Dragon Core

When Lotair dragged the box back toward them, Suogen tail twitched. “Thank goodness, I have been missing my cloths!” Proceeding to the box, Suogen retrieved his own stuff and started to put it his shirt and pants. When Suogen looked up to thank Lotair, he noticed a small a small dart pierce Lotair on the neck. Looking the direction where it came from, the man who was lying on the ground unconscious now stood on the cart with the normal club tranquilizers weapons that slavers carried about. “Lotair?”

Rhea was unaware of what was happening her and Roen conversed about their location in the dessert and where they can find the nearest medical treatment. The Ridge was not far from here. From there Rhea will contact the Core and let them know of their changed baring. This will be an unpleasant mark on their merit. Rhea scowled and Roen grunted and said not to worry because the whole mission seemed kind of pointless, at least they had gotten out of the situation alive and with minimal Injuries.
Lotair gasped, grabbing the dart from her neck, pulling it out carefully. She stared at it for a moment before looking at Suogen as he turned into a blur. Stumbling for a moment only to regain her balance by leaning against Suogen carefully, "Ancestors above," she hissed, "I need to... get" she slurred, "We... leave." she was sliding into unconsciousness, slipping ever closer into a darkness.

Immor emerged from the toppled train, Mercer following closely behind him, "Tanis! We have an injured person! Get down here and cover her for a moment!" Tanis swooped down beside his other half, curling around him as Mercer laid Zoe down against Tanis' tail. Mercer ran off to get his gear back on, dressing quickly and sloppily to grab his bow and quiver to shoot at any Slavers who rose from the train.

Immor searched the trunk for his waraxe, lifting it up with one hand, he felt complete again as he rested the axe's handle against his shoulder. He surveyed the chaos of the crash, approaching Rhea, "We need to leave. Lotair seems injured, and Zoe's condition may become critical. I suggest we take the container and leave."
Suogen was stunned, taking the dart from her hand after he had caught her. Smelling the tip of the dart, his nose cringed. This was not sleep dart like he originally thought. Placing the dark in his pocket he lifted Lotair in his arms. “Great both Lotair and Zoe are hurt. I almost don’t think things could get much worse.” He squeezed Lotair in a hug, fustigation rushing over him. They need to get help.

When Immor approached Rhea and updated her, she frowned hard, “Roen and I were just discussing this. Gem City is closest to our current location. We will go seek medical treatment there; hopefully… someone will help us. We should have no problem because most Gnomes are very friendly, that is if we have the coin. We don’t. So we better hope we find someone willing to help us. Immor you should ride with me, and hold Zoe. Suogen can ride with Tanis because your heaver. Mercer and me can’t hold the injured while we ride.” Rhea paused. She had no choice but to leave all the slavers out here, but she was more worried about the fate of the other slaves. As soon as she got to the city she will need to get the gnomes to come retive the slaves and help them. “Lets ride, and quickly.”

Rhea approached Mercer and the others and quickly relayed her play to him and Tanis. Roen sweeping one wing over Rhea as she changed herself and equipped her weapon. When Roen let his wing up, she was checking the edge of her blade with a critical eye. Sheathing it she made motions for everyone to pack up, pulling her goggles down over her eyes, “Hold tight Immor, We are going to be flying fast, and I mean fast. We have been flying at a leisure pace, you have yet to experience these dragons speed. Mounting Roen, he quickly took off, and tiled his wings, turning the direction where the city is at. Roen felt himself push hard, every one of his wing strokes heavy trying to keep pace with Tanis. Within minutes there was a massive fissure in the middle of the dessert.

Suogen was certainly not prepared for the speed they were going to travel at. He pressed Lotair between him and Mercer so that that didn’t fall. He glanced at Immor, holding Zoe. He felt fear clutch at his chest. This can be bad for both of these two.

“Immor, hold on tight, we are about to dive into the city.” Rhea waited for Immor to tense before she gave Roen the silent ok. He folded his wings and made a sudden dive. Rhea loved flying with Roen and pulling stunts like this, but this was not the time for fun or enjoyment. Roen dove into the casume and than before he reached the ground expanded his wings to slow their fall. Soon Roen leaned into a glide, passing over buildings. Rhea removed her goggles to quickly point out a large building, “I think that’s where the healers are at. “ Roen reared and made two massive flaps of his wings to land.

Suogen felt like he was going to die when they had dived into the casume. His Tail was completely fizzed and he had a death grip on both Lotair and Mercer.

Rhea immediately marched into the, everyone but the dragons in toe. “Excuse me, we need help. We have injured people. They are in critical condition.” Rhea said quietly. A couple gnomes had approached them and started to speak to her.

Suogen stood next to Zoe staring at her. Zoe was breathing in shallow gasps, but it almost like she was sleeping. Suogen growled and looked and Lotair, she was starting to burn with fever. He felt himself get more angry, he looked away to see a gnome standing right next to him and staring long a hard, he had a small scruffy orange beard and curly hair almost like a fro. “What do you want Shorty?” Suogen snarled. The gnome did nothing but smiled, almost creepy and all knowing at Suogen. Suogens ears perked back onto the conversation with Rhea and the gnome.

“I am sorry… If you guys don’t have money we can’t treat you, this stuff isn’t easy to get out here in the dessert.” The gnome said to Rhea. Rhea frowned and began to tear up. Suddenly Rhea felt someone take her hand. Looking down she saw another gnome. Kissing her hand she smiled at her, “Please do not cry my lady, I would gladly take care of you, and your equally beautiful companions.” Rhea felt her face immediately turn red, “You… what... uh... I uh…” She stuttered unable to find her words for the random stranger’s compliment.

“Banter, go else ware, I told you to stop hanging around here. And if you want to waste your talents on these moneyless beggars than so be it, just do it far away from here. You are taking business from us.” The gnome said furiously. The Gnome named Banter turned from Rhea and looked at the older man. “The only thing you are good for is looking a fool and stealing innocents money you mange-ridden rock-licker.” Banter scratched his chin at the gnome and than preceded to walk away. “Ok my prince and princesses, let us venture to my home.” Rhea glanced at the gnome doctor once more to see him looking absolutely furious, than she turned to follow the fiery gnome.

When they had gotten out, there were gnome crowded around Tanis and Roen. Banter just shooed people away, saying things in Gnomish, blowing kisses to the surrounding people. A lot of the female gnomes screamed and Rhea felt herself shake her head, who did they just meet? Soon he asked everyone to fallow him and they walked quickly past many buildings until they got to a round hut a little ways out of town. Banter opened the door and motioned for everyone to enter. When they all got in Rhea saw he had many herbs hanging around the room from the ceiling. A small kitchen, table and bed and a large case full of books was most of the continent around the large room. “Put our brunette princess on my bed.” Banter said as he kicked open a bed roll on the floor and placed a clean pillow on one side a got a blanket on the side, “This is for our blond sunflower.”

Watching as the group placed each women where he said he immediately checked Zoe first. Rhea spouted out what happen Zoe and Suogen than completed by telling what happen to Lotair. Banter than sat up and stared at Immor, “You, handsome dark orc.” He said, pointing at Immor, ”You look like you have a nice knowledge or a few herbs. Please pick some of those herbs over there near my fire pit and make some tea for this girl. The herbs will help with healing. She has a bit of concision, but nothing she will die from. Just need a few days of healing.”

Suogen felt himself sag with relifie. Rhea also sighed and than looked at Lotair. Banter also looked at her, “She….” Banter shook his head and looked at her long at hard, examined her neck. “Oh my black Kitten, do you not know the first thing in poison 101?” Suogen tiled his head in question and than almost leaped on Banter when he started to suck on Lotairs neck. Rhea quickly graved Suogen, “hes right, that should have been the first thing we did to get the poison out, why dident I think of that?” Rhea mentally kicked herself.

Reserving a bowl, Banter spat out almost purple colored blood and did that a few times until it was clearer. Banter then pressed his hand onto Lotair’s head. “I have no idea if she will actually make this. I can give her some herbs to try and counter the poison, but her fever is dangerously high and don’t dare try anything to extreme.” Banter said, as he plucked a few herbs around his house and began to crush them and then placed them in a strong liquid that smelled very much like spirits. Trying to make Lotair drink the concoction, “You can make our sunflower drink some tea when its done, make sure you blow on it, don’t put anything that will burn her. My Princely Dragon Rider, please go get some cold water for our LillyFlower here to bring down her fever. “ Banter said to Mercer. Rhea just glanced at him, than made her way to Immor. Suogen only stayed and watched Banter work on Lotair.
The entire gnome fiasco was more than enough to put Mercer on edge for the rest of the evening. He was worried about Lotair and Zoe becoming casualties, more so about Zoe. He had wandered away to gather water as Banter suggested, coming back later with a heavy heart. He found the gnome eccentric to say the least, a tad annoying, but at least he could stand being around him for a while. He wasn't entirely sure how he felt about being dubbed "Princely Dragon Rider" there wasn't much princely about him. He gave Immor a raised eyebrow as he walked by him. Immor was busy collecting small herbs and making a nice soothing tea for Lotair.

Immor returned to the gnome, who he towered over, he bent down quite a ways to hand the small man the herbs and tea. He looked to Rhea who seemed to be pouting slightly, he sat beside her, "Your comrades will be fine, Stralan."
Banter thanked Mercer when he brought the water and dabbed a cloth into it and than draping it over Lotair’s Forehead. Soon after he took the tea after it had cooled some and tried to poor some in Zoe’s Mouth. Zoe reacted to the warm drink and drank slowly. “Ah Sunflower actually drinks, she will most defiantly be fine. She’s just going to have a headache for a while.” Banter said with satisfaction. Drinking some of the tea himself Banter nodded his approval. “Nicely buried tea.” He said more to himself.

When Immor had sat next to Rhea and called her something she had never hured before, she turned her head in question and quietly asked Immor what he has said, “What is Straian?” Rhea felt like she butchered the way to actually say it, but she almost didn’t care.
Mercer went and sat beside Suogen, "Do you think they'll honestly be alright?" he whispered to the Lycan. He was obviously doubtful of the gnome's medical capabilities as he watched him take a sip of the tea Immor brewed. Lotair only stirred slightly as the liquid poured down her throat.

Immor did not look at her as he spoke again, "Stralan. In your language I assume the only way to describe it is a small leader. One that does not do much but is leading anyway. Whether for a hopeless cause or not. It is not an insult."
When Mercer asked Suogen opinion his tail twitched and he didn’t even look away from the Gnome. “I wouldn’t know… I don’t know anything about medicine…” He said hopelessly watching the Gnome work. Finally Banter walked up to them, “My name is Banter by the way. I am the best at what I do, but most don’t like me because I will often help without asking for profit. Lucky I happen to come by.” Banter said, staring more at Suogen, making him shiver was the gnome stared.

Rhea looked down at her hands and then looked at Immor, and then suddenly she started to cry a little. “But… Zoe got hurt... because I didn’t do anything but sit and be scared the whole time. I feel so stupid.” She said, her voice trying to hold back more tears.
Mercer looked at the gnome, "I am Mercer. This is Suogen, the two girls you are taking care of are Zoe, and Lotair. Lotair being the wood elf. Immor's the orc, and Rhea is my partner in the Dragon Core. We're all quite thankful for your charity Banter." He took on such a proper way of speaking when he felt like it. He looked at Zoe, still worried about her condition. Lotair could pull out with enough care, but Zoe's head injury was worrying.

Immor looked at Rhea, a small frown crossing his normally serious face. He reached around her shoulders, pulling her into a gentle hug, "A leader is meant to make mistakes. If you did not fear anything, then you would not be able to lead properly. Even I am afraid of things, Stralan."
Rhea smiled a little and nodded. She didn’t hug Immor back, but she did let him comfort her. Rhea soon yawned, she feels like she had not had a proper sleep in ages.

“Ooooh Suogen, that’s your name.” Banter eyes gleamed with interest; Suogen twitched again, what was this guys problem? “Nice to meet you Mercer. I handsome Prince like you and your Doll partner. Anyway, the floor is you guy’s domain. I have a few blankets here and there, but I assume you have some things of your own. Make your selves at home.” Banter went over the the fire and tended it for a little and than laid on his back and almost fell asleep as soon as he closed his eyes. Rhea looked around the room and than just laid her head on the table and closed her eyes.

Suogen felt no need to sleep, he was too relied up by the thought Zoe and Lotair were in danger still. Zoe woke up several times during the night, but only to go back to sleep shortly after waking. Lotair stayed in a feverish state most of the time, Suogen changing off the rag on her head every now and again. Through most of the night, Suogen just hovered between Zoe and Lotair.
Mercer had no issue falling asleep that night, and Immor did not sleep until Rhea had drifted off.

Lotair woke up in the middle of the night, her fever slightly dwindling from the medicine. She looked around, her eyes half shut, to see Suogen looking particularly worried as he walked between Zoe and herself. She shut her eyes softly and in a raspy voice said gently, "Cats need their sleep, Suogen."
“Don’t be silly, cats are nocturnal.” He retorted as soon as he heard her. Soon as he realized what happen, that Lotair had woken, he felt complete relief washed over him, and he took his place next to Lotair. “I wouldn’t blame you if you left after this… those guys did a number on you. “ He paused and than changed the cloth on her head again. “I am just starting to get to know you, but don’t try and die from poison again, you flipin frightened the souls out of us all.” He whispered.
Lotair gave a smirk, "Don't be stupid, cat. A little near death experience isn't enough to keep me from adventuring." she gave a soft sigh, "what does it matter to you if I die, cat?" she looked at him, her eyes slightly hidden under the rag he placed on her forehead. Her cockiness showed through her familiar smirk, in the soft tone of her voice.
Leaning forward with his ears folded back, Suogen stared into her eyes, hovering over her so she can’t look away, seriousness piercing her through his voice and gaze, “Because you are my comrade, and I care about my comrades.” He stayed there until she answered him with some kind of understanding.
The elf chuckled, placing a hand over her forehead, "Good to know, Cat." she smiled. No matter how ill she may be, she would always enjoy making fun of that stupid Lycan.
Soon after Lotair fell back asleep, Suogen laid down on the floor next to the bed, transformed into his cat form and fell into his own deep sleep. After that the days passed by slowly. Zoe recovered quickly, though she sometimes had a small headache every now and again. Lotair recovered almost as quickly, but her strength returned rather slowly. Rhea and Mercer had gone to Gnome patrols as soon as they could to report the Slavers and slaves and reported to the Core what had been transpiring over the week.

Soon Banter opened his door with everyone sitting around his living room and said, “You all stink. So I have reserved the bathhouse here in Gem Ridge. So hope to it. Beside it will be good for your wounds ladies. “ Banter laughed and than insisted going to the bathhouse, everyone in toe.

“Laidies, this is your side. We Gentlemen will be on the other side. “ Banter said, and than turned around and horde the men into the other side of the house.

Rhea and Zoe were not expecting the sudden turn of events, but they undressed none the less and continued to the bath, Rhea smiled at the smell of fresh soups and warm air. “I bet you two are happy to get out of the house.” She said with a smile.

Banter wasted no time walking to the bath. Suogen on the oher hand stayed in his cat form and hissed. “There’s no way you're are getting me in there”
Lotair quickly undressed, in full nude she stretched a bit, hearing all of her joints pop and crack from having laid around for a days on end. Lotair's body was slightly muscular, though her calves were supple and softly curved. She was an hour glass shaped lovely woman, in a way only could be described as beautiful and womanly in charms. She stepped in the water, leaning against the side of the water.

Over on the men's side Immor spared little time in getting undressed. His back and chest were covered in scars, his chest covered in dark hair. He pulled the ribbon from his hair, letting it fall around his shoulders. He entered the water, naked except for his necklace, which he seemed to always keep on. Mercer on the other hand shyly pulled off his clothes, he was almost used to public baths, however there was still a part of him that reacted poorly to the nudity. He stepped into the warm water, sinking up to his hips. He looked to Suogen who hissed at the water. Mercer reached over, grabbing the Lycan by the scruff of his neck and dropping him into the water, "If I have to be naked in front of a bunch of men, so do you."
Rhea stared at Lotair and Zoe and blushed, sinking into the water hiding her tinny body. Zoe on the other hand, walked into the tub just as proudly as Lotair. Zoe sank under the water until she got her hair wet and gently rubbed the back of her head, trying to massage the left of dried blood from her hair. Reaching for conversation Zoe asked, “Hey Rhea, how did you and Roen meet?”

Doing the same and Zoe, Rhea ducked her head under the water to wet her hair, forgetting to take off her glasses. Slowly swimming to the other side they placed her glasses down on the side of the bath and then took down her hair, letting it stick to her back from being wet. “Wow, your hair is so pretty Rhea.” Zoe mused. Rhea blushed, “Thank you, and honestly I don’t remember. I was only 3 when Roen found me, but he often tells me the story. Before me, he wondered a lot. He found me in the back yard of my house. I lived out near the ocean, and my back yard had a big ledge with rocks. I was up there exploring, at 3 years old that’s not normal… but when he saw me he landed and just knew. My mom freaked out at first, but she then welcomed the protection for me. “ Rhea finished, fixing her hair so it laid over her chest. Rhea and Zoe soon huddled next to Lotair.

Suogen yowled when Mercer pulled him into the water, transforming he was still fully clothed. Cursing in Lycan he started to peel off his cloths and throw them onto the floor. “It’s not being naked I have a problem with, the water… my fur.” He mumbled, squeezing out his scared ear. Suogen lashed his soggy tail and glared at Mercer. Banter only laughed, scratching his orange stubs on his chin and lay on the side. “I think out prince charming is afraid to show his body off, isn’t that right Kitten?”

“STOP CALLING ME THAT!” Suogen hissed. After the three day of being called Kitten, Suogen has been absolutely creped out by Banter.
Lotair leaned against the edge of the large pool of water, not ashamed of her chest or body at all, "Three? That's very young." she pulled a little bit of hair, twisting it in her fingers, "I hear that some people spend their whole lives looking for their dragons. I've even heard one tale of a person having searched all over the country for his dragon, only to find himself dying of frost. At that moment his dragon found him, and carried him to safety. It's a wonderful story." she said before dunking into the water.

Mercer laughed, "Stop calling you what? Kitten? Or Prince Charming?" Immor was sitting a few feet away, his hair hanging wetly in his face.
Zoe sighed and sank into the water a little than got back up and went to retrieve soaps and wash cloths for them and handed among the three women. Rhea smiled, “That is a very touching story. Its kind of amazing actually.”

“Yeah… I wish I will find my dragon.“ Zoe said sadly. Rhea suddenly splashed Zoe with water, “Hey!” Rhea laughed, “Don’t frown like that, you’ll get wrinkles!” Rhea tried to splash Zoe again but ended up splashing Lotair in the face.”Oops, sorry Lotair!” Rhea quickly apologized, only to get splashed in the face by Zoe. Zoe then turned around and splashed Lotair on purpose and laughed.

Suogen snorted, “he’s calling you Prince Charming, Bubble head. Besides there’s nothing charming about you!” Banter put his handsome trying to tell Suogen to calm down, but Banter noticed he was always picking a fight with Mercer or Lotair, and both of them egged him on too. Banter looked at Immor and made a matter of fact statement, “You have quite a bit of scares on you Alpine.” Suddenly hearing the girls laughing and splashing on the other side, Banter couldn’t help but laugh under his breath.
Lotair turned to glare at the two girls, in jest at first. The second time she was intentionally splashed she rose to her feet, "Never pick a fight with a wood elf, ladies." she exited the bath, drying herself off before running full speed back too the pool, jumping at the last minute and landing perfectly in the center, pulling off a perfect canon ball. The splash covered the entire pool completely in hot water.

Mercer frowned, "At least I'm charming. Kitten." he said to piss off Suogen just a little more.

Immor looked over to the gnome, nodding softly, "I do. They're from my previous battles."
Zoe pretty much screamed when she realized what Lotair was doing, Rhea squeaked and the titled wave hit them. Rhea feeling really confident jumped ontop of lotair. Zoe than jumped on Rhea. After they all went under the water and came up, Zoe graved Rhea’s arms. “Are you sure your from the dragon core, you hardly look like you have any muscle. Look at this Lotair.” Zoe said.

“ I do have muscle, I just don’t look it… Watch” Rhea flexed herself a little to peak out some strong looking muscles, small but muscles none the less. “I probably am not as toned at Lotair because I ride on Roen instead of walking and running all the time. Also when I fight I don’t use force, I mostly go with the flow.” Zoe Hummed, “well fair point I guess. Hey I have a question for you two… can you girls teach me how to fight.” Zoe asked seriously.

Rhea paused and thought about it. If Zoe was going to stay with the group, she guessed she would need to know how to defend herself. Rhea looked at Lotair to see what she was thinking.

“Your nothing princely! “Suogen said gruffly. Lashing his tail across the water again, he hated his fur being wet.

Banter nodded and asked no further from Immor’s elaboration. “Not been in many battles myself. I am more of a herbiest and a bard. “ He said, sharing a tid bit of his own experiences. “I like to Know things.”
Lotair rose from the bottom of the pool, her hair completely in her face, she looked at Rhea and then Zoe, "Teach you how to fight? I suppose I could do that. Though I mostly just know daggers and long distance stuff. I can teach you, no problem." she flicked her hair back out of her face.

Mercer stuck his tongue out, "And you're nothing but a sour puss." he said splashing at the soggy Lycan.

Immor looked at the small gnome, "I too enjoy knowledge over violence, however sometimes knowledge will not stop a fight but merely provoke it."
Suogen completely missed Mercer’s comment when he heard Zoe’s question, “You know Zoe, you learning how to fight is going to piss Hiro off, In fact everything you’ve done so far is going to drive him off the edge.”

Zoe scoffed on the other side of the bath, “Forget it, Hiro doesn’t control me. He’s got to learn sooner or later that I can do what I want.” Suogen swayed in thought, he rather her learn how to defend herself.

Banter coughed, “So Suogen, I have been very interested in your collor. In fact I was interested In you the moment I meet you. “

Suogen folded his arms and huffed, “There is nothing wrong with my Collor.”

“Well its not a fashion statement, I know that much.” Banter grinned.

“You shut your mouth!” Hissed Suogen

“I just have to know who was powerful enough to put such an amazing long term curse on such a power lycan as yourself Kitten. I could tell all that right off the bat from seeing you. You radiate Magic everywhere, which means you are a pretty powerful Lycan, but that curse around your neck. That thing zaps everything you got, making you as weak as a house cat.” Banter said waving a hand around, “I just wana know who put the curse on you, and why.”

Suogen hissed once more, his eyes in slits, he fumed. “It is none of your business Gnome!”

Zoe knew a little bit, but not about the curse. Rhea was a little surprised, she looked at Lotair and Zoe to see their reactions, she only wish she could see the guys.
Lotair chuckled, "That's a good girl. Stick it to that jerk. Whoever Hiro is..." she said sinking down to her chest in the water.

Mercer looked at Suogen, "Is that true, Suogen? Maybe we could find a way to end your curse if it is."

Immor gave a heavy sigh from a few feet away, "Don't you have something else to do, Talur." he grumbled.

"What is Talur? You seem to have a habit of using words I am not familiar with." Mercer glared.

"You are unfamiliar with most of the Common language. Talur means 'fool'." Immor said loud enough for the young core member to hear. Mercer pouted, turning away from the Orc.
Rhea called to Banter, “couldn’t you break it?” She asked.

Banter laughed out loud, “Are you kidding Doll? I am nowhere near powerful enough to break something like that. Tell us Kitten, come on, you owe me for saving our dear LillyPad and Sunflower.”

Suogen stomped out of the pool and put his wet clothes on, “Queen of the Fey did. Yeah, I pissed of the one fey in the forest that happens to be the flippin Queen. Flippin Fey, they all suck, they can all go die!” Finally Suogen reached the door and left.

Zoe sighed, “ I wonder if I should go talk to him… I’ve never seen him so upset. I wonder why he kept it a secret.”

Banter chuckled, “I have a few guesses. Queen of the Fey, that is believable. But if you guys do remove his curse, he would be an ally to have.”

Rhea was just about finishing up washing herself and her hair when Banter had finished talking. They can try later, she could ask the dark elves about the Fey Queen perhaps.

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