Dragon Core

When they finally left Rhea noticed Immor seemed much more relaxed. She slowly reached out and gently touched his large hand with her own, looking up at his eyes and just gave him a reassuring smile as they passed. Rhea then caught up to Mercer as they approached their dragons, Roen stretched his neck in greeting to Rhea. When Mercer asked her his question, she sighed, “I don’t even know, the guy was kind of… Crazy.”

“Crazy, but powerful.” Banter said out loud. “I suggest you listen to him for now.” Leaning down next to Suogen, Banter traced his fingers on his forehead and then lifted a small sliver light from his head. Than in seconds Suogen stirred. “What…ugh... what’s going on?” Banter chuckled, “Nothing much, just had to remove that sleep spell.”

Suddenly a messenger drake landed from the sky, Rhea noted it was not the one they had been using, it immediately approached Rhea with a letter, “This is urgently sent to Rhea and Mercer. You are to report ASAP to this letter.” the drake said. When Rhea bent down to pick up the letter she read the content and only nodded, handing the letter off to Mercer for him to read.

It read that the two of them needed to report to one of their bases off the coast just between Loutt and Ayr Forest. The fort was taken from them and the Core wants to launch a full scale attack to reclaim the base. The Siege would be happening in a week.

“It will take us two days or less to get there I believe.” Rhea said to Mercer, “We can leave in the morning, but for now I think we should rest.”
Mercer set up camp, he was obviously worried about what he and Rhea were needed for. He got the fire started and warmed his hands before standing up to survey the area. He saw Lotair, who was carefully sharpening her blades with a stone, a few yards away was Immor quietly sitting, facing away from the group. Mercer decided to talk to the rest of the crew, going to Zoe first.
When Mercer approached Zoe, she smiled, “Hey Mercer, what’s up?” She patted on the grass next to her, inviting him to sit with her. Suogen grunted, obviously enjoying Zoe just betting his fur.

Rhea sat down next to Immor, as usual. It had become a comfortable habit over the small almost month they have been traveling together. Rhea liked the conversation they had. Most of them were while they were flying. They talked about books, history, arts and much more. Sometimes they didn’t talk at all, and that did not bother Rhea either, the silence was always comfortable. But this time, Rhea wanted to talk to Immor about his dad, “Immor…” She started, she looked up at him. “Why does it seem like your dad hates you… You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to, I would understand.” She finished quietly. A while back she probably wouldn’t have asked something like that in fear of it being rude, but considering she felt Immor a comrade and friend, it felt more appropriate.
Mercer sat down, "I was just coming over to check on the both of you. I want to make sure everyone's healthy and mentally well." Mercer had his moments where the jokes would disappear and a serious tone would come over his voice. It wasn't that he hated being serious, he just felt more comfortable standing behind a wall of comedically timed jokes. It felt safe for him.

He looked at Suogen, watching as Zoe pet him repeatedly. He always wondered what it was like to be a cat, it must've been splendid. Especially when cute girls fawned over you and loved you for hours on end. It must have be a pretty sweet deal for Suogen.

Immor gave a heavy sigh, "That is because my father does hate me." he said in his usual deadpan, "My father and mother didn't get along very well. I was a mistake to say the least. They put up with me for as long as they could, but when I was young and foolish I spoke against my father, I swore to never come back to Loutt. I only broke this promise for you, Stralan."
Zoe smiled and nodded then a little worry crept into her face, “I am very well, but you don’t sound it Mercer, are you ok?” She stop petting Suogen a moment, noting he had fallen asleep.

Rhea looked down at the ground, she thought long and hard about what Immor had sad, biting her bottom lip slowly. She had mixed feelings about his response. Part of her felt absolutely horrible, an awful pang in her chest stabbed at her heart. She also felt please that Immor would face his dad and his pride for the sake of her and her mission. After a long span of silence had past between them, maybe three or four minutes, Rhea finally choose her response, “Thank you Immor.” She said with her usual quite whisper, her voice showing nothing but true sincerity.
Mercer gave a heavy sigh, "I guess I'm just concerned about the safety of you and the others. This mission is getting progressively more dangerous, Zoe."

Immor looked at the small human girl, looking away from her after a moment, "There is no need to thank me, Stralan." the half orc said gruffly, "I have only done what I promised when I joined." In truth, he had. He had no further reason to be in this group, why he decided to stay was beyond anyone's guess. Perhaps he felt that there was little else he could do outside of the group.
Zoe giggled a little bit, “Don’t be too worried. Banter had already talked to me, he said me and him will have to sit the fighting out. I understand, I will only be a burden. I don’t even have the full grasp of the basics. I won’t fight this battle, so you won’t have to worry about me. I am glad you are concerned. Its better then Hiro who doesn’t want me to even get a peek out of my own house. Oh Mercer, this has been amazing, besides getting hit in the head, and attacked by dusk, but traveling like this, and with you and the others. It has been nothing short of an experience I hope I can remember. “ Zoe took a deep breath after she had finished, she laughed a little more. She was obviously happy talking about her experiences.

Rhea only nodded, He was right, he did promise them so, and Orc were one for their word. Thinking about family made her think about her own. She had ran away from home and joined the core only 3 years ago. Thought the core training was only a few months, she spent a good amount of time places learning the things her parents would not, Maybe we should see my parents while I am near the area. She suggested to Roen.

Suddenly Roen got up and whipped his tail on the ground, the noise was a startling thumb. he turned his neck untill as he came face to face with Rhea, growling, No. Came his curt answer, and then turned his back on Rhea and walked into some of the surrounding trees. Rhea just looked a little started, she wasn’t expecting that answer, or that reaction.
Mercer leaned forward, back to having the dopey school boy grin on his face, "Well my lady, I'm certainly happy that you're enjoying this adventure so far. I just hope you can find your dragon along the way." he smiled.

Immor sat quietly next to Rhea still, "What is wrong with your dragon? He seems... angry about something."
Zoe’s smile softened a little. “That would be amazing. I am beginning to think he or she might be dead. “

Rhea sighed and laird down on the grass and looked up at the sky, “He’s throwing a temper tantrum.” She said quietly. “I ran away from home myself a few years ago. I was thinking while we were trying to speak with the Fey Queen, I could stop by and see my own family. Sadly my family doesn’t like Roen and vise-versa. It was just a thought, I wasn’t expecting him to react so badly. He will get over it by the end of the night.” He just doesn’t want me to go home and get forced back into what my parents want, but she wont. They were in the middle of a war. Rolling over she closed her eyes and slowly drifted off to sleep.
The next morning came far too early for Mercer's liking. He woke up stiff and in a sour mood which wasn't the usual thing for him as one could already tell. He may not have been a morning person but on this day he was particularly frustrated. Even going so far to snap at Lotair when she made a quip about his attitude. He brightened a little when having had breakfast. However he still couldn't find any excitement in reporting to his superiors.
Rhea woke up like always, and prepared the group to leave, everything that needs to be done on her mind. Zoe on the other hand woke up with a heavy heart; she looked over and stared at Roen, she felt like she knew he was the one with the heavy heart. He looked sad, she just knows he was. Zoe approached Roen and gave his large head a hug. Roen only nodded and accepted the kindness. Roen for the most part just looked like a puppy that just chewed on his owner’s favorite shoe and had gotten punished. It was kind of pathetic in Suogen’s opinion.

After a while the group got onto their assigned dragons and began the flit over to the camp. The Winds blew in their favor making the ride smoother as they crossed Loutt in half the time they thought. Passing an Orc camp, the group noticed the prescience of humans and a few dragons around and among the busy orcs. Rhea noted that the orcs and humans had strong bonds of alliance against the dusk, they had exchanged many warriors between each other and have been working together to almost nearly the end. If only all the other races were as noble as the orcs. Rhea thought, Roen only grunted in response.

Occasionally Dragons flew up to fly around Roen and Tanis, speaking draken to them, letting them know how things faired. Roen responded by speaking of a few notes of news himself, nothing on the mission of course, since it is to remain a secret for now. Leaving the Orc post behind them, they finally a few hours later arrived at a large camp. Large tents were stretched out what seemed like a couple of miles. There were orcs and humans alike littering the camp grounds.

Landing at the entrance of the camp, Roen and Tanis flew off to join the other dragons around the area. When Rhea and Mercer had reported that they had come like asked, they were shown to a tent that was meant for them. Of course they were not expecting there others that came with them, so they ended up assigning them a bigger to share amongst themselves. Rhea told the others they should stay around camp and stay out of trouble because they would be considered her and Mercer’s responsibility if they got in trouble. “We will be back later, we just have to report to out superiors.”

While Rhea and Mercer began to walk to the area were their superiors were at, Rhea noticed a large training field. Her pace almost slowed to a halt as she watched men and women, orcs and humans alike training. After getting a good look she hassled to catch up to Mercer.

When they approached the tent, a really pissed looking Hiro stepped in front of them. Rhea stopped and had to fight the urge to hide behind Mercer.

“Where’s Zoe?” He almost hissed.
When they passed over the Orc compound Immor could not help but look. A small part of him wanted to return to the life in compounds, but he knew that such a life would only lead to misery. The feeling passed as they flew far away from the compound, landing in the Dragon Core camp. Everyone stretched their tired legs and arms, listening to Rhea's words of warning, Mercer piped in, "Be safe, don't wander too far. We'll be back."

"Thanks, dad." Lotair sighed, taking a seat on the ground beside Tanis' tale, which promptly hit her gently to shut her up.

Mercer went with Rhea to the superior's tent, hoping they'd just be done with it so they could either move on with the mission or be given a new mission entirely. Except for, with all the luck in the world, Hiro appeared. It felt like a vice gripped his heart when Hiro asked where Zoe was, Mercer took a deep breath, speaking as confidently as possible, "She's safe with us."
Rhea swallowed hard, she didn’t even think the trouble they would get in with Hiro if they brought Zoe along. He was obviously more than friends with Zoe, and Zoe did say she wanted to leave before Hiro found out. This is obviously why. “Like Mercer said, she’s fine. She’s been completely safe with us.”

For a split second it looks like Hiro’s shoulders slumped and he let out a sigh of relief. Rhea also let a bit of tension leave her shoulder, but then a new flash of anger kindled in Hiro’s eyes. “What are you two thinking pulling a civilian into a Dragon Core mission?” He growled

“W-well… you said so yourself this is not a dangerous mission. We have been completely fine.”Rhea said, she did not sound completely confident in her statement, but lucky Hiro did not seem to pick up on it. She did not think he needed to know that they were trapped by slavers and attacked by dusk, Zoe probably almost dying if she hadn’t gotten medical attention. He probably did not need to know that at all.

You two go see Master Sergeant Dybbuk, and then when you come back, take me to Zoe.”Hiro almost sounded like it was an order, he was a higher rank than them so his was in every right to do so. Rhea looked at Mercer to see if he was ready to go see the Master Sergeant or not.
Mercer flinched again, "Sir, she's been completely safe, we have several civilians with us. All fantastic fighters and have done nothing but benefit our travels." He suddenly realized that it probably wasn't a good idea to bring up the fact that they brought in more people who had no business in Dragon core affairs. He looked at Rhea, his confidence was dwindling and fast. He took another deep breath, "Now if you'll excuse me, sir." he said coldly as he walked past Hiro and into the tent.
Hiro only frowned as they passed him, Rhea trying to stay close to Mercer. When they walked in the tent there was a younger looking orc standing with the Master Sergeant. Rhea did not like him because he was the red headed man that had bumped into them as he ran out of the office of the major when they first got to Dragon Valley.

“Ah, it’s you two, from that mission. I did not know you were called to report here. You guys might as well stay since your mission is useless.” The red headed Master Sergeant said, looking back at some papers.

“Actually…” Rhea began, the Sergeant’s head turned from the papers he was looking at, “Actually?” he repeated. Rhea took a deep breath, “Master Sergeant Sybbuk, we have been traveling to many different places in the last month and we just recently gathered enough information to say that the Queen dragon is real, and so is the power. The uh… where part is what we were on our way to find out before we were called here.” Rhea said out loud, it was part lie. The old Elf said they were real, but he was kind of crazy, it’s hard to say if he knew what he was talking about.

Rhea noted that the Master Sergeants mouth momentarily hung open, the orc next to him also had a small expression of disbelief. Straightening himself, Sybbuk put down his paper and tried to speak several times before he found his words, “I am honestly not sure what to say… If what you say is true… when need to seek an audience with the queen dragon as soon as possible. Which means you should waste no time here. I will send your next report to the Major myself, you can stay here for a few days and take a break, but please head out before the actual siege happens. You two can go, good luck.”

When the exited the tent, Rhea quickly whispered to Mercer, “there was something I wanted to go do… you think you can handle Hiro by yourself? I think as soon as he sees Zoe he will be fine. Just make Tanis get me if it gets out of control.”
During the entire briefing of the dragon, Mercer simply nodded occasionally adding a little tidbit of information here and there as he could.He was more than glad to get out of the little meeting, even more so with the fact he that he wouldn't need to fight at the siege and had a few days to rest prior. Watching Rhea carefully as she spoke, telling him to move on ahead he nodded, "of course, just meet back at the entrance when you can, Rhea." he smiled before walking back to the rest of the group.

Small pockets of butterflies started to form in his stomach, realizing that Hiro would find out about Zoe's injuries and close brushings with danger sooner or later. Most likely when he finds out he'll take it out on him. He puffed out his chest and went back to the group.
Rhea only nodded at Mercer, silently wishing him luck and turning away to head off to the training part of the camp.

Hiro watched Rhea go and stared at Mercer, nearly glaring daggers in the back of his head when he started to walk to the rest of the group. When they had arrived with the rest of them, Hiro pushed past Mercer and started to walk twords Zoe.

Zoe turned around completely surprise at Hiro, “Hiro?” Zoe said in shock. Suogen immediately transformed and took up a defensive passion. Hiro stopped mid stride and sized up Suogen. The first thing he noticed was Suogen’s eyes seemed a bit wilder than when he last saw him. Banter could feel that the tension had immediately rise, so he sat down, crossed his legs and immediately got ready for a show.

“Zoe, what are you doing out here, you should be at home. This is no place for you!” Hiro said, it sounds almost like he was pleading.

“Hiro, I am fine, and I don’t have to be anywhere.” Zoe sounded more like she was just trying to reassure him.

“Zoe, you can’t be here it’s too dangerous, why can’t you have just stay put?” Hiro growled. Suogen made a similar growl, “Why can’t you mind your own damn business?”

“Shut up Suogen, this isn’t your business.” Hiro snapped.

Suogen took two steps forward his fists balled, “Your right, the only person business this is is Zoe’s.”

“Would both of you stop it please?” Zoe pleaded. “Hiro I can do what I want, I want to travel and find my dragon, what better people to do it with than someone from the dragon core? You would never take me.”

Hiro threw his hands up, “Zoe, you don’t need your dragon. You need to stay home, you need to stay out of harm’s way. Zoe just go home!”

Zoe took a deep breath and crossed her arms, she hated getting into fights with Hiro, but this time he was stepping over the line. “No.”

“What? Zoe I will take you home myself!” Hiro started to step toward Zoe when Suogen blocked his way and growled loudly, “Don’t you dare take another step.”
Mercer saw the rather large argument going down between Zoe, Hiro and Suogen, making haste to get between them all, "Hey! Break it up guys." he said sternly, turning to Hiro, "Sir, until Zoe decides she wants to leave, or until I feel that her safety is too endangered, I will continue to allow her traveling with us. So far nothing out of hand has happened, any dangers faced have been minor and swiftly dealt with." taking a moment to pause he spoke once more, "So I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't hassle my companions, sir." his voice was full of venom as he spoke.
Hiro stared down Mercer and Suogen for what seemed like several long minutes. “Fine, but the moment she is in danger you take her home to Dragon Valley. If anything happens I will deal with you two swiftly and painfully.” Turning on his heels, Hiro walked off brooding.

Suogen grinned, “Good riddens! he really ticks me off.” Suogen then looked at Mercer and smiled at him, a new appreciation for the bubble head. He wouldn’t admit it out loud to him, but him slicking up for Zoe like that was something Suogen liked.

Zoe only sighed and hugged herself, she really did hate fighting with Hiro.

Sitting up and brushing his backside, Banter let out a small satisfied laugh under his breath. This group really was the place to be, love and revelries happening everywhere, all while trying to save the world. “So where did our Doll Rhea go?”


Rhea took a deep breath and held up the borrowed sword. A man she recently meet named Peat, was helping her learn how to fight with a sword. Rhea tried hard to pick up the long sword with one hand, but the blade was so long that it was more manageable to pick it up with two hands. Peat tried his best to instruct Rhea how best to use a sword and how it differed from her Rapier, he started by showing her most of the basics and some strengthening exercises so she can properly use it.

Rhea kept an eye out in the sky for Tanis, but he never came, so she just spent the day working hard with Peat. “So you are not staying for the battle?” Peat finally asked while they were repeating a new move.

“No, we have a mission to complete... I-It is confidential, so I can’t talk about it. Sorry…” Rhea stammered towards the end, not that she would want to share what kind of mission with anyone. Peat smiled, “I understand that. Don’t worry about telling me. Here try this.” Peat showed her a different move and Rhea almost exactly like him. “You are very gifted with the sword, you Rapier skills are unmatched.” Peat praised, Rhea blushed a little under the praise, “T-thank you Peat, and thank you for teaching me the basics for the long sword…”
Mercer gently patted Zoe on the shoulder, "Hey, don't ever listen to that guy, okay? I know you're strong enough to find your dragon." he smiled a little, "Why don't we get something to eat, huh guys?" he looked around for a moment, "Hey, where's Immor?"

Elsewhere Immor had wandered off to see the rest of the camp, and found to his surprise, Rhea. He decided to hang back, to watch how she faired with a heavier sword.
“Ok, we have some of the basics down, lets try a little sparing and see what happens?” Peat finally said, gripping his own sword. Rhea nodded and to a few breaths and took an attack ready position holding the sword forward of her. Peat also did the same and took a step forward; Rhea took the first swing, swiping under his sword lifting it up. Peat let the swords bang together and let the blades slide off each other, immediately bringing his sword down on her now open side. Rhea tried to react but the heavy sword wouldn’t come back down because it was still going through the force of the upward swing.

When peat had hit her in the stomach with the side of the blade, Rhea accidently drop her own blade. “Oh, did I hit you too hard Rhea?” Rhea just shook her head. She put her finger to her chin and bit her lips, gagging every mistake she had made. The sword was much heavier than her Rapier, so it took more force to get it started in a swing, but it also took more force to stop the swing. Picking up the sword again, Rhea took her stance again. “Again please.”

The second time was much better, her swings were more controlled, but the weight of the sword obviously was a hindrance on her. Something that can only improve with time a practice. “Ok ok, Rhea you are going to drive us both to passing out from working so hard… let’s take a break.” Peat finally said, waving his hands in defense. “I can work with you again tomorrow or maybe a little later this afternoon. You are truly a quick learner with the sword.” Rhea smiled and handed Peat her weapon. “Thank you very much. I guess I should return to my partner now.” See what damage Hiro did, she thought. She waved to Peat and began to walk back to the tent.
Immor had stayed back for a long time, watching Rhea carefully as she trained. Watching her controlled movements with a heavier sword was impressive for him, with what very little strength she had it was admirable to say the very least. As she walked back to camp Immor walked behind her, "Training for a heavier weapon, Stralan?" he said in his usual disgruntled sounding tone.
Rhea nearly jumped out of her skin when someone had come up behind her. before she had whipped her head around to see who had approached her, she already knew it was Immor because of the small pet name he had made for her and his usual angry like tone. Rhea knew through talking with him over the month that he just sounded mad all the time. He really wasn’t angry; he was a quiet man who did not let his emotions intertwine with his words. Rhea on the other hand was an extremely emotional person and was always sounding embarrassed, quite or crying.

When Rhea finally whipped around, she was blushing fiercely. “Immor…” She said quietly. She took a deep breath, “Yeah… I want to be a little stronger… Don’t tell anyone… ok?” She said almost in a whisper looking down at the ground and shuffling her feet. She felt embarrassed because for some reason she wanted to just impress Immor after he said she should train. But she did not want him to see her in the process of it, or how weak she is just starting out.

She motioned for them to walk, “The rapier is a dueling weapon. “ She began to explain, knowing Immor would not be interested in the reason why she was exploring the new weapons, but she did know he liked to converse with her and listened to the things she said. “It is not really a weapon of war. Sure you can kill with it, but it is not very efficient. I realize this now, after the battle with the dusk. I am trying my hand at the long sword… It is almost like a broad sword it my hands….” Rhea said with a sigh.

Eventually they reached a small mess hall, seeing the group a little ways away; she felt her chest weight her down. She did not feel like conversing with anyone right now. When she received her food she walked away and decided she wanted to step a little out of camp to get away from the busy and loud surroundings. Going behind a few tents Rhea sat next to a tree not entirely sure if Immor had followed her or not, either way she still heard the bustling of the camp, but in a downed out way. The amount that it had quite down let her relax a bit and her shoulders sagged a little, she felt less tense.
Immor walked beside the small human in silence, listening to her ramble about her weapon, "It does not matter what weapon you use in battle, but how well you can use it that determines your merit as a fighter." he noted, continuing to walk beside the girl. He looked down on the human at his side before speaking once more, "Sometimes it is the splinter that slays that bear." Immor went ahead into the mess hall, separating himself from Rhea.
The days passed by and Rhea learned as much as she could. Sadly they did not have a sword for her to spare so she may take one with her. Since Immor knew she had been practicing with a heavy weapon, she entertained the idea of Immor helping her train. She decided she will ask him before they moved to start their travel to the Fey.

Zoe on the other hand, continued her training with Lotair. The Elf was obviously enjoying making Zoe work till she could not any more. One day Zoe even asked Lotair to show her the basics of lock picking and thieving, in hopes the Elf would teach her. She did not want to be a thief, but she knew these are skills that might come in handy in a pinch.

Suogen spent most of his time just watching the two women, making comments to Lotair just to get a rise out of her. He found so much humor playing with Lotair, she always said something in return that felt like a challenge, it made his blood boil and his heart race. He found that he enjoyed the company of his new companions, even Immor made Suogen feel more at home than he ever thought possible.

Zoe spent most of her time avoiding Hiro. She thought he was nothing like the man she use to love. Yes she admitted it to herself; she loved Hiro, more than a brother. She had new feeling blossoming, for a new man. Mercer had been on her mind all the more recently. She loved talking to him and he never placed unfair rules on her, or forced her to do things she did not want. Like staying at home while there was a world to see, or tell her a lady should not fight. Mercer made her feel like she can be herself. Regardless, her heart ached at the loss of her first love, and she did cry a night with Suogen. She felt as if her feelings were muddled up and so she thought it was better to just keep them between her and Suogen.

Banter spent the last few days entertaining the men and women of the camp with his lute, speaking with them and gathering information like he always did. Of course getting a few shiny coin here and there when a Dragon Core member felt like Banter performances was an astounding one.

When the day for them to leave was upon them Rhea got the never to ask Immor aside before the rest of the group has finished gathering their things. “Immor, we are leaving here soon… I was wondering. Can you please help me… continue my training?” Rhea forced herself to gaze at Immor, to make sure he knew she was seriously requesting his help. Regardless Rhea knew he knew she wanted nothing more but to get stronger so she can be of use to the group most of the time she lead.

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