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Fandom Down With The School! (A Maximum Ride RP)

"We were worried. You just left and we thought you would come back. Avians.. they don't understand the importance of communication. So are you two coming or what? Unless you wanna give me a reason to kill you.." Redd cracked a smile, pushing open the splintered doors and walking inside. If she had to she would read a book to the kid, after all she wasn't a cold blooded killer... at that point in time. She sniffed out the location of the Gabby and Isaac and slowly creeped up behind them. Her smile broadened as she put a hand on both Isaac and Gabby's shoulder, whispering, "Boo."
Gabby just laughed as she was hacking into the main computer of the schools network" hey do you think i should steal some money while i'm in their network" she say as she smiled" your funny Redd" she say as she smiled as she was typing she was going to get it done less then 30 minutes
"....actually bats are chiropteran...Stelly told me that..." Alby said as she followed Redd, making rapid clicking sounds to avoid obstacles as she followed. Then once she found her way to Gabby and Isaac she hugged Isaac's legs and said, "Hiiiii, I'm here!" with a big cheery smile.
Gabby heard the noise as she was annoyed she had to concentrate" keep you voice done i need to finish this before the owners get her so please be quite bat girl" she say she didn't know her name yet as she looked at the computer as she was too focused to commucate beside Issac and redd as she was typing words as she was hiding her tracks

"Aww, is the little one jealous of the littler one?" Redd mocked, grinning wildly. She enjoyed annoying people, it was her second favorite thing to do rather than kill, but of course she couldn't help but like that. After asking her question, Redd walked through the library, looking for things that might help her find information on the School. She had plans to end it's operation once and for all, but didn't want to tell it to the winged creatures yet. Redd strolled down the non-fiction isle, trying to find information on genetic mutations.
Gabby looke up" i'm not jealous i'm just can't deal with loud sounds right now" she say she was telling the truth as she look back at the computer" whats your name" she say as she smiled looking at at the computer as she was about to be done as she smiled she hide her tracks good but didn't know how good it was
Isaac smiled a bit and petted the bat girl's head, her reason was understandable and he decided to forgive her since she never really meant any harm by what she did. "Hello again Alby, it's good to see that you're alright." He said quietly so that he wouldn't disturb Gabby, he didn't think that she was jealous though he didn't really know much about understanding other people's emotions anyway.
Gabby just streatched as she smiled as she was finished" and done as she printed what she found out the locations of the school and stuff" big brother i'm done" she say hugging him" i want clothes i want to be a family with you and aleby" she say as she smiled as she was trying to be nice to her" i'm 11 how old are you" she asked
After thumbing through several books, Redd realized something. She put the books back and headed towards the four. "I can't read." She said seemingly rather random. "Well, apparently we've got the School's location covered, so let's go get some good clothes." She was ready to get a move on, maybe they could find a place to crash, too.
Gabby looks at her" don't worry i can teach you how to read if you want even big brother could teach big brother going to teach me how to land" she say as holding Redd hans as she was giving her a chance they got out of the library" Yay clothes i want to get out of these dirty clothes i look bad" she say as she smiled only those two look good they seemed they have clothes
"I'm nine..." Alby said quietly to Gabby, hugging Isaac's legs. When the mention of clothes came up, Alby started to talk rapidly," You guys need clothes, OOOOOO me and Stelly have a special hole we sneak into the local department story with, it's suuuuuuuuuuper top secret so don't tell anyone shhhhhh," She giggled.
Gabby just looked at albey as she smiled" it be cool if we can be friends" she say smiling" i'm gabby you already know that i just want a friend and a family who loves me for who i am" she say" we might not be family blood but we can love each other" she say while holdint onto redds hand she didn't know if redd like it or not she just wanted to hold onto something other then Issac
Redd's hand was tense in Gabby's grasp, but she didn't pull away. She never had much interaction from any other being besides Erasers and scientists who would never speak a word to her, much less make any contact with her unless to hold her down. "Well, we've gotta be careful, can't afford to get caught here." Redd said, craning her neck to look back at Isaac as she exited the library, "You coming, Isaac?"

Gabby just smiled as redd didn't pull her hand away she just held onto it" i like Redd" she say to her as she smiled" yesterday was scary a little but i like nice redd she's strong too" she say as she held onto her hand she follow albey to the secret location to get to the clothes shop as she smiled

"ALBY!" Stell raced into the library, looking around, and when she noticed that she was with Redd, Gabby and Isaac.

"..... sighh..." Stella moved over towards them, looked at Alby, then made a face vaguely like a smile, "I guess I can get along with these people if you really want me to, Alby.... If they let me.."

Gabby looks at the girl" of course i would you seem nice but protective" she say as she smiled to the older girl" gabby wants to be friends with everyone we be like friends" she say" i won't hurt anyone" she say shaking a bit as she smiled at the other girl" i'm 11 maybe 2 years older then Albey" she say smiling
"Great work Gabby!" He said picking the girl up and hugging her before setting her back down. "This is going to be easy now." He said and when he heard Albey's request he smiled a bit. "We'll keep the location a secret, let's just go. It'd be great for us to get some new clothes, also Stella you can stick with us if you want." He said and started walking with them out of the library, they all seemed to honestly want to get away from the school so he figured there wouldn't be any harm in staying with them.
Gabby just laughed as she held onto redd's hand" yay clothes" she say as she went to the stores" big s.. i mena redd what kind of clothes do you like" she asked as she were walking to the stores she just wanted to get out of the clothes she had one she felt dirty with these on as she looked at her Issac as she smiled she almost called redd her sister" Issac are we going back to that place or somewhere new" she asked him

Connor flew, his feathers ruffling. He was flying high enough that others couldnt see him by accident, but low enough that he could see others. But that wasnt what he was thinking about right then. He was thinkng of how wonderful it felt to be free. No longer a slave to experiments, an abomination. "Actually, I may still be that...but I know i can change," Connor mumbled to himself. Connor flew north, looking for danger. Nothing so far.
Gabby was running around as she smiled she was happy to be free no longer an exmiement for that school she was scared everytime she had to go into those rooms she was afraid she will die she just went outside as she looked up into the sky as she smiled she thought she saw someone but wasn't sure who it was
Connor noted a little girl under him as he was flying. Funny. He had a "Sister" once. The girl ran playfully and Connor longed for his sister. He flew a bit lower to see the girl. Hopefully she wouldnt see him. Connor dove a small bit, and could make out some of the girls features. She had a kind face, soft and adorable. "Age?" Connor wondered. 10...11? Yes, 11. That's right. (BTW, he has keen observation, for those who didn't read my character sheet.
Gabby flew up as she smiled" hiya your an exemint like me i'm 11 name is gabby whats yours" she say as she smiled maybe he could join the flock as she smiled they were going to destroy the school as she like to fly around as she was a fast flyer" did you escape the school did we all did" she say as she smiled
Connor was surprised when the girl flew up to him. She had just spread her wings and flew. But she was so young...impressive. She asked if he was an experiment like them, Connor wasn't sure who them was. Connor smiled at the girl, and started to fly in place. "Yes, i'm like you. Now, who are these others you speak of?" Connor started to worry that if she wasn't more careful with her abilities, people would see them. "Ok, answer me as we fly down." Connor started to descend. (Lol, punctuation does not exist with you, @Zeldafangirl )
(sorry from italy so i'm not used to it)

Gabby look down she wasn't good at landing so she just land slowly but she still hit her face on a building" Owie" she say as she smiled" i'm okay and the others they bird kids like us their Redd, Issac, gabby thats me, albey, and the scary one stella" she say as she smiled" i don't care if people see me that's one of my ablitlies i can hear people thoughts thats why i knew you were here" she say smiling
"Well, Gabby, your pretty tough. You his your face on building. And said Owie. Congratulations. Lets play a game, while we wait for other to introduce themselves. Im gonna think of something, and you gonna guess with your Telepathy. K?" Connor thought about Waffles.

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