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Fandom Down With The School! (A Maximum Ride RP)

Zeldafangirl said:
(sorry i can change it)
Your good))

"I swear, I'm not an E-eraser or whatever you call them! I-I was just walking and you just came with those wings, and- and.. I fled." Her usually smooth and angelic voice cracked slightly. If anything would truly give away the fact that she was an Eraser would be her voice. Any smart mutt would know that. Her black hair fell out of her eyes and she stared up at them fearfully. @Kuroi01 @Zeldafangirl @explosiveKitten
Gabby just looked at the girl as she just glared" but but i read her mind you have to believe me Issac" she say to him as she just pouted a little as she just sighed" your just lying i can tell" she say to the girl as she looked at the blind girl" why do you want to trust her i mean she hurt us all our lives" she say to them as she just put her head on issiac not sure what to do now she felt tears coming down her face she just wanted someone to believe her

"Calm down Gabby, I do believe you." He said crouching down so he was at eye level with her. "It's going to be okay so you don't need to cry." He lightly petted her head to calm her down, he wouldn't trust the girl even if he didn't think she was an eraser. She had snuck up on them and he couldn't see any visible sign that would prove she was like them, he didn't exactly trust humans anyway. Turning around he went back to glaring at the girl on the ground. "Give us one good reason to trust you." He said straightening up pro

@Zeldafangirl @RedLikeRosss
"It hasn't hurt us yet! Why can nobody see the good in other people..."

"Alby, that thing isn't good-"

"You haven't given it a chance! You just kill things on sight!"

Stell took a step back, looking at Alby in shock. This kid had never defied her like this before.... Of course, she was getting older... She wasn't a kid anymore. She had her own independent thoughts.

"You don't trust anybody, you don't like anybody! I want to have friends! I think you're nice and all... but you're sooo boring! This lady hasn't done anything to us!"
Gabby just whipped her tears on her sleeve as she looked at Issac he believed her as she just smiled she just looked at the other girl who was defeanding her" cause she hurt us she don't deserve a second chance she can harm us in our sleep" she say looking at the girl" i just don't want to go back to the school i mean what if she hurts us again" she say to the girl

The only thing she could think of was, "I didn't call the cops. I just hid and I was planning on running away without you finding me. I-I-I wasn't going to attack you or anything. You're too terrifying anyway!" She took fistfuls of grass in her hands nervously, and avoided eye contact, after all it's what a human would do in that situation. She looked over to where the two girls were bickering and backed away, putting a look on her face as if she was afraid they were going to explode.
"That's no reason, the school is invisible to the police and they don't interact with the police. Try again, and this time you better actually try to make up a good excuse." He said still glaring down at her. "?You're far too suspicious to let go." The boy said crossing his arms, no matter what she said even if they didn't kill her immediately he at least wanted to watch her. "Maybe killing it is a little rash, however we still have to be careful and watch it. Any aggressive moves and we kill it." He said trying to compromise.

@RedLikeRoses @explosiveKitten
Gabby just looks at the girl as her head was starting to hurt she didn't say anything to them as she kept holding on Issac pants" we don't trust you at all except the other girl but still you look your not trustworth to me" she say as her head was hurting from too many thoughts from the girl she was trying to block them out of her head
"Since when am I an it? I-I-If anything, you guys are th-th-the it's!" She knew her cover was being blown, but she had to go with something. Except, this time she was just silent, staring up at them with a trembling chin, holding back tears. Redd knew how to make herself cry, and could feel the hot mess of salty tears build up behind her eyes. She showed pure terror on her face, looking like the innocent fifteen year old she was. The question was, would it work?
Gabby got mad as she looked at her" we are not an it take that back" she say to her as she was glaring at her for saying that" don't fake cry cause we all know you are an eraser" she say as she held onto Issac's hand as she smiled" you can't hurt us you don't have the strength to plus big brother will protect me" she say not knowing she say big brother she was just determined to get the eraser gone she was too scared

"Give it up dammit, you're not innocent and we're not trusting you. You can drop the act already. I don't care how much you cry." He said rolling his eyes pretty sure that the tears were fake, he refused to give in to her just because she was acting like she wasn't a monster. When the girl called him big brother he looked at her surprised, he hadn't expected that but it was kind of sweet.

@Zeldafangirl @RedLikeRoses
Redd snapped at that statement that the little girl said, "I don't have the strength? Oh that's it! I tried not to lash out on you, I tried to be nice-ish. You mutts are so thick sculled!" She jumped into the air, growling angrily. Her eyes shone a bright gold and she clenched her fists in pure rage. "You're all coming with me. Now." Her jaw was clenched as she stared directly into the boys eyes. "You're just a kid. A bird.... which makes me wonder why we erasers aren't cats- but that's besides the point! Come with me and you wont get murdered."
Gabby was scared as she fell on the ground she was too afraid to speak to the eraser she din't want to go back to the school as she shook her head no she couldn't deal with the pain again all she wanted to be was free no more neadles no more pain" no" she say to the girl" won't go back" she say scared the girl range was scary she couldn't move she was way too scared to move" Issac" she say shaking up not sure what to do now

Isaac cursed under his breath and stood firmly between the eraser and Gabby. "How about you die and we all continue being free? Because we're not dying and we're definitely not going to go back. Tch, you damn erasers are just lap dogs aren't you? Never have to go through the suffering that we have and you act like you have some right to do what you do for no reason. I hope your parents gave you away!" He yelled at her angrily as he glared at her, he was really pissed off at all the erasers and he didn't care if it pissed her off. In fact he wanted her to be.

Every one of his words pierced into Redd's mind. He didn't know what he was saying about her. It was like a bomb had been set off, "Never gone through the suffering? Are you kidding me! I had to go through as much tests as you, but it was all compressed in a matter of days. I was starved, never slept, and worked without end to see if I was 'perfect' or not! And I have perfectly good reasons to do what I do!" She made no comment on his last sentence. She had no parents. Redd was an different eraser than all the others, she was made in a test tube and given a different set of genes than the rest, so she never knew her parents. She bit her lip and looked down, now that she thought about it- she really was just a dog, doing what she was told, blindly following the 'Alpha' or in this case the scientists. For once her face showed pure sadness and regret, yet she brushed them off and returned eye contact with the bird-kid.

"So why do you keep following orders?! You have a choice to leave but you still do everything they tell you to do without a second thought you idiot! Right now you're outside and you probably know where the tracker is! It would be so easy for you to escape right now but all you want to do is take us back and be a slave! So let me ask you this... Who here is really thick skulled?" He asked arching an eyebrow, it wasn't like he'd been through anything nice either and he was used to starving. Still after what she'd been through he would've thought she'd grow her own brain.

Gabby just looks at Issac back and fourth he had a point" why don't you leave just be free we can be friends and all or even better a family" she say to the girl she was just acting cute towards them" you can do anyting you want to do get away from the school we all been through a lot so lets just be free for once" she say to them @RedLikeRoses
Her nostrils flared in anger that she was trying to hide, "Let's give you a lesson on Erasers then, shall we? Our genes are that of a wolf, okay? Got that-bird brain? Good. Wolves are relatives to the domestic dog. So if you think about it, I kind of have to blindly follow them, it's in my genes! I know where the tracker is, you're right. But I can't really remove it. Even if I WANTED to help you all, I'm designed to kill and harm you. Even if it's on accident. All I know is if I go back without bird kids, I'm dead. If I don't go back, they bring in reinforcements and we're all dead, and if I take out this tracker, I'm dead. It's a lose-lose-lose situation." She looked past the boy, glaring at the optimistic little girl, in all honestly Redd kind of envied her. @Kuroi01 @Zeldafangirl
"Let me guess, it's the sort of tracker that automatically releases toxins into your blood stream if it's moved or if someone attempts to deactivate it? As for being related to a domestic dog... You actually use that excuse to reason with the things you do? That's just pathetic, dogs can pull on their leashes and snap at their owners. If you're only following what your 'genes' make you do then I can't feel sympathy for you, have you ever even tried to do anything other than what they order you to do? Your genes are basically guidelines it's your choice if you follow them! Also I'd like to know more about the tracker before you rule it off as hopeless." He said in a stern voice, if worse came to worst he could claw her eyes out.

"The tracker is connected to both my brain stem and cerebellum, located directly where my head and neck meet. No toxins are needed to be emitted, and from what I've heard it can't be deactivated wirelessly." She didn't mention his other statements, because she knew what he said was true, she never tried resisting. Of course that would have ended up with her death, but apparently that wasn't much of a big deal to these mutts. Her eyes looked from the scared little girl, over to the albino and her friend, and back to the boy. She was contemplating her choices. Redd's hands trembled in fear, nervousness, excitement... and for once, hope. Although she didn't expect him to take her hand, she still held it out hopefully, "I'm Redd." @Kuroi01
Gabby looks at the girl who name is redd as she smiled now she seems nice as she stood up as she went behind Issac" i'm Gabby" she say to the girl as she smiled" i'm 11 we just trying to help you anyways we can we want our freedom but we want to help at the same time" she say to the girl smiling" Issac i'm hungry" she say a little
He shook her hand. "I'm Isaac, also there are scientists that work for the school not necessarily inside it, quite a few live alone or in small research groups. All we have to do is find them and prevent them communicating, then we'll convince them to help you get the tracker out. If they don't... Well there will be plenty more that we can try out." He said darkly, if the tracking device was all that was keeping her loyal to them he'd get rid of that and he would have a reason to trust her. "On the way we'll get some food too, okay Gabby? But for now its best we stay here."

She was taken aback by how he took her hand and shook it. If she had really wanted to she could have used that to her advantage to attack him, but even then she couldn't bring herself to do it. The hand he shook was stiff and awkward, never before had she come in contact with anyone but her fellow Erasers, and this was new to her. After a few seconds, Redd pulled her hand away and shoved them into her jean pockets. "That sounds like a good plan." She mumbled in reply to Isaac. She looked down at Gabby and smiled broadly, long, two inch canines revealing themselves, "You're hungry? I can help with that, if you want." @Kuroi01 @Zeldafangirl

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