Dragon Core

Lotair perked an eyebrow, "Oh come now, not all Fey are bad people." she muttered to herself.

Mercer watched Suogen leave, sighing heavily, "Zoe, you should go speak to him. You've known him the longest and he doesn't seem to like me. And Lotair would just piss him off more."
Zoe laughed at Mercer’s comment, “Are you kidding? You and Lotair are his closest friends next to me. Him and Hiro use to fight like that all the time, like brothers. You two would be silly not to see that he picks fight with you guys on purpose.” She said as she walked out of the water and started to dry herself off. Rhea followed a started to dry herself off as well, “I think it’s time to get out anyway, I am getting hungry.” Rhea said holding her tummy and getting dressed with Zoe.

Zoe then waved bye to Rhea and Lotair, a towel in hand. “I’ll see you guys a little later.” It did not take Zoe long to find Suogen sulking in his cat form around the city. Picking him up, Zoe sat down on a rock and placed Suogen down on her lap and began to towel dry his fur. Both of them stayed quite for a long time till Suogen broke it. “I just don’t want to be pitied.”

Zoe pet Suogen and scratched his head with her nails. “No one is pitting you; we just want to help you.” Suogen stretched on Zoe’s lap just like a normal cat. She giggled inside her mind, and continued to pet him slowly, he soon began to puur.

After the semi eventful day, Rhea arranged everyone to get ready to leave in the morning. Loutt was the next stop and she was ready to see this elder and get this mission over with. The drake came to Gem Ridge and they had received money enough to buy new supplies. Banter insisted on coming along, saying he has fallen in love with everyone and he couldn’t bare to leave. Rhea had to rearrange the people who road on which dragons again, and with a little nudging the right way, Mercer and Tanis will carry, Zoe, Suogen in cat form and Banter. Immor and Lotair with Ricia.

Leaveing first thing in the morning, the sky was dark and murk and the air felt heavy. Rhea felt incredibly on edge, so did Roen. They flew close together, almost in formation. Suddenly a roar came from above and two dragons covered in plated armor, darkness spewing from there armor, swooped down on top of Roen and Tanis. Ambush! Roen thought. Roen knew he could not turn to block the coming dragons because he would topple Immor and Lotair. Rhea immediately pulled her sword and pointed it too the coming dragon swiping at the dark claws so they did not completly pin them.

Following to the ground under the pin of the Enemy dragon Roen hit the ground hard, “Quickly get off!” Rhea yelled at Immor and Lotair, reaching to her sides to latch herself into the saddle and pulling her goggles over her eyes. Roen twisted his head around and clamped his jaws on the other dragons neck, lifting him off his back and twisting the dragon onto the ground, Rhea then turned and stabbed her sword into the gaps of the armor straight in its heart. The Shadow dragon roared and slowly started to dissipate, the rider from the dragon falling off its dying steeds back.

Flapping hard, Roen tried to gain air again, ignoring the man that had fallen off the Dusk Dragon, Rhea scanned the sky to see 3 more dragons, not counting the one fighting Tanis.
The ambush was less than wanted for Mercer, "Okay everyone, just hold!" he yelled back to everyone, Tanis dodging the Shadow dragons, riding along side one of them. Mercer pulled out his bow and one arrow. Aiming ahead of the dragon he drew back the arrow, releasing it and letting the arrow fly into the shadow dragon's eye. The enemy dragon roared viciously as it was blinded.

Tanis swooped down to the ground landing for a moment, "Everyone off!" Mercer shouted over his shoulder, jumping off Tanis and using his arrows to hit between the dragon's armor.
Every one riding on Tanis jumped off, Suogen transformed and bared his teeth. Zoe looked all around her, she had not taken any training yet so she was almost defenseless in this situation.

Rhea leaning almost against the back of Roens neck, they twisted around in a tight turn and collided with a dragon forcing it to the ground. Roen ripped at its under belly, and bit at its neck. ROen then raked one of his claws through the shadow’s wing, flapping a few times to hover over the dragon, Roen spat hot flames at it. The dragon let out long hisses of pain.

1 dead, 2 maimed, 2 still in the air. Mercer and Tanis are on the ground .Rhea spoke to Roen, counting and keeping track of their enemies. Let us try and down the other two…Roen said, furiously flapping his wings to gain altitude. Turning he began to charge the dragon roaring loudly. Clashing the two dragons tried to bite and claw each other. Suddenly another roar came from behind Rhea. She had turned just enough for the black claws to completely miss her. Roen, alarmed, let go of the dragon in front of him and swung in a wide circle to move Rhea from the dragons grasps. The black dragon’s claw was a little quicker, although it did not grave Rhea as planned, one of his long claws cut Rhea across the back. Roen roared again and snapped at the dragon’s neck, he was being over powered. Regardless of the over baring burning that was coming from her back, Rhea dew her sword and stabbed the dragons claws. Dive Roen! Rhea felt herself scream in her mind.

Roen folded his wings and dove hard for the ground, flipping around he blew fire at the dragons in chase, falling bad toward Mercer and Tanis for back up.
"Suogen, watch over Zoe. Banter stick with them both!" Mercer shouts as he fires arrows into the sky at the dragons. He ordered Tanis to tackle and take down any of the dragons. Tanis obeyed, taking off into the sky, ramming full speed into one of the dragons, knocking it down with full force.

Immor unsheathed his waraxe, charging full speed for the falled shadow dragon. Heaving the large axe over his head he brought it down on top of the dragon's wing. With a splatter of blood and a clash of steel he jumped away from the dragon. He had completely severed the bones in the wing near the base. It would be impossible for it to lift off the ground again. Swinging his axe to the side he lodged the axe into the dragon's side.
When Tanis tackled one of the pursuing dragons to the ground, the one that had clawed Rhea, Roen spread his wings to break his speed. When the wind caught his wings he veered up, the last air born dragon speed past him. Roen sucked in air to let out another spout of fire that burned the other dragon as it turned and approached, but that did not slow the shadow as it tore right through the flames and clamped its jaws down on Roen’s upper neck and push them both to the ground.

Quickly unbuckling the straps around her, Rhea let herself fall off Roen as soon as the got close enough to the ground not hurt her on impacted. Roen came down next to her flat on his back, knowing if she had not gotten out of the saddle, she would have be squish between the two dragon’s force. Roen let out a choked roar of frustration, flapping his wings and legs and trying to get lose of the other dragons grip.

When she hit the ground, Rhea felt the cut down her back sting and burn when the sand mixed with the wound, but she almost felt like it was dulled pain because she was so caught up in the auxiliary of battle. When they landed Roen struggled to gain the advantage on the dragon whose still was clamped, jaws around his neck. Running to the thrashing dragon’s, Rhea stabbed the shadow in the side of the chest, it roared with pain, letting go of Roen’s neck. As quick as he let go, Roen rounded his head and fastened his teeth down on the dragon’s neck squeezing hard, and placing one of his claws around the base of its neck. In two swift actions Roen yanked the dragons neck to the side, breaking its neck and with all his strength ripped the dragons head and part of its neck from its body. The dragon rolled limp from Roen dissipating away.

Roen did not even wait to let Rhea mount him again as he took off to help Tanis kill the dragon he was fighting. Rhea picked up her sword from the ground and quickly stabbed the shadow dragon’s rider before he could recover from the fall. Turning to survey the field, Rhea watched as Suogen quickly took care of one of the stray riders with his claws and agility. Looking back at Roen, she noticed Tanis and him making quick work of the dragon, killing it in a combined effort of friendship. The dragon that Mercer had impelled with several arrows finally started to fall to never get up, it dissipating in mid air, its rider falling to his death from the height when it finally crashed. Turning to look at Immor and Lotair, Immor had chopped off the wing of the dragon that Roen and maimed earlier before they had been ganged up on by the two dragons mid air. That was the last dragon to be killed, but she just watched and Immor and Lotair killing the thrashing dragon and its rider.

When all was done, everyone gathered around, when Roen landed next to Rhea he spoke loudly, “Rhea was hurt by one of the dragons when they tried to take her off my back.” Rhea was now starting to feel the stinging and burning of her back as the adrenalin of the fight began to wear off. Banter approached Tanis and took the packs off his sides, silent thanks that they did not fall off or get damaged. Banter then walked to Rhea, “Could you sit down for me doll, I can’t stand that tall, also I am going to lift up just the back of your shirt. Sunflower ,be a dear and hand me that water skin.” Zoe knowing she was sunflower, did as she was asked, making a comment, “I thought dragon core was suppose to work together, I’ve seen the exercise. What happen?”

Rhea clenched her teeth and balled her fists as she held on her knees and Banter lifted the back of her shirt. “Well first off, Mercer and I are suppose to be on this mission alone.” She explained with almost noticeable irritation,but more so shown pain in her voice. Being in battle was bad enough, but the ambush caught her by surprise it kind of made her mad. “As soon as we realized we were attacked, we could hardly do anything. There is no way Roen and Tanis can preformed advance areal tactics with the weight limits on their back being pushed. They could do nothing because they would topple you guys without-ah..” When Banter poured water over the scratch to wash out the dirt, Rhea squeeze her eyes shut and hugged her knees more, gasping more out of surprise. Roen let out a low snake like hiss but didn’t move. “You’ll survive Doll, it’s a little deep but doesn’t even reach your muscles or anything, we just need to keep it clean.” Banter pressed a large cloth against her back and then pulled down her shirt down. “The blood will keep that sticking to your skin till we can get some proper bandages.”

Roen crouched low next to Rhea and his head almost lying down next to her, “I am sorry Rhea, this was my fault, I knew there was another dragon around…” Rhea placed her hand on Roen’s muzzle and smiled at him before he finished, “I am just glad they didn’t grave me, and you turned so he couldn’t, so I am nothing but thankful. I think we did well for a first battle fresh out of training and our first ambush, we both graduated from the top of the class, the reason we were chosen. Now I understand why the core requires partners though, so when stuff like this happens.” She placed her hand on Roen’s horn and stood up with him picking his head up. Banter than clapped his hands together once, “Right, any more of my lovely’s hurt?”
The battle was exhausting. Lotair had sat down on the grass to catch her breath and Immor had stopped to clean the blood off his blade. Mercer had gone to Rhea to check on her, "I know you're upset that we took so many people with us. It's inconvenient and hazardous, but could you imagine how long this battle would have taken with out their help?" he stood beside her, "I think we made the right decision to bring all of these people with us. You just have to trust me."

Mercer looked at everyone in the party, "Rest for a moment! We'll be leaving in fifteen minutes. If anyone is injured come to Banter. The rest of you just gather your bearings 'til departure." He shouted so they could hear him. He was opposing when he actually came off as a leader. He saw Zoe, walking to her and Suogen, "Are the both of you alright? Zoe I know you can't fight, I worry that you'll find yourself in a situation where we won't be around to help you. Today was one of those situations. Too much happening and with only one person to help you I fear you might get severely injured."
“I know” Rhea said in frustration, “I don’t think it is an inconvenience Mercer, I like that we have so many people with us. I was only trying to make a point that we didn’t neglect our training because of poor cooperation, but because we had to think of their safety first.” She turned her head feeling misunderstood and kind of down for saying something to Zoe in the first place. This is why she doesn’t speak her mind. You should speak your mind more often, don’t let people walk all over you. Your friends do not do that to you, but others sure do. Roen objected to her thought process. Rhea didn’t say anything in response, only sighed.

When Mercer approached speaking to Zoe, Suogen only glared at him for his comment, but held his tongue because there was some truth to what he was saying. Zoe on the other hand was completely calm, “I know, that’s why Rhea and Lotair will teach me how to fight. Rhea arrange for me to learn with them whenever we stop between traveling. Don’t worry too much because Suogen took care of me just fine.” After she said that, Suogen’s glare turned into a proud glace as his ears perked up under the praise. Zoe just smiled at Suogen as his mood turned quickly, Zoe than stared at Mercer and winked at him to let him know to just leave him be.

After everyone pack up Rhea got back on Roen and spoke with him quietly. She was tired and sleepy; she felt like much of her energy was zapped from her, he wound felt horrible every time she moved. They were not going to make Loutt tonight, but they will tomorrow morning. Stopping by a small rock formation, Rhea told everyone to take cover as a storm approached, rain and thunder pelting down. They had just missed the shower when the made cover under the rocks. Rhea mostly stayed huddled with Roen, she had been in deep conversation with him since they had taken off from the battle field. Mercer probably knew her and Roen were talking, but to the others she just looked like she was acting like a kicked puppy. Roen on the other hand was irritable and on edge, he was not happy with how the battle had transpired.

Zoe felt like she needed to leave Rhea alone, some how she knew Roen was in a very bad mood, and it probably didn’t help Rhea’s own mood, so she approached Lotair and asked her to teach her the basics of fighting with Daggers.

Banter spent his time making a fire and cooking some food for the crew, accompanied by Suogen, who was helping in little ways that he could. Every time he was called Kitten his tail would fluff up and he would raise his voice slightly in response.
Lotair lightly put her hand on Zoe's shoulder, "Of course I can teach you a little of what I know, but don't expect to be good at it. Proper fighting with daggers takes years of work." she smiled. She took Zoe to a small clearing, throwing her a sheathed dagger, "You're small so something like this will benefit you. Now then, shall we begin?" Lotair pulled out only one of her daggers, spinning it in tricky ways around her hand.

Immor had taken a bit of food to Rhea, "I know you are not in your best of spirits at the moment, that does not excuse you from eating. If you are not in your best condition you have no hopes of leading a group." he handed her the small bowl. The orc had become strangely attached to the young dragon core woman. Whether it was because he saw her as weaker and in need of protection, or in admiration, no one could tell for sure, for the Orc kept his emotions private.
Barley catching the Dagger Zoe, fumbled it and then held it by the handle like someone would sword. Taking a deep breath she noticed Lotair holding her dagger differently, and promptly copied her. “Ready.” She said with determination. “When you ladies are done, come join us for some food.” Banter called over.

When Immor brought her food she smiled a little smile and took the bowl with appreciation. Roen snorted and with one big eye gazed at Immor and then placed his head away from Rhea. “I am not too short of sprits.” She said quietly, “I am just anticipating the future in a way. This was is not way my last fight, and I do not think my sword play is enough. I most relayed on Roen’s strength. Like Zoe said in the bath…. I have no muscle.” She sighed, Roen made a noise almost like laughing. “Shut up Roen, I didn’t ask you what I thought about the type of meal I would make for other dragons, thank you.” She said with a little shark. “Also I wish I could talk to people like I talk to Roen.” She added on to Immor. She kind of hoped the Orc would sit down with her. She enjoys his quite company. She doesn’t have to talk, which she doesn’t really like talking in less she needs too.
Lotair laughed a little, "Oh this will be quite fun..." she demonstrated several basic stances, thrusts and jabs that would help her in battle. Teaching her to never leave her chest and stomach open to an opponent.

Immor moved beside Rhea, taking a seat and crossing his muscular arms, "Truthfully if you want to become stronger you will have to work harder. I suggest lifting heavy objects, and training more often. For the short while I've known you I've hardly seen you training your body at all." the Orc's voice was deep, yet soft and almost gentle at times. Even when he spoke gently he sounded mildly annoyed, even when he was exactly the opposite.
Zoe tried her best to absorb everything Lotair was teaching her. She thought she was doing well, but she knew she would not be any good for a long while and things would only get harder. But she knew she needed to learn how to defend herself, beside her dragon probably wouldn’t want

Rhea huffed and laughed a little. “Her family life was soft.” Roen growled, “She was expected to be a-“ Roen stopped, Rhea started sending him angry messages in his head. “To be weak and feeble, basically.” Rhea finished Roen’s sentence with a frown. “I feel like I have adjusted fine to this life and I like it. I have much to learn, but those are things only experience can teach me. Maybe my training with Lotair and Zoe will help me. I actually planed on asking Lotair to spare with me every now and again.” Rhea said, explaining her plan to improve her physical being.
Lotair kept up Zoe's training, almost wanting to work her to exhaustion.

Immor let out a sigh, "You must not depend on others to improve yourself. Sometimes change must happen on your terms alone. Do not expect others to always help you." he watched Lotair and Zoe work, "If you ever need assistance though. I will help you to the best of my ability. I am sure Mercer would as well." He turned to Rhea for a moment, "You should eat, gather your strength for tonight. If we make it to Loutt tomorrow we will have an even longer day ahead of us."
Rhea sighed and stirred her stew, and ate a little. She ate until she had finished. Immor was saying things no differently then what Roen already says to her. She didn’t tell Immor this of course, and she listened away. When Immor was done she decided she was done sharing about herself, “thanks.” She muttered, she was grateful for the Orc. His words were truth, but his and Roen’s presence was more comforting than any words could be. She also watched Lotair and Zoe learn. Soon the night lugged on and everyone settled to sleep.

In the morning Banter checked the scratch on her back and gave an approving nod. Soon after they all mounted the dragons and left, the remaining of the trip only took a few hours. Rhea was surprise that they were so close to the border. Again like the Capital of Aria, the dragons stayed on the outside of the city, Roen we less inclined to let Rhea leave him after she was hurt.

When they entered the city, Rhea asked a pair of guards where she may seek audience with the elder dark elf, flashing her dragon core badge when needed. They gave direction gladly, but most just glared between Lotair and Immor. When they finally reached a large spiral tower, they entered the building and walked thought the building. Rhea wasn’t sure, but she constantly though she was seeing Immor growing tenser as the approached the tower.

Zoe, holding Suogen like always, gawked at the city. It was a beautiful place, and it looked almost ancient. The building looked beautifully built and well kept. The city was clean but a little quite. When they reached the Giant tower, Zoe breathed in some air and gasped, “Its so wonderful, I want to go to the top!” Zoe said out loud.

When they got inside, they went up a few case of stairs, until they got into a library, where Rhea froze, her curiosity suddenly peaked. There were so many booked lining every bit of the wall. She wanted to explore every bit of it. But she knew she had to some for now, perhaps later.

Banter on the other hand wasted no time expressing his thoughts on the library, “Sweet mother of all my ancestors. What I wouldn’t give to stay here to read every book they have here.” Rhea only nodded, when she turned she noticed a dark elf staring, or glaring she couldn’t tell, at Immor.
Mercer was fascinated by the library, Lotair on the other hand was less than thrilled by the Dark elves glaring at her constantly, often sending them nasty looks. Immor seemed uneasy and tense since arriving in Loutt. As soon as they had arrived in the library this tenseness grew more. Mercer had noticed Immor's intense glare, "You... okay big guy?" he asked the tall orc.

He only nodded, he tried to avert his gaze from the dark elf glaring at him, "Immor, what are you doing here? Especially with... whatever riffraff is following you." the dark elf said loudly and sternly, "And here I thought you swore you'd never return to Loutt. I see after almost thirty years you caved."

Immor almost winced, "I am here accompanying them on official business." he looked to the group, somewhat awkwardly. Seeing him floundering was extremely disquieting.
When the man spoke, Rhea was more than surprise about talk of him swearing of never returning. She had never seen Immor at a loss for words, or so tense. Rhea stepped up, motioning for Mercer to come with her, pulling out the Dragon Core emblem that they had provided for them. Showing the tall dark elf, Rhea spoke, “My name is Rhea from the Dragon Core, and this is my partner Mercer. Our dragons are just outside the city. We have come here on official mission to seek an audience with the Elder elf. I was referred by an elderly teacher in Aria College of History. I do apologize but I cannot recall her name. We would appreciate it if we could meet him as soon as possible.”

Banter piped in to the end, “Also one of us needs some medical attention.” He said as he stared at her back. Climbing the stairs had let some fresh blood weld up on the bandage on her back.
The dark elf turned up his nose slightly "I don't care about who you are, girl. The Elder is busy and-"

"Father we do not have time for this. We have clearance, so we are going to see the Elder and that is final. " Immor interrupted he looked to the group, "I will ask the Elder for medical attention for Rhea. We will get no help from him."
Rhea about choked and let go of the emblem when Immor dropped the ‘Father’ bomb. Immor was part dark elf? He didn’t really show it. Banter suddenly burst out laughing, tears forming in his eyes. Brows knitted together in concern for the Gnomes sanity, though she was sure everyone had been questioning that since they meet him. Banter whipped his eyes and said, “Sorry Alpine, it’s just… I knew you were related to the anit-tree huggers since I meet you, but what I did not know it was in immediate family.” Rhea only nodded accepting what she heard, “I will be seeing the elder now. I request you keep your personal issues with my comrades out of our mission.” Rhea than turned and walked past the dark elf and continued up the stairs. She thought for a minute why she sounded so harsh with the man, something that was hard for her to do in the first place. She pondered for a moment, thinking she possibly held resent against this man like she did her own father.

Eventually everyone stopped half way up the tower; Rhea peaked in the room to see an older man sitting at a round table. Next to him was a much younger looking dark elf that was holding a spear. The young man looked their direction, bringing his spear to ready “whose there? Who are you?” Rhea stepped through the door, “My name is Rhea I am—“ She was cut off hardly when the man suddenly yelled, “Immor?! What are you doing here? Skovaal will not be pleased on your return!”

“Immor??” The dark elf said turning around. He was squinting to see, though he looked like he was blind. “Hirse! Put the primitive stick away and fetch me my glasses. I can’t even see the surface of the floor under me. Immor come come, tell me how is your mother?” Hirse frowned but went to do as he was told, watching as the group filled in and paying special attention to Lotair. When the Elder put on his glasses he examined everyone, “Oooh I see we have a variety of lovely here, including some Dragon Core members!”
Immor was already in a terrible mood, and if given the chance would have punted the gnome across the county line. He was walking quite fast to get away from his father. That is until they were stopped in the tower. Immor just could not get a break today, "Skovaal already knows I am here, Hirse." he growled, his attention was suddenly grabbed by the senile Elder, "Elder, I have not seen my mother in nearly two decades. We are here merely for information." he looked to Rhea.

Mercer leaned closer to Lotair, "I am so happy we have this guy on our side." Lotair gave a quick nod, still glaring at Hirse.
When Hirse brought the elders glasses, the dark elf wondered over to Immor and patted him on the chest with both his palms. “Uhuh, Information….” He said, now moving his hands and patted his abs. Rhea was starting the blush watching the man touch Immor, dark elves were not fond of physical touch like the wood elves were. Shaking her head a little, Rhea started to speak, “Umm, Elder, I am Rhea from the Dragon Core, and this is my partner Mercer…” Rhea trailed off as the dark elf looked at Suogen next, leaving Immor alone and moving over to him and picking him up out of Zoe’s arms.

“Ah hes not…” Zoe tried to protest

“A cat, I know, he is a Lycan, and anyone with magic can see that.”

Suogen looked very scared as the elder began to look him over and roughly tug at his color. “Hey hey.” Suogen hissed. “There there kitty, .”

Banter smirked, “His name is Kitten.”

“What? NO!” Suogen suddenly protested before the elder sat down and began to pet him on the head, not letting him go. The elder looked like he was petting Suogen rather rough, “I think he’s putting... me… to sleep…” Suogen soon drifted off to sleep while The elder held him, soon facing Rhea, “Questions, questions. I wonder if I have answers.” Banter raised an eye brow as he watched the elder pet Suogen. Rhea sat down opposite of the Elder, “I need to know about where dragons come from, about the dragon queen and the priestess. We need to know if the dragon queen Is real.”

“Of course she’s real, what kind of question is that?” The dark elf said, not skipping a beat after Rhea’s question. Rhea’s mouth slightly hung open, she was at a loss for words about how sure the elf sounded. The Elder than reached for a bell and rang is very loudly and screamed on the top of his lungs, “SKOVALL, BRING ME THAT BOOK I TRIPPED OVER YESTERDAY.” Than the elder started to cough after he finished. Hirse frowned and leaned over next to the older dark elf. “Elder Osoib, please don’t strain yourself, and also you did not trip over a book… Skovall makes sure all the books are put up in their proper places. Can you recall the title?”

“Gah you younglings are all too scatter brained, tell Skovall to bring me that book in Elven, on the dragons.” Hirse sighed and than walked a little ways down the door way to yell to Skovall in Elven what Osoib was asking for.
Immor went tense as the Elder patted his chest and abs. He gave a sigh of relief when the Elder lost focus on him and moved to Suogen. Mercer was obviously perturbed by how senile the old man seemed to be, looked at Rhea as if saying "Is this guy serious?" everything he said seemed a little crazy.

Skovaal stormed into the room, holding the heavy tome in his hands, "Here, Elder. Now stop yelling, I'm working... with all due respect of course, Elder." He had glared at Immor, the glare had become less intense than it had been previously. Lotair however sneered at the older elf. With her few encounters with dark elves, they never seemed to like her much.
The Elder looked at Lotair with a slight disapproving eye brow arched over his wrinkles, “Now now, don’t glare like that young lady, you wouldn’t want to turn out as ugly as Skovaal and Hirse here. They have permanent scowls on their faces; it’s quite unappealing to look at all day. It is even genetic, look at Immor.” He said as he took the tome from Skovaal and placed it on the table in front of him. Hirse frowned disapproving, “Elder… please.”

Rhea didn’t think Immor scowled. He did scowl… like he was capable of scowling, but he didn’t permanently scowl. Osoib flipped through a few pages and then sighed, coughing a few times. “Skovaal, before you go, bring me some of my tea, my cough is acting up again.” He said waving his hand in dismissal, Suogen just laying limp in his lap fast asleep.

“To bring up my point, the Queen is very real, and so is the priestess.”

“Well what about the power that the queen need, what is it?” Rhea asked, leaning on the table.

“Hmmm... power, power…” Elder Osoib flipped through the book quickly. He stopped at the end page and then close the book. “The power is just that. Power, the beginning its all the same. The power of the Queen dragon is the priestess herself, for that is where the pact started in the first place was it not?”

Rhea frowned, what he had just said made absolutely no sense.
Lotair gave a lopsided smile at the crazy Elder as Skovaal was sent from the room to get tea. Immor let out a small sigh of relief once more. Mercer stared at the book, "But, who is the priestess? And how will we find either of these things? None of this makes sense."
The Elder than picked up Suogen, obviously he was loosing interest in the subject. “The priestess is dead, she was human after all. You three humans keep saying the strangest things. The power is the contract between Human and Dragons. I couldn’t answer any more of your questions….” He trailed off as he examined the cat closer. Zoe seemed to shuffle uncomfortably, wanting to come to Suogen’s aid. “Do be careful with him Elder, we really don’t want Kitten to get damaged.”

Osoib grunted, “You are 240 years too late to be telling me those things Gnome.” Banter physically flinched, and then scratched him scruffy orange chin hairs. Suddenly the elder wrapped his hands around Suogen’s neck and whispered a few words, and a flash of light surrounded his neck. When the Elder dropped Suogen, the caller around his neck was visibly thinner. Suogen himself had physical changed as well, his muscles on his feline body were bigger, his fur was much fluffier and his teeth and claws looked a little sharper.

“Elder! You know casting magic is too much of a strain on your body, you should—“ Hirse was cut off when Osoib raised his hand for him to quite. “If you want more questions answer… You need to seek out the Fey. They live longer than any other race, even that of the dragon themselves. Besides, it seems like you need to stop for a house call with the Queen anyway.”

Banter was not sure if he should be impressed or scared. He was not sure if the others saw it, but the Elder Osoib had just halved the curses power. Much of Suogen’s power had returned to him. “By any chance can you give Rhea here some proper medical care?” Banter asked.

The Elder just hmphfed and got up and handed Immor Suogen and walked out of the room, Hirse following him, “Hirse, what did I do with my seat pillow?” Hirse sighed, “You don’t have a seat pillow.” Glancing back at the group Hirse growled, “You two, wood elf and Immor, make sure you don’t come back.” After the two dark elves left, the group waited only for a few minutes later a female dark elf came in the room and properly bandaged Rhea’s back. Then handed Banter extra supplies for more server injuries, glancing nervously between Lotair and Immor.

After everything was said and done, they group left the tower, and not long after leaving the city bounds and reuniting with their dragons.
Immor finally relaxed having left the tower, the day had been quite stressful for him and it showed in his grumpier than usual behavior. Lotair was also rather pissed off about the whole ordeal, "Dark elves are such assholes." she muttered to herself.

Mercer looked at Rhea, "We didn't get much help did we?"

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