Dragon Core

For the past few days Lotair had busied herself with toying with some of the male Core members when she wasn't busy teaching Zoe everything she knew about sword play. However she was never too busy to berate Suogen with some sharp tongued remark. She had always been a quick witted girl, but her remarks and witty quips had become much more frequent since traveling with the Dragon Core and their merry band of misfits.

As for Mercer he had spent most of his time sleeping and eating, he would occasionally go and do some training, but for the most part it was just sleeping and eating. Every once in a while he'd stop by to see Zoe's progress, giving her tips and pointers, telling Lotair to keep her wandering hands away from some of the male Core members.

When Rhea approached Immor and asked him to help her with her training, he could hardly sit back and say no, now could he? He nodded, "Of course, Stralan."
Rhea smiled at him, making fists and waving her hands around in excitement. “Yes!” She gave him a quick hug and then ran quickly to Roen to finish packing him up. Before they could leave, the master sergeant approached them, “I have orders for you two, requested by the same Commander in the armor in Aria who sent you on this mission. He wants you to try and gather the races for one final stand off against the Dusk. You need to collect as many allies as you can. You two have a month. We will continue to try an keep the dusk contained. Fly fast, fly hard, and stay safe.” He dismissed the two and than left.

It was not long after that that they were off. They spent hours riding, Rhea thought it would be shorter to cut over the desert. The sun was hot and beating down on them. Roen loved it, the sun and heat, it charged him. After they seemed to have made half way through the desert, Rhea landed them to take a break. While everyone drank and ate a meal, Rhea approached Suogen.

“Suogen… I think you are the only one who knows how to find the Fey. I need your help.” Rhea crouched next to the cat. Suogen lying on the sand in his cat form swished his tail back and forth answered slowly, “Yeah… I kind of figured it would come to this. As much as I really don’t want to talk to the fey… or their wretched Queen, I will take you where I meet her. I can’t promise anything.” Rhea nodded, “I understand.”

Suogen then transformed and crossed his arms, “I have to tell you guys something, I figured it wasn’t important till now but, hey I didn’t think I was every going to meet with the Queen again.” Suogen seemed to look around the group and than let out a long sigh, “Some of you may have heard that the Prince of the Lycan Colloney of Numidia was captured and killed?”

Banter put his hand up and stopped Suogen, “I already know where this is going, and let me say, it amuses me to no end that I called this as well Kitten.”

“You realize you annoy the piss out of a lot of us?” Suogen said, glaring at the Gnome. Banter only smirked in return.

“Tell us Suogen.” Zoe said finally, urging him on.

Suogen let out a grunt and placed his face in his hand, “Ugh, Look I am the lost prince of the Numidia colony. Slavers caught me at one point, and something went wrong, they ended up crashing into a tree. You guys have heard the rest of this story before. I pissed off the queen and I wondered weak and useless for a few years till Zoe picked me up. With my power returning after that crazy elf took off half the curse, I realize now I need to face the queen and have the rest of it removed, than I need to return home. I don’t know what will happen after that.”
Lotair stifled a laugh, "You're a prince? Does that make you a Royal Puss then?" she cackled, Mercer couldn't help but chuckle either. The only person not laughing was Immor, who stood like a statue, arms crossed and eyes leveled across the horizon. Lotair wiped a stagnant tear from her eye as her laughing faded into a long happy sigh, "But if it's the Fey queen you must face you certainly won't be doing so alone, your highness." she remarked, a smile creeping across her face in amusement.

Mercer cleared his throat, "Joking aside, perhaps visiting the Fey first would be best anyway. Get it out of the way, you know?" he says facing Rhea, "And since Suogen knows them, for better or worse, we could be able to get in easily."
At first Suogen was a little baffled how the group did not make a big deal out of it, and because of that he was not able to come up with one of his witty retort to Lotair’s earlier comment. While everyone was laughing he could not help but feel a sense of peace that he had come to enjoy wash over him, leaving him only to be able to smirk and place his hands in his pockets.

After Rhea was done laughing, and Mercer had said it would be best to get the Fey over with, Rhea nodded. “While we are at it, we might as well try and convince them to fight in the war.”

Banter scoffed, “Good luck Doll. The Fey are pretty stuck up, they need not concern themselves in human wars.”

“But it’s not a human war... This is a war, for everyone’s lives, everyone’s homes. A war we are losing.” Rhea said, it came out more like a plead than a statement. “I know Doll, not everyone knows the severity of this war, we should get going again before we have to stop again.”

Rhea just nodded and got up, preparing for everyone to mount again. When they took off they made it out of the desert just barely before the sun set. When they landed on the edge of the Forest, Rhea dismounted Roen and told the dragons that they should hunt now. Before the dragon left, he lit a fire and said he will be back in a half an hour. After the Slaver incident, Roen catches his food and then returns to the camp to eat. Being away from Rhea long was not to his liking.

Before Rhea was going to ask Immor to train with her, she sat down with the group and told them what she thought should happen, “After we see the fey, I think we should go to LaMoure. I-I uh, lived in LaMoure. My parents have a mansion that we can stay in. We can bath and rest for a day before we leave to Numidia to talk with the Lycan to convince them to fight.”

Suogen shifted in the grass, “That shouldn’t be hard, you have me.” Rhea nodded.

Zoe stretched and hugged Mercer, “A place to rest and bath! Your partner is awesome! I am so excited!”

Banter took out his lout and began to slide his fingers over the strings, “Hmm a bath and clean cloths will be nice, and you have a mansion?” He began to play a nice fast pace tune and

hum a wordless song. "Its nothing big, my parents are owners of a popular fishing company." Rhea made it obvious she did not really want to talk more about it.

Getting up Rhea silently asked Immor to follow her, so she and he could train away from the others.

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