Dragon Core

Lotair placed her palm over her face, standing up, "Suogen. You need to lay down. Come here with me." she gently gripped his shoulders, trying to lead him to a soft bedding to lay on.

"I don't think he'll be listening to you, Lotair. He's kind of...crazy." Mercer said, sliding away from Suogen slightly.

Immor sat unfaltering, "If need be, I will knock him out myself," he said softly, "That is if he becomes an issue, if not I shall leave him to you, thief."

"How very sweet of you, Immor." she sighed placing Suogen's face between her hands, "Suogen, you need to listen to me, a lot of what you are experiencing is not real. You need to calm down."
“I don’t listen to ANYONE! Not even those stupid Fey!!” Suogen yelled at Mercer. Zoe headed over close to Suogen, hopping she could help calm him down. When Lotair help his head between her hand, he grind, a very wide and toothy grin. He placed his hands on her cheeks too and the leaned a little closer to her, his lips parted as if he was leaning for a kiss.

Suddenly he pressed his lips together and started to make a buzzing noise and began to stretch her cheeks like elastic and laugh unevenly. Zoe kind of starred and began to laugh awkwardly as well. Rhea’s face was red… she couldn’t watch anymore.
Lotair swiftly kicked him right up between the legs, pulling her now sore cheeks away from him, "Immor!" she snarled, walking to the fire and sitting beside it, rubbing her cheeks carefully.

The orc sighed, rising from the stone he once sat upon, and walked to Suogen, forming his hand into a fist he bopped him firmly on the head. Mercer held his head in his hands, "This day has not gone quite as I expected...."
Rhea only had a silent horrified nod in response to Mercers comment and Suogen crumpled to the ground and them slumped completely unconscious, Zoe panicking and fretting over the black cat.

------The Next Day------

The next morning Suogen hardly was able to recall anything. He said he remembers calling Lotair a Pixie and that his brother had came to visit him. He also had a really big headache. He slept most the way through the first half of the flight. Where they landed for their break was on the edge of the forest, the dessert and the Loutt boarder.

After everyone started to dismount their dragons, Roen mentioned he and Tanis needed to hunt, and being near the forest would be very beneficial for them. Promising to be back in a few hours, the two dragon ventured into the forest. An hour later after just ideal conversation, mostly about Suogen’s escapades, Rhea noticed a shiny bottle not far down the hill into the Dessert. “Hey Mercer! Look at that bottle down there! Someone should go get it.”
Lotair peered over the edge of the hill, "Oh fine. I suppose I can get it." she sighed, carefully sliding down the edge of the hill. She fell and slid down the rest of the way, picking the bottle up, "here! I have it, now what do you want me to do with it?" she called up at them, slightly angry as she began to work her way up the hill.

Mercer looked at Rhea, "And you said we couldn't trust her. She's been more helpful than I have been."
Rhea took the bottle and said nothing to Mercer’s comment; she still stood very undecided about Lotair.

Rhea inspected the bottle, it was glass and looked kind of fancy, pyramid in shape, and caped off with a plug, the glass no polish to gaze inside for its contend. Rhea shook the bottle and listened, it felt full of air, nothing actually in it as far as Rhea could tell. “I wonder if someone just dropped it. Looks pretty valuable, kind of like an antique. “ Everyone began to crowd around Rhea as she tried to open the bottle. She couldn’t quite get it, he faces started to turn red as she put all her might into opening the bottle.

Zoe than took the bottle and tried her best to open it as well, the cork not budging. Zoe then passed the bottle off to Immor, silently asking him to take the cork off the top.
The orc took the bottle into his hand, struggling with it for a moment before removing the plug. Lotair's nose scrunched slightly, "It smells... sweet? Perfume, maybe?" she coughed slightly. Immor coughed into his hand, dropping the bottle between the group.

Mercer was also beginning to feel weak from the contents of the bottle, "I don't think opening that bottle was a good idea." he stumbled back, leaning against a rock.

As soon as Immor opened the bottle and the sweet smell wafted around the group, Suogen transformed to his human form and hissed, “This is knock out gas that...” Suogen coughed and tried to hold him nose, but released it to catch Zoe and she fell to the ground. “Slavers.. they are here for Elves...” he finally gasped out, watched everyone fall to the ground. Finally his own world blacked out, and he felt his face hit the dirt.

Opening his eyes, Suogen lifted himself up and looked around. He was in a box, it looked wooden. Tugging his hands he realized he was bound by rope, so was his feet. Looking down at his body, he was completely naked, except for a cloth at his groin and the red collar. Slave cloths. Pale skin caught his attention so he turned his neck a little more to the side. Lotair laid completely naked except for a cloth covering the top and bottom of her body. Glancing around with a small blush he saw no one else around in the box. They mush be the slaves that will catch a hefty price, Lycan and Elves usual were slave material. That bottle was probably there lying and waiting for some unsuspecting Elves to open.

Zoe, Rhea and Mercer were probably together, and hopefully not dead. Suogen was not sure what the Slavers would do with Immor. Leaning over Lotair, Suogen made sure she was not harmed or bleeding, it made his blood boil to know is someone took advantage of a women while she was drudged. Noting she looked fine and smelled like Lotair, he leaned away, but when the box suddenly shook violently he lost his balance and collapsed on top of Lotair.

--Rhea, Zoe--

When Rhea had awoke, she immediately sat up and glanced around the area. They were in a dark box. The first thing she did was reach out to Roen, but to no avail. He was not answering, he was to far away. Fear began to spread through her limbs, whats happening? Where are they going? Rhea felt herself start to shake. She was almost naked, her sword was gone and she was tied up to someone. She felt like crying, she so scared right now. She noticed that Zoe was tired by herself on the other side of the wooden room and Immor was chained the the wall. They probably feared his strength. She drew a conclusion that she was tired to Mercer, probably because they are both Dragon Core.

As soon and the room shook loudly and moved, Zoe's eyes opened. Sitting up and gazing around the room she noticed Rhea and Mercer were tired together, all clothing and weapons were taken away from them. Zoe noticed though that her and Immor's clothing stayed much in tacked. Though, Immor's weapons were very much gone. Looking at Rhea, the poor girl was trembling. Outside the box Zoe could hear men shouting and chains wrapping around the box's. They were being loaded up and moved somewhere else. Where they were going, Zoe was not sure. Rhea was not “here” so Zoe sat up and spoke first, “is everyone OK?”


When Roen circled the area he had sworn the two dragons have left the party, he glided down heavily and landed on the ground to smell the air. Dragons were bad trackers, they were more like hawks. Sight was more their thing, but he did smell Rhea and some other things that was not with the group he was traveling with. Glancing at his dragon companion, Roen reached him mind out to connect was Rhea and found nothing. They had when far away, and Roen had a feeling it was not because they wanted too. Letting out a low growl, Roen spoke in Draken to Tanis. “I can not contact Rhea, what of Mercer?”
Lotair's eyes fluttered under the pressure she was suddenly under, she groaned for a moment, opening an eye to see Suogen on top of her. She snapped, "What are you doing!?" she sat up, "You mangy, flea bitten-" she looked around, her expression turned from anger to fear. She brought her knees to her chest, "Slavers."

In a dark box Mercer awoke, "Ugh my head... I think I'm- Where are my pants. Who took my pants off!?" his eyes adjusted to the darkness, "Who takes a mans clothes when he's asleep?" he groaned. There was a clatter of chains behind them, "Oh gods above, I hope that's one of you guys."

"It is just me." a deep voice growled, "It seems Slavers have gotten the best of us. They have chained me to the wall, and I am immobile for now."

"That's just bloody fantastic, isn't it? I'm naked in a room full of more naked people, with an orc chained to a wall. It's like the Harvest festival all over again..." Mercer looked around the room, "Say, where are Lotair and Suogen? You don't think they were left behind, do you?"

Far off the dragon Tanis paced in circles, "I can not reach Mercer. I fear the worst, Roen." the deep rumble of Tanis' voice run out in the Draken language, "If they are in danger then we could be took late to save them."

When Lotair sat up, she had roughly pushed Suogen off her, making him land flat on his back, hearing her gasp the obvious name of their captures. “Yeah, and it looks like we are going to catch a pretty sliver on the market.” He paused in his speech and sat up and looked at Lotair asking quietly, concern coated his voice, “You don’t feel hurt do you? You are well?”

--Zoe, Rhea—

Rhea tried not to hyperventilate and tried her best to keep from shaking to much. “I get… get a hold of Roen.. I can’t move... I-I don’t know what to do.”

Zoe couldent help but laugh when Mercers first question was about his pants. After she was done laughing she moved to make herself lean agents the wall, snaking up the wall so she was finally standing. Hopping a few feet next to Immor she leaned on him. “Hey Immor, forgive me I am going to invade your personal space for a little.” Zoe said in a matter fact tone. Examining Immor’s chains she tried to find a weak link.


His rage grew and a growl burst from his lungs as Roen spread his wings a lifted his bulk off the ground. He had no idea what to do but fly around aimlessly until they found something, “Let us begin to fly to our original destination.” He suggested. ”maybe we will past them along the way…” tipping his wings to the side he angled to the nation of dark elves.
Lotair struggled to speak, "I'm not hurt. Just... a little freaked out. No big deal. Just being sold into slavery, happens to us elves everyday after all." She shut her eyes tight, hunching over, "I just never thought I'd end up one of them..."

--Immor and Mercer--

Immor sighed, "It is no issue, human." It was hard to tell when Immor was truly angry about something, as he always sounded fairly angry about everything. He shifted slightly so Zoe could see the chains better.

Mercer sighed, "Now how do we deal with this? Get the Orc to bust us out? That would usually work and all, but y'know... He's chained to a wall. And my good looks aren't going to melt these chains off."

The orc scrunched his nose, "Perhaps you could talk to the chains until they die of boredom." Mercer's head snapped in his direction, only glaring at him.


The dragon stomped on the ground, letting out a puff of steam as he lifted off into the sky, circling the small area around the camp, "We should keep our eyes open, Roen. I only hope that they will be alright."

When Lotairs shaken voice hit Suogen’s ears, he leaned close to her, his tail lifting her head up from her chin and he looked at her with a smile, “We will not be sold as slaves. We WILL get out of here Lotair. I have escaped Slavers before, and I can escape slavers again, and I will take you with me. Now show me some of that thief escape artist skills, we are only bound with rope after all.” His voice soothing her, his smile offering support. Changing into his cat form, the ropes dropped around him and then he change back again to his human form in one swift move. Rubbing his wrist, Suogen grinned and leaned next to Lotair, “Besides, slavers who don’t properly cage their lycans are idiots. These are obviously armatures that don’t know what they are doing.”

--Rhea, Zoe –

Zoe sat back down on the ground with a thump and pulled her arms from her back and under her feet so that they were in front of her body. Rolling on her side again she climbed back up the wall so she was standing next to Immor once more and began to try and untie the knots on her hands with her teeth. She swore she was the only one sain at the moment. Immor seemed pretty pissed, Rhea was freaking out and Mercer… well he wanted pants. Suddenly the door to the massive crate opened, and a man walked in with a strange weapon in his hand. The weapon was long and looked hollow on both ends, but on the corner of one end was a large club of stone.

Zoe froze, fear griped her like ice as her bonds on her hands had finished unraveling. The man finished shutting the door and the whole box lurched forward, Zoe felt it moving suddenly clutching Immor for support. The Slavers eyes never left Zoe, “I see someone thinks they are smart.” He slowly began to approach Zoe, Zoe thought quickly and took her fists and landed them square on Immors braces, doing close to no damage. Fear leeched in Zoe and she felt en energy burst from inside of her, energy that felt like a pure call of distress, almost like a beacon. That was the last thing she felt before she felt a massive crack, and her world went dark again.


Flying behind Tanis, taking on the drafts he left in his wake, the dragons made quick time to the city. Roen constantly hissed in frustration as his contact with Rhea failed continuously and there was no sign of their humans anywhere on the flight there. Suddenly Roen felt a massive burst of energy call him, to the desert. He MUST go, the calling is so strong. Roen folded his wings to answer it, flying into the deeps of the desert. “You must feel that powerful calling, Tanis what must it be? I feel and ever need to go to it.” He said, frustration welded up in his chest, twisting with worry and the need to answer and serve.
Lotair watched as Suogen released himself from his bindings, "That's fantastic, but what am I supposed to do? I can't exactly turn into a cat, if you haven't noticed." She leaned against the back of the box, almost willing to accept her fate.

Immor glared at the men coming in, watching Zoe as she tried to release him from his chains. He watched as fear took her over, and as the world grew blinding and returned to normal he shielded his eyes, trying to regain his sight. Mercer had his eyes covered, "What the bloody-" he groaned. Immor yanked on his chains, he could hear one of the links popping, loosening more with each tug.

Far off Tanis could feel... something. It was strong, it wound up in his chest and festered, "Something is calling us. We have to follow that feeling, Roen." he snarled, flapping his wings and gaining speed.
Suogen frown at Lotair and leaned down at her feet, untying and snapping the binds with his claws. “What part of, I am bringing you with me did you not understand. Now turn around so I can get your hands, we have begun moving. I don’t know what we are on, or even if out party is on the same vehicle with us, but I don’t like the idea of being separated from Zoe.” Suogen said, protectiveness crept into his voice.

--Rhea, Zoe—

Rhea gasped when Zoe was struck on the head. “No! You could kill her you—“

“Shut up wench.” He spat. He walked closer to Rhea and Mercer with his club like weapon held up, his back turned to Immor. Rhea shut her eyes, fear of being clubbed as well. A familiar conscious crept into her mind, ebbing at the edge of it like a lift over thought. Roen, he was too far to communicate, but she knew he was getting closer. Fear began to move aside a little and replaced with hope, they might get out of this alive.
Lotair rubbed her wrists, "It's always about Zoe with you, isn't it?" she grumbled. Standing up straight, "Let's just find the others, cat."

Immor pulled on the chains one more time, and finally a small pop was heard, followed by the light ping of bolts hitting the ground, and chains falling around Immor's side. His left arm was free, but the shackles were still bound to his wrist, he swung the chains toward the clubbed men in attempts to strike them.

Mercer looked back at the larger member of their party, "I'm so glad we have you!" he laughed, feeling his dragon get ever closer.
Suogen scowled at Lotairs comment, “Not always, she just needs protection. Her stupid boyfriends not here to do it so some ones got too, besides I owe her my life.” He hissed defensively, looking around for an escape as well. “There’s a door there, but I bet its locked on the outside... I am afraid we are stuck until someone opens the door for us. But when they do, we will be very prepared. “ he said finally, he had to admit, he did like the Lotair that was feisty much better than when she was mopping around. His ears folded back and a frown crossed his lips. He would admit, Lotair was not bad for a thief, she even showed some signs of loyalty.

Rhea watched as the Orc’s chains smashed against the man’s head and he hit the floor and groaned. Rhea signed with relief. “Can you pull the rest of yourself free?” She quizzed quickly to Immor. “Roen is close, I can feel him. I have no idea how they found us, but they did and they are headed our way with much speed. Tanis will probably reach us first.” Rhea glanced at Zoe, she had a little blood on her head, but as far as she can see it is just a scratch.

Roen felt Rhea’c mind meld with his once more, relief spread over his muscles, but than they tensed up once more with anger. Tanis was far ahead of him, his speed far out matching Roens. Regardless, Roen soon spotted a train rushing on track ahead of them, he was sure that was where they were holding Rhea. Bellowing loudly over the wind in Draken, Roen spoke to Tanis “We need to tip the train so it stops moving. I say we just ram into the sides.” He transferred the thoughts the Rhea quickly.
Lotair folded her arms, "This is ridiculous." she murmured to herself, "Stuck in here with a disgruntled cat in practically the nude. I've read plenty of dirty books to know how this would otherwise end." she sighed, looking for something to pick a lock with.

Immor yanked on the other chain, which broke after a few tugs. He went to Mercer, untying the ropes on his arms. Mercer went straight to Zoe to make sure she was okay. Immor untied Rhea next, "Are you alright?" he bellowed, he had noticed how terrified she was this whole encounter. It was been enough to worry him.

Mercer could feel Tanis speaking to him, "They want to flip the train!? That's- ingenius! Crazy, but ingenius. I think we need to brace ourselves." he said cradling Zoe in his arms.
Horror struck Suogen, “I would never! My mother raised me better than that! Look Lotair…” Suogen closeing in on the Elf and put and hand on her shoulder, “Calm down and sit with me. There’s nothing we can do until they open the doors for us, but after that we will make our escape. “ Suogen cooed, pulled Lotair to sit on the wooden floor with him. Suddenly the crate lurched, smashed him to the side, Lotair in his arms when he flew back. When the crate violently shook again, Suogen saw a horn pierce through the wood of their cabin and than the entire box rolling over.

Rhea nodded when Immor had untied her, “I think im ok… No, I am ok.” When Mercer had explained out loud about the train Rhea looked at Immor and explained quickly, “Roen and Tanis have been speaking to us, we are on the train and going fast, as soon as they catch up… they are going to ram the train a flip it to its side… We need to brace ourselves. Mercer, Hows—“ Before Rhea could ask how Zoe was the train jerked to the side suddenly, starting to tip over. Rhea graved onto Immor who was closes to her. A second knock came and this time the train toppled to its side, all movement ceasing. Everything dropped and stopped at the same time, flinging the whole contents around the crates.

Roen waited no more for when they had passed the message on to Rhea. Folding his winds, Roen followed Tanis in a sharp dive and hit the train with all his force, tipping it over. Roaring loudly, Roen began to make a show of his strength and fury.
Lotair calmed down for a moment when Suogen placed his hand on her shoulder. She remained calm up until the entire cabin flipped. She clung onto Suogen for dear life. Gritting her teeth she could do no more than hold onto him.

Mercer held onto Zoe as tightly as he could to make sure she'd be okay, if a civillian was hurt he wouldn't know what to do with himself. Immor took position wtih Rhea, holding her tightly to his chest, being tossed from side to side as the train was struck again and again.
After the box had stopped moving Suogen, didn’t move and just held Lotair tight. He gaze at the hole that was made by the horn, gaging the ability for them to fit through it. It was big enough for both of them to get through. Picking up Lotair and getting up in one movement, Suogen crouched and jumped through the hole. It was a tight fit for both him and Lotiar, but regardless, to be out of the slaver box he didn’t mind the small scratches the wood just gave him.

As soon as he was out and standing on top of the tipped train cart, Lotair in his arms still, he began to survey the damage. He immediately saw Roen, breathing fire around unsuspecting men, Suogen was not sure about Tanis. Looking up and down the train carts, Suogen decided that their equipment would be in one of them. Finally putting Lotair down, “Which cart has our stuff in it…? I can’t figure it out.” He scratched the back of his head and then laughed lightly ignoring some of the chaos around him. He figured the dragon had so much of their attention, they wouldn’t even notice them.

After a long moment Rhea coughed against Immor’s chest. She was not the least bit prepared for that. Roen was no longer answer, she could hear him in a fiery rage outside, “Immor, Roen won’t speak to me, he’s gone mad. I need to reach him.” She said a little scared; It can be very hard to calm down Roen. Sitting up from Immor, she looked around. There were a few cracks around from the impacted, but nothing they could fit through. Rhea jumped up to graved hold of one of the slits and she tried to pull it out to make a hole for them. “Mercer, how’s Zoe? You guys didn’t get banged up to much?”

As she asked the question the wood gave way to her and the hole was now just a little bigger, still not enough. “Mercer, Roen won’t answer me, but if you want to ask Tanis to help get us out, unless he’s been taken into madness by the siege as well.” She then mumbled to herself as she started to pull on another piece of wood trying to rip it out. “Stupid hot blooded lizards.” Rhea mumbled, more to herself.
Lotair held onto Suogen, her head was spinning from the crash still, and her own legs wouldn't keep her up even if she had tried. She leaned against the Lycan, feeling woozy and shaking slightly as she tried to collect her thoughts. As Suogen got on top of the train car she brought herself out of his arms, her legs still wobbling bonelessly, "We should check all the cars. It shouldn't be too difficult to find." she hissed in pain. The beating she took from the tipping was beyond comprehension.

Immor nodded at Rhea's request, going to her side to help her create a larger hole to escape through. Mercer stood up, holding Zoe gently, "Back up! Tanis is going to charge the side again!" he shouted.

Immor thought quickly as he picked up Rhea bridal style and ran to the opposite side of the room, just in time for Tanis to come bursting through the other side. His head thrashing about and creating a large enough hole for all of them to get through. Mercer was stuck to the side, hiding Zoe's face with his arm so she wouldn't be hurt. Tanis tore his head from the cart, flying back to Roen's side.
Suogen held Lotair tight when she serve after he had put her down. “Do you need me to keep carrying you?” He ask seriously. Before Lotair answer, Tanis caught Suogens eyes and the dragon launched himself at a crate a little ways away, thrashing away at the wood. “That must be where the other are held at.” Picking up Lotair again, Suogen began to hop the carts to the one that Tanis had made quick work of. Stoping just ouside the hole, Suogen put Lotair down once more and held her tight so she did not fall. “Hey, Bubble brain, you guys down there?”

Again, Rhea was not expecting the dragons to react so quickly. When Immor had quickly graved her, she turned her head into his chest so that the wood splinters did not hurt her eyes. “Quick thinking Immor, Thanks. I need to get to Roen now.” She said, gazing at the hole the Tanis had just made.

Blood curtailing screams worked around the Zoe’s head, but when she opened her eyes she was pressed to Mercer’s chest. Everything hurt her and she felt like she had the worst head ache alive. “Mercer…?” She said weakly. She wasn’t quite she what was going on, but on top of her splitting headache, she felt like she had run a marathon, and all her energy was gone.

Roen was furious, he hated when others think they could steal his human. It made him even more mad knowing they would think of trying to sell her to slavery. Roen’s winds were spread wide to make himself much bigger, flashing his teeth in every opportunity.
Lotair flustered when Suogen picked her up again, "You- ugh" she scoffed as he held onto her tightly. Her face a full smattering of red.

Immor nodded, placing Rhea back down onto the ground. Mercer was still holding Zoe tightly, when he heard her muffled voice, he looked down at her and smiled, "Hey there princess, it's going to be okay, we'll get you to a healer and everything will be fine, but for right now you need to stay calm. Can you do that for me?" he said softly, his voice taking on such a kind tone unfitting for his usual sarcastic snark.

Tanis circled Roen, doing all he could to calm him, "They are safe, Roen! You must calm yourself before you hurt someone!" he snarled.
Jumping to the ground form the box with Lotair still in his arms, Suogen spoke to her quietly, “I am going to jump down there and help everyone up. Try not to hurt yourself, just stay here.” Suogen said to Lotair as he gently placed her on the ground. Suogen decided he didn’t like to see the Elf in such a weak state and rather her biting his head off in her good humor, well most of the time humor. Giving one last worried look at Lotair, Suogen jumped back up the care and jumped into the crate, coming face to face with Mercer, starting at his naked body, spare the loin cloth, “You too Bubble head?” Suogen said, gesturing to their lack of clothing. Frowning when he saw Zoe barley conscious, Suogen hissed.

Turning around Suogen noticed a guy knocked out on the ground, a pretty naked Rhea and a kind of pissed looking Immor. Everyone else seemed alright, leaning down Suogen listen to Zoe. “Yeah I am calm Mercer…” She said weakly, “I never freak out… Because I am pretty strong.” She slurred.

“Just leave her to me and go to your dragon.” Suogen said, without asking and taking Zoe from Mercers hands and moved to jump out of the crate with her. When he got out he placed Zoe next to Lotair, speaking to her, “She might have a concision…” Jumping back up, Suogen extended a hand to help Mercer out of the box. Turning his head he watched Rhea running out towards Roen. “Is it safe for her to be going over there unarmed… speaking of unarmed, we need to find are crap.”

As soon as Rhea got out of the crate she ran to Roen, Tanis flew around him, talking in draken. When Rhea had reached Roen’s side she screamed on the top of her lungs, which was rare, “Hey you dummy, pay attention to me!!” Roen turned his head in surprise to be face to face with Rhea, her fists clenched. Rhea than proceeded to punch Roen on the nose. He snorted smoke around Rhea in response and then twisted around and began to horde the Slavers away from the train. Rhea let out a heavy sign, Roen was such a hard head and it scares her whenever he cuts contact like that when he’s angry because she can never get a hold of him. Perhaps she made Roens loss of control sound a lot more dangerous to Immor than it was. But then again, if she wasn’t here to calm him, it probably was dangerous.
Lotair glared at Suogen, she hated being babied, especially by him. Mercer was still afraid to let go of Zoe, if they didn't find a healer soon who knows what could happen. He gladly handed Zoe to Suogen, standing up and watching Rhea run out to Roen, "I don't know if it's safe to be out there at all. Though, surely with a couple of dragons out there no one would dare to attack us." Mercer sighed, running out to find Tanis, who practically nose dived him nuzzling him with his scaly nose.

Lotair slipped off the cart and went to find all of their belongings. She'd occasionally open a cart door to find several unconscious slavers laying around, but no signs of their possessions. Eventually she found a large box, finding a small piece of metal and a knife she spent a minute trying to unlock it. With a satisfactory click, she lifted the lid up, finding all their possessions that would fit inside. She grinned contently, and pulled her normal clothing on, placing her blades in their sheathes and her tools on her belt, she dragged the box full of personal belongings out onto the grassy pasture by the tipped train.

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