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Fandom Down With The School! (A Maximum Ride RP)

"I'm uncomfortable yes but that doesn't mean I want you to leave, we're in this together and even though it's dangerous to have you with your tracker I'm not going to let you go off on your own to die. Youre one of us, more so now that you're actually willing to risk your life to be free. It's understandable why you did it before, you never really thought to do it because you were never given the chance to truly think for yourself. Still, at least relax for a little while. You'll need the energy for your shift." He said stretching a bit feeling mostly relaxed.

Gabby was listening to the convesation while she was asleep as she smiled just holding as she turned away and hit the tree" Owie" she say waking up as she was uncomfortable as she rubbed her face as she was trying to go back to sleep she was afraid that the erasers was coming as she couldn't go back to sleep
"Isaac? Thanks." Redd stated before closing her eyes and drifting into a dark and empty sleep. She never had any dreams, or moved in her sleep, which made most people think she was dead if they saw her at first glance. Maybe she could earn their full trust soon... just maybe.

(I was thinking we either do a timeskip to when Isaac wakes up Redd, or to where it's morning and stuff, unless Isaac and Gabby wanna talk it out. Whatever's fine.)

@Kuroi01 @Zeldafangirl
Isaac did his best to help her get back to sleep and a few hours later he woke Redd up, accidentally waiting until it was only one hour until sunrise. Closing his eyes he did his best to fall asleep and hoped that the school wouldn't send any more erasers quite yet, he knew they'd be impatient but even erasers had to sleep which was probably why they were getting rid of the older models in the first place.
Redd stood guard, her posture exactly that of a soldiers as she watched the early morning night for any suspicious movement. The bat and her friend hadn't gotten back yet, and it was alarming. She was a little bit upset that Isaac waited so long to wake her, but she continued to pace the woodland terrain, surveying the area. It was something she was taught well to do. Once the morning sun shone over the horizon, Redd was ready to start waking them up. Redd slid over to where Isaac laid and knelt down to his level where she poked him in the arm, "Isaac. It's kind of time to get up and moving.."
His eyes snapped open and he backed away fast when he felt something touch him, he'd accidentally dropped Gabby in the process and it took him a moment to realise what was going on. "O-oh yeah... Thanks for waking me, also I'm sorry for taking so long to wake you... I lost track of time..." He said panting a bit as he tried to calm himself down, he'd never had a gentle waking in the school and whenever he did it meant they were going to do something particularly painful to him and they wanted him to be calm which clearly didn't work in the end.
<p>She registered the fear in his eyes and jumped back herself, "S-sorry for scaring you. Accident, I swear!" If she were the same Eraser she was the day before she would have laughed at his fear and enjoyed it, yet oddly enough she felt bad about it. Redd picked up a stick and began a small fire in the ashes of the previous one. "Do you want me to get breakfast while you watch her, or vice versa?"</p>
"It's okay, and don't worry I'll go get breakfast. You be sure to keep Gabby safe." He said as a way of showing that he was doing his best to trust her, then he flew off for a lot longer this time getting a whole variety of different foods. A fair bit of it came from people's houses that he'd snuck into, mainly because he was sure that the eraser girl would prefer a proper bird that actually had real meat on its bones. Two hours later he brought back a large bag of stolen and caught food. "This should do us for the day."
Gabby gasped when Issac dropped her on the ground as she moaned as she rubbed her eyes" do we have to go now" she asked as she yawned a bit as she saw food" good morning big brother" she say as she saw him retuned back as she was looking around" yay food i wonder where is the bat kid and the scary one" she say to them" yay food thanks Big Brother" she say looking at him as she saw redd" good morning redd" she say smiling looking at her
"Morning, little one." Redd smiled and then turned to Isaac, "Thanks." She picked up one of the raw pieces of meat and ate it raw, before smiling with content. "Best. Meal. Ever. For the longest time at the school we had to eat the mutts that we killed.. it wasn't fun." She shuddered, but silenced herself and continued to eat. Once the fire was going she started cooking a can of beans by poking a stick entirely through the can and keeping it over the fire, hopefully that would work.
Gabby just smiled at her as redd ate the squirl she was just waiting for the beans she didn't want eat another rabbit or an animal it made her stomach feel sick" so after we eat we have to leave right" she say to them as she smiled as she drew on the sand as she was bored waiting for the food she blushed when redd call her little one" i'm not that little i'm 11" she say as she smiled looking at her as she smiled" are we getting new clothes too" she asked
"That sounds about it, we've gotta leave soon and if the bat and her pal don't show up soon, we'll have to go without 'em. And hey, your like what, four years younger than me? Seems kind of little." Redd trailed off, no matter how nice she tried to be, her words came out harsh and gruff, "I don't know about new clothes.. we're definitely gonna need to get jackets for you two. Money might be a problem.. Ooh! What if we hack into the School and retrieve money from their bank account!" She was proud of herself for that statement.
Gabby looks at her as she sighed" you probaly right i can hack into their account and pull some money out i'm great with electronics i don't know why just am and with the other 2 i don't really trust them at the moment" she say to her as she sighed" is the beans ready yet" she asked looking at it watching them cook the beans if she was cooking the beans she would burn them
"How should I know? I'm not a chef." Redd chuckled, moving the stick away from the fire and sliding off the can of beans with her claw. She cut open the top and as steam poured out she moved the can over to Gabby. "Careful, they're probably hot." Redd leaned back on the grass and looked at the early morning sky. The stars and moon were fading away, bringing the night to a close. She sighed, wishing everything could be this peaceful.
Gabby looks at her" okay thanks Redd its a nice isn't it the sun rise i mean" she say looking at her as she lt the beans cool down as she just draw on the sand again" um Redd your pretty cool" she say as she let the beans as she starting to eat it as she liked it as she smiled it was better then the rabbit she ate" yay it good" she say
"Yeah, the sky is amazing.. of course you all should know better than me," Redd sighed, "And thanks, kiddo. You're pretty cool yourself, I mean I wish I had cool abilities like yours. All I can do is-... actually, I'd rather not scare you half to death, so I'm just gonna stop there." After a long pause, Redd brought up the courage to ask, "So what's it like.. flying?"
Gabby just blushed as she laughed" you think i have cool abilites i haven't grown a lot to get my other abilites yet but flying is like freedom you feel the air in your hair its nice" she say to her" i do like you your nice don't worry about scaring me i'm tougher then i look i mean i try to be" she say trying to sound tough
"That sounds amazing.." Redd bit her lip in jealousy and trailed into silence, she didn't want to tell Gabby what she could do. It mainly involved inducing a pain filled death and enhanced senses and strength.. simple Eraser things. "I would tell you what I do, but it can be a little gruesome, plus you probably already know."
Gabby looks at her" i'm sorry did i do something wrong" she say looking down as she ate the food" big brother Issac are we going to fly or walk" she say to him looking at him it was stil early for her as she rubbed her eyes" where are we gonna go" she asked not sure what to say as the other 2 weren't here they been gone since last night" do you thik they betray us" she say looking at him eating

"We could always just get jackets from the same people I got the food from, they have a kid there who literally led me to the fridge and let me take as much as I want. I'm sure two jackets wouldn't be too much trouble. Also of course we're going to fly for at least some of the way, it'll be good to stretch our wings and there are no humans close by so we won't be seen." He said smirking a bit as he had an idea to let Redd experience flying, it'd be hard for him to carry her but he was sure she'd like it.
Gabby smiled" awesome big brother" she say as she flew up as she was having a good time enjoying the breeze in her hair as she looked around seeing the small people she liked the way she was even though it was totcure" so to a library" she say to her big brother as she smiled looking at him flying fast
"N-no, I'm fine, little one." Redd gave a forced smile, "If you fly overhead I can follow on foot. I'm really fast, so you wont need to slow down." She transformed into her wolf form and paced around, thinking hard about the events that have conspired and even those that will come. Her tail wagged from side to side excitedly. She needed a good, solid, carefree run.
"I could always carry you you know, it wouldn't be hard and you'd be able to pretty much experience flying. Wouldn't that be fun? Besides its early enough that no humans would see us, it's the safest time to go flying carrying someone." He said feeling excited to stretch his wings again properly, the only times he'd gotten to do that before in the school was to make sure they worked.
Gabby just looked around" Issac where are we going" she asked as she saw redd turn into the wolf thing as she smiled looking at Issac's wings as she was amazed" whoa there big mine is tiny" she say frowning a little she was still grwoning" what happens after i hack into the school network get some money maybe as Redd say earlier" she asked to him she asks so many quistions to him as she just giggled" sorry so many questions after all i'm a kid we ask a lot" she say giggling


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