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Fandom Down With The School! (A Maximum Ride RP)

Alby looked happy about the compromise, and smiled big, cheering, "Yaaaay!" Stella however didn't seem impressed, gripping her bat in hand, eyes narrowed, and she turned slowly. "Well theres a big river over on the other side of the park, full of trout and stuff like that. I'm going over there to get more food anyway. So... I'm out." Stella grabbed Alby quickly and suddenly, her massive wings unfolded. Pure black feathers speckled with white, with a fourteen foot wingspan. She then ran off, jumped up and flew off, silently into the sky.
"Well I guess everything is sorted for now, we can start the search tomorrow. I'm going to need a jacket too at some point, I need to hide my wings." He said stretching them out a bit, he loved stretching the, out and wanted to fly some time. But he wouldn't when that would mean leaving his friend with an eraser, even if she was nice now he wasn't sure that she would be able to deny her genetic coding too well. It was a risk he just wasn't willing to take right now.
Redd stared at their wings. They were beautiful and graceful, and it gave them the ability to soar through the sky. How she would have loved to have wings, but to end up like the new generation of Erasers? No thanks. She could sense Isaac's lack of trust, and dealt with it, finally speaking up, "I'm gonna go look for wildlife to hunt." And with that, she was back in her glossy black furred self again, as she bolted into the deeper parts of the forest. After a while, she brought back three squirrels and a rabbit in her muzzle, dropping them dead to the ground.
Isaac watched her go and knew that she knew he didn't trust her, but he couldn't help it. It was in his nature to be untrusting of most people, the times he trusted he was betrayed. When she came back he was surprised she'd been able to get that much and he gave her a little pat on the head like he would to any dog. "Good job." He said and looked at Gabby wondering if she'd be able to gut and skin such cute animals on her own, he however was quite fine with eating the rabbit. It looked rather juicy and he hoped it stayed that way after he cooked it.
Gabby just looked at Issac as she cooked the rabbit as she was nervous about eating a rabbit but she had no other choice it was food she was really hungry she hadn't have any food for a long time" is it almost done big brother" she say to him as she smiled she liked calling him big brother

Redd gave an instinct growl when he pet her on the head, out of all the years in the School, she really hated that. The Eraser girl didn't know why, but it was a trigger for her anger. She transformed into her human form and approached the fire, sitting down next to it and watching the rabbit roast. If anything, she would prefer the squirrel better, so she took one by the tail and began skinning it with her claws. Redd knew it would be hard to earn their trust, but it was something she was willing to do if that meant they could help her. "So, got any plans for life outside the School?" She asked the both of them, trying to strike up a conversation.

@Kuroi01 @Zeldafangirl
Gabby looked at her" um i don't know where ever Issac go i'm happy with that" she say looking at her she somewhat trusted her" how old are you i'm 11" she as she forgot her name already" thank you for getting the food for us i was starving i haven't had food in a long time they didn't feed me at all" she say to her as she was playing with her hair she was a little bored all she wanted to be free and destroy the school all for good

"Oh, I don't really know how old I am. I'm probably Isaac's age, fifteen or so." Redd replied, still skinning the squirrel. Her hands were covered in blood, but when she finished, she wiped them off on the grass. By that time the rabbit was cooked, so she took it away from the fire and handed the meat to the child on a stick. "No problem.. hunting prey is kind of my thing.." Then she loaded up the squirrel meat on another stick and began roasting it as well. In the mean time, she took one of the squirrel's bones and sucked out the rich bone marrow.

Gabby looks at her" thank you" she said while eeating the food" you know your pretty nice you know if you need help with hacking computers i'm your girl i used to hack them all the time back at the school in secret" she say smiled eating the rabbit she felt a little bad for it but she was very hungry" you know how i knew you were an eraser" she aked her as she smiled a little
"There's probably a lot of reasons you knew. Go ahead and tell me, then." Redd was a little bit uncomfortable with the subject, but let the girl speak anyway. She looked down quietly, her pitch black hair falling gently over her eyes. She poked her claw into the dirt and drew in it quietly, avoiding eye contact with the girl.
Gabby looked down as she sighed" sorry if this makes you uncofortable i'm telphec" she say saying it wrong not sure how to say it" anyways when are we leaving" she asked as she yawned a little as she finished with her food as she smiled" thanks for the rabbit it was very good" she say whipping the food from her mouth
"Telepathic? Okay.. Um well I don't know when we're leaving, but it sure is getting late. Where's the bat and her friend?" Redd raised an eyebrow, looking around their surroundings. She took the barely roasted squirrel off of the fire and sunk her teeth into it, eating all of the squirrel in two bites.


Gabby couldn't take hiding her wings any longer as she showed her wings" sorry i couldn't take hiding them any longer" she say as she felt a bit better" i don't know" she say rolling her eyes she didn't care for them she didn't trust them at all yet she only trusted Issac she liked him he was so nice to her
Redd bit her lip to the point were it started bleeding, staring at the young girls wings. Her hands trembled again, the squirrel had seemed to fill her up, but when the girl showed her wings, her hunger intensified. The craving for bird was in her genetic code, and she feared her cravings would be too much for her in the long run. "Um.. okay. I-I'm gonna go get more food.." Her stomach churned as she stood and started walking in her human form towards the edge of the woods.
Isaac stood up and stopped her. "Don't worry, I think I know exactly what you need." He said then flew off into the woods, she'd had a squirrel and seemed content with that and he could see she was resisting her hunger. A few minutes later he brought back a bunch of dead birds and handed them to her making sure that Gabby didn't see. "These should help you out." He said then started skinning his own squirrel somewhat clumsily and ended up removing most of the meat, he didn't mind much though since he was used to not eating.
Gabby was looking down as she saw Issac as she sighed looking around as she drew on the sand bored out of her mind she just wanted to play as she looked up in the sky it was dark she was just looking up in the sky looking at the stars it was a beatiful night as she stood up starting wonder off as she was yawning she was a bit tired she was looking for that bat girl from earlier authough she hated her but she was bored
Redd looked up at Isaac with youthful hope. He was smart, for a bird-kid. She nodded him thanks before instantly scooping up the birds. Turning away from the girl, she collapsed to her knees and skinned each bird with incredibly fast speed. Without even cooking them, she swallowed all of the meat whole. It satisfied her.. for now. After finishing it, Redd walked towards the two and said right before wiping the blood off of her mouth, "I'll take first watch. The little one seems tired."

@Kuroi01 @Zeldafangirl
Gabby walks back to the group" i'm not tired" she whined a bit as she looked at Issac not wanting to go to sleep yet" i want to play i don't want to sleep at all" she say as she was running around a bit it looked like it was around midnight she didn't know what time it was maybe too late for her as she looked at the others

"I'll take first watch don't worry about it, you two should get some rest. We have a lot of ground to cover by tomorrow. First we need to get to a computer with Internet access then Gabby I need you to hack into the school's network if possible, do be discreet about it. Redd tomorrow I need you to get me a jacket please, I can't hide my wings properly the best I can do is fold them behind my back. If you can one for the others would be good too, we don't want to stand out too much. Then once Gabby has the list of houses we can start searching."
Gabby looks at him as she smiled she liked hacking the school's website" it will be easy peasy" she say as she smiled as she hugged him" good night" she say yawning as she lay on the ground looking up at the sky starting to feel relaxing as she fall asleep she get bad dreams about the school sometimes as she just dream as she sleeped next to Issac but he was keeping watch at the moment she felt safter if she was close to him
After a long bit of silence, Redd replied, "Okay." She just wanted to help, but didn't really mind, "At least wake me up for second watch?" Redd looked at Isaac and took a seat to the other side of him. They were all leaned against a tree. She wasn't tired yet, so she just sat there quietly, her mind racing about the next few days to come. She was worried out of her mind about the tracker in her, afraid the School was going to send in more erasers after them. After a while of thought, she looked down at the girl who sat next to Isaac and whispered into his ear, "She seems pretty fond of you."

Nikki was sleeping as she smiled as she was having a bad dream she was moving around a lot she was shaking but she didn't wake up she just wanted to leave this place as she was shaking a lot she was sleep talking a little as she snuggled a bit while having a nightmare about the school as she tear up a little moaning
Isaac hugged Gabby gently and stroked her hair to try and calm her down. "I know, she's very sweet. And don't worry I'll wake you up for second shift, well only have two shifts since the others aren't back yet." He said and leaned back against a tree still holding her, he was trying to trust her but it was really hard after all he had been through involvi erasers.

@Zeldafangirl @RedLikeRoses
Gabby just calmed down a little as she felt Issac as she smiled as she dreamed as she dreamed about her parents she just wasn't sure if they will accept her for who she is anymore she liked Issac a lot he was like a big brother she never had he's the only person she really trust gabby felt Issac holding her as she yawned holding onto his pants
"If it means anything to you, I'm sorry. I was such an idiot to never rebel and risk death, and I could have done something to stop this. If you want to know the truth though, I'm the least of your concerns. The school started killing off the original Erasers and now the majority of them are just machines. Some are even getting wings grafted onto them. Just know that I want to help you guys, really. And to be honest, I can feel your vibes of discomfort, if you want I can be out of all of your hairs before daylight tomorrow." Redd was being sincere, an emotion she hardly ever was. So she slowly pushed herself away from the two, sitting on the other side of the tree where she laid down quietly. She kept pondering on the thought- should she stay and risk exposing the location of the bird kids, or go and face an untimely demise? Only time would tell.


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