSnake said:
As Arcadia continues yelling, son tee tenses up and Nopos pales. As she stops and runs off the final burst of magic from Arcadia causes him to run to the nearest window where he starts vomiting.

Sinter listened to the news about Mist and Sighed, it ran in the family, greed for money was his weakness, greed for power was his brother's. He waited a bit then entered the room Arcadia had disappeared into, switching to his sight enhancement to allow him to see in the darkness. "Arcadia, I know you're angry but I have to tell you something about Nopos, oh hi dark." he said as he saw dark standing there.
Dark waves at him. "Hey."

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