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Fandom Down With The School! (A Maximum Ride RP)

Isaac looked at Gabby and thought for a moment. "Well it depends how skilled you are, if you're able to hide your tracks on the computer then we won't have a problem. If you can't then we're gonna have an issue and we'll have to run fast or they'll find us, the important thing is that we keep moving as much as we can today."
Gabby looks at him" that be easy for me i good hiding my tracks" she say looking at him as she flew as she felt good liking feeling the wind in her hair" I like flying its fun i like the wind" she say to him as she looked around and look down at redd" man she's fast" she say to Issac talking about redd
"Carrying is unnecessary, plus I'm probably twice your weight as it is. Although I would love to glide through the air, I'd rather not slow down our productivity time. I'm pretty sure the only way I would be able to fly would be to go back to the school and get wings grafted on. Thanks though." Redd said, a smile hidden behind her muzzle.
"Maybe sometime when we're not busy I could get you one of those human glider things, it won't be brought down by your weight and it won't slow us down either. For now let's just go." He said smiling a bit at her before shooting up into the air to join gabby, he would've liked to carry the girl so she could feel how good it felt to fly but if she was fine with it so was he... For now at least.
Gabby just flew as she enjoyed as she watched Redd follow them she was fast as she smiled flying fast as she looked at Issac she was just following him he was faster but she will get faster one day" your fast flyer Issac" she say smiling as she flew as she was happy to be with him" i kinda trust redd she seems nice she hasn't hurt us" she say to him @Kuroi01
Isaac nodded and slowed down a bit so that he was flying almost next to her. "Yeah, to be honest I'm surprised that she's like this. I honestly thought that I was going to have to kill her, but she actually seems quite okay. Once we get rid of the tracker well know for sure that we can trust her, however I think she's okay anyway. The only issue is the school."
Gabby got scared when he said the school" i wanted to find mommy and daddy but i don't think they like me the way i am thats i been calling you big brother your like a family" she say as she flew with him as she felt the air brushing through her hair as she just felt free from the school and everything
"If I ever saw the people who brought me to life... Well let's just say I wouldn't want you to see what id do to them, they weren't exactly the best 'parents' not that I'd ever call them mine." He said in a colder tone than he usually used, he tended to get that way whenever he thought about how they'd given him away. They'd been his supposed 'family' until they got bored of him.
Gabby grabbed his hand" don't worry its okay we protect each other no matter what i never will betray you" she say to him as she flew around wondering where they were going she didn't know" i like flying its the best" she say feeling her hair she had long hair so it goes everywhere as she giggled
Isaac smiled at her and gave her head a little pat. "Thanks Gabby, I can't wait til we can be a real family without worrying about being hunted... It'd be great to sleep somewhere and not worry about erasers or tests or death." He said thinking about how his life was before he had gone to the school, it was such a long time it almost felt like it didn't happen.
Gabby looks around as he pat her head as she giggles" big brother are we there yet" she as she begin to get bored she was a little lonely without albey yeah she hated her but still she just sighed looking ahead as she still had her hand grabbing onto Issac as she bit her lip a little wanting to get those jackets
He looked down and nodded then dived down, landing on the roof of the library then he fixed up his shirt so that it mostly hid his wings. "Okay we're here, as for jackets there should be a clothing store or something near here but we can just walk in and get some. Hopefully none of the shops are opening yet..."
Gabby wasn't good at landing as she was scared to land" um Issac i'm not good at landing" she say nervous afraid that she will hurt him" i'll just stay here" she say looking around as she saw redd as she smiled as she saw a clothing store it wasn't even open yet" found a clothing store" she say to him
"That's okay Gabby, just come as close to the ground as you can and I'll catch you from there. We can practice your landing sometime tonight." He said reassuringly and held his arms out ready to catch her, he didn't look it but he was stronger than he seemed and he would have even been able to carry Redd for a little while though it'd put a lot of strain on him. Gabby though was a bird like him.
Gabby looks at him as she were get close to him as he caught her" i like to learn i never learned how to land" she say to him as she smiled looking at him" so where to library first or clothing shop" she asked looking at him as she held his hand she was kinda scared of the humans
Isaac held her gently then set her down. "How fast do you think you can hack the school? The stores seem to open around nine and it's about seven forty now, we have an hour and twenty minutes before they open. We could go to the library when it's open and we have jackets but if you can do everything in under an hour well be fine."
Gabby looks at him" i can get it done before it opens proublaly 30 minutes its easy to hack into stuff like this i'm a smart kid" she say to him as she smiled looking around" can we steal some clothes too" she asked as she smiled looking Issac as she was ready to hack into the schools network
Redd turned into her human form and stretched, sighing slightly. She heard their conversations about their families and bit her lip. At least they had families, bad or not. "Clothes sound cool. I really need to get out of this Eraser uniform junk. The main thing is hacking the School, so we need to get to it." She said, walking to the door of the library, "So, it opens at nine, right? That gives me permission to kick down the door.. Right?" Redd seriously wanted to kick down something.
Off at the other side of the street, two figures were visible. One tall dark figure, and a short pale figure. It was of course Stella and Alby, the young girl skipping around in a rainbow color dress while Stella moved things around in an alleyway. After a while, the older girl called to Alby, but she had meanwhile skipped right across the street and straight over to Gabby, Isaac and Redd. "Hiiiii!" She cried, waving happily at them.

@RedLikeRoses @Kuroi01 @Zeldafangirl
Gabby looks at issac as she smiled looking at the bat girl" where were we were worried" she said as she smiled looking at them as she was smiling" please don't be mad" she say as she try to be nice to the little girl trying not to hate her so much" we have a plan" she say looking at them @explosiveKitten
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Isaac looked at Red somewhat unsure as he helped Gabby down. "Sure, libraries like this are less likely to have so much security. But once we get to the store we have to be really careful so we don't set off an alarm." He said then looked at the bat girl and her friend, he had no idea where they had been and he still wasn't sure about trusting them quite yet.
Gabby smiled he helped her down from the roof as she smiled" can we go into the library" she as she was getting anxixous she wanted to hack those computers" lets go in please its getting boring" she say as she igored the other two as she held onto Issac's hand as she wasn't sure they were bad or good yet she just looked away
After rearing back her leg and slamming it through the door, which caused them to open it with ease, Redd turned to the two. "You guys were gone through out the night? What was that about?" A slight growl escaped her lips. After all, her adrenaline was pumping from the use of her strength. "Go, on guys. Get to hacking.. I'll deal with these two."
Isaac quickly brought Gabby inside and found her a computer to use, he wasn't sure what Redd was going to do but he hoped that she would at least try to be quiet. Humans were sure to live in that area regardless of the shops and screams really tended to carry, anyone living at the school would know that. "Well, do your thing."
"Ooooo! Library? I heard they have books in the library, will somebody read me a boooook?" Alby said eagerly as she followed the bunch, happily just following along, thinking that these people were the nicest people, until Redd growled at her and she squeaked and stepped back, "Me and Stelly have a cave where we sleep and eat normally, and I wanted everyone to come along, but Stelly wouldn't let me go back out to find you... And I was tired.... and my wing is broken, sooo...."

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